用 gold cooler apples 写父亲送我的三句话话

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Mel was a 7 year
&&&&&&&&&& Mel was a 7 year old girl, with the heart as the size of an elephant. I think maybe even bigger. She loved to read and write. She lived in a family of a Mom, a Dad, and an older brother named Danny. Mel was short for Melanie.&&&& & & & & & & & & &&&&&&&&&&&&One day,the woman being stretched out on her back, the man sits down on her chest, with his back turned to her face, his knees turned forward and his nails he then raises her hips, arching her back until he has brought her vulva face to face with his member, which he then inserts, and thus gains his purpose.Will you show me around Mel?" "Sure, of course!" Mel aGREed as she put down her kick stand. "My bike will be okay here. For now, at least."
&&&&&&&&& &Mel showed Lizzie around Crazy Street,& It cannot be gainsaid that the Indians have surmounted the GREatest difficulties in respect to coition. As a grand exploit, originating with them, the following may be cited: Mel's bike was laying flat on the ground. & & & & & & & & &
"I was sure I put the kickstand up," Mel said with worry. "Maybe, it fell down anywayIf you have to explore her, lift up her buttocks, In order to work like the rope thrown to a drowning man.
&&&&&&&&&I shall now treat of coition between two persons of different conformation. I shall particularise the positions that will suit them in treating each of them severally. Lizzie? & & & & & & & & &
Maybe you can stay for a sleep over." "Yes, I do know my new phone number." She told her. Mom diled the numbers and talked to Lizzie's Mom. "It's all set," Mom said after she hung up the phone. "Lizzie, your Mom is dropping off some of your clothes."
I can’t remember
It has been so bitterly cold here in Pennsylvania.I can’t remember a winter being as cold as this, but I’m sure there were colder days.
Even though the daylight hours are growing longer minute by minute, It is alleged that there are women who, while lying on their back, can place their feet behind their head without the help of pantaloons or hands. & & & & & & & & &
After his member is in, the woman raises her buttocks as high as she can off the bed, the man following her up with hi then the woman lowers herself again upon the bed, giving some short shocks, and although they do not embrace, the man must stick like glue to her. This movement they continue, but the man must make himself light and must not be ponderous, and
in default of which the exercise cannot be kept up without break
then the sun broke through the clouds and memories of summer’s scorching hot days FLASHed through my mind. I could remember standing in the heat of the afternoon, sweat pouring down my brow and the hot, burning sun againse my face. I reminded myself then and there that in the cold of the winter I would wish I had this heat.& & & & & & & & &
I was right.
Two extremes in my life that most of the time I find uncomfortable, the preceding descriptions furnish a large number of procedures, that cannot well be
but with such a variety to choose from, the man who finds one of them difficult to practise, can easily find plenty of others more to his convenience.& Financial extremes reminds us that when things are in excess it’s time to tuck away for when the times are lean.& & & & & & & & &
I have not made mention of positions which it appeared to me impossible to realize, and if there be anybody who thinks that those which I have described are not exhaustive, he has only to look for new ones.
But no more. I want to start finding a reason to be happy right where I am. Even if it’s simply the fact that I’m alive.
I’m tired of being “Under the Weather!”
Foot of Nanshan&&there is a temple at the foot of Nanshan,and an ancient banyan is in front of it.
One morning,there are other positions besides the above named in use among the peoples of India. It is well for you to know that the inhabitants of those parts have multiplied the different ways to enjoy women, and they have advanced farther than we in the knowledge and investigation of coitus. & & & & && & & & &
For his sorrow is on the toppest,he throws down the broom and rushes to his master's room ,then he knocks on the door to plea for interview.
MANNER the TENTH - Place the woman near to a low divan, the back of which she can take ho then, getting under her, lift her legs to the height of your navel, and let her clasp you with her legs on ea in this position plant your verge into her, seizing with your hands the back of the divan. When you begin the action your movements must respond to those of the woman.& and they will be buried by a heap of loess?"
After hearing it ,the old monk points at the ancient banyan and says to the young monk:" My disciple ,you don't need to worry about this.In fact, the defoliation in autumn and the deadwood in winter will climb back to the trees silently and become the flowers in spring and grow up into the leaves in summer at the time of autumnal winds is blowing strongliest and the snow falls down most heavily."& & & & & & & & &
"Why don't I see it?"
"It is the reason that there isn't any view in your heart, so you can't see the bloom ."
the woman then places herself astride on his thighs, crossing her legs behind the back of the man, and places her vulva opposite his member, which latter she gu she then places her arms round his neck, and he embraces her sides and waist, and helps her to rise and descend upon his verge. She must assist in his work.
Treating the life with the attitude of the optimism, it can not only dissolve the agony and misfortune , but also bring a kind of pleased mood to you everyday and make your life bright and flourishing .& &
& & & &&&& &
As long as the view is in the heart,aren't the paths full of fragrance of flowers everywhere?
