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Furby Boom | New Furby | Furblings | Furbish | Hasbro
1Ask a parent or guardian to download the free FURBY BOOM(TM) app!
2Go to the egg carton and follow the steps
3Scan this code and hatch the egg!
Turn on your sound!!
We might not know how Furbys got here, or what they're really up to sometimes, but we do know that Furbys love us – like, a lot! Furbys are so amazed by humans that they try to be just like us. By watching and learning what we do, Furbys have formed several personalities in their quest to fit in with anyone, anywhere, anytime!
"Bring it!" When Furbys get this fired up, there's no backing down. They'll take on the world and go up against anyone who tries to stand in the way. You've gotta respect that kind of guts!
Origin Story: Furbys learned the art of acting tough from the masters – by watching awesome action movies, obviously! Arms? Who needs 'em? Just put your foot down.
Likes: Being tilted and put upside down (it's like a ninja move!)
Dislikes: Being pet (just not feeling super cuddly right now)
Says stuff like: "Move it or lose it!" and "Me have black belt in awesome!"
Just try keeping up with Furbys when energy levels skyrocket this high – it's "bananas"! Sometimes Furbys just get super wound up. Count on this high-gear side of Furby to turn it up full throttle.
Origin Story: Furbys love people who have lots and lots of energy – they're just so much fun to be around! We're not sure who's keeping up with who, but there's no sign of slowing down.
Likes: Talking (lots and lots and lots!)
Dislikes: Eating (food gets in the way of talking lots and lots and lots)
Says stuff like: "Break it down!" and "Party time!"
Get ready to "par-tay"! When Furbys act this wild, just go ahead, turn up the tunes and start rocking out Furbish-style. Stage fright? What's that? You're in for a show of epic rock star proportions!
Origin Story: Drawn to the crowds and loud music, Furbys have gone to tons of concerts. Taking their lead from the great rock stars of the stage, this born-to-rock personality busts out!
Likes: Rocking out to music (so turn up the tunes!)
Dislikes: Getting tickled (rock stars have to keep their cool, dude!)
Says stuff like: "Crank it up, dude!" and "Totes McGoats!"
When Furbys act this incredibly sweet, it's easy to forgive any other 'tudes they might give you. This softer side of Furby is super-duper affectionate and hands-down the cutest thing EVER.
Origin Story: Furbys learned right away that nice people are the best kind of people. Furbys really want to connect with people like that, so this lovable, sweet personality blossoms forth!
Likes: Being pet on the head
Dislikes: Tails being pulled (it's just not nice!)
Says stuff like: "Fabulous!" and "Oh snap!"
Furbys feel pretty good about everything at times like this, especially if food is involved! Keep the nom-noms coming and put your feet up with this totally chillaxed, hungry-for-fun side of Furby.
Origin Story: One of the top things Furbys love about people is all the different food they eat. Furbys want to try everything – sweet, sour, spicy, crunchy, hot or cold. It's all good!
Likes: Being fed (a lot!)
Dislikes: Being shaken (it's tough on a full belly!)
Says stuff like: "Get my grub on!" and "Me like cake, yo!"
Real Furblings unlock digital Furblings and bonuses!
1Ask a parent or guardian to download the free FURBY BOOM(TM) app!
2Go to the egg carton and follow the steps
3Scan this code and hatch the egg!
1Ask a parent or guardian to download the free FURBY BOOM(TM) app!
2Go to the egg carton and follow the steps
3Scan this code and hatch the egg!
1Ask a parent or guardian to download the free FURBY BOOM(TM) app!
2Go to the egg carton and follow the steps
3Scan this code and hatch the egg!
