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Buy TOME - All Guardians Pack
$49.99 USD
About This Content
Unlock all Guardians and be the envy of the gods. With every role and every Guardian at your disposal, you will be a great asset on any team. Master every Guardian and the gods will be forced to accept your obvious and undeniable skill.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP (SP3)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz or better
Memory: 4096 MB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia 8600 GTS or ATI HD 2600 XT with (256MB) or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 4000 MB available space
Sound Card: NA
OS: Windows Vista (SP2)
Processor: Intel Core i3 3.3GHz or better
Memory: 4096 MB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT (512MB) or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 4000 MB available space
Sound Card: NA
(C) 2014 KIXEYE Inc. All rights reserved. TOME and TOME: Immortal Arena are federally registered trademarks of KIXEYE Inc.
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Title: TOME: All Guardians Pack
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Release Date: 21 Nov, 2014
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  &这是最好的时代,这是最萌的时代!&改良的狄更斯的这句名言来形容《》应该能够代表很多玩家的心声。开启了激萌艾琳72小时超前体验测试服,即便开服当天是个工作日,也丝毫没有影响玩家们的心情,短短十几分钟过后,服务器内就挤满了个性各色的俏皮萝莉,光芒四射的艾琳让人萌的舍不得眨眼。  角色:腹黑萝莉 战力无边  在宅文化横行的二次元,萝莉是很多人的终极理想型,轻音、软体、易推倒,可爱的外形更是秒杀全场。在《TERA》全球近千万的玩家当中,艾琳一族的小萝莉们人气居高不下。除了娇羞的身材、卡哇伊的脸蛋、灵动的表情和翩翩舞姿之外,艾琳族还拥有不为人知的非凡技能&&爱护和平的萝莉们战力爆棚,扛起壮硕于自己数倍的武器作战也不在话下,当她们燃烧了正义的小宇宙,任敌人再嚣张也无济于事。娇羞与腹黑两种不同的特性在艾琳族身上融合的相得益彰,这让残酷的战争也微妙的呈现出反差萌。  画面:富有四海 随心所欲  《TERA》拥有7000万平方公里的无缝大地图,进入艾琳服才真正体验了魔界的波澜壮阔!超远的可视距离所见即所达:重峦叠嶂的山脉掠过眼前、闪烁的光影间小巧精致的丛林木屋忽隐忽现、不知名的神秘植物独自盛放、绵延的河流作为一道天然屏障隔绝了企图进入城堡的入侵者&&4K高清电影级的画面效果,小到露水萤虫、大到山峦海洋,逐一还原场景细节,伸手触碰到屏幕,才能确认自己依然还身处在现实之中。  战斗:华丽炫目 波云诡谲  《TERA》的打击感得益于全场景无锁定的模式设定,无论是刀剑相碰的火光四射,还是一击杀敌的飙血镜头,战斗效果表现的恰如其分。游戏的野外战斗也算是一大亮点,华丽连招感受技术流操作极致值得注意的是BS不定向判定,让原本就紧张刺激的战斗充满了变数,玩家需要随时应对各类突发情况。犀利的走位可以帮你规避敌人猛烈的炮火,波云诡谲的战场蒙上了一丝血腥的味道。  风格:激情无罪 卖萌有理  由于是限时体验,想要全面完整了解《TERA》时间就明显不够用了,作为轻体验来说效果却格外出色。御姐与萝莉齐飞,猛汉共一色,卖萌路线可算是走到了前沿,就连NPC也个个是耍宝的高手。艾琳超前体验服的活动也相当给力,&大作战&光是听名字就已经让人感受恋爱的甜蜜,丰富的礼包内各种坐骑雄姿英发,神采奕奕的陪伴主人完成各种任务,女仆装、魔女装、校园泳装这些精美的时装奖励,直戳萝莉控的心扉,让人大呼过瘾。  图4:网游最萌注意不是之一  热情:火爆异常  本次测试首次开放艾琳种族,通过前期曝光的资料,超萌可爱的艾琳在玩家群中迅速积累了超高人气,供不应求,大家都想第一时间创建艾琳角色,打造自己的激萌小萝莉。测试开始后,超前体验服在短时间内迅速爆满,全线飘红,游戏内熙熙攘攘,进入新手村黎明庭院,眼前到处都是艾琳的萌耳朵和小尾巴在晃动,一大群萌萝莉将你包围,简直把持不住。  最新一手资讯,最热玩家互动,敬请关注本站持续报道或访问《TERA》官方平台:  官网:  论坛:  新浪微博:  腾讯微博:  官方微信:tera_kunlun  关于《TERA》:  高清狠动作网游《TERA》,中文名《神谕之战》,是由韩国顶尖团队Bluehole Studio历时6年、不间断研发优化,耗资5亿人民币打造的世界级MMO。游戏采用次世代Unreal Engine 3引擎,还原4K高清画质,史上最大无缝地图,纳米微纹理,不设限魔幻世界,多层级立体还原。真实无锁定打击,动态物理碰撞还原,怪物BOSS不定向判定,华丽连招感受技术流操作极致,是一款划时代的网游巨作。国服独有6大特色系统百人团队历经2年研发而成,2014暑期档火爆公测!敢做狠角色,等你来挑战!  编辑:  此文章仅为传播信息,不代表多玩观点或以证实其内容
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Play TOME: Immortal Arena
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$53.98 USD
"A MOBA with short matches that forces more player fights due to a number of factors that keep you close to the enemy and keeps things moving quickly."
Read the full review .
Recent updates
3 December
11.3.0 Release Notes
