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  建造所需: 200战备 40电力 0人口
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  1、升天(Ascension) 消耗 85信仰
  2、净化射线 消耗 35信仰
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来源: qvod
有关 祼体修女-修女修女 的剧情介绍
修女可以结婚吗??这个问题不是“可以”“不可以”那么简单的! 根据天主教的教义,修女是跟上帝结了婚的! 所以修女不能再跟俗人结婚,否则岂不是重婚了?再说,谁敢做上帝的第三者啊?那不是找死吗?战锤40K 战斗修女的图这个不好找额
祼体修女-修女修女& 战锤40K单位语音翻译——战斗修女
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UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
1楼:Ecclesiarchal Servitor 教会奴工
2楼:Missionary 传教士
3楼:Canoness 女牧师
4楼:Confessor 司祭
5楼:Battle Sister Squard 战斗修女小队
6楼:Celestian Squad 洁天使小队& &Seraphim Squad 炽天使小队
7楼:Sister Repentia Squad 悔过修女班
8楼:Death-Cult Assasin 拜死教刺客
9楼:Rhino Transport 犀牛装甲运兵车
10楼:Exorcist 驱魔者自行火炮
11楼:Immolator 献祭者装甲车
12楼:Lightning Fighter 闪电战机
13楼:Living Saint 圣女
14楼:Ascension Angel 复仇天使&&Penitent Engine 赎罪机甲
Ecclesiarchal Servitor 教会奴工
Instructions received 已接到指示
I am equipped for that. 我为此做了准备
Your will be done. 你的命令必将达成
Build Structure建造建筑
Build protocol confirmed. 建造方案确认完毕
Instructions received 已接到指示
I am equipped for that. 我为此做了准备
To specification. 向标准靠拢
Your will be done. 你的命令必将达成
Immediately. 立即行动
If you will it. 如果你愿意
The Machine Spirit sings in me. 机魂在向我咏唱
Instructions received 已接到指示
I am equipped for that. 我为此做了准备
Your will be done. 你的命令必将达成
I will make it whole. 我会彻底完成指示
I serve. 我在此效力
I submit. 服从命令
Be it your will. 按您指示行事
I humbly await orders. 我随时候命
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
I serve the Sisterhood. 我为姐妹会效力
[ 本帖最后由 fenixbj 于
22:39 编辑 ]
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Missionary 传教士
lay hands援护之手
Be healed. 重获活力吧
Servants of the Emperor, be healed. 帝皇之仆们,痊愈吧
Salve for thy wounds. 膏尔等之伤
Emperor's Touch帝皇之触/Divine Retribution神惩
Emperor, speed my prayers to the Golden Throne… 帝皇啊,请容我祈祷到达黄金王座……
Oh great and provident Emperor... 哦~伟大而又富于远见的帝皇啊……
Oh Emperor, in thy name, I kneel and pray... 哦~帝皇啊,以您之名,我跪下祈祷……
Our faith conquers all! 我们的信仰能征服一切!
Take heart, Missionaries! 传教士们,当心了!
Pain brings faith... or death. 痛苦带来信念……或者死亡
If I must die, I shall welcome death. 如我必死,死亡可嘉
Emperor, grant us dominion of this place, in thy name... 帝皇啊,以您圣名,请赐此地予我等
We will take it, without fail. 我们会拿下的,绝不会失败
We will secure it for the Emperor. 我们将为帝皇守卫那里
In the Emperor's name! 以帝皇之名!
Purge them! 净化他们!
My zeal guide my hand! 热忱指引着我的行动!
Bless this transport, Emperor, and shield it... 帝皇啊,请祝福这个运输工具,并护佑它……
A humble Missionary boards… 一个卑微的传教士登舱了……
My end is near! 我的末日临近了!
I am lost! 我完了!
Is my time come? 我的死期来到了么?
Morale restored士气恢复
Did my faith ever waiver? 我可曾放弃过信仰?
I must turn and face the foe. 我须回去面对敌人
No, it is better to die than lose heart. 不,失去信念,不如死去
Blessed be. 祝福此行
Onward! 前进!
Clear of sight, bright of heart. 前路清晰,心如明镜
We bear the Emperor's light! 我等承帝皇之光!
