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"This is a fun mmo shooter.
It lacks in content but since its gone f2p theres no reason not to give it a shot if destiney sounded fun on paper."
Recent updates
11 December, 2014
Ark hunters,
This year has seen more than Season 2, wearing squashes on our heads, and arming ourselves with weirdly deadly turkeys. Defiance has also gone free-to-play on PS3, Xbox 360, and Windows PC. This brought a horde of new ark hunters to the bay area during a time of great change. There are more big changes coming to the bay, and only the most resilient ark hunters will be able to face them.
9 December, 2014
Defiance Season 2 has not gone quietly into the night! Silicon Valley has fallen under siege by waves of new Grid, Pilgrims, and Hellbugs. Meanwhile, the assassin Nujekpe hunts Eren Niden, and the criminal Melak Vor works to start a war between what remains of the Earth Republic and Votanis Collective.
“Defiance is goddamned fun. It streamlines and refines the blast-and-loot ideals of Borderlands and Diablo into a slick package.”Polygon“… hectic, pulse-pounding, explosive, and fun.”MMORPG&A game with a scrappy attitude and a tight handle on what a massively multiplayer world needs to keep you coming back.”Gamespot
About This Game
Arktech. Some die for it – everyone kills for it.Join thousands of players in Defiance, the Free-to-Play shooter MMO that defines MASSIVE CO-OP. Wield customizable weapons as you hunt for alien technology across a transformed Earth, and experience an evolving TV/MMO story with crossover content that expands the Defiance universe – all for free!Learn more
and gear up with Starter Packs (adding special Boosts and equipment) and DLC Packs (adding major content and features) on Steam!
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Windows XP SP2 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz CPU or better Memory: 2 GB System RAM Graphics: 512MB video card (NVIDIA GeForce 8600, ATI Radeon HD 2900, or Intel HD 4000 integrated graphics or better) DirectX(R): 9.0c Hard Drive: 15 GB free hard drive space Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card Internet: Broadband internet connection
Recommended:OS: Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core i5 2.4 GHz CPU or better Memory: 4 GB System RAM Graphics: 1024MB video card (NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 or ATI Radeon HD 4750 or better) DirectX(R): 9.0c Hard Drive: 15 GB free hard drive space Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card Internet: Broadband internet connection
(C)2014 Trion Worlds, Inc. Trion, Trion Worlds, Defiance, and their respective logos, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Trion Worlds, Inc. Portions (C)2014 Universal Television Networks. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other trademarks and logos belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.
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1,873.1 hrs on record
I rate this game 8/10.
Even though the game has been riddled with lag, bug, and balance issues, it's still a fun ride.
This game opened me up to Third Person shooters and now I'm always looking for the next one to check out.
The open world may not be as big as some traditional MMO's but it's pretty huge and there is a LOT to do.
It looks great, the combat feels solid, and the variety of weapon choices make it easy to jump in and start playing.
One issue that I've had with this game are the balance between vastly different leveled players fighting in close proximity, they have a system to balance things out, but it never seemed to work too well, leaving the lower level player (who may be in the middle of a story mission) running for his/her life instead of fighting on a level playing field.
The other issue is endgame content.
The game truly is classless, the class you choose lasts you a good hour at most, then everyone can do everything as they level, but once you max out your skill grid and finish the majority of your persuits, there's not much else to do.
There's really only one tough endgame boss, the Volge Warmaster, and the developers have such a problem figuring out how hard he should be programmed to be that sometimes he's almost completely unkillable, sometimes he's a joke.Complaints aside, I enjoyed the story.
I enjoy the combat and the ability to just run out there and kill things.
The random events that pop up on the map and the co-op missions are fun enough to keep you playing... And the game really does look and sound great.
Definitely recommended even amidst it's faults.
