pleaseandroid providerr yearly volume forecast via us.什么意思

Peace of mind / I have a portfolio mainly consisting of long term long calls, short term short calls and puts, and long term BCS. Three years, ago when I started my journey on this board I would be freaking out panicking as to what to do, as many of the short calls are ITM, Three years later (today) I look at the screen and serenely process the information. Three years ago, I inevitably made the wrong decisions which cost me a lot of money. Three years on I calmly roll the positions to whatever makes sense. No drama, no hair pulling, and a great cost saver. I guess they call that the power of education.
Phil - It is nice being more discipline with my trading. Generally, I am out earlier than most, but my results, overall, are much better than they were when I was trying to squeeze 80 cups of lemonade out of one lemon! On the other side, I am learning the value of rolling and turning losses into non-losses or small gains. I so appreciate the time you have spent with me and others who have benefited greatly from your knowledge. Thank you!
- Dclark41
It is hard to learn the process that Phil teaches, but it is worth the effort. I think it is finally sinking in & so I say Thanks teacher for your patience & expertise!
I've had a very good week so far & I know it is because of persisting in this learning process that you teach.
- Pirateinvestor
I have to thank you for excelling yourself during this past week. I have spent a good few hours going over your notes and comments and there are so many gems on repairing and rolling trades that I have been beavering away on paying special attention to my major positions and analysing them using your approach on Tuesday. Being able to look at a group of trades on the same underlying (in this case AAPL) and taking a detached view by assessing the impact of the underlying reaching different price points was extremely reassuring.
Don't expect to get rich quick here, but you can get easy 30 - 50 % per year, just by buying good stocks at discount (as we often discuss), selling monthly premiums of calls and puts.
- Tchayipov
I have 263 positions - 70% in options ( balance stocks) in three portfolios with a value of 3 mil.
YTD profit is about $750,000.
100KP dividend plays - FYI, I'm loving them...thanks, Phil!!!
Including the $0.848/share dividend, I am up 100% on my $2.38 net entry on LYG...that's pretty cool!
Thanks Phil for helping make this a much, much better year this year than last. Your tutelage has been so very helpful.
Don't think I can say Thanks enough.
And I thanks all the members here who were work hard in helping us all to become better traders, and I would say better people as well.
The support many of you offered when we evacuated during the fire this past year helped me immeasurably.
Happy New Years to you all!
Thanks Phil another great week of guiding us!
- Steven Parker
Hi Mr. Phill,
I am a Venezuelan lady tormented by our politicall situation, who use to be an emerging market trader, and many other executive positins in the finance "arena" and now is trying to built a new concept and service for asset management for clients on my own, I am in the trial and learning process at the moment, I also invest for some friends and myself. I want to congratulate you , because reading you fill my days with a touch of irony (besides ,of course the spectacular market insight) that happens to give me energy, its a joy the remarks and comments even the pictures used, sometimes I just read it for the fun, I completily agree with your thouhts, though we belong to totally different cultures and enviorements and certanly realities Your readings is like a little hand helping me out to be in the market and fight for my devastated country where every single day we looe inches and yards of liberty. You shoul try to writte a book!
- Mindeyes
The strategy you have laid out pretty much mirrors much of my trading activity.
I also mix in some momentum plays and "drop dead" bargains that come across my radar.
My YTD trading profit is 63%.
Back in March when Phil said "unless you think the world is coming to an end, then NOW is the time to start taking positions in Buy/Writes with the VIX so high."
I jumped in with both feet - ( thanks, again Phil)
Phil: UNH, hedged stock position, doing great, up over 50 %,
GMCR – Just bought back my Jan $90 callers on GMCR for a nice $10,000 gain.
Thanks for the recommendation Phil!
It was nice to cash in on a momo.
