
Unity3D 图形问题之如何使用水? - 资讯频道 -
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Unity3D 图形问题之如何使用水?
& && && &注意:本页所述内容只适用于台式机编辑器模式。
& && && &Unity 的标准资源和专业版标准资源包 (Standard Assets and Pro Standard Assets packages) 中包含数种水预设(包括所需的着色器、脚本和艺术资源)。Unity 包含一个基本水效果,而 Unity 专业版则包含带实时反射和折射的水,两者都提供有白天和晚上分开的水预设。
白天的水反射效果(Unity 专业版)
白天的水反射/折射效果(Unity 专业版)
& && && &在大多数情况下,只需将现有的一个预设 (Prefab) 放入场景当中(确认 已安装标准资源 (Standard Assets installed)):
& && && &Unity 在标准资源 (Standard Assets)-&水 (Water) 中有白天简单水 (Daylight Simple Water) 和夜间简单水 (Nighttime Simple Water) 两种。
& && &&&Unity 专业版在专业版标准资源 (Pro Standard Assets)-&水 (Water) 中有白天水 (Daylight Water) 和夜间水 (Nighttime Water) 两种,但是还需要标准资源 (Standard Assets)-&水 (Water) 中的一些资源。水模式(简单、反射、折射)可在检视器 (Inspector) 中设置。
& && & 预设使用椭圆形的网格表示水。如果需要使用一个不同的网格,最简单的方法是在水对象的网格过滤器 (Mesh Filter) 中更改:
& && & Unity 中的简单水要求附加脚本到类似平面的网格中并使用水着色器:
& && && &&&1 、拥有用于水的网格。应为平网格,水平方向。不需要 UV 坐标。水游戏对象应使用水 (Water) 层 (layer),可在检视器 (Inspector) 中设置。
& && && &&&2、(Standard Assets)/水 (Water)/源 (Sources) 中将 WaterSimple 脚本附到对象中。
& && && &&&3、 在材质中使用 FX/Water (simple) 着色器,或调整提供的水材质之一(白天简单水 (Daylight Simple Water) 或夜间简单水 (Nighttime Simple Water))。
Unity 专业版中的反射/折射水要求用类似的步骤从头开始设置:
& && && &&&1 、拥有用于水的网格。应为平网格,水平方向。不需要 UV 坐标。水游戏对象应使用水 (Water) 层 (layer),可在检视器 (Inspector) 中设置。
& && && &&&2 、从专业版标准资源 (Standard Assets)/水 (Water)/源 (Sources) 中将 水 (Water) 脚本附到对象中; 水渲染模式可在检视器 (Inspector) 中设置:简单、反射或折射。
& && && &&&3 、 在材质中使用 FX/Water 着色器,或调整提供的水材质之一(白天水 (Daylight Water) 或夜间水 (Nighttime Water))。
这些属性用于反射与折射 (Reflective & Refractive) 水着色器中。大部分也用于简单水着色器。
波浪大小 (Wave scale)
反射/折射扭曲度 (Reflection/refraction distort)
折射颜色 (Refraction color)
环境反射/折射 (Environment reflection/refraction)
法线贴图 (Normalmap)
波速 (Wave speed)
第一张法线贴图(1 号和 2 号数字)与第二张法线贴图(3 号和 4 号数字)的滚动速度。
菲涅尔 (Fresnel)
带 alpha 通道的纹理控制菲涅尔 (Fresnel) 效果。根据视角不同,反射与折射的可见度。
& && & 其余的属性在反射与折射着色器 (Reflective & Refractive shader) 中不会用到,但也要进行设置以免用户的显卡不支持,必须退回到较简单的着色器:
反射颜色 (Reflective color)/立方体和菲涅尔 (cube and Fresnel)
根据视角定义水的颜色 (RGB) 和菲涅尔效果 (A) 的纹理。
地平线颜色 (Horizon color)
后备纹理 (Fallback texture)
& && & 反射 + 折射水可以在支持像素着色器 2.0(GeForce FX 及更高版本,Radeon 9500 及更高版本,Intel 9xx)的图形卡上运行。旧图形卡上使用反射水。
& && &反射水可以在支持像素着色器 1.4(GeForce FX 及更高版本,Radeon 8500 及更高版本,Intel 9xx)的图形卡上运行。旧图形卡上使用简单水。
& &&&简单水可以在任何机器上使用,硬件能力不同,所应用的细节级别就不同
分类:& 14:25&413人阅读&(0)&收藏&
Player Settings&is where you define various parameters (platform specific) for the final game that you will build in Unity. Some of these values for example are used in the&Resolution
Dialog&that launches when you open a standalone game, others are used by XCode when building your game for the iOS devices, so it's important to fill them out correctly.