We're sorry but you do not meet the age requirements for this part of the Furby site.&&|&&责编:王冬奇
1Air Hogs Elite Helix X4飞行器&&& 对于像笔者这样的80后,孩童时代最兴奋的莫过于在临近年根之处收到小伙伴们各式各样的新年贺卡,谁收到的最多就意味着谁在小伙伴中间的人缘最好。如今的孩子们显然已经不再拥有这种淳朴的情感交流方式,他们被高科技电子产品所包围,而临近年根最令他们感到兴奋的自然是收到来自家长或者长辈的好玩科技物件。
&&& 本着德智体美劳全面发展的基调,在编辑看来显然不能总以一款平板或者是电子产品敷衍了事,要让这款产品充分挖掘孩子们动脑和动手的能力,因此对于那些还没有想法的父母们来说,编辑搜罗的这些好玩科技物件可谓是雪中送炭。
Air Hogs Elite Helix X4飞行器
&&& 笔者本人是一个“妇联”(复仇者联盟)迷,并且对片中的那台空中航母是尤为喜爱,然而这台空中航母并不是完全科幻化的产物,在现实生活中我们也能够找到类似的产品,不过仅限于科技玩物的范畴。
Air Hogs Elite Helix X4飞行器(图片来源:zoolert)
&&& 比如一款名为Air Hogs Elite Helix X4飞行器,其飞行原理和构造与《复仇者联盟》中那款空中航母几乎相同,唯一不同的是其是一款可通过遥控器控制的科技化玩具。而内部配置也十分精简,除了一台Air Hogs Elite Helix X4飞行器外,还包括一个控制手柄和一根USB线缆。
&&& 在编辑看来其最适合作为给孩子们的圣诞礼物,除了简单的操作和超酷的外观以外,最关键的是这款科技玩具不单单局限在家中使用,而也可以在户外的环境下进行操控,避免形成御宅一族。而且不到500元的价格对于大多数家长来说也完全能够承受。2Zoomer Robot Dog
Zoomer Robot Dog
&&& 与小宠物在一起能够培养孩子们的爱心和耐心,这显然是行为式教育的精髓之处,不过有些孩子或者是家长或许对宠物的皮毛过敏,或者是空间所限,不允许一个真正的宠物长期与他们生活在一起,在这种情况下一款名为Zoomer Robot Dog的机器狗就起到了至关重要的作用。
萌宝宝手提Zoomer Robot Dog(图片来源:havesippywilltravel)
&&& 机器狗顾名思义就意味着其是一款电子化产品,自然也不具有生命,而22x27cm的尺寸显然能够被学龄前儿童所驾驭,Zoomer Robot Dog的亮点在于可发光的LED眼,而其车轮式的四条退无论是坚硬的地板和松软的地毯也都能够驾驭。
萌宝宝与Zoomer Robot Dog(图片来源:havesippywilltravel)
与Zoomer Robot Dog玩耍(图片来源:havesippywilltravel)
&&& 此外,Zoomer Robot Dog也可以模仿现实中小狗的真实动作,比如摇尾巴、狂吠、撒娇、咬东西等等。以至于在编辑来看,对于培养孩子们的爱心,Zoomer Robot Dog不一定比真实的小狗效果差。
3Nerf N-Sports室内篮筐
Nerf N-Sports室内篮筐
&&& 电子产品的极大丰富让当前的孩子们成为了不折不扣的屏幕一族,如今孩子们的体质急速下滑,小胖墩的数量却在急速增长,御宅一族似乎成为了孩子们的代名词,这与笔者小时候整天穷追猛打的局面形成了鲜明的对比。
Nerf N-Sports室内篮筐(图片来源:amazon)
Nerf N-Sports室内篮筐(图片来源:amazon)
&&& 不过广大80后父母早已被各种电子产品所侵蚀,难免会影响自己的孩子,当然并不是说要摒弃电子产品,而是要用之有度。但雾霾时常的侵扰似乎预示着要将孩子们运动场所转换到屋内,在这种情况下Nerf N-Sports室内篮筐或许是一个不错的选择。
Nerf N-Sports室内篮筐(图片来源:amazon)
Nerf N-Sports室内篮筐(图片来源:amazon)
&&& 虽然仅仅是一款搭建室内运动场的迷你篮筐,但其娱乐化特点可并不弱,它可以和你手中的iOS设备进行无线连接,充当记分牌,而在屏幕上会显示时间、投篮记录等信息。
4Furby Boom互动玩偶
Furby Boom互动玩偶
&&& 上述这几款产品大多是针对男宝宝们的产品,如果您的孩子是一个女宝宝,未必钟爱上述这几款产品,对于女宝宝们来说,大多喜欢可爱系的萌物,在这基础上Furby Boom或许是一个较佳的选择。
Furby Boom互动玩偶(图片来自:telegraph)
