
[oUF] 如何把oUF_Neav的施法条改成Qulight的施法条 - 艾泽拉斯国家地理论坛 - [2351][f367]
:: [oUF] 如何把oUF_Neav的施法条改成Qulight的施法条 ::
[oUF] 如何把oUF_Neav的施法条改成Qulight的施法条
RT [s:2] [img]/365/3653742/month_ea391be8fbafc123.jpg[/img]
将oUF_Neav 关闭然后Qulight的施法条以前有人分离过 [url]http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=4385405[/url]
[s:36] 不行、改不好啊 、有大大帮帮忙不 ...
刚刚下载了个oUF_Neav 发现貌似没有config你可以试试删除 oUF_Neav 文件夹内的 oUF_NeavCastbars.lua打开oUF_Neav.toc,删除 oUF_NeavCastbars.lua 这一行然后下载上面给你的链接内的附件即可。
[b]Reply to [pid=]Reply[/pid] Post by guo2easy ( 16:14)[/b]Neav里含有config 、我照你说的做了依然没有成功. [s:38]
if (config.show.castbars) then
ns.CreateCastbars(self, unit)
end 改为CreateCastBar(self)然后下载1楼链接里的oUF_CastBar 要改之前注意备份,避免报错等[3.3.3] OUF施法条如何删除 - 艾泽拉斯国家地理论坛 - [2351][f200]
:: [3.3.3] OUF施法条如何删除 ::
[3.3.3] OUF施法条如何删除
具体搜索castbar.然后删除掉 其中的 focus相关.比如说 elseif unit == &focus& then& && && &self.Castbar:SetFrameLevel(6)& && && &self.Castbar:SetHeight(24)& && && &self.Castbar:SetWidth(240)& && && &self.Castbar:SetPoint(&CENTER&, UIParent, &CENTER&, 0, -200)& && && &self.Castbar:SetBackdrop(backdrop)& && && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(6/255, 137/255, 0/255)& && && &self.Castbar:SetBackdropColor(1,1,1,0.6)当然,不同的ouf头像的相关写法也有一定的出入
[quote][pid=][b]Post by 宾骚骚 ( 19:39):[/b][/pid]具体搜索castbar.然后删除掉 其中的 focus相关.比如说 elseif unit == &focus& then& && && &self.Castbar:SetFrameLevel(6)& && && &self.Castbar:SetHeight(24)& && && &self.Castbar:SetWidth(240)& && && &self.Castbar:SetPoint(&CENTER&, UIParent, &CENTER&, 0, -200)& && && &self.Castbar:SetBackdrop(backdrop)& && && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(6/255, 137/255, 0/255)& && && &self.Castbar:SetBackdropColor(1,1,1,0.6)当然,不同的ouf头像的相关写法也有一定的出入[/quote]那知道哪个是目标那个是焦点的吗?
--[[& &Original codebase:& && &oUF_Castbar by starlon.& && &[url]/wowace/trunk/oUF_Castbar/[/url]& &Elements handled: .Castbar& &Sub-elements: .Text, .Icon, .Time, .SafeZone, .Spark& &Notes: This element will not work on units that require a OnUpdate.& &(eventless units).& &Functions that can be overridden from within a layout:& & - :CustomDelayText(duration)& & - :CustomTimeText(duration)--]]local parent, ns = ...local oUF = ns.oUFlocal noop = function() endlocal UnitName = UnitNamelocal GetTime = GetTimelocal UnitCastingInfo = UnitCastingInfolocal UnitChannelInfo = UnitChannelInfolocal UNIT_SPELLCAST_START = function(self, event, unit, spell, spellrank)& &if(self.unit ~= unit) then return end& &local castbar = self.Castbar& &local name, rank, text, texture, startTime, endTime, _, castid, interrupt = UnitCastingInfo(unit)& &if(not name) then& && &castbar:Hide()& && &return& &end& &endTime = endTime / 1e3& &startTime = startTime / 1e3& &local max = endTime - startTime& &castbar.castid = castid& &castbar.duration = GetTime() - startTime& &castbar.max = max& &castbar.delay = 0& &castbar.casting = true& &castbar.interrupt = interrupt& &castbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, max)& &castbar:SetValue(0)& &if(castbar.Text) then castbar.Text:SetText(text) end& &if(castbar.Icon) then castbar.Icon:SetTexture(texture) end& &if(castbar.Time) then castbar.Time:SetText() end& &local sf = castbar.SafeZone& &if(sf) then& && &sf:ClearAllPoints()& && &sf:SetPoint'RIGHT'& && &sf:SetPoint'TOP'& && &sf:SetPoint'BOTTOM'& &end& &if(self.PostCastStart) then self:PostCastStart(event, unit, name, rank, text, castid, interrupt) end& &castbar:Show()endlocal UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED = function(self, event, unit, spellname, spellrank, castid)& &if(self.unit ~= unit) then return end& &local castbar = self.Castbar& &if(castbar.castid ~= castid) then& && &return& &end& &castbar.casting = nil& &castbar.interrupt = nil& &castbar:SetValue(0)& &castbar:Hide()& &if(self.PostCastFailed) then& && &return