I have been trading for quite a few years and in good years made about 25%. After joining PSW, I followed closely the PSW strategy and my trading profit for this year is close to 70% to date. For fun, I like to mix in a few "Hail Mary" plays that really worked out well, but overall the simpler Buy/Write strategy, as presented by Phil so often, created the majority of the profit.
Phil - FAS
- I dont know whether to be happier I averaged down and sold calls or that I got myself out of FAZ the other day…thanks for that help
I am a Registered Nurse, so is my wife.
We work hard to take care of seven kids that are the joy of our lives.
The cost for a basic membership is ALOT from our our monthly budget of spending and saving…but well worth it! Phil has allowed me to really ramp up the savings we put away for our children's college funds and our retirement.
New member/1st time posting:
Thanks Phil and Pharm for the rec on TOS.
I've emailed Scott to get myself setup so I hope to hear back soon.
As a newbie on PSW for a month now, I've been readin' and readin' and readin'.
Gonna start paper-trading for a while.
See how I do before putting a single dime into it.
New at options but seems like this is the best training and educational platform out there.
I'm a long-time mortgage broker who got too involved with real estate investing.
LOVED your article, Phil, on mortgage interest scams.
Right on!!
Let me know if and how I can contribute back to the community here.
Maya, After years of being pretty good at picking stocks I still managed to lose almost as much as I made.All the reading Phil asked us to do as a new member (And everything else I can get my hands on lately)
has revealed my Achilles Heal.Good stock picks do not necessarily make money. My problem was swinging for the fences.
Since becoming a member Jan 1 this year
and getting into to scaling into small trades I am amazed at the steady profit
growth I have experienced
already while not worrying about getting killed. And
having fun doing it..
Phil, Thanks for the education, the help you give and the chance to learn more and get better. Also thanks to all the members who have
answered the few questions I had when your not around.
I have followed a lot of Phil's picks over the last several years and made money using the exact option strategies he outlines. Of all the contributors on SA, he offers the most actual and ready to implement advice that has put money in my account.
Many of us on SA actually are sad when we don't see Phil's postings for an extended period.
- Brenteaz
3 for 3! Sold on initial excitement and made a double on USO, 70% on AMZN and 70% on SPY options from Friday.
Thanks and much appreciated for the suggestions.
- Gingbaum
Took profit on QQQ 57 Puts, bot 40 at $0.07, sold 20 for $0.15 and 20 for $0.32.
Thank, Phil
That was a quick double on the DIA calls. trailing stop in place.
I know I am small change compared to most others members, but I just wanted to let you know that during the last two weeks with the shorts you and others suggested I have 6 winners and 5 losers. My losers were small because I tried to follow your guidelines as best I could. On the other hand my winners on average were around 50%. Consequently, I am up $2000 in 14 days. Thank you for your patience and help. I think I am making progress getting rid of some of my poor trading habits of the past!
- DCalrk41
You may wonder if anyone gets anything out of you seminars (or may not wonder). Anyway, I almost never day trade because of my job. Today, I was home due to the snow and since I was behind by 2 weeks on watching your recorded seminars I though I would watch one of them. I set up my pivot point charts in TOS to match the ones in your seminar and made the QQQ trade from this morning. I only bought 5 puts. While I watched the seminar, I would pause then switch back and forth and watch the live QQQ chart. I ended up stopping out for a $170 gain, but it was pretty cool to have the dip and recovery at the same time I was learning the art of stopping out when a pivot line was taken out.
- rj_jarboe
USO, QQQ- Phil, thanks for these plays. Out of USO for about 65% gain today and just keeping 1/4 QQQ.
Phil: Once again thanks for those inciteful comments, and the old links to Sage's portfolio management (I hadn't read before).
I'm an experienced stock trader, but over the last 3 or 4 months have come to appreciate options trading here at PSW, and the consistency of your many premium-selling strategies.
It is liberating to have to worry less about getting direction right and being able to generate 5% MONTHLY returns with close to delta-neutral positioning.
Much appreciated!
- Neverworkagain
Phil: Closed out ZION with 49 % gain!