To see the Player Settings choose&Edit-&Project Settings-&Player&from the menu bar.
从菜单栏查看播放器设置,选择&Edit-&Project Settings-&Player
Global Settings that apply to any project you create.
Cross-Platform Properties
Company Name&公司名称
The name of your company. This is used to locate the preferences file.
您的公司名称, 这是用来设置参数文件。
Product Name&产品名称
The name that will appear on the menu bar when your game is running and is used to locate the preferences file also.
Default Icon&默认图标
Default icon the application will have on every platform (You can override this later for platform specific needs).
Per-Platform Settings 各平台设置
Web-Player Web播放器
Resolution And Presentation 分辨率和描述
Default Screen Width
Screen Width the player will be generated with.
Default Screen Height
Screen Height the player will be generated with.
Run in background
Check this if you dont want to stop executing your game if the player looses focus.
WebPlayer Template
For more information you should check the&, note that for each built-in and custom template there will be an icon in this section.
Icons don't have any meaning for most webplayer builds but they are needed for Native Client builds used as Chrome applications. You can set these icons here.
Other Settings 其他设置
Rendering Path&渲染路径
This property is shared between Standalone and WebPlayer content.
&&&&Vertex Lit&顶点光照
Lowest lighting fidelity, no shadows support. Best used on old machines or limited mobile platforms.
&&&&Forward with Shaders&
Good support f limited support for shadows.
&&&&Deferred Lighting&
Best support for lighting and shadowing features, but requires certain level of hardware support. Best used if you have many realtime lights. Unity Pro only.
Color Space 色彩空间
The color space to be used for rendering&用于渲染的色彩空间
&&&&GammaSpace Rendering
Rendering is gamma-corrected&
&&&&Linear Rendering
Rendering is done in linear space&
Hardware Sampling
Static Batching
Set this to use Static batching on your build (Inactive by default in webplayers). Unity Pro only.
编译时设置使用静态批处理(在Web播放器中默认无效)。 Unity 专业版功能 。
Dynamic Batching&
Set this to use Dynamic Batching on your build (Activated by default).
First Streamed Level
If you are publishing a Streamed Web Player, this is the index of the first level that will have access to all Resources.Load assets.
如果你想发布流媒体网络播放器, 这是第一个关卡的索引,它将访问所有Resources.Load加载的资源。
Standalone 单机
Resolution And Presentation 分辨率和描述
Default Screen Width
Screen Width the stand alone game will be using by default.
Default Screen Height
Screen Height the plater will be using by default.
Run in background
Check this if you dont want to stop executing your game if it looses focus.
Standalone Player Options
Default is Full Screen
Check this if you want to start your game by default in full screen mode.
Capture Single Screen
If enabled, standalone games in fullscreen mode will not darken the secondary monitor in multi-monitor setups.
DisplayResolution Dialog
No resolution dialog will appear when starting the game.
Resolution dialog will always appear when the game is launched.
Hidden by default&默认隐藏
The resolution player is possible to be opened only if you have pressed the &alt& key when starting the game.
Use Player Log&使用播放器日志
Write a log file with debugging information.
Mac App Store Validation
Enable receipt validation for the Mac App Store.
Supported Aspect Ratios
Aspect Ratios selectable in the Resolution Dialog will be monitor-supported resolutions of enabled items from this list.
Override for Standalone
Check if you want to assign a custom icon you would like to be used for your standalone game. Different sizes of the icon should fill in the squares below.
Splash Image 开机画面
Config Dialog Banner
Add your custom splash image that will be displayed when the game is starting.
Other Settings 其他设置
Rendering Path&渲染路径
This property is shared between Standalone and WebPlayer content.
&&&&Vertex Lit&顶点光照
Lowest lighting fidelity, no shadows support. Best used on old machines or limited mobile platforms.
&&&&Forward with Shaders
Good support f limited support for shadows.
&&&&Deferred Lighting
Best support for lighting and shadowing features, but requires certain level of hardware support. Best used if you have many realtime lights. Unity Pro only.