Emperor, strengthen my resolve. 帝皇,请使我意志坚定
Let me be a beacon to the lost! 就让我成为迷途者的信标吧!
I remain pure. 我心无杂念
Emperor, inspire me. 帝皇,请激励我
I am consecrated to the Imperium. 于帝国,我乃圣人
I am a servant to the Emperor. 我是帝皇的仆人
…sworn ever to your service, when at peace and when at war... 无论战和,承汝之责
Strategic point capture占领战略点
From the lighting and the tempest, Emperor, deliver us. 穿过暴风骤雨,帝皇遣我们来此
Location secured and sanctified. 此地已安全,并得净化
I have made it holy ground. 我划出了一块圣地
Praised be the Emperor, for giving us this point... 赞美帝皇,他将这里给予我们……
I have weathered the journey. 旅途多舛
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
A humble Missionary, here to serve! 一位卑微的传教士侍奉于此
I am come, with the Emperor's Creed in hand. 我手持帝皇之信条至此
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Canoness 女牧师
Emperor, grant ascension. 帝皇啊,请赐我神力
Holy martyrs, ascend! 殉教之圣人啊,显形吧
Fallen Sisters, rise! 牺牲的姐妹们,起身!
Martyrs, rise! 烈士们,起身!
Smite the enemy! 重击敌人!
Strike them down! 打倒他们
We cannot afford mercy. 我们没有仁慈可以赐予
They have committed the ultimate heresy. 他们须为不可饶恕的异端行径负责
I will strike you down! 我会击倒你们!
No mercy! 绝无怜悯!
Unbelievers - must - die! 无信仰者-必-死!
Part from me, Sisters. 该离开我了,姐妹们
Sisters, fight by my side. 姐妹们,与我一同战斗
I place my faith in the Emperor. 我的信仰系于帝皇
I will consent to board. 我同意登舱
We go. 我们走
Come, my Sisters. 来吧,姐妹们
With my commendation. 我的祝福与你们同在
We march to the hymns of the Ecclesiarchy. 国教的赞美诗伴我们出征
It is a judgment. 做一个决断
Thou shalt not. *I* shall. 汝不可,*吾*将行
We command dread and awe. 我等掌控恐惧敬畏
Witchcraft, heresy, and mutation. 巫术,异端,变异
Chaos marine混沌军团
Abominable traitors! 是丑陋恶心的叛徒们!
Wretched heretics! 污秽的异教徒!
Chaos! I should have suspected. 混沌!我早该料到的
The blasphemers shall meet only with unflinching justice. 渎神者必将被正义制裁
A foul daemon. We must be strong. 一头肮脏的恶魔,我们必须顶住
Grant us strength against all daemons. 赐予我们对抗恶魔之力吧!
Spirits of noxious immateria, be gone from hence. 非物质的邪恶之灵,给我退散
There is the foe. Soon, we will fight! 有敌人了,不久我们就将战斗!
The enemy. They shall be purged. 是敌人,他们必须被净化
So... our foes approach. They will burn, shortly.那么……我们的敌人来了,不久后他们就会被焚烧殆尽
Look, Sisters! The adversary comes. Be wary! 看,姐妹们!敌人来了,保持警惕!
The enemy is close by, and does not surrender. Do they not know the Sisters Militant?
Imperial Guard帝国守卫
The Imperial Guard. Tainted heretics, most likely. 帝国守卫,很有可能是被腐化的异端
Imperial Guard? Surely they are guilty of thought in their hearts. 帝国守卫?他们的思想肯定有问题
I have longed for action. 我一直向往着行动
I have spent my time in prayer. 祈祷伴我度过这段时光
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
By the Emperor's light, I lead. 以帝皇光辉之名,我统领部队
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Confessor 司祭
...and so as proclaimed and decreed by holy writ… 奉天承运,圣旨到……
Be still, I command it. 安静,听我圣言
Suffer not to move. 不要动……
Destroy them utterly. 消灭敌人,勿顾手段
The heretics shall burn. 异教徒必得烈焰
None shall pass unscathed. 安然通过?妄想!
Aliens and mutants. Exterminate! 异星人和变种人,灭亡吧!