Phil has some great insight into the market. He's given me a different perspective on the market and I know I'm a better trader/investor because of it.
I've been trading options since the late 80's and Phil is right. Unless you know what is going to happen (how can you, unless you have insider information), then do what the smart money does - be the house. Remember guys, we're allowed to sell options. If you're afraid to be short, then do a spread to limit your liability. When I think about the money I've made and lost on options, a good approximation is that I win 30% of the time when I I win about 70% of the time when I I win nearly 90% of the time when I sell naked.
- Autolander
Phil: I cleaned up today.
A rather stark contrast to my untutored performance April/May 2009, after I had written to you to explain how wrong-headed your bearishness was.
Many thanks.
I ran into someone once who played on the Bulls with Jordan for quite a few years.
He was asked what he had learned from playing with MJ for so long.
He smiled and said "Give him the ball."
- Zeroxzero
Being a bear is easy (and I am not convinced we are doing all that well on the whole as an economy), but one cannot fight the trend (didn't Phil say that a while ago)?
Just cover, make 5-10-15-20% and move on.
It really does add up by chipping away.
All I can say is I am back to 2007 levels in my account b'f the crash with this run up and some very nice help on this board….so kudos to us (and me!!)…
- Pharmboy
for an exclusive discount along with our 30-day GUARANTEE & Love us or leave, with your money back!
to become a part of our growing community and learn how to stop gambling with your investments. We will teach you to BE THE HOUSE & Not the Gambler! to see some testimonials from our members!
The strategy you have laid out pretty much mirrors much of my trading activity.
I also mix in some momentum plays and "drop dead" bargains that come across my radar.
My YTD trading profit is 63%.
Back in March when Phil said "unless you think the world is coming to an end, then NOW is the time to start taking positions in Buy/Writes with the VIX so high."
I jumped in with both feet - ( thanks, again Phil)
Have not done my 10,000 hours, but a couple of years at PSW, and moved from fishing with a single line to owner of a commercial trawler (metaphorically speaking). Now I fish with many lines. It is amazing when you go over the same information time and time again, eventually it clicks. L being the house, 20% sale items, selling into the excitement. and patience. I just sold an AAPL Jan 12 340/390 BCS financed by the sales of Jan 12 275 Put. The trade was put on one year ago for a net credit and exited five minutes ago for a 49 dollar per contract profit. No point in waiting till opex to see what happens, and I will just sell 10 of those VLO puts to make myself net the round 50.
I no longer worry about opex coming as I have adjusted well in time for most positions that go against me. I still make some howlers (RIMM, TBT, TRGT) but I play the percentages and my winners outdistance my losers by many miles.
I would never be in this position if it were not for Phil. He is a treasure, pure and simple. The goose that lays the golden egg if we care to listen and practice. Phil, a mighty big thank you.
That was a quick double on the DIA calls. trailing stop in place.
Happy Thanksgiving Phil and to your family and associates.
Also to all of the other fellow citizens of Phil's Stock World.
I am particularly happy and thankful that I clicked on your article in Seeking Alpha a number of years ago.
That opened the gate to Phil's Stock World and "being the house".
My wallet thanks you as does my peace of mind in trading options, stocks and rarely futures.
Your liberal views opened up my views—being a boot strapper (pulled myself out of a poor background) I was a CONSERVATIVE—cynical of others who weren't as driven.
you have taught me more than how to make money and manage risk.
So, again I give thanks to you and the others of PSW!!
- Newthugger
Phil/Eric/Cwan/Matt/Cap/etc.. - I've learned so much from all of you and want to thank you. I'm up 23% this month thanks to all of your advice - Thanks, guys!
100KP dividend plays - FYI, I'm loving them...thanks, Phil!!!
Including the $0.848/share dividend, I am up 100% on my $2.38 net entry on LYG...that's pretty cool!
