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  China National Committee on Aging (CNCA) ...&
China National Committee on Aging (CNCA) and the Ministry of Public Security on Wednesday issued a guideline to help elderly people avoid fraud.
  《中国老年人防诈骗指南》即guideline to help elderly people avoid fraud,防诈骗指南包括40个防骗案例和&防骗六招&:give up greed,resist vanity,strengthen awareness,handle problems through official channels,keep regular communication with friends,adopt a reasonable approach and open mind。
  全国老龄办表示,老年人易上当受骗是因为自身diminished sense of caution和the constantly changing nature of scams。目前我国城乡老年家庭空巢率超过50%以上,许多老年人独居空巢,易被骗子蛊惑。& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 
  1、give up greed&
  2、resist vanity
  3、strengthen awareness&
  4、handle problems through official channels
  5、keep regular communication with friends&
  6、adopt a reasonable approach and open mind
  7、diminished sense of caution
  8、the constantly changing nature of scams
  9、 空巢率
  10、China National Committee on Aging (CNCA) and the Ministry of Public Security on Wednesday issued a guideline to help elderly people avoid fraud.&
  1、give up greed 戒除贪婪心
  2、resist vanity 抵制虚荣心
  3、strengthen awareness 加强警戒心
  4、handle problems through official channels 正规途径办事
  5、keep regular communication with friends 常与亲友沟通
  6、adopt a reasonable approach and open mind 讲科学,勤学习
  7、diminished sense of caution 防范意识下降
  8、the constantly changing nature of scams 骗术不断更新
  9、 空巢率 rate of empty nest
  10、China National Committee on Aging (CNCA) and the Ministry of Public Security on Wednesday issued a guideline to help elderly people avoid fraud. 全国老龄办、公安部周三发布了老年人防诈骗指南。
  China is set to introd...&
China is set to introduce its long-awaited deposit insurance program as early as at the beginning of 2015, which will pave the way for the full liberalization of interest rates, well-informed sources told Xinhua.watchdog.
  Liberalization of interest rates和interest rate liberalization表示&利率市场化&。利率市场化一直是金融改革的重要内容。利率市场化的直接影响是银行的margin interest减少,商业银行有更多的利率自主权。
  而deposit insurance system是利率市场化的前提,目前我国实行的隐形存款保险制度已明显不符合market economy&
  目前,我国利率市场化推进步伐正逐步加快。11月21日,央行宣布扩大ceiling on deposit rates,是利率市场化改革的重要举措。利率市场化同时还需要exit system of banks的建立 & &&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 
  2、margin interest
  4、deposit insurance system
  6、ceiling on deposit rates
  7、exit system of banks
  8、China is set to introduce its long-awaited deposit insurance program as early as at the beginning of 2015, which will pave the way for the full liberalization of interest rates, well-informed sources told Xinhua.watchdog.
  1、金融改革 financial reform
  2、margin interest 利差收入
  3、商业银行 commercial bank
  4、deposit insurance system 存款保险制度
  5、市场经济 market economy
  6、ceiling on deposit rates 存款利率上限
  7、exit system of banks &银行退出机制
  8、China is set to introduce its long-awaited deposit insurance program as early as at the beginning of 2015, which will pave the way for the full liberalization of interest rates, well-informed sources told Xinhua.watchdog.消息灵通人士告诉新华社记者称,中国将在2015年初推行期盼已久的存款保险制度,为利率市场化铺路。
  China is set to introd...&
China is set to introduce its long-awaited deposit insurance program as early as at the beginning of 2015, which will pave the way for the full liberalization of interest rates, well-informed sources told Xinhua.watchdog.
  Liberalization of interest rates和interest rate liberalization表示&利率市场化&。利率市场化一直是金融改革的重要内容。利率市场化的直接影响是银行的margin interest减少,商业银行有更多的利率自主权。
  而deposit insurance system是利率市场化的前提,目前我国实行的隐形存款保险制度已明显不符合market economy&
  目前,我国利率市场化推进步伐正逐步加快。11月21日,央行宣布扩大ceiling on deposit rates,是利率市场化改革的重要举措。利率市场化同时还需要exit system of banks的建立 & &&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 
  2、margin interest
  4、deposit insurance system
  6、ceiling on deposit rates
  7、exit system of banks
  8、China is set to introduce its long-awaited deposit insurance program as early as at the beginning of 2015, which will pave the way for the full liberalization of interest rates, well-informed sources told Xinhua.watchdog.
  1、金融改革 financial reform
  2、margin interest 利差收入
  3、商业银行 commercial bank
  4、deposit insurance system 存款保险制度
  5、市场经济 market economy
  6、ceiling on deposit rates 存款利率上限
  7、exit system of banks &银行退出机制
  8、China is set to introduce its long-awaited deposit insurance program as early as at the beginning of 2015, which will pave the way for the full liberalization of interest rates, well-informed sources told Xinhua.watchdog.消息灵通人士告诉新华社记者称,中国将在2015年初推行期盼已久的存款保险制度,为利率市场化铺路。
Operation of the first phase of the middle route of China's South-North water diversion project will soon begin, and water quality monitoring is underway.
  water quality monitoring即水质监测。此次水质监测将对水温、PH值、the index of dissolved oxygen, 氨氮以及高锰酸盐指数进行测量。此次监测,意在保障water-receiving area的饮水安全。South-North water diversion project中线沿线地区还配置了emergency response mechanisms ,一旦发现水质污染, 会进行转移。南水北调输水干线沿线面临三类主要污染源:一是点源污染;二是线源污染,即输水干线上渔民生活、水产养殖和船舶的污染;三是Agricultural Non-point source pollution,即沿线农村的农药化肥、畜禽养殖、农村居民生活污水等。
water saving 节水
condensate water 冷凝水
ammonia nitrogen 氨氮
permanganate 高锰酸盐
sulphide 硫化物
active water 活性水
activator 活性剂
pathogen 病原菌(致病菌)&
sedimentation tank 沉淀池
municipal wastewater treatment 城市废水处理
filter underdrain system 滤池配水系统
ozone generator 臭氧发生器
desilication, silica removal 除渣
algal removal 除藻
algal fluorine 除氟
extraction 萃取
bleaching 漂白clalification 澄清 & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 
  3、the index of dissolved oxygen
  4、ater-receiving area
  5、South-North water diversion project
  6、emergency response mechanisms
  8、Agricultural Non-point source pollution
  9、Operation of the first phase of the middle route of China's South-North water diversion project will soon begin, and water quality monitoring is underway.
