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英文翻译study of literature and arttheory of literature and art
例句与用法1.He was initiated into literary fraternities .他被邀请加入了文艺学会。2.Market analysis of concentrated nitric acid in china in中的文艺学和批评学蕴义3.A report of the frontier studies of literature and art in2005年文艺学前沿研究报告4.Boundless historical ecology - bourdary crisis of literature and art也谈文艺学的边界危机5.More ultimate concern for human being in literary theory文艺学应多一点对人类的终极关怀精神6.Reflection towards literary theory and tendency of poetics of culture文艺学反思与文化诗学走向7.Literary theory in the era of pan - literature泛文学时代的文艺学8.The modern significance of chinese classical theory of literature and art中国古典文艺学的现代意义9.Thinking of literature textbooks construct since establishing new china关于建国以来文艺学教材建设的思考10.The significance of edward w . said ' s methodology of post - colonial literature萨义德后殖民的文艺学方法论意义&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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