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用 genymotion
出门在外也不愁Genymotion - Release notes
Genymotion by Genymobile
Release notes
Genymotion 2.3.1 - November 10th, 2014
When drag and dropping an empty file, Genymotion was returning an error message. This issue has been fixed.
In the free version of Genymotion, the Update button of the virtual device update window has been grayed out.
The new version of ADB shipped with Android SDK Platform-tools version 21 was not compatible anymore with Genymotion. This issue has been fixed.
The command devices factoryreset was leading to a crash of the Genymotion Shell application for Gingerbread devices. This issue has been fixed.
Genymotion 2.3.0 - October 7th, 2014
New feature
Network quality emulation
The Network widget allows to select various network profiles (GPRS, Edge, 3G, 4G, etc.) that artificially degrade the quality of service of the virtual device Internet access. It limits the bandwidth, introduces packet losses and increases response times in both up and down ways.
This feature is also available from the command line and the Java API.
Only available with Indie and Business licenses.
Some virtual device download failures have been fixed.
License registration issues on the Windows environment have been fixed.
The logcat file of each virtual device now contains timestamps.
On Mac OS X, if the Genymotion main window is accidentally closed, Genymotion can now be launched again even if a virtual device is still running.
A new icon set for Genymotion and virtual devices has been integrated.
Genymotion wording has been improved.
Virtual devices
All Android versions
Some developer apps have been added in Genymotion (Custom locale, dev tools, dev settings).
The “device id” now needs a READ_PHONE_STATE permission in order to be read.
When calling Camera.Parameters.getSupportedPreviewFpsRange(), the Android API function now returns the correct value.
Activities with theme Theme.Holo.DialogWhenLarge are no longer displayed as fullscreen activities on large screens.
Android 4.4
A lot of work has been done to be close to a perfect score on the Android Compatibility Test Suite. On a total of more than 24 000 tests, only a handful of errors left, most of them around uncommon media formats and codecs.
Android 4.4.4 version now replaces Android 4.4.2.
Permissive access to SD card partition for Android applications has been fixed.
OBB support is enabled for applications that need to install extension files into the device SD card.
Genymotion 2.2.2 - June 2nd, 2014
New feature
GPS Settings
The location defined in the GPS widget is now saved and retrieved at the next start.
Only available with Indie and Business licenses.
When starting a virtual device, a pop-up window could report that it was in an incompatible state. It can now recover and start correctly.
Starting and stopping applications in the virtual device could lead to memory leak and heavy memory usage. This issue has been fixed. We are still investigating on memory leaks.
Genymotion could crash on Microsoft Windows when some third party security applications were installed. This issue has been fixed.
Double-clicking inside a maximized virtual device window does not minimize it anymore.
We've added more information in the log archive to help better diagnose problems.
When starting a virtual device, OpenGL initialization problems are more detailed.
Virtual devices
Android 4.x versions
Native applications debugging is fixed.
Android 4.4.2 version
The 'adb reboot' command did not reboot the virtual device. This problem is fixed.
It is now possible to connect to the virtual device adb daemon via multiple network connections (TCP).
Genymotion 2.2.0 - March 31st, 2014
New features
Genymotion Java API
Developers can now access a Java API that lets them control Genymotion sensors within their application code.
This will help you develop unit tests and improve your Android application. It will allow you to keep your source code clean, without complex mocking proxy objects.
For more information, refer to the
of the Genymotion website.
Only available with Indie and Business licenses.
Virtual device update
We regularly add new features to Genymotion. These new features cannot work on virtual devices created with
a previous version of Genymotion. This is why you see an annoying popup when you try to run them from a new
Genymotion version. But rejoice! Today is the last day you will have to do it. In this release, we have
introduced a wizard that automatically migrates old devices to new ones. So please, for the last time, delete
your current virtual devices and create new ones using our new 2.2 Genymotion version. Next time, you will be
able to automatically convert them.
Only available with Indie and Business licenses.
Log archive creation
For a faster response from our support team, you can now generate a log archive directly from Genymotion.
