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《明朝那些事儿》,网络上连载的中国明朝(1344年-1644年)历史故事,掀起了明朝热。作者当年明月,本名石悦,是广东顺德海关公务员。2006年3月在天涯社区首次发表,日连载完毕,边写作边集结成书出版发行,一共7本。从朱元璋出生讲起,到崇祯皇帝自缢明朝灭亡。以史料为基础,以年代和具体人物为主线,并加入了小说的笔法,对明朝十七帝和其他王公权贵和小人物的命运进行全景展示,尤其对官场政治、战争、帝王心术着墨最多,并加入对当时政治经济制度、人伦道德的演义。《明朝那些事儿》主要讲述的是从1344年到1644年这三百年间关于明朝的一些事情,以史料为基础,以年代和具体人物为主线,并加入了小说的笔法,语言幽默风趣。对明朝十七帝和其他王公权贵和小人物的命运进行全景展示,尤其对官场政治、战争、帝王心术着墨最多,并加入对当时政治经济制度、人伦道德的演义。朱元璋生于乱世之中,背负着父母双亡的痛苦,从赤贫起家,他没有背景,没有后台,没有依靠,他的一切都是自己争取来的,他经历千辛万苦,无数次躲过死神的追杀,从死人堆里爬起来,掩埋战友的尸体,然后继续前进,继续战斗。朱元璋的那个时代有着无数的厉害角色,陈友谅、张士诚、王保保个个都不是省油的灯。朱元璋用他惊人的军事天赋战胜了这些敌人,可以说,在那个时代,最优秀统帅的称号非朱元璋莫属。他几乎是赤手空拳,单枪匹马凭借着自己的勇气和决心建立了庞大的帝国。我们从一份档案开始。姓名:朱元璋,别名(外号):朱重八、朱国瑞;性别:男;民族:汉;血型:?学历:无文凭,秀才举人进士统统的不是,后曾自学过;职业:皇帝;家庭出身:(至少三代)贫农;生卒:;最喜欢的颜色:黄色(这个好像没得选);社会关系:父亲:朱五四,农民;母亲:陈氏,农民(不好意思,史书中好像没有她的名字);座右铭:你的就是我的,我的还是我的……上面这段文字,是现在迅速流行的史书《明朝那些事儿》的开头,如此介绍明朝开国皇帝朱元璋,在历来的史书中可以说是新的尝试。易中天的火爆,似乎开创了写史书的一种新方法,史书不再枯燥无味地说教了,从天涯煮酒论史论坛走出来的《明朝那些事儿》几乎是在很短的时间内,就吸引了从普通读者到学术人士等众多人的眼球,现在这本书已经正式出版了。截止到2009年,《明朝那些事儿》已经正式出版了七部。'Ming Dynasty that thing,' the network serialized Chinese Ming Dynasty ( years) historical stories, hot off the Ming Dynasty. On When the moon, whose real name is Shi Yue, Guangdong Shunde Customs civil servant. March 2006 End of the World Community for the first time published March 21, 2009 serial completed, while writing side assembled into a book published, a total of seven. Let's talk about birth from the emperor to emperor Chongzhen hanged himself in Ming dynasty. With historical data as the basis, and the specific character's main line, and joined the novel technique of writing, the Ming dynasty emperor and other princes seventeen dignitaries and ordinary people's fate panoramic display, especially bureaucratic politics, war, imperial intention inked up, and joined the then political and economic system, the human ethics and morality of the Kingdoms.'Ming Dynasty that thing' is mainly about from 1344 to 1644 that three hundred years some of the things about the Ming Dynasty to historical data as the basis, and the specific character's main line, and add a novel technique of writing, language humorous. Emperor Ming seventeen on the other princes and dignitaries, and the fate of little panoramic display, especially bureaucratic politics, war, imperial intention inked up and joined the then political and economic system, the human ethics and morality of the Kingdoms.Zhu Yuanzhang was born in troubled times, burdened with orphaned suffering from abject poverty started, he had no background, no background, did not rely on his own fight for everything, and he experienced hardships, escaped countless times Death to kill, get up from the pile of dead, burying the bodies of his comrades, and then go ahead and continue fighting.Zhu Yuanzhang that era has numerous powerful role, Chen Youliang, Zhang Shicheng, Wang Bao Bao everybody not fuel-efficient lights. Emperor with his amazing talent military defeat these enemies, it can be said, in that era, the title of commander of the finest non-none other than the emperor. He almost single-handedly, single-handedly by virtue of their courage and determination to establish a vast empire.We start from a copy of the file. Name: Zhu Yuanzhang, alias (nickname): Zhu heavy eight, Zhuguo R Gender: M Nationality: C Blood Type:? Education: no diploma, not a scholar lifts Scholars all, after he had self- Occupation: E family origins: (at least three generations) Birth: 1328 ~ 1398; Favorite color: yellow (this did not seem to have a choice) ; social relations: Father: Zhu May F Mother: Chen, farmer (sorry, history does not seem to her name); Motto: You are my, my, or my ......Above this text, is now rapidly popular history books, 'the Ming Dynasty that thing' at the beginning, so the introduction founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, according to traditional history books can be said that a new attempt. Yi Zhongtian's hot, it seems that pioneered a new method to write t
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