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A Schoolboy with a fascination for Poland and wildlife has uncovered several significant errors in the latest - the fifteenth - edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Lucian George, 12, a pupil at Highgate Junior School in North London, was delving into the volumes on Poland and wildlife in Central Europe when he noted the mistakes.
The first was the assertion by the internationally acclaimed reference book that the small town of Chochim, in which two battles were fought between the Poles and the Ottoman Empire, now lies in Moldova.
"Wrong," said Lucian, "Chochim is in Ukraine."
Carefully noting the page and column of each error, the boy continued his investigations of the 32-volume tome like a diligent sub-editor.
In volume 25, page 934, column 2, the encyclopaedia states that the European bison, or wisent, may be found only in the Bialowieza Forest in Poland, which is also incorrect.
"The European bison also inhabit the southern mountains of Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, eastern Slovakia and the Romanian Carpathians," Lucian said.
Far from being the school swot, Lucian, who spends his evenings watching The Simpsons and chatting on the internet, made the discoveries thanks to his interest in his Polish roots. His mother, Elizabeth, is Polish and every year he spends a month on a farm in Yamy, southwest Poland.
"He has always been fascinated by Polish history. On the farm he has long chats with his 90-year-old great-grandmother about how she survived the pogroms of the Nazis."
Ten days ago, the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which was first issued by the Society of Gentlemen in Scotland between 1768 and 1777 in Edinburgh, wrote to Lucian.
Anita Wolff, the senior editor, thanked him for "pointing out several errors and misleading statements" and promised that a geography editor was working on a "major revision of our Poland coverage" and would make the changes as requested.
In spite of the mistakes, Lucian said he still considered the encyclopaedia to be the single best source of information.
The errors, too, while serious, were arguably less egregious than one in the first volume, which declared California to be an island.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica was founded in 1768 in Edinburgh by Colin Macfarquhar, a printer, and Andrew Bell, an engraver, with the first edition published one section at a time over a three-year period.
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地区(语言):&美国(英语) 发行时间:&2007年
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100,000 articles: more content than any other reference software New! Daily Content for historical snapshots delivered each day New! Homework Helpdesk for students New! Bonus CD — Learn Spanish, French, German and more The Ultimate Reference Suite, Encyclopaedia Britannica's award-winning reference software, is now even more powerful. This multi-media resource has always led the field in depth and range of coverage while embodying Britannica's high standards of quality and accuracy. And year after year it advances in features and performance to remain the optimal knowledge source for home, school, or work. This year is no exception. New features include Daily Content which serves up fascinating historical snapshots for the knowledge junkie and Homework Helpdesk: powerful tools that give students a unique advantage. Consider the Ultimate Reference Suite a mammoth, integrated &reference library& that also includes a dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, and historical timelines, making it a trusted resource on just about anything.
New! Homework Helpdesk, provides guidance for research papers, oral presentations, and more. New! Daily Content, snapshots of news, biographies, and events from the past served up each day. New! Bonus Transparent Language CD: Learn 10 languages for travel, school, business or personal enjoyment: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin, Russian, Dutch, Polish, and Swedish. Three easy-to-use encyclopedias: the entire 32-volume Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica Student Encyclopedia, and Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia. Britannica BrainStormer(TM). Visual browser makes research easier and more fun through associations you didn't even know existed. Rich multimedia: Thousands of images, audio and video clips Britannica Classics: Expand your knowledge with Britannica's most notable and credible sources, from Sigmund Freud to Albert Einstein Timelines: Tour through history with exciting timelines that show people, events, and discoveries of the past. 166,000 online links to magazine articles and high-quality Web sites. Merriam-Webster's(C) Dictionary & Thesaurus. Simply double-click on any word and get instant access to over 550,000 definitions, synonyms, and antonyms. Year-in-Review: Get information on recent historical events from over 9,000 articles. Atlas: Explore the globe and learn more about different countries, people, cultures, economies, and national statistics with over 2,500 interactive maps and links to articles. Free membership to Britannica Advantage, which includes downloadable updates for a year and a free 90-day subscription to Britannica's online premium service (). 100,009 articles/55,340,927 words 73,605 Encyclopaedia Britannica 15,727 Britannica Student Encyclopedia 1,910 Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia 61 Britannica Classics 8,706 Britannica Year In Review () 19,420 photos, illustrations, and tables 2,514 maps 502 video clips 127 sound clips 43 Animations, and special comps 87 World Data Profiles 1,098 Daily Content Articles 165,808 Web links 555,000 Merriam-Webster(R) Collegiate Dictionary & Thesaurus entries 242,000 Merriam-Webster(R) Student Dictionary & Thesaurus entries 7,110 indexed timeline entries 4,125 Encyclopaedia Britannica 2,532 Britannica Student 453 Britannica Elementary Thousands of magazine articles and videos online 共三个文件,rar压缩,解压后为4.3G大小的ISO文件。安装序列号为任意16位数字。(感谢&Microsoft&兄网络首发)


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