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张源侠十句英语打天下第一课 我是…… I am ...
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这是《十句英语打天下》的第1课,口语句型&我是&& I am ...&,又会有怎样的会话魔法
这是《十句英语打天下》的第1课,口语句型&我是&& I am ...&,又会有怎样的会话魔法呢?
第一课 我是&& I am ...
? 名字&&每个人的注册商标,但要把中国人的名字解释给老外听麻烦很大。
? 性别&&男女写在脸上,不劳多言
? 种族&&远东人长相相似,明言Chinese很要紧
? 职称&&中国人重官位,美国人重职称。职称表明,地位立现。
? 职位&&做官的美国人也同样喜欢自称官位。
? 职业&&每个人最熟悉的领域
? 经历&&这是让对方了解你的最好广告机会
? 家庭&&和对方套近乎的方法
? 情绪&&生命能量的波动
? 状态&&存在的千姿百态
? 爱好&&交朋友的起点
我发现John和我的Zhang姓发音相似,于是索性取名John.John Zhang 听起来好像&将涨&,自我鼓励倒是很好。下面是几段关于名字的对话。
A: What's your name? 你叫什么?
B: My name is John. 我叫约翰。
A: My name is Leon. Nice to meet you! 我叫利昂,很高兴见到你。
B: Leon, I wish to talk to you more to improve my English. 利昂,我想和你多交谈来提高我的英语。
A: I am Yuanxia Zhang. 我叫张源侠。
B: Whyxia, how to spell your name? 歪侠,怎么拼你的名字?
A: Y-U-A-N-X-I-A, sounds like Yexia, not Whyxia. Y-U-A-N-X-I-A,听起来像燕侠,不是歪侠。
B: Yexia, am I right?燕侠,对吗?
A: I am John Zhang. 我叫张约翰。
B: John... Chang, sounds very similar. John和Chang,听起来很相似。
A: It's hard to pronounce Zhang. Some American friends even call me Zen.张很难发音,有些美国朋友叫我禅。
B: Zen master! It's interesting! 禅师,很有趣!
A: How should I pronounce your name? 我该怎样称呼你的名字?
B: You can call me John. 你可以叫我约翰。
A: I want to call your Chinese name. 我想叫你的中国名字。
B: Okay, you can call me Yexia. It means a great Kung Fu master. 好的,你可以叫我燕侠,是功夫大师的意思。
A: I'm John. What's your name? 我是约翰,你叫什么?
B: I'm Robert. 我是罗伯特。
A: It's my first time being here. 我是第一次来这里。
B: Really? You will have a lot of fun. 真的?你会有很多乐趣。
A: Where are you from? 你从哪里来?
B: I'm from Shanghai, China. 我从中国上海来。
A: Shanghai, I heard of it, but I've never been there. 上海,我听说过,但我从来没有到过那里。
B: It's a huge city, just like New York. You should visit it.它是一个大型城市,就像纽约那样。你应该去上海。
A: What's your ethnicity? 你的族裔是什么?
B: I'm Asian. 我是亚裔。
A: What's your nationality? 你的国籍是什么?
B: I'm Chinese. 我是中国人。
A: Are you Cantonese? 你是广东人吗?
B: No, I'm not Cantonese. I also don't know how to speak Cantonese. 不,我不是广东人。我也不知道如何说广东话。
A: What's the difference between Cantonese and Mandarin? 广东话和普通话的差别是什么?
B: Cantonese is one of the dialects in China. Mandarin is the most popular and official language in China.
A: You know what? I'm half black, half white. 你知道吗?我既有白人血统又有黑人血统。
B: Really? You look pure white.真的? 你看起来完全是个白人。
A: That's the problem. I've heard more nasty words about blacks from whites.问题就在这儿。我从白人那里听到的关于黑人的坏话更多。
B: It's sad. I'm sorry for that. 真叫人难过。对不起。
美国人日常都直呼其名,但对博士头衔却特别照顾。面对一个博士,除非你和对方已有很好的关系或私交,最好不要直呼其名。如果对方没有博士头衔,你可以叫Mr.或Mrs.。如果你不知道对方姓名,可以泛称Sir、Ma'am、Miss。相对于美国白人,美国黑人比较喜欢被称为Mr. 和Ms.。
A: May I talk to Dr. Lubin?
