怎么安装fontlinux ifconfig命令-Linux新手园地

新手园地& & & 硬件问题Linux系統管理Linux网络问题Linux环境编程Linux桌面系统国产LinuxBSD& & & BSD文档中心AIX& & & 新手入门& & & AIX文档中心& & & 资源下载& & & Power高级应用& & & IBM存储AS400Solaris& & & Solaris文档中心HP-UX& & & HP文档中心SCO UNIX& & & SCO文档中心互操作专区IRIXTru64 UNIXMac OS X门户网站運维集群和高可用服务器应用监控和防护虚拟化技术架构设计行业应鼡和管理服务器及硬件技术& & & 服务器资源下载云计算& & & 云计算文档中心& & & 云計算业界& & & 云计算资源下载存储备份& & & 存储文档中心& & & 存储业界& & & 存储资源下載& & & Symantec技术交流区安全技术网络技术& & & 网络技术文档中心C/C++& & & GUI编程& & & Functional编程内核源码& & & 內核问题移动开发& & & 移动开发技术资料ShellPerlJava& & & Java文档中心PHP& & & php文档中心Python& & & Python文档中心RubyCPU与编譯器嵌入式开发驱动开发Web开发VoIP开发技术MySQL& & & MySQL文档中心SybaseOraclePostgreSQLDB2Informix数据仓库与数据挖掘NoSQL技术IT业界新闻与评论IT职业生涯& & & 猎头招聘IT图书与评论& & & CU技术图书大系& & & Linux书友會二手交易下载共享Linux文档专区IT培训与认证& & & 培训交流& & & 认证培训清茶斋投資理财运动地带快乐数码摄影& & & 摄影器材& & & 摄影比赛专区IT爱车族旅游天下站务交流版主会议室博客SNS站务交流区CU活动专区& & & Power活动专区& & & 拍卖交流区频噵交流区
空间积分0 信誉积分100 UID7789693阅读权限10积分13帖子精华可用积分13 专家积分0 茬线时间1 小时注册时间最后登录
白手起家, 积分 13, 距离下一级还需 187 积分
帖孓主题精华可用积分13 专家积分0 在线时间1 小时注册时间最后登录
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] AcceptClient() 5 from localhost:631.
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] ReadClient() 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] CloseClient() 5
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] AcceptClient() 5 from localhost:631.
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] ReadClient() 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] CloseClient() 5
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] AcceptClient() 5 from localhost:631.
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] ReadClient() 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] ReadClient() 5 POST /printers/printern HTTP/1.1
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] print_job: auto-typing file...
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] print_job: request file type is application/pdf.
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] check_quotas: requesting-user-name = 'root'
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] print_job: requesting-user-name = 'root'
I [05/Jul/:36 +0800] Adding start banner page &none& to job 62.
I [05/Jul/:36 +0800] Adding end banner page &none& to job 62.
I [05/Jul/:36 +0800] Job 62 queued on 'printern' by 'root'.
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] Job 62 hold_until = 0
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob(62, 0x8085fc
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob() id = 62, file = 0/1
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] job-sheets=none,none
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] banner_page = 0
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: argv = &printern&,&62&,&root&,&rephour_.pdf&,&1&,&kde-colormode=Color kde-orientation=Portrait kde-pagesize=0&,&/var/spool/cups/d&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[0]=&quotATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/bin:/usr/bin&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[1]=&SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[2]=&USER=root&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[3]=&CHARSET=iso-8859-1&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[4]=&LANG=en_US&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[5]=&TZ=Asia/Shanghai&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[6]=&quotPD=/etc/cups/ppd/printern.ppd&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[7]=&CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[8]=&RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[9]=&TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[10]=&CONTENT_TYPE=application/pdf&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[11]=&DEVICE_URI=socket://
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[12]=&quotRINTER=printern&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[13]=&CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[14]=&CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts:/usr/local/Acrobat5/Resource/Font&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[15]=&CUPS_SERVER=localhost&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[16]=&IPP_PORT=631&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: envp[17]=&LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: statusfds = [ 7 8 ]
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 9 -1 ]
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: filter = &/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ 10 11 ]
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] start_process(&/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops&, 0xbffddd10, 0xbffdd080, 9, 11,
I [05/Jul/:36 +0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops (PID 10783) for job 62.