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52.5 hrs on record
~~ the comments here are loads of fun, read them to see a publisher sockpuppet get pwned ~~TL;DR - Selling a game to someone and then taking it away without them violating the agreement is THEFT, these developers are THIEVESafter not having played for about 3 or 4 months, my account got bannedan account i paid to have before it went free to playit was marginally enjoyable as a mmo fps gamebut, getting something i paid for taken away without reason or explanation is really not cool(i emailed asking why i was banned about two weeks ago and have not gotten a reply)add that level of customer disservice to a mediocre game and you get a clear recipe for NOPEnope nope nope nope
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299.6 hrs on record
- I'll start from one of important mistakes I see in Defiance game Reviews - &Similar to&. Game is not Similar to any other game in same genre, but it can remind many games you see before - Borderlands, Saints Row, BF, WH 40k atc... Also game is not standard and stamped MMORPG, don't wait Elves or Orcs here, it's Post Apocalyptic Earth, where is chaos and destruction.- Now will say about its gameplay - as I say game have nothing from standard RPG-TPSs, you don't have Classes here and not stuck to specific gameplay, shortly game isn't forcing you to play stumped class with stamped weapon, you are absolutely free in how, why and where to do, you can use any weapon, skill, so you are building your own gameplay, what is also very important and good for me, you are free to go and do what ever you want in Defiance world, also world is living its life and aggressively opposed against you, you have too many ways to progress your character and gameplay, sometimes it's confusing, but if you understand Defiance World it will become fun and easy.- Game is very specific in many ways, many things here are not explained from the beginning and new players can easily lost in Defiance world, but don't afraid, here is impossible to destroy gameplay, just do story and main quests and many things will become understandable for you. Defiance have very active and fun PvE and PvP content, in PvE you can move as solo same with friends and clan, on low levels much easier to do missions in solo because as more players are in same zone then harder is to kill enemies there for low levels, but moving in group will increase loot and fun, PvP content is very interesting, but feels unfinished yet, also DLC content makes it little unbalanced, if you are good TPS player you may not feel this,but if you are not &Pro& then you feel pain sometimes, especially on low, mid levels, DLCs give quite good shields, weapons and perks that in PvP are not OP, but gives not bad advantage to its owners in 1vs1 battles, but all battles are more massive than solo, also PvP here got many tactical nuances (they feel unfinished, but not bad for PvE oriented game), so it's not so big problem. It's not P2W, but with DLCs you will feel more comfortable with them more than without, but game is PvE oriented, so PvP here is like in many other PvE games, but quite fun as I say before.(*I used word &level& cos it's more understandable for new players, here is no level system, Defiance have progressing system called EGO Rating, which can remind leveling one, but is quite different thing)- Bad things I found here are : 1. side DRM and not best protected for now. 2. Game is forcing much to purchase Packs and DLCs what is quite bad thing for F2P games especially when game have no economical part at all, you can trade but it's useless here, its more forcing you to buy things you need, more then things you like to buy, in many F2P games you can purchase things in Cash and sell them to other players, so if some one didn't spend money, but spend time to farm he can help you to force your farm in exchange for the things you purchased for cash, so you get things you were interested in and he gets thing he was interested in. Or Cash exchanging system with other players which is becoming more and more popular nowadays and brings much more balance and fairness in game economy and gameplay, but trading with players is useless here, cos they can't use any content they didn't pay for and many of purchased things are untradeable, many games nowadays giving trading system when F2P players are working on PP players, what is way comfortable as for players who spend money same for players who didn't or can't and server got as money same massive amount of players what is very important for MMO games and makes them much more fun and interesting (game can't MMO &Massive Multiplayer Online& when it don't have mass), but for now Defiance don't have any kind of economical part and because of this game probably will lose massive amount of players on EGO Rating + in &endgame&. 3. You can't use Steam wallet to purchase in game items, content. 4. Still have bugs like, Mobs hiding in textures and server drops. 5. Game at the &Endgame& (high levels - high EGO rating) is becoming quite repetitive cos here still is not much high level content, it's more harder version of low level ones, you will repeat things that you already did on low levels, but on harder difficulty. Also can say that Developers are working much and fixing many problems and bugs one by one, also adding much of fun content, so it's not very good for now, but still is very fun and I'm sure that soon time by time Developers will bring much more fun, various and hope balanced content in, but for now it feels like they are creating Single player game more then MMO from Defiance economical system, which is not good for the game, I think, cos nowadays MMO economy is much more flexible then just DLCs.- Good things I like here : 1. Game is very flexible and gives lots of freedom if compare to many other MMOTPS-RPGs. 2. Quite cleaver AI that is very rare nowadays, they are not waiting when you will kill them as in modern FPS or TPS games. Also world here is living its own life what gives Defiance very specific atmosphere and makes it quite interesting. 