& 我可以和鲁宾博士讲话吗?
B: This is Dr. Lubin.
& 我是鲁宾博士。
A: Hi, Dr. Lubin, this is Dr. Yuanxia Zhang from China.
& 嗨,鲁宾博士,我是来自中国的张源侠博士。
B: Oh, Dr. Zhang, good to hear you. Let me arrange a meeting with you.
& 哦,张博士,很高兴听到你的声音。让我安排一下和你见面的时间。
A: I'm Dr. John Zhang. I have an appointment with Dr. Lee.
& 我是张约翰博士,我和李博士有预约。
B: Dr. Zhang, please have a seat. I'll tell him you are here.
& 张博士,请坐。我去告诉他您到了。
A: Thank you.
B: You are welcome.
& 不用谢。
中国人的官本位主义远胜过老美。主任、书记、科长、处长、局长、厅长、部长、总裁、总统、委员、村长、里长、班长,不管什么官,一定要挂在名字的后面。老美喜欢用supervisor、 director、 president这三个官位。Supervisor是指导者,通常管一人到数人;director是主任,通常管数十人到数百人;president相当于中国的老总、大老板。这三个官位中,director是最常见的,我在美国的很多场合见识过director, 知道这个职位相当于中国的单位负责人。
A: I am Paul Engel, Director of FJCC.
& 我是保罗 安格尔,FJCC的主任。
B: I am Tim Zhao, Vice President of CAPP.
& 我是赵蒂姆,CAPP的副总裁。
A: Tim, I want to talk to you about the cooperation issue.
& 蒂姆,我想和你讨论合作的事宜。
B: Great, I am considering how we can do something together.
& 很好,我正在考虑我们如何在一起做点事。
A: I am Tom Chen, Marketing Manager at APT.
& 我是陈汤姆,APT公司的市场部经理。
B: I am Jake First, CFO at EPM.
我是杰克 佛斯特,EPM的财务总监。
A: I am in charge of the overseas market.
& 我负责海外市场。
B: That must be exciting.
& 那一定很精彩。
A: I want to find somebody to talk about my emotional issue.
& 我想找人谈谈我的情绪问题。
B: Okay. I am Paul Engel, Director of QCS. How can I help you?
& 好的,我是保罗 安格尔,QCS的主任。我如何帮你呢?
A: I am Jeff Griffin. I am very depressed.
& 我是杰夫 格里芬, 我很忧郁。
B: Don't worry. I can make an appointment with you.
& 别担心。我可以和你约个时间谈一谈。
A: I am Paul Engel, Director of QCS and FJCC. Nice to see you!
& 我是保罗 安格尔,QCS和FJCC的主任,很高兴见到你。
B: Nice to see you too!
& 很高兴见到你。
A: I have read your resume. Can you tell me more about yourself?
& 我看过你的简历,你可以更多地谈一谈自己吗?
B: Yes, I am currently a supervisor at the ACS. I want to focus more on...
& 好,我目前是ACS的一位主管,我想着重于......
A: What's your profession?
& 你的职业是什么?
B: I am a psychotherapist.
& 我是一个心理治疗师。
A: Oh, that's an interesting job.
& 啊,那可是一个有趣的工作。
B: Yeah, I like to work with human souls.
& 是啊,我喜欢从事人类心理的工作。
A: I am an acupuncturist and massage therapist.
& 我是一个针灸和推拿治疗师。
B: Are you licensed?
& 你有执照吗?
A: Yes, I have an NYS acupuncturist license.
& 是的,我有纽约针灸师执照。
B: That's great. You can accept my health insurance.