  1、水温 water temperature
  2、PH值 PH value&
  3、the index of dissolved oxygen 溶解氧
  4、ater-receiving area 受水区
  5、South-North water diversion project 南水北调工程(简称SNWD)
  6、emergency response mechanisms 应急反应机制
  7、污染源 pollution source
  8、Agricultural Non-point source pollution 农业非点源污染(简写ANPSP)
  9、Operation of the first phase of the middle route of China's South-North water diversion project will soon begin, and water quality monitoring is underway.中国南水北调中线一期工程即将正式通水,并将启动水质监测。【翻译培训】
  The Ministry of Public Secu...&
The Ministry of Public Security will kick off a nationwide campaign on Tuesday to deter road traffic violations following an accident that killed 11 kindergarten children.
交通违法行为即traffic violation,12月2日是全国交通安全日,此次公安部将严厉打击超速,酒驾,毒驾,超载,failure to yield to pedestrians at zebra crossings,emergency lanes occupancy ,闯红灯等七类交通违法行为。
jaywalking/ to cross the road in Chinese style/ Chinese style road crossing 中国式过马路
driving without license 无证驾驶
running through restricted areas 禁行区行驶
dangerous lane changes 强行超车
fatigue driving 疲劳驾驶
tailgating 追尾
hit-and-run 肇事逃逸
avoid police checkpoints 逃避交警检查
  8、emergency lanes occupancy
  9、failure to yield to pedestrians at zebra crossings
  10、The Ministry of Public Security will kick off a nationwide campaign on Tuesday to deter road traffic violations following an accident that killed 11 kindergarten children.
  1、全国交通安全日 Traffic Safety Day
  2、超速 speeding
  3、酒驾 drunk driving
  4、毒驾 driving under the influence of drugs
  5、超载 overloading
  6、闯红灯 running red lights
  7、超载 overloading
  8、emergency lanes occupancy 占用应急车道
  9、failure to yield to pedestrians at zebra crossings 不礼让斑马线
  10、The Ministry of Public Security will kick off a nationwide campaign on Tuesday to deter road traffic violations following an accident that killed 11 kindergarten children.发生11名幼儿园孩子在车祸中身亡事件后,公安部将在周二(12月2日)开展全国性的活动,消除道路交通违法行为。
  The &Smile Ch...&
The "Smile Challenge" has gone viral on Chinese social networks with more than 59,000 comments and 220 million hits on the topic on China's Sina Weibo.
&微笑挑战&即Smile Challenge,是由Smile Angel Foundation发起的,为了fundraise to benefit children with harelips。
2004年左右,博客热潮席卷全球,the Interview Game逐渐兴起,并最终成为跨国界的社交方式,是冰桶挑战,side face challenge,微笑挑战的雏形。  (正当一张张笑脸红遍朋友圈的时候,也有分析人士指出:&活动的另一层含义也浮现出来,那就是比比我和闺蜜或者哥们哪个更美或更帅,从而牵扯出更多的&无辜人士&,当然这是后话了。。。。@_@!&)。
  1、Smile Angel Foundation
  2、fundraise to benefit children with harelips
  4、the Interview Game
  6、side face challenge
  7、The "Smile Challenge" has gone viral on Chinese social networks with more than 59,000 comments and 220 million hits on the topic on China's Sina Weibo.
  1、Smile Angel Foundation 嫣然天使基金
  2、fundraise to benefit children with harelips 募集资金救助唇腭裂儿童
  3、在朋友圈秀出微笑照 showing their smiling faces in their friend circles
  4、the Interview Game 点名游戏
  5、冰桶挑战 Ice bucket challenge
  6、side face challenge 侧颜挑战
  7、The "Smile Challenge" has gone viral on Chinese social networks with more than 59,000 comments and 220 million hits on the topic on China's Sina Weibo.&微笑挑战&在中国社交媒体新浪微博上走红,话题点击量达到2.2亿,评论超过5.9万条。 【翻译培训】
  注:嫣然天使基金(Smile angel Foundation )是由李亚鹏、王菲倡导发起,在中国红十字基金会的支持和管理下设立的专项公益基金
  China has levied about $140 million in back taxes from Microsoft Corp in th...&
China has levied about $140 million in back taxes from Microsoft Corp in the first major case concerning cross-border tax evasion in the country, Reuters reported.