self:PostCastFailed(event, unit, spellname, spellrank, castid)& &endendlocal UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED = function(self, event, unit, spellname, spellrank, castid)& &if(self.unit ~= unit) then return end& &local castbar = self.Castbar& &if(castbar.castid ~= castid) then& && &return& &end& &castbar.casting = nil& &castbar.channeling = nil& &castbar:SetValue(0)& &castbar:Hide()& &if(self.PostCastInterrupted) then& && &return self:PostCastInterrupted(event, unit, spellname, spellrank, castid)& &endendlocal UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED = function(self, event, unit, spellname, spellrank)& &if(self.unit ~= unit) then return end& &local name, rank, text, texture, startTime, endTime = UnitCastingInfo(unit)& &if(not startTime) then return end& &local castbar = self.Castbar& &local duration = GetTime() - (startTime / 1000)& &if(duration & 0) then duration = 0 end& &castbar.delay = castbar.delay + castbar.duration - duration& &castbar.duration = duration& &castbar:SetValue(duration)& &if(self.PostCastDelayed) then& && &return self:PostCastDelayed(event, unit, name, rank, text)& &endendlocal UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP = function(self, event, unit, spellname, spellrank, castid)& &if(self.unit ~= unit) then return end& &local castbar = self.Castbar& &if(castbar.castid ~= castid) then& && &return& &end& &castbar.casting = nil& &castbar.interrupt = nil& &castbar:SetValue(0)& &castbar:Hide()& &if(self.PostCastStop) then& && &return self:PostCastStop(event, unit, spellname, spellrank, castid)& &endendlocal UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START = function(self, event, unit, spellname, spellrank)& &if(self.unit ~= unit) then return end& &local castbar = self.Castbar& &local name, rank, text, texture, startTime, endTime, isTrade, interrupt = UnitChannelInfo(unit)& &if(not name) then& && &return& &end& &endTime = endTime / 1e3& &startTime = startTime / 1e3& &local max = (endTime - startTime)& &local duration = endTime - GetTime()& &castbar.duration = duration& &castbar.max = max& &castbar.delay = 0& &castbar.channeling = true& &castbar.interrupt = interrupt& &castbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, max)& &castbar:SetValue(duration)& &if(castbar.Text) then castbar.Text:SetText(name) end& &if(castbar.Icon) then castbar.Icon:SetTexture(texture) end& &if(castbar.Time) then castbar.Time:SetText() end& &local sf = castbar.SafeZone& &if(sf) then& && &sf:ClearAllPoints()& && &sf:SetPoint'LEFT'& && &sf:SetPoint'TOP'& && &sf:SetPoint'BOTTOM'& &end& &if(self.PostChannelStart) then self:PostChannelStart(event, unit, name, rank, text, interrupt) end& &castbar:Show()endlocal UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_UPDATE = function(self, event, unit, spellname, spellrank)& &if(self.unit ~= unit) then return end& &local name, rank, text, texture, startTime, endTime, oldStart = UnitChannelInfo(unit)& &if(not name) then& && &return& &end& &local castbar = self.Castbar& &local duration = (endTime / 1000) - GetTime()& &castbar.delay = castbar.delay + castbar.duration - duration& &castbar.duration = duration& &castbar.max = (endTime - startTime) / 1000& &castbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, castbar.max)& &castbar:SetValue(duration)& &if(self.PostChannelUpdate) then& && &return self:PostChannelUpdate(event, unit, name, rank, text)& &endendlocal UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP = function(self, event, unit, spellname, spellrank)& &if(self.unit ~= unit) then return end& &local castbar = self.Castbar& &if(castbar:IsShown()) then& && &castbar.channeling = nil& && &castbar.interrupt = nil& && &castbar:SetValue(castbar.max)& && &castbar:Hide()& && &if(self.PostChannelStop) then& && && &return self:PostChannelStop(event, unit, spellname, spellrank)& && &end& &endendlocal onUpdate = function(self, elapsed)& &if self.casting then& && &local duration = self.duration + elapsed& && &if (duration &= self.max) then& && && &self.casting = nil& && && &self:Hide()& && && &-- We temporary get our parent to do this.