& 那太好了,你可以接受我的医疗保险。
A: I am an artist, I graduated from China Academy of Fine Arts.
& 我是一个艺术家,毕业于中国美术学院。
B: What's your specialty?
& 你的专长是什么?
A: I am an oil painter. I will have my exhibition here.
& 我是一个油画家。我在这里有一个画展。
B: Fantastic! Will you invite me?
& 太棒了!你会邀请我吗?
A: I am a certified accountant.
& 我是一个执照会计师。
B: Do you know how to declare tax?
& 你知道如何报税吗?
A: Yeah, I may be save you a lot of money on your tax.
& 是啊,我或许可以帮你在纳税方面省下很多钱。
B: Great! Can you help me?
& 太好了,你可以帮我吗?
A: How do you make a living?
& 你如何谋生?
B: I have been working as a waitress to make money.
& 我一直靠做餐厅服务员赚钱。
A: So you can pay your daily bills and tuition.
& 那么你就可以服你的日常账单和学费了。
B: Yeah, but it's not easy.
& 是啊,但这不容易啊。
A: Are you going to buy your own house?
& 你打算自己买房子吗?
B: Yeah, but I have no idea how to do it.
& 是啊,但我不知道怎么办啊。
A: Don't worry. I am a real estate agent. I can help you.
& 不要担心,我是一个房地产经纪人,我可以帮你。
B: Really? I have a lot of questions to ask you.
& 真的?我有很多问题要问你。
A: It's terrible that my computer stops working.
& 我的电脑坏了。
B: Oh, let me look at it.
& 让我看一下。
A: You know how to fix?
& 你知道如何修理?
B: Yeah, I am a computer engineer.
& 是啊,我是一个电脑工程师。
A: I am currently a kindergarten teacher.
& 我现在是一个幼儿园老师。
B: Do you like your work?
& 你喜欢你的工作吗?
A: I love working with kids. I love my work very much.
& 我喜欢和孩子在一起。我非常喜欢我的工作。
B: I believe. Look how happy you are!
& 我相信。看你高兴的样子。
A: Where are you from?
& 你从哪里来?
B: I am from Beijing, China.
& 我从中国北京来。
A: Is Beijing the capital of China?
& 北京是中国的首都吗?
B: Yes, it's a great city. If you want to know China, you should visit Beijing.
& 是的,这是一个伟大的城市,如果你想了解中国,你应该访问北京。
A: How long have you been here?
& 你在这里多久了?
B: I have been here for three months.
& 我在此地有三个月了。
A: How come your English is so good?
& 你的英语怎么会这么好?
B: Oh, don't say that. My English is still very poor. I need to learn form you.
& 哦,不要那么说。我的英语还是很差的,我要向你学习。
A: What do you do now?
& 你在做什么啊?
B: I am a student at NYU.
& 我是纽约大学的学生。
A: What's your major?
& 你的专业是什么?
B: My major is Computer Science.
& 我的专业是计算机科学。
A: How long will you be here?
& 你会在这里待多久?
B: I will be here at least four years.
& 我会在这里至少四年。
A: So you can finish your school here.
& 那么你就可以完成你的学业。
B: Yes, you are right. After that, I may stay here or go back to China.
& 是的,没错。在那以后,我肯定留在这里,也可能回国。
A: What is your job?
& 你的工作是什么?
B: I am a stock analyst at the Wall Street.
& 我是华尔街的股票分析师。
A: That must be very exciting.
& 那一定很精彩。
B: Yes, but also very stressful.
& 是的,但是压力也很大。
A: Are you married?
& 你结婚了吗?
B: No, I'm single.
& 不,我是单身。
A: How come you are still single?
& 你怎么还会是单身?
B: You know, I'm still a poor student.
& 你知道,我还是一个穷学生。
A: I plan to have an engagement party next Sunday.
& 我打算下周日办订婚宴。
B: Congratulations, you are eventually engaged.