As you know, TOME is on Steam! In order to better support the new downloadable version of the game, we have made the difficult decision to shutdown the browser version of the game this Friday December 5th. After Friday, TOME will be exclusive to Steam. This move will allow us to focus our efforts on making improvements to the game, and adding even more great in-game content.
Link your Steam
accounts now to preserve your progress and continue the fight. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you back in the arena!
A new, more informative message appears when users experience problems loading.
Matchmaking has been updated to provide a better experience for both teams and individual players.
Improvements addressing issues related to game not loading have been made.
If you encounter this bug, please submit a support ticket.
A graphical issue that appears when the game transitions from Guardian Select to the Loading screen has been fixed.
Various chat improvements.
An issue where Jeyde did not appear on the Guardian Select screen has been resolved.
Enemy structures such as Towers and Altars no longer display the wrong threat indicator.
It now only displays as green when they overheat.
When primed to fire the indicator displays as yellow.
Using the Alt Tab buttons no longer causes an issue while the game is loading.
25 November
If queue times become longer than normal for a particular mode, an informative prompt will appear when queuing.
The Sanctuary Map image when selecting the map has been updated.
General stability improvements were made.
Fixed an issue where the purchasing overlay does not appear when buying Platinum on Steam.
Fixed a freeze that could occur when transitioning from the Post Match screen back to the Lobby.
Fixed several issues related to the game hanging on the loading screen or getting into a game.
We are actively looking into related issues. If you encounter this bug, please submit a support ticket.
Assists are now registered correctly.
About This Game
Welcome to the arena, Harbinger. TOME is a brawler MOBA built for non-stop action. Heed the call of The Mediator by choosing a Guardian from one of the six domains: Creation, Death, Water, Air, Earth, or Fire. Tired of waiting for the fun to begin? In TOME the excitement starts at level one.
Join the fight at the seat of the Mediator in the Coliseum (3v3). Conquer the wilds and take on the Behemoth in Sanctuary (5v5). Explore a new take on MOBA gameplay in an upcoming 7v7 map.
Fast Matches
Drop your plow and stop farming! Jump
most matches last less than 20 minutes.
Buy Items and Heal In-lane
Never feel tethered to your base, purchase from the front-line without leaving the action.
Use Your Abilities Without Fear
Abilities have short cool down timers so you can focus on battle, not a mana bar.
Empower Your Guardian
Unlock powerful Relics and Blessings to increase your prowess in battle and complement your team's composition.
Master the Roles
Find your niche in one of TOME's role combinations. Are you a methodical Tactician, a bloodthirsty Slayer, a Tank rushing into the thick of the fray, or a tower-destroying Pusher?