Thanks to Phil (again) for the lessons on the art of the roll, selling premium and hanging tight under fire (particularly in the first hour of trading-MADNESS). Watching you manage the $25KP has really helped my trading in a big way.
How will I ever do anything else in my life that will compare to the wild ride you get trading an ultra etf in the most volatile sector in the stock market the day before option expiration?
- Matt1966
You are doing a fantastic job. I think most of us our very well balanced and consequently have learned how to manage through these ever so short declines in the market without panic.
- Dclark41
USO, QQQ- Phil, thanks for these plays. Out of USO for about 65% gain today and just keeping 1/4 QQQ.
I don't post much, but I guess this morning has brought me out.
This site has made me tens of thousands, every year since I have become a member.
It took me nearly two years devoting 3 hours per day to get on the ball, and actually understand portion sizing, and which trades fit my personal trading style.
Before that I spent at least two years working on Buffet style fundamental investing.
(Intellegent Investor, Security Analysis, ect.).
This site really will teach you amazing things if you just pay attention.
Literally it has changed my day to day life, has allowed my family and I to move back to the U.S. from overseas with confidence even with a paycut at my day job, and literally put me in a different league financially.
Seriously my life and my children's is better because of this site.
- Knightpilot
Phil: Closed out ZION with 49 % gain!
TBT - Many thanks, Phil. I join you in your opinion favoring the Jan expirations. That's a great play. I can never thank you enough for what I have gained educationally as well as monitarily. Here it is late Sunday evening and I am able to get world class advice, just by asking for it. I feel like I am staying in a 5 star hotel, and room service is just a telephone call away!
Phil fantastic call on the markets…
I owe you BIG…thanks and have a great weekend!
I subscribed to Phils Stock World full service for a year or so and found that it was extremely helpful. Now I just get the Stock World Weekly summary, which I find invaluable.
Phil does not baby people and certainly can't make someone into a successful stock operator who does not make the effort on their own behalf, but he is extremely generous with his time in answering newbie questions.
Although I found it difficult to follow and implement all his trades in real time, what I did find was that once you got the hang of his methodology and way of thinking, you could work out your own trades and be quite successful. Even just using his patent Rule Number One* alone is worth its weight in gold. Rule Number Two is even better.
- Rookie IRA Investor
I think that Phil is super, I am up 39.3% YTD.
Thank you for your kindness and the opportunity to observe Phil from February.
Great calls this week!
Hey Phil -- I want to thank you every chance I get for helping me to grow my previous portfolio to being profitable enough to pay off some debts my family had and left me with $1,000 left to use in the markets. You should know that your premium membership is amazing on many levels, You and your readers offer a ton of economic and statistical analysis that I was able to use in my clerical level job in finance. It's a shame that someone as talented and honest as you is not on television each night providing a true service to the investing public and not the clowns and hucksters that are talking up their books to dump on retail investors. Sorry for the long post. I had to say something to you that I never thought I would have the opportunity to. You helped put my family in an almost debt-free life through the stock and option plays that I made during my time as a customer of your service and that has made us very happy. You are a good man and I wish you and your family many years of joy and happiness. I wish I could do ads for you!
Fed days are fun!
Just for grins I decided to see how much money I could make in two clicks.
I bought DIA calls right when the surge started and then sold them the minute they hit my account.
Net gain of 20% in 20 seconds. Can't do that very often…
Have been a member for about 6 months or there abouts. Signed up for a quarter at first and then for a year.
To me, and it's only my opinion, it's an investment and I have made the membership fees back many times over on the strategy advice. Since joining and implementing the strategy of buy/writes and hedges I have cut my portfolio losses for the year and have a really good chance of going positive this year.
If I would have continued down the road I was on, I would still have been fumbling around without a strategy and completely inept in what I was doing.
I feel now the strategy is working and I am far more comfortable with the risks I am taking.
I still have a lot to learn but I feel the fees have been one of the best investments I have made.
The returns have been fantastic.
