wow怎么查看自己有多少epgp dkp转化midkp

KBG WoW - Ambient | Silvermoon - Alliance
Tuesday and Wednesday / 6pm - 10pm PST, 8pm - 12am CST, 9pm - 1am EST
Silvermoon - US - Alliance
Silvermoon - US - Alliance
Guild Rules
1. All members are required to show respect to everyone else in the guild.
2. Officers orders and requests must be executed.
3. Help others in the guild, we are friends who are trying to have fun in a game.
4. We are adults, so language might venture off in that realm. (not rule, just warning)
5. Raiders must be either part of our Facebook group or have given your cell number to Killercrane to keep in touch outside of game.
6. Be prepared for raid and on time. You are an adult, please respect others time that they set aside to be ready to raid. Anyone invited to raid must have flasks (250 stat), use potions during heroism and prepot, food (100 stat), all gems and enchants.
7. Being inside Teamspeak on time is required for raid. Mic’s are encouraged.
8. If you must go AFK during raid (not during our break), inform an officer.
9. Do not get locked to raids that are part of our schedule. You may pug after our scheduled raid times.
10. Use /calendar to keep up to date on our schedule.
11. Be on time to raid. (unless worked out with raider leader) We zone into the raid at 6pm and pull trash at 6.05pm.
12. No Pants Allowed
Loot Rules
How we handle our loot!
What Is EPGP?
It is a way to distribute items in raiding groups larger than 10 that is based on a “Priority” system. When items drop, each item is given to the bidding player of proper class and spec with the highest Priority. There are no rolls and there is no DKP to “spend”.
EPGP means Effort Points (EP) / Gear Points (GP). EP is awarded for your actions and increases your Priority. GP is the value of the loot you’ve won and reduces your Priority. Your Priority is your EP divided by your GP (EP/GP), so when your EP goes up, your Priority goes up and when your GP goes up, your Priority goes down.
Because Priority is a ratio of the two numbers instead of subtracting one from the other, EP is not tied to gear values and can be awarded for anything you do that the guild values, as you’ll see in the ‘How To Earn EP’ tab.
GP is the simplest part of the system. Every item’s GP is calculated from its item level and slot.
Purpose Of EPGP
Provide a fair way to distribute loot based on specific and transparent criteria. Some features of the EPGP system:
Share loot based on participation
Eliminate incentives to horde or compete with other members
Reward good etiquette in raids and in the guild
Reward boss kills, even if loot is disenchanted
Reward the deposit of consumeables and items the guild vault needs.
How To Earn EP
Ultimately, this system is designed to reward performance and behavior conforming to guild objectives and principles.
WARNING: Do not zone out or leave a raid until EP is awarded at the end of each raid. If you leave before EP is applied, you lose them. We will apply EP manually but it is far easier, and more likely to be correct, if you simply remain in the raid. If you are not in groups 1-5 at the start of the raid, make sure you inform the raid leader that you are on standby, ensuring you are rewarded EP appropriately.
Time spent in a raid
50 per 30 minutes
Get paid for being in raid. If you leave early, announce to the raid leader.
Any current content boss.
Old Boss Kill
A boss that isn’t progression but requested by the raid leader.
Be on time
Awarded prior to the start of raid. (at 6pm) To ensure you are in the raid group, whisper the word invite to Killercrane.
In addition to earning EP, you can also be penalized EP.
Leave early
Leave a raid early while actively raiding, without prior arrangement with RL.
AFK’s for an extended period over 5 mins or without prior notice to the RL.
No show for raids, with no prior notice.
Rule Infringment
up to -500
We have specific rules for the guild. Breaking these impact the guild negatively and we punish those who break them. Continued breaking will result in a gkick.
Not knowing the strategies or executing them poorly repeatedly, or not clarifying their doubts before the pull thus causing a wipe. Also includes not having enchants/pots/flasks etc ready before pull. We have a 2 day schedule, wasting time because you didn’t feel like watching a video is disrespectful to others time. You don’t need to know the exact in’s and out’s to the T, just know what is up for the most part.
This system is currently inactive. No points will be rewarded for donations. We decided this system wasn’t working for us. I am keeping this info here though for in case I want to use it again later.
Ambient follows a guild vault system whereby donations of items to the guild vault, which are considered important by the guild, are rewarded with Effort Points (EP) in accordance with the lists bellow. The players gaining these points by contributing to the guild vault ultimately have their loot priority increased in the loot system (EPGP).