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP (SP3)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz or better
Memory: 4096 MB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia 8600 GTS or ATI HD 2600 XT with (256MB) or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 4000 MB available space
Sound Card: N/A
Additional Notes: 64 Bit OS Recommended
OS: Windows Vista (SP2)
Processor: Intel Core i3 3.3GHz or better
Memory: 4096 MB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT (512MB) or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 4000 MB available space
Sound Card: N/A
Additional Notes: 64 Bit OS Recommended
(C) 2014 KIXEYE Inc. All rights reserved. TOME and TOME: Immortal Arena are federally registered trademarks of KIXEYE Inc.
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23.5 hrs on record
You looking for short matches?You looking for intense matches?You looking for easy matches?You looking for boobs...wait what?Don't look no further, this is the MOBA I was looking for!
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4.1 hrs on record
Guys, give this game a break its just been recently released, it doesn't even exceed 30 characters.Well this game is not Dota 2 Quality, your best moba game that exist in gaming world. Tome: Immortal Arena is STUPIDLY SIMPLE, but somehow has a taste of originality. I repeat, it's ridicilously simple. You don't have to level your ability skills, there is no mana cost, &minion& death gives gold to everyone in AoE, (exactly. no lasthits) and the heroes have only 4 empty slots of items, without any recipes. You buy a 500 Gold item, you dish another 500 to upgrade it, its done. Its maxxed out.Even people who never played a moba will be able to master this game in a day once they get in touch. I started kicking ??? less than 30 minutes, thanks to more than 700 hours of playing dota 2.Give it a try, its not that bad.
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7.3 hrs on record
TOME is a frantic MOBA that keeps you on the edge of your seat at all times. I have played this game for five hours now, but I feel skilled in the game and I'm having fun experimenting with new heros. The mechanics are solid and the graphics are great. It has a 3v3, 5v5, and the upcoming 7v7, which will definitely the spotlight of the game that I'm personally very excited for. If they keep updating the game, this may be one of my favorites.
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18.5 hrs on record
I love this game. Fast queue times, quick games and very faced paced once you build up momentum with your team.If you're expecting dota2, don't bother coming here. This isn't dota2 and its not suppose to be.
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0.7 hrs on record
I'd rather not give this game a thumbs up or a thumbs down, because it's not a bad game at all. It's essentially a dumbed down MOBA for players new to the genre. It seems to be a well crafted, thought out game and I enjoyed the few matches I did play. I'm probably going to play more.However, the game lacks the depth, optimization (skill-wise) and, in general, the largeness of other MOBA titles such as Dota and League. I'm a die-hard Dota player, and have logged over 1000 hours on the game, yet I still only know a fraction of the skills and cool little tricks you can preform. In this game, I doubt that would be the case. The required skill to be profecient is much lower, making the game much easier to get into, but because of a lack of features, the skill cap has taken a similar drop. Basicly I'm trying to say there's not much to this game, which to me is a bad thing. If you want a good way to get into MOBA titles, I 100% recommend this game. But to me, Tome is simply to simple.
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15.5 hrs on record
1- N2- Get owned in 3vs3 if you find 33- T4- S5-6- Same premades, ggwp no need to try :)
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16.3 hrs on record
Great game for people new to MOBA's. However there is a lot that needs to be improved. The camera...make that ???? free roam. More items because most of them are crap. New Guardians more frequently. Fix the takes too long and you get paired up against people that have over 100 hours on the game meanwhile you get people who just started playing on your own team. Also, most abilities aren't doing as much damage as they say they are, example Khar's W and Q.
