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RPG Maker VX (RPGツクールVX RPG Tsukūru VX) is the second latest version of PC program
series. It has been superseded by RPG Maker VX Ace. Both RPG Maker VX and RPG Maker VX Ace are developed by , following its predecessor, . RPG Maker VX follows the naming pattern present in previous RPG Maker releases by having a
based on the
versions the software was designed for (in this case,
A Japanese trial for RPG Maker VX was released on Enterbrain's Japanese VX website and was available for download. It features limited and reduced features, like the inability to save games and limited database functionality. An English version of the program is also available from Enterbrain, with full functionality and a 30-day time limit.
The standard runtime package for RPG Maker VX is available for download on the Enterbrain website. This allows users to play games created with RPG Maker VX. It was developed so that games used mostly default resources and can be distributed to the public with a small file size.
Early Japan order included Masterpiece Note notebook.
In late January 2008, Enterbrain of Japan released an update that included an extra script which improved performance. This release was called RPG Maker VX 1.01 and is available to those who own the full version of the program. The last version at the moment is 1.02.
The retail version of RPG Maker VX includes following game demos, which are also available separately from the Enterbrain website:
Dragoness Edge 2820 (by SAURASUDO)
Invas ~ Tai Ma Roku (INVAS~退魔録) (by MENCHAN)
Michiru Service! ~Spirit World Border Tale~ (ミチル見参! ~魔界境物語~) (by Asa son)
Buried Book (by Yuwaka)
Futago no kami-sama (フタゴノカミサマ)
Rector and the Black Lion's Crest (レクトールと黒獅子の紋章) (by Shine Garden)
Sword of Algus (by Yoshimura (Material Quest Online), mackie (First Seed Material), Shine Garden)
Abyss Diver
They feature advanced effects such as
battle graphics, custom battle systems written in RGSS2 and more. Sword of Algus and Abyss Diver are not included with Japanese version of the product.
Several optional add-ons have been released for RPG Maker VX. These are most commonly resource or graphical add-ons, though not always.
Thus far, the following add-ons have been released as purchases from the official RPG Maker website:
Materials for VX: SAMURAI - 侍 (ツクールシリーズ素材集 和): It is an official art pack for the RPG Maker VX series. Japanese retail version also includes Chouichirou Kenpuuden (長一郎剣風伝) demo.
Chibi Chara Tsukuru (ちびキャラツクール) character graphic generator was released on
as freeware.
High Fantasy Resource Pack: An official resource pack containing resources designed for creating Western style RPGs, with realistically proportioned characters and tiles instead of anime or chibi style graphics. It is only available from the English language site and has not been released in Japan.
RPG Maker 3 Music Pack: A set of BGM tracks taken from
and remastered for use in the PC edition.
Modern tilset add-on: this add-on contains tilesets intended for creating modern or science-fiction environments. It only contains tilesets and does not have any other types of resources. A modern shop expansion was later released for it containing additional tilesets for creating modern interiors and shops.
Arabian Nights tileset add-on: this is a pack containing Middle Eastern themed tilesets for creating games that take place in an Arabian setting. Like the Modern tileset add-on, it does not contain resources other than tilesets, though 4 Arabian themed BGM tracks are included in the pack.
Many of the features included in previous versions of RPG Makers made a return, though other features (such as the use of map fogs and tilesets of infinite size) that were present in
were removed.
A screenshot of a user-created map.
The mapping system in RPG Maker VX differs greatly from the one used in . Instead of assigning tile sets to each map, there are nine global tile sets which can be used indiscriminately. The layer system used in previous releases has also changed, as RPG Maker VX only has two "usable" one layer for Tile set A1 to A5 (which contains tiles for floors, walls, etc.) and another for tile sets B to E. Tilemap class in RGSS supports three layers, but two of them are used for combining tilesets from A1 and A2, in order to produce the autotile mapping system. Any tile from tile sets B to E always go above any tile from tile set A1-A5. It is possible, however, to create another layer of sorts assigning tile set graphics to events.
For users to import their own tiles, RPG Maker VX provides a blank, 512x512 tile set (a total of 256 possible tiles) which is by default tile set E. The size of this tile set cannot be changed, unlike in , where users could import any number of tile sets which could be of any size.
Generally, the tilesets tended to be more general than RMXP, since no tilesets are used as however, this prevents greater and more specialized usage of tiles. There are also fewer tiles than XP.
Tiles used for characters and objects in the native RMVX tilesets are "square-sized" with deformed profiles (similar to those found in Final Fantasy IV) rather than the height-proportional figures found in previous RPG Maker versions (or Final Fantasy VI). Designers who prefer the more realistic look of "tall" characters may readily make use of RMXP character and object tiles for this purpose. Tiles from RM2K, however, are essentially unusable because of their much-lower graphical resolution.