The maximum amount of Effort Points a player may get per week via donating to the guild vault is 600 EP. The player that makes the greatest contribution interms of EP value in a given week is awarded 800 EP.
It is hence fruitfull to keep donating items once you hit your weekly cap, to aim for the extra 200 EP bonus, or to overall contribute to helping the guild maintain a decent supply of consumeables and items required at a greater degree. Please note that the requirement of items listed in the tables may be changed during the week (ie daily), as items are donated. It is therefore wise before donating a said item to check what its requirement is.
To clarify any misconceptions, assume three players, W, X, Y and Z donate items in a given week. Player W’s contribution was worth 360 EP, where as players X, Y and Z contributed donations worth 650, 850 and 1060 EP respectively. On monday, after the weekly decay for EP/GP is done, player W will recieve a 360 EP bonus, player X will recieve a 600 EP bonus (rounded to the limit), player Y will also recieve 600 EP bonus (rounded to the limit) and player Z will recieve a 800 EP bonus (rounded to highest limit) considering his was the highest contribution after the 600 EP limit.
Items you wish to donate to the guild vault MUST be MAILED INGAME to Ambientbank. Items deposited directly into the guild vault will NOT be considered and no EP will be awarded for them. The EP for player contributions will be awarded every MONDAY, AFTER the weekly decay is processed.
The following tables list the items created or farmed by various professions, or by other activities along with their EP v
Donation/Deposit System
Items marked “Needed” in the requirement column are awarded 1x their EP value
Items marked “Not Wanted” in the requirement column are awarded no EP.
Minimum Amount
EP Awarded (per minimum amount)
Not Needed
Not Wanted
Not Wanted
Not Wanted
Not Wanted
Not Wanted
Not Wanted
Not Wanted
Not Wanted
*Note: Items not listed on these lists are not required by the guild bank, and will not be rewarded with any Effort Points (EP).
*Note: Total EP awarded is always rounded DOWN to the nearest EP.
*Note: Donations bellow the minimum amount will not be rewarded with any Effort Points (EP), and all donations are rounded down after dividing with minimum amount. F.e; 1 Fish Feast is worth 0 EP, 7 Fish Feasts are worth 60 EP, and 10 Fish Feasts are worth 120 EP
*Note: EP awarded for item(s) marked * is awarded on deposit, and does not count toward the weekly EP limit.
Start Up EP
Everyone starts at 0 EP and works up to the minimum for item awards on a need basis which is 2600 EP. That’s six hours of raiding or a certain amount of boss kills/contributions to the guild vault etc. (The start of the expansion, upon first raid night, all raiders gain 3000 EP)
How To Win Gear
Officers may override Priority for the good of the guild and raid progression (ex: priority to main tanks).
When a piece of gear drops in an instance, all players of the correct class and spec can bid on it if they have at least 2600 EP. The player with the highest priority wins – there will be no rolls. Exceptions may however be made where the officers see fit. EP for boss kills is awarded after the loot is distributed, so your Priority will not include the kill. That player’s GP will be updated and Priority will be recalculated.
You cannot bid need on an item if you don’t have at least 2600 EP, although you can win an item if no one above 2600 EP bids on it. If your EP drops below 2600 due to Decay or by being penalized, you must work your EP back up. This requires raiders to participate frequently if they want gear rather than cherry-picking their raids. It also prevents one-time raiders from getting gear.
When the master looter loots the boss, use your EPGP lootmaster interface to bid or pass on items appropriately. Items will be awarded to on-spec bids before they will be awarded for highest Priority. There will be no GP for Off-Spec or Alt gear awarded.
You might notice that as you earn more gear, your GP could grow quite large. Even though your EP grows quickly, your Priority drops faster because your EP is divided by your large GP. So after a few pieces of gear, you might not be able to get another piece for a few months.
This is resolved by a “Decay” factor. Once a week (Mondays on ID reset), your EP and GP will both be reduced by the “Decay Factor”, which is currently 10%. Your Priority won’t change because both EP and GP are reduced by the same proportion (EP/GP X 0.9/0.9 = EP/GP). The Decay Factor allows your new EP awards to increase your Priority faster than it would have otherwise. The Decay also provides incentive to bid on gear rather than trying to keep it high by “hording EP” because it will go down over time. Because of the Decay factor, it is usually better to win a piece of gear than to wait for something better.