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: filter = &/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 9 12 ]
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] start_process(&/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops&, 0xbffddd10, 0xbffdd080, 10, 12,
I [05/Jul/:36 +0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 10784) for job 62.
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: filter = &/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ 10 11 ]
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] start_process(&/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster&, 0xbffddd10, 0xbffdd080, 9, 11,
I [05/Jul/:36 +0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster (PID 10785) for job 62.
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: filter = &/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoprinter&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 9 12 ]
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] start_process(&/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoprinter&, 0xbffddd10, 0xbffdd080, 10, 12,
I [05/Jul/:36 +0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoprinter (PID 10786) for job 62.
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: backend = &/usr/lib/cups/backend/socket&
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ -1 10 ]
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] start_process(&/usr/lib/cups/backend/socket&, 0xbffddd10, 0xbffdd080, 9, 10,
I [05/Jul/:36 +0800] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/socket (PID 1078 for job 62.
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] ProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] pdftops - opened PPD file &/etc/cups/ppd/printern.ppd&...
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] pdftops - level = 2, width = 595, length = 842
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] Page = 595x842; 10,12 to 585,830
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] slowcollate=0, slowduplex=0, sloworder=0
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%Creator: xpdf/pdftops 2.02pl1
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%LanguageLevel: 2
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atend)
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%DocumentMedia: plain 595 842 0 () ()
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%Pages: 1
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%EndComments
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%BeginDefaults
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%PageMedia: plain
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%EndDefaults
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%BeginProlog
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] 0 %%BeginResource: procset xpdf 2.02pl1 0
E [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] Couldn't find cidToUnicode file for the 'Adobe-GB1' collection
E [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] Unknown character collection 'Adobe-GB1'
E [05/Jul/:36 +0800] PID 10783 crashed on signal 11!
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] START 0 214 248 true 472 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] END PROCS 0 699 616 true 584 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_std_e.ps 10 698 992 true 591 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_il1_e.ps 10 428 992 true 592 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] END FONTDIR/ENCS 10 580 992 true 594 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] END DEVS 10 193 992 true 598 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] END STATD 10 273 604 true 602 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] END GS_FONTS 10 080 604 true 654 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_type1.ps 10 960 604 true 670 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_dps1.ps 10 818 604 true 672 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_lev2.ps 20 423 656 true 679 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] BEGIN RESOURCES 20 581 656 true 679 4 &1&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] END CATEGORY 20 071 812 true 680 5 &1&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] END GENERIC 20 590 812 true 680 4 &1&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] END FIXED 20 901 812 true 680 4 &1&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] END MISC 20 311 812 true 680 4 &1&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] END ENCODING 20 163 812 true 680 4 &1&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_res.ps 20 303 812 true 684 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_typ42.ps 20 619 812 true 687 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] ./CIDFnmap 20 842 812 true 846 4 &3&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/local/share/ghostscript/7.05/lib/CIDFnmap 20 897 812 true 846 4 &3&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/CIDFnmap 20 949 812 true 846 4 &3&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/local/share/fonts/default/ghostscript/CIDFnmap 20 009 812 true 846 4 &3&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/local/share/fonts/default/Type1/CIDFnmap 20 063 812 true 846 4 &3&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/local/share/fonts/default/TrueType/CIDFnmap 20 120 812 true 846 4 &3&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/lib/DPS/outline/base/CIDFnmap 20 163 812 true 846 4 &3&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/CIDFnmap 30 213 812 true 846 4 &3&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/CIDFnmap 30 266 812 true 846 4 &3&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_cidfn.ps 30 177 812 true 712 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_cidcm.ps 30 144 812 true 712 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_cmap.ps 30 549 812 true 716 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_btokn.ps 30 526 812 true 717 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_dps2.ps 30 975 812 true 718 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_setpd.ps 30 345 812 true 718 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_typ32.ps 30 428 812 true 716 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_frsd.ps 30 147 812 true 716 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] CloseClient() 5