& && && &local parent = self:GetParent()& && && &if(parent.PostCastStop) then parent:PostCastStop('OnUpdate', parent.unit) end& && && &return& && &end& && &if self.SafeZone then& && && &local width = self:GetWidth()& && && &local _, _, ms = GetNetStats()& && && &-- MADNESS!& && && &local safeZonePercent = (width / self.max) * (ms / 1e5)& && && &if(safeZonePercent & 1) then safeZonePercent = 1 end& && && &self.SafeZone:SetWidth(width * safeZonePercent)& && &end& && &if self.Time then& && && &if self.delay ~= 0 then& && && && &if(self.CustomDelayText) then& && && && && &self:CustomDelayText(duration)& && && && &else& && && && && &self.Time:SetFormattedText(&%.1f|cffff0000-%.1f|r&, duration, self.delay)& && && && &end& && && &else& && && && &if(self.CustomTimeText) then& && && && && &self:CustomTimeText(duration)& && && && &else& && && && && &self.Time:SetFormattedText(&%.1f&, duration)& && && && &end& && && &end& && &end& && &self.duration = duration& && &self:SetValue(duration)& && &if self.Spark then& && && &self.Spark:SetPoint(&CENTER&, self, &LEFT&, (duration / self.max) * self:GetWidth(), 0)& && &end& &elseif self.channeling then& && &local duration = self.duration - elapsed& && &if(duration &= 0) then& && && &self.channeling = nil& && && &self:Hide()& && && &-- We temporary get our parent to do this.& && && &local parent = self:GetParent()& && && &if(parent.PostChannelStop) then parent:PostChannelStop('OnUpdate', parent.unit) end& && && &return& && &end& && &if(self.SafeZone) then& && && &local width = self:GetWidth()& && && &local _, _, ms = GetNetStats()& && && &-- MADNESS!& && && &local safeZonePercent = (width / self.max) * (ms / 1e5)& && && &if(safeZonePercent & 1) then safeZonePercent = 1 end& && && &self.SafeZone:SetWidth(width * safeZonePercent)& && &end& && &if self.Time then& && && &if self.delay ~= 0 then& && && && &if(self.CustomDelayText) then& && && && && &self:CustomDelayText(duration)& && && && &else& && && && && &self.Time:SetFormattedText(&%.1f|cffff0000-%.1f|r&, duration, self.delay)& && && && &end& && && &else& && && && &if(self.CustomTimeText) then& && && && && &self:CustomTimeText(duration)& && && && &else& && && && && &self.Time:SetFormattedText(&%.1f&, duration)& && && && &end& && && &end& && &end& && &self.duration = duration& && &self:SetValue(duration)& && &if self.Spark then& && && &self.Spark:SetPoint(&CENTER&, self, &LEFT&, (duration / self.max) * self:GetWidth(), 0)& && &end& &else& && &self.unitName = nil& && &self.channeling = nil& && &self:SetValue(1)& && &self:Hide()& &endendlocal Enable = function(object, unit)& &local castbar = object.Castbar& &if(castbar) then& && &if(not (unit and unit:match'%wtarget$')) then& && && &object:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_START&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_START)& && && &object:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED)& && && &object:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP)& && && &object:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED)& && && &object:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED)& && && &object:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START)& && && &object:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_UPDATE&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_UPDATE)& && && &object:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_INTERRUPTED&, 'UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED')& && && &object:RegisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP)& && &end& && &castbar:SetScript(&OnUpdate&, object.OnCastbarUpdate or onUpdate)& && &if object.unit == &player& then& && && &CastingBarFrame:UnregisterAllEvents()& && && &CastingBarFrame.Show = noop& && && &CastingBarFrame:Hide()& && &elseif(object.unit == 'pet') then& && && &PetCastingBarFrame:UnregisterAllEvents()& && && &PetCastingBarFrame.Show = noop& && && &PetCastingBarFrame:Hide()& && &end& && &if(not castbar:GetStatusBarTexture()) then& && && &castbar:SetStatusBarTexture[[Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar]]& && &end& && &local spark = castbar.Spark& && &if(spark and spark:IsObjectType'Texture' and not spark:GetTexture()) then& && && &spark:SetTexture[[Interface\CastingBar\UI-CastingBar-Spark]]& && &end& && &local sz = castbar.SafeZone& && &if(sz and sz:IsObjectType'Texture' and not sz:GetTexture()) then& && && &sz:SetTexture(1, 0, 0)& && &end& && &castbar:Hide()& && &return true& &endendlocal Disable = function(object, unit)& &local castbar = object.Castbar& &if(castbar) then& && &object:UnregisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_START&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_START)& && &object:UnregisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED)& && &object:UnregisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP)& && &object:UnregisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED)& && &object:UnregisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED)& && &object:UnregisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START)& && &object:UnregisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_UPDATE&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_UPDATE)& && &object:UnregisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_INTERRUPTED&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_INTERRUPTED)& && &object:UnregisterEvent(&UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP&, UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP)& && &castbar:SetScript(&OnUpdate&, nil)& &endendoUF:AddElement('Castbar', function(...)& &UNIT_SPELLCAST_START(...)& &return UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START(...)end, Enable, Disable)我的是这些,删除哪个
这是ouf core, 删layout里的
[quote][pid=][b]Post by yaroot ( 22:48):[/b][/pid]这是ouf core, 删layout里的[/quote]
[quote][pid=][b]Post by 霎时间我都羞涩了 ( 17:05):[/b][/pid]看ouf怎麼寫的了你看看有沒有config.lua,如果有裏面可能寫了施法條開關,直接在那裡改[/quote]
[quote][pid=][b]Post by 血月领域 ( 17:22):[/b][/pid]我发3楼config.lua里的代码了,但不知道在哪改[/quote]你這些不是“開關”,是具體實現可能不同人寫的ouf風格不太一樣吧,但我真不認為你這段是config.lua,更像是castbar.lua我用的這個ouf有如下一段(--后是標注的註釋……)[code=lua]s.positions = {
[&player&] = {
[&x&] = -200, --玩家橫坐標,正數往右,負數往左,下同
[&y&] = -180
[&target&] = {
[&x&] = 200,
[&y&] = -180, --目標縱坐標,正數往上,負數往下,下同
},}s.show = {
healmode = true, --啟用後在使用治療職業時小隊和團隊位置會出現在右邊
castbars = false,
--是否启用施法条& &Portrait2D = false, --true則將所有頭像替換為2D頭像& &SpellRange = true, --是否启用超出施法范围框体透明化& &colorClass = false, --是否按职业色彩显示血条& &classicColors = false, --是否使用经典血条色彩(绿-&黄-&红渐变),false则为DD默认样式(黑-&红渐变)& &Experience = false, --是否显示经验条和声望条,否则禁用& &swing = false, --是否顯示平砍計時條& &raidparty = false, --是否在團隊中顯示小隊& &partytarget = true, --是否顯示小隊目標
}s.party = {
[&Xnormal&] = 35, --普通職業小隊水平座標
[&Ynormal&] = 400, --普通職業小隊垂直座標& &[&Xhealer&] = -300, --治療職業小隊水平座標
[&Yhealer&] = 0, --治療職業小隊垂直座標
--[&Xspacing&] = 50, --小隊水平間距(無效)
[&Yspacing&] = 20, --小隊垂直間距& &[&Xhealspacing&] = 25, --治療模式小隊水平間距
[&Yhealspacing&] = 40, --治療模式小隊垂直間距}-- Aura configs.aura = {} --增益框體s.aura.default = {} --默認框體增益,包含小隊、目标的目标、焦點s.aura.default = {