Go from me, my child. 离开我,孩子
Come. Walk by my side. 来,随我而行
I will board. 我会登舱的
And where are we bound? 我们要往何处去?
I will see to that. 我会留意的
I will consider it. 我会照看好它
The guilty shall not thrive. 罪恶就该被扼杀在摇篮中
Absolution -- in death. 唯死亡得赦免
We must cleanse all impurities. 我等净化一切污秽之物
What is it? 何事?
No one is above suspicion. 嫌疑无人能免
Without purity, we are lost. 如非纯洁,我等兼亡
From true doctrine, never waver. 正源教旨,无可动摇
Do not oppose the Emperor's will. 不可拂逆帝意
A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time. 欲证无罪的辩解,乃犯了耗我光阴之罪
Upon the ground at last. 终于离开地面
We arrive, I see. 我们到了,我能觉察到
Ah, our destination. 啊~我们的目的地
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
I have come to pass judgment. 我来此传达判决
A purging is called for. *I* will see to it. 此地亟需净化,*我*将亲自指挥
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Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Battle Sister Squard 战斗修女小队
Phosphor Grenade磷粉手榴弹
Phosphor grenades! (扔)磷粉手榴弹!
Throw the grenade! 掷出手雷!
Show no mercy! 绝不怜悯!
No pity for the foe! 对敌人没有可怜一说
Death to the impure! 肮脏的东西,死吧!
In His name, we bring fiery retribution. 以帝皇之名,我们带来严酷的审判
Sisters, aim true. 姐妹们,瞄准打
We will be martyrs. 我们即将牺牲
Claim that point! 占领该点!
Claim it for the Emperor. 为了帝皇,拿下它
It will be ours. 那里将为我们所有
We have our target. 我们有目标了
Feel our wrath! 尝尝我们的怒火!
Strike them, Sisters! 姐妹们,攻击敌人!
Strike them down! 将敌人打垮!
Fear the Sisters of Battle! 恐惧吧,我们是战斗修女!
I am hit! 我中弹了!
I am wounded! 我负伤了!
Emperor preserve us. 帝皇庇佑我们
Emperor preserve us. 帝皇庇佑我们
We will go obediently. 我们行动,不存妄想
We tread the path of righteousness. 我们踏上了正义之路
Emperor, do not forsake me! 帝皇啊,不要遗弃我们!
We are overcome! 我们被压制了!
They are too many! 敌人源源不断!
Retreat! 撤退!
Retreat, Sisters! 姐妹们,撤!
Morale restored士气恢复
Our faith is bolstered. 信仰支撑着我们
We're ready to fight. 我们准备就绪了
Sisters ready for battle. 修女随时候命
We have regained our footing. 我们得到了落脚之地
Have no pity. 勿留仁慈
We shall deliver. 我们定将到达
Praise the Emperor! 赞美帝皇!
We walk in his light. 他的光芒照耀我们前进
Our faith is unyielding. 我们的信仰坚不可摧
Our burning ferver guides us. 炽热的信念引领着我们
Daughters of the Emperor, march! 帝皇之女,前进!
Sisters march! 修女们,上路!
We know our place. 我们了解自己的职责所在
Our Emperor gives us strength. 帝皇赐予我们力量
They walk in darkness. 敌人匿于黑暗之中
They will never triumph. 他们绝无胜利之日
Discipline and devotion never falter. 令出必行,誓愿献身,绝不动摇
We are servants of the God-Emperor. 我们乃神皇的仆人
The Emperor: our father and guardian. 帝皇啊,我们伟大的父亲与守护神
All but the faithful perish. 万般兼可,唯信仰不可腐朽
Chaos marine混沌军团
Chaos! We must strengthen our resolve! 是混沌势力,我们得坚定信仰!
I see Chaos. The traitors must die! 我见到了混沌军团,叛徒必死!
The forces of a Chaos! We face a mighty test. 混沌军团!我们得面对一次严峻的试炼了
Daemons! Have faith, Sisters! 是恶魔!姐妹们,坚定你们的信仰!
Look! A daemon! 看那边,一只恶魔!
Make ready for battle, Sisters! 姐妹们,准备战斗!