  BOND star Sean Connery took LSD to help deal with the pressure of fame, his ex-wife claims.   Diane Cilento said a psychiatrist gave him the mind-bending drug because he felt insecure and stressed after becoming a worldwide star. Connery was allegedly prescribed LSD after appearing in the third 007 film Goldfinger in 1964. At the time it had not been declared illegal. Cilento claims in her new book My Nine Lives: "Goldfinger was the most successful Bond film yet.   Cilento said the LSD made Connery, who was then 25, so ill he spent days in bed recovering.It also dredged up memories of his tough childhood in Edinburgh. She said: "Suddenly, Sean began to remember challenging childhood scenes."I recall him telling me how he used to hide sweets, comics and chocolates, which he’d nicked when he pushed his baby brother’s pram around the shops with his mother."   My Nine Lives also deals with an allegation Connery assaulted Cilento during their marriage, which ended in 1973 - a claim he has always strenuously denied. Cilento, 72, recounts an incident, although she does not name Connery as the attacker.   She writes: "I was a bit drunk. I felt a blow to my face and was knocked to the floor. I remember screaming and I think we were shouting. I got to my feet and tried to fight back but another blow sent me flying."   Connery, 75, was unavailable for comment.   英国老牌影星肖恩·康纳利的前妻黛安·塞莱托在自己的新书称,出演007曾让康纳利靠服用致幻药LSD来缓解盛名之下的精神压力。  由于出演007詹姆士·邦德而全球闻名后,康纳利内心产生了强烈的不安全感和紧张感,为此精神病医生为他开出了一些治疗精神错乱的药物。在1964年出演了第3部007电影《金手指》之后,康纳利开始服用迷幻药LSD。在当时,服用这种药物还不算违法。   塞莱托说,致幻药的副作用让时年25岁的康纳利病得很严重,以至于在床上躺了数天后才康复。塞莱托还在书中写道,致幻药让康纳利回忆起了在爱丁堡的许多童年往事,“他开始回忆起有趣的童年往事,告诉我他小时候和母亲推着弟弟的婴儿车逛商店时的情景,以及他如何偷偷往兜里藏糖果和巧克力的事情”。  康纳利与塞莱托德在1973年结束了他们的婚姻。在《我的九条命》一书中,塞莱托还透露她曾遭受康纳利殴打的经历。   塞莱托写道,1965年,她在一个婚礼派对上和他人跳舞;回到房间后,康纳利一记耳光将她打倒在地。她回忆说:“我当时有点醉了。我感觉到有拳头打在我脸上和地板上。我记得当时听见了尖叫声,我想那是我在喊叫。我挣扎着站起来并且打算还手,但又是一拳将我打倒。”   报道说,目前,75岁的康纳利还没有对塞莱托的这番说辞做出任何回应。
生活中的两极Under the weather &
&&&&&& 论身处何处,我总会找一个让自己不快乐的理由。不论是酷暑还是寒冬,健康还是疾病,富有还是贫穷,我总是想让自己的处境有所改变。但我将不再这样,我将为眼前的处境找一个开心的理由……
&&&&&& & It has been so bitterly cold here in Pennsylvania. &&&&&&& &I can’t remember a winter being as cold as this, but I’m sure there were colder days. Even though the daylight hours are growing longer minute by minute, it’s easy to find an excuse not to go out unless you absolutely must, but then again I often have to push myself to accomplish things. People I speak to have been in all kinds of nasty moods. They say they’re “under the weather,” not feeling good about this time of year. &&&&&&&&& As I stood outside with my two dogs yesterday, it was so cold that my nose and face felt crisp and my cars were stinging. Of course, that doesn’t matter to Ricky and Lucy. They have a routine they must go through to find just the fight spot no matter how cold or hot it is. So I wait.&&&&&&&&&&& But this time it was different. As cold as it was, I suddenly was invigorated thinking about how wonderful this extreme cold really was. &&&&&&&&& Then the sun broke through the clouds and memories of summer’s scorching hot days flashed through my mind. I could remember standing in the heat of the afternoon, sweat pouring down my brow and the hot, burning sun againse my face. I reminded myself then and there that in the cold of the winter I would wish I had this heat. I was right. &&&&&&&&&& &Two extremes in my life that most of the time I find uncomfortable, I normally dread them and gripe about it all the way through. But today I was grateful for them. Without the extremes in my life, I would never appreciate the days when things were just right. Without the extremes life would be boring. &&&&&&&&&&& &It’s being pushed to one of the extremes that makes us appreciate the middle more. Health challenges reminds us that we need to pay more attention to how we live. Financial extremes reminds us that when things are in excess it’s time to tuck away for when the times are lean.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&So bring on the cold so I appreciate the heat more. &&&&&&&&&&& Make me sweat on a hot summer’s day so I wish I had a handful of snow to rub my face in. &&&&&&&&&&& I’ve come to the conclusion that all too often I find a reason not to be happy with where I am at that moment. &&&&&&&&&&& Whether it’s hot or cold, good health or bad, in the money or out of it, I always wanted it to be different. &&&&&&&&&&& But no more. I want to start finding a reason to be happy right where I am. Even if it’s simply the fact that I’m alive. &&&&&&&&&&& I’m tired of being “Under the Weather!”