[&size&] = 16, --尺寸
[&spacing&] = 0, --間隙
[&buffNum&] = 3, --buff顯示數量& &[&debuffNum&] = 4, --debuff顯示數量}-- Aura (Player&target)s.aura.major = {} --重要增益框體,包括玩家和目標的增益顯示s.aura.major.Bufffilter = true --是否启用buff过滤,true为启用,false为不启用s.aura.major.buff = { --buff
[&size&] = 18,
[&rnum&] = 8, --每一行的显示数量
[&spacing&] = 0.5,& &[&pnum&] = 0, --玩家总显示数量& &[&tnum&] = 40, --目标总显示数量}s.aura.major.debuff = { --debuff
[&size&] = 20,
[&rnum&] = 8, --每一行的显示数量
[&spacing&] = 2.5,& &[&pnum&] = 24, --玩家总显示数量& &[&tnum&] = 40, --目标总显示数量}-- Fonts 文字大小s.font = {
[&Sys&] = GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetFont(),& &[&Num&] = 'Interface\\AddOns\\!iCatCaddy\\fonts\\ROADWAY.ttf',
[&health&] = 10,
[&power&] = 9,
[&name&] = 11,[/code]這段里給出了ouf的各個參數一個匯總的賦值,你修改這裡就起到了設置的作用,你3樓給出的感覺是根據各種開關採取不同顯示效果的實現部份,你找找有沒有類似我給出的那種樣式的代碼,尤其是類似s.show那部份。建議你別盯著這個文件找,ouf不止這一個文件吧,3L你貼出來的我沒看到有類似開關的東西 如果實在懶得找,你可以試試把你3L代碼里的幾處castbar:Show()改成castbar:Hide()看看 = =註釋掉原代碼,在新行里寫自己修改的代碼,方便撤回修改
[quote][pid=][b]Post by 霎时间我都羞涩了 ( 10:29):[/b][/pid]你這些不是“開關”,是具體實現可能不同人寫的ouf風格不太一樣吧,但我真不認為你這段是config.lua,更像是castbar.lua我用的這個ouf有如下一段(--后是標注的註釋……)[code=lua]s.positions = {
[&player&] = {
[&x&] = -200, --玩家橫坐標,正數往右,負數往左,下同
[&y&] = -180
[&target&] = {
[&x&] = 200,
[&y&] = -180, --目標縱坐標,正數往上,負數往下,下同
},}s.show = {..[/quote]貌似是这段:..[quote]-CastBars& &if(unit == 'player' and tCastbar) then& && &local colorcb& && &local _,classcb = UnitClass(unit)& && &colorcb = oUF.colors.class[classcb]& && &self.Castbar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)& && &self.Castbar:SetPoint('TOP', UIParentr, 'CENTER', 0, -126 )& && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarTexture(texturebar)& && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(colorcb[1], colorcb[2], colorcb[3])& && &self.Castbar:SetBackdrop(backdrophp)& && &self.Castbar:SetBackdropColor(colorcb[1]/3, colorcb[2]/3, colorcb[3]/3)& && &self.Castbar:SetHeight(19)& && &self.Castbar:SetWidth(300)& && && && &self.Castbar.Spark = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil,'OVERLAY')& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetBlendMode(&ADD&)& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetHeight(55)& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetWidth(27)& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetVertexColor(colorcb[1], colorcb[2], colorcb[3])& && && && &self.Castbar.Text = setFontString(self.Castbar, fontn, 13)& && &self.Castbar.Text:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Castbar, 2, 0)& && &self.Castbar.Time = setFontString(self.Castbar, fontn, 13)& && &self.Castbar.Time:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Castbar, -2, 0)& && &self.Castbar.CustomTimeText = OverrideCastbarTime& && &self.Castbar.CustomDelayText = OverrideCastbarDelay& && && && &self.Castbar2 = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Castbar)& && &self.Castbar2:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Castbar, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 4, -4)& && &self.Castbar2:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Castbar, 'TOPLEFT', -4, 4)& && &self.Castbar2:SetBackdrop(backdrop)& && &self.Castbar2:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,1)& && &self.Castbar2:SetHeight(27)& && &self.Castbar2:SetFrameLevel(0)& && && && &self.Castbar.SafeZone = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil,'BACKGROUND')& && &self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT')& && &self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT')& && &self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetHeight(20)& && &self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetTexture(texturebar)& && &self.Castbar.SafeZone:SetVertexColor(1,1,.01,0.5)& && && &end& &if(unit == 'target' and tCastbar) then& && &self.Castbar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)& && &self.Castbar:SetPoint('TOP', UIParentr, 'CENTER', 0, -106 )& && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarTexture(texturebar)& && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(.81,.81,.25)& && &self.Castbar:SetBackdrop(backdrophp)& && &self.Castbar:SetBackdropColor(.81/3,.81/3,.25/3)& && &self.Castbar:SetHeight(11)& && &self.Castbar:SetWidth(300)& && && && &self.Castbar.Text = setFontString(self.Castbar, fontn, 12)& && &self.Castbar.Text:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Castbar, 2, 0)& && &self.Castbar.Time = setFontString(self.Castbar, fontn, 12)& && &self.Castbar.Time:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Castbar, -2, 0)& && &self.Castbar.CustomTimeText = OverrideCastbarTime& && && && &self.Castbar2 = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Castbar)& && &self.Castbar2:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Castbar, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 4, -4)& && &self.Castbar2:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Castbar, 'TOPLEFT', -4, 4)& && &self.Castbar2:SetBackdrop(backdrop)& && &self.Castbar2:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,1)& && &self.Castbar2:SetHeight(21)& && &self.Castbar2:SetFrameLevel(0)& && && && &self.Castbar.Spark = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil,'OVERLAY')& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetBlendMode(&Add&)& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetHeight(35)& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetWidth(25)& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetVertexColor(.69,.31,.31)& && && &end& &if(unit == 'focus'
and tCastbar) then& && &self.Castbar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self)& && &self.Castbar:SetPoint('TOP', UIParentr, 'CENTER', 0, -155)& && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarTexture(texturebar)& && &self.Castbar:SetStatusBarColor(.79,.41,.31)& && &self.Castbar:SetBackdrop(backdrophp)& && &self.Castbar:SetBackdropColor(.79/3,.41/3,.31/3)& && &self.Castbar:SetHeight(11)& && &self.Castbar:SetWidth(280)& && && && &self.Castbar.Text = setFontString(self.Castbar, fontn, 12)& && &self.Castbar.Text:SetPoint('LEFT', self.Castbar, 2, 0)& && &self.Castbar.Time = setFontString(self.Castbar, fontn, 12)& && &self.Castbar.Time:SetPoint('RIGHT', self.Castbar, -2, 0)& && &self.Castbar.CustomTimeText = OverrideCastbarTime& && && && &self.Castbar2 = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, self.Castbar)& && &self.Castbar2:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', self.Castbar, 'BOTTOMRIGHT', 4, -4)& && &self.Castbar2:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', self.Castbar, 'TOPLEFT', -4, 4)& && &self.Castbar2:SetBackdrop(backdrop)& && &self.Castbar2:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,1)& && &self.Castbar2:SetHeight(21)& && &self.Castbar2:SetFrameLevel(0)& && && && &self.Castbar.Spark = self.Castbar:CreateTexture(nil,'OVERLAY')& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetBlendMode(&Add&)& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetHeight(35)& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetWidth(25)& && &self.Castbar.Spark:SetVertexColor(.69,.31,.31)& & & &end
你搜下tCastbar的聲明,這個應該是施法條開關如果不要焦點施法條,感覺if(unit == 'focus' and tCastbar) then這句改成if(false) then就應該沒了lua語法也沒細看,你試試吧
[quote][pid=][b]Post by 霎时间我都羞涩了 ( 11:54):[/b][/pid]你搜下tCastbar的聲明,這個應該是施法條開關如果不要焦點施法條,感覺if(unit == 'focus' and tCastbar) then這句改成if(false) then就應該沒了lua語法也沒細看,你試試吧
- -[/quote]OK,测试可以了


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