
&&& 欧卡2 至全球玩家一封信 发行时间变更
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帖子291&精华0&积分1302&柴油366 升&来自 &在线时间158 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
欧卡2 至全球玩家一封信 发行时间变更
它正在考验你们的耐心 ― 我们的游戏迷,
但是我们有信心,我们需要足够的时间来重新调整游戏的核心因素 ― 图形引擎,
帖子291&精华0&积分1302&柴油366 升&来自 &在线时间158 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
帖子455&精华0&积分4897&柴油614 升&来自河南 南阳 &在线时间809 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
帖子11096&精华0&积分22665&柴油11302 升&来自山东 淄博市&在线时间1163 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
帖子291&精华0&积分1302&柴油366 升&来自 &在线时间158 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
帖子291&精华0&积分1302&柴油366 升&来自 &在线时间158 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
欧卡2的视频& && &&&MANTGX
帖子291&精华0&积分1302&柴油366 升&来自 &在线时间158 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
帖子291&精华0&积分1302&柴油366 升&来自 &在线时间158 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
帖子1180&精华1&积分3817&柴油1317 升&来自河北 唐山 &在线时间378 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
帖子291&精华0&积分1302&柴油366 升&来自 &在线时间158 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
1楼 16:38&|
收起回复2楼 16:41&|
收起回复3楼 16:43&|来自
4楼 16:46&|
设置里有个选项 模式是没选的 选上就有
收起回复5楼 16:49&|
6楼 18:34&|
7楼 18:59&|
收起回复8楼 23:01&|
别关心人了,有人也就是左走到右然后右走到左 和傻子一样
9楼 23:57&|
10楼 16:31&|来自
想了解更多关于 ”欧洲卡车模拟2“的信息,请&或我还要怎样去玩欧洲卡车模拟?
Streamline Highline
所屬 無技能駕駛員
會員編號223874&帖子總數47&下載積分2358 分&模載通匯33 枚&
(164.66 KB)
(175.19 KB)
所屬 白銀級駕駛員
會員編號170870&帖子總數294&下載積分33811 分&模載通匯127 枚&
所屬 黃金級駕駛員
會員編號37045&帖子總數1278&下載積分16328 分&模載通匯620 枚&
呵呵,那就去试试STD 或 T&T 吧
所屬 青銅級駕駛員
會員編號88754&帖子總數1640&下載積分123 分&模載通匯1 枚&
Streamline Highline
所屬 無技能駕駛員
會員編號223874&帖子總數47&下載積分2358 分&模載通匯33 枚&
&引用框:原帖由 UFOCEO 於
09:20 發表
感觉这游戏现 ... 我觉得插件地图最容易出现游戏各种问题,不然我早就去玩那卡车司机的大地图了。我不想因为Mod地图里出现的瑕疵而毁了我自己的存档,毕竟这不是我下载别人的完美存档,每公里都是我亲手跑出来的,没有一点水分。真的要是存档崩溃我会很懊恼的
所屬 青銅級駕駛員
會員編號172329&帖子總數228&下載積分16870 分&模載通匯118 枚&
&引用框:原帖由 長途専綫 於
05:44 發表
Streamline Highline
所屬 無技能駕駛員
會員編號223874&帖子總數47&下載積分2358 分&模載通匯33 枚&
&引用框:原帖由 abcg 於
22:53 發表
开玩笑的别太认真 呵呵,我本来就是开真车的。但是你说让我开个真卡车上路,我还是没有那个本事。因为我的驾照的准驾车型是不能开大卡车的。再说一台斯堪尼亚拖头,上百万呢 咱们也没那个财力。呵呵
所屬 青銅級駕駛員
會員編號172329&帖子總數228&下載積分16870 分&模載通匯118 枚&
&引用框:原帖由 長途専綫 於
23:02 發表
呵呵,我本来就是开真车的。但是你说让我开个真卡车上路,我还是没有那个本事。因为我的驾照的准驾车型是不能开大卡车的。再说一台斯堪尼亚拖头,上百万呢 咱们也没那个财力。呵呵 ... 我没叫你开轿车、小型卡车啊,只是叫你开大卡车
所屬 青銅級駕駛員
會員編號170528&帖子總數655&下載積分19450 分&模載通匯126 枚&
所屬 青銅級駕駛員
會員編號170528&帖子總數655&下載積分19450 分&模載通匯126 枚&
所屬 無技能駕駛員
會員編號223175&帖子總數40&下載積分5403 分&模載通匯18 枚&
所屬 白銀級駕駛員
會員編號170870&帖子總數294&下載積分33811 分&模載通匯127 枚&
&引用框:原帖由 長途専綫 於
15:08 發表
我觉得插件地图最容易出现游戏各种问题,不然我早就去玩那卡车司机的大地图了。我不想因为Mod地图里出现的瑕疵而毁了我自己的存档,毕竟这不是我下载别人的完美存档,每公里都是我亲手跑出来的,没有一点水分。真的要是存档 ... 你好像是个完美主义者,而且因为听说有些MOD可能会怎么样不好就不去尝试,我想说的是TSM地图比卡车司机地图好的多,我玩这么久也没什么不对的地方,你一定要玩一下,所增加的每个地区各有独到的特色,非洲的山路和大沙漠,东欧南部地区(克罗地亚等地方),西班牙,都是非常值得一玩的,绝对会给你和原版地图大不相同的感受,我玩的是TSM3.5,玩很久了没有崩溃,BUG也只遇到一次,就是非洲最东部的那个港口你不要去,会损坏货物的。一些其它路段会有颠簸损坏货物,不过仔细看会看出路上的不平,慢速通过就行。
绝对会给你和原版地图大不相同的感受to add this game to your wishlist or mark as not interested
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$24.99 USD
Packages that include this game
Buy Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Gold Bundle
Includes 2 items:
Euro Truck Simulator 2, Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Going East!
$34.99 USD
Buy Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Christmas Bundle
Includes 5 items:
Euro Truck Simulator 2, Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Christmas Paint Jobs Pack, Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Going East!, Euro Truck Simulator 2 - High Power Cargo Pack, Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Ice Cold Paint Jobs Pack
$34.99 USD
Buy Euro Truck Simulator 2 Collector's Bundle