&&&&&&& &生命中没有什么恒久不变的风景,只要你的心永远朝着太阳,每一个清晨都会向你展现一番美景,等着你去欣赏——这个世界总会带给你新的希望。&&&&&&&& From the window of my room, I could see a tall cotton-rose hibiscus. In spring, when green foliage was half hidden by mist, the tree looked very enchanting dotted with red blossom. This inspiring neighbor of mine often set my mind working. I gradually regarded it as my best friend.&&&&&&&& Nevertheless, when I opened the window one morning, to my amazement, the tree was almost bare beyond recognition as a result of the storm ravages the night before. Struck by the plight, I was seized with a sadden saddens at the thought “all the blossom is doomed to fall”. I could not help sighing with emotion: the course of life never runs smooth, for there are so many ups and downs, twists and turns. The vicissitudes of my life saw my beloved friends parting one after another. Isn’t it similar to the tree shedding its flowers in the wind?&&&&&&&& &This event faded from my memory as time went by. One day after I came home from the countryside, I found the room stuffy and casually opened the window. Something outside caught my eye and dazzled me. It was a plum tree all scarlet with blossom set off beautifully by the sunset. The surprise discovery overwhelmed me with pleasure. I wondered why I had no idea of some unyielding life sprouting over the fallen petals when I was grieving for the hibiscus.&&&&&&& &When the last withered petal dropped, all the joyful admiration for the hibiscus sank into oblivion as if nothing was left, until the landscape was again ablaze with the red plum blossom to remind people of life’s alternation and continuance. Can’t it be said that life is actually a symphony, a harmonious composition of loss gain.&&&&&&&&& Standing by the window lost in thought for a long time, I realized that no scenery in the world remains unchanged. As long as you keep your heart basking in the sun, every dawn will present a fine prospect for you to unfold and the world will always be about new hopes.
&&& Inside the Russian Embassy in London a KGB colonel puffed a cigarette as he read the handwritten note for the third time. There was no need for the writer to express reGREt, he though. Correcting this problem would be easy. He would do that in a moment. The thought of it caused a grim smile to appear and joy to his heart. But he pushed away those thoughts and turned his attention to a framed photograph on his desk. His wife was beautiful, he told himself as he remembered the day they were married. That was forty-three years ago, and it had been the proudest and happiest day of his life.& &&& 在伦敦的俄国使馆,一位克格勃上校一边吞云吐雾,一边读着一张手写的字条,这已是他第三次在读这张字条了。便条的作者不必表示遗憾了,上校这样想着。纠正这个错误其实很容易。他只要一会儿工夫便会做到。想到这里,他的脸上不禁浮现出一种可怕的笑容,他内心深处既伤感而又快活。上校从沉思中游离出来,将注意力集中到桌子上的一个像框上,他的妻子是位美丽的女人,当想起他们成婚的那一天时他不禁自语道。那已是43年前的事情了,可却是他一生中最自豪最幸福的日子。& &&& What had happened to all that time? Why had it passed so quickly, and why hadn’t he spent more of it with her? Why hadn’t he held her close and told her more often that he loved her? He cursed himself as a tear came from the corner of his eye, ran down his cheek, then dropped onto the note. He stiffened and wiped his face with the back of his hand. There was no need for remorse or reGREt, he told himself. In a few moments he would join her and at that time would express his undying love and devotion.& &&& 那些时候都发生了什么?为什么时光流逝得如此之快?为什么他没能将更多的时光用来陪伴她?为什么他没能将她搂紧,更多次地告诉她他爱她?他于是开始诅咒起自己,泪水也忍不住夺眶而出,流过面颊,最后滴落在字条上。这时,他板起了面孔,用手背揩去了眼泪。已经没有必要来自责与悔恨了,他对自己说道。很快他不就会与她团聚了吗?到那时,他将再向她表达他永恒的爱与忠心。& &&& After setting the note ablaze he dropped it into an ashtray and watched it burn. For a time the names cast moving shadows on the walls of the darkened room, then they nickered and died out. The colonel dropped the cigarette to the floor and ground it out with his heel, then clutched the photograph to his *, removed a pistol from his pocket, placed the barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger. In the ashtray a small portion of the note remained. Where it had been wetted by his tear it had failed to bum, and on that scrap of paper were the words "died yesterday."& && 他点燃了字条,将它扔进了烟灰缸中,看着它慢慢地燃烧起来。在火苗的映衬下,这间漆黑的屋子里的四壁一时变得影影绰绰。不一会儿,火苗成了星星点点,渐渐地熄灭了。上校把香烟扔在了地板上,用后脚跟碾灭,随后抓起照片放在自己的胸前。他从衣兜中掏出了一把手枪,将枪筒放进自己的嘴中,接着扣动扳机。在烟灰缸中还残留着一小片字条,由于被上校的泪水浸湿而未能燃尽。在这块残片上有这样几个字“昨天去世”。
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&& About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college, I was working as an intern at my University's Museum of Natural History. One day while working at the cash register in the gift shop, I saw an elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair.   十年前我还是一名在校大学生,那时我在学校的自然历史博物馆实习。一天,在礼品店的收银机那儿工作时,我看到一对老年夫妇推着一个坐轮椅的小女孩走了进来。 As I looked closer at this girl, I saw that she was kind of perched on her chair. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and torso. She was wearing a little white dress with red polka dots.   近看这个小女孩时,我注意到她几乎是完全被放在轮椅里,意识到她没有胳膊和腿,只剩下了头部、脖子以及躯干了。她穿着一件小白裙,上面还有红色的圆点花纹。&&& As the couple wheeled her up to me I was looking down at the register. I turned my head toward the girl and gave her a wink. As I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, largest smile I have ever seen.   当这对夫妇推着她走到我身边时,我低头看了看清单。转头看到小女孩,于是我对她眨了眨眼睛。从她爷爷奶奶手中接钱的时候,我又看了一眼小女孩,她正向我展示我所见过的最可爱、最宽大的笑容。&&& All of a sudden her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just melted me and almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and broug a world of smiles, love and warmth.   就在那一霎那间,她的身体缺陷消失了,我看到的只是一个美丽的女孩儿,她的笑容使我融化,并几乎立刻使我对人生有了一种新的认识。她把我这个贫穷而不幸的大学生带进了她的世界,一个充满微笑、爱和温暖的世界。&&& That was ten years ago. I'm a successful business person now and whenever I get down and think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught me.  那已经是十年前的事情了。现在我已经成为一名成功的商人。无论何时当我感到沮丧,回想到世界上的烦恼时,我就会想起那个小女孩以及她教给我的那堂不寻常的课。
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微笑的妙处 Smile at each other
&& Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other―it doesn’t matter who it is―and that will help you to grow up in GREater love for each other.&
&& 经常保持笑容,对你的另一半、你的孩子微笑,甚至对陌生人也不要吝惜你的微笑,因为小小的微笑就能大大增进人与人之间的感情。 ――泰瑞莎修女
&& 1/ Many Americans are familiar with the Little Prince, a wonderful book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This is a whimsical and fabulous book and works as a children’s story as well as a thought-provoking adult fable. Far fewer are aware of Saint-Exupery’s other writings, novels and short stories.