跨境避税即cross-border tax evasion,微软须付给中国补税及利息共计8.4亿元人民币,其未来每年还将缴纳超过1亿元人民币的追加税。
中国和美国税收机关2012年就微软在华业务达成bilateral advanced pricing agreement,预约定价协议确定了transfer pricing的税务处理方式,而转让定价是跨国经济活动中常见的避税方法。
  3、bilateral advanced pricing agreement
  4、transfer pricing
  5、China has levied about $140 million in back taxes from Microsoft Corp in the first major case concerning cross-border tax evasion in the country, Reuters reported.&
  1、补税及利息 back tax and interest
  2、追加税 additional tax&
  3、bilateral advanced pricing agreement 双边预约定价协议
  4、transfer pricing 转让定价
  5、China has levied about $140 million in back taxes from Microsoft Corp in the first major case concerning cross-border tax evasion in the country, Reuters reported. 据英国路透社报道,中国已向微软征收了1.4亿美元(折合人民币约8.4亿元)的欠税,这也是中国在跨境避税问题上处理的首个&大案&。 【翻译培训】
  Prices of more than 2,70...&
Prices of more than 2,700 drugs will soon be determined by the market, rather than the government, as China gets ready to roll out its ambitious drug pricing reform plan, industry sources said on Thursday.
&药价改革&英文就是drug pricing reform,根据改革方案,国家拟取消药品最高零售限价或出厂价格,从完善药品采购机制、强化医保控费作用、强化医疗行为监管、强化价格行为监管等四方面加强监管,发挥医保支付基准价的引导作用,使药品市场价格保持在合理的水平。
现阶段government-priced drugs占据了整个药品市场的23%。从明年一月份开始,政府不再设定药品的最高零售限价或出厂价。
根据征求意见稿,未来药品的形成机制基本如下:drugs that are covered by medical insurance的价格由医保部门接手制定支付基准价,医院采购时围绕医保支付基准价谈判;patent drugs和exclusively produced traditional Chinese medicines等药品则引入多方谈判机制,形成合理价格;血液制品、immunity and prevention drugs that are purchased by the nation、Class I psychic drugs, anaesthetic drugs and low-cost drugs等,基本上沿用现行的政策,通过bidding purchases定价。
  1、government-priced drugs&
  3、出厂价 factory price
  4、drugs that are covered by medical insurance
  5、patent drugs&
  6、exclusively produced traditional Chinese medicines&
  8、immunity and prevention drugs that are purchased by the nation&
  9、Class I psychic drugs, anaesthetic drugs and low-cost drugs
  10、bidding purchases&
  11、Prices of more than 2,700 drugs will soon be determined by the market, rather than the government, as China gets ready to roll out its ambitious drug pricing reform plan, industry sources said on Thursday.&
  1、government-priced drugs 政府定价的药品
  2、最高零售价 maximum retail price
  3、出厂价 factory price
  4、drugs that are covered by medical insurance 医保药品
  5、patent drugs 专利药
  6、exclusively produced traditional Chinese medicines 中成药独家品种
  7、血液制品 blood products
  8、immunity and prevention drugs that are purchased by the nation 全国统一采购的药品和避孕药具
  9、Class I psychic drugs, anaesthetic drugs and low-cost drugs 一类精神和麻醉药品、低价药
  10、bidding purchases 招标采购
  11、Prices of more than 2,700 drugs will soon be determined by the market, rather than the government, as China gets ready to roll out its ambitious drug pricing reform plan, industry sources said on Thursday. 据业界消息周四透露,中国已准备好施行大规模的药价改革计划,今后超过2700种药品价格将由市场而不是政府来决定。
  Under the reform, if someone wants to obtain a dri...&
Under the reform, if someone wants to obtain a driver's license, they can learn the necessary skills on their own and register online for an examination, said Huang Ming, vice-minister of public security.
此次reform on the issuing of driver's licenses的目的是curb corruption in vehicle management departments。改革有望实现众人期盼已久的&驾照自学自考&。
根据现行规定,想考取驾照的人必须上至少64小时的driving classes held by training schools,包括两门驾照理论课和两门驾照实践课。驾校学费从5000元到1万元不等,而且逐年上升。考生不能自行报考,而是由training agency registers on behalf of applicants。
  交通规则 traffic regulation
  路标 guide post
  停车标志 mark car sto
  交通岗 traffic post
  打手势 pantomime
  单行线 single line
  单行道 one way only
  斑马线 zebra stripes
  行车道 carriage-way
  辅助车道 lane auxiliary
  双车道 two-way traffic
  潮湿路滑 slippery when wet
  下坡危险 dangerous down grade
  陡坡 steep hill
  不平整路 rough road
  弯路 bend road
  续弯路 winding road
  十字路 cross road
  超速 excessive speed
  此路不通 blocked
  禁止超越 no overhead
  不准停车 restricted stop
  不准滞留 restricted waiting
  当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing
  1、reform on the issuing of driver's licenses&
  2、curb corruption in vehicle management departments
  3、driving classes held by training schools&
  7、training agency registers on behalf of applicants
  8、Under the reform, if someone wants to obtain a driver's license, they can learn the necessary skills on their own and register online for an examination, said Huang Ming, vice-minister of public security.&
  1、reform on the issuing of driver's licenses 驾照改革
  2、curb corruption in vehicle management departments 杜绝车管部门的腐败
  3、driving classes held by training schools 驾校课程
  4、驾照理论 driving theory
  5、驾照实践 driving practice
  6、自行报考 register for tests themselves
  7、training agency registers on behalf of applicants 培训机构代为报考
  8、Under the reform, if someone wants to obtain a driver's license, they can learn the necessary skills on their own and register online for an examination, said Huang Ming, vice-minister of public security. 公安部副部长黄明表示,按照改革,人们可以自行学习驾车技能然后上网登记报考驾照。
  China is mulling a ban on all forms o...&
China is mulling a ban on all forms of tobacco advertising, sponsorship and promotion of tobacco products, according to a draft regulation on Monday.
