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is an entrepreneur, writer, programmer and artist who writes about life and how to make the most of it.
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A lifetime of bad lessons can mess you up. Look at every love story ever told:
Boy meets girl. Their eyes touch, and for a heartbeat the world stops turning. But it cannot be, because there's another guy:
Real life is the game that -- literally -- everyone is playing. But it can be tough. This is your guide. Basics You might not realize, but real life is a game of strategy. There are some fun mini-games -- like dancing, driving, running,...
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HuffPost Lightbox以下短语和句子均来自。
If I knew his address, I would get in touch with him right away.
be in touch with表示“与……联络,与……联系”,前面动词不同释义会略有变化,如果是get in touch with,指通过写信或电话与某人联系,而stay/are/keep in touch with指双方通过书信、电话或登门拜访等方式定期保持联系。
除此以外,be in touch with还表示“了解最新情况或信息”,相对的,表示“失去联系”或“不了解最新情况”可以用lose touch with,后者也可以用out of touch with来表达。
touch还可以用来表示人或物具有某种特性,例如,表示头发有点花白就可以说“Her hair is touched with grey.”
If you get in touch with someone, you contact them by writing to them or telephoning them. If you are, keep, or stay in touch with them, you write, phone, or visit each other regularly.
right away指“立刻,马上”,也可以用right off来替换。
我们学过很多单词都可以表示这个意思,如instantly,immediately,shortly,directly,at once等等。其中的区别在于,instantly表示一秒都不耽误,恰恰就在此刻;immediately和directly同义,表示做完一件事立刻去做另一件,中间没有明显的时间间隔;shortly和soon均表示动作发生或完成速度之快;at once常用于口语,语气较强烈,表示时间紧迫一秒都不能耽误;right away语气稍弱于at once,常用于美式英语,强调动作迅速。
If you do something right away or right off, you do it immediately.
Does the medicine act on the stomach?
act on有两种释义,一是指“影响,作用于”,二指“奉行,遵照……行动”,这里也可以用act upon来替换。
表示药物起作用、有疗效的时候,我们也可以用work,这里的疗效是物理性的,比如安眠药药效8个小时,就可以说a sleeping pill works for 8 hours。 If a force or substance acts on someone or something, it has a certain effect on them.
The jury’s guilty verdict gave rise to widespread debate.
give rise to指“引起,使发生”,类似的还有lead to,arouse,stir up,bring about,lead up to,result in,give birth to等。
其中,give rise to较正式,指“引发”某种现象;result in强调所造成的结果,通常是不良或消极的;lead to与result in类似,也是强调结果,但结果可好可坏,常用于描述客观可能性和对未来的预测,和give rise to一样,并不是故意引发的;而bring about通常是指刻意造成的变化或影响,如“带来”某种变化,“导致”或“造成”某种问题。
If something gives rise to an event or situation, it causes that event or situation to happen.
Jim got dismissed for his misconduct in office.
in office表示“在职的”,在职期间行为不端,也就是渎职、玩忽职守。如果是in the office,则指“在办公室里”。
表示“在职的”,我们还可以用到in-service,表示在职期间进行的,不脱产的,如在职培训,in-service training;也可以用sitting,特指总统或议员在任期内。
The real estate industry is in a serious slump, and industry people say the worst is yet to come.
real estate指“不动产,房地产”,房地产商即real estate businesses/agents,常用于美式英语,英式英语中则用estate agency/agents。
此外,property和realty也指“房地产”,房地产业则可以用housing estate,realty business等来表达。
Real estate is property in the form of land and buildings, rather than personal possessions.
Answered by Scott Frey
Scott Frey的回复:
The best time to brush your teeth is in the morning before breakfast. However, it certainly isn’t the only time you should brush throughout the day.
There are several reasons for this:
1. Salivary calcium levels are lowest in the morning. Thus, your teeth are at a much higher risk of acidic damage from bacteria and dietary acids in the morning than at any other time. Brushing kickstarts salivary flow that has been reduced overnight and adds in fluoride to the mix which will help buffer against acids.
2. Bacteria take seconds to begin to metabolize sugars into acids. Clearing them out before the introduction of food makes far more sense than brushing after they have already soaked up sugars and produced acids especially considering point #1.
