我的世界r3d材质包 sr 视差贴图 256x放在哪

R3D.CRAFT: Default Realism/Smooth Realism (v0.2.0) - Resource Packs - Mapping and Modding - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum
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Made by Thomas Angeland (@UniblueMedia)
R3D.CRAFT, pronounced Red Craft or R-3-D Craft, is a high-res texture pack that can be applied to the game, Minecraft. Based on the default texture that comes along with this game, R3D.CRAFT enhances the missing realism, with high quality textures, smoother colortransitions, smooth shapes, shadows, lighting, missing details + so much more.
This texture is made for those who seek more quality in-game, but also want to keep the default design and feeling. Therefore, this texture tries to stay close to the default appearance, by matching the correct colors and indication of shape.
[15.06.14] I was gone. I was back. I was gone. I'm back.
For you who have followed this project for quite some time are probably getting tired of these posts, but yes, I'm back once again. I posted an update in February saying that I would be gone for a bit due to moving to a new apartment. Well, here I am, sitting comfortably behind my desk in my new apartment, ready to create more textures.
Also, R3D.CRAFT SR v0.1.8 has been posted. Have fun!
Wallpaper: Oak Plank from Smooth Realism []
Wallpaper: Obsidian from Smooth Realism []
Wallpaper: Jungle Tree from Smooth Realism []
Wallpaper: Stonebrick from Smooth Realism []
Wallpaper: Mossy Stonebrick from Smooth Realism []
Wallpaper: Chiseled Stonebrick from Smooth Realism []
Wallpaper: Brick from Smooth Realism []
Wallpaper: Gravel from Smooth Realism []
Wallpaper: Glowstone from Smooth Realism []
Wallpaper: Spruce Leaves from Smooth Realism []
Wallpaper: R3D.CRAFT logo []
Wallpaper: Enchantment Table from Default Realism []
Use the buttons above. Yes, they are clickable.
[quote]Adf.ly links?
Let's be honest, none likes advertisements. I remember my first experiences with Adf.ly. It's not much time, but you really just want to get to it and not having to wait 5 seconds for some random internet commercial to be skipable. Now that's literally all the bad things with it. Waiting.
The great things
Adf.ly is a free, simple way for me (and many other creators) to earn revenue through links. You might not think about it, but doing what I am doing is not free. Hosting big files and imagery on the internet is not free. Softwares, tools and computer components are not free. Internet and electricity is not free. Do you want to know what's really great about Adf.ly? Not having to worry about these expenses. That's really it.
Thank you for supporting this project, Default Realism on Curse:
Smooth Realism on Curse:
The Curse Client is an add-on manager that allows you to browse, install, and update your Minecraft texture packs, mods or worlds. It is free, lightweight, and easy to use! You can stay in sync with R3D.CRAFTs newest updates quite easily!
Change log - Default Realism:
Default Realism - Version 0.1.5 (24/01/14):
Added stream iconsFixed font/text
Default Realism - Version 0.1.4 (19/01/14):
Added updated Mojang logoAdded Resource Packs buttons GUIChanged Tall GrassRemoved Pumpkin StemRemoved Wheat
Default Realism - Version 0.1.3 (10/01/14):
Added new font (probably not going to stay)
Default Realism - Version 0.1.2 (13/12/13):
Added new colored glass.
Default Realism - Version 0.1.0 (26/07/13):
Added Comparator item.Added Spruce log top.Changed Birch planks, Oak Planks, Spruce planks and Jungle planks.Changed Cobblestone.Changed Mossy Cobblestone.Changed Oak log and Spruce log.Changed Command block.Changed Ladder.Changed Pack icon.Changed Repeater item.
UPDATE #17 (24/07/13):
Added Horse GUI.Adding missing GUI elements (from the 1.6.2-update).Fixed Furnace texture-animation bug.Re-sized several textures (mostly reductions).Reduced file sizes drastically.