3. You are not tied to specific Class and to its Weapon, you are mixing your gameplay and you are free in your strategy, you can change your play style in any second and play as you wish and not as Class specification forces you. 4. For F2P game with DLC system it is not P2W, but gives many interesting things that you will not care much about in PvP. 5. Very atmospheric for Post-Apocalyptic game, you will feel yourself in really destructed world and not in paradise. 6. Very easy interface with many possible tactical and role-playing styles, in RPGs for me it's one of very important things when you are not playing on Piano, but still have many possible steps to do, console interface for some PC gamers may become confusing in the beginning, but very soon it will become quite comfortable and easy to use. 7. Game hardness is quite interesting thing here - it's same time hard and easy, as I say AI is quite cleaver here, they are trying to surround you, hide behind object, always move and do any thing that will make them hard targets and they are trying every thing to make from you an easy target for them, also AI quite often working in groups and very cohesively, that makes game very fun and not so easy as many modern games. 8. Story line... Never thought that I will be so steeped in MMO games storyline and quests.- All written here are my opinions and feelings about Defiance, there are many things that I like and many things I don't, so I tried with my not best English (sorry for that) to explain my opinions about it, of course someone will agree and some one will not, but in last part I really can say that I Recommend this game, it becomes F2P so trying it is best way to understand you will like it or not, game is very specific in many ways and it make many players to love it and many to hate it, I like this game very much and still having lots of fun from it, there are many things to do and to have fun, also it's not stamped-standard MMORPG. It looks for now as modern gaming experiment, but in my feeling it's still experiment more and not finished product yet, but it have very big potential and I'm sure it can become really epic game, if Developers will work more on it, but despite this, game in this version is very, VERY FUN.- Not best, but not bad graphics and amazing atmosphere - 7/10, free and very flexible gameplay for MMORPG - 9/10, fun and various game modes - 7/10, sound and music - 9/10, controls - 8/10, AI - 9/10, progressing - 8/10, story - 9/10, Total - 8/10. So, I recommend it, try it,
but don't be hurry with your opinion, give Defiance some hours and start with main quests and then criticize it.
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49.8 hrs on record
When Defiance released, I had a look at some videos on Youtube including Angry Joes Review and thought, &another MMO ready for FTP in 12 months&.On the bright side I was right, Im now playing it because it is now FTP as predicted. I have not watched the TV show because it looks pretty lame, but if its as good as the game, I might eat my words twice. Because this game is FUN!!I have played over 45 hours in about 7 days since installing it. Its just a blast, you can ride a quad bike off a cliff, land on enemies and get kill points, barrel roll off the quad and start shooting while your still rolling. Its crazy, its brash, its got so many explosions your ears hurt and I LOVE IT!It reminds me a great deal of City of Heroes. I played about 18 months of CoH when it released. I played a normal gun toter just to be different and my game experience in CoH was pretty similar to Definace. The graphics are cartoonish but appropriate, they represent the world in a way that is suitable for the type of game and the way the action plays out. Sounds are good, the music is ok but can get repetetive.The range of guns and weapons is pretty staggeering and when you consider most guns have 4 modification slots and improvements to gain through mastering them, there is a massive amount of customisation. You can get a grenade launcher and give it rapid fire, incendiary and low recoil for example, its like a tennis ball shooter using fire grenades, its just MAD. There are assault rifles, pistols, auto and bolt sniper rifles etc etc etc, they all feel differrent and change appearance, feel and sound when you mod them.Missions are easy to find and plentiful. So far the best gear I have got has come from solo missions which provides incentive to keep doing them. The story line is acceptable and even good for an MMO.The community is happy, helpful and firendly. Coop missions are available but can be hard to get going because the open world play is so much fun and so varied, people just dont seem to play the zone missions much. PVP is optional and easy to join in. But keep in mind the game has been going 12 months so you can run into some badass hombres. I was shooting one guy in the head point blank as he lay on the ground sniping and he basically ignored me for the first 4 shots lol, then got up and one shotted me.... but thats the life of a noob right?The most fun I have had so far has been from the random events that happen a few times a day. Players seem to rush from all over to join in and even at low levels you can do some damage and get some good rewards while fighting massive exciting enemies in crazy open world combat.I am pretty impressed with Definace and I think like many MMOs it let itself down by releasing 6 months too early. If the product I am playing was the one that hit the market, Im sure it would have scored better.On the down side, lag can be chronic at times, but daily server re-boots fix it, so its often a matter of timing as to how much lag you suffer. You hear lots of people complaining about it on chat so I know its not just me. Server reboots seem to be around 7pm AEST but can vary.I recommend you give this one a go, I will be playing it for some time I reckon. Its nice to see a game that remembers games are meant to be fun.