此次公开征求意见的控烟条例明确,所有室内公共场所一律禁止吸烟;outdoor seating areas and venues of stadiums and fitness centers、公共交通工具的室外等候区域等也全面禁止吸烟。
  carpet smoking ban 全面禁烟
  tobacco advertising 烟草广告
  filter-tipped cigarette 过滤嘴香烟
  cigar 雪茄
  pipe tobacco 烟丝
  World No-Tobacco Day 世界无烟日
  passive smoking/second hand smoking 被动吸烟/二手烟
  quit smoking 戒烟
  heavy smoker 重烟民
  chain smoker 连续吸烟的人/老烟鬼
  accidental fires 意外火灾
  cigarette end/butt 香烟头/烟蒂
  Nicotine 尼古丁
  puff 一吸;一口(He took a puff at his cigarette. 他吸了一口香烟。)
  2、outdoor seating areas and venues of stadiums and fitness centers
  5、China is mulling a ban on all forms of tobacco advertising, sponsorship and promotion of tobacco products, according to a draft regulation on Monday.
  1、所有室内公共场所一律禁止吸烟 smoking is banned in all kinds of indoor public places
  2、outdoor seating areas and venues of stadiums and fitness centers 体育、健身场馆的室外观众座席、赛场区域
  3、公共交通工具的室外等候区域 outdoor waiting areas of public transportation
  4、电影、电视剧及其他节目中的吸烟镜头 smoking scenes in films and TV shows
  5、China is mulling a ban on all forms of tobacco advertising, sponsorship and promotion of tobacco products, according to a draft regulation on Monday.据周一发布的一份条例草案规定,中国拟全面禁止任何形式的烟草广告、赞助活动以及烟草产品促销。
  President Barack Obama unveiled his immigration plan, saying lifting th...&
President Barack Obama unveiled his immigration plan, saying lifting the threat of expulsion from five million undocumented migrants would make the system "more fair and just".
奥巴马通过行政命令公布的移民计划将undocumented migrants who have been living illegally in the United States for five years and have US-born children to apply for three-year work permits。
这些移民将可以come out of the shadows, undergo criminal records checks,pay proper taxes,就可以apply for longer-term residency。
  2、undocumented migrants who have been living illegally in the United States for five years and have US-born children to apply for three-year work permits&
  3、come out of the shadows&
  4、undergo criminal records checks
  5、pay proper taxes&
  6、apply for longer-term residency&
  7、President Barack Obama unveiled his immigration plan, saying lifting the threat of expulsion from five million undocumented migrants would make the system "more fair and just.
  1、行政命令 executive action
  2、undocumented migrants who have been living illegally in the United States for five years and have US-born children to apply for three-year work permits 允许已经在美国非法居住满5年且孩子出生在美国的非法移民申请为期三年的工作许可
  3、come out of the shadows 不再躲藏
  4、undergo criminal records checks 通过犯罪记录审查&
  5、pay proper taxes 交纳适当的税收
  6、apply for longer-term residency 申请更长时间的居留许可
  7、President Barack Obama unveiled his immigration plan, saying lifting the threat of expulsion from five million undocumented migrants would make the system "more fair and just."奥巴马总统公布了他的移民计划,称消除五百万非法移民被遣返的威胁会让移民体系&更加公平和公正&。
  2014年二十国集团(G20)领导人峰会于11月15-16日在澳大利亚布里斯班会展中心举行。议程聚焦于通过增进贸易产出和就业岗位来促进经济增长,使得全球经济能够更好应对未来的动荡局面。对于二十国集团,我们可能听过很多次,但却不一定了解其具体的成员组成以及运行方式。下面,我们就来简要介绍一下。 &
二十国集团由19个国家(阿根廷Argentina, 澳大利亚Australia, 巴西Brazil, 加拿大Canada, 中国China, 法国France, 德国Germany, 印度India, 印度尼西亚Indonesia, 意大利Italy, 日本Japan, 韩国South Korea, 墨西哥Mexico, 俄罗斯Russia, 沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia, 南非South Africa, 土耳其Turkey, 英国United Kingdom, 美国United States)和欧盟(the European Union)构成,聚集了世界主要发达和新兴经济体的领导人,共同应对全球经济面临的挑战。为保证二十国集团的讨论能够代表众多国家的利益,每年二十国集团的主席都邀请嘉宾国参加包括领导人峰会在内的本年度会议。
二十国集团经济体第一次会议是在1999年亚洲金融危机之后,以财政部长与央行行长会议的形式召开的。2008年,二十国集团经济体领导人第一次会议召开, 该组织在responding to the global financial crisis方面发挥了重要作用。
二十国集团得到各国际组织提供的分析和建议支持,这些组织包括the Financial Stability Board、the International Labour Organisation、the International Monetary Fund、Economic Co-operation and Development、联合国、世界银行和世界贸易组织。这些组织的代表受邀参加二十国集团的主要会议。
  7、responding to the global financial crisis
  8、the Financial Stability Board
  9、the International Labour Organisation
  10、the International Monetary Fund&
  11、Economic Co-operation and Development
  1、二十国集团 the Group of Twenty, G20
  2、嘉宾国 guest countries
  3、提振全球经济 strengthen the global economy
  4、改革全球金融机构 reform international financial institutions
  5、改进金融规章 improve financial regulation
  6、亚洲金融危机 Asian financial crisis
  7、应对全球金融危机 responding to the global financial crisis
  8、the Financial Stability Board 金融稳定委员会
  9、the International Labour Organisation 国际劳工组织
  10、the International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金
  11、Economic Co-operation and Development 经济合作与发展组织
  12、联合国 the United Nations
  13、世界银行 the World Bank
  14、世界贸易组织 the World Trade Organization
  时间:日上午10:00 & 12:00  地点:中关村南大街12号天作国际大厦  名额:30人(额满为止)  授课老师:张光波老师(将担任2015年寒假班口译主讲老师之一)  申请方式:发邮件到,邮件标题为&译之灵口译体验课申请&,请在邮件中注明姓名和联系电话。  张老师简介  国际口译员协会(A...&
  时间:日上午10:00 & 12:00  地点:中关村南大街12号天作国际大厦  名额:30人(额满为止)  授课老师:张光波老师(将担任2015年寒假班口译主讲老师之一)  申请方式:发邮件到,邮件标题为&译之灵口译体验课申请&,请在邮件中注明姓名和联系电话。&  张老师简介  国际口译员协会(AIIC)会员,现任联合国国际海事组织中文组同传副教授,欧盟委员会一级口译员,欧洲议会一级口译员。
  自2002年至今,累计会议口译天数超过1000天。主要为联合国系统,欧委会,欧洲议会担任口译工作,涉及政府间高端对话、航空航天、航运、投融资、商务贸易、海商法、海洋污染等众多话题。常年担任国际大会同传译员,如中国--东盟磋商机制峰会,联合国世界劳工组织大会(联合国,日内瓦),联合国粮农组织-土地退化(罗马),国际海事组织大会(伦敦),欧洲议会人权分委会(布鲁塞尔),国际渔船安全公约外交大会(开普敦),中国人大-欧盟议会对话(布鲁塞尔)等等。&  附注:国际会议口译员协会(International Association of Conference Interpreters,简称AIIC)成立于1953年,是会议口译这一专门职业唯一的全球性专业协会,负责审查、认定会议口译员的专业资格和语言组合,制定其职业规则、工作条件、道德规范和专业培训标准,推广会议口译最佳实践,并与联合国、欧盟等国际组织开展集体谈判以确定会议口译员的待遇,等等。AIIC的会员身份被广泛认为是会议口译员的最高专业认证。目前,AIIC在世界各地有2600多名会员,其中,语言组合中包含汉语普通话的有55名。口译培训----------------------------更多口译笔译技巧详见译之灵官网
  2014年11月CATTI二级笔译实务(英译汉)真题    【译之灵笔译培训】014年CATTI二级笔译英译汉两篇文章均出自《纽约时报》,下面是真题出处:  Part 1:English-ChineseTranslation  Passage 1  WATERLOO, Belgium & The region around this Belgiancit...&