Color Space&色彩空间
The color space to be used for rendering&用于渲染的色彩空间
&&&&GammaSpace Rendering
Rendering is gamma-corrected
&&&&Linear Rendering&线性渲染
Rendering is done in linear space
Hardware Sampling
Static Batching&静态批处理
Set this to use Static batching on your build (Inactive by default in webplayers). Unity Pro only.
编译时设置使用静态批处理(在Web播放器中默认无效)。 Unity 专业版功能 。
Dynamic Batching&动态批处理
Set this to use Dynamic Batching on your build (Activated by default).
API Compatibility Level
&&&&.Net 2.0
.Net 2.0 libraries. Maximum .net compatibility, biggest file sizes
.Net 2.0 库。 最大.net 兼容性, 最大文件大小。
&&&&.Net 2.0 Subset
&&&&.Net 2.0 子集
Subset of full .net compatibility, smaller file sizes
完整的子集 .net 兼容性,较小的文件大小。
Resolution And Presentation 分辨率和描述
Default Orientation&默认方向
(This setting is shared between iOS and Android devices)
The device is in portrait mode, with the device held upright and the home button at the bottom.
&&&&Portrait Upside Down (iOS Only)
&&&&纵向倒置 (仅iOS)
The device is in portrait mode but upside down, with the device held upright and the home button at the top.
&&&&Landscape Right (iOS Only)
&&&&右横向 (仅iOS)
The device is in landscape mode, with the device held upright and the home button on the&leftside.
&&&&Landscape Left
The device is in landscape mode, with the device held upright and the home button on the&rightside.
&&&&Auto Rotation&自动旋转
The screen orientation is automatically set based on the physical device orientation.
Auto Rotation settings
&&&&Use Animated Autorotation
When checked, orientation change is animated. This only applies when Default orientation is set to Auto Rotation.
Allowed Orientations for Auto Rotation
When checked, portrait orientation is allowed. This only applies when Default orientation is set to Auto Rotation.
&&&&Portrait Upside Down
When checked, portrait upside down orientation is allowed. This only applies when Default orientation is set to Auto Rotation.
&&&&Landscape Right
When checked, landscape right (home button on the&left&side) orientation is allowed. This only applies when Default orientation is set to Auto Rotation.
当勾选,右允许横向(home 键左边)这仅适用于默认方向设置为自动旋转时。
&&&&Landscape Left
When checked, landscape left (home button is on the&right&side) orientation is allowed. This only applies when Default orientation is set to Auto Rotation.
当勾选,允许左横向(home 键右边)这仅适用于默认方向设置为自动旋转时。
Status Bar
Status Bar Hidden&隐藏状态栏
Specifies whether the status bar is initially hidden when the application launches.
Status Bar Style&状态栏样式
Specifies the style of the status bar as the application launches
&&&&Black Translucent
&&&&Black Opaque
Use 32-bit Display Buffer
Specifies if Display Buffer should be created to hold 32-bit color values (16-bit by default). Use it if you see banding, or need alpha in your ImageEffects, as they will create RTs in same format as Display Buffer.
Show Loading Indicator
Options for the loading indicator&
&&&&Don't Show&不显示
No indicator&无加载条
&&&&White Large&白色大
Indicator shown large and in white&加载条较大,并且为白色
Indicator shown at normal size in white&加载条为正常大小,并且为白色
Indicator shown at normal size in gray&加载条为正常大小,并且为灰色
Override for iOS
Check if you want to assign a custom icon you would like to be used for your iPhone/iPad game. Different sizes of the icon should fill in the squares below.
Prerendered icon&预渲染图标
If unchecked iOS applies sheen and bevel effects to the application icon.
Splash Image 开机画面
Mobile Splash Screen&手机开机画面
(Pro-only feature)(专业版功能)
Specifies texture which should be used for iOS Splash Screen. Standard Splash Screen size is 320x480.(This is shared between Android and iOS)
指定用于IOS开机画面纹理。 标准开机画面的尺寸为320x480。(此项与Android 和 iOS共享)
High Res. iPhone (Pro-only feature)
Specifies texture which should be used for iOS 4th gen device Splash Screen. Splash Screen size is 640x960.
指定用于IOS第四代设备的开机画面纹理。 开机画面的尺寸为640x960。
iPad Portrait (Pro-only feature)
Specifies texture which should be used as iPad Portrait orientation Splash Screen. Standard Splash Screen size is 768x1024.
指定用于iPad纵向的开机画面纹理。 标准开机画面的尺寸为768x1024。
iPad Landscape (Pro-only feature)
Specifies texture which should be used as iPad Landscape orientation Splash Screen. Standard Splash Screen size is .