3. Bacteria have been multiplying overnight in an environment characterized by reduced salivary flow.
4. Acidic foods and drinks will soften your enamel and make you teeth more vulnerable to toothbrush abrasion if brushing immediately after meals.Toothbrush abrasion and erosion are becoming increasingly common so we need to pay greater mind. Scrubbing on your teeth when your enamel has been softened up by something like OJ will lead to toothbrush abrasion and increased sensitivity of your teeth.
The process of enamel demineralization occurs much more rapidly than remineralization, so it is extremely important to take steps to limit the extent of demineralization throughout the day so your teeth can recover.
If the issue is how toothpaste impacts your appreciation for breakfast, use a SLS-free toothpaste because SLS affects your tastebuds and makes things taste odd (you should be using an SLS-free toothpaste for other reasons).
Answered by Anonymous
This entire saga, starting from an act of racism(disgrace to humanity), followed by worldwide support from fellow footballers and well known personalities:
Barcelona star Dani Alves ate a banana thrown at him by racist fans.
Here’s what followed in support of Alves:
Dani Alves: Barcelona player backed by banana-eating stars
Stars from the world of football have backed Barcelona’s Dani Alves after he reacted to having a banana thrown at him by peeling it and taking a bite.
Another Brazilian, Liverpool midfielder Philipe Coutinho, posted a picture on Twitter of him and Reds team-mate Luis Suarez holding bananas.
Manchester City’s Sergio Aguero posted a photo of him with Brazilian female player Marta eating bananas in support.
Campaign: Television presenter Marilo Montero also joined in the backing for Alves
Biting back: Alves’ girlfriend Thaissa Carvalho (centre( posted a picture of her and others eating bananas with the hashtag #saynotoracism
Spontaneous: Montero produced a banana on television in support of Alves
Countrymen: Chelsea’s Brazilian stars Oscar, David Luiz and Willian had their say on the incident
Banana skin: Neymar
Backing: Italian premier Matteo Renzi (left) and the Italian national team coach Cesare Prandelli share a banana in solidarity for Dani Alves
Samual Eto’o joining the brigade.
Lewandowski & Aubameyang
Getting stuck in: Tottenham’s Mousa Dembele and Nacer Chadli in the Tottenham canteen
Here’s what happened:
In the end, Football (humanity) wins.
Alves 1-0 Racism
阿尔维斯 1-0 种族歧视
I’m sorry that I don’t conform to your preconceived notions of perfection.
在本句中,conform to指与某种样式、类型等“相吻合,一致”。表示“符合、一致”的时候,我们也可以用到correspond,accord,coincide,agree等。
此外,conform to也指“遵守,遵从,符合(法律、意愿等)”,主语只能为物,如符合安全标准,“conform to safety requirements”。
If someone or something conforms to a pattern or type, they are very similar to it.
Eating vegetables is good for your health.
be good for指“有利的,有益的”,我们也可以用到benefit,be of benefit,be beneficial to,do good to,be of assistance等。
If something is good for a person or organization, it benefits them.
His ironical remarks are not directed at you.
direct at的释义比较多,在本句中指某种言论冲某人而来,有“针对”的意思,这里也可以用aim at。除了言论,direct at也可以用于描述眼神,如意味深长地看某人一眼,“direct a meaningful look at someone”。
direct at还指“把……对准”,如把光对准墙壁,“direct the light at the wall”;或指将注意力、情感、行为等转向、引向某人或某物,如冲某人发火,“direct someone’s anger at someone else”。
If a remark or look is directed at you, someone says something to you or looks at you.
On warm days, bears stretch out or lie on their backs with their feet in the air.
stretch out指“伸直”,可以是伸直身体平躺下来,也可以是伸开身体的某一部分,比如伸手,“stretch out someone’s hand”。原句中也可以表述为“bears stretch themselves out”。需要注意的是,这里的伸直指身体和腿在一条直线上,四仰八叉地躺倒是不能用stretch out的,而应该用sprawl,表示伸开四肢坐着或躺着,有一种懒洋洋的感觉。
If you stretch out or stretch yourself out, you lie with your legs and body in a straight line.