UPDATE #16 (18/07/13):
Updated to to new texture pack system: 1.6.2.Added Daylight Detector.Added Melon Stem (unfinished)Added Clouds.Added Rain.Changed Fire particle.Changed Smoke particle.Removed smooth font (reason: kerning-problem)Updated copyright info (renamed it to "legal").
UPDATE #15 (27/03/13):
Added Trapped Chest.Changed Chest and Large Chest.Changed Oak Leaves.Changed Minecraft logo (improved quality).Fixed possible download problem via Mediafire.Removed Jungle Leaves (reason: appearance).Removed old ctm.png file.Removed url links.
UPDATE #14 (26/03/13):
Converted R3D.CRAFT mod-texture-support: Connected Textures (ctm), to Minecraft 1.5 update.Added new mod-texture-support: Better Glass.Added dropper.Added Waterlily.Added fire animation to Furnace.Added Vertical Dispenser.Changed Destroy animation.Changed opening-title (improved quality).Changed Wooden Door.Changed Iron Door.Changed all Ores.Changed Mob Spawner.Fixed Powered Rails (did not appear in-game).Updated copyright info.
UPDATE #13 (13/03/13):
Converted R3D.CRAFT to the new texture pack system (Minecraft 1.5 update)Added still Water animation.Added Fire animation.Added Netherquartz block.Added Item Frame.Added all three Anvil textures.Added Squid mob (R3D: smooth version).Added Zombie mob.Added Villager Zombie mod.Added Gold Ingot item.Added Iron Ingot item.Added Nether Brick item.Added Brick item.Added Bed item.Added Wooden Door item.Added Iron Door item.Added Blaze Rod item.Added Leather item.Added Emerald item.Added new Compass animation item.Added new Clock animation item.Added Raw/Cooked Beef item.Added Raw/Cooked Porkchop item.Added Frame item.Added Eye of Ender item.Added Fireworks item.Added Potion item.Added Hopper GUI.Added new Minecraft menu logo.Changed Steve mob.Changed Creeper mob.Changed Grass block.Changed Dirt block.Changed Snow block.Changed Mycel block.Changed Sand block.Changed Brick block.Changed Stone block.Changed Snow block.Changed particles.Changed Art (paintings).Created new official logo for R3D.CRAFT.Updated copyright info.
UPDATE #12 (27/10/12):
Added all new textures that's missingAdded Armor icons.Added HD paintings.Added slot.pngAdded Break Animation.Added Anvil GUIAdded Connected Textures support (ctm).Changed Glass block/panel.
UPDATE #11 (12/10/12):
Added all new textures from the newest snapshots.Added Fishing Rod item.Added Fishing Rod item (w. string).Added Fishing Rod item (w. carrot).Added Chicken item (cooked and raw).Added Painting item.Added Sign item.Added Gold Nugget item (needs re-work).Added Ghast Tear item (needs re-work).Added String item.Added Bowl item.Added Book item.Added Book & Quill item.Added Paper item.Added Glass Bottle item.Added Map item.Added Repeaters item.Added Red Apple and Golden Apple item.Added Egg item.Added Shears item.Added Melon Slice and Glistering Melon Slice item.Added Boat item.Added Clock item.Added all Discs.Added Buckets (need re-work).Added Cauldron block.Added Iron, Gold and Diamond Armor.Added Book GUI.Added Beacon GUI.Added Connection Status icon.Added HP Bar icon.Added XP Bar icon.Added Drowning icon.Added HP icon.Added Hunger icon.Added new misc colors.Changed Bricks (re-shading).Changed Clay block (better tiling).Changed Moshroom Dirt (re-shading).Changed Trading GUI (fixed slot error, added new chicken).Changed BG pictures (color correction).Changed Minecraft logo (re-shading).