指定用于iPad横向的开机画面纹理。 标准开机画面的尺寸为。
Other Settings 其它设置
Static Batching&静态批处理
Set this to use Static batching on your build (Activated by default). Pro-only feature.
设置使用Static batching编译(默认激活的)。仅专业版功能
Dynamic Batching&动态批处理
Set this to use Dynamic Batching on your build (Activated by default).
设置使用Dynamic batching编译(默认激活的)。
Bundle Identifier&包标识符
The string used in your provisioning certificate from your Apple Developer Network account(This is shared between iOS and Android)
从苹果开发者网络帐户在你的证书中使用的字符串。(此项与iOS 和 Android共享)
Bundle Version&包版本
Specifies the build version number of the bundle, which identifies an iteration (released or unreleased) of the bundle. This is a monotonically increased string, comprised of one or more period-separated
指定该包的版本号,包的迭代版本号(发布或未发布的)。这是单一性的增加字符串,由一个或多个句点分割。 (此项与iOS 和 Android共享)
Target Device&目标设备
Specifies application target device type.&指定应用程序目标设备类型。
&&&&iPhone Only
Application is targeted for iPhone devices only.
&&&&iPad Only
Application is targeted for iPad devices only.
&&&&iPhone + iPad
Application is targeted for both iPad and iPhone devices.
应用程序目标为iPad and iPhone设备。
Target Platform&目标平台
Specifies the target arquitecture you are going to build for.(This setting is shared between iOS and Android Platforms)
指定你将要编译的目标架构(此项与Android 和 iOS平台共享)
&&&&armv6 (OpenGL ES1.1)
Application is optimized for armv6 chipsets&
&&&&Universal armv6+armv7
&&&&(OpenGL ES1.1+2.0)
Application supports both armv6 and armv7 chipsets.&Note: increases application distribution size
应用程序支持armv6和armv7芯片组。 注意: 将会增加应用程序的大小
Application is optimized for armv7 chipsets. 1st-2nd gen. devices are not supported. There might be additional requirements for this build target imposed by Apple App Store. Defaults to OpenGL ES 2.0.
对于armv7芯片组优化的应用程序,不支持一代和二代设备。对于此编译目标苹果应用商店有可能额外强加要求,默认 OpenGL ES 2.0。
Target Resolution&目标分辨率
Resolution you want to use on your deployed device.(This setting will not have any effect on devices with maximum resolution of 480x320)
&&&&Native(Default Device Resolution)
Will use the device native resolution.&
&&&&(Medium or Low Resolution)
Use the lowest resolution possible (480x320).
&&&&HD&高清 (最高分辨率)
&&&&(Highest available resolution)
Use the maximum resolution allowed on the device (960x640).
使用设备允许最大的分辨率 (960x640)。
Accelerometer Frequency
How often the accelerometer is sampled
Accelerometer is not sampled&加速计不采样
15 samples per second&每秒15次
30 samples per second&每秒30次
60 samples per second&每秒60次
100 samples per second&每秒100次
Override iPod Music
If selected application will silence user's iPod music. Otherwise user's iPod music will continue playing in the background.
UI Requires Persistent WiFi
Specifies whether the application requires a Wi-Fi connection. iOS maintains the active Wi-Fi connection open while the application is running.
Exit on Suspend
Specifies whether the application should quit when suspended to background on iOS versions that support multitasking.
Api Compatibility Level&
Specifies active .NET API profile
指定可用的 .NET API 设定档
.Net 2.0 libraries. Maximum .net compatibility, biggest file sizes
Net 2.0 库. 最大的.net 兼容性,最大文件大小
.Net 2.0 Subset&
.Net 2.0子集
Subset of full .net compatibility, smaller file sizes
完整的子集 .net 兼容性,较小的文件大小
AOT compilation options
Additional AOT compiler options.
SDK Version
Specifies iPhone OS SDK version to use for building in Xcode
&&&&iOS 4.0
iOS SDK 4.0.