Cherry blossoms last only for a few days, a week at the most.
last本身即有“维持,持续”的意思,后接一段时间时可搭配介词for,表示持续一段时间。last也可以指在一段时间内保持可用状态,比如说一管胶水可以用很久,就可以用“last for ages”。
If an event, situation, or problem lasts for a particular length of time, it continues to exist or happen for that length of time.
at the most指“最多,至多”,也可以直接用at most,或者at the utmost。at best也可以表示“最多”,但为贬义,表示“顶多,充其量”,比如我们常说的往好里说如何,往差里说又是如何,这里的往好里说就可以用at best。
You use at most or at the most to say that a number or amount is the maximum that is possible and that the actual number or amount may be smaller.
Any trait, or small trick, or life-hack, anything, other than some trivia or fact. Something one can learn in 10 minutes or so (and perhaps with a bit of practice every day, can excel at it), but it must be useful for the person for the remainder of his or her life.
Answered by Abhishek A. Singh
Abhishek A. Singh的回复:
1.Primacy and recency: People most remember the first and last things to occur, and barely the middle.
When scheduling an interview, ask what times the employer is interviewing and try to be first or last.
2.If you work in a bar or in customer service of any kind …
… Put a mirror behind you at the counter. This way angry customers who approach you will have to see themselves in the mirror behind you and the chances of them behaving irrationally lowers significantly.
3.Once you make the sales pitch, don’t say anything else.
This works in sales, but it can also be applied in other ways. My boss at an old job was training me and just giving me pointers. I was working at a gym trying to sell memberships. He told me that once I got all the small talk out of the way and presented the prices, that the first person to talk will lose. It didn’t seem like a big deal but it actually worked. Often there were long periods of awkward silence as the person tried to come up with some excuse, but usually they bought.
4.If you ask someone a question and they only partially answer, just wait.
If you stay silent and keep eye contact they will usually continue talking.
5.Chew gum when you’re approaching a situation that would make you nervous like public speaking or bungee jumping.
If we are eating , something in our brain reasons ‘I would not be eating if I were danger. So I’m not in danger’. It has helped me to stay calm a few times.
6.People will always remember not what you said but how you made them feel.
Also most people like talking about themselves so ask lots of questions about them.
7.When you’re learning something new, teach it to a friend. Let them ask questions to you related to it.
If you’re able to teach something well, you can be sure that you’ve understood it very well.
8.If you get yourself to be really happy and excited to see other people, they will react the same to you.
It doesn’t always happen the first time, but it will definitely happen next time.
9.The physical effects of stress – breathing rate and heart rate – are almost identical to the physical effects of courage.
When your feeling stressed from any situation immediately reframe it : Your body is getting ready to be courageous, it will NOT feeling stressed.
10.Pay attention to people’s feet.
If you approach two people in the middle of a conversation, and they only turn their torsos and not their feet, they don’t want you to join in the conversation. Similarly if you are in a conversation with a coworker who you think is paying attention to you and their torso is turned towards you but their feet are facing in another direction, they want the conversation to end.
confidence is more important than knowledge.
Don’t be intimidated by anyone, everyone is playing a role and wearing a mask.
12.If you pretend to be something for long enough, you will eventually become it.
13.Not to be creepy, but if you want to stare at someone unashamedly, look directly past them and wait for them to try and meet your eyes.
When they fail to do that, they’ll look around (usually nervously for a second) they won’t look at you again for some time. This is your chance to straight up stare at this person for at least 45 seconds.
Corollary (Suggested by )
If you’re staring at someone and get caught, DON’T turn your head or your body to look away, because that just confirms that you were staring. Just move your EYEBALLS off the person. Unlike turning your head, it’s instantaneous. And the person will think you were just looking at something behind them and that they were mistaken for thinking you were staring. Do it confidently, and ignore any reaction from the person, and you can sell it every single time. After a second you can even look back at them with a “Why are you staring at me?” look on your face to really cement the deal!
直接推论:(来自Brian Stutzman)
14.Build a network.
Become their information source, and let them be yours. Even grabbing a beer with a former colleague once a year will keep you in the loop at the old office. Former coworkers might have gotten a new position in that office you always wanted to work in, great! Go to them for a beer, and ask about the office. It’s all about connections and information.
15.If you are angry at the person in front of you driving like a grandmother …
Pretend it is your grandmother, it will significantly reduce your road rage
16.Stand up straight
No slouching, hands out of pockets, and head held up high. It’s not just a cliche — you literally feel better and people around you feel more confident in you.
17.Avoid saying “I think,” and “I believe” unless absolutely necessary.