& 恭喜啊,你终于订婚了。
A: Yes, I will be an engaged man. Would you come to my party?
& 是啊,我终于要成为一个订婚的男人了。你来参加我的订婚宴吗?
B: Sure, I will go with my girlfriend.
& 当然,我会和我的女朋友一起来。
A: I got divorced with him two months ago.
& 两个月前我和他离婚了。
B: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Are you okay?
& 听到这个消息我很难过,你还好吗?
A: I'm fine. He hurts me too much.
& 我还好,他伤害我太多了。
B: Well, the divorce may lead you to a happier life.
& 好了,离婚或许会给你带来更幸福的生活。
A: Do you have brothers or sisters?
& 你有兄弟姐妹吗?
B: Yes. I have one brother, two twin sisters.
& 是的,我有一个兄弟,两个双胞胎姐妹。
A: What's your ranking of the siblings?
& 你排行老几?
B: Oh, I am the eldest.
& 哦,我是老大。
A: How are your parents?
& 你的父母怎样?
B: They are very well. Both of them are retired.
& 他们很好。他们都退休了。
A: Do they live with you?
& 他们和你生活在一起吗?
B: No, they live in China.&
& 不,他们生活在中国。
A: Do you have relatives here?
& 你在这里有亲戚吗?
B: Yes, my uncle's family is here.
& 是的,我叔叔的家在这里。
A: Do you often visit them?
& 你经常去他们家吗?
B: Not very often, I usually visit them on holidays.
& 不常去。我通常在假日去他们家。
A: I'm very happy to see you.
& 很高兴见到你。
B: It's wonderful to meet you again.
& 又见到你真是高兴啊。
A: Yes, it's really exciting to talk to you about our future cooperation.
& 是啊,和你谈及未来的合作真是令人兴奋。
B: I'm sure we will be successful.
& 我相信我们会成功的。
A: You look so happy. What's the good news?
& 你看起来很开心,到底是什么好消息?
B: Yeah, yeah, I'm happy. I have never been so happy.
& 哈哈,我很高兴,从来没有如此高兴。
A: Tell me, happy for what?
& 告诉我,高兴什么?
B: I am happy to get the approval letter from Harvard.
& 我高兴我得到了哈佛的通知书。
A: You cannot imagine how excited I am.
& 你无法想象我有多么兴奋。
B: Oh, I can imagine.
& 哦,我可以相像。
A: You know what? I was so excited to have a kiss with her.
& 你知道吗?和她接吻真都让我欲仙欲死。
B: Oh, I see. Now you are crazy about her.
& 啊,我明白了,现在你正为她疯狂。
A: I am so sad that I don't want to do anything.
& 我很难过,以至于我不想做任何事情。
B: Tell me why you are so depressed.
& 告诉我为什么这么难过?
A: I am broke. I am jobless. I am hopeless.
& 我破产了,我没工作了,我没希望了。
B: Never say that. Life is always full of hope.
& 不要这么说,生命总是充满希望的。
A: I am so angry that I want to kill him.
& 我很愤怒以至于想杀了他。
B: That's not a good idea. Tell me what makes you so furious.
& 那可不是一个好主意。告诉我,究竟什么事让你如此愤怒?
A: He cheated on me. He had an affair while I was on a business trip.
& 他骗了我。在我出差的时候,他有了外遇。
B: You have the right to be angry.
& 你确实有理由愤怒。
A: Leave me alone. I am in a bad mood.
& 不要烦我,我情绪坏的很。
B: What's going on? You are still smiling.
& 怎么回事?你还在微笑。
A: Remember, I'm very bitchy when I don't feel well.
& 记着,当我心情不好的时候,我很凶的。
B: Well, you are always welcome whenever you want to talk to me.
& 好吧,不管什么时候你想和我说话,我都欢迎。
A: You look very anxious. What happened?
& 你看起来很不安的样子,怎么啦?
B: I was at a loss when I was rejected.