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299.4 hrs on record
UPDATED :Be warned ! Buying a DLC from steam does not make you a customer, when it comes to their support. Hence if you have a problem with them, you'll have to go through the email support, wich is really long.I for one do not call that a good support nor do I think it's anywhere near smart and fair to those whom buy from retailers such as steam. IMO, that's pretty lame.Besides, be warned : they claim that you get &more space/inventory slots& with buying the ultra expensive DLC& ?
Actually it will only work for one character ! Don't be fooled like I was.Appart from that, the game itself, the mecanics, the ideas, the feeling, the please to play : great.As much as the demo is free, since I bought a DLC, I will say that being given no support over 72h / being denied live support comes in the &very-disappointed& box.Hence, I sure do not recommend this editor / game, wich is lame, because the game itself is great, despite many encountered bugs !
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1,656.3 hrs on record
I have spent many years playing MMO's and gotten heavily into the whole Guild/Clan/Corp and group activity side of things, but now find myself tired of the constant demands on my time and energy for what is supposed to be a &Game&. And thats not to mention the ott drama's that go with it.For that reason I find Defiance a joy to play.Jump in and out at any time and find lots of stuff to do but never need to set alarm clocks or meet schedules or get heavy in any way at all. Just easy come easy go fun stuff.I watched the tv series and enjoy it but do not play the game for fanboy reasons, I considedr that to be just a bit of spice in the mix.Yes there are bugs and glitches, yes you can be annoyed at things that mess up your progress, but I try not to sweat the small stuff, and in the end, it's ALL small stuff. Just a game.Trion have been regularly adding updates and dlcs that give new and more ingame choices, and while the server population varies at times of the day and times of the year, I almost always find other people ingame to join in with shooting ???? up and chasing more pursuits.I like chasing the pursuits, collecting the gear and outfits, beating the challenges and driving all the different vehicles. It's fun.A lot of people compare this with Borderlands and say its not as much fun, but I don't like Borderlands, found it redious and annoying so hey, horses for courses I guess.Oh well, anothe Buck, another day in the Suck.
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7.8 hrs on record
Firstly, the connection between the game and the TV show is absolutely minimal, so if you are expecting some continuity, forget it! There is no real story in the game, no complimentary information. Nothing.
And this is perhaps why the game seems so repetitive right from the start? Graphics and animation are reasonable. Animation is not at all smooth and movements not very realistic. Characters look disproportionate.
Your character is silent, which is a little odd. The maps are open-world and simply huge, and this is one of the games strong points. However, they are poredictably very dull and repetitive for an mmo which makes exploring seem rather pointless.Lag, at times, was also a real problem. Following friends they would suddenly lag for five to ten seconds. By the time they finally move they had jumped clean off the mini-map. Lag in combat, though, seemed low and perfectly playable. The interface is poor. Very definitely designed for a console! On the PC it feels awkward to say the least. Not all the keys can be remapped either. The chat is almost non-existent, so the game really doesn’t feel like an mmo at all. There is very limited social activity! You might consider that a good thing though!Skill mods are great, but you can’t switch setups.
On the really positive side of things, the game deals with multi-player combat well and the gun mods are excellent.
And I think those two points are really important. Get those two right and you have a game that a lot of people are going to enjoy. Not everyone cares about the story!So recommend or not? Sheesh. Another hard one! I think you need to make up your own mind on this one. If you want story and depth, then no, don’t bother. But if killing stuff is your thing, then sure. Why not?I am going to say no, becuase &for me& I don't think the game has longevity. But I would at least recommend trying the game and making up your own mind. Cus it's free.
