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“This game is a perfect example of how much fun a game can and should, be, even when you completely suck at it.”
90/100 –
“Having journeyed through hell several times in my life (once when working for a factory, another time visiting relatives and finally with the ex) this journey through hell turned out to be the most fun by far.”
4/5 –
“99 Levels to Hell is a game that revels in its own difficulty. Bearing in mind that I described Demon’s Souls as “not that hard” when I reviewed it, this game is harder. Mostly because there isn’t anything you can stock up on to make the road ahead more bearable. No, until you get more characters (there are three to unlock, of which I acquired none), you’re stuck with The Magician’s shotgun and maybe some bombs.”
80/99 –
About This Game
99 Levels to Hell is a platform shooter with lots of guns, upgrades, magic, traps and monsters to kill.
99 Levels to Hell is a rogue-like, which means surviving is key and every time you play you get a new set of levels to play.
When you complete 10 levels, the 10th being a boss-fight you unlock a door to the next dungeon.
Hidden in the darkness of the dungeons are shops, casinos and elevators. And if you search the dungeons carefully, you might find secret rooms that unlock more of the story, and free new adventurers, you can play as in your next game.
But best of all you get to kill the devil to a killer metal soundtrack!
10 different dungeons.
10 bossfights.
100 levels that spawn at random.
25+ monsters.
50+ powers ups and weapons.
Shops, portals, casinos and elevators.
Unlock the story of two brothers
And blood, a lot of blood.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8
Processor: Intel Core i5 Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics Family
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1130 MB available space
Additional Notes: Mouse, Keyboard or Controller
OS: 10.8.2 or newer
Processor: 2.5 Ghz Intel Core i5Memory
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: 64MB of video memory
Hard Drive: 1150 MB available space
Additional Notes: Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled.
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Processor: Intel Core i5 Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics Family
Hard Drive: 1140 MB available space
Additional Notes: Mouse and Keyboard. For 64 bit architectures please install ia32libs.
(C