& 当我被拒绝的时候,我感到很失落。
A: Don't give up. You will be fine.
& 不要放弃,你会好的。
B: I hope so.
& 我希望如此
A: When I was a kid, I was always shy.
& 当我是个孩子的时候,我总是害羞。
B: But you are such a thick skin.
& 但现在你的脸皮这么厚。
A: I have purposely trained myself not to be shy in front of people.
& 我有意训练自己在人前不要害羞。
B: Apparently you have been very successful.
& 显然,你已经很成功了。
A: I am very eager to get it.
& 我很想得到它。
B: Yes, everything is written on your face.
& 是啊,一切都写在你的脸上了。
A: You have seen it, but do you understand my eagerness?
& 你已经看到了,但你能理解我的急切心情吗?
B: Sure, sometimes I had the same craving feeling.
& 当然,有时我会有同样渴望的心情。
情绪是一种心理状态,人除了情绪以外还有很多的存在状态。&I am&正可表达情绪以外的存在状态。
A: Can you help me with this?
& 你可以帮我个忙吗?
B: I'm extremely busy now. Can it wait a while?
& 我现在忙极了,可以等我一会儿吗?
A: Sure. No rush.
& 当然,不急。
B: That will be great.
& 那就好。
A: How are you?
& 你好吗?
B: I'm cool, Dad.
& 我很好,老爸。
A: You are cold? Let me turn up the heat.
& 你冷啊?让我开大暖气。
B: Dad, you are behind the times.
& 老爸,你落伍了。
A: Hi, guys, I'm leaving. (I'm off, I'm out of here.)
& 嗨,伙计们,我走了。
B: You are leaving so early!
& 你这么早就走了!
A: Yeah, I have a meeting at Manhattan.
& 是啊,我在曼哈顿有一个会议。
B: Okay, see you tomorrow.
& 好吧,明天见。
A: The fish I caught was this big!
& 我抓到的鱼有这么大。
B: That big? I don't believe it!
& 那么大?我不相信。
A: I'm not kidding.
& 我不开玩笑。
B: Okay, I am also serious.
& 对啊,我也是认真的。
A: May I help you?
& 我可以帮你吗?
B: No, thanks. I'm only looking.
& 不,谢谢,我只是看看。
A: Please don't hesitate to tell me if you need any help.
& 如果你需要任何帮助请告诉我。
B: I will, thanks.
& 我会的,谢谢。
A: Have you heard that Tom and Jane got married last week?
& 你有没有听说汤姆和珍妮上周结婚了?
B: What? They got married? I'm speechless!
& 什么?他们结婚了?我无话可说。
A: I'm sorry to mention it to you.
& 不好意思对你提及此事。
B: I'm okay. I can accept it.
& 我没事。我可以接受此事。
A: I am considering making an appointment with you.
& 我在考虑安排和你见一次面。
B: That's great! I wish to see you soon.
& 太好了,我希望尽快见到你。
A: Okay, when are you available for this week?
& 好的,这个星期你什么时间有空?
B: I am available anytime for this week.
& 这个星期我什么时间都有空。
A: Hi, are you interested in martial arts?
& 嗨,你对武术感兴趣吗?
B: Oh, yeah, I am a Karate black belt.
& 是啊,我是一个空手道黑带。
A: How about Chinese martial arts?
& 对中国武术如何?
B: I am very interested. Would you show me your style?
& 我很感兴趣,你可以表演一下你的招式吗?
A: I hear that Tai Chi is very good for health.
& 我听说太极对身体很有益处。
B: There are millions of people in China practising Tai Chi.
& 在中国游成千上万的人练太极。
A: But I don't know where I can learn Tai Chi.
& 我不知道哪里可以学到太极。
B: Oh, I am a Tai Chi master. I can teach you.
& 啊,我是一个太极老师,我可以教你。
A: I am badly sick. I have a severe migraine.
& 我病得很重。我有严重的偏头痛。
B: Oh, acupuncture is very effective in treating migraine.