Includes 9 items:
Bus Driver, Euro Truck Simulator, Euro Truck Simulator 2, Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Force of Nature Paint Jobs Pack, Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Going East!, Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Halloween Paint Jobs Pack, Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Ice Cold Paint Jobs Pack, Scania Truck Driving Simulator, Trucks & Trailers
$39.99 USD
Downloadable Content For This Game
$41.81 USD
Buy Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Trucking Fan DLC Bundle
Requires the base game
on Steam in order to play.
$8.99 USD
"Unexpectedly engrossing. Heed the mockers and you’ll miss one of the PC’s finest and freshest driving games."
Read the full review .
Recent updates
29 December, 2014
Holiday time is a quiet period in our office as members of our team are spending time with their families. But we know that our fans always crave for fresh information about our projects. So here we are, with a bunch of great-looking panoramas from Scandinavia!
As you may have already noticed in some earlier screenshots we have published, there are considerable changes coming to the game environment. Several in-game graphic rendering elements have been altered or improved to achieve a richer color palette, as presented on the images in this announcement.
The most noticeable changes to the systems are improvements to HDR tone-mapping calculations and sun shafts. Each weather condition now has its own specific lighting preset, allowing us to provide different scene illumination and reflectivity depending on the current state of game environment.
Sun shafts (sometimes dubbed &God rays&) will be using a new calculation algorithm which creates softer and more lifelike effects - driving during sunset or sunrise will provide you with vistas you have not yet seen in ETS2. In order to improve the looks of scenes, we've also decided to alter our fog/haze calculation system.
As the shaders and rendering code are changing, we also need to adjust quite a lot of game assets. Shaders and textures of many objects such as buildings or roads have to be updated in order to correct their specular and diffuse lighting properties to match the new system.
We are half-way through all this work, quite a lot of it is still ahead of us. We aim to release the improvements mentioned in this post alongside Scandinavia DLC. However, the visual changes will be very noticeable everywhere, it will not be just the new parts of the ETS2 world to benefit from the new graphical features. So even if you don't rush to buy Scandinavia right away when it's released, you will get the visual changes as a part of a free game update available for all Euro Truck Simulator 2 owners.
22 December, 2014
We are always delighted when we can share the features that we work on with our community, and today we would like to give you a quick look at one of the core game functionalities in American Truck Simulator: Weight Stations.
Drivers cruising across American highways might occasionally be
required to visit a weight alongside of the road to verify if their load complies with regulations. These weight terminals are concentrated along the highways and can be easily accessed by drivers at any time. Please note that Weighting Stations will be exclusive to American Truck Simulator and will not appear in Euro Truck Simulator 2.
Due to overwhelming community response and upcoming Holiday Season our team has decided to extend
past Christmas Eve and into the New Year - everyone who finishes their assigned delivery will receive the exclusive Raven Truck Design DLC!