This log archive contains all the information we need to better identify your problem.
On Microsoft Windows, stopping a virtual device was not immediate when closing the window, making impossible to start it again for a short period of time. This issue has been fixed.
When using OpenGL ES 2.0, some applications encountered progressive slowdown issues. This problem has been fixed.
When closing Android applications, some memory leaks could occur. This problem has been fixed.
Some textures could be corrupted or swapped in rendering. This problem has been fixed.
To avoid false license activation renewal on Microsoft Windows platforms, the license activation process has been modified.
When asked to do so, restarting your virtual device from the Remote control widget could lead to usability issues after reboot. This problem has been fixed.
When running multiple virtual devices, the drag and drop feature could encounter issues. This problem has been fixed.
An 'incompatible ABI' installation error occured for some malformed Android applications that do not contain native libraries. This problem has been fixed.
To avoid Genymotion installation issues, adb daemon now stops when reinstalling Genymotion on Microsoft Windows.
Genymotion now warns you when ADB or AAPT binary files are not executable.
Error messages regarding connection issues between the Genymotion software and the Genymotion website have been improved.
Genymotion 2.1.1 - February 5th, 2014
Fix a crash at startup on Mac OS.
Fix a bug making Genymotion exit while loading VirtualBox plugin.
Genymotion 2.1.0 - January 28th, 2014
New features
Genymotion now supports copy/paste from the host to the virtual device, or from the virtual device to the host using Android built-in copy/paste feature.
Supported on 2.1.0+ virtual devices.
Genymotion ID widget
You can now edit Android ID and Device ID (IMEI/MEID number) values from Genymotion. You can also make Genymotion generate random Device ID or Android ID numbers for you.
Supported on 2.1.0+ virtual devices.
Only available with Indie and Business licenses.
Pixel perfect mode
A new "pixel perfect" mode has been added to help users with their UI developments. In this mode, each pixel of the device is displayed using exactly one pixel of your monitor.
Only available with Indie and Business licenses.
Factory reset
It is now possible to reset a virtual device to its initial state (when first deployed): A new "Factory Reset" button is now available, next to the device settings button in the virtual devices list. This feature only works with virtual devices deployed with Genymotion v2.0.2 or earlier.
Only available with Indie and Business licenses.
Cloning virtual devices
Users can now easily duplicate a deployed device from the available devices list.
Only available with Indie and Business licenses.
CPU number and memory size modifications
Virtual device CPU number and memory size can now be modified from the device settings.
You can now resume virtual devices download.
When downloading a virtual device, Genymotion could crash if a timeout occured. This issue is now fixed.
The window size of the virtual device is now correctly resized to fit the host screen when rotating.
When uninstalling Genymotion on Linux, the directory specified on installation was deleted, sometimes deleting non-Genymotion files. Genymotion now uses its own directory to fix the problem.
Virtual devices
All Android versions
All virtual devices have been updated to 2.1.0 version to support new 2.1.0 features (Device ID/Android ID widget, copy/paste).
They now have a default device ID (000) instead of 'none'.
Android 2.3.7
The built-in timeout that makes the device screen unresponsive after 60 seconds of inactivity has been disabled.
New Android version
Android 4.4
Android 4.4 is now available for Genymotion, supporting all 2.1.0 features. The following devices are available in 4.4 version:
Galaxy Note 3
Genymotion 2.0.3 - December 18th, 2013
If VirtualBox DHCP server is already configured, Genymotion will start correctly.
Modifications of virtual devices settings were only applied to the first selected one. This issue is fixed.
Genymotion 2.0.2 - December 16th, 2013
Migrating from v2.0.1
Genymotion comes now bundled with a version of ADB. You can still provide a path to an Android SDK if you want, and Genymotion will use Android tools from this SDK. If you previously set a path to a specific Android SDK version, Genymotion will continue to use it.
New features
Genymotion automatically reconnects to ADB
Many users reported that their IDE doesn’t detect anymore their Genymotion virtual devices after a period of time. Genymotion virtual devices are now automatically reconnected to ADB, avoiding problems when IDEs restart ADB daemon.