Other Rules
Recipes, patterns, etc. are handled using the Loot Council system. They will only be awarded to full members of the guild unless the item is BoP and no members need it.
If no members can use a BoE craft or drop item, it will go to the guild vault to be awarded later or sold on the AH. They are charged at full GP price.
Exceptions in awarding items to mains based on EPGP may be made where officers feel necessary based on the guild’s needs, and the level of upgrade it is for the lower priority member. Items awarded in such a way cost full GP regardless.
Mains and their alts share the same EP. Mains are prioritized over alt characters when distributing items through EPGP regardless of priority, exceptions however can be made by the officers. Alts are not charged GP.
Legendary items will be awarded by a Loot Council system, and are NOT part of the EPGP system the guild uses.
Mounts are not distributed with EPGP, they use a /roll for full raiders only.
Members who leave the guild also lose their EP but not their GP. If they were allowed back in the guild, they will start at zero EP but with their prior GP.
Tier pieces are normally handled via the EPGP priority. Officers though may offer it to someone else. If you already have your 2 set and they don’t, they will gain priority. We want everyone to get their tier bonuses. If all parties rolling have their bonuses, it’ll default to EPGP.
I’m Confused
Here is a TLDR;
Show up to raid prepared and do well, you will gain points.
When you see an item you want that drops, hit the correct button on the loot window. (Main Spec, Off Spec, Pass)
The master looter will then look at an addon that does the complicated math and gives the item to the person highest on the list. (Main Spec & Off Spec Main & Main Spec Alt & Off Spec Alt)
Getting gear will factor against how many points you have. Just look at the ‘/epgp’ list to see where you are at in the list.
Alts share points with mains except aren’t charged for gear. Alts are only allowed if they are required by the raid leader.
Non progression raids will not have a point cost for items, it will be based on /roll. Players though will gain points for being in raid.
New raiders start at 0 points. You will need to raid at least 6 hours with the guild before you can roll on an item. If no one wants the item, you can then get dibs. Legendaries/Mounts/Patterns/BOE’s are given to main raiders/gbank as first priority.
If you have any questions, just ask an officer.
Required Addons
You must have these to raid with us.
Deadly Boss ModsThis is for boss timers and warnings. You may use any boss mod addons but you must use at least one. We recommend DBM.
GTFOGet alerts for when you are standing in bad. When you focus on so much, it sometimes is nice to have that kick in the butt.
EPGPHow we handle our loot priority. Use this addon to see where you are at in the list. There isn’t anything you need to configure.
EPGP LootmasterHow you will roll for items. When a new item drops, a window will pop up giving you choices to send to the master looter.
Our choice of voice program.
Teamspeak is proprietary voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) software that allows computer users to speak on a chat channel with fellow computer users, much like a telephone conference call. A Teamspeak user will often wear a headset with an integrated microphone. As an industry leader for over 10 years, Teamspeak has become one of the most recognized brands in online gaming.
We offer our 512 slot server for free to everyone. You may use our server for any occasion! Either you are playing a game with friends, playing with us or running an event. Long as respect is provided to other users, our door is open to all.
Make sure you have Teamspeak installed first. The link below will auto join the server for you.
How to Join
Want to be a part of our guild?
If you wish to just be a member, you may contact anyone online for an invite.
To become a raider you must perform a 2 to 3 week trial process. To discuss your possible trial, add my battle tag xKillerbees#1236. If you pass your trial, you will be promoted to raider. Trials are required to have a 100% attendance during trial. We focus on checking combat logs and how well you mesh/perform during raids. Leaving raid or not showing up without warning will count as a resignation of trial.