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60.0 hrs on record
DefianceDeveloped and released by
who are the creators behind Rift, created a Sci-Fi MMO that has lots to offer. I have logged 20 hours in the game as of this writing and I want to keep playing more why? Well because its a Free To Play MMO that has me entertained and its really good.I was first involved with this game back in Alpha and Beta and I did like what the game offered and the sci-fi MMO game it was but I didn't get the game on release for a few reasons such as the price, it needed some more polish from its Beta period but the biggest reason was the idea of it being pushed out to meet the release of the TV series.Now that the game went free to play on Steam I decided to download it and try it out. After playing for many hours here is what I have to say.Starting off you only get two character slots, I usually don't play more then 1 or 2 characters so thats ok, for those who like to play every class or combination of main skill talents then there options to get more slots by either a monthly subscription or paying to open more of them.You can choose the race you want to play and the class you want them to be as well as well as the gender. The classes you can choose from are Outlaw, Machinist, Survivalist, Veteran and the playable races are Human and Irathients.The game has a fast lead in to the action and gets you going nearly right away. The intro cinematic isn't to long but long enough to get you into the story and your interest perked in the game.As for the missions in the game there are oh so many. The main story line are done as Seasons like the TV series. There are also many, many side missions, I mean many. There are also in game events called Arkfalls.ArkfallAll players are alerted when a major Arkfall is taking place, and even the environment changes to set the mood. Skies blacken, falling meteorites can be seen falling from space into the Earth’s sky and finally slamming into the ground.Minor Arkfalls occur frequently throughout the Defiance world, and involve the descent of small clusters of debris from space. These can be usually tackled by a solo veteran Ark Hunter or a pair of adventurers, and can be completed in a shorter span of time.There is so much more to talk about with missions to do but I will say that you will come across lots of things to do and you won't have to worry about looking for what to do.You can add mod slots to weapons to be able to add a mod to it. Master a weapon to increase your skill on it and increase the weapons rarity to increase its stats.I really liked how you can change your characters appearance with outfits and helmets. This doesn't do anything other then a cosmetic look. The whole game is voiced to so need to read lengthy mission logs. You will even recognize some some of the voices. I think a few voices actors did work in the Fallout games.Everything the game offers you don't have to pay real money to get, just spend the time getting your factions levels up or saving your in game currency called script and then purchase it.I played the game with the Xbox360 controller and the game really is made to accommodate it.Overall I am very impressed with the game and hours of play it offers and for being a free to play game it is definitely worth the price.Pro'sLots of game playAuto join for events and missionsEverything is voicedHidden Vendors to findCustomizable appearanceIts freeCon'sIt had a bad launchSpecial codes from the tv series to use for game only available to the USI give this game::first_star::first_star::first_star::first_star::first_star:
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296.5 hrs on record
This game turned from a fun game at the original launch of free to play on steam where i would have given the game a huge thumbs up..., to massive grind and (huge-pay-for-convenience-allignment) after the silicon valley patch..... and after this point, i can not in good faith give this game anything but a thumbs down.Lockboxes price increase incredibly and what you previously pre-silicon-valley patch earned for events/missions/general rewards was reduced by around 80%.To add to this the stability of the game is terrible with lag and disconnects is a very common problem.When you get to 4-5k level your orange weapons need a lot of arkforge to upgrade and you simply can not earn enough through normal playing in any reasonable amount of playing for 1 weapon let alone the mulitple you need for different combat scenarios.
You can of course buy arkforge from the shop though..... (which is really expensive IMHO)Another side note which is purely something that irked me, the time trials are required for advancing to the top levels, if you are not REALLY good at racing games, then you will not get a lot of pursuit points due to the requirements in the persuits for leveling.Conclusion if you wanna have a shoot around for a bit and are not interested in getting far, its fun and i would suggest this as something fun to do.... HOWEVER... if you wanna play seriously and get up to the high levels, you need a LOT of time for grind or a LOT of money for convenience .
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70.1 hrs on record
I have decided the Defiance MMO has a slightly bad wrap. I really enjoy a lot of it. In many ways it includes the things I like from GW2 and The Secret World.Nice implementation of random event spawning, easy and engaging story, slick co-op objectives on missions, reasonable graphics, simple combat/weapons, slick vehicle implementation, and nice skill slotting.What it suffers from mostly is poor MM implementation. The chat system is awkward, the mission co-op mode doesn't even require you team unless you specifically choose to do so, and customization of your character is limited - set outfits rather than outfit bits to mix and match, but I was definitely spoiled by CoH there. In addition the weapon system modding could use some refinement - too many weapons not enough mods, and the reputation system could use a little more explanation (tho I am getting that down now some, too).All in all, I give it a A-/B+ as a game. B- as an MMO, far from the horrible reviews I've seen. Maybe I haven't gotten to end game issues, or grind problems. Definitely worth playing.