These are phrases that do not evoke confidence, and will literally do you no good.
18.When feeling anxious, clean up your home or work space.
You will feel happier and more accomplished than before.
19.Always buy the first pitcher or round of drinks.
You’d be surprised how long you can drink on the phrase “I bought the first one.”
20.Going into an interview…be interested in your interviewers.
If you focus on learning about them you seem more interesting and dynamic. (Again, people love to talk about themselves.)
21.Pay Attention Parents: Always give your kid a choice that makes them think they are in control.
For instance when I want him to put his shoes on I will say ,”do you want to put your star wars shoes on or your shark shoes on?”
Pro-tip: In some cases, this works on adults.
22.Your action affect your attitudes more than your attitudes affect your actions.
As my former teacher said “You can jump and dance FOR joy, but you can also jump and dance yourself joyful.“
23.When a group of people laugh, people will instinctively look at the person they feel closest to in that group.
24.If you want to build rapport or gain someone’s trust quickly, match their body posture and position.
If someone is sitting with her legs crossed cross your legs. If they’re leaning away from you lean away from them. If they’re leaning towards you, lean towards them. Mirroring and matching body position is a subconscious way to tell if someone trusts you or is comfortable with you. If you’re sitting with your arms crossed and you notice someone else is sitting with her arms crossed, that is a good indicator that you have/are successfully built/building rapport with that person.
25.The Benjamin Franklin Effect (suggested by )
The pencil one may seem far-fetched but I find the basis of it (the Benjamin Franklin effect) is very useful and extends far beyond pencil borrowing. This knowledge is useful in the world of flirting too. Asking a girl in your class if you can borrow a pencil or her notes or to explain the homework will make her more likely to like you than if you let her borrow your stuff or are the one to help her. Even just asking a girl to buy you drinks (facetiously) leaves a much bigger impression than offering to or actually buying a girl a drink. The best part is it kills 3 birds with one stone: you get the advantages of the favor itself, the person subconsciously likes you more, and it makes them more open to future favors and conversation.
本杰明·富兰克林效应(来自Matt Miller)
26.Handling Panic and Anxiety Behavior (Suggested by )
When you’re feeling stressed, worried or angry, tap each finger tip while thinking (or speaking quietly) a few specific words about what is bothering you. Repeat the same words while tapping each of your 10 fingers, including thumbs. For example, tap while saying, “I’m so angry with her…” Doing so will likely take the charge out of the feeling and return you to a more resourceful (better feeling) state of being. It’s called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or “tapping,” and it is useful in many, many life situations – emotional upset, physical pain, food cravings, traumatic memories…
如何控制恐惧和焦虑(来自Jade Barbee)
I used to sit 5-8 hours before laptop, sleep at 2-4 am some times and rush for the 8 am class the next day and so on. This clearly damaged my memory and analytical skills. Presently, I cannot concentrate on something for more than 5-10 min and I can’t even remember the names of people I meet daily. My sense of humor degraded and I don’t find the jokes to which my friends laugh like mad men as humorous. Is there a way to increase my memory and repair my brain?
Answered by Shaurya Chopra
Shaurya Chopra的回复:
1.Remove distractions.
2.Sleep properly.
3.Prioritise work.
4.Deactivate facebook for 10 days.
5.Keep at it, slow and steady wins the race.
Answered by James Liu
James Liu的回复:
I recommend the following:
1.Exercise, as mentioned by others. Go running. It will release brain chemicals to help you focus.
2.Sleep well. Perhaps change your mattress. You spend 1/3 of your entire life sleeping. It’s important to be well rested.
3.Eat well, make sure you have some eggs every once in a while. I don’t know why, but eggs help me.
Here’s my philosophy for using a to-do lists:
1.Any time during the day when there is an idea or have a new task, write it down. Then forget it.
2.Any time during the day there is free time, look up the list and do one of them.
3.During the task be focused, nothing should stop you from finishing this task.
4.This next part is important. Cross it out and celebrate. Give yourself a pat on the back. You did it.
5.Have more free time? Do something else on the list.
这里分享我的to-do list使用方法:
Answered by Rob Farris
Rob Farris的回复:
There are many lists of concentration exercises available online, try a google search.