Raid Needs: Ranged DPS and Healer
Ambient is part of the WoW division for Killerbees Gamingdocument.write('&&&&');
预计来路:192 ~ 316IP
153 ~ 254IP
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新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限40积分969精华1UID4243887帖子金钱294 威望1
Lv.4, 积分 969, 距离下一级还需 31 积分
UID4243887帖子威望1 多玩草374 草元宝
& & 大家好,很抱歉,连续两天没写了,这两天我在思考一个很严肃的问题,就是人为什么而活着。好了,那些扔臭鸡蛋西红柿板砖的,不要再扔了,都是花钱买的,咱还是说正题吧。
& & 这篇我详细介绍下MFWOW的装备分配方式,我只介绍,不发表任何评论。
& & 直接开始了啊,不乱扯了。
& & 总原则:主天赋优先副天赋;对于无职业限制的装备,禁止跨甲拿装备,但如果那个穿那个甲的所有人都明确表示PASS后,可以跨甲;在猎人对一个远程武器有需求的时候,盗贼战士们必须靠边;同理,当盗贼战士增强萨满惩戒骑DK等近战DPS对一件近战武器有需求的时候,猎人必须靠边;同理,别的那些,但我不是很了解,所以我就不说了
& & 名词解释: 需求——这件装备必须比身上的好,并且有明显的提升,你拿到后的至少90%时间内,这件装备都穿在你身上(除非你拿到更好的装备)而不是站在铁炉堡的桥上耍酷,并且必须为当前天赋。
& & 上面说的是总原则,下面是我所知道的三种分配装备的方式,但他们都遵循着总原则,也就是说,总原则是排在第一位的。至于DKP方式,我就不说了,有太多原因了
& & (一) EPGP分配方式。
& &&&EP是每打一个BOSS,每个人都能得到的分数,这个分数对所有人都是公平的,MT也好,会长也好,都是一样的数目;GP是每个拿到装备的都可以得到的分数,这个数值也是公平的,对团长MT团员都是一样的。我们现在假设每个人都已经拿到至少一件装备了,那么GP就不为0,所以现在我们可以得到一个新的数值,EP/GP,这个比值决定了你是否能拿到装备。
& & 我们现在假设一下,有A和B两位盗贼同学在25人NAXX,A同学的EPGP是100/20,B同学的EPGP是80/15,现在老克出了226级的拳套,AB两位同学都想要,那么B同学获得,同时B同学的GP会加上一个数值。如果AB两位同学的EPGP是一样的(这种情况很少发生),那么他们俩自行了断,要么ROLL,要么其中一个自动放弃,但不管怎么样,这件装备的归属,是AB两位同学决定的,不是团长决定。
& & (二)官员分配
& &&&这个名字改为参议院分配更标准,不过我还是直译过来算了。一个工会,我们假设有5个官员,除了一件装备,这5个官员快速协商,分给某人。
& &&&表面上看,这种分配方法很不科学,很腐败,但是还可以,我见一个全套T7.5的盗贼,跟我的装备不相上下,他们工会用这种方式3年了,3年里没出现过装备纠纷。我就不评论了。
& & (三)C1C2C3分配
& &&&这是我们工会采用的分配制度,上周又做了一点点改动(就是raider拿装备优先于非raider)。C1,每个raider每周只有一次,C2和C3有无数次,会长/MT/官员/RL/团员一律平等。因为C1每周只有一次,所以我们一般都不会轻易用的,大部分我们想要的装备都可以通过C2来获得,某些比较稀有的,比如老克的武器,T7.5头盔之类的,因为数量实在有限,我们都存着C1去拿,不过还好,我的拳套(以后我就叫它电风扇,在NGA上学的,哈哈)就是我用C2拿的,因为团里就我一个盗贼,所以,呵呵
& & 补充:对于特殊物品,比如蛋刀橙弓凤凰,包括以后的霜之哀伤之类的,一般是两种分配方法。一种是候选人制度,另一种是需求的人ROLL (参照总原则的标准ROLL,所以,请尽量的鄙视那些,OK,打住,我什么都没说)
& & 我一直相信,邪不胜正,so,非毛人胜毛人,非毛会胜毛会,所以,我写了这篇。
& & 我的那个群还没满,群号码是,不要加我为好友了。
& & MFWOW日子之AFK的(1)到(4),居然有人以他自己原创的名义搞到17173了,哈哈,真的把我给乐死了,我已看淡了..........
& & 这个AFK系列就到这完了,下个系列不久将会放出,标题为《MFWOW之重装上阵》,希望大家多多支持。
& & 如果对这篇有什么不同的意见,请在回复里说明,我会回复的。
& & 以后谁再看我的帖不回,我祝你一辈子玩不上WLK,玩上WLK也被对立阵营守尸,练到80加的工会是毛会,会长是黑手+毛会会长& && &哈哈哈哈,怕了吧,怕了就赶紧给我回——最后一次互动了,下个系列就再也不互动了
[ 本帖最后由 Surge-Keliney 于
02:58 编辑 ]
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Lv.6, 积分 2674, 距离下一级还需 2326 积分
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灰常邪恶滴怨念啊~~~ 不会写得蛮好。..还是回下吧.
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限40积分338精华0UID355772帖子金钱110 威望0
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