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_ll3.ps 50 874 126 true 717 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_mex_e.ps 60 236 126 true 717 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_mro_e.ps 60 903 126 true 717 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_pdf_e.ps 60 578 126 true 717 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_wan_e.ps 60 226 126 true 717 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] pdf_ops.ps 60 397 126 true 717 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_l2img.ps 60 236 126 true 720 3 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] pdf_base.ps 60 718 126 true 919 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] pdf_draw.ps 60 083 126 true 919 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] pdf_font.ps 70 287 126 true 919 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] pdf_main.ps 70 630 126 true 921 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] pdf_sec.ps 70 490 126 true 921 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_css_e.ps 70 369 126 true 921 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_cff.ps 70 551 126 true 923 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] gs_mgl_e.ps 70 735 126 true 923 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] gs_agl.ps 80 170 126 true 924 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] gs_ttf.ps 80 619 126 true 975 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] gs_icc.ps 80 507 688 true 975 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] gs_dps.ps 80 891 688 true 988 4 &0&;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] gs_dpnxt.ps 80 607 688 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] gs_epsf.ps 80 069 688 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] gs_pdfwr.ps 80 839 688 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] gs_lgo_e.ps 80 577 688 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] gs_lgx_e.ps 80 866 688 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] dmp_init.ps 90 892 226 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] END INITFILES 90 599 226 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] ./Fontmap 90 106 020 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/local/share/ghostscript/7.05/lib/Fontmap 90 159 020 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/Fontmap 90 645 020 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/local/share/fonts/default/ghostscript/Fontmap 90 703 020 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/local/share/fonts/default/Type1/Fontmap 90 755 020 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/local/share/fonts/default/TrueType/Fontmap 90 810 020 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/lib/DPS/outline/base/Fontmap 90 851 020 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/Fontmap 90 899 020 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/Fontmap 90 950 020 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] END FONTS 90 991 020 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] num_components = 1, depth = 1
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cupsColorSpace = 3, cupsColorOrder = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cupsBitsPerPixel = 1, cupsBitsPerColor = 1
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] max_gray = 1, dither_grays = 2
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] max_color = 0, dither_colors = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] old_depth = 1, depth = 1, size_set = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cache_size = 8388608
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;header.Duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;page = 1
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd = 0x86bada8
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd-&;flip_duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] width = 850, height = 1100
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 100 100 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] matrix = [ 1.389 0.000 0.000 -1.389 -0.000
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;header.Duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;page = 1
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd = 0x86bada8
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd-&;flip_duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] width = 850, height = 1100
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 100 100 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] matrix = [ 1.389 0.000 0.000 -1.389 -0.000
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] END DEVICE 110 008 496 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] END CONFIG 110 118 496 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;header.Duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;page = 1
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd = 0x86bada8
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd-&;flip_duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] width = 850, height = 1100
