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【imobile资源组】糖果粉碎苏打传奇 Candy Crush Soda Saga v1.32.11 一款三消游戏
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《糖果粉碎苏打传奇 Candy Crush Soda Saga》是一款三消游戏。作为《糖果粉碎传奇》的续作,相信游戏在各方面都会有所提升。游戏依旧属于三消类型,其中加入了一种紫色的方块帮助消除,想知道名称中的“苏打”是如何体现的吗?那就赶快下载吧
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糖果粉碎苏打传奇内购存档 Candy Crush Soda Saga无限金币
作者:Lee 来源:巴士手游发布时间:日 16:49:35点击:1065
  今天巴士小编为大家带来的是糖果粉碎苏打传奇内购存档,想要Candy Crush Soda Saga无限金币的小伙伴赶紧戳进来看吧!糖果粉碎苏打传奇是一款非常经典的三消游戏,作为糖果粉碎传奇的续作,很多玩家对这款游戏可以说都是非常期待的。但美中不足电费是,游戏中的金币总是显得很不够花,有了内购存档,这个问题也就迎刃而解了。
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Corporation, All Rights Reserved.Candy Crush Soda Saga Review: May Cause Indigestion - Gamezebo
Nadia Oxford
When a game series reaches mainstream relevance, it’s always interesting to see how the studio behind the game chooses to nurture its legacy in future games.
from King built up infamy in two categories: Its fiendishly addictive gameplay, and its infuriating tendency to hobble the player by allowing only a certain number of moves with which to complete goals. King’s follow-up, Candy Crush Soda Saga, finds more ways to keep the player glued to the screen – but it also finds more ways to hamstring them in hopes they’ll get frustrated enough to buy more moves when the counter hits zero.
Put it this way: when a match-three level runs out of moves – that is to say, when there are no more possible matches that can be made on a board – the pieces shuffle. Theoretically, shuffles should be rare, because a fair game should always provide players with at least a couple of possible moves. But in Candy Crush Soda Saga, you see the word “Shuffling” a lot. Addictive as Soda Saga is, it does everything in its power to make sure you stay anchored to the same level for hours.
Technically, Soda Saga doesn’t play too differently from the original Candy Crush Saga. You still score points by making matches of three or more candy pieces (which look and sound as delicious as ever), but there’s a little more to the story this time around. There are levels wherein you’re required to float “bubble bears” to the top of the screen by matching up pop bottles and saturating the game board (we’re talking about a combination of pop, candy, and gummy bears, also known as a dentist’s night terror).
But there are also levels where you need to clear the game board of chocolate, release bears from sticky honey traps, and chip them out of ice blocks by making matches on top of said ice.
The “frosted bears” levels are particularly devious. You need to uncover the entirety of a bear to rescue it, but it’s almost never as easy as making a single match above them. Oftentimes, the ice has layers of obstacles piled on top of it, including tarts that are also piled high with clearable objects. It’s not uncommon to have to peel away three or four layers before you finally hit the ice and clear it away to expose a measly bear (or a section of a bear). That’s a lot of heavy lifting for a game that expects you to finish your appointed task in twenty or thirty moves.
Usually, your best shot at success in free-to-play match-three games involves matching up four or more pieces to create game pieces that pack an explosive punch and clear away obstacles. But Soda Saga’s small barrier-choked boards make it difficult to build yourself a break. The aforementioned “Shuffling” message pops up all too often, a good indication that paying for extra moves and / or power-ups is the preferred way to clear difficult levels before the year is out.
True, the original Candy Crush Saga is infamous for issuing the same “challenge,” but at least it waits until the higher levels before applying the thumbscrews. Soda Saga gets down to business by level 15 or so.
The heck of it is, Soda Saga is still addictive as actual candy. You go back to it again and again because levels are passable – you just wind up trying again and again until the candy gods take pity on you and finally issue a board that gives you a fair chance at succeeding. Even so, Candy Crush Soda Saga’s addictive nature isn’t enough to erase the uneasy feeling that you’re getting a screw job on those infernal frosted bears levels.
Need a little help washing this soda down? Be sure to check out Gamezebo’s .
Good Stuff
Graphics and sounds are delicious.
Making matches is still habit-forming.
Odds are blatantly stacked against you in hopes you'll spend money on more moves and power-ups.
Gamezebo Rating
Not Bad!: 3 out of 5 stars
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Nadia Oxford
Tom Christiansen
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