  2014年11月CATTI二级笔译实务(英译汉)真题  &  014年CATTI二级笔译英译汉两篇文章均出自《纽约时报》,下面是真题出处:  Part 1:English-ChineseTranslation  Passage 1  WATERLOO, Belgium & The region around this Belgiancity is busily preparing to commemorate the 200th anniversary in 2015 of one ofthe major battles in European military history. But weaving a path through thepreparations is proving almost as tricky as making one&s way across the battlefield wasback then, when theDuke of Wellington, as commander of an international alliance of forces, crushed Napoleon.  A ramblingthough dilapidated farmstead called Hougoumont, which was crucial to the battle&s outcome, is being painstakingly restored as an educational center. Nearby, an underground visitor center isunder construction, and roads and monuments throughout the rolling farmland where oncethe sides fought are being refurbished. More than 6,000 military buffs are expected tore-enact individual skirmishes.  While thebattle ended two centuries ago, however, hard feelings have endured. Memories are long here, and not everyone here sharesBritain&s enthusiasmfor celebrating Napoleon&s defeat.  Every year, in districts of Wallonia, the French-speaking part ofBelgium, there arefetes to honor Napoleon, according to Count Georges Jacobs de Hagen, a prominent Belgian industrialistand chairman of a committee responsible for restoring Hougoumont. &Napoleon, for these people, was very popular,& Mr. Jacobs, 73, said over coffee. &That is why, still today, there are some enemies of the project.&  Belgium, of course, did not exist in 1815. ItsDutch-speaking regions were part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, while the French-speaking portionhad been incorporated into the French Empire. Among French speakers, Mr. Jacobs said, Napoleon had a &huge influence & the administration, the Code Napol&on,& or reform of the legal system. While Dutch-speaking Belgians foughtunder Wellington, Frenchspeakers fought with Napoleon.  Thatdistaste on the part of modern-day French speakers crystallized in resistanceto a British proposal that, as part of the restoration of Hougoumont, a memorial be raised to theBritish soldiers who died defending its narrow North Gate at a critical momenton June 18, 1815, when Wellington carried the day. &Every discussion in the committeewas filled with high sensitivity,& Mr. Jacobs recalled. &I said, &This is a condition for the help of the British,& so the North Gate won the battle, and we got the monument.&  If Belgiumwas reluctant to get involved, France was at first totally uninterested. &They told us, &We don&t want totake part in this British triumphalism,&& said Countess Nathalie du ParcLocmaria, a writer andpublicist who is president of a committee representing four townships that ownthe land where the battle raged.     &  Passage 2  Bayer caresabout the bees.  Or at leastthat&s what theytell you at the company&s Bee Care Center on its sprawling campus here between D&sseldorf and Cologne. Outside thecozy two-story building that houses the center is a whimsical yellow sculptureof a bee. Inside, the sameimage is fashioned into paper clips, or printed on napkins and mugs.    &Bayer isstrictly committed to bee health,& said Gillian Mansfield, an official specializing in strategic messaging at the company&s Bayer CropScience division. Shewas sitting at the center&s semicircular coffee bar, which has a formidable espresso maker and, if you ask, homegrown Bayer honey. On thesurrounding walls, bee funfacts are written in English, like &A bee can flyat roughly 16 miles an hour& or, it takes &nectar from some two millionflowers in order to produce a pound of honey.& Next year, Bayer will open another Bee Care Center in Raleigh, N.C., and has not ruled out more in other parts of the world.  There is, of course, a slight caveat to all this buzzygood will.  Bayer is oneof the major producers of a type of pesticide that the European Union haslinked to the large-scale die-offs of honey bee populations in North Americaand Western Europe. They are known asneonicotinoids, a relativelynew nicotine-derived class of pesticide. The pesticide wasbanned this year foruse on many flowering crops in Europe thatattract honey bees.  Bayer andtwo competitors, Syngenta andBASF, havedisagreed vociferously with the ban, and are fighting in the European courts to overturn it.  HansMuilerman, a chemicalsexpert at Pesticide Action Network Europe, an environmental group, accused Bayer of doing &almost anything that helps their products remaining on the market.Massive lobbying, hiring P.R.firms to frame and spin, inviting commissioners to show their plants and theirsustainability.&    &Since theylearned people care about bees, they are happy to start the type of actions you mention, &bee care centers& and such,& he said.  There is abad guy lurking at the Bee Care Center & a killer of bees, if you will. It&s just not a pesticide.  Bayer&s culprit in the mysterious massdeaths of bees can be found around the corner from the coffee bar. Looming nextto another sculpture of a bee is a sculpture of a parasite known as a varroamite, whichresembles a gargantuan cooked crab with spiky hair.  The varroa, sometimes called the vampire mite, appears to be chasing the bee nextto it, whichalready has a smaller mite stuck to it. And in case the message was not clear, images of the mites, which are actually quite small, flash on a screen at the center.  While otherspoint at pesticides, Bayer has funded research that blames mites for the bee die-off.And the center combines resources from two of the company&s divisions, Bayer CropScience and Bayer AnimalHealth, to furtherstudy the mite menace.    &The varroais the biggest threat we have& said Manuel Tritschler,28, a third-generation beekeeper who works for Bayer. &It&s very easy see to them, the mites, on the bees,& he said, holding a test tube with dead mites suspended in liquid. &They suck the bee blood, from the adults and from thelarvae, and in thisway they transport a lot of different pathogens, virus, bacteria, fungus to the bees,& he said.  Conveniently, Bayer markets products to kill themites too & one iscalled CheckMite & and Mr.Tritschler&s work at thecenter included helping design a &gate& to affix tohives that coats bees with such chemical compounds.  There is nodisputing that varroa mites are a problem, but Mr. Muilerman said they could not be seen as the only threat.  The varroamite &cannotexplain the massive die-off on its own,& he said. &We think the bee die-off is a result of exposure to multiplestressors.&  -----------------------  更多学习材料见译之灵培训官网,百度一下:)& & & & 更多口译笔译catti资料详见&