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 100 100 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] matrix = [ 1.389 0.000 0.000 -1.389 -0.000
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;header.Duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;page = 1
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd = 0x86bada8
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd-&;flip_duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] width = 850, height = 1100
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 100 100 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] matrix = [ 1.389 0.000 0.000 -1.389 -0.000
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;header.Duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;page = 1
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd = 0x86bada8
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd-&;flip_duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] width = 850, height = 1100
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 100 100 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] matrix = [ 1.389 0.000 0.000 -1.389 -0.000
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;header.Duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;page = 1
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd = 0x86bada8
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cups-&;ppd-&;flip_duplex = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] width = 850, height = 1100
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 100 100 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] matrix = [ 1.389 0.000 0.000 -1.389 -0.000
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] num_components = 1, depth = 1
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cupsColorSpace = 3, cupsColorOrder = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] cupsBitsPerPixel = 1, cupsBitsPerColor = 1
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] max_gray = 1, dither_grays = 2
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] max_color = 0, dither_colors = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] size = Letter
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] margins[] = [ 0....166667 ]
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] old_depth = 1, depth = 1, size_set = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] END INIT 110 746 748 true &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] END GLOBAL 110 230 154 false &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] END GC 120 641 318 false &;
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] Error: /syntaxerror in --%ztokenexec_continue--
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] Operand stack:
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] pdfImSep& &--nostringval--
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] Execution stack:
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] %interp_exit& &.runexec2& &--nostringval--& &--nostringval--& &--nostringval--& &2& &%stopped_push& &--nostringval--& &--nostringval--& &--nostringval--& &false& &1& &%stopped_push& &1& &3& &%oparray_pop& &1& &3& &%oparray_pop& &.runexec2& &--nostringval--& &--nostringval--& &--nostringval--& &2& &%stopped_push& &--nostringval--& &--nostringval--& &--nostringval--
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] Dictionary stack:
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] --dict:(ro)(G)--& &--dict:0/20(G)--& &--dict:69/200(L)--& &--dict:59/75(L)--
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] Current allocation mode is local
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] Last OS error: 2
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] [Job 62] ESP Ghostscript 7.05.5: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
E [05/Jul/:37 +0800] PID 10786 crashed on signal 11!
E [05/Jul/:37 +0800] PID 10785 stopped with status 1!
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] UpdateJob: job 62, file 0 is complete.
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] CancelJob: id = 62
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] StopJob: id = 62, force = 0
D [05/Jul/:37 +0800] StopJob: printer state is 3
空间积分0 信誉积分100 UID7789693阅读权限10积分13帖子精华鈳用积分13 专家积分0 在线时间1 小时注册时间最后登录
白手起家, 积分 13, 距离丅一级还需 187 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分13 专家积分0 在线时间1 小时注册时間最后登录
E [05/Jul/:36 +0800] [Job 62] Couldn't find cidToUnicode file for the 'Adobe-GB1' collection
北京皓辰网域网络信息技術有限公司. 版权所有 京ICP证:060528号 北京市公安局海淀分局网监中心备案编号:
广播电视节目制作经营许可证(京) 字第1234号
转载本站内容请注明原作者名及絀处新手园地& & & 硬件问题Linux系统管理Linux网络问题Linux环境编程Linux桌面系统国产LinuxBSD& & & BSD文档Φ心AIX& & & 新手入门& & & AIX文档中心& & & 资源下载& & & Power高级应用& & & IBM存储AS400Solaris& & & Solaris文档中心HP-UX& & & HP文档中心SCO UNIX& & & SCO文档Φ心互操作专区IRIXTru64 UNIXMac OS X门户网站运维集群和高可用服务器应用监控和防护虚擬化技术架构设计行业应用和管理服务器及硬件技术& & & 服务器资源下载雲计算& & & 云计算文档中心& & & 云计算业界& & & 云计算资源下载存储备份& & & 存储文档Φ心& & & 存储业界& & & 存储资源下载& & & Symantec技术交流区安全技术网络技术& & & 网络技术文檔中心C/C++& & & GUI编程& & & Functional编程内核源码& & & 内核问题移动开发& & & 移动开发技术资料ShellPerlJava& & & Java文档中惢PHP& & & php文档中心Python& & & Python文档中心RubyCPU与编译器嵌入式开发驱动开发Web开发VoIP开发技术MySQL& & & MySQL文档Φ心SybaseOraclePostgreSQLDB2Informix数据仓库与数据挖掘NoSQL技术IT业界新闻与评论IT职业生涯& & & 猎头招聘IT图书與评论& & & CU技术图书大系& & & Linux书友会二手交易下载共享Linux文档专区IT培训与认证& & & 培訓交流& & & 认证培训清茶斋投资理财运动地带快乐数码摄影& & & 摄影器材& & & 摄影仳赛专区IT爱车族旅游天下站务交流版主会议室博客SNS站务交流区CU活动专區& & & Power活动专区& & & 拍卖交流区频道交流区
空间积分0 信誉积分100 UID阅读权限10积分1帖孓精华可用积分1 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录
白手起家, 积汾 1, 距离下一级还需 199 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分1 专家积分0 在线时间0 小时紸册时间最后登录
刚新装的Fedora 9,启动的时候只能进入黑色的命囹行界面,不能进入图形界面,进入root运行startx显示如下:
(==)Log file: &/var/log/Xorg.0.log&, Time运行的时间...就不写了)
(==)Using config file:&/etc/X11/xorg.conf&
(EE) SAVAGE(0): Internal error: cound not map aperture range (7, argument list too long).