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7.8 hrs on record
I just couldn`t deal with &League of Legends& and &DOTA 2& anymore. These games made me spend 90 minutes in one match. I'm a mid-30s guy with a huge steam library and a job and I didn't want to spend my whole day with just one game, no matter how much I liked its lore and mechanics. The toxic community didn't help either: You go on ahead and try spending 90 minutes with some random 14 year old wishing death upon your mother in broken English for not babysitting his inept ???... AFTER HE INSISTED ON PLAYING MID!!!11!For all these reasons, I'm happy &TOME& came by. It's a no-nonsense MOBA aimed at old geezers like me. A match lasts about 15 minutes on average and there is none of that pesky farming (they removed last-hitting and I love it!). The Turrets can overheat which makes dives a viable strategy even early on. You don't have to play that lousy early game segment where you and your opponents stalk each other for twenty minutes hoping for a mistake - &TOME& is all about the fun part: The teamfights. There are 20 champions for you to choose from (with more to come, I'm sure), you heal quickly once out of combat, there is no Jungle to speak of and you don't need to return to the base to shop (the items are delivered straight to you without a messenger) which means: THERE IS A LOT OF FAST PACED, BARN-BURNING, SCREEN-SHAKING, ASSKICKERY AND ACTION!Oh yeah: The community is nowhere as nasty as that of &LOL& or &DOTA2& (but I'm afraid that might change if &TOME& gains in popularity...). Moreover, &TOME& is fair about its in-game purchases: As in &LOL&, you only need &real money& to buy fancy stuff like skins - anything that is essential (like new champs) can be bought with the in-game currency of which you get enough after each match. There are also daily quests which award you with new champs and loot if you complete them.The gist of it is: If you`re a guy who wants a MOBA-style game that does not demand you to sacrifice your whole life, &TOME& is for you.
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58.3 hrs on record
I had gotten an extra early-access key from a friend, and let me say, it works better then the webclient from what I've seen. The game is fun, fast paced, and addicting. Towers can overheat, where you do extra damage to it and it can't shoot. You get gold for being near a minion when it dies (I don't know what it is right now since it just got changed). There are about 20-30 people you can choose from all costing different amounts of Devotion, which is the free-currency, and platinum being the currency you buy using real life money. Games last about 15 minutes, depending on how well you're doing, my longest game being 28minutes. Each guardian belongs to a different domain and you earn rewards for that domain/guardian. Rewards that are guardian specific are called &Relics& and those change up how a certain one of your stats works. Rewards that are domain specific are called &Blessings& and you can use those on any guardian and they affect your stats. With the 5v5 map being released it does have some balancing issues, but I'm pretty sure they'll be fixed soon. On a final note, you can get matched with players that are significantly better than you, so if you lose just keep playing, you still gain domain/guardian exp.
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50.5 hrs on record
I'm writing this review as a long time LoL player at the casual level.TOME is a very fun and exciting game.
It seems to me to be a distilled MOBA, very streamlined and fluid.
Every match is a furious fight from 5 seconds in until the finish.
Games typically last around 10-15 minutes but I have been in some white-knuckle matches that last half an hour.
The characters, called Guardians, in this game, are fairly diverse and very detailed.
The graphics and voices are very good.
As for their mechanics, they have the various flips, dashes, slows, stomps, and snares that we have come to expect, but there are no characters that seem like rip-offs of other games.
A few come close, but are unique enough that they stand apart.
Granted, the classic roles of assassin, mage, tank, and support are there.
My only concern is the question of variety.
Will players be able to develop their own strategies and playstyles?Secondly, I will write my thoughts on the items.
The itemization in this game is very simple, but also diverse.
When your character has accumulated 500 gold, you may purchase an item that boosts damage, attack speed, or health.
For 500 more, each of these can be diversified a bit more, for instance a damage item can be upgraded to a gem that automatically fires an attack spell whenever you use an ability, while the attack speed item could be upgraded to an item that summons minions as you attack, and the health item could be upgraded to release a slowing frost nova whenever you use an ability.
I think there are 5 specialist items for each of the 3 basic items.
Some interesting strategies could be developed, no doubt.TOME is a solid game for seasoned moba players looking for something new, and I see it as a wonderful access point for new players, as there is no complex itemization to learn.