&&& Furby(菲比)作为一个著名的卡通人物,其萌萌的外表深受女性群体的钟爱,而这款Furby Boom可不简简单单是一款毛绒玩具,其可以和你的安卓和iOS设备相连,通过下载的APP程序对其进行操作,做出各种各样的表情甚是可爱。
5Playskool Show相机投影仪
Playskool Show相机投影仪
&&& 在2—5岁是开发孩子创造力和动手能力的最佳时机,以至于广大家长们不惜花重金将自己的孩子送到钢琴班、舞蹈班、书法班各种学习场所,殊不知到底适合与否。实际上开发孩子的创造力也可以与众不同,甚至说或许不需要重金。
Playskool Show相机投影仪
&&& Playskool Show就是一款这样的设备,其可以定义为一款儿童数码相机,不过还兼投影功能,可以将创造的画面与别人进行分享。
Playskool Show相机投影仪
Playskool Show相机投影仪
&&& Playskool Show可以拍摄VGA分辨率的照片,内置存储为1000张,也可以通过USB数据线方便地导出;内置的投影仪能够实现大约0.6米的投影效果,方便孩子们欣赏自己的创作。最重要的是,这款相机十分坚固,所以不必担心其耐用度。此外,667元的价格也的确不算昂贵。
6Easy Bake oven儿童烤箱
Easy Bake oven儿童烤箱
&&& 没有玩过家家那都不好意思和人家提及自己是80后,在广大80后的幼年时代,鉴于物质品极度匮乏,群体性娱乐活动就成为了那个时代的主题,而过家家则是当时最受欢迎的活动。
Easy Bake oven儿童烤箱(图片来源:babylovingmama)
&&& 电子产品的极大丰富让孩子们越来越封闭在自己的环境里,这显然不利于自身成长,因此编辑认为可以开辟出过家家2.0版,但这要依赖于一款名为Easy Bake oven的儿童烤箱。
Easy Bake oven儿童烤箱(图片来源:babylovingmama)
Easy Bake oven儿童烤箱(图片来源:babylovingmama)
&&& 过去的过家家主要依赖的是参与人数,而如今则依赖设备是否上档次,这款Easy Bake oven儿童烤箱可以在没有大人陪伴的情况下使用,烘烤出各种小饼干,锻炼了动手能力,又增加了过家家的趣味性,可谓一举两得。
7LEGO Mindstorms NXT
LEGO Mindstorms NXT
&&& 如果您想将您的孩子培养成比尔盖茨式的人物,或者其对编程有着较为偏执的喜爱,那LEGO Mindstorms NXT显然是最佳的圣诞礼物。
LEGO Mindstorms NXT(图片来源:makeuseof)
&&& 就像今天给您介绍的这款LEGO Mindstorms NXT,是乐高推出的一款功能强大的机器人,硬件配置上,主处理器采用32位ARM7处理器,甚至还有个轻量级的AVR 48协处理器,支持基于2.0规范的蓝牙通讯,支持USB2.0传输控制指令,带有触动传感器、光电传感器(可以识别颜色,在解魔方中扫描魔方颜色,生成算法)、声音传感器、超声波传感器。主体结构上,采用612片结构构成机器人的骨架,自带的说明书也提供4种组合方法。
LEGO Mindstorms NXT(图片来源:makeuseof)
&&& 机器人的控制方面,乐高提供了有GUI的基于Labview的编程软件,起点低,用户友好,整个程序只有43个简单命令组成,且内置了39个案例,便于学习,如果之前有C,VB基础,上手很容易。NXT 的使用者可用USB 2.0连接线或是无线蓝牙从计算机下载指令到NXT身上,一旦NXT机器人程序化后,它就“开始有了自己的生命,不再需要经由计算机控制”。
8Nintendo 2DS
Nintendo 2DS
&&& 电子产品的极大丰富的确影响了人们的健康,不过如果适度应用的话反而还可以起到开发智力的效果,尤其对于学龄前的儿童,针对少儿群体任天堂在今年发布了一款入门级掌机2DS。
&&& 任天堂2DS采用了平板造型,正面设计有一个单声道扬声器和两块显示屏,其中下屏附带触摸功能。它能游玩所有3DS和DS的游戏,只是所有游戏都均为2D,不支持3D显示技术。该掌机采用直板设计,略微奇葩,套装包括常用的触笔和4G卡,同时比3DS还轻,不过L,R键更大,手感更舒服。
&&& 给孩子一份好玩的圣诞礼物对于他们来说心里会尤为满足,而上述这八款娱乐设备很多不仅仅适合于少儿群体,实际上很多成年人也值得将它们拥有。
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Furby BOOM!
By Hasbro, Inc.