&&&&iOS Simulator 4.0
iOS Simulator 4.0. Application built for this version of SDK will be able to run only on Simulator from the SDK 4.
iOS 模拟器 4.0,对于这个SDK版本编译的应用程序,只能够从SDK4的模拟器上运行。
&&&&iOS 4.1
&&&&iOS Simulator 4.1
iOS Simulator 4.1. Application built for this version of SDK will be able to run only on Simulator from the SDK 4.x.
iOS 模拟器 4.1,对于这个SDK版本编译的应用程序,只能够从SDK 4.x的模拟器上运行。
&&&&iOS 4.2
&&&&iOS Simulator 4.2
iOS Simulator 4.2. Application built for this version of SDK will be able to run only on Simulator from the SDK 4.x.
iOS 模拟器 4.2,对于这个SDK版本编译的应用程序,只能够从SDK 4.x的模拟器上运行。
&&&&iOS 4.3
&&&&iOS Simulator 4.3
iOS Simulator 4.3. Application built for this version of SDK will be able to run only on Simulator from the SDK 4.x.
iOS 模拟器 4.3,对于这个SDK版本编译的应用程序,只能够从SDK 4.x的模拟器上运行。
&&&&iOS 5.0
&&&&iOS Simulator 5.0
iOS Simulator 5.0. Application built for this version of SDK will be able to run only on Simulator from the SDK 5.x.
iOS 模拟器 5.0,对于这个SDK版本编译的应用程序,只能够从SDK 5.x的模拟器上运行。
&&&&iOS latest&最新的iOS
Latest available iOS SDK. Available since iOS SDK 4.2. (default value)
最新可用的iOS SDK, 自iOS SDK 4.2以后可用 (默认值)
&&&&iOS Simulator latest
Latest available iOS Simulator SDK. Available since iOS SDK 4.2.
最新可用的iOS模拟器 SDK,自iOS SDK 4.2以后可用。
iOS SDK version is not managed by Unity Editor.
iOS SDK version 没有被Unity托管。
Target iOS Version
Specifies lowest iOS version where final application will able to run
iPhone OS 3.0. (default value)
iPhone OS 3.1.
iPhone OS 3.1.2.
iPhone OS 3.1.3.
iPhone OS 3.2.
iPhone OS 4.0.
iPhone OS 4.1.
iPhone OS 4.2.
iPhone OS 4.3.
iPhone OS 5.0
iPhone OS SDK version is not managed by Unity Editor.
Stripping Level (Pro-only feature)
Options to strip out scripting features to reduce built player size(This setting is shared between iOS and Android Platforms)
No reduction is done. 不减少。
&&&&Strip Assemblies&剥离程序集
Level 1 size reduction. 1级大小减少。
&&&&Strip ByteCode&剥离字符集
Level 2 size reduction (includes reductions from Level 1).
&&&&Use micro mscorlib
Level 3 size reduction (includes reductions from Levels 1 and 2).
Script Call Optimization
Optionally disable exception handling for a speed boost at runtime
&&&&Slow and Safe&缓慢而安全
Full exception handling will occur with some performance impact on the device
&&&&Fast but no Exceptions
No data provided for exceptions on the device, but the game will run faster
Note:&If you build for example for iPhone OS 3.2, and then select Simulator 3.2 in Xcode you will get a ton of errors. So you&MUST&be
sure to select a proper Target SDK in Unity Editor.
注意:&例如,如果编译目标为iPhone OS 3.2,那么在Xcode选择3.2模拟器,将得到很多错误。所以你必须&确保在unity中选择一个恰当的目标 SDK。
Resolution And Presentation 分辨率和描述
Resolution and presentation为你的Android编译项目.
Default Orientation&默认方向
(This setting is shared between iOS and Android devices)&
The device is in portrait mode, with the device held upright and the home button at the bottom.
Portrait Upside Down&纵向倒置
The device is in portrait mode but upside down, with the device held upright and the home button at the top (only available with Android OS 2.3 and later).
设备为纵向倒置模式,设备垂直手持并home键在顶部。 (仅Android OS 2.3和以后可用)
Landscape Right&右横向
The device is in landscape mode, with the device held upright and the home button on the&leftside (only available with Android OS 2.3 and later).
设备为横向模式,设备垂直手持并且home键在左边。(仅Android OS 2.3和以后可用)
Landscape Left&左横向
The device is in landscape mode, with the device held upright and the home button on the&rightside.
Use 32-bit Display Buffer
Specifies if Display Buffer should be created to hold 32-bit color values (16-bit by default). Use it if you see banding, or need alpha in your ImageEffects, as they will create RTs in same format as Display Buffer. Not
supported on devices running pre-Gingerbread OS (will be forced to 16-bit).
Use 24-bit Depth Buffer
If set Depth Buffer will be created to hold (at least) 24-bit depth values. Use it only if you see 'z-fighting' or other artifacts, as it may have performance implications.