  Section2: Translate Chinese into English
  5. Energy Secur...&
  Section2: Translate Chinese into English
&  外交部:2012年第67届联合国大会中方立场文件
&  5. Energy Security
&  Energy security has a close bearing on the stability and growth of the world economy and the well-being of people in all countries. Against the backdrop of the global financial crisis, ensuring energy security is vital to effectively tackling the impact of the crisis and promoting the full recovery and long-term development of the world economy.
&  To this end, the international community should foster a new energy security outlook featuring mutually beneficial cooperation, diversified development and coordinated supply. Joint efforts must be made to stabilize the prices of energy and other commodities and prevent excessive speculation and market hype, so as to meet the energy demands of all countries, particularly the developing countries, and maintain order in the energy market. Meanwhile, countries should improve their own energy mix, promote the research, development and diffusion of advanced technologies, vigorously develop clean and renewable energies, and actively advance international cooperation in relevant fields.
&  The Chinese government attaches great importance to issues of energy and energy security. In addressing these issues, we adhere to the principle of &giving priority to conservation, mainly relying on domestic supply, seeking diversified development and protecting the environment&. We have strengthened mutually beneficial cooperation with the international community, made vigorous efforts to improve and adjust the energy mix and build a reliable, economical, clean and safe energy supply system, speeded up the building of a resources-conserving and environment-friendly society. Before the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, China announced the target of increasing the share of non-fossil fuel in primary energy consumption to 15% and a 40-45% decrease of CO2 emissions per unit of GDP on the 2005 level by 2020. China is ready to work with other countries to establish a long-term energy cooperation mechanism and make its due contribution to ensuring global energy security and tackling climate change.
Part 2:Chinese-English Translation
Part 2:Chinese-English Translation
  前& 言
  Mineral resources are an important part of natural resources, and an important material foundation for the development of human society. Great achievements have been obtained in the survey and development of China&s mineral resources in the past five decades since the founding of New China. A great number of mineral resources have been verified, and a fairly complete system for the supply of mineral products has been established, providing an important guarantee for the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the Chinese economy. At present, over 92% of the country&s primary energy, 80% of the industrial raw and processed materials and more than 70% of the agricultural means of production come from mineral resources.
  中国高度重视可持续发展和矿产资源的合理利用,把可持续发展确定为国家战略,把保护资源作为可持续 发展战略重要内容。1992年联合国环境与发展大会后,中国政府率先制定了《中国二十一世纪议程-中国二十一世纪人口、环境与发展白皮书》,2001年4月批准实施了《全国矿产资源规划》,2003年1月开始实施《中国二十一世纪初可持续发展行动纲要》。
  China attaches great importance to sustainable development and the rational utilization of mineral resources, and has made sustainable development a national strategy and the protection of resources an important part of this strategy. Immediately following the UN Environmental and Development Conference in 1992, the Chinese government took the lead in formulating the &China Agenda 21 & the White Paper on China&s Population, Environment and Development in the 21st Century.& It approved and implemented the &National Program on Mineral Resources& in April 2001, and, in January 2003, began to implement &China&s Program of Action for Sustainable Development in the Early 21st Century.&
  To build a well-off society in an all-round way is China&s objective in the first 20 years of the new century. China will depend mainly on the exploitation of its own mineral resources to guarantee the needs of its modernization program. The Chinese government encourages the exploration and exploitation of the mineral resources in market demand, especially the dominant resources in the western regions, to increase its domestic capability of mineral resources supply. At the same time, it is an important government policy to import foreign capital and technology to exploit the country&s mineral resources, make use of foreign markets and foreign mineral resources, and help Chinese mining enterprises and mineral products enter the international market. The Chinese government holds that to have foreign mining companies enter China and Chinese mining enterprises enter other countries to make different countries mutually complementary in resources is of great significance for the common prosperity and healthy development of world mineral resources prospecting and exploitation.