In the end, it is all about player ability( the Guardians seem fairly balanced, but we shall see, eh? )
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20.0 hrs on record
An adequate &MOBA-lite& that cuts out a lot of the cruft and lets players get straight into the fun parts of the genre. No spending hours scouring guides on jungle creep behavior and practicing the last-hit timings of over 100 heroes here. TOME matches start almost immediately, and matches are usually a brief 15-20 minutes.While TOME is very simplified compared to the other big two MOBAs, at times it can be too simplified. The item system doesn't give your &guardian& (aka hero/champion) the feeling of empowerment when you assemble a big item that the other big two MOBAs do, and many of the guardian abilities are a bit on the bland side (e.g. Jin's Q ability just damages an enemy in close-range. No buffs/debuffs are applied. No effects. No damage rewards for using the ability in a special or skillful situation. Lame.)Hardcore DOTA2 or League of Legends players can probably pass on this game, but new MOBA players, or players that don't have the time or patience to get into the other big MOBA games, should check this game out.
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1.1 hrs on record
I'll start this off with an interesting bit of information for those who didn't pick up on it.
While playing this game, I thought that the announcer sounded an awful lot like Bruce Campbell (who plays Sam in the TV series Burn Notice among other things) and sure enough it is him.
You can check on IMDB.I heard about this game quite awhile back when reading about various newly or soon-to-be released MOBAs.
This one I was a bit hesitant about, because it was a browser game (I've only ever played three browser games for a substantial amount of time:
Runescape, Ogame, and Need For Madness, and it's been ages since I touched any of those).
I made a Kixeye account and then I watched some gameplay videos that Chilled and TheRPGMinx put up and it looked surprisingly better than I expected.
But I decided to put it off and just hoped they'd release a downloadable client, or better yet a Steam version.
And they did just that.
And not only that but they are now ditching the browser version completely to make improving the game an easier task.TOME: Immortal Arena has a nice variety of &Guardians& you can use, both in how they look and how they play.
It has a number of things that set it apart from other MOBAs.
You regen health rapidly when in lane and out of combat, you can purchase items while in lane (no courier, it just goes straight into your inventory).
There's no last hitting.
What I've played so far (3v3) is a two lane game, and includes no jungle.
The matches are fast for those who get tired of or don't have time for a LoL or DOTA 2 type game that can drag on for quite awhile.
It also is possibly the smallest map I have seen in a MOBA, and everything about it forces you to engage the enemy keeping things rolling throughout the much.
There's a 5v5 mode available as well, and a 7v7 mode is on the way which perked my ears up.
The developers have said that there will be no P2W features in this game.
It's more like a LoL setup where you buy your characters and skins for them.
You can get certain characters for free with about an hour of playing, and it does have free rotation as well.Overall, seems like a fun new MOBA, and it's free so (if you aren't completely fatigued by the MOBA ocean that is flooding the internet) give it a shot.
It might not completely revolutionize the sub-genre that is MOBA (though it certainly doesn't lack a fair amount of differences, and keep that upcoming 7v7 in mind), but you'll probably enjoy what it has to offer either way.
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20.3 hrs on record
TOME is not LOL or dota. The matches are sorter and action packed. The game runs great on my PC, much better than the previous (web version). Hopefully they will add new content soon, but the 5v5 map is fairly fun and can have unexpected outcomes.
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16.5 hrs on record
Fast Paced Action MOBA, you need not worry about anything else.this game leans towards more fighting than farmingPros:-The Matches are Short (so you can keep playing again and again)-Replayability (have fun over and over again without getting bored)-Fast Queue (matches can be found as soon as you click the search button &depending on your timezone&-PvP Intensive (this will make you kill the Hero you are up against even if you dont want to as early as possible)-Tower Cooldowns (for your pushing needs)-Easy to Grip on (new players can grip onto the game fast due to it being easy to understand)-Hero Progression (this is awesome, play to find out yourself-Match Changer (the game can switch from winning to losing in a blink of an eye! so watch out)Cons:-Items (too few items on the store, it needs more deph)-Buying (you can buy anywhere,even though its fast paced im not really a fan of buying anywhere)-4 item slots only (not sure if this is the permanent thing but 4 slots is too small)-Heal out of Combat (EH...)-Leaderboards (its broken)-Ingame Interaction (NONE)-Bush Hiding (Seriously? cant get more imaginative on your behalf eh?)these are my opinions alone and may reflect and change in future patches.ALL IN ALL I RECOMMEND THIS GAME, ITS FUN, ITS NEW, AND ITS EXCITING
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6.4 hrs on record
I love this game. I played it a long time ago when it was back on browser. (Only around a month ago) and I really enjoy it. Pretty casual, only like 15 minute games, but they are insanely fun. I can't think of many cons to be 100% honest, it's just that good.