The enemy draws nigh. Gather your strength! 敌人接近了,集中力量!
The battle will soon be joined! 战斗迟早会降临!
Sisters, we have sighted the enemy. 姐妹们,我们发现了敌人
Our foes approach. Prepare yourselves. 我们的敌人来了,各就各位
There! There is our enemy! 那边,那就是我们的敌人!
Imperial Guard帝国守卫
Guardsmen! Faithless wretches. 是卫军士兵,缺乏信仰的可怜家伙
The Imperial Guard. If they retreat, they have sinned against the Emperor.
Strategic point capture占领战略点
We claim it for the Imperium.&&我们宣布此地为帝国所有
Strategic point taken. 战略点已被占领
The point is ours. 该点是我们的了
Under fire受攻击
We are taking fire. 我们受到袭击
&little more of a screech& Enemy fire! (夹杂着尖叫声)是敌军火力!
Reinforcements! We require reinforcements! 增援,我们需要增援!
We are under attack. 我们遭受攻击了
We are under attack. Do not lose heart! 我们被袭击了,不要灰心丧气!
The Emperor has preserved us. 帝皇一直都庇佑我等
We have arrived. Where is the fight? 我们抵达了,战斗发生在哪儿?
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
Sisters of Battle, reporting. 战斗修女,向您报到
Adepta Sororitas, prepared to serve. 战斗修女会,随时效劳
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Celestian Squad 洁天使小队
The unbelievers will *burn*! 非信徒者,烧!
Annihilate them all! 全部消灭!
Strike down our foes! 打垮敌人!
It is now their time to die. 他们死期已至
We purge with righteous zeal. 正义狂热伴我们净化敌人
Take the point! 占领该点!
It will be secured! 任务必达!
So that is our target. 那就是我们的目标了
Death to the heretics! 异教徒必死!
Charge, Sisters! 姐妹们,冲锋!
Celestians, crush them! 击溃敌人!
Take *this*! 吃我一击!
I must learn... from the pain. 我得学习……从痛苦中学习
We board directly. 直接登舱
Celestians, boarding. 登舱
We are surrounded! 我们被包围了!
Pull back, Sisters! 撤退,姐妹们!
Cover! Seek cover! 掩护,寻找掩护!
Morale restored士气恢复
Our morale is recovered. 我们的士气恢复了
Let us fight again. 再次战斗吧
Now we can take them. 现在我们能对付敌人了
Never shall we tremble. 我们绝不会颤抖
We know not fear. 我们无所畏惧
We immolate all before us. 一切敌人,无非祭品
Emperor, be my light. 帝皇,请施您的光耀于我
Foes and allies fear us alike. 敌人,或者盟军,对我们都一样害怕
Submit fully to the Emperor's will. 帝皇之意须得到完全服从
Many aspire -- few attain. 愿多必失
The best fulfill our ranks. 我们之中兼是强者
I serve the Emperor. 我为帝皇效力
To the hymns of the Ecclesiarchy. 高唱国教赞美之诗
We have excelled at battle. 战场上,我们出类拔萃
Strategic point capture占领战略点
Point secured! 此区已安全!!
It is now consecrated ground. 此处现为圣地
We have taken the target. 我们已将目标拿下
Do we fight now? 现在开始战斗么?
Enough with sitting still! 静坐不动得够久了!
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
Celestian Squad, ready for battle! 洁天使小队,准备战斗!
Many wars, have we served the Emperor. 战争无数,我们一直效力帝皇
Seraphim Squad 炽天使小队
We fall upon the infidel! 我们杀进异端之中!
Taste our wrath! 且尝我们的怒火吧!
Our ferver shall make them tremble! 我们的热忱令敌人颤抖!
Heretic and alien, fear us. 异端和异星人,恐惧吧
We will take this ground. 我们会拿下那里
We will make this place secure. 我们能守住那儿
Crush the enemy! 碾碎敌人!
We are Seraphim! 我们乃是炽天使!
Purge the tainted! 净化污秽!
Seraphim, to the air! 炽天使,飞向天空!
Jump packs -- *now*! 启动跳跃背包……*现在*!
To the air, Sisters! 姐妹们,飞吧!