& 啊,针灸对偏头痛很有效。
A: Really? Do you know acupuncture?
& 真的?你懂针灸吗?
B: Sure. I can do acupuncture for you.
& 当然,我可以给你针灸。
A: My neck hurts. I cannot turn my neck.
& 我的脖子痛,我无法转头了。
B: You need a deep massage. I am good at it.
& 你需要深度按摩,我很在行。
A: Can you give me a deep massage? I can pay you.
& 你可以帮我做一个深度按摩吗?我可以付你钱。
B: Of course, it's my pleasure.
& 当然,乐意效劳。
A: NTES has made a triple gain in one month.
& 网易在一个月涨了三倍。
B: I am repentant that I did not listen to you.
& 我很遗憾没有听你的话。
A: It's never too late to follow a sage.
& 听一个圣者的话从来都不会太晚的。
B: Okay, tell me which stock I can buy.
& 好吧,告诉我该买什么股票。
A: My hobby is collecting stamps.
& 我的爱好是收集邮票。
B: Really? I also collect stamps.
& 真的?我也收集邮票。
A: Do you have some great collections?
& 你有什么精彩的收藏吗?
B: Yeah, I have a collection of early stamps.
& 有,我收集早期的邮票。
A: I am a musician.
& 我是一个音乐家。
B: Great, I love music so much that I cannot live without music.
& 太好了,我非常爱音乐,没有音乐我没法活。
A: You are crazy for music.
& 你为音乐而疯狂。
B: Yes, I guess you too.
& 我想你也是如此吧。
A: My dream is traveling all around the world.
& 我的梦想是周游世界。
B: How many countries have you ever been to?
& 你去过几个国家?
A: I have only been to two countries.
& 我只去过两个国家。
B: Well, you are still young.
& 不急,你还年轻呢。
I'm Yuanxia Zhang, licensed psychologist at Queens Counseling Services of FRMH. I got my Ph.D in Clinical Psychology at the East China Normal University in Shanghai in 1993, and then got the postdoctoral clinical respecialization certificate at the ASPP in 2001. After finishing two years internship training at the Fifth Avenue Center For Counseling and Psychotherapy in New York, I become an NYS licensed psychologist.
I'm Weiguo Chen. I am currently a graduate student majoring in Accounting at NYU. I have two more years to go. After I graduate, I stay here or go back to China. My goal is to have my own business.
I'm a salesperson. I work at the AMP. I like my job. I wish to become a supervisor, so I'll get higher pay and take more responsibility. I live with my wife and two kids. They are great. I love them very much.
My hobby is Chinese martial arts. I enjoy it very much. I practice Kung Fu everyday. In the past, I like meats. I was a meat eater. Now I stop eating meats, I become a vegetarian, only eat vegetables.
我的爱好是中国武术,我很喜欢它, 我每天都练功夫。在过去,我喜欢吃肉。我曾是一个食肉者。现在已变成一个素食主义者,我只吃蔬菜。
I like making friends. I used to have a lot of friends in China. However, it is very difficult to make friends here. I guess it's due to my poor English. I should try to improve my English.
读者朋友学到这里应该明白我的&十句英语打天下&是真正的根的学问。从一句完全可以演化出无数句。这是根的潜能。千万不要小看这&I am...&,这是极简单但极有力的东西。下面是我将前卖弄的对话中出现的核心句子专门列出来。你若想将英语当经来念,可以念下面这段经。每天念一百遍,你就知道怎么说&I am...&了。这是生存的第一招,也是打天下的第一招,学会了这一招,保你在异国他乡迷路后不会饿死。