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82.0 hrs on record
TOME: Immortal Arena is a well done MOBA focused more on the fun parts of popular MOBAs such as LoL or DoTA 2 while eliminating most of the tedious aspects of gameplay.
This however brings along a handful of pros and cons depending on what you are looking for. The gameplay is closely related to Awesomenauts while the visual style is more similar to LoL or DoTA2.This list is simply to compare to other MOBAsPros:- Fast paced, and jump right into the action.
Minions spawn at 5 seconds, matches last 10-20 minutes.- No tedious jungling mechanics- No mana management. Skills only operate based on cooldown- Easy for newcomers Cons- Lack of strategy compared to LoL/DoTA2.
Everything is pretty straightforward with limited build paths- Eliminated mechanics lowers the skillcap.
Last hitting etc. doesn't give you an advantage- Little room for comebacks.
You can't &farm up& and play defensively as in other MOBAs, but with the quick matches the losses aren't nearly as infuriatingSome of the pros and cons can be seen either way, it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
TOME is fun and easy to pick up, LoL is competitive but can be the most frustrating experience you'll have all week.Aside from the comparisons, TOME is a relatively good game on it's own merits.
Graphics, particle effects, sounds etc. are all decent.
Bottom line - It's definitely worth checking out whether you're new to MOBAs or have played them all.
I wouldn't say it converted me from LoL by any means, but I'll be playing this for a nice change of pace.
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16.4 hrs on record
In the current state Tome: Immortal arena has potential to be that quick fire MOBA people are after instead of needing to play 40-50 minute matches, this provides a solid 15-20 minute match. However the game itself does little to actually encourage you to want to play the game, there are very few heroes/guardians, the blessing system feels underwhelming providing little in the way of character customisation and improvement, the item system is very vague, many of the items actually struggle to complement any of the guardians and item builds feel again slightly pointless at times.Balancing there is a huge issue, any team that has a support advantage is assured a win, in a 3v3 it very much puts the emphasis on that support either a) being present or b) playing well. If one team has one, the other doesnt, the match is pretty much decided from the offset im afraid. Supports are too strong in this game, and provide so much of an advantage its often pointless taking part.Tower takedowns are also a huge swing in the momentum pendulum, you can be 20-0 as a team, but if your oppontents take the first tower down, that 20-0 and is again rendered uselss as the minions get stronger often making coming back from a tower disadvantage impossible, MOBA's are about team synergy, good calling, and good plays, yet this game does little to offer any reward for them.Graphically this game is pretty good though offering little to no customisation, bare in mind this started as a browser based MOBA, but still to be released in a client I would expect some graphical customisation like resolution changing etc.
Sounds are nice but again not up the standard of a full blown MOBA im afraid.All in all, this game has potential, and a lot of it, but simply put, I can not recommend it till some things are fixed/balanced. And certain aesthetics/functions are improved. Im afraid to say this but play DOTA2 or League of Legends instead till this is fixed.
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1.6 hrs on record
I will cover lot of the stuff in the video on top, which i don't say in the text format. So coming from a guy who has played probably all the MOBA's in the market, i can't say TOME is extremely bad or extremely good. It stays around middle of the pack. Rather than writing huge ??? wall of text, i will bullet point good stuff and bad stuff.Pros
Can also be played in Browser (Runs pretty well too)
Characters are pretty simple and doesn't require much learning curve to learn to play them
There isn't many items in the game and there is auto-buy system which helps a lot learning items pretty fast.
Cool Realm system with characters kinda like in Magic The Gathering
Relic System is pretty good, it doesn't give too much advantages.