Still have problems with the politics but hey nobody is perfect
Against all prognostics (bears) Phil pointed in the morning the correct direction, and in middle of day he pointed the possible move to 2.5%
I'm starting to serious believe on the program trading and the human nature behind the programing those "trade-bots".
WOW, glad I went bearish… Phil, thanks for the help on the QID calls yesterday, I turned it into a partial cover rolling down to the Feb 52s selling the 55s 1/2 covered. Sold 1/2 and now lowered my cost basis to $4.38 on the $52s (fully covered).
- Texasmotion
Phil, those OIH $80 p that you recommended last week
for ~$1 are now worth $5.50!
On Optrader's section yesterday he was asked how he works with AAPL as an investment. He replied that he just ‘plays with the covers'. I've got a separate portfolio where I use primarily this technique over the past 6 months. Up 60% The principles involved are stock selection, patience, patience, using covers to protect profits, rolling covers to maximize premium return, and exiting when covers are gone and stock price is high. Sometimes it's hard to remember where you learn to do this stuff, but much of it is from integrating principles I've learned here with thing I already knew. Thanks for the help on this, Phil and others.
- Iflantheman
I meant to post over the weekend, but I was busy having fun
Last week was a very nice week for me, and I wanted to thank you for all that you do.
I am pretty much back to cash and really feel like I am learning.
I have out performed the $5kp by a very large margin.
Thanks again for the service you provide.
- Scotbraze
Phil, I just wanted to say thanks for being there. The world needs more of you. Your site continues to positively change my life daily.
PSW – Price/V The value of PSW on a regular basis exceeds by far the price of the annual subscription. The edition of February 26 'Which Way Wednesday – Popping or Topping?', – priceless for the serious investor.
Opt, I think the hardest thing is being disciplined enough to trade with you.
Atleast now when I see something go in the red I know how much I'm going to loose and that I will profit somewhere else and have enough money left at the end of the day to trade again. Thanks for all your hard work! My stress levels are down 75% and I have even made a small profit in the short time I've been here
Phil, You were on the $ today with your calls almost exactly on the turns – Krap kuhn krup (Thai for thank you very much).
- Jomptien
Phil you are great, and not only is your market info spot on but you have the courage to call it like it is and write about it in a great tone.
12 failures so far.
12 trading days since the S&P first hit 2,000 (Aug 25th) in which . &Not one and, unless the Futures pop 10 points before we open, not today either. &On 10 of those days, we've had a late-day run-up on low volume that popped us over 2,000 and on 7 of those days, 2,000 held at the close but EVERY SINGLE DAY – it also failed to hold. &
Let's not forget that, during this time, we've had TRILLIONS of Dollars of additional stimulus pledged by Carney, Draghi, Kuroda and other minor Central Banksters and Yellen has certainly been as doveish as she could by (while still tapering our existing Trillion Dollar stimulus). &This is how our market behaves WITH Trillions of Dollars of cash being pumped into the Global economy – I wonder what will happen when it stops? &
Of course, maybe it won't stop but, if it doesn't, . &This is a chart of our projected net annual&interest payments on our debt in 10 years. &That's $880 BILLION Dollars each year, just in interest payments, up $650Bn from the $233Bn we are spending now. &
That's WITHOUT additional stimulus so I guess we can go for a bit more and make it an even Trillion, right? &These are what we used to call CONSEQENCES – back when we used to care about such things. &The US is not the leader in debt issuance, not by a long shot. &Japan is 150% more in debt than we are and China has now doubled our debt to GDP ratio, after having been a creditor back in 2007 but now the undisputed king of stimulus spending. &&&
Europe is also a mess. &As I said to our Members in an early-morning Alert: &Another thing the US Media is purposely ignoring is the 12.5% correction in Europe (example on Germany chart) since July that, so far, has bounced weakly (4-point drop on EWG has weak bounce at 28.8 and strong at 29.6) & failing exactly at the weak bounce line (the top blue line on ). &
I know the narrative from the MSM is to ignore the rest of the World and I hate to sound like a broken record but that's exactly what they told us while we were &rallying& in 2008 & just sayin'&.