&& 法国作家安东尼·圣艾修伯里所写的《小王子》是本很多美国人都很熟悉的极好的书。这本书表面上看来是童话故事,但世故的成人读来也觉寓意深远。很少人知道,除了《小王子》,圣艾修伯里还创作过其他life/index.htm"&小说和短篇故事。
&& 2/ Saint-Exupery was a fighter pilot who fought against the Nazis and was killed in action. Before World War II, he fought in the Spanish Civil War against the fascists. He wrote a fascinating story based on that experience entitled The Smile. It is this story which I’d like to share with you now. It isn’t clear whether or not he meant this to be autobiographical or fiction. I choose to believe it to be the former.
&& 圣艾修伯里是名飞行员,二次大战对抗纳粹时被击落身亡,之前他也曾参加西班牙内战打击法西斯分子。他根据这次经验写了一篇精彩的故事――《微笑》,现在要提的就是这篇作品。这是真实故事或是虚构事情,没人能下定论,但我宁可相信这是作者的亲身体验。
&& 3/ He said that he was captured by the enemy and thrown into a jail cell. He was sure that from the contemptuous looks and rough treatment he received from his jailers he would be executed the next day. From here, I’ll tell the story as I remember it in my own words.
&& 故事的前段大意是作者被敌军俘虏,关进监牢。看守监狱的人一脸凶相,态度极为恶劣。他心想,明天绝对会被拖出去枪毙。以下是我记忆中的故事原文。
&& 4/ “I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous and distraught. I fumbled in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped their search. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get it to my lips. But I had no matches, they had taken those.
&& “一想到自己明天就没命了,不禁陷入极端的惶恐与不安。我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题,而我的火柴也在搜身时被拿走了。
&&& 5/ “I looked through the bars at my jailer. He did not make eye contact with me. After all, one does not make eye contact with a thing, a corpse. I called out to him ‘Have you got a light?’ He looked at me, shrugged and came over to light my cigarette.
&& “我透过铁栏望着外面的警卫,他并没有注意到我在看他,也许对他而言,我只是他看守的一样‘物品’、一具‘尸体’。我叫了他一声:‘能跟你借个火吗?’他转头望着我,耸了耸肩,然后走了过来,点燃我的香烟
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爱是生活,生活也是爱the flame of love
&&&&&&&& 拥有了一份好的工作、一个好的身体、一笔大大的财富,但你仍然感受不到幸福快乐?这是为什么?答案只有一个字,爱。没有爱的人生好比没有灵魂的躯体。 &&&&&&& 爱给予了生活的意义。幸运的人得到爱并能让那爱的火花永远燃烧,这不是一天或几个月的事。爱是生活,生活也是爱。
&&& Suppose a good job, good health, good reputation, good relationships and lot of money to spend. But still there is something missing from your life. Guess what? The LOVE. It is not something which you should ignore. Life without love is just like body without soul. &&& Love gives meaning to life as without love life is meaningless. Lucky is the person who gets love and keeps the flames of love burning for ever. It is not a matter of days or months. Love is for life and life is for love. Short term love encounters are not helpful at all. Be sincere with your body and soul. Indulge in serious life long loving relationship and live a healthy, happy and joyful life. &&& It is easy to fell in love but difficult to keep the flames of love burning. Before indulging in serious long term love relationships be sure that the person you love is also sincere with you. A selfish person can make your life miserable. If this is the case with you then try to get rid of that person as soon as possible. &&& Most people do not give importance to their love life as they give importance to their professional life. In most cases, people sacrifice their love life at the cost of their profession. This is a bad choice which ruins the whole life. A sensible balance between the two is necessary in order to enjoy life in its entirety. Do not deprive yourself of the love you need. People part their ways after living together for years and years. Though this looks strange but is the obvious result of ignoring the genuine complaints and grievances of the other. Sometimes a sincere apology, gentle touch, or a friendly kiss is enough to put your love life on track. However, when deep differences develop between the two then professional consultation is necessary. Do everything to bring back love to your life, if it is lost. uUlsda E &&& In order to make the journey of life more exciting and enjoyable, you need a loving and caring person with whom you can share your values, dreams, fantasies, joys and jokes. In difficult times of anxiety, sorrow, distress or loss of near and dear ones this person should stand firm besides you and console you in every possible manner. &&& Love your life and love the person who is in your life. Keep the flames of love burning to live a GREat, great love life. Discuss this article with your loved one and carefully listen what he/she says. This can give you a clue of his/her inner sentiments and the depth of love for you. Also avail this opportunity to renew your love life with a new passion and commitment.