  I. The Present Situation of Mineral Resources and Their Exploration and Exploitation
  China has discovered 171 varieties of minerals, and 158 of them with proved reserves. There are 10 energy-related minerals, including oil, natural gas, coal,
54 metallic minerals, including iron, manganese, copper, aluminum, 91 non-metallic minerals, including graphite, phosphorus, and 3 liquid minerals, including groundwater, and mineral water. There are nearly 18,000 mineral deposits in China, including more than 7,000 big and medium-sized ones.
  我们将深入实施区域发展总体战略,加快中西部地区开发开放。地区差别和不平衡发展是中国一大问题,中西部地区地域辽阔、资源丰富、潜力巨大,是中国重要的 战略发展空间、回旋余地和新的经济增长点。实施西部大开发战略10多年取得了显著成绩。我们将以更大的力度推进中西部特别是西部开发开放,搞好规划布局, 完善政策措施,加快大通道建设,大力发展优势特色产业,推进绿色、循环、低碳发展,把资源优势转化为经济优势,支持东部地区部分产业有序向中西部地区转 移,统筹东中西、协调南北方,积极稳妥推进城镇化,发挥城镇化对扩内需、促发展、惠民生的潜力作用。可以相信,随着新一轮西部开发开放向纵深推进,中国经 济将会增添强大活力,也可以逐步解决不平衡不协调不可持续问题。
  We will further enforce the comprehensive strategy for regional development, and accelerate the development and opening up of the central and western regions. One of the major problems China faces today is regional income disparity and imbalanced development. Blessed with a vast territory, abundant resources and huge potential for development, China's central and western regions provide important strategic space for development, convenient leeway as well as new points of economic growth. During the past decade or so, China has made remarkable achievements in developing these regions through its strategy for the development of the western region. We will make even greater efforts to press ahead the development and opening up of the central and western regions, particularly the western region, draw up layout plans for regional development, and work out more effective policies and measures to speed up the construction of major transportation networks between the regions. We will develop local industries with competitive edge, and push forward the development of green, recyclable and low-carbon industries, so that the resources advantages the central and western regions now enjoy will add to their economic strength. We will also support the transfer of some industries in the more developed eastern regions to the western regions, make overall plans on coordinated national and regional development, advance urbanization actively yet steadily, and well exploit the potentials of the process to boost domestic demand, promote economic growth and improve people's livelihood. I believe that a new wave of western region development and opening up will add greater vitality to the Chinese economy, and help resolve the problem of imbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development in due course.
  Section2: Translate Chinese into English  外交部:2012年第67届联合国大会中方立场文件  (五)能源安全  5. Energy Security  能源安全同世界经济的...&
  Section2: Translate Chinese into English  外交部:2012年第67届联合国大会中方立场文件  (五)能源安全&  5. Energy Security  能源安全同世界经济的稳定发展和各国人民的福祉息息相关。在当前国际金融危机背景下,维护全球能源安全对有效应对国际金融危机冲击、推动世界经济全面复苏和长远发展具有重要意义。&  Energy security has a close bearing on the stability and growth of the world economy and the well-being of people in all countries. Against the backdrop of the global financial crisis, ensuring energy security is vital to effectively tackling the impact of the crisis and promoting the full recovery and long-term development of the world economy.&&  国际社会应树立互利合作、多元发展、协同保障的新能源安全观,共同稳定能源等大宗商品价格、防止过度投机和炒作,保障各国特别是发展中国家能源需求,维护能源市场正常秩序。同时,各国应改善能源结构,加强先进能源技术的研发和推广,大力发展清洁和可再生能源,在相关领域积极开展国际合作。&  To this end, the international community should foster a new energy security outlook featuring mutually beneficial cooperation, diversified development and coordinated supply. Joint efforts must be made to stabilize the prices of energy and other commodities and prevent excessive speculation and market hype, so as to meet the energy demands of all countries, particularly the developing countries, and maintain order in the energy market. Meanwhile, countries should improve their own energy mix, promote the research, development and diffusion of advanced technologies, vigorously develop clean and renewable energies, and actively advance international cooperation in relevant fields.&&  中国政府高度重视能源和能源安全问题。在解决中国的能源问题上,始终坚持节约优先、立足国内、多元发展、保护环境的原则,加强国际互利合作,大力改善和调整能源结构,努力构筑稳定、经济、清洁、安全的能源供应体系,(加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会。哥本哈根会议前夕,中国宣布了到2020年非化石能源占一次能源消费比重15%,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%-45%的目标。这一部分试题删节了)中国愿与世界各国一道共同努力,建立起能源合作长效机制,为保障全球能源安全、应对气候变化做出应有的贡献。&  The Chinese government attaches great importance to issues of energy and energy security. In addressing these issues, we adhere to the principle of &giving priority to conservation, mainly relying on domestic supply, seeking diversified development and protecting the environment&. We have strengthened mutually beneficial cooperation with the international community, made vigorous efforts to improve and adjust the energy mix and build a reliable, economical, clean and safe energy supply system, speeded up the building of a resources-conserving and environment-friendly society. Before the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, China announced the target of increasing the share of non-fossil fuel in primary energy consumption to 15% and a 40-45% decrease of CO2 emissions per unit of GDP on the 2005 level by 2020. China is ready to work with other countries to establish a long-term energy cooperation mechanism and make its due contribution to ensuring global energy security and tackling climate change.