Genymotion comes bundled with ADB
Some Genymotion features need to use tools from the Android SDK, forcing you to configure the SDK path in the settings. Genymotion now comes bundled with all the required Android tools, thus avoiding to manually set this path. You can still choose to provide your Android SDK path, allowing Genymotion to use them instead of the bundled ones.
Sound capture in screencast feature
Sound emitted by the virtual device is now included in videos recorded with Genymotion screencast feature.
Cache cleaner
To speed up future deployments and optimize your bandwidth, Genymotion stores all
downloaded virtual device files in a cache.
As these files can represent a significant amount of disk space, you can easily remove
them (as well as log files) from the Genymotion settings panel, in the miscellaneous tab.
Confirmation email
If you mistyped your email address, you could not activate your account and correct it. You can now check and update the email address you provided by logging in with your username.
Code signing
On Microsoft Windows platforms, Genymotion binaries are now digitally signed, avoiding some false positive alerts from antivirus software or confirmation warnings when launched.
Genymotion can now detect and work around the fact that VirtualBox installation path has changed.
In the GPS widget, the map search field is now using the proxy configuration.
The GPS widget works even if the network was unreachable at Genymotion launch.
When deploying a new virtual device, the window listing its characteristics doesn’t show cropped text anymore on some platforms with a particular screen size.
When using it without license, Genymotion window title do not blink anymore, making UI automation easier.
Genymotion now reports network configuration in its log file, making easier to detect installation problems when contacting Genymotion support.
Some typos and internationalization strings were fixed.
Avoid CPU overheat while using remote control.
Windows uninstaller only cleans required files.
Users who were having white or black screen at start (with error message: “Unable to switch to context, eglGetError=3004”) will now start correctly without having to fullscreen, then un-fullscreen their Genymotion virtual devices.
Virtual devices: HierarchyViewer, UiAutomatorViewer and DDMS file explorer are now working perfectly with Genymotion.
Virtual devices: GeoFencing API from Play Services and GeoCoder API are now working.
Virtual devices: Fixed some inconsistencies between xdpi/ydpi and logical dpi.
Virtual devices: Correct handling of configured dpi of system drawable resources.
Added new devices
Galaxy Note (2.3, 4.1)
Galaxy S2 (2.3, 4.1)
HTC One (4.2, 4.3)
Moto X (4.2, 4.3)
Nexus 10 (4.2, 4.3)
Nexus 7 , 4.2, 4.3)
Nexus One (2.3)
Xperia S (2.3, 4.1)
Xperia Z (4.2, 4.3)
Virtual devices 4.3 (November 28th, 2013)
These bugfixes are only available on 4.3 Genymotion virtual device for the moment.
Screenshot over ADB/DDMS and uiAutomatorViewer didn't work well. This bug also exists on Android SDK emulator. But it is now fixed in G)
Battery widget is now working correctly
Fix some inconsistencies between xdpi/ydpi and logical dpi.
Correct handling of configured dpi of system drawable ressources
Genymotion 2.0.1 (November 14th, 2013)
Errors in SSL handshake could block user authentication with Genymotion Cloud.
Pressing Enter in authentication popup canceled user authentication process instead of launching it. Default focus have been updated.
Pressing Add new virtual device button could be inactive in some situations. This has been fixed.
Genymotion 2.0.0 (November 13th, 2013)
Genymotion 2.0.0 is no more a beta version but the first Genymotion commercial release!
Migrating from v1.3.0
To use the new features, you must deploy new virtual devices after upgrading to Genymotion v2.0.0. All previous virtual devices deployed with Genymotion v1.3.0 will continue to work but without the new features.
Warning: all Genymotion settings (ADB path, network proxy configuration, ...) will be lost after upgrading to Genymotion v2.0.0. It's not possible to recover settings from previous versions.
As announced earlier, Genymotion doesn't include Google Apps and ARM libraries support anymore.