…grant us flight, grant us safe landing… ……请赐我等飞翔,请佑我等平安着陆……
…and bless us with safe passage... 并护佑我们一路平安……
We are outnumbered! 我们被压制住了!
My courage wavers! 我的勇气在动摇!
Emperor, come to my aid! 帝皇,请救助我们!
Morale restored士气恢复
Prayer has bolstered my resolve. 信念支撑着我的决心
Our morale is recovered. 我们已重振士气
Seraphim ready to fight again! 炽天使已可重回战斗!
On the move. 行动
The hymns of battle fill my ears. 战斗的赞美诗充于我耳
It shall come to pass!
Seraphim, from on high! 炽天使,从天而降!
Seraphim, march! 炽天使,行进!
No obstacle can check us. 障碍物挡不住我们
Seraphim Squad. 炽天使小队
Battle Sisters, aerial assault. 战斗修女,空中突袭
It is the Emperor who grants us flight. 乃因帝皇,我们得以飞翔
Without our faith, we would fall. 如无信仰,我等兼亡
Without devotion, we are nothing. 没有奉献就没有一切
Up high, I can hear the Emperor whisper. 身处高空,方得闻帝皇低语
Strategic point capture占领战略点
We have made it secure. 我们已肃清此处
The Emperor has protected us... 帝皇一直护佑着我们
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
Seraphim, aerial assault squad. 炽天使,空中突袭小队
We are the wings of the Sisters of Battle. 我们是战斗修女的飞羽
[ 本帖最后由 fenixbj 于
18:57 编辑 ]
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Sister Repentia Squad 悔过修女班
Eviscerators primed. 开膛手就绪
Grant us absolution! 请给予我们赦免吧
Sisters, atone through conquest. 姐妹们,只有胜利才能弥补过错
Emperor, make me thine instrument. 帝皇啊,让我成为您的武器吧
Prepare it for the Sisterhood. 为姐妹会谋划它吧
Make this ground ready. 清理这个地方
Die! 死吧!
Die! 死吧!
Be cleansed! 被净化吧!
You will perish!
Commit us unto this vessel. 将我们押入运输工具
Emperor, convey us in your light. 帝皇,请以光辉承载我们
I am proved unworthy! 我真是无用!
I have sinned too much! 我罪孽过于深重了!
Morale restored士气恢复
*His* grace has comforted me.&&帝皇的宽厚和仁慈使我舒畅
No, I will atone for my sins. 不,我得赎我的罪过
We follow. 我们令行禁止
Show us the way. 指出道路吧
Lead us to victory. 带领我们冲向胜利
Emperor, guide us. 帝皇啊,指引我们
Swerve not from the path! 别离开你的路途!
Purge! Repent! 净化!悔过!
The Emperor's grace... at all costs! 为了得到帝皇的仁慈……不惜一切!
I will tread the path of righteousness, be it paved with broken glass. 我须踏上正义之路,哪怕它是荆棘遍布
We are holy outcasts! 我们是神圣的放逐者!
No austerity too severe. 苦行从无过分之说
No trial too rigorous. 试炼从无严苛可言
Few equal our resolve. 我们的决心无物可表
I seek grace in exile. 我于流亡中寻找宁静
Strive ever for redemption. 力求救赎,永无终止
To the Emperor, my life! To Him, my death! 为帝皇献出我的生命,为他献上我的牺牲!
Strategic point capture占领战略点
We offer up these grounds -- to our Emperor. 我们将此地呈送帝皇
This place has been consecrated. 这里已被献祭
Let us begin to atone. 让我们开始赎罪吧
Repentia Squad, on the ground. 悔过修女,踏足此地
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
*We* are the Sisters Repentia. *我们*是悔过修女
Repentia Squad, here to serve.悔过修女,到此效力
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Death-Cult Assasin 拜死教刺客
We pay our debt in blood. 我们以血赎罪
They are marked. 他们被盯上了
They have not long to live. 敌人命不久矣
They will never see me coming. 他们无法看见我接近
Swift death? Or slow death? 速死?或者慢死?
I walk in the ways of death. 我在死亡之路上游走
I go. 我去了
I am an assassin. I cannot fight an army! 我只是个刺客,无法以寡敌众!
