谁知道为什么我Rust新版进一个服务器的时候一直在载入中……CALCULATINGcoms checksum bad?

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&Ethereal抓包时发现TCP校验和错误& Q: 在Windows平台上用Ethereal抓包时发现TCP校验和错误,但应用层的反应告诉我,这个报文的TCP校验和没问题。& A: 网卡配置-&高级-&Rx Checksum Offload/Tx Checksum Offload,很可能你的这两处设置是Enable,将之调整成Disable即可,代价是网络性能降低。& 一般由操作系统的TCP/IP协议栈完成TCP/UDP/IP校验和的计算工作,这两处设置成Enable之后,协议栈不再进行校验和的计算,而是由网卡自己完成。如果在前述位置没有发现Rx Checksum Offload/Tx Checksum Offload项,有两种可能,一种是网卡本身不支持这种功能,另一种是网卡驱动未提供配置项,后一种情形居多。事实上该问题与使用何种Sniffer软件无关。
 If you see the checksum of all local packets showed as invalid, it could be the checksum offload feature. When this feature enabled, an adapter performs the cycle-intensive process of calculating CRC, the Windows TCP/IP stack does not calculate the IP and TCP checksums but leaves them as 0x0000.  To fix this issue, you need to disable the adapter's Offload Transmit IP Checksum and Offload Transmit TCP Checksum feature in the advanced setting dialog.
 Checksum Offload
  On the send side, the network adapter that supports this offload will calculate checksums that are needed and for which it has indicated the capability of performing. For the TCP checksum, the Microsoft transport will calculate the TCP pseudo header checksum and place this value in the checksum field, so that the network adapter can calculate the correct TCP checksum without touching the IP header.
  On the receive side, the network adapter will fill in a NDIS_TCP_IP_CHECKSUM_PACKET_INFO structure and set the appropriate bits. If for any reason the network adapter cannot perform the checksum, it will not set any bits and indicate the packet. TCP/IP will then look at this and calculate the appropriate checksum itself.
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