Different icons that your project will have when built 你的项目编译时的默认图标.
Override for Android
Check if you want to assign a custom icon you would like to be used for your Android game. Different sizes of the icon should fill in the squares below.
SplashImage 开机画面
Splash image that is going to be displayed when your project is launched 你的项目运行时显示的开启画面.
Mobile Splash Screen&手机开机画面
(Pro-only feature)
Specifies texture which should be used by the iOS Splash Screen. Standard Splash Screen size is 320x480.(This is shared between Android and iOS)
指定用于iOS开机画面的纹理,标准开机画面的尺寸为320x480。(该项与Android 和 iOS共享)
Splash Scaling&开机画面缩放
Specifies how will be the splash image scaling on the device.
Other Settings 其他设置
Static Batching&静态批处理
Set this to use Static batching on your build (Activated by default). Pro-only feature.
设置使用Static batching编译(默认激活的)。仅专业版功能
Dynamic Batching&动态批处理
Set this to use Dynamic Batching on your build (Activated by default).
设置使用Dynamic batching编译(默认激活的)。
Bundle Identifier&包标识符
The string used in your provisioning certificate from your Apple Developer Network account(This is shared between iOS and Android)
从苹果开发者网络帐户在你的证书中使用的字符串。(这个与iOS 和 Android共享)
Bundle Version&包版本
Specifies the build version number of the bundle, which identifies an iteration (released or unreleased) of the bundle. This is a monotonically increased string, comprised of one or more period-separated(This is shared
between iOS and Android)
指定该包的版本号,包的迭代版本号(发布或未发布的)。这是单一性的增加字符串,由一个或多个句点分割。 (这个与iOS 和 Android共享)
Bundle Version Code&包版本代码
An internal version number. This number is used only to determine whether one version is more recent than another, with higher numbers indicating more recent versions. This is not the version n that
number is set by the versionName attribute. The value must be set as an integer, such as &100&. You can define it however you want, as long as each successive version has a higher number. For example, it could be a build number. Or you could translate a version
number in &x.y& format to an integer by encoding the &x& and &y& separately in the lower and upper 16 bits. Or you could simply increase the number by one each time a new version is released.
Device Filter&设备筛选器
Specifies the target architecture you are going to build for.
&&&&ARMv7 only
Application optimized for ARMv7 CPU architecture. It will also enable correct Android Market device filtering, thus recommended for publishing to the Android Market (only devices supporting Unity Android will list the application
on the Android Market).
对于ARMv7 CPU 架构优化的应用程序。 这样将启用Android Market的设备过滤,因此,建议发布到Android Market(仅设备支持Unity Android 在Android Market列出的应用程序)。
&&&&ARMv6 with VFP
Application optimized for ARMv6 CPU architecture (requires VFP support). Use runtime detection of hardware capabilities rather than relying on the Android Market filtering mechanism. It means the application when published
to the Android Market will be visible also to devices not supporting Unity Android. Obviously this is not recommended, especially for paid applications (though can be combined with other means of filtering instead, like OpenGLES version).
对于ARMv6 CPU 架构优化的应用程序(需要VFP支持)。 使用硬件功能的运行检测而不是依靠Android电子市场的过滤机制。这意味着发布到Android电子市场的也将可见,但不支持Unity Andriod设备,显然这是不推荐的,特别是对于支付应用(但可以结合其他手段过滤,像OpenGLES版本)。
Application compiled for the Intel x86 CPU architecture
对于Intel x86 CPU架构编译的应用程序。
Graphics Level&图形级别
Select either ES 1.1 ('fixed function') or ES 2.0 ('shader based') Open GL level. When using the AVD (emulator) only ES 1.x is supported.
选择ES 1.1 ('fixed function') 或 ES 2.0 ('shader based') Open GL级别。当使用AVD(模拟器)仅支持ES 1.x。
Install Location
Specifies application install location on the device (for detailed information, please refer to).
Let OS decide. User will be able to move the app back and forth.
&&&&Prefer External&偏好外部
Install app to external storage (SD-Card) if possible. OS does not guarantee t if not, the app will be installed to internal memory.
&&&&Force Internal&强制内部
Force app to be installed into internal memory. User will be unable to move the app to external storage.
强制应用程序安装到内部存储器。 用户将不能移动应用程序到外部储存器。
Internet Access&因特网访问
When set to Require, will enable networking permissions even if your scripts are not using this. Automatically enabled for development builds.