1. I am Yuanxia Zhang.
2. I'm John Zhang.
3. I'm from Shanghai, China.
4. I'm Chinese.
5. I'm not Cantonese.
6. I'm half black, half white.
7. I am a student at NYU.
8. I'm still a poor student.
9. I am a stock analyst at the Wall Street.
10. I have been working as a waitress to make money.
11. I'm single.
12. I am an engaged man.
13. I'm married.
14. You cannot imagine how excited I am.
15. I am Paul Engle, director of FJCC.
16. I am Tim Zhao, vice president of CAPP.
17. I am currently a supervisor at the ACS.
18. I have been here for three months.
19. I am sorry to hear it. Are you okay?
20. I'm fine.
21. I am the eldest.
22. I am in charge of the overseas market.
23. I'm sure we will be successful.
24. I'm happy, I have never been so happy.
25. I am happy to get the approval letter from Harvard.
26. I was so excited to have a kiss with her.
27. I am very depressed.
28. I am so sad that I don't want to do anything.
29. I am broke. I am jobless. I am hopeless.
30. I am so angry that I want to kill him.
31. He had an affair while I was on a business trip.
32. I am in a bad mood.
33. I'm very bitchy when I don't feel well.
34. I was at a loss when I was rejected.
35. When I was a kid, I was always shy.
36. I'm extremely busy now.
37. I'm cool, Dad.
38. I'm leaving.
39. I'm off.
40. I'm out of here.
41. I'm not kidding.
42. I am also serious.
43. I'm only looking.
44. I'm speechless!
45. I'm sorry to mention it to you.
46. I'm okay.
47. I am very eager to get it.
48. I am available anytime for this week.
49. I am a Karate black belt.
50. I am very interested.
51. I am a Tai Chi master.
52. I am badly sick.
53. Sure I am.
54. I am good at it.
55. I am repentant that I did not listen to you.
&I am...&是根,其中的am可以根据时态转化为&was, were, have been, had been, will be, would be, would have been&。 上面的55例句可以很轻易的乘上7,那就是385句。
其中的I可以转化为&You, He, She, They, We, It&。上面的55句可以很轻易的乘上6,那就是330句,若将385句乘上6,那就是2310句。
只要掌握一个最简单的&I am...&,你就可以轻松掌握上千句的句子,而最要紧的是,你的脑袋里没有必要背着这上千句句子,因为你拥有你的句根,你也知道怎样从这句根中长出无数你需要的枝桠和树叶。
1. This is Dr. Lubin.
2. This is Dr. Yuanxia Zhang from China.
3. Life is always full of hope.
4. But now you are such a thick skin.
5. Apparently you have been very successful.
6. You are always welcome whenever you want to talk to me.
7. They are very well. Both of them are retired.
8. My uncle's family is here.
9. It's wonderful to meet you again.
10. It's really exciting to talk to you about the future cooperation.
11. Tell me why you are so depressed.
12. Now you are crazy about her.
13. My hobby is collecting stamps.
14. My dream is traveling all around the world.
15. You are still young.
说笑话练习 女性交往恐惧症
Tim complained to his psychologist, &I'm 35 I' I' but how come I am so afraid of communicating with females?&
His psychologist taught him some practical skills of communicating with females. One week later, Tim came back to his psychologist with the same sad expression on his face.
&Is my advice effective?& said the psychologist.
&Oh, it's fantastic. So many fabulous looking women are interested in me, I am just too busy...&
&So what's your problem?&
&I have no problem.& Tim said, &My wife has.&
套路一:我叫&&&&&&&& ,我的名是&&&&& ,我的姓是&&& 。
&&&&&&& I am&&&& , My first name is&&&& , My last name is&&&&&&& .
1. I am Jane Chen. My first name is Jane, my last name is Chen, C-H-E-N.
2. I am Mike Zheng. My first name is Mike, my last name is Zhang, Z-H-A-N-G.
套路二:我是&&&& ,我现在是&&& ,我的目标是&&& 。
&&&&&&& I am&&&&& , I am currently&&& . My goal is&&&&&& .