I’ve been attempting the following:
1. Select a random page in a random book. Count all the words in a paragraph on that page. Recount. Now do the same for the entire page. If the numbers do not match during the recount, start over. Don’t point at the page or count out loud – this should be performed mentally.
2. Count backwards in your head from 100 to 0. If you find your thoughts straying, start over.
1.随意选一本书随意地翻开某一页。数这一页的某段有多少个字,再数一遍。然后数一数这一整页有多少个字,再数一遍。如果第二次的个数与第一次不同,那么请重新开始。 注意:不要用手指着数或大声数出来——要默数。
Each of these I try to do for 10-15 minutes. It seems to be about the right amount of time.
For me, tasks like this are helpful in reminding myself what it means to concentrate, how it feels to be focused on a single task. I also appreciate that these can be done in any spare pockets of time I have during the day.
Answered by Achintya Prakash
Achintya Prakash的回复:
1.Cut down your goals into smaller, achievable, more immediate targets.
2.Start fasting a bit.
3.Force yourself a bit, but don’t force yourself too much.
4.Delay gratification.
5.Give yourself some buffer time.
6.Don’t procrastinate the little, unpleasant things that take a minute.
7.Exercise your mind everyday.
8.Exercise your body everyday.
Answered by Yishan Wong
Yishan Wong的回复:
The main idea is to build up a self-image of being someone with a lot of focus over a long period of time by using short-term hacks (like “close all other applications”) over time until you have a track record of being someone with a lot of focus and you and everyone else believes you have a lot of focus. This eventually becomes self-reinforcing because then you begin to naturally do things that stay on track rather than allowing yourself to become distracted. Like Nietzsche said, “there are no actors, only actions.”
Any trait, or small trick, or life-hack, anything, other than some trivia or fact.Something one can learn in 10 minutes or so (and perhaps with a bit of practice every day, can excel at it), but it must be useful for the person for the remainder of his or her life.
Answered by Cyndi Perlman Fink
Cyndi Perlman Fink的回复:
How to buy strawberries …
Smell them. If they smell like strawberries buy them, they will taste divine. If they look gorgeous but have no smell, they will have no taste.
Simple and foolproof. If people give you a strange look because you’re smelling the strawberries, let them not smell and buy the tasteless ones.
Answered by Karen Opas
Karen Opas的回复:
How to tell if you are about to buy a juicy orange or grapefruit, no matter what the skin looks like:
Pick up the orange or grapefruit. If it feels light, it’s not juicy and will taste rather woody.
Go through the bin picking the ones that feel heaviest compared to oranges or grapefruits of a similar size. They’ll be the tastiest ones.
I was shown this trick by a very ancient and rather irritable gentleman when I was in my early 20′s. He literally slapped the orange I was about to bag out of my hand and explained his system. Thanks to him, I’ve enjoyed decades of juicy oranges and grapefruits.
Answered by Julie Hume
Julie Hume的回复:
When your dog won’t come back to you on a walk, don’t chase after her yelling. She’ll think that is the best game in the world and … good luck catching her.
Instead, shout happily, “Yeah, Bella, you can’t catch me!” and run like hell in the other direction laughing like a crazy person. Your dog will think you are having a great time and gallop after you to join in.
And once you have her back again, don’t scold her for running away. If you do she’ll equate the telling off to her return, not to her bolt for freedom and she will be that much less likely to come to you on recall the next time. Always make coming to you the best thing ever.
Answered by Philip Liou
Philip Liou的回复:
If you ever feel there’s something in your eye, like dust, just do this:
Look down, open your eyes wide, and keep blinking.
Additionally, if the particle is in the extremities, move your eyeball in the opposite direction of where you feel the pain. So if you feel pain at the top, do the above steps but roll your eyeball to the bottom and keep blinking.
Learned it from my teacher in first grade and works every time. Even when I’m wearing contacts.
大家说自己的英语不好的时候,经常会称自己是“哑巴英语”;实际上你问问自己,你的英语会水平比得上一个英国的哑巴么? 即便你不能流利的口头对话,却可以在纽约时报维基百科上阅读资料和查证分析,在邮件组和Stackoverflow上讨论技术问题,Quora上和世界分享自己的经历和见解,那其实你的英语已经相当好了。
正是这样的想法导致无数人学了十几年英语,依然不停地要从背单词开始,从A背到C,再从A背到C,再从A背到C…… 却始终不敢也不能去读完一篇稍长点的英语新闻,勿论一本完整的英语书籍。
Answered by Soma Sekhara Reddy
Soma Sekhara Reddy的回复:
Here are some of the best comebacks I have read in the history …
Foreign Diplomat: “Mr. President! You black your own boots?”