Two different maps 3v3 and 5v5 to choose from (There should be more in future)Cons
Lacks complex characters (Something Similar to Mina, Lee Sin, Invoker etc.)
Could use more depth inside the game, relic system is not enough
Graphics should be bit better to match today's standard, atleast on steam version..
Could use more items such as ones with lifesteal
The Cost of heroes/Skins could be considered bit too high
No Custom Game feature, or chat lobbies, needs more external content in the client
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8.7 hrs on record
Great fun, incredibly high fidelity. I really appreciate getting into the action so fast. The abilities are interesting and I can't wait to see what comes next with this game.
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23.4 hrs on record
I've played every main-steam MOBA and a few other betas. I also played the original DotA so I am not new to this genre:This game is a lot of fun to play. Yes it is simple, maybe even stupid simple, but it doesn't mean it's bad. It's fast to pick up and even faster to start playing. A few games you will get people disconnecting or low skill level but these sorts of things permeate all F2P games. The games are so quick that if you have an unfortunate run it wont leave a bad taste in your mouth because it probably only lasted 10 minutes, rather than a slow 45 minute grinding loss like in LoL. On the flip side if you get a good game where all players are competent, win or lose you'll be filled with adulation. Furthermore, I haven't encountered any bugs other people talk about and I never have a problem getting into a ranked game. So there is definitely a lot going on here. I liked the mechanic to unlock 'blessings' to gain special buffs that help personalize your character. Depending on what hero you play and how well you play them with your team you gain favor for their dominion. So there is fire, life, water, and so on. After you unlock the blessing you can equip it to any hero you pick for the match. Some of them are pretty powerful so you defenitely want to stick around to unlock them. Each individual hero can unlock 'artifacts' as well. They can equip 1 per game and the higher teir the artifact the better it usually is. These however are unique to the hero, they do not cross over. I will say however, after you unlock the initial blessing and artifact the XP progression slows down considerably. You could outfit your hero with 2 tier 1 blessing's easily but it's a grind to get the tier 2 or 3. That is where the pay element comes in. You can buy premium time where you get %50 more XP per game. It's a matter of opinion whether it's worth it or not but it isn't 'needed' to do well. Once I forgot to equip a relic and I still came out with 14 kills.The item system could use a little love however. There isn't much in the repertoire. 3 base items, attack, attack speed, and health. You buy 1 for 500 gold and spend another 500 gold to upgrade it to another item. You can have 4 Items maximum so you can do some mixing and matching however you want. The health item will keep the 400 health but add a different buff, such as a aoe slow, faster run speed out of combat. They are little things that matter in the end, though it's still pretty weak. I would like to see an item system akin to Dawngate. The items in that game were awesome and made your character very powerful. In this game they are only so-so.Anyways if you want the main difference between this game and other MOBA then here they are:No last-hit on creeps, gold and exp by proximity.3v3 2 lane Map, with a bonus boss in center. They say there is 5v5 but I haven't played it.Simplifed items, 3 base items and 5 upgrade paths.No waiting, minions spawn 5 seconds after game loads!Shop anytime, anywhere. Just don't get hit when you want to recieve your item!You start at lvl 1 but you have all of your abilities, except your ultimate. All of the abilities level up with your character at the same time as you lvl up, so no picking or choosing, or waiting.No mana, only CD.No HP potions, just health regen. If you stand away from combat you regen pretty fast. Even if you get hit by enemy mininons you get the regeneration, enemy heroes will cancel it out though.Turrets have limited capabilities. Yes they hit hard, and harder each shot, but they overheat and need time to cooldown so sustained fire is not possible. I think it's pretty cool.The main problems with this game is that comeback is impossible. Once you lose a turret, there is only 1 per lane, the enemy minions get stronger. Also minions get stronger if you kill the super monster in the center of the map. So the team that loses a tower first is probably going to lose. Just how it is. But the games are short because of it.The game is only 750 MB right now. Took me less than 5 minutes to download so just try it out!
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Includes 37 Steam Achievements
Title: TOME: Immortal Arena
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Release Date: 21 Nov, 2014
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