Happy Holidays,
Team at SCS Software
“Unexpectedly engrossing. Heed the mockers and you'll miss one of the PC's finest and freshest driving games.”
85/100 –
“With its stellar gameplay and presentation, Euro Truck Simulator 2 set a new standard for the simulation genre.”
95/100 –
“There are titles in the simulation market which can be sold on the novelty factor alone, but tend to be disappointing games. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is not one of them, it is strangely cathartic, engaging and relaxing.”
SCS Polar Express Holiday Event
Santa Claus might not be able to deliver all gifts in time on his own and he's requesting your help with delivering Christmas gifts.
If you help him, you will get an exclusive Raven Truck Design DLC and a World of Trucks achievement as a reward!
You can find more information about the event .
Now Available On Mac OS X in Beta!
The game now supports Mac OS X. It is available in a beta branch on Steam, for more information .
Steam Greenlight
About This Game
Travel across Europe as king of the road, a trucker who delivers important cargo across impressive distances! With dozens of cities to explore from the UK, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and many more, your endurance, skill and speed will all be pushed to their limits. If you’ve got what it takes to be part of an elite trucking force, get behind the wheel and prove it!
Transport a vast variety of cargo across more than 60 European cities.
Run your own business which continues to grow even as you complete your freight deliveries.
Build your own fleet of trucks, buy garages, hire drivers, manage your company for maximum profits.
A varied amount of truck tuning that range from performance to cosmetic changes.
Customize your vehicles with optional lights, bars, horns, beacons, smoke exhausts, and more.
Thousands of miles of real road networks with hundreds of famous landmarks and structures.
Take advantage of additional features of Euro Truck Simulator 2 by joining our online community on , our center for virtual truckers all around the world interested in Euro Truck Simulator 2 and future SCS Software's truck simulators.
Use in-game Photo Mode to capture the best moments and share them with thousands of people who love trucks.
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See the best images hand-picked by the game creators in Editor's Pick updated almost every day. Try to get your own screenshot on this list!
Upload and use your custom avatar and license plate in the game.
More features coming soon!
To join , simply sign up with your Steam account .
World of Trucks is an optional service, registration on World of Trucks isn't required to play the game.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS:Windows XP
Processor:Dual core CPU 2.4 GHz
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:GeForce 7600 GT-class equivalent
Hard Drive:2 GB HD space
Sound:Direct-X compatible
OS:Windows 7 64-bit
Processor:Quad core CPU 3.0 GHz
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:GeForce GTS 450-class
Hard Drive:4 GB HD space
Sound:Direct-X compatible
OS: Linux Ubuntu 12.04
Processor:Dual core CPU 2.4 GHz
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:GeForce 7600 GT-class equivalent
recent binary ATI or NVidia drivers (MESA may not work reliably with ETS2)
Hard Drive:2 GB HD space
OS: Linux Ubuntu 12.04
Processor:Quad core CPU 3.0 GHz
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:GeForce GTS 450-class or better
recent binary ATI or NVidia drivers (MESA may not work reliably with ETS2)
Hard Drive:4 GB HD space
(C) 2012 SCS Software. All brand names, trademarks, registered marks, logos, and symbols on vehicles in the game are property of their rightful owners. Used with kind permission.
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182.4 hrs on record
This game is meditation, the thought-cleansing effect of driving a thousand kilometres along the highway cannot be understated. Occasionally poor AI choices behind the wheel may spike your blood pressure but overwhelmingly ETS2 is a relaxing thing to stick on after a rough day. And if that's not enough you can just drive into oncoming traffic in your indestructible death machine.An alternate title for this game could be &Zen and the Art of Logistics&.
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15.7 hrs on record
My girlfriend didn't get why I loved this game. Said I was a loser and a weirdo. So I built my transport company into a million dollar empire just to show her what I'm capable of. I haven't heard from her for a while. 10/10
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108.1 hrs on record
Top-notch truck driving simulator.
With support for TrackIR, wheels and pedals, this game has become a gem of the simulation genre.Before having tried it, it's hard to see why this game will be so addicting.
I suspect much of that feeling comes from the progression from a lowly truck driver not even owning a truck to a multi-country Logistics company owning a hundred trucks and employing as many drivers.You &level up& various skills which improve the rewards you get from certain types of deliveries or open up more jobs such as longer distances or different categories of dangerous cargo.Driving the trucks is a pleasure.
It's surprisingly therapeutic driving from city to city, obeying the road rules rather than smashing things up like a madman.