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55.1 hrs on record
Having &just&played 13 hours I do not even have average knowledge about this game.But I know, I had 13 hours fun. For free.So much fun, I checked the DLCs, considering already to buy them in the future.But I will be able to play a lot more before I will buy the DLC, there is no need to buy in the beginning if you just want fun.I am just thinking... melee weapons, other character slots... sounds nice... later :)This is a 3rd person shooter, is has an open world and I played alone.Most of the time. The way missions and events - as far as I have seen - is great.You drive somewhere, to a mission for example and you see missions left and right.THEN, a road block. Perhaps some NPCs fighting against each other. Perhaps even already other players like you.It is your decision. Do you ignore the road block, drive through or around it, or do you stop and fight? Or do you drive through it and stop at the next hill and use your sniper to do the mission, or just help a bit.Now imagine, the little incident is becoming dangerous, you can just run away.Or you stay. And perhaps other players join and help.Nobody ever said something stupid like &don't steal my kills&or such nonsense.It is all just shooting of the finest, pure action, driving like crazy and shooting like in Borderlands 1.Lots of weapons and extras, tuning of weapons, different perks like better criticals from behind, from above or if you kneel. Or you just take all three and kneel behind the enemy on a hill?I was so far playing the story missions, some other ones or just helping other players.Who cares? I drive around to a target, but if I see something of interest, I go there and shoot a bit.I LOVE my sniper rifle, my invisibility which allows me to go around the enemies with the shield to kill them from behind, I love my little quad and I like the game.The music is ok to good, the graphics are ok to good, the gameplay is good to very good and the handling is very easy.If you like shooters and do not try this FREE to play game then you are doing it wrong!&Free to play& does not mean &access to everything&. That should be clear.But you can have weeks or months of fun with this game.Me, I am after 2 days thinking about th DLCs. Because I want more of the story.Try this game. It is fun (but sometimes there are disconnects, for me, ca.
4 times in 2 days).Come and get it!-----------------------------------------------------------------Now 32 hours into the game I start to hate it.I am a soldier, a killer, a super human with build-in healing and whatever.And that sucker lies to me all the time, and says &go there, there is what you want&.I go there, it is not there. I go back, he says &oh, sorry, never again will I lie, it is there&.I go there....And againAnd again.THE HERO SUCKS! THE HERO IS AN IDIOT WIHTOUT BALLS!If you really want a nice story, do NOT play this game. The idiotic behaviour of the protagonist - me! - is driving me crazy!------------------------------------------------Ok, I could not resist. I played again.And I liked it again. Story got better. But I still want to shoot the idiot who lied to me.Good game.
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42.2 hrs on record
Fun. Very fun. Tons of design flaws, but who gives a crap, it's fun and engaging with cool world events and a great visual asthetic. It's what I wanted borderlands to feel like, but in mmo form.
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633.1 hrs on record
Firstly, for an TPS RPG MMO, I give it 9.5/10!Download the game for free, play the intro part, get a ride, find your first major arkfall, and join with 30 to 100 other people shooting everything in sight - you won't look back.
There's truck loads of guns, the loadouts aren't complicated, and the loot system is personalised.
The game has heaps of variation, and there's always something to do that fits your mood, from quiet story mission progress, where sometimes people will turn up to help, through minor arkfalls, where you'll often find a relatively small group of people, to those major arkfalls which are usually quite massive and intense.
There are plenty of other types of events too, and your EGO rating scales according to the difficulty of the event at hand, whether it be an arkfall, incursion, or something else, so you'll never be too far outgunned.If you do get into Defiance, I recommend getting the Season Pass, it will unlock many new features, offer some bonuses, and adds more content, but it's by no means required.
The paradise patron pass is good value for money, if you don't mind spending on your games.
I played WoW for 7 years, so I'm used to paying to play.
I don't recommend the Recruit, Hunter or VBI Ultimate Packs.
The character upgrades only apply to one character rather than all characters on the one account, which is silly in my opinion.
It is cheaper to buy Bits (ingame currency), and purchase the particular character upgrades that you want at the time.Pros:There's a lot to discover (including some stuff that might better be explained earlier - spikes and stims)Defiance has a lot of variationMajor events are only about half an hour long, and there's plenty of themUnique and interesting leveling and skill system (EGO)Plus many moreCons:Once more than about 60 people are playing in an event, lag can start to creep in, although I personally have never been disconnected.
The larger events (100 people) can get very choppy indeed at times.
Having said that, it's more common for about 30 to 50 people to turn up to large events, depending on time of day.