I must flee! 我得逃走!
Morale restored士气恢复
I have found my footing. 我找到个地方待了
I can now return to my sworn duty. 现在我能回去执行誓言的使命了
I go. 我上路了
I go hence. 从这儿出发吧
Quietly! 安静!
Name the victim. 指出牺牲者吧
I am death. 我即是死亡
I am death, in every form. 我即死亡,一切形式的死亡
Those that defy the Imperium, fear me! 违抗帝国者,惧怕我吧
What shall I kill? 要我杀谁?
The bitter kiss of poison. 此乃剧毒的痛苦之吻
Sworn to the secrets of the Death Cult. 誓守拜死教之秘密
Pledged to the Emperor's Creed. 严守帝皇之信条
I whisper to my blades, &Kill, kill.& 我对剑刃低语“杀,杀”
The art of death is in my bones and blood. 死亡的艺术融于我体内
All owe the Emperor a debt of blood. 无人不欠帝皇血债
Death-Cult Assassin, reporting.
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
Death-Cult Assassin, ready to kill. 拜死教刺客,准备开杀
I kill for the Emperor. 我为帝皇而杀戮
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Rhino Transport 犀牛装甲运兵车
Taste my storm bolter! 尝尝我的风暴爆矢枪吧!
Bound for glory. 向荣耀前进
Orders received. 命令收到
Rolling forward. 迂回前进
To the front. 冲向前线
Into battle. 加入战斗
Take heart, Sisters! 姐妹们,当心了!
They won't pierce my armor. 敌人打不穿我的装甲
Are all aboard? 都上车了吗?
Guide, guard, transport. 指引,护卫,运输
Rhino Personnel Carrier!&&犀牛运兵车!
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
This is Rhino Transport, I have reached the battlefield. 这里是犀牛运兵车,我已抵达战场
This is Rhino Transport, reporting. 这里是犀牛运兵车,向您报告
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Exorcist 驱魔者自行火炮
Preparing to fire. 火力预备
Proceeding to target. 确定目标中
We will annihilate them. 我们定将毁灭敌军
Proceeding. 行动
Forward! 进军!
Directly. 直接开赴
We will blot out corruption. 我们将腐化的一切抹去
Exorcist missiles... loaded! 驱魔者火箭弹……装载完毕!
The Emperor's fury moves among you. 帝皇之怒将加诸汝等之身
Exorcist, ready. 驱魔者自行火炮,准备就绪
What can I blast? 要把什么炸开花?
Can you hear the organs play? 你能听到风琴那悦耳的声音么?
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
The Sisterhood hath no fury... like the Exorcist Tank. 姐妹会并不疯狂……如同驱魔者坦克一般
Exorcist Tank, symbol of the Emperor's might! 驱魔者坦克,帝皇伟力之明证!
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Immolator 献祭者装甲车
It all goes up in flames! 一切归于烈焰!
Reduce them to ash! 烧成飞灰!
They shall burn! Burn! 敌人烧吧!烧吧!
Understood. 了解
Forthwith. 立刻执行
Incinerate! Incinerate! 烧成灰!火化!
Burning, rolling death! 焚烧!让死亡上下翻飞!
They cannot withstand us. 敌人无法阻挡我们
Flames no brighter than my zeal. 我的热忱比光焰更甚
Behold, the Immolator! 看哪,是献祭者!
Give me something to burn. 弄点东西来烧吧
My flamers cleanse all taint. 我的火焰净化一切不洁之物
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
Behold, the Immolator Tank -- burning glory! 看哪,是献祭者坦克——那炽烈的荣耀!
Behold, the Immolator Tank -- purgation manifest! 看哪,是献祭者坦克——最明显的净化!
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
lightning Fighter 闪电战机
Fire! 攻击!
Lightning striiikes! 闪电突袭!
Enemies targeted. 敌人标记完毕
Engaging. 接近中
I'm there. &through a grin& 我到了(大笑)
Let them try it. 让敌人试试吧
You can't run from *me*! 你,别想从*我*手中逃掉!