Write Access&写入访问
When set to External (SDCard), will enable write access to external storage such as the SD-Card. Automatically enabled for development builds.
Api Compatibility Level
Api 兼容级别
Specifies active .NET API profile&
指定可用的.NE API 设定档
&&&&.Net 2.0
.Net 2.0 libraries. Maximum .net compatibility, biggest file sizes
.NET 2.0库, 最大.net兼容性,最大的文件大小。
&&&&.Net 2.0 Subset&子集
Subset of full .net compatibility, smaller file sizes
完整的子集 .net 兼容性,较小的文件大小
Stripping Level (Pro-only feature)
Options to strip out scripting features to reduce built player size(This setting is shared between iOS and Android Platforms)
No reduction is done.&不减少
&&&&Strip Assemblies&剥离程序集
Level 1 size reduction.&1级大小减少。
&&&&Strip ByteCode (iOS only)
Level 2 size reduction (includes reductions from Level 1).
&&&&Use micro mscorlib
Level 3 size reduction (includes reductions from Levels 1 and 2).
Enable &logcat& profiler
Enable this if you want to get feedback from your device while testing your projects. So adb logcat prints logs from the device to the console (only available in development builds).
如果你想从设备获得反馈同时测试项目,启用此项。因此从设备adb logcat打印日志到控制台(仅在开发版可用)。
Publishing Settings 发布设置
Publishing settings for Android Market
&&&&Use Existing Keystore&使用现有密钥库
&&&&Create New Keystore&创建新密钥库
Use this to choose whether to create a new Keystore or use an existing one.
&&&&Browse Keystore&浏览密钥
Lets you select an existing Keystore.&选择已有的密钥库
&&&&Keystore password&密钥库密码
Password for the Keystore.&密钥库密码
&&&&Confirm password&确认密码
Password confirmation, only enabled if the Create New Keystore option is chosen.
确认密码,仅当Create New Keystore选项被选择时启用
Key alias&密钥别名
Password for key alias&密钥别名密码
Android Market Licensing (LVL)
&&&&Public Key&公共密钥
The public key provided by the&.
Note that for security reasons, Unity will save neither the keystore password nor the key password. Also, note that the signing must be done from Unity's player settings - using jarsigner will not work.
注意:出于安全原因,Unity既不保存keystore密码也不保存key密码。此外也请注意,数字签名必须从PlayerSettings中来完成 - 使用Jarsigner将无法正常工作。
Resolution And Presentation 分辨率和外观
Default Screen Width
Screen Width the player will be generated with.
Default Screen Height
Screen Height the plater will be generated with.
Other Settings 其他设置
Bytecode can optionally be stripped during the build.&
The Player Settings window is where many technical preference defaults are set. See also&&where the different graphics quality levels can be set up.
Publishing a web player 发布网络播放器
Default Web Screen Width&and&Default Web Screen Height&determine the size used in the html file.
You can modify the size in the html file later.
Default Screen Width&and&Default Screen Height&are used by the Web Player when entering fullscreen
mode through the context menu in the Web Player at runtime.
Customizing your Resolution Dialog 自定义分辨率对话框
The Resolution Dialog, presented to end-users&分辨率对话框,呈现给终端用户
You have the option of adding a custom banner image to the Screen Resolution Dialog in the Standalone Player. The maximum image size is 432 x 163 pixels. The image will not be scaled up
to fit the screen selector. Instead it will be centered and cropped.
在独立版播放器有一个添加自定义横幅图像到分辨率对话框的选项。最大的图像尺寸是432 x 163像素。图像不能被缩放来适应容器。相反,它将会中心放置或裁剪。
Publishing to Mac App Store 发布到苹果应用商店
Use Player Log&enables writing a log file with debugging information. This is useful to find out what happened if there are problems with your
game. When publishing games for Apple's Mac App Store, it is recommended to turn this off, because Apple may reject your submission otherwise. See&&for further information about log files.
开启Use Player Log将写入一个带有调试信息的日志文件。如果游戏有问题,找出发生了什么事情,这是非常有用的。当发布游戏到苹果应用商店,建议关掉此选项,否则苹果公司可能会拒绝你的提交。参见页面来进一步了解日志文件。
Use Mac App Store Validation&enables receipt validation for the Mac App Store. If this is enabled, your game will only run when it contains
a valid receipt from the Mac App Store. Use this when submitting games to Apple for publishing on the App Store. This prevents people from running the game on any computer then the one it was purchased on. Note that this feature does not implement any strong
copy protection. In particular, any potential crack against one Unity game would work against any other Unity content. For this reason, it is recommended that you implement your own receipt validation code on top of this using Unity's plugin feature. However,
since Apple requires plugin validation to initially happen before showing the screen setup dialog, you should still enable this check, or Apple might reject your submission.