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32.4 hrs on record
Defiance feels like a Fallout and Borderlands mashup in a very good way. Gunplay is solid and you get the expected amount of MMORPG stats and grinding.Where it falls short is in the showstopping bugs and lag. As of 5 September 2014 main missions required to progress through the campaign are simply broken. On my first character I got stuck approximately two dozen missions in. On my second character the second main quest completely broke rendering me unable to obtain the first vehicle or progress the campaign. Humping it on foot to do side quests isn't particularly pleasant.Checkpoints don't trigger, things don't spawn, and general &Huh? What's supposed to happen?& moments, at least for newbies, abound. Time trial route points don't show (or take too long to appear) making it pointless to try, and you'll desync from the server a lot, requiring logouts which sometimes work for a while before needing them again.One might point out that of course MMOs can and always do have network issues, but a quick perusal of the official forums indicates that these same issues have been ongoing since at least mid-2013. It's a shame that I can't really recommend Defiance based almost completely on technical issues. I do hope they iron out the problems eventually.
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84.3 hrs on record
This USED to be a good game. Now you can barely play and can't get support. I am unable to log in due an authenticator issue. The newly added Glyph launcher (a completely useless, ever updating, advert-spamming game launcher) insists I enter an authenticator code ... even though I never set one up.It takes months (literally) for support to contact you about anything, and then it's some automated crap asking if the problem has fixed itself magically, because it's been open for so long. I paid for this game, but I can't even log in to play anymore.Don't spend money on it. Ever since it went F2P - massive lag spikes and increased support response times.My advice:Do not pay for any software from Trion. Let others pay for it.Then when they open it up to F2P, come play for free at other peoples expense.Act like a total knob in the game, run hacks, cheats, etc. There really is no downside that way.Enjoy
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444.6 hrs on record
Would not recommend. After the incredibly short story, you have nothing to do if you don't buy DLC ($10 a pop). Otherwise, you're forced to play PVP which is basically filled with hackers (who don't get banned) and cheap tactics. Do NOT make the mistake of spending money on this game like I did.
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1,127.1 hrs on record
Review summary:This game is plagued by horrendous lag issues that the developers are unable to fix, and which will only get worse as they are about to introduce new content without eliminating the root cause of lag. Gameplay is badly affected by controversial development decisions, lack of boss-level end-game content, too much reliance on the random number generator instead of creativity, decline in the quality of story missions.Before you try this game I strongly suggest that you check the Defiance forums at
and read some of the posts. In game activities:The game activities include various events like minor and major arkfalls (spaceship wrekage crash landing in the game world: players need to fight mobs to win the event and claim the loot), sieges, incursions, races, so call hotspot challenges (you need to massacre a bunch of mobs while watching and keeping your score multiplier up by killing mobs before the multiplier resets), daily and weekly contract jobs, normal and expert co-op maps, PvP maps and a so called Shadow War that is more or less a phase open world PvP event. Also, there is a story mission (Season 1, Season 2) and episode missions, plus various arenas (like the hotspots these are also score multiplier based shoot'em up events).Story and episode missions: while the story and episode missions for Season 1 were fun (lots of cutscenes, even including in-game copies of some of the lead characters from the TV series), Season 2 was pretty much a major letdown. Trion went cheap on the amount of cutscenes, there are much less of them compared to Season 1, and in some of the DLCs all you get is reading datapads or listening to some mission updates via your EGO implant.End game content:The only real end-game boss is the Warmaster, but you cannot create raid groups and even if you are grouped you can be easily dumped into a different instance, plus Trion nerfed the loot drop so much that currently it is a waste of time instead of a manageable challenge. (Extremely dedicated clans can still down the beast, but it requires meticulous arrangements).Cash store:You can buy a outfits (usually recoloured mash-ups based on a few basic variants), vehicles, various boosts (xp, score, reputation boost), lockboxes (that contain random selection of
weapons). The same lockboxes can be bought in-game for keycodes that you can earn by scoring high at major events (arkfalls, sieges, etc.). If you bought DLC 5 (Arktech Revolution), you can also buy Arkforge that you can use to upgrade your weapons (both rarity and rating).Lag, lag, lag, lag... and more lag:Still the game would be fun if it weren't for the lag. The lag is so bad that you can log in, do some solo mission without issues, but as soon as you try to participate in a siege or arkfall event (where the turnout is usually pretty high), you'll get de-synced from the server (which means that you'll see frozen mobs and players, or players who are still running around and shooting t your weapons do no damage, you cannot pick up loot drops, switch weapons, etc.) and after a while you'll either get disconnected with a critical timeout error or you can run around in an empty game world until you finally force-close the game or the server decided to miraculously re-sync you when the number of major events drop to a certain level and it can again handle the load.Also, the game is plagued not only by the lag issues that I described, but your racing experience can be ruined by the &disappearing vehicle& bug (yep, the vehicle sometimes vanishes for no apparent reason), plus race tracks are not phased or instanced, and hostile mobs can spawn on you and crash you while you are hoping to finally get that gold ranking that you need for one of the achievements.While the developers made some efforts recently to remedy a few cricital gameplay and balance issues, it is clear that Defiance is a despised stepchild of Trion. Support is so bad, it may take weeks to get a reply to your support tickets (or you need to complain loudly on the forums/contact the Community Managers). If you do not buy anything from their cash store, you are not entitled to chat support. Server issues are barely noticed and handled by the staff on weekends.In nutshell, after a decent start this game is going downhill.