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Furby Boom is here! Hatch super cute baby Furblings and take care of your Furby Boom with the new Furby Boom app!Only FURBY BOOM has evolved to hatch virtual eggs, interact with FURBLINGS, say the name you give it, learn the names of other FURBY BOOMS, develop new personalities, and use all the fun features of this app.The FURBY BOOM app is for use with the FURBY BOOM toy. This app is not compatible with the 2012 FURBY toy.Furby Boom is free to download and play, but the game contains optional items that can be purchased for real money. If you don’t want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases through your device settings. In addition, playing with a Furby Boom toy unlocks all the benefits of these purcha however, you can play the game without making in-app purchases or using a Furby Boom toy.“FORGET THE ROYAL BABY, THE BEST-SELLING TOY OF LAST CHRISTMAS – THE FURBY – IS BEING RELAUNCHED WITH AN APP THAT ALLOWS IT TO HAVE CHILDREN.”- The Telegraph UK “FURBY GOT A FULL-ON REBOOT….. THE NEW FURBY BOOM APP UPS THE ANTE.”- Engadget“INSTEAD OF FURBY [BOOM] GETTING ITS OWN APP, IT’S ALMOST LIKE THE GAME’S GETTING ITS OWN COMPANION FURBY.”- CNET “… A SOLO FURBY [BOOM] WORKS JUST FINE AS A STANDALONE TOY, AND THE APP HAS STANDALONE GAMES, TOO. BUT WHEN THEY ARE PUTTOGETHER, THAT IS WHEN THINGS GET INTERESTING.”- Children’s Technology ReviewWhat can I do in this app with my Furby Boom toy?-Teach your Furby Boom its name-Feed your Furby Boom over 50 different types of food-Keep your Furby Boom clean with a shower-Give Furby Boom an X-Ray-Cure a sick Furby Boom-Let Furby Boom use the bathroom-Help Furby Boom lay and hatch virtual eggsWhat can I do in this app even if I don’t own a Furby Boom?-Hatch Furblings – adorable baby Furbies-Feed, clean, and play three fun games with your Furblings-Decorate your Furblings’ rooms to create the perfect living space-Fill a neighbourhood with Furblings to earn the rare Golden FurblingMORE ABOUT THE FURBY BOOM PRODUCT:The Furby population is expanding big time with Furby Boom! Unlock the virtual Furby world with the free Furby Boom app, where a new generation is hatching. Furby Boom can now hatch virtual Furby Furblings on smart devices, learn its own name, and respond to your actions with more than twice as many phrases as the previous Furby! Furby Boom combines real-world interactions with virtual play experiences for a game that will keep you coming back for more as you strive to hatch and raise enough Furblings to get the prized golden egg! Furby Boom can do everything Furby can, from changing personalities based on how you treat your Furby, to dancing along to music, speaking Furbish, and basically just having an awesome time connecting and interacting with you.Furby Boom toy sold separately.
What's New in Version 1.9.0
The Furby Boom app has been improved to work better on hundreds of devices!o
A beeping sound that occurred on some devices has been removed.o
Taking care of Furby’s needs is now faster and easier.o
Tapping on the roll of toilet paper in Furby’s bathroom now causes something funny to happen.o
You can now learn special facts about each of your Furblings by tapping on their name while in their room.
Customer Reviews
Ugh! I got this a long time ago near May then a few weeks or days later it was my birthday may 20 so then I got the furby boom and batteries then it worked perfectly and so awesome! Then it ran out of batteries so I deleted the app and now I downloaded it again because tomorrow were replacing it with new batteries but then it said &clean furby booms lay eggs faster& but then it glitched and the whole thing played but it was frozen then it lagged and slowly played and it took 2 mins every time! Fix the lag and smash those bugs ???
What Happened To My Furblings!??
Does the new update need wifi? I went into my game after it updated and I can't seem to find my Furblings in the city! I don't see my eggs either. Is it a glitch? Please help! It took me a long time to get those special Furblings! I hope a new update comes soon fixing those errors! I'm dying to play more!
I love this thing!
I love this app! It is so easy to work and totally my game. I like spas and miking food this is perfect! There's just one thing, I wish my furblings could come together. I want to see how they would react to each other. Other than that great app! Ps one more detail my phone keeps on freezing up please fix that.
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 1.9.0Size: 352 MBLanguage: EnglishSeller: Hasbro, Inc.Compatibility: Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
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&&&&&2318 Ratings
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