Oh they'll have a dogfight. 噢~他们有场硬战打了
Don't look for me -- I'll be gone. 别找了,我早就飞走了
Guide my throttle, Emperor. Let my aim be true... 帝皇啊,引导我的阀门吧,让我弹无虚发……
Lightning here. 闪电在此
Faster than blasphemy. 比那咒骂声更快(谁敢骂出来就灭了谁)
Lightning Fighter craft! 闪电战机部队!
They *shall* not fly here. 敌人不可能在此飞翔
These skies belong to the Emperor. 此方天际,归属帝皇
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
Lightning Fighter, defending the Emperor's skies. 闪电战机,护卫帝皇的天宇
Lightning Fighter -- true air superiority. 闪电战机——真正的空中优势
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Living Saint 圣女
My fury hath no bounds! 我的怒火无边蔓延!
Emperor, let *my* hand take their lives! 帝皇啊,且让我手刃敌人吧!
They are consigned to certain death! 死亡是他们注定的下场
Foul apostasy, be stricken from this world! 愚蠢的无信者,滚出这个世界吧!
I bring salvation... through annihilation. 籍灭敌寇,吾取救赎
Stand aside… or be felled. 站一边去……否则你会一起倒下
Lay low the tainted and corrupt. 污秽与腐化日无多矣
Tremble, all you flawed and mortal. 颤抖吧,你们不过是缺陷遍布的凡人而已
I am a vessel of the Emperor's wrath. 我便是帝皇之怒的载体
I smite the terrors of darkness. 我给予那黑暗中的恐怖迎头痛击
I am proof of the Emperor's might. 我便是帝皇神力的体现
I shine with the purest of light.最纯净的光芒耀于我身
It is I who pay the blood-debt of humankind. 我为讨还人类的血债而来
Lift up the hearts of the righteous. 树立正义之心
I died for the Emperor, and by his will, rose again. 我为帝皇而牺牲过,而奉他圣意,我再度降临
Follow my light, Sisters. It is the beacon of Victory 姐妹们,跟随我的光芒,那是胜利之光
If you fall for the Emperor, he may lift you up. 如你为帝皇牺牲,他或会扶你起身
Unit complete单位就绪(制造完成)
By my light, we shall purge this wretched, tainted land! 以我光辉为誓,我们定会肃清肮脏可悲的世界!
Battle Sisters, follow me! We shall march to glorious victory!战斗修女们,随我来!我们将会迎来光辉的胜利!
UID77288主题阅读权限60帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 在线时间36 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3748, 距离下一级还需 2252 积分
帖子精华12积分3748金钱2034 荣誉121 人气0 评议0
Ascension Angel 复仇天使
Penitent Engine 赎罪机甲
[ 本帖最后由 fenixbj 于
19:10 编辑 ]
Everything done!
UID759577主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分894金钱2008 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 894, 距离下一级还需 106 积分
帖子精华0积分894金钱2008 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
Fear me ,but follow!
UID1801482主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分291金钱1130 荣誉4 人气0 在线时间110 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 291, 距离下一级还需 209 积分
帖子精华0积分291金钱1130 荣誉4 人气0 评议0
UID2017957主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分8金钱142 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间27 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 8, 距离下一级还需 192 积分
帖子精华0积分8金钱142 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
还是最喜欢女牧师的Unbelievers~~~must~~~ dieeeeeee!
UID741255主题阅读权限50帖子精华4积分1754金钱964 荣誉46 人气0 在线时间10 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1754, 距离下一级还需 246 积分
帖子精华4积分1754金钱964 荣誉46 人气0 评议0
For the living!
铝燃剂专卖 地狱加农炮吞世者 浩劫重武器战士
UID2124892主题阅读权限60帖子精华0积分5204金钱6378 荣誉73 人气4 在线时间3335 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 5204, 距离下一级还需 796 积分
帖子精华0积分5204金钱6378 荣誉73 人气4 评议0
UID1855289主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分785金钱4231 荣誉1 人气17 在线时间1187 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 785, 距离下一级还需 215 积分
帖子精华0积分785金钱4231 荣誉1 人气17 评议0
[quote]原帖由 doaxlisa 于
23:51 发表
还是最喜欢女牧师的Unbelievers~~~must~~~ dieeeeeee!
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