UPDATE #10 (12/08/12):
Added Iron block.Added Gold block.Added Diamond block.Added Emerald block.Added Clay block.Added Command block.Added End block.Added End Portal block.Added Vines.Added Cow.Added Moshroom Cow.Added Chicken.Added Water Drop particles.Added "broken heart" particle.Added "green thingy" particle.Added all particles necessarily for snapshot 12w32.Added clock display.Added map.Added more texture to grass block.Added more texture to stone block and all ore blocks.Added more texture to TNT block.Added more texture to other various blocks.Added coal item (work in progress).Added snowball (work in progress).Added slimeball (work in progress).Added magma cream (work in progress).Added White Egg item?Added beacon GUI.Added missing textures to other GUI images.
UPDATE #9 (02/07/12):
Added Wood, Stone, Iron, Diamond and Gold Swords.Added Wood, Stone, Iron, Diamond and Gold Shovels.Added Wood, Stone, Iron, Diamond and Gold Pickaxes (unfinished).Added Wood, Stone, Iron, Diamond and Gold Axes.Added Wood, Stone, Iron, Diamond and Gold Hoe.Added Bow.Added Arrow item.Added Bow Animation (when firing).Added Egg item (for some reason).Added Red Mushroom.Added Brown Mushroom.Added Wheat (unfinished)Changed Emerald ore color from red to green.Added all new files from all newest snapshots (ex. tripwires).Changed back to the old creative menu (the newest creative menu is also included under the name "allitems-new" in the GUI folder. Change it's name to "allitems" if you want to apply it to the game.Changed glass texture slightly.Changed GUI size from
(due to load-time).
UPDATE #8 (26/05/12):
Added ExplosionsAdded Lava (unfinished, no animation)Added Gravel (new texture from snapshot "19W21B")Added signAdded Experience OrbsAdded particles (not finished)Added Creeper skin (not finished)Added Steve skin (not finished)Added Enchantment GUIAdded Alchemy GUIAdded Creative GUI (old and new for snapshot 2W21B)Added Crafting GUIAdded Inventory GUIAdded Furnace GUIAdded Trading GUI (for snapshot 12W21B)Added Trap GUIAdded Cocoa Plants (for Snapshot 12W19A)Added all other missing stuff for snapshot 12W21BFixed Grass (less shadow)
UPDATE #7 (14/05/12):
Added SandstoneAdded Chiseled SandstoneAdded Smooth SandstoneAdded Netherbrick (+ stairs/fences)Added CactusAdded PumpkinAdded Jack-o-lantern (lighten pumpkin)Added MelonsAdded Tall Grass (need feedback!)Added default Cocoa Plants (for snapshot 12W19A)Added MoonAdded Moon PhasesChanged Wool textureChanged Grass textureChanged Stone texture (less pattern)Changed Lapis Lazuli (less pattern)Changed Leaves texture (not jungle)
UPDATE #6 (09/05/12):
Added Regular RailAdded Curved RailAdded Powered Rail (ON)Added Powered Rail (OFF)Added Detector RailAdded Redstone Lamp (ON)Added Redstone Lamp (OFF)Added Lapis Lazuli BlockAdded Bed (needs rework)Added Enchantment TableAdded SpongeAdded Side of cactus (still unfinished)Added Moon and Sun (sun applied, moon is not, needs more work)Changed Snow BlockChanged Sand BlockAdded missing image-file for Snapshot 12W17A (book).Added high quality Minecraft logoAdded high quality Mojang LogoFixed small details on other various blocks
UPDATE #5 (01/05/12):