1. 我是李大牛,我现在是北京大学学生。我的目标是进入哈佛天文系。
2. 我是王老二,我现在是电脑工程师,我的目标是开一家电脑公司。
3. 我是刘太极,我现在是针灸推拿师,我的目标是开一间康复诊所。
4. 我是钱百万,我现在是财务咨询师,我的目标是帮助中国活用WTO规则。
5. 我是曾龙珠,我现在是中国菜大厨师,我的目标是吧中国菜的精华介绍给世界。
套路二 参考答案:
1. I am Daniu Li. I am currently a student at the Beijing University. My goal is to get into the Harvard, Department of astronomy.
2. I am Tao'er Wang. I am currently a computer engineer. My goal is to have a computer company.
3. I am Taiji Liu. Now I am an acupuncturist and massage therapist. My goal is to open a rehabilitation clinic.
4. I am Baiwan Qian. I am currently a financial consultant. My goal is to help Chinese Corporations take advantage of the principles of the WTO.
5. I am Nengzhu Zeng. Now I am a Chinese Chef. My goal is to introduce the essence of Chinese cooking to the world.
套路三:我来自&& ,我在这里已有&& ,我将&&&& 。
&&&&&&& I am from&&&& , I've been here for&&&& , I will&&&&&& .
套路三 参考答案:
1. I am from Shanghai, China. I have been here for four months. I will be in New York for another half year.
2. I am from Hong Kong, China have been here form two and a half months. I will be back to Hong Kong before the end of three months period.
3. I am from the Fudan University. I have been here for a year. I will be in the NYU for another five years to finish my doctoral study.
4. I am from a small fishing village in southern China. I have been here for more than a year. I will stay in Houstons as long as possible.
5. I am an international visiting scholar from the Nankai University. I have been here for five and a half months. I will transfer to another school to continue my academic visit.
套路四:我过去是&& ,我现在是&&& ,我很&&& 。
&&&&&&& I was&&& , I am currently&&&& , I am&&& .
1. 我过去是一个大学教师,我现在退休了,我很平和。
2. 我过去是个穷人,现在我发了,我很开心。
3. 我过去是个运动健将,现在我发福了,我担心我的心脏出问题。
4. 我过去是一个推销员,现在我是一个公司老总,我是如此之忙以至于没有时间找女朋友。
5. 我过去是个失败者,但现在我很成功,我感激在我落魄的时候依旧帮助我的朋友们。
套路四 参考答案:
1. I was a college teacher. Now I am retired. I am very peaceful.
2. I was a poor guy. Now I am rich. I am very happy.
3. I was an athlete. Now I am overweight. I am worried about my heart problems.
4. I was a salesperson. Now I am a CEO. I am so busy that I even don't have time to find a girlfriend.
5. I used to be a failure, but currently I am very successful. I am extremely grateful to all the friends for their help while I was in a low spirit.
套路五: 我特喜欢&&& ,我擅长&& ,我已经&&& 。
&&&&&&& I am crazy about&&& , I am good at&&& , I have&&& .
1. 我特喜欢烹调,我擅长做点心,我已经会坐一百种点心。
2. 我特喜欢足球,我擅长踢前锋,我已经踢破了十八双鞋。
3. 我特喜欢收藏,我擅长收古董,我已经沉迷其中。
4. 我特喜欢养狗,我擅长训练狗,我已经教会我的狗做十种特技动作。
5. 我特喜欢股票,我擅长做短线,我已经在故事里赚了一万八千美金。
套路五 参考答案:
1. I am crazy about cooking. I am good at making pastry and cookies. I have been able to make one hundred kinds of them.
2. I am crazy about soccer. I am good at playing a forward. I have tom eighteen pairs of shoes.
3. I am crazy about collection. I am good at collecting antiques. I have been addicted to it.
4. I am crazy about raising a dog. I am good at training a dog. I have taught my dog to master ten special movements.
5. I am crazy about stocks. I am good at playing short-term. I have made eighteen thousand dollars from the stock market.
Nan Ju向Todd讲诉了自己最喜爱的水果。包含了中


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