That said, if you disable the speed-limiter in options (90kph) you can get a bit crazy, getting as high as 150kph+ on some routes, a bit of a thrill considering the cargo you have in tow!
Speed cameras will become your enemy though.Unfortunately the AI of the other traffic can at times frustrate.
In some instances such as in underpasses under freeways you can find intersections where the cars always fail to give way, probably because the intersection was not programmed correctly.
Don't get me started on the kamikaze AI at roundabouts either.In any case, this is the most fun you can have driving a truck in a game.
Having a controller or steering wheel would be highly recommended, and if you have head-tracking equipment it's icing on the cake.
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4.6 hrs on record
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62.0 hrs on record
Much like my sentiments of Farming Simulator 2013, I fell in love with Euro Truck Simulator 2 and I have no idea why. Mundane job simulators are overwhelmingly garbage, but a select few (including ETS2) are surprisingly compelling.There is no way I can think of to describe this game without sounding terribly drab. You’re a truck driver, and are starting your own shipping company. You have to drive according to the law, take rest breaks, buy fuel, pay for upkeep. There is nothing on paper that should be exceptional about this game, yet for what it is, Euro Truck Simulator 2 is disturbingly enjoyable. I recommend everyone to give it a try.
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4.5 hrs on record
like skyrim with trucks
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10.8 hrs on record
After 7 hours playing this game, i was about ready to give up my career as a European Truck Simulator 2.But then something magical happened. I inadvertently pressed the 'R' key whilst driving, and discovered radio. Radio Gothic from the Czech Republic saved me. Blaring songs about god knows what in some bork bork language reinvigorated my will to drive trucks in Europe. Thank you based Radio Gothic/10
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23.5 hrs on record
When I first saw it, I thought, &How could driving a truck around Europe be fun?&Now, driving that beautiful truck around Europe is one of the things I look forward to doing everyday.
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72.8 hrs on record
There is a trucker in all of us.
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27.6 hrs on record
Its like driving in real life but in a truck in Europe and not in real life
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60.5 hrs on record
At I laughed, I mocked the virtual truckers. I mean, who wants to sit around and drive a virtual truck? meNow however, I laugh, and mock those who don't sit around and drive a virtual truck. Get it, and be sucked into a never ending obsession of delivering cargo all over Europe.
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7.2 hrs on record
If you didn't find inner peace while playing this game you were playing it wrong.
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258.8 hrs on record
Quality of the game put all other simulation games to shame. Because of its realistic approach, Euro truck simulator 2 is a awesome simulator. Thanks to the Prism3D engine, the driving looks a lot better than before. Anyway EU2 is not for everyone but if you enjoyed trucking simulators than you've come to the right place!Gameplay:+ Lots of licensed trucks. - DAF, IVECO, MAN, RENAULT, SCANIA and VOLVO trucks officially licensed, Although there is a not officially licensed company. (Mercedes-Benz changed to Majestic)+ A vast world to explore. -
Hours of gameplay for fans of truck simulators.+ Customization. - Unlock a huge range of customization options, from cabin and engine to interiors and paint job.+ Management. - Buy garages, recruit drivers and create your own company.+ Built-in Music player. - listening your favorite musics or internet radio.+ Awesome physics.The atmosphere and graphics:+ Excellent UI. - Simple, clear and readable fonts on wide range of screen sizes in any devices.+ Stunning realistic world.+ Realistic day-night cycle.+ Quite nice landscapes.+ Good texture quality.+ Beautiful 3D graphics.+ Incredible detailed trucks and interiors.+ Good music and sound.Performance:+ Running pretty well and smooth on a mid-range PC.+ Stable.+ Almost bug free.Additional:+ Moddable.- No steam cloud.
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80.9 hrs on record
I bought this game for like 2 euros, and omfg, this game is fascinating!! imo this is the best simulator game! you can easily relax after school or work, just drivin' the truck, while listening some good music!I would recommend this game even for 20 euros!