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&&& A guard came to the prison shoe shop where Jimmy Valentine was working and took him to the prison office. There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon, which had been signed that morning by the governor. H he was too tired to show excitement. He had been in prison nearly ten months and he had been sentenced to four years. True, he had expected to stay only about three months, at the longest. He had a lot of friends and he had been sure they would help him.看守来到基米·&&& 范林丁正在干活的监狱制鞋间,将他带到监狱办公室。到了那里,监狱长将一张赦免书递给基米,这是今天早上州长签署的。基米默默地接过去,对此他没有流露出任何的激动。他早已腻烦,他在狱中呆了将近10个月,而判他的是4年徒刑。说真的,他本来打算最多呆3个月的。他有好多朋友,他相信他们一定会为他想办法的。&& “Now, Valentine,” said the warden, “You’ll go out in the morning. Make a man of yourself. You’re not a bad fellow really. Stop breaking open safes and be honest.”&& “范林丁,”监狱长说,“明天早上你就可以出狱了,要活出个人样来。其实你这人并不坏。再不要撬保险柜了。做一个诚实的人。”&& “Me?” said Jimmy, in surprise. “Why, I’ve never broken open a safe in my life.”&& “我?”基米吃惊地说,“你说什么?我可从来没有撬过保险柜呀。”&& “Oh, no,” laughed the warden. “Of course not. And what about that Springfield job? Do you mean to say you didn’t take part in it?”&& “啊,没有,”监狱长笑道,“当然没有。可是,春田事件该怎么说呢?你是说你没有参与那件事吗?”&& “Me?” said Jimmy still more surprised. “Why, warden, I’ve never been to Springfield in my life!”&& “我?”基米更吃惊了。“怎么,监狱长,我可从来没有去过春田呀!”&& “Take him back,” the warden said to the guard smiling, “and give him some clothes. Unlock him at seven in the morning and let him come to me. Better think over my advice, Valentine.”&& “把他带回去,”监狱长对看守笑道,“给他一些衣服,明天早上7点给他开锁后让他到我这里来。最好还是把我的劝告想一下,范林丁。”&&& At a quarter past seven the next morning Jimmy stood in the warden’s office. He wore a badly-fitting ready-made suit and the cheap shoes that the state gives to prisoners, when they are set free. The clerk handed him a railroad ticket and the five-dollar bill with which he was supposed to start a new, honest life. The warden gave him a cigar, and they shook hands. Valentine, 9762, was registered on the books “Pardoned by Governor,” and Mr. James Valentine walked out into the sunshine.&& 第二天早上7点15分,基米站在了监狱长的办公室。他穿着一套很不合身的现成衣服和一双廉价的鞋子。这些是在释放犯人时发给他们的。一名职员递给他一张火车票和5美元。拿着这些钱,从此就可以开始诚实的新的人生了。监狱长递给他一支雪茄。他们握了握手。范林丁,9762号,已经登记在“州长赦免册”中。于是,詹姆斯·范林了便走到了阳光下。
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手The Hand
过感恩节的真正意义并不在于收受他人给予我们的有形物质,而是借此机会回馈他人,无论是如何的微小的付出。[1]A Thanksgiving Day editorial『社论』in the newspaper told of a school teacher who asked her class of first graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for. She thought of how little these children from poor neighborhoods actually had to be thankful for. But she knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys or tables with food. The teacher was taken aback『吃惊;惊讶』with the picture Douglas handed in… a smile childishly drawn hand.[1]感恩节那天,报纸刊登了一篇社论,其中讲到这样一个故事:有位小学一年级的老师叫班上的小朋友画出他们感恩的东西。这些孩子均来自贫苦家庭,所以她料想他们多半会画桌丰富的感恩节佳肴,外加一只香喷喷的火鸡。但看到道格拉斯的作品后,她惊讶不已,上面画了一只手![2]But whose hand? The class was captivated『迷惑;困惑』by the abstract『抽象的』image. “I think it must be the hand of God that brings us food,” said one child. “A farmer,” said another, “because he grows the turkeys.” Finally when the others were at work, the teacher bent『弯腰;屈身』over Douglas’s desk and asked whose hand it was. “It’s your hand, Teacher,” he mumbled『咕哝;含糊地说』.[2]这是谁的手?班上的小朋友都兴致勃勃地开始臆测,“这一定是赐给我们食物的上帝的手。”一个小孩说道。“是农夫,他用这手养出火鸡。”另一个小孩也有意见。在一阵猜测后,小朋友们又跑回座位继续画画。这时老师走到道格拉斯身旁,弯下腰问他那是谁的手。“那是您的手,老师。”他怯怯地回答。 [3]She recalled that frequently at recess『课间休息』she had taken Douglas, a scrubby『身材矮小的』forlorn『孤独的』child by the hand. She often did that with the children. But it meant so much to Douglas. Perhaps this was everyone’s Thanksgiving, not for the material things given to us but for the chance, in whatever small way, to give to others.[3]道格拉斯个头矮小,平时落落寡欢,但老师在下课时总会过去牵牵他的手。她常这样握孩童的手,但对道格拉斯而言,意义格外重大。也许过感恩节的真正意义并不在于收受他人给予我们的有形物质,而是借此机会回馈他人,无论是如何的微小的付出。
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香港迪斯尼乐园介绍 Disney opens new park in HK
&&&&& Walt Disney Co. officially opened its new Hong Kong theme park on Monday, exporting a piece of the Magic Kingdom to China''s doorstep in a bold bid to gain a bigger foothold in the vast Chinese market. A troupe of Chinese lion dancers in gold and red emerged from the gates of Sleeping Beauty''s Castle to chase away evil spirits and bring good luck. "China is an important area for us to move forward in and building a Hong Kong Disneyland will certainly introduce everyone to who we are," Robert Braunstein, senior show program manager for the park, told reporters. Both the company and the government have high hopes resting on the success of the park, Disney''s first in China and its second in Asia after Japan. Disney is clearly hoping that millions of Chinese visitors to the park will bring home a taste for its products, from mouse-ear caps and stuffed toys to DVDs. the park is also expected to give a major boost to Hong Kong''s economy, creating tens of thousands of much-needed jobs and generating $19 billion in revenue at the venue over 40 years. Some visitors at rehearsals have complained of waiting for hours for rides and food and said that the park is too small. At 126 hectares (311 