  Chinese Vice-Premier...&
  Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Yang on Friday called on all sides to speed up the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) construction to further facilitate trade and investment in the region.
  文中的Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP)就是指&亚太自贸区&。国务院副总理汪洋出席Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council(亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会)晚宴时致辞指出,中国是亚太大家庭的一员,中国的发展离不开亚太。
  汪洋指出,希望各方meet the expectation of the business circle,speed up the construction of the FTAAP,大幅提高the level of trade and investment liberalization in this region;推动高效顺畅的the regional value chain cooperation,打通本地区the obstacles in the regional supply chain,促进产业融合发展,提升区域经济整体竞争力。
  1、meet the expectation of the business circle&
  2、speed up the construction of the FTAAP&
  3、the level of trade and investment liberalization in this region&
  4、the regional value chain cooperation &
  5、the obstacles in the regional supply chain&
  6、Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Yang on Friday called on all sides to speed up the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) construction to further facilitate trade and investment in the region.
  1、meet the expectation of the business circle 顺应工商界的期待  2、speed up the construction of the FTAAP 加快亚太自贸区建设进程&  3、the level of trade and investment liberalization in this region 区域内贸易投资自由化便利化水平  4、the regional value chain cooperation 价值链合作&  5、the obstacles in the regional supply chain 供应链联接的阻塞点  6、Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Yang on Friday called on all sides to speed up the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) construction to further facilitate trade and investment in the region.国务院副总理汪洋7日希望各方加快亚太自贸区建设进程,大幅提高区域内贸易投资自由化便利化水平。&
  1.The APEC organization has a tiered structure: Informal Leaders' Meetings, Ministerial Meetings, ...&
  1.The APEC organization has a tiered structure: Informal Leaders' Meetings, Ministerial Meetings, Senior Officials' Meetings, Committee & Working Group Meetings, and Secretariat.
  2.Established in 1989, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation is a forum that seeks to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
  3.APEC currently has 21 members, including most with a coastline on the Pacific Ocean. Members account for approximately 40 percent of the world's population, 54 percent of the world gross domestic product, and about 44 percent of world trade.
  4.APEC carries out work in three main areas: trade and investment liberalization, business facilitation, and economic and technical cooperation.
  5.One tradition of the forum is the APEC leaders' family photo. At the end of the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, leaders in attendance gather for a photo while dressed in a costume that reflects the culture of the host member.
  2、亚太经合组织(the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,简称APEC)诞生于1989年,致力于推动亚太地区的投资自由化和经济合作。
  An extensive list of Chinese food has been included in the menu for the upcoming A...&
  An extensive list of Chinese food has been included in the menu for the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings. Among the items, simple and convenient traditional snacks will dominate.
  本次会议餐饮既融合了不同国家的风味,同时着重体现中国特色和北京文化,既有新加坡香辣米粉(Singapore's laksa)、菲律宾烩鸡(the Philippines's adobe chicke)、俄式烩牛肉(Russia's beef goulash)等五洲风味特色食物,也有方便快捷的传统小吃如begger&s chicken、担担面、小笼包、年糕、烧卖、煎饼、chicken stuffed with glutinous rice,还有春饼、宫廷小窝头、芸豆卷、驴打滚等北京小吃和颇具特色的北京烤鸭,让参会者能够尝到不同风味的美食,对中国的小吃有了新的认识。(在一些轻松非正式场合中国小吃也可拼音开头直译如:xiaolongbao;jiaohuaji;dandan noodles,当然外国友人是肯定搞不明白的)  会议期间,餐饮形式涵盖自助餐、茶歇、桌餐等各个种类,方便参会者选择。
烟熏三文鱼 Smoked Salmon
奶酪焗龙虾 Gratinated Lobster in Mornay Sauce
铁板西冷牛扒 Sizzling Sirloin Steak
红酒烩鸡 Braised Chicken with Red Wine
金枪鱼沙拉 Tuna Fish Salad
法式洋葱汤 French Onion Soup
土豆泥 mashed potatoes
冬阴功汤 Tom Yum Kung
新加坡香辣米粉 Singapore's laksa
俄式烩牛肉Russia's beef goulash
肉酱意大利粉 Spaghetti Bolognaise
意大利奶酪千层饼 Cheese Lasagna
石锅拌饭 Bibimbap
果仁布朗尼 Walnut Brownies
香草冰激凌 Vanilla Ice Cream
奶昔 Milk Shak
慕斯 Mousse
布丁 Pudding
提拉米苏 Tiramisu
全麦面包 Whole Wheat Bread
吐司面包 Toast
  2、begger&s chicken
  4、chicken stuffed with glutinous rice
  10、An extensive list of Chinese food has been included in the menu for the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings. Among the items, simple and convenient traditional snacks will dominate.
  1、传统小吃 traditional snacks
  2、begger&s chicken 叫花鸡
  3、煎饼 pancake
  4、chicken stuffed with glutinous rice 糯米鸡
  5、春饼 spring rolls
  6、北京烤鸭(Peking duck/Beijing duck)
  7、自助餐 buffet)
  8、茶歇 tea break
  9、桌餐 dinner served at tables
  10、An extensive list of Chinese food has been included in the menu for the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings. Among the items, simple and convenient traditional snacks will dominate.为即将到来的亚太经合组织会议准备的菜单中包括大量的中国特色食品,其中,占主导地位的是简单便捷的传统小吃。


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