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0.3 hrs on record
------------This is my review account, because the low playtime.Graphics:+ detailed cockpits+ pretty landscapes+ many camera perspectives- recycled office building- no damage modelAtmosphere:+ harmonious trucker atmosphere+ varied routes+ driving at night, rain, fogSound:+ good engine noise+ internet radio connectivity- overall thin soundscape- honk sound like some baby sealsBalance:+ tour selection determines the difficulty+ mostly fair time window+ tutorial- no real difficultyCampaign:+ contracts freely selectable+ free choice between mission trips, private trucks and logistics management- expiration always very predictableAI:+ traffic flows generally realistic+ employees driving solid- traffic hardly responds to me (lane changes, accidents)- red lights can be circumventedTrucks:+ partially reconstructed original+ tuning affects noticeably- only modern trucks, no classicGame Size:+ solo playtime around 40 hours+ completely &europe& passable+ over 60 cities+ seven purchasable trucks (maybe more now)+ tuning options- rare special eventsKing of the road, lonely warrior wages, freight forwarding manager in continuous stress? In Euro Truck Simulator 2 of Rondo Media and SCS software you can simulate everything. Until unconsciousness. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is that rare thing, a strong sim tethered to a strong game. It is all about living the dream that is professional trucking.You are tasked with transporting cargo to more than 60 different European cities. You start as a low-skilled, truckless lorry jockey, forced to take work from established haulage companies. An owned truck means more freedom, with higher-paying jobs that require more responsibility. The ultimate objective is for players to manage the operation of their own cargo business and additional tasks such as hiring employees and purchasing more garages and trucks.Euro Truck Sim 2 provides some RPG elements to keep the game interesting. Jobs earn experience, skill points lead. Skill points can be spent to upgrade their own knowledge in certain types of jobs are. Development of new types of cargo and spending on fuel efficiency. Improving personal skills and the creation of an enterprise of a solitary driver to a whole fleet.The game world is absolutely massive in scope. From scenic landscapes to curved tunnel through rock hill, go to your truck and from any destination is always an opportunity to see more of the many countries present. From the shape of the traffic lights to the atmosphere of the backdrops, there's a sense of individuality to each new territory you uncover, and the trucks themselves are lovingly recreated with an intricate level of detail.The game combines a realistic trucking experience with rewarding and most importantly, entertaining gameplay. Both novice player and simulation lovers will appreciate the massive game world to explore, never-ending supply of freight trips claim to manage business tasks, customize trucks and gaining work experience. One of the finest and freshest trucker simulation game.Score: 81 / 100gamestar.deSorry for my bad english.Thanks for reading! If you Like my Review, give me a Thumbs up in Steam.Your help is greatly appreciated :)My Curator Page:My Steam Group:My YouTube Channel:
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35.4 hrs on record
Vroom Vroom *Speeding Ticket*-500Vroom Vroom *Speeding Ticket*-500Vroom Vroom *Speeding Ticket*-500Vroom Vroom *Speeding Ticket*-500Vroom Vroom *Speeding Ticket*-500Vroom Vroom *Speeding Ticket*-500
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488.5 hrs on record
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Review! Well where to Start with this game!I've played this game since day one, even before it hit the steam release with over 1000 hours. The game itself unmodded provides great entertainment if you enjoy to just relax at your computer and just drive. If you're wanting a great simulation aspect, this game can deliver on many levels and provide simulation like the real thing!Speaking of modding, this game provides a massive range of modding features to improve and drastically extend your gameplay, I personally play a modded game most of the time, as I've expereince most of the game and what it offers in the unmodded version, but to this day mods still make the game very fresh and new to play!Overall I would recommend this game to anyone that enjoys driving games, with a very open aspect to modding. The graphics are beautiful and are very eye appealing, but another good thing is that the specs aren't too high to play the game!
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31.7 hrs on record
I, I have never had this much fun in months. I got this game today and i just HAD to write a review.Day 1- Mom said go find a job.Found an AD for a truck driver job.Called got the Job. Got paid 3,000 euros the first day.Day 2- Woke up thinking &why should i get paid half and work using a company's truck&.Went to work as usual and got paid 3,000. Commited lots of driving law infringements. Ended up getting a call from the bank that i am in debt and that i have negative funds in my accounts. (They were nice enough to give me funds to sort things out).Day 3- Said &Screw it, i'm buying my own truck&Went to the bank, got a 100,000 Euros loan (Thanks Merkel) and bought a volvo (Should change license plate to Diretide soon).Now i make 8,000 euros a day. I still sleep inside a truck tho (Don't worry it's warm).What's next? Well i will probably save 180,000 euros to buy a garage and hire some employees and hit the road daily as usual. Life on the road never ends. Thank for everyone at SCS Software who worked on this. 10/10 Game totally recommended!
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14.2 hrs on record
When buying this game I had to look back at my life decisions to figure out what i did to get to this point.
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10.9 hrs on record
I took out an obscene loan I couldn't repay and got speeding tickets everywhere.Real life/10
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Includes 28 Steam Achievements
Title: Euro Truck Simulator 2
Release Date: 16 Jan, 2013
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