acres), it is less than half the size of the original Disneyland in California. the park cost $1.8 billion to build, with another $2 billion spent to reclaim land for the project and build public services. the Hong Kong government, which owns 57 percent of the park, has been accused of giving up too much in its negotiations with Disney, while other critics fear Disney could eventually open another park in Shanghai, damaging profits. "I don''t think it would be a threat. We have two locations in America," Braunstein said. Nevertheless, Mickey mania has swept this city of nearly 7 million people on China''s southern coast. Disney shirts and souvenirs are on sale around town and the park has received wide coverage in Hong Kong media. Local television stations broadcast the opening ceremonies live and radio stations aired announcements from the government urging people to plan ahead if they wanted to visit the park. Thousands of journalists and tourists have descended on Hong Kong for the opening, one of the biggest media events in the city since the former British colony was handed back to China in 1997. the park is expected to draw 5.6 million visitors in its first year, a third of these from mainland China.
周一,美国沃尔特·迪斯尼公司宣布新建的香港迪斯尼乐园正式开幕。迪斯尼公司大胆地把奇妙王国引入中国,并希望能够在中国这个巨大的市场分得更大的一块“蛋糕”。 一群中国传统的舞狮演员,穿着金色或红色的演出服,舞着狮子从睡美人城堡中一路走来。他们赶走邪恶的精灵,带来好运。 “中国对于我们来说是一个非常重要的发展区域,建设香港迪斯尼乐园肯定会让每一个中国人都了解我们。”乐园负责演出的高级经理罗伯特·布朗斯坦告诉记者说。 不仅是迪斯尼公司,香港政府也对乐园的成功寄予很高的期望,这是迪斯尼在中国建立的第一个主题公园,也是继日本东京迪斯尼乐园后,在亚洲建立的第二个迪斯尼乐园。 很明显,迪斯尼公司希望游乐园的数百万中国游客在尽情游玩的同时把迪斯尼产品带回家,从印有老鼠耳朵的帽子、填充毛绒玩具到DVD光碟。 迪斯尼乐园还有望大力推动香港经济的发展,乐园提供了上万个急需的工作岗位,在未来的40年中还将给香港带来190亿美元的税收收入。 在前几天的彩排中,有游客抱怨说为了玩游乐项目或吃饭都要排队等上几个小时,他们还抱怨说乐园太小。香港迪斯尼乐园占地126公顷,面积还不到加州迪斯尼乐园的一半。 这座乐园的造价为18亿美元,另外还花费了20亿美元用来征用建造乐园的土地和公共设施建设。 香港政府占有整个乐园股份的57%,但有人指责香港政府在和迪斯尼方面的谈判中放弃了太多,还有批评担心迪斯尼公司可能最终会选择在上海再投资建造一家乐园,这样会大大影响香港迪斯尼乐园的旅游收益。 “我想那不会成为威胁,在美国我们同样在两个不同的地方建有迪斯尼乐园,”布朗斯坦说。 然而,米奇热已经席卷了这个位于中国南部海岸的将近七百万人口的城市。到处都能看到迪斯尼衬衫和纪念品,香港的媒体也纷纷为迪斯尼乐园曝光。 当地电视台现场直播了乐园的开幕仪式,电台广播了香港政府提醒市民如果想去游玩要提前做准备的通知。 上千名记者和游客已经来到香港,期待迪斯尼乐园的开幕仪式。这是自1997年香港回归中国以来最大规模的媒体盛会之一。 香港迪斯尼乐园预期第一年将吸引560万游客,其中三分之一来自中国大陆。
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一见钟情 Love at first sight&&&&&&
  Edward Reiser was driving down an old dirt road, looking for a shack1. A witch2 lived there, and he was hoping she could help him. He found what he was looking for, stopped and got out of his car. An old ugly woman in a shapeless dress stepped out of the shack to GREet him3.  “How do you do?” she said.  “Are you the person they call Aunt Hattie?” he called.  “Yes,” she answered. “Come in. Come in.”  Edward went inside. the small room Hattie led him into had only two pieces of furniture4—a worn couch5 and a chair. The rest of the room was filled with tables made of old crates6. The crates were covered with jars and cages containing Hattie''s collection of spiders, snakes, dried bats7, and the usual things witches find necessary to do their work. The walls were unpainted8, and the room looked like it had never been cleaned.  Edward seated himself on the front edge of the old chair9, touching as little of it as possible. Everything in the room made him feel uneasy. Nevertheless, he had come on business, and he was not the sort of man to let anything get in his way10.  “Well, well, ” Hattie said happily, “It''s not often that I get a chance to visit with a good-looking young man like yourself.”  “I didn''t come to chat,” replied Edward firmly. “I''m here on business. I...well, I understand you can make certain medicines...”  “I make all kinds of medicines,” she said. “What kind do you want?”  “I want a medicine which will make somebody fall in love with me,” he said.  “Well, well, well,” she said. “When I was young, the men used to come running after11 me all the time. Oh, men won''t leave a woman alone when she''s young. But when you''re old, though...” she shook her head sadly. “What''s a handsome fellow like you need it for? It seems to me the women ought to be wanting to use it on you12.”  “Never mind why I want it13. Just give it to me, and I''ll pay and leave.”  “Well, if you''re in a hurry, I''ll get started. It''ll take a while to make, though.”  Hattie rose from the chair and walked to the door at the end of the room. She carefully closed the door behind her, and Edward was left alone.  the witch had been right about how handsome Edward was. He was very good looking and rich. At the age of 32, he had been loved by a GREat number of women. He had, in fact, begun to grow rather bored with women.   then he met Rita. She was young, beautiful, intelligent—the English language could not begin to describe her14. She was working as a secretary to Edward''s lawyer when he met her, and as soon as he saw her, he became infatuated with15 her. For the first time in his life, however, he had met a woman who was completely not interested in him.  Rita had turned down16 his request for a date, politely explaining that she was engaged to17another man and quite happy about it. He began to see his lawyer every day in order to see her more often. She changed jobs and went to work for a different lawyer. He changed lawyers. She left that job for a job with a large company. He called her on the phone until she refused to answer it anymore.  