Added Soul Sand or Slow SandAdded NetherrackAdded GlowstoneAdded LadderAdded Iron FenceAdded Hatch or TrapdoorAdded question-marks (?) to all unused spaces (pink blocks).Added Pack-image (pack.png).Added missing files for snapshot 12W17A (write books).Fixed WoodFixed Dark WoodFixed all Wooden PlanksFixed wet FarmlandFixed dry Farmland
UPDATE #4 (29/04/12):
Added Regular PistonAdded Sticky PistonAdded Glass (needs more work)Added Stone BrickAdded Mossy Stone BrickAdded Stone Brick with cracksAdded ObsidianFixed LeavesFixed GrassFixed GravelFixed Sand
UPDATE #3 (27/04/12):
Added FurnaceAdded DispenserAdded Redstone TorchAdded LeverAdded TorchAdded RepeaterAdded ChestsAdded Large ChestsFixed Regular LeavesFixed GrassFixed Birch Wood
UPDATE #2 (25/04/12):
Added WorkbenchAdded colored Wooden BlocksAdded BedrockAdded Gold, Iron and Diamond BlockAdded all OresAdded ChestAdded Jukebox/NoteblockAdded BookshelfAdded LeavesAdded Birch WoodAdded Doors
UPDATE #1 (24/04/12):
Added Dirt/GrassAdded GravelAdded StoneAdded Regular and Mossy CobblestoneAdded Wooden PlanksAdded Wood & Dark WoodAdded all Wool ColorsAdded TNTAdded BricksAdded FarmlandAdded Sand and SnowDefault Realism - Version 0.1.1 (28/07/13):Fixed Connected Textures (better glass and tiling bookshelves).Changed Oak log block.Changed Spruce log block.Changed Oak, Birch, Spruce and Jungle log top blocks.Changed Bookshelf block.Changed Cobblestone block.
Change log - Smooth Realism
Smooth Realism - Version 0.2.0 (11/09/14):
Changed Stone block.Changed Coal ore block.Changed Iron ore block.Changed Diamond ore block.Changed Redstone ore block.Changed Gold ore block.Changed Lapis Lazuli ore block.
Smooth Realism - Version 0.1.9 (22/06/14):
Added SheepAdded Jungle Wood blockAdded Added Spruce Leaves (fast/fancy)Changed a bunch of GUI textures (now vector-based).Adjusted PigAdjusted GUI (better performance)
Smooth Realism - Version 0.1.8 (15/06/14):
Added PigAdded New HD fontAdded Beacon beamAdded SignAdded Emerald blockAdjusted CobblestoneAdjusted Mossy CobblestoneChanged TallgrassChanged grassChanged dirt (w/ grass)
Smooth Realism - Version 0.1.7 (24/01/14):
Added Quartz blocksAdded stream iconsFixed font/text
Smooth Realism - Version 0.1.6 (19/01/14):
Added Red SandAdded Farmland (dry and wet)Added Big Oak LeavesAdded Oak LeavesAdded Acacia LeavesAdded Birch LeavesAdded updated Mojang logoAdded Resource Packs buttons GUIAdded Wheat (as filler, not going to stay)Changed Tall GrassRemoved Pumpkin StemRemoved Wheat
Smooth Realism - Version 0.1.5 (10/01/14):
Added new font (probably not going to stay)Added Quartz oreAdded Acacia Log topAdded Oak Log topAdded Big Oak Log topAdded Spruce Log topAdded RepeaterAdded ComparatorAdded DispenserAdded DropperAdded Spider WebAdded JukeboxAdded NoteblockAdded Cauldron
Smooth Realism - Version 0.1.4 (07/01/14):
Added BedAdded CowAdded Mooshroom CowAdded ObsidianAdded Normal ChestAdded Trapped ChestAdded Stone BrickAdded Mossy Stone BrickAdded Chiseled Stone BrickAdded Cracked Stone BrickAdded TorchAdded Redstone TorchAdded LeverAdded FlintAdded CoalAdded Red MushroomAdded Brown MushroomAdded Bedrock (unfinished)Changed downloading system - You will now download directly from a MediaFire folder, with the option to choose older versions(from this date).