Of course, in 2008, we weren't almost at war with Russia and there wasn't a massive terrorist takeover of Iraq and Syria and Spain wasn't about to burst into civil war and Ireland wasn't breaking out of the UK and Italy wasn't teetering on Depression with the rest of Europe clearly in Recession and all with twice as much debt than they had at the time so yes, this time is different & it's MUCH WORSE!!! &
Hopefully AAPL can save us today as the iPhone 6 begins taking pre-orders this morning and Apple's web site has already crashed once (back up now) as people begin the rush. &
It's Friday, so we're not going to take today's action too seriously and, , we've doubled down on our DXD hedges into the weekend for protection. &
The top 1% should be in a good mood as their GOP lackeys successfully filibustered an attempt at Campaign Finance Reform and that means it's going to be clear sailing into the November elections for our nation's Puppet Masters () to tighten their grip on our once-great Democrocy/now Oilgarchy-Corporate Kleptocracy. &
Have a great weekend,
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on Friday, September 12th, 2014 at
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Phil: Closed out ZION with 49 % gain!
I took out my callers and rolled down my longs this morning, woo hoo!
- Ephmen85
I have followed along with your commentary and alerts and have been flabbergasted at your quick analytical skills and your journalistic skills to explain it clearly. In a little over three weeks I have cleared almost 1000.00 dollars and got an intensive education at the same time. I would like to immediately upgrade my membership.
- TokyoLife
Phil - I got your earlier trade a month or so ago on MSFT
BCS, selling 2015 30 puts. Nice up 75% now!
- Jomptien
I have been trading for quite a few years and in good years made about 25%. After joining PSW, I followed closely the PSW strategy and my trading profit for this year is close to 70% to date. For fun, I like to mix in a few "Hail Mary" plays that really worked out well, but overall the simpler Buy/Write strategy, as presented by Phil so often, created the majority of the profit.
Phil, I just wanted to say thanks for being there. The world needs more of you. Your site continues to positively change my life daily.
I love it when a trade really comes together.
After 4 DD's and a roll, I cashed out 16 times my initial position in TLT today for a 140% gain.
Thank you Phil for the lessons in scaling in, and paying for position.
Your HOV suggestion about 3 months ago basically paid for my Philstockworld subscription for years to come.
My average cost is about $1.
Hi Mr. Phill,
I am a Venezuelan lady tormented by our politicall situation, who use to be an emerging market trader, and many other executive positins in the finance "arena" and now is trying to built a new concept and service for asset management for clients on my own, I am in the trial and learning process at the moment, I also invest for some friends and myself. I want to congratulate you , because reading you fill my days with a touch of irony (besides ,of course the spectacular market insight) that happens to give me energy, its a joy the remarks and comments even the pictures used, sometimes I just read it for the fun, I completily agree with your thouhts, though we belong to totally different cultures and enviorements and certanly realities Your readings is like a little hand helping me out to be in the market and fight for my devastated country where every single day we looe inches and yards of liberty. You shoul try to writte a book!
- Mindeyes
Phil, thanks for the call on the SKF puts earlier, I'm riding that horsie downhill right now, giddyup!
Phil, I have the SRS
short puts you recommended awhile back. I sold them for $2.20 and now $1.51 (up 31%) although SRS has been down since inception. This was a nice mellow way to play it like you said, thanks.
- Jomptien
Phil - Moved today to send kudos.
You're in my top 5 to see/read daily.
I do not trade...
but as former econ-finance adjunct faculty near Stanford U.
I give you lots of attaboys....
and provide your links to many to spread some understanding of the mess we are in.