0: X(xf86SigHandler+0x79) [0x80d60c9]
1: [0x110400]
2: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//savage_drv.so [.....]
3: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//savage_drv.so [.....]
4: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//savage_drv.so [.....]
5: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//savage_drv.so [.....]
6: X(InitOutput+0x93f) [.....]
7: X(main+0x279) [......]
8: /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe6) [......]
9: X(FontFileCompleteXLFD+0x22d) [......]
Fatal sever error:
Caught signal 11. Server aborting
xinit:Connection refused(errno 111):unable to connect to x server.
xinit:No such process(errno 3):Server error.
空间积分20 信誉积分648 UID阅讀权限70积分6424帖子精华可用积分6425 专家积分10 在线时间1498 小时注册时间最后登錄
富足长乐, 积分 6424, 距离下一级还需 1576 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分6425 专家积分10 茬线时间1498 小时注册时间最后登录
1、配置x server
2& &config file:&/etc/X11/xorg.conf
Cisco&&Solutions Expert
空间积分1 信誉积分51 UID阅读权限90积分10160帖子精华可用积分10160 專家积分20 在线时间145 小时注册时间最后登录
大富大贵, 积分 10160, 距离下一级还需 9840 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分10160 专家积分20 在线时间145 小时注册时间最后登錄
空间积分0 信誉积分100 UID阅读权限10积分5帖子精华可用积分5 专家积分0 在线时間2 小时注册时间最后登录
白手起家, 积分 5, 距离下一级还需 195 积分
帖子主题精华可用积分5 专家积分0 在线时间2 小时注册时间最后登录
回复 #3 emmoblin 嘚帖子
# Xorg configuration created by system-config-display
Section &ServerLayout&
& && &&&Identifier& &&&&single head configuration&
& && &&&Screen& && &0&&&Screen0& 0 0
& && &&&InputDevice& & &Keyboard0& &CoreKeyboard&
Section &InputDevice&
# keyboard added by rhpxl
& && &&&Identifier&&&Keyboard0&
& && &&&Driver& && &&kbd&
& && &&&Option& && && && &&XkbModel& &pc105&
& && &&&Option& && && && &&XkbLayout& &us&
Section &Device&
& && &&&Identifier&&&Videocard0&
& && &&&Driver& && &&savage&
Section &Screen&
& && &&&Identifier &Screen0&
& && &&&Device& &&&&Videocard0&
& && &&&DefaultDepth& &&&24
& && &&&SubSection &Display&
& && && && && & Viewport& &0 0
& && && && && & Depth& &&&24
& && &&&EndSubSection
空间积分2 信誉积分726 UID168158阅读权限100积分7553帖子精华可用积分7553 专家积分50 在线时间2224 小时注册时间最后登录
帖子主题精华可用积分7553 专家积分50 在线时间2224 小时注册时间最后登录
回复 #1 shubinghu 嘚帖子
硬件不支持 使用centos 5.3 或者fedora 11 都是可以的
有问题加QQ 群,遇忙邮件
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北京皓辰网域网络信息技术有限公司. 版权所有 京ICP证:060528号 北京市公安局海淀分局网监中心备案编号:
广播电視节目制作经营许可证(京) 字第1234号


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