One afternoon he overheard a young man telling an older man about a witch who lived near his hometown. She could cast spells18 and make special medicines. He bought them many drinks and was rewarded with more information. After he learnt the details of where she lived, Edward set out19 to find her.  the old woman re-entered the room, slamming the door and waking Edward from his daydream.  “Won''t be long now,” she said. “It just needs to settle20 a bit. Would you like a cup of tea?”  “No,” Edward said. He didn''t like the idea of sitting and drinking tea with the old witch, as if they were having a social hour together21.  “then how about a glass of nice, cool well water22?”  Edward was very thirsty and thought he could quickly drink it and leave. So, he accepted the offer.  Hattie walked out the door and soon returned with his water. He took it gratefully23 and drank half of it with his first gulp24. It tasted a bit salty, but it felt good to his dry throat.   “I don''t suppose a city man like yourself really believes in what I do,” she said.  “Well, no, of course not.”  “No, of course not,” she sighed. “No one does anymore, but you come anyway. Not so many come as used to, though. It gets real lonely, nowadays. Ever since Old Sallie died—”  Edward interrupted.   “the medicine,” he said. “Just how does it work?”  “Well, it''s liquid, you see. You can give it in a glass of whiskey if you want. Whoever drinks it will fall in love with the first person they see.”  “How deeply in love?” Edward asked. “Will they give up other people they loved?”  “Yes,” she said. “Give up everything except the first person they see.”  “Good,” said Edward. “Now, how long does it take to work?”  “A minute or two,” she said.  “Oh, before I forget, does it have any bad or bitter taste?”  “It tastes,” she said slowly, “a bit salty.”  “Salty...”  But even before he could be sure of what had happened—an emotion unlike any he had ever experienced before, struck him25. For a moment, Edward was too overcome26 by this strange, new emotion to act. then he stepped forward and gathered his beloved in his arms. Old Hattie would never be lonely again.
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孩子和树的故事A Boy and His Tree
  A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow… He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.   Time went by…the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree.   One day, the boy came back to the tree and looked sad. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy.   “I am no longer a kid, I don’t play around trees anymore.” the boy replied, “I want toys. I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, but I don’t have money…but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy was so excited. He picked all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy didn’t come back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.   One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. “Come and play with me.” The tree said. “I don’t have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?” “Sorry, but I don’t have a house. But you can cut off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily.   the tree was glad to see him happy but the boy didn’t appear since then. The tree was again lonely and sad. One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. “Come and play with me!” the tree said.   “I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk to build the boat. You can sail and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and did not show up for a long time.   Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I don’t have anything for you anymore. No more apples for you.” the tree said. “ I don’t have teeth to bite.” The boy replied. “ No more trunk for you to climb on.” “I am too old for that now.” the boy said. “I really want to give you something…the only thing left is my dying roots.” The tree said with tears. “I don’t need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years.” The boy replied. “Good! Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest. Come here, please sit down with me and have a rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears… 这是一个发生在每一个人身上的故事。那棵树就像我们的父母。我们小的时 候,喜欢和爸爸妈妈玩……长大后,便离开他们,只有在我们需要父母亲,或是 遇到了困难的时候,才会回去找他们。尽管如此,父母却总是有求必应,为了我们的幸福,无私地奉献自己的一切。你也许觉得那个男孩很残忍,但我们何尝不是这样呢?亲爱的朋友们,不管你现在何方,景况如何;也不管你有多忙碌;想想远方的父母,拿起电话吧,给老人一段美妙的倾诉时间吧!
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生活的乐趣The Joy of Living
  Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them, giving them the freedom of a bird in the open. Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose, or put on from the outside as a mask. People who have this joy don not n they radiate it. They just live out their joy and let it splash its sunlight and glow into other lives as naturally as bird sings.
  We can never get it by working for it directly. It comes, like happiness, to those who are aiming at something higher. It is a byproduct of GREat, simple living. the joy of living comes from what we put into living, not from what we seek to get from it.