开启Use Mac App Store Validation接收苹果应用商店验证。如果启用,游戏仅在包含苹果应用商店的有效认证时运行。当提交游戏到苹果应用商店时使用此项。这可以防止从任何一台计算机上运行游戏然后购买人。请注意,此功能不执行任何强大的拷贝保护。尤其是,针对一个Unity游戏的任何可能的破解,可以运行针对任何Unity内容。出于这个原因,建议您使用Unity的插件功能来实现自己接收验证码。然而在显示屏幕设置对话框之前,由于苹果公司需要插件验证来初始发生。你还是应该启用此项检查,否则苹果可能会拒绝你的提交。
Bundle Identifier 包标识符
The&Bundle Identifier&string must match the provisioning profile of the game you are building. The basic structure of the identifier ispanyName.GameName.
This structure may vary internationally based on where you live, so always default to the string provided to you by Apple for your Developer Account. Your GameName is set up in your provisioning certificates, that are manageable from the Apple iPhone Developer
Center website. Please refer to the&&for more information on how this is performed.
Bundle Identifier必须匹配构建游戏时的配置文件。标识符的基本结构是panyName.GameName。该结构不同的地方可能有所不同,所以总是默认字符串由苹果提供给您的开发者帐户。游戏名称在你的配置证书中设置,从苹果的iPhone开发人员中心网站的管理。请参考了解更新信息。
Stripping Level (Pro-only) 剥离级别(仅专业版)
Most games don't use all necessary dlls. With this option, you can strip out unused parts to reduce the size of the built player on iOS devices. If your game is using classes that would
normally be stripped out by the option you currently have selected, you'll be presented with a Debug message when you make a build.
Script Call Optimization 脚本调用优化
A good development practice on iOS is to never rely on exception handling (either internally or through the use of try/catch blocks). When using the default&Slow
and Safe&option, any exceptions that occur on the device will be caught and a stack trace will be provided. When using the&Fast but no Exceptions&option, any exceptions that occur will crash the game, and
no stack trace will be provided. However, the game will run faster since the processor is not diverting power to handle exceptions. When releasing your game to the world, it's best to publish with the&Fast but no Exceptions&option.
在iOS一个良好的开发习惯是从不依赖异常处理(无论是内部或通过使用try/catch块)。当使用默认的Slow and Safe选项,设备上发生的任何异常将被捕获,将提供一个堆栈跟踪。当使用Fast but no Exceptions选项,发生的任何异常将导致游戏崩溃,不提供堆栈跟踪信息;然而游戏将运行的更快,因为处理器不分配运算来处理异常。当正式发布游戏时,最好带有Fast
but no Exceptions选项。
Bundle Identifier 包标识符
The&Bundle Identifier&string is the unique name of your application when published to the Android Market and installed on the device. The basic
structure of the identifier is&panyName.GameName, and can be chosen arbitrarily. In Unity this field is shared with the iOS Player Settings for convenience.
当发布到Android Market和在设备上安装,包标识符字符串是应用程序唯一的名称。标识符的基本结构是panyName.GameName。在Unity为方便起见,该字段与iOS Player Settings共享。
Stripping Level (Pro-only) 剥离级别(仅专业版)
Most games don't use all the functionality of the provided dlls. With this option, you can strip out unused parts to reduce the size of the built player on Android devices.
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: @jiang1230923:你不是写论文的么 还有空逛我空间
: 未未有心了。
: @whdrs:过奖了
: 丁大哥,关于插件,我导入后,如果保持原文件发布APK时,会显示“unable to convert ...
: 大神能发个包给我吗,或者给个下载地址,非常感谢!我的邮箱:
: CCRANDOM_0_1() 需要初始化随机数种子
: @c_yang13:要放在服务器端根目录
: 博主你好,为什么u3d程序发布之后就无法访问数据库了,而且提示未找到crossdomain.xml文...
: 看了你写的文章,很受启发。但是,如果拿不出实际行动来,一样会碌碌无为。所以,祝你早日成功,同时也祝我...
: @zhangxiao:加个QQ 看你研究的OpenCV不错
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