Abraham Lincoln: “Yes. Whose boots do you black?”
John Montagu: “Sir, I do not know whether you will die on the gallows or of the pox.”
John Wilkes: “That will depend, my lord, on whether I embrace your principles or your mistress.”
Actress: “I enjoyed reading your book. Who wrote it for you?”
Ilka Chase: “Darling, I’m so glad that you liked it. Who read it to you?”
Nancy Astor: “Winston, if you were my husband, I’d put poison in your coffee.” Winston Churchill: “Nancy, if you were my wife, I’d drink it.”
Abraham Lincoln: “I leave it to my audience. If I had another face, do you think I would wear this one?”
Anonymous Singer: “You know, my dear, I insured my voice for fifty thousand dollars.”
Hopkins: “That’s wonderful. And what did you do with the money?”
Coward: “You look almost like a man.”
Ferber: “So do you.”
MP: “Mr. Churchill, must you fall asleep while I’m speaking?”
Churchill: “No, it’s purely voluntary.”
Woman: “Mr. Coolidge, I’ve made a bet against a fellow who said it was impossible to get more than two words out of you.”
Coolidge: “You lose.”
Source: Nidokidos.
He’s bulked up quite a bit since he’s been going to the gym.
bulk up指身体变得强壮,尤其是指健身增加肌肉量。除此以外,bulk up还可指“增加,积累”,尤其指增加厚度,如,“Proper citation of referenced materials can ‘bulk up’ a short paper.”这里用bulk out也是可以的。
If someone or something bulks up or bulks out, they become bigger or heavier.
If someone bulks up or if they bulk up their body, they put on weight in the form of extra muscle.
quite a bit指“很多,相当多”,也可以用quite a lot。类似的还有quite a few/little/number,a good many等。比较混乱吧?看上去像是少,怎么就变成多了呢?来简单看一下。
quite a few指不少,相当多,强调数目,修饰可数名词;quite a little指很多,或比预想的要多,相当于much,但比much等语气更为强烈,强调量或程度之多,修饰不可数名词;quite a lot用法同quite a bit,表示非常多,如果后面要接名词,需加of,如quite a lot of articles。
Quite a bit means quite a lot.
Tom said he wanted to get out of town for a while.
out of town作副词,指出城或在外地,作形容词指不在城里的,也可以写作out-of-town,指“城外的,城郊的;外来的”。在英式英语中,out of town也指不在伦敦。
a while指一段时间,一会儿,for a while即指for a short time,“暂时,一会儿”。类似的我们也可以用到awhile,也表示“一会儿”,如sit awhile。
a while和awhile几乎可以互相替换,但区别在于,a while是名词,表示一段时间,需要加介词使用,如原句中的for a while,a while ago;而awhile是副词,意思同for a while。
A while is a period of time.
Tom has had trouble with his left eye ever since the accident.
本句中have trouble with something指身体某处不适或有病痛,此外,这个短语还有“与……有纠纷”的意思,如“I have trouble with my roommate.”;或在某方面遇到困难,如“I have trouble with this lesson.”
If you have kidney trouble or back trouble, for example, there is something wrong with your kidneys or your back.
ever since指“自从,打……以后一直”,直接用since也是可以的。
If something has been the case ever since a particular time, it has been the case all the time from then until now.
The settlement is a matter of time.
a matter of time指“(只是)时间的问题”,侧重说明某事必定会发生。
If you say that something is just a matter of time, you mean that it is certain to happen at some time in the future.
I’ll drop in on you sometime in the near future.
drop in on指顺道拜访,也可指突然拜访。表示拜访,我们还可以用到call on,visit等,其区别在于,call on是社交上的正式用语,指无目的、礼节性的短暂拜访;drop in on多指在计划之外,或事先未打招呼的偶然、顺道拜访;visit是正式用语,强调出于工作需要的访问,也可以指亲戚朋友之间的看望。
If you drop in on someone, you visit them informally, usually without having arranged it.
in the near future指“在不久的将来,近期”,也可以用in the short run,not long in the future等等。
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