Concerning ARM libraries support, this shouldn’t be too much of a problem for you developers,
as there will be absolutely no impact if you use the Java SDK. As for the NDK, it is straightforward to
enable x86 compilation for your native code. You need to add the x86 platform to the APP_ABI entry of the
Application.mk file.for example: APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a x86 mips
There are now a lot of good x86 devices in the wild, and this is a good opportunity to embrace this new
platform, and add x86 compatibility to your app if you haven’t done it yet.
For Google apps, we are still trying to work with Google to add them back. If you decide to add the
needed package by yourself, it will be at your own risk and responsibility and we will not be liable for it.
This release includes a “drag&drop” feature which will allow you to drag&drop an APK or a ZIP file to the Genymotion window:
APK files will be installed and, if possible, automatically started,
ZIP files, if they are detected as system updates or system patches, will be automatically deployed in your Genymotion virtual device.
Licensing system
A licensing system is available in Genymotion version 2.0.0.
Genymotion can be used in Free mode (without commercial features) for your personal use or with a license (Indie or Business) enabling all features for a professional use.
Please go to
for more information.
New features
New Remote Control widget
Control accelerometer sensor and multi-touch gestures in your application directly from any real device.
Only in the Indie and Business version.
New Screencast widget
Take screenshots and videos very easily from any Genymotion virtual device.
Only in the Indie and Business version.
Drag&Drop to copy files and APK in your virtual device
With a simple drag&drop, you can copy files very easily from your computer to your virtual device.
If an APK is dropped into the virtual device, it will be installed and launched automatically! You can drop files, folders,
APK, or zip files. Zip packages containing /system directory tree will be automatically installed.
To use this new feature, the path to ADB must be correctly set.
Search engine in the virtual device creation window
In the new virtual device creation window, you can now filter devices by Android version, device name or with a
search keyword.
Slideshow during virtual device download
A slideshow describes new Genymotion features and some useful Genymotion tips when you wait for your virtual device to be installed.
Possibility to change storage folder of Genymotion virtual devices
In the Genymotion settings, you can now choose the folder where Genymotion virtual devices will be stored.
This feature allows you to avoid filling your system disk when it has a small capacity.
Write Android logcat into a file
The Android log messages (from logcat) are automatically written to a file on your workstation. See documentation for more details.
This allows you to easily send these logs to the Genymotion Support team.
To use this new feature, the path to ADB must be correctly set.
A specific toolbar for Genymotion widgets
Two toolbars are now available in Genymotion. One for Genymotion widgets and one for Android actions (recent apps, back,...).
New Android versions
Android 4.3
Android 4.3 is now available for Genymotion, supporting all 2.0.0 features (Remote Control widget, Webcam widget, Screencast widget, ...).
Android 2.3 in Preview version
Android 2.3 is now available for Genymotion in preview version. Try it and give us your feedback about it!
A memory leak as been found in the way Android applications were handled, leading to a heavy memory
consumption from Genymotion software. This issue has been fixed.
On workstations where the VirtualBox "Default Machine Folder" has been modified by the user, adding a new
Genymotion virtual device could reset this setting to its VirtualBox built-in value. This issue is now fixed.
If Genymotion cannot connect to your virtual device then you will be invited to check your network parameters.
Genymotion configuration panel has been redesigned with tabs instead of a single options list to enhance its usability.
We now use a new filemanager inside Genymotion virtual devices: Astro has been replaced by CyanogenMod Filemanager.
Genymotion 1.3.1 (October 25th, 2013)
On Mac OSX 10.9, the graphic render of Android window was upside down. This issue is fixed.
Genymotion 1.3.0 (September 25th, 2013)
Migration from v1.2.1
To use the new features, you must deploy new virtual devices again after upgrading to Genymotion v1.3.0. All previous virtual devices deployed with Genymotion v1.2.1 will continue to work but without the new features.
New features
Camera widget
You can now use this widget to send a video stream to the front and back Android cameras.
For more information, please, see the
(Genymotion Application / Camera widget).