RPG Maker VX uses a "letter by letter" text system, as opposed to the previous version RPG Maker XP. The Windowskin graphic has been expanded to include overlay graphics, which tile automatically on top of the main Windowskin. It also and now has an image-defined color palette, where in XP users would have to use the script editor to change text colors. The faceset system seen in RPG Maker 2000 and RPG Maker 2003 can be implemented through the "Enter Message" command. Previously, users would use a special event commands to change text options. In RPG Maker VX, however, the options have been merged to the "Enter Message" command.
Making a second appearance is the Automatic Dungeon Generator from RPG Maker 2003, which automatically generates a random dungeon map. The Automatic Dungeon Generator works by prompting the user to select wall and floor tiles, then a basic dungeon is generated based on the user's selection.
The default battle system in RPG Maker VX is an update of the front-view battle system seen in RPG Maker 2000 ("Dragon Warrior" style), which does not allow for character graphics. However, user-made add-on scripts exist that chan side-view battles reminiscent of , real time battle systems and even tactical battle systems may all be implemented by the user.
The script editor from RPG Maker XP was updated, and is based on the language RGSS2. Users can add custom scripts to the game or edit existing ones, and the capabilities of RGSS2 provide sufficient flexibility that programmers with enough time and knowledge can add or modify virtually any game function that suits their purposes.
A new feature to RPG Maker VX is the "Quick Event Creation" function. It's a tool that allows less experienced users to create events for doors, inns, and treasure chests.
RPG Maker VX has received mixed reviews amongst the game development community. It has been praised for being much more user friendly than previous RPG Makers and for including a variety of features that otherwise had to be coded manually in previous RPG Maker installments. The addition of RGSS2 has also been received favorably amongst users, although the battle system has been criticized for having no graphical representation of the actual player characters and for being largely text-based. However, scripts to make party members appear on the battle-screen, akin to Final Fantasy titles, are easily found on the internet, which simply need to be copied and pasted. It has also been criticized for the limitations of the default tile set, which only allow for a very small number of unique-looking town areas.
Operating system*
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista /
1.0 GHz Intel
2.0 GHz Intel
at least 512MiB RAM
video resolution
(none specified)
100 available
400MB available hard disk space
Disk drive
CD-ROM (retail box version)+
(none specified)
64-bit operating systems are supported in RPG Maker VX Ace but others versions of RPG Maker have not yet been confirmed to work with 64-bit operating systems.
+ Retail versions of the software packaged for sale in stores come on , but no
is required for copies purchased via download. An internet connection is required for product activation, however, whether purchased on CD-ROM or via download.
All hardware must be -compatible.
This version includes RPG Maker VX and Materials for VX: SAMURAI - 侍 art pack, but supports 64-bit operating systems. System requirements mostly follow RPG Maker VX Ace.
Operating system
Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or faster
512MiB or more RAM
or better video resolution
100MB available hard disk space
500MB available hard disk space
Internet connection is required for product activation.
RPG Maker VX Ace Lite Nico Nico Edition (RPGツクールVX Ace Lite ニコニコエディション) is a version of RPG Maker VX Ace demo with following changes:
License to publish games at Niconico jisaku game fes site (powered by niwango, inc.) and for non-commercial use.
icons and graphic materials.
Movie playback feature is disabled.
Was only available until
Revolution, RPG RPG. . Rydin 2011.
English version.
Enterbrain pages: ,
Enterbrain support pages: ,
Materials for VX: SAMURAI - 侍: ,
contains Dragoness Edge 2820
contains Invas ~ Tai Ma Roku
Rector and the Black Lion's Crest site: ,
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RPG Maker VX ace|R​P​G​ ​M​a​k​e​r​ ​V​X​ ​a​c​e​体​验​解​说
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本帖最后由 taroxd 于
16:34 编辑
class Window_BattleLog&&def message_speed& & return 20&&endend
&&def message_speed
& & return 20
至于字体大小-。- 由于这个坑爹的 draw_text_ex 所以比较麻烦…… 你可以尝试在 Vocab 模块对应消息的前面加上 \\},比如
EnemyDamage& &&&= &\\}%s受到了%s点的伤害!&
&测试还得开RM 233&
总评分:&经验 + 155&
新兵, 积分 1, 距离下一级还需 2 积分
勇士票0 导演票0 经验670 好人卡0 VIP0 精华0帖子在线时间5 小时注册时间
taroxd 发表于
class Window_BattleLog
&&def message_speed
& & return 20
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