Best to you and yours,
- HJ Kobbeman
You may wonder if anyone gets anything out of you seminars (or may not wonder). Anyway, I almost never day trade because of my job. Today, I was home due to the snow and since I was behind by 2 weeks on watching your recorded seminars I though I would watch one of them. I set up my pivot point charts in TOS to match the ones in your seminar and made the QQQ trade from this morning. I only bought 5 puts. While I watched the seminar, I would pause then switch back and forth and watch the live QQQ chart. I ended up stopping out for a $170 gain, but it was pretty cool to have the dip and recovery at the same time I was learning the art of stopping out when a pivot line was taken out.
- rj_jarboe
Tesla et. al. – I've spent many months getting hammered shorting overvalued Momos, until, finally, I internalized Phil's message.
P give yourself plenty of room to double/move up the [lack of value] chain in terms of price.
P take [Musk's, eg.] latest bleep and sell the spike for a short time frame, because his tweets always come to naught.
I've been coining money doing it, I just watch that premium melt away with scarcely veiled amusement.
Swinging for the fences is for suckers [me, for a long time].
Those little gains really add up — $2k per week of evaporated premium and you could actually buy a Tesla by the end of the year!!
- zeroxzero
Have been a member for about 6 months or there abouts. Signed up for a quarter at first and then for a year.
To me, and it's only my opinion, it's an investment and I have made the membership fees back many times over on the strategy advice. Since joining and implementing the strategy of buy/writes and hedges I have cut my portfolio losses for the year and have a really good chance of going positive this year.
If I would have continued down the road I was on, I would still have been fumbling around without a strategy and completely inept in what I was doing.
I feel now the strategy is working and I am far more comfortable with the risks I am taking.
I still have a lot to learn but I feel the fees have been one of the best investments I have made.
The returns have been fantastic.
Still have problems with the politics but hey nobody is perfect
Phil…..You have absolutely NAILED IT!
This is not a bull market, nor is it a bear market.
It is a Rangeish market, and it's going to stay that way for a long time (the latter is my prediction.
I love the word.
What I love more is the fact that I've found someone with some investing intelligence greater than mine who can assist me in playing this type of market.
Your description today of how it's playing out is right on.
I predict some media ‘guru' will steal your word and your description within the next few days and we'll all get to read about what ‘they' discovered about this market.
Thanks Phil!
- Iflantheman
Phil/Eric/Cwan/Matt/Cap/etc.. - I've learned so much from all of you and want to thank you. I'm up 23% this month thanks to all of your advice - Thanks, guys!
Oxen (directly) and Wilkinson (indirectly) are making me a great day trader!
Props to Andrew for another little nugget last night: HIG.
$20 Dec calls paid 6% quickly this morning.
And helloooo STJ - a few days, but nice pick nonetheless - esp with early cover premium.
- Dstillwe
Phil/thankyou. Phil, I went over the recording of last weeks webinar. I liked it a lot and wanted to thank you. I thought the case studies (company reviews) were detailed, I learned more about selling puts process and also what happens if stock continues to go down after that, I liked the fact that we discuss so many different avenues like stocks, optiond, futures, oil, commodities etc… I replayed portions of it multiple times to make sure I was grasping it but wanted to say good job. Thanks…
- Nramanuja
Phil – great calls this past week, esp. friday and monday.
in the old days I would have let Prechter et al scare me into trimming my longs and going short at just the wrong time.
your feel for the markets is Tiger-esque.
XLF are big winners for me today.
My biggest up day in a long time.
- Terrapin22
Hey Phil -- I want to thank you every chance I get for helping me to grow my previous portfolio to being profitable enough to pay off some debts my family had and left me with $1,000 left to use in the markets. You should know that your premium membership is amazing on many levels, You and your readers offer a ton of economic and statistical analysis that I was able to use in my clerical level job in finance. It's a shame that someone as talented and honest as you is not on television each night providing a true service to the investing public and not the clowns and hucksters that are talking up their books to dump on retail investors. Sorry for the long post. I had to say something to you that I never thought I would have the opportunity to. You helped put my family in an almost debt-free life through the stock and option plays that I made during my time as a customer of your service and that has made us very happy. You are a good man and I wish you and your family many years of joy and happiness. I wish I could do ads for you!