Smooth Realism - Version 0.1.3 (29/12/13):
Added NetherackAdded GlowstoneAdded Grassblock w/ snowAdded ClayAdded Hardened Clay (in colors)Added GravelFixed grass texture in 64x/32x
Smooth Realism - Version 0.1.2 (13/12/13):
Added CobblestoneAdded Cobblestone MossyAdded Coal Ore.Added Diamond Ore.Added Emerald Ore.Added Gold Ore.Added Ore.Added Lapis Ore.Added Redstone Ore.Added Crafting Table.Added Deadbush.Added Allium.Added Blue Orchid.Added Paeonia.Added Rose.Added all Tulips.Added Furnace.Added colored Glass.Added Ice Packed.Added Iron Bars.Added Ladder.Added Log Acacia.Added Log Big Oak.Added Plank Acacia.Added Plank Big Oak.Added Nether Brick.Added Piston.Added Mob Spawner.Added Sticky Piston.Added Rail.Added Rail Detector.Added Rail Powered.Added Rail Activator.Added Redstone Block.Added Tallgrass.Added all Wool Blocks.Changed Stone Block.Changed Log Oak.Changed Log Spruce.Changed Grass.Changed Sand.Changed Ice.
Smooth Realism - Version 0.1.1 (28/07/13):
Added Bookshelf block.Added TNT block.Changed Oak log block.Changed Spruce log block.Fixed Connected Textures (better glass and tiling bookshelves).
Smooth Realism - Version 0.1.0 (26/07/13):
Smooth Realism became officially uploaded and ready for usage/testing.Added Brick block.Added Command block.Added Daylight Detector.Added Destroy animation.Added Diamond Block.Added Dirt block.Added Iron door.Added Wooden door.Added Endframe Eye.Added Fire animation.Added Glass block.Added Thin Glass.Added Gold block.Added Grass block.Added Ice block.Added Iron Block.Added Item Frame.Added Ladder.Added Lava animation.Added Birch Leaves and Oak Leaves.Added Spruce log and Oak log.Added Melon Stem.Added Red- and Brown Mushrooms.Added Added Birch planks, Oak planks, Spruce planks and Jungle planks.Added Pumpkin Stem.Added Redstone Dust.Added Sand block.Added Snow block.Added Stone Block.Added Trapdoor.Added Vines.Added Water animation.Added Waterlily.Added Pack icon.Added All items from Default RealismAdded other missing textures.
Feeling generous?
Even though this texture is 100% free and always will be, donations are more than welcome! All donations will be used only on causes that supports my work.
In this 'Behind the Scenes'-section, there will be posted various things like images, videos and info about the very process of producing R3D.CRAFT. It could be videos of me working, sketches and ideas and so forth.
How to download and install (in text, Click spoiler):
Here is a short guide on how to install R3D.CRAFT for all platforms:Download a version of R3D.CRAFT by choosing one of the different versions above.Locate your downloaded R3D.CRAFT on your computer.You should have a zip-file (.zip). Copy this zip-file by simply selecting it and pressing Ctrl+C (for PC) or Command+C (for Mac).Now, locate your texture pack folder in your minecraft folder on your computer. You can easily find it in the in-game Minecraft menu by going into Options, then Resource Packs,, then Open texture pack folder. You can also find the folder here: AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks for pc or /Library/Application Support/minecraft/resourcepacks for mac.When you have located your texture pack folder, paste the zip-file you copied into that folder by pressing Ctrl+V (for PC) or Command+V (for Mac).Now, Make sure you either have
installed. These mods makes your Minecraft HD-ready for higher resolution texture packs. Without one of these, there might be bugs in the texture and your game might crash. Remember to close Minecraft before installing one of these mods. Do not install both!When you have everything ready, open Minecraft and go to Options, then Texture Packs.On the list, select R3D.CRAFT. It is usually named something like: [0.0]_R3D.CRAFT_SR-128x_v0.0.0". Your game might freeze for a couple of seconds. It really depends on how much quality you wanted and how fast your computer is. Do not click anywhere and let the game load the texture.??Profit.
If you see more details on the buttons, you have successfully installed R3D.CRAFT. You can now go in-game and hopefully, enjoy R3D.CRAFT and Minecraft in a high quality version.
R3D.CRAFT is a remake/modification of the default texture pack that comes with Minecraft, which has been made by the Mojang Team.
is licensed under a
(additional restrictions are listed below. This CC-copyright license only takes place to secure the authors right to be attributed).