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32.1 hrs on record
If you are looking for a resounding &Yea, sire, this is a truly great game of video. Thee shalt pay much of thine coin!& in this review, then you have not played this game. In my experience, it is a great game, with some okay potential, although this has gone downhill fast. with shallow storylines, uninteresting characters, and an underwhelming &Silicon Valley& update (be aware that that was Trion's BIGGEST UPDATE YET), this is not a game to invest money in.ALTHOUGH!The lore and world, combined with plentiful serious moments make up for all of this. It is an open-world MMORPG. You can always skip the main questline and do what you wish. It can be your own story, with a little grinding. Try to make up a story in your head, and ask for RPers in the Chatbox. You won't regret it, and it can be loads of fun.ALTHOUGH! (again)I did not do this. I feel the main storyline is lacking. The only good characters in the beginning easily lose their influence later on. The bad ones, like Cass Ducar, get better toward San Francisco, so just bear in mind that opinion. The show does nothing to complement the story at all. So, I recommend you experience them as seperate franchises.(And the show becomes a bit of a soap opera, so the game is still better.)I believe that Trion has lost it's footing completely. They can only keep this game due to a vast amount of product placement by Dodge. SERIOUSLY, WHY THE HECK IS DODGE SO IMPORTANT IN THIS MULTI-FACTION CRISIS? HECK, EVEN THE &MARK OF THE DEFIANT& IS THE DODGE LOGO!Excuse my rant, but Trion is putting a minimal amount of work into this game. The DLCs are pretty much just a few new vendors. (Excluding Gunslinger Trials, Castithian Charge, and Arkbreaker) You will like it for a while, but I recommend other games for long-term. It functions best as an F2P game.The weapon mechanics can be summed up in one quote. DEATH TO ALL PLAYERS -Trion Worlds. You can shoot an enemy in the face 20 times, leaving him with 60% health. Mind = blown. There are no people who do PvE anymore, so you pretty much solo everything. All the enemies have bulletproof faces, so you have to do them one at a time with five other enemies firing at you. The weapons are all horrible. An assault rifle 4 levels below an LMG still does more damage. The tolerable weapons have little ammo, so you need to constantly reload and backtrack 200m just to grab some ammo. All in all, this game is a great challenge to skilled gamers such as myself and everyone that can stand this game. There are really no reasons to keep playing other than that. I'm moving on to another game.Sincerely,Your Supreme Presidente,Mechawomp
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17.0 hrs on record
This game IMHO rates 5 stars. The fact that is a MMO SHOOTER RPG and it is linked with a TV series is awesome. Jump in and be whoever you want and go shoot stuff up wherever you want... insane. BUT!!! THE GAME IS 75% OF THE TIME UNPLAYABLE DO TO LAG AND SERVERS KICKING YOU OFF. I've been playing for about 6 months but friends of mine who have had the game since pre-order say thats the way its always been. When the servers are running well the game is AWESOME, but that is very rare. For that reason I have to say do not get involved. Because on an awesome day when everything works well you will do what I did and invest in the DLCs. Then after that when the servers are kicking you off or youre running around doing your &keep moving so you dont get killed through the minute to 2 minute long lag spurts& that happen multiple times especially in group endeavors you'll hate yourself. The game has been out over 2 years now and the server problem still has not been fixed also it seems by reading forums tht no one in chare of the game gives a crap. I've read through multiple forum topics and have yet to see anyone in charge of the game reply with fixes or condolences. Tonight I went on and did my usual, go on late when theres less people on, and stay away from arkfalls, incursions, etc, and I got kicked off twice in 7 minutes. Save your time and invest it in something else.
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9.6 hrs on record
My favourite thing about this game is the fact you have to waste an entire clip of ammo into a single guy to make him feel a slight headache. That's not as fun as using a shotgun though, I love tickling the enemies before they annihilate me in this very, very balanced game.
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Title: Defiance
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Release Date: 4 Jun, 2014
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