Phil - I followed your great pick re F and sold short the
puts (200 contracts) and paid for the next 10 years of membership fees…. Thanks!
Thanks Phil, I have adjusted my position by getting rid of the IYF puts, and selling the FAZ puts.
You have so many of these awesome little tricks in your playbook that it really amazes me.
I toally love your analogy by the way: Do you want insurance that you have to pay for, or do you want insurance that pays you?
- Craigzooka
Phil.... I remember back in March of '09, you stated " Unless you think the country is going to hell in a hand-basket, NOW is the time to do your buying". Do you remember ?
I took your advice, and bought leap $2.00 calls on F, approximately 200,000 shares using the options, for just pennies. Now that was the best Ford I ever owned.... made over $1 mil - thanks go to you Phil. I now drive a Mercedes but still "love" the Ford.
Phil, 26% on the week for the 20% I day-trade, and since drinking the kool-aid last fall, the whole portfolio has doubled.
Have a great weekend !!
Looking over your main themes last week, the "China may fall first" and "if you missed it previously, Thurs am gives you a second chance to short" were absolutely on target.
I had to rely on stop-losses because of my schedule but just those two calls could have been worth a small fortune.
Keep it up and I look forward to your new portfolio.
Happy Thanksgiving Phil and to your family and associates.
Also to all of the other fellow citizens of Phil's Stock World.
I am particularly happy and thankful that I clicked on your article in Seeking Alpha a number of years ago.
That opened the gate to Phil's Stock World and "being the house".
My wallet thanks you as does my peace of mind in trading options, stocks and rarely futures.
Your liberal views opened up my views—being a boot strapper (pulled myself out of a poor background) I was a CONSERVATIVE—cynical of others who weren't as driven.
you have taught me more than how to make money and manage risk.
So, again I give thanks to you and the others of PSW!!
- Newthugger
I read with great interest
your statement the other day that the DX is unlikely to break 76 or there will be great hell to pay, torrential amounts of tears shed, and gnashing of dentures all over the world.
I have had several short DX contracts in the $78ish range during the last month and upon your two statements 1) don't be greedy, and 2) 76 could be a bottom, I yesterday put a buy GTC order to close my positions at 76 and for some inexplicable reason the DX spiked down after the close and now I can safely say that once again you have confirmed for me that you have been one of the best investment services I have yet to come across.
Almost to the point that I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm completely wrong about my political stance as well. Almost.
In any event,
I wanted you to know that this has been my third execution based on your comments and recommendations that I have followed and this one has also worked to my advantage.
My subscription fee has been more than justified for the next year and there's some left over to pay
for my stay in Toronto this week, dinner at Joso's in the Yorkville section of town. If I smoked I'd have a Montecristo to salute you.
Be well, stay well.
- Flipspiceland
Phil / TNA – On Monday you put out the TNA BCS 41/47.
As I mentioned I work during market hours so on Tuesday morning on my way out the door (premarket) I put in an advanced TOS '1st trigger sequence' order to fill the BCS.
I can control the entry using this method vs. the vertical entry that TOS allows for the BCS.
I filled the June 41 long call but never filled the 47 short call.
I let that ride into today.
OMG ..TNA popped 7.5%!… the $3.60 entry is almost a double!
Tomorrow will be a OCO bracket to get out of TNA before Ben speaks.
I should be able to preserve 85% – 100% on the trade.
For the income portfolio plays in my IRA's, doing very well… I do like collecting premium!
Well done and thanks!
- JFawcett
Phil, I don't know how I can thank you enough for your guidance this past week.
I'm up significantly in my portfolio and I've never been so relaxed watching the market panic.
Thanks once again for being here for us.
- thechaser
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