Copyright info for painting-textures:
Images used in kz.png (Minecraft paintings) are made by Kristoffer Zetterstrand. Kristoffer Zetterstrand is represented by . These are original images that the Mojang team uses for their default paintings. These images are labeled under .
1.0: Record in-game footage while using R3D.CRAFT as long as you credit me properly in the description (ex: lets plays, cinematic videos, reviews, etc...).1.1: Share a link to this thread everywhere you want.1.2: Use all logos, pictures, wallpapers and other graphical work connected to R3D.CRAFT (not the actual texture), freely, as long as you credit rightful owner. You can also change the graphical work after your desire, but you still need to credit.1.3: Customize/change/edit R3D.CRAFT in anyway you like, as long as you keep it privately. YouTube videos and screenshots are allowed to share world wide, but only if you credit me properly for the textures. Even though you change this texture pack, you have still no rights to claim the modified texture as yours.
2.0: Share just the download-link to this texture. This means that if you want people to download this, you must display a link to this very thread and not a Mediafire link.2.1: Re-upload this texture or parts of this texture.2.2: Republish this thread/duplicate this thread without permission from the rightful owner. This only counts for all other places than MinecraftForum and PlanetMinecraft. These two places are an absolutely no-no.2.3: Use any content from this texture in your own work without permission from the content owner (this does no longer include 3D animations/2D animations, but please credit wheres needed).2.4: Re-make/remix this texture. If you want to customize R3D.CRAFT, please follow rule 1.3.
I am the owner of all finished R3D.CRAFT textures (not original Mojang textures) and I have all files necessary for proving it. Please follow these simple rules and do not be afraid of asking me about permission.
Private Mod Note
Private Mod Note
Private Mod Note
Private Mod Note
Private Mod Note
On the chest, it looks like you overlaid a tranlucent piece of wood on top of the default texture with some grain.
Also, there are lots of other packs that do similiar things.
Like vanilla hd.
So, this isn't that special, but has a lot of potential if you were to put a unique touch on it.
I thought he did something like that for all of the texture's.
Private Mod Note
Private Mod Note
Private Mod Note
On the chest, it looks like you overlaid a tranlucent piece of wood on top of the default texture with some grain.
Also, there are lots of other packs that do similiar things.
Like vanilla hd.
So, this isn't that special, but has a lot of potential if you were to put a unique touch on it.
Yeah. I've come to a understanding that others have done this before, which doesn't really shock me. Also, I do more than just overlaying a texture, or I want at least. At the cobblestone, for example, I'v e made it pop out more and hopefully more stone-like by adding small effects/shadows/other to it. Also, what you see here is probably not the finished touch.
Quote from
hey man this texture preview looks amazing dont listen to the ppl above, the vanilla hd texture pack crumbles next to this one.
You know why Im loving this? it has that leathery hd sackboy type feel. it doesnt make me think too much of the og minecraft texture. this is more than you doing overlays this is some real artwork youve created.
feel free to use this or put as alternate banner or dont worry but i made this to support your mod more, i hope you are working on it.
if you have another idea for a banner i can help!
Thank you so much!! I'll add it to the forum with your name sD
Quote from
I downloaded it, put it in my texture pack folder, but it wont pop up...
I really want this texture pack, help?
The file you've downloaded is just a png-file. You have to drag it into your minecraft.jar. Remember to take a copy of your minecraft.jar!
I will make it so you can just load it into your Minecraft, but not now. It's not done yet :/
there are a lot of these
There are only like 2 packs like this. One which is not being updated and one that is very plain compared to this.
This one seems very well done. Lets hope he finish it.
Private Mod Note
I actually like this
Looking forward to see the full pack! Great mix between pixel and realistic image.
Edit: Oh, and great Youtube channel, really bewtiful videos *o*
Oh, thank you
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Handcrafted in San Francisco & Huntsville


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