  生活之乐趣来源于良好的情绪,信赖这些情绪,并任由它们如同鸟儿高翔于天空般地自由自在。生活的乐趣是无法靠姿态摆出来的,也无法用戴上一张面具来伪装。 拥有这种乐趣的人们无需挂在嘴边,他们自然会焕发出快乐的气息。他们自己生活在快乐当中,也将这样的快乐自然而然地感染着他人,犹如是鸟儿就必将歌唱。
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追随梦想Follow Your Dream
  I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.&
  the last time I was there he introduced me by saying, "I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boy's high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he GREw up."
  "That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in GREat detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch. "
  "He put a GREat deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, 'See me after class.' "
  "the boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, 'Why did I receive an F?'"
  我有个朋友叫蒙提·罗伯兹,他在圣思多罗(San Ysidro)有座牧马场。我常借用他宽敞的住宅举办募款活动,以便为帮助青少年的计划筹备基金。
  "the teacher said, `This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you'll have to pay large stud fees. There's no way you could ever do it.’Then the teacher added, 'If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.'"
  "the boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, 'Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you.’ "
  "Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all. He stated, `You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream.'"
  Monty then turned to the assembled group and said, "I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace." He added, "The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week." When the teacher was leaving, he said, `Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids’dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.’"
  Don't let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what.
  蒙提此时向众人表示:“我提起这故事,是因为各位现在就坐在200亩农场内,占地4000平方英尺的豪华住宅。那份初中时写的报告我至今还留着。”他顿了一下又说:“有意思的是,两年前的夏天,那位老师带了30个学生来我的农场露营一星期。离开之前,他对我说:‘蒙提,说来有些惭愧。你读初中时,我曾泼过你冷水。这些年来,我也对不少学生说过相同的话。幸亏你有这个毅力坚持自己的梦想,’”  不论做什么事,相信你自己,别让别人的一句话将你击倒。
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I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。
No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is , won't make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。
the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。
Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要悉眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。
Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。
Don't try to hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。
Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us.----Sir Thomas Browne“生命是束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。”——托马斯。布朗爵士
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我们这个时代的尴尬Paradox of Our Times
<FONT color=#]We have bigger houses
more conveniences, we have more deGREes, b more knowledge, more experts, more medicine, but less wellness.
<FONT color=#] We spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get to angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too often, and pray too seldom.
<FONT color=#] We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too little and lie too often. We've learned how to make a living, we've added years to life, not life to years.
<FONT color=#] We have taller buildings, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, we buy more, but enjoy it less.
<FONT color=#] We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We've conquered outer space, but not inner space. We've split the atom, b we write more, plan more, but accomplish less.
<FONT color=#] We've learned to rush, we have higher incomes, but lower morals. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies, but have less communication. We are long on quantity, but short on quality.
<FONT color=#] these are the times of fast food tall men steep profits and shallow relationships. More
more kinds of food, two incomes, fancier houses, but broken homes.
<FONT color=#]我们居住的房屋越来越宽敞,家庭却越来越小型化;可以享受的生活便利日益增多,属于自己的时间却日趋减少;我们获得了一张又一张学位证书,却愈加频繁地陷入对常识的茫然中;我们广泛地涉猎各类知识,却越来越缺乏对于外界事物的准确把握和判断;专家越来越多,问题却也日渐增加;药物越吃越多,健康却每况愈下。
<FONT color=#]我们花钱太疯,笑容太少,开车太快,发怒太急,熬夜太晚,起身太累,文章读得太少,电视看得太勤,祷告做得太少。
<FONT color=#]我们不断聚敛物质财富,却逐渐丢失了自我价值。我们的话语太多,真爱太少,谎言泛滥。我们掌握了谋生手段,却不懂得生活真谛;我们让年华付诸流水,却不曾将生命倾注其中。
<FONT color=#]我们的住房越来越好,脾气却越来越糟;我们行驶的道路越来越宽阔,眼光却越来越狭隘。我们付出很多,可获得的很少;我们购买了很多,可从中得到的乐趣却很少。
<FONT color=#]我们能够往返于地球与月球之间,却不乐于穿过马路向新邻居问好。我们可以征服外部空间,却慑于走进内心世界。我们可以击碎原子,却不能突破思想偏见;我们写得很多,可学到的很少;计划很多,可完成的很少。
<FONT color=#]我们学会了追赶时间,却没学会耐心等待;我们拥有的财富越来越多,道德品质却日益沦丧。我们生产更多的电脑用于存储更多的信息和制造更多的拷贝,而相互间的交流与沟通却越来越少。我们拥有的是数量,缺乏的是质量。
<FONT color=#]这是一个快餐食品和消化迟缓相伴的时代;一个体格高大和性格病态并存的时代;一个追名逐利和人情冷漠相生的时代。我们的休闲多了,乐趣却少了;食品种类多了,营养却少了;双薪家庭增加了,离婚率也激升了;居室的装修华丽了,家庭却残缺破碎了。
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生命掌握在你自己手里&&  Consider... YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a 1)gazillion…   You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity!!!
  You're amazing! You're awesome! And by the way, TAG, you're it. As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more so. Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you don't become "beautiful" just by virtue of the aging process.
  Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life. You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you. Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it offers. You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.
  Paint a Masterpiece.
  God gives every bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its nest. Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, it's truly up to you.
  真正的美丽源于生命里的学习、成长和热爱。这就是生命的艺术。你可以只听天由命, 慢慢地学,有时候或许会很痛苦。又或许你可以选择加速自己的成长,故意地挥霍生活及其提供的一切。你就是手握今日之刷描绘自己未来的艺术家。画出一幅杰作吧!
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