Send statistics about Genymotion software
This new version now includes usage statistics which are sent to Genymotion servers (software version, virtual devices downloads, virtual devices usage)
All data being anonymized before being sent, they cannot be linked to your user account. If you don't want us to collect statistics, you can opt-out in the Genymotion settings.
On workstations with some Intel GPU, the Genymotion virtual device display could be flickering. This issue is fixed.
On some window managers (KDE for example) using custom text colors, parts of the Genymotion application were not visible or too little. This issue is fixed.
Some battery widget messages have been removed from Android logs.
Genymotion 1.2.1 (September 3rd, 2013)
Migration from v1.1.0
To use the new features, you must deploy new virtual devices again after upgrading to Genymotion v1.2.1. All previous virtual devices deployed
with Genymotion v1.1.0 will continue to work but without new features.
New features
Multi-touch gestures
You can now use zoom gestures using mouse events:
Right click + Move left: Zoom in
Right click + Move right: Zoom out
Right click + Move up: Tilt forth
Right click + Move down: Tilt back
Shift + Right click + Move left: Rotate Left
Shift + Right click + Move right: Rotate Right
Automatic management of Genymotion software updates
The Genymotion software can detect whether a new version is available.
When a new version is available, a notification will be shown.
Notifications can be disabled.
Virtual keyboard
You can now activate the virtual keyboard in the virtual device settings.
If we cannot use CPU virtualization option to launch a multi-CPU virtual device, then Genymotion will force number of CPUs to 1 to make it work anyway.
Fix paid app installation not working on Android 4.2 due to internal storage.
Last version of Google Maps does not crash anymore with Genymotion.
Improved precision on GPS widget fields to use 10 digits, especially when working with latitudes greater than 100°.
Proxy settings are now applied globally and features such as GPS widget will run through an HTTP proxy.
Genymotion 1.1.0 (July 18th, 2013)
Migration from v1.0.0
When upgrading from Genymotion 1.0.0 version, you will have to download again new virtual device images since existing ones cannot be used.
Previously deployed virtual devices can still be used with new Genymotion v1.1.0 but new features will not be available.
Older versions of Genymotion plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse are not compatible with the new Genymotion 1.1.0 version. Make sure you update them to 1.0.1 version.
New features
Android 4.2.2 r1.2
The Android 4.2.2 r1.2 version is now supported and we have added new virtual devices that use it. You can download and deploy this new virtual devices by connecting to the Cloud using Genymotion client.
Screen rotation
You can now rotate the device screen (when the application supports it) using the new rotation button.
Depending on the device screen resolution, the rotation might be available on the main screen. Make also sure that the rotation is not locked in the Android options.
Menu button
We have added a 'menu' button to the virtual device interface which corresponds to the one that some physical real devices have.
Floating toolbar
The toolbar in the virtual device interface can now be undocked and placed anywhere you want around the screen.
Custom screen resolution
We have added some more predefined resolutions in the list, but you can now configure a custom resolution, with a custom predefined DPI value.
Navigation bar
You can now activate the navigation bar display in the virtual device settings
Nexus 7 and Galaxy Nexus virtual devices now display the navigation bar as they should
General Improvements
Users can now login using either their username or email address, for both Genymotion application and Genymotion Site.
You can now specify the FQDN of your web proxy, instead of its IP address
We have added some more precise error messages and log messages to help identify problems
We have also created a log file for each application.These log files are created under the Genymotion user directory:
For Windows Vista/7/8: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Genymobile
For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Local settings\Application Data\Genymobile
For Linux: /home/USER/.Genymobile
For Mac OSX: /Users/USER/.Genymobile
Fix System UI crashes when using specific resolution/DPI settings
Fix memory leaks in the virtual device user interface
Fix deployment problems when using multiple virtual devices
Fix DHCP network problem that could cause virtual device starting problems
Fix virtual keyboard usage, where every other input methods were disabled
Fix RenderScript support in the virtual device
Fix Genymotion application crashes on older version of Mac OSX (<=10.6)
Fix keyboard support problems under Mac OSX
Fix Genymotion Linux 32bits package
Remove GPS debugging output in the virtual device logs


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