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"Good game for cuddle piles."
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1 December, 2014
This past week Fallen Earth has had some issues that affected server stability which ultimately resulted in additional downtime. These issues have been fixed and the team is actively monitoring the servers to make sure no additional problems arise. The Fallen Earth team apologizes for the inconvenience and to make up for the lost time we are sending you one week of Commander Premium and 2 GT Supply Boxes!
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30 September, 2014
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About This Game
It’s 2156, and the world has been destroyed by both nuclear and bio-chemical means. Your story takes place in one of the few habitable places left in the world, the Grand Canyon. As a clone with an uncertain past, your job is survival in a world now built on destruction, betrayal and fragile factional alliances.
Explore, harvest and stake your claim to over 1,000 square kilometers of harsh and mysterious terrain. The classless advancement and non-linear gameplay allows you to play the character you want. Join a random dynamic events to capture resources and invade towns, capture and hold a Progress Town, fight through instances,
take part in the rich faction backstory, or make a living by selling what you scavenge and craft on the auction house. Fallen Earth gives you the freedom to do exactly as you want. The world may be a shadow of its former self, but there’s no limit to what’s possible for you to accomplish.
Key features:
Scavenge, harvest and craft just about anything you can think of. Over 95% of the in-game items are player crafted.
The hybrid real-time combat system gives you the perfect blend of first-person combat and role-playing
Pledge allegiance to one of six factions and take part in the rich backstory that defines the world of Fallen Earth
Completely classless, play the way you want to
Over 1,000 square kilometers to explore
Dynamically occurring events, including invasions and resource cache discoveries mean that there is always something happening
System Requirements
OS: XP SP3, Vista SP1, Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz or Athlon 64X2 2.4 GHz
Memory: 2 GB for XP, 3 GB for Vista, 2 GB for Windows 7
Hard Disk Space: 10 GB
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 or ATI Radeon X1300
DirectX&: 9.0c (XP), 10 (Vista)
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6 people found this review funny
9.1 hrs on record
For those of you looking for a fallout-ish experience, you won’t find it hereFor the very few people who actually read this review, I’m going to start off with everything bad that it does.1) The community feels as dead as all the enemies I had to kill to complete one objective2) The game does nothing new, it’s like having a kit named “build your own post apocalypse survival game” written in pen on a bit of tape, to which the tape is stuck on a pseudo G.E.C.K device. The purpose of a game like this is to do what similar games of its genre did and build on those ideas and make them better. Not fabricate what already exists and slap a “done” sticker on the front.3) There is very little explanation about how skills, items and game mechanics work, only basic key mapping like moving, turning and combat.4) The story is fairly mild at best5) Melee combat is dull6) Quests have a tendency to “bug out” or have confusing objectives, one situation was where I needed to go to a point on the map, let an NPC follow me and walk back to the start point. Apart from I failed the quest somehow on the first try, the game never explained how or why.When I went back there the NPC that was meant to follow me no longer appears, and as such I have no idea how to complete the quest.Other situations like questing disappearing from my menu also happen frequently, meaning quests I was halfway through needed to be picked up again from a guy quite literally 3 miles away and completed in one go.7) Menus are very clunky, from the start I was bombarded by a bunch of skills I didn’t know (and still don’t know) the effects or uses of.8) The crafting system does nothing new9) How skills work is never explained, you have to figure it out via tooltips.10) For me this game took over 50 minutes to download, unpack and patch before I could play.11) I have no idea how they got the screenshots on the store page, I push everything to max and it still looks like something a commodore 64 would play.So what is good about it?Well for a start it is actually very well made. The skills menu and the depth of control you have is refreshing. You don’t get your hand held and from the start you can wander in any direction you please.Speaking of wandering, the map is a very good and from my current playtime I could guess that if you wanted to skirt the edge like a racetrack it would take you several hours to do so on horseback or via a vehicle, it has many interesting points and few “blank” spots. Yet the map still does not feel crowded...If you are a nerd like me you will probably understand the skills system quickly, it’s very D&D style with character sheets and raising skills that all affect your other skills. The mechanics are probably what holds this game up.Dialogue feels forced but it’s fairly frequent, not every line is voiced but there are greetings you get from time to time. What makes it better is the lack of hand holding and the freedom you are given.I know I have scorned games that have committed fewer crimes than this one, but I honestly see it getting better later on. I’ll probably keep playing for another 30 hours, I doubt much more than that.It’s kept me busy for almost 10 hours, it’s very consuming once you get immersed.If I had to give a score it would probably be 6/10It has lots of bad points but for me mechanics outweigh graphics, voice acting and story
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12 people found this review funny
501.7 hrs on record
The game itself is pretty cool. Full of bugs though, lost items, constant connection issues, etc. However that said, The player base is abou 85% rude. The GM's are a joke, Don't help anyone with a damn thing. Rude, throw bans around like the drunk girl on prom night. Spend close to $50 within the first month and a half, banned after my premium ended. Contacted support to find out why I was &suspended& about 3-4 times. No response. Been 4 days.
Overall. Their PR sucks, Their Staff Sucks, Their playerbase is full of trolls that suck the fun out of the game.
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95 people found this review funny
1.0 hrs on record
Would rather be in an actual apocolypse than play this game.
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8 people found this review funny
1,632.2 hrs on record
World is not interesting, enemies are not interesting, dungeons are boring with bullet sponge bosses. The end game pvp is borderline pay2win with the way the shop works. The combat is aim/action based but still uses spammy hotkey skills. Overall the combat is worse than WoWs style due to how horrible the animation and unbalanced the skills are. The crafting takes a long time to do unless you pump money into the game. You can straight up buy the best vehicle in the game, and you have to buy a item to craft the best weapons. This is not fallout the mmo, this is a sad attempt to milk fallout fans.*I HAVE A LOT OF TIME IN THIS DUE TO PRESSURE BY MY FRIENDS TO PLAY IT ALL OF THE TIME. Same reason WoW still has so many subs who don't actually like the game much, they play it as a social experience. Also have a lot of time simply from being AFK. The best way to level is AFKing in a place called Citadel. Also crafting is better done if you AFK in game next to a bought crafting table.*
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21 people found this review funny
2.3 hrs on record
Downloaded enormous game file. This took an entire day.Created account.Read EULA. Standard stuff.Read SECOND EULA. Code of conduct and a few weird roleplay related rules. Mental note to stay away from those servers.Downloaded five hundred updates. Another day is now nearly over.Loading screen / ad.Create character.Loading screen / ad.Finally get to make my first gameplay related keystrokes.Game freezes after 4 seconds of play.Wait.Game resumes.Punch small man.Small man yells at me.Game freezes.Wait.Game crashes.Uninstall.Moral: you get what you pay for.
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75 people found this review funny
4.2 hrs on record
The 3 day install was my favorite part.
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1 person found this review funny
54.2 hrs on record
This game is dead. You can try it, but DO NOT spend money on it. Bottom line, AbandonWare.
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5 people found this review funny
5.1 hrs on record
Not worth the install in my opinion. When you look at this you think &COOL! AN MMORPG JUST LIKE FALLOUT!& What you get:Hard to follow missions with rude players who are really into it just to troll the ***k out of you continuously until you either quit playing or get good enough to beat them to death in return.
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2.0 hrs on record
All this game has going for it is its setting. Everything else is quite barebones. The survivor settlements aren't interesting, the combat engine is boring mmo combat that tries to hide in FPS combat's trousers, the missions are mostly fetch quests and now it also has a bunch of free to play micro-transactions that really don't make it any better. I was really excited for this when it got announced, I wanted a true post-apocalyptic MMO, sadly, this is just not it.
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556.5 hrs on record
Over all a pretty good game , but FE has it's share of issues as I'll discuss below.Story: There isn't one. There is a bare bones backstory to the different factions, what they're about, and what they offer....but that's about it. There's also general story lines in each settlement along with a ton of sidequests, but they do little to establish any kind of narrative.Gameplay: FE works like a 3rd person shooter combined with WoW. You have to aim your own weapons (more on this in the PVP section) and there are a number of abilities you can activate during combat to give yourself an edge. This part of the game is done pretty well, combat is intuitive and if you pay attention to the tutorial, fairly easy to pick up. The crafting system in this game is fantastic, almost every material needed to craft everything you could ever want can be salvaged from the world, harvested at player created farms, collected by player made harvesters in PVP zones, or purchaced off the Auction House. Graphics: This wasn't that big of a deal to me since I don't get hung up on graphics much, but this game was developed in 2009 and the graphics look pretty dated. Player population: I don't get alot of the complaints about this as at no point were any of the sector hubs empty. As a crafter I had no trouble making money off the Auction House as there were plenty of buyers for most of my products (once I figured out how to price them properly). You probably won't be tripping over other players when you're out in the middle of nowhere on missions, but is that a bad thing?F2p or pay to win? FE is good about this aspect as well. There is a cash shop where you can buy boosts to things like experience and facti but there's no explicit thing you can buy in the cash store that will give you any advantage against an equally skilled and leveled player whom has never bought anything from the cash shop. The items you pay real money for are largely cosmetic or purely for convinence. PVP: This is by far the most mixed aspect of Fallen Earth. FE does reward pvp kills against different factions with a pvp currency, but in a move I haven't seen in any other MMO (except EVE), FE adds a reason to fight in PVP zones other than pvp currency, Harvesters. Harvesters are player created structures that generate crafting resources that hard to impossible to find outside PVP zones, and as you can guess can only be placed in PVP zones. When all goes well PVP is fun & rewarding, regardless if your faction holds the conflict town at the end of the day.So what's wrong you ask? First off you're not likely to get a real taste of PVP untill you're close to level cap, granted if you hang around the level 20-45 conflict towns you might bump i but if you do it's likely to be a clan blob of 5-10 people leveling their alts & steamrolling anyone in their path. The reason the lower level zones are so empty? The level debuff, which cripples anyone above a given conflict town's level range. The idea isn't a bad one: to keep tweaked out lvl 55s from curb stomping fledgling pvp players. But instead of bringing them on the level of people supposed to be in that zone it effectively renders the higher l as a result nobody goes near conflict zones if there's even a chance they'll get hit with the level debuff.But the absolute worst part is the proliferation of hackers (aimbotters and the like) in pvp. G1 does a pretty inconsistent job of keep every once in a while they do a purge of hackers and PVP becomes fun again, but they always seem to come back. 90% percent of the challenge in pvp is consistently hitting your opponent, preferably with headshots which do considerably more damage, getting good at hitting and avoiding being hit is the core of PVP. So you can see how the fun gets quickly sucked out of this critical part of the game when you have ENTIRE CLANS able to sweep whole PVP zones simply by activating a 3rd party hack and racking up 100% accuracy while their opponents have no recourse what so ever. The fact G1 has been unable or unwilling to find a long term solution to this problem is by far FE's biggest problem.Summary: Fallen Earth is f2p game that isn' that alone makes it worth a try. But digging deeper this game has plenty to offer in terms of PVE, crafting, and (if the hacker population is culled at the time) end game PVP. It's really up to what you value in an MMO if FE it certianly is for me despite it's faults.
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13.0 hrs on record
The updater is beyond broken so good luck even trying to update. or even play. This should be removed from steam since it's dead and broken beyond repair.
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240.6 hrs on record
Dig the game, but the shortcomings are a bit too many. The crafting system gets to be a bit unbalanced, and the length of time it takes to make things, can frankly put folks with jobs and real life responsibilities, off. Add in a slew of cash shop items that give you insane advantages, and you can begin to see the problem. This feels less like fallout, and more like a generic mmo with cash shop.
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10.1 hrs on record
waiting simulater 2015. still havent played it. 11/10
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1,783.4 hrs on record
You may have heard this game is buggy. That is an understatment. You may have heard this game is full of chat and PvP trolls. Well I am not going to argue against that. The things is I would not normally tolerate that from a game. It is unacceptable. The game however is in a league of its own. I cannot take my business elsewhere. There is no Elsewhere. Fallen Earth is an MMORPG that does not always look the prettiest but actually provides you with a massive world where there is a point to going off exploring. Resources are everywhere. Everything is needed in someway and almost everything has to be crafted by players. Character development is very customizable both in terms of appearance and performance. All clones are created equal but some are developed poorly. It is an easy system to learn, but much tweaking availiable when mastered.Fallen Earth really is the MMO you can play your way. Every clone can find a niche. Fallen Earth is not at all P2W, with the only advantages being convenience and cosmetics for cashers. Even a subscription can be bought with in game currency.The community has many helpful players and questions are answered quickly via the help channel. If you start playing use the help channel. The game is quite simple to learn but not very well explained by the game itself. Stick with it. Each in-game sector brings fun and different game mechanics. Do not be in a hurry in this game. Speed levelling when you don't know much is a very bad idea.
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10.2 hrs on record
First impressions:As you can see (at the time of writing), I haven't played the game much, as such I can only write about first impressions.Loading the game initially through steam, account setup is pretty basic (log in, verify e-mail, get to playing) except for one tiny detail... you can't choose your user name. The software generates a hash code for your name (around 20 characters in length including upper/lower case letters, numbers, and hyphens ( - ) ) and I have to say... the support team is *FAR* less than helpful (their response : we can't change unique user names)...Okay, let me rant a moment... so what they're saying is their programmers can't use SQL? Can't use PHP? Can't... um... access their OWN databases? I think not... I think someone is too lazy to correct their mistake. Log in with an e-mail because &that's the username&... but tried logging in with my e-mail and it says &invalid username& but using the hash... all hunky dory.There, that's out of the way, let's get to the game itself and not the customer service.The game is old-school. The graphics sit somewhere between Fallout 2 and Fallout 3. The NPCs and &Monsters& are all standing around in one place, tethered to a spot (where they will chase after you for a predetermined distance before giving up and returning to their spawn) ~ a lot like EverQuest 1. The world itself is a little on the empty side, but I cannot honestly say if it remains this way (the internal zones and buildings are pretty cool, and for a game that is set in a wasted world, it's as desolate as it should be).The story-line is thoughtful and creative, even if it's a little flat and tired. It is interesting, it is engaging, it's just that it's a bit 'old.'The GMs are super helpful, and I've seen them online every time I've logged in. The help channel is busy, and responsive (I can't even begin to say how refreshing that is)! That said... they have the typical censored chat system that is pretty much par for the course... but don't bother censoring your own words (like: aw s*** that sucks) because a GM will threaten to mute you for language (a redundancy which borders on zealous). Hardly anything to complain about... keep it clean (and PG so you don't offend the super-innocent teenagers playing this game - note sarcasm).Movement is a bit cumbersome and unweildly ~ but once you're used to it it isn't too bad (such as hitting tab or the middle mouse button to turn on targeting, and therefore a locked mouselook instead of free-look). It's pretty hard to get the camera around front of your character (but it's entirely possible I've just overlooked something).Skills, stats, levelling, trades... a detailed system. A wonderfully detailed system. APs (which I may mistakenly believe to mean &action points&) are granted frequently in small doses for everything from quest completion to simply levelling up your trade skills. Mousing over anything will give you a clear and detailed description of what that thing is for and what it does and what it effects - I've long desired that games did this, some do, but FE starts with this right out of the gate... they do NOT leave you in the dark (as long as you can read at a Junior High level, it's sweet).Questing is a bit weird to get used to - the map (okay, the map... WOW... if you like detailed maps that don't hold your hand, but make some pretty obvious markers... then this map system is for you - detail, detail, detail... easily one of the most beautiful map systems I've seen in a game in a LONG time)... anyway, the map... shows a little red X on your radar that when you mouse-over it will show you the name of the quest it's for. There are no indications of distance on the radar or for quests, and some quests are a bit ambiguous (really, they just don't hold your hand there - read it... then figure it out ya lazy bums)!Will I continue playing? You bet. What is the not free to play? Buying keys for dropped lockboxes. Unlocking your entire wardrobe. Paying for premium content (usually access to skills, timers, clothing, zones, etc) in three different monthly plans (from about $12 to $30), not so bad - but pretty steep considering you can get a great deal more out of a game like LotRO (Lord of the Rings Online) for about $15/month, with far better quality and content. Still, not too bad, save that it's comfortably on the expensive side (especially for what it is and offers).Do I recommend it? Yes. Get past the opening stuff. Put some points into Intelligence and Perception (both of those increase your maximums for tradeskills), and READ THE QUESTS.If you don't like reading, or actively engaging a game... this isn't for you. I, however, love reading the content in a game (I want to see what other writers and creative teams are doing with their work) and I enjoy a challenge. As such, I really enjoy this.In short, a rocky start, some negative experience with the customer service and GMs, a bit unweildly and old-school, and expensive beyond the F2P... but a game that grows on you quickly and really eats up time (that's a mark of a good game right there).Test it out. If you liked Fallout 2 and 3, then you'll probably enjoy this. I don't think it's a &long term& game (as far as playability) in my books, but that's simply my own opinion and nothing more. Plenty of players are really enjoying this game, and that speaks volumes about the overall content and quality.
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7.7 hrs on record
Fallen Earth is a post-apocalyptic game with sci-fi technology. It was released September 22, 2009 and with that said... Making a game with let's just go with a major title, CoD or Battlefield like graphics...It'd need a engine to process it and this is a game already finished. So the graphics are dated, even at it's highest setting can look like a mudded mess.You know what, no, no, I wanted to be a bit nice to this game. Look at my screenshots. The mane of my horse, a free mount is beyond s***. Hell my shadow while in first person is cut in half at the waist, and there's no first person animations what so ever. There are in third, but that is just horrid. If that isn't bad enough you get spells and skills like in World of Warcraft..I'm playing at max settings mind you. There are no animations, effects, nothing like that for anything you use in first person. So I don't know if I'm using a poison spell or a spell that s***s f***ing rainbows. Should I mention if I try to heal while in combat that I'll actually heal my enemy? WHAT!?! Oh yes, you have to TARGET yourself to HEAL yourself.This game is a hardcore knock off of Fallout 3 and New Vegas. The graphics are the same if not worse then both, huge lack of animations, glitches, and just awful, dreadfully poor, sloppy and LAZY design work. If that doesn't p*** you off then what about the fact you have to swap from mouse to aim every 2 minutes to click on a quest, item, object, whatever it be..Ending tutorials, etc.. Oh your mouse cursor is what they use as the game cursor. That's just f***ing pathetic work. Another fun thing is crafting, and timers. They haven't yet, but I'm damn sure a single timer can easily eventually be an hour if not longer. By the way you can only craft ONE, ONE ITEM AT A TIME IF you do not buy their stupid VIP. Want more, I've yet to go into PvP and frankly I don't think I want to with the other reviews I've read. Already see paid content is able to move ridiculously faster, and it seems at best if you don't pay for the game you're getting a horse. My mind is just blown. That's just mounts/vehicles...What about these keys and boxes and crap that give amazing gear you CANNOT GET ANYWHERE ELSE?! No. Just no. It figures, any title under &GamersFirst& is nothing but a pryamid scheme for your money. I'm dead serious too, look at APB: Reloaded and APB.Oh and the learning curve on this game might as well be a f***ing mountain flying in the air. If it wasn't for having looked at my keybinds, and even then I'd be having difficulty as hell. Don't forget, no animations, effects, etc. with most spells/skills/s***s/f***s I don't give about! The game is about you though and the other 20 or so people around, you died at the Hoover Dam and now you're a clone. Should I mention everyone here and everywhere else f***ing hates clones? You might as well be a Jew in NAZI Germany. Question, what game allows jumping that can't allow turning while in mid-air? Answer, Fallen Earth. S*** YOU NOT. The map could be really big, the thing is though... I DON'T HAVE THE F***ING ABILITY TO SCROLL AROUND THE MAP.3/10I will never recommend playing this game, even to see if it's really that bad. It's worse.
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5.3 hrs on record
The story honestly bores me, so I decided lets do what I do in fallout, and explore, no, just no, desert, desert, desert, cactus, big scorpion you insta-kill, three hours later, and what am I looking at? More desert and killing a insta-dead scorpion, but in the distance I see a bandit, and next to him is a scorpion, apparently they're bros...
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380.4 hrs on record
With a story that was developed with obvious care, to the extent that character-respawning is one of the largest facets of the game, you can tell that this game had it's heart in the right place. This may seem like nonsense to you, but a lot of games out there these days simply tack on the story to the rest of the game, rather than the other way around (as it should).With a game like Fallen Earth, you can tell that the story came first, and everything else wa from the architecture, weapons, vehicles, and equipment, it all makes sense within the setting. With the way the game's story is, there isn't the problem of &when everyone in an MMO is the chosen character, no one is&, and the characters within the game treat you as a person and not The Big Cool Hero. Extremely refreshing.If that doesn't say anything, let me tell you something about my hours in this game (on the other version of Fallen Earth, as there are two in Steam, as for a little while FE wasn't on Steam): I have over 2000 hours in the game, a feat surpassed only by my GMOD hours.
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11.1 hrs on record
a decent game but as i have seen pointed out it lacks imagination in some of the enemies and the bosses just soak up bullets but overall its a decent game about like runescape but again not the same you will just have to check it out things it has that make it worth the time - player built vehicals- factions (player controlled and non)- pvp and pve - decent respawn system that will make you work to get your stuff back but wont make it easy mode- interesting selection of weapons thats the highlights feel free to try it out its a free game aside from some in game things but thats how the gaame keeps running so overall its a decent game but fun if you like FPS games
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125.5 hrs on record
Post Appocalypt Earth caused by Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Zombies.
being the first MMO I actually Liked, going into towns and helping peopled was a realy sattisfying experience.
But then I ran into delema's with the main story where you are not a single man army.
This game will probably be more fun if you work in packs or join a guild,
Also, this game isn't free if you, it's just got a free mode that used to be sweet.
It still is sweet, but a sometime after the release of the free edition, they removed the ability to have craft ques for free players.
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Includes 650 Steam Achievements
Title: Fallen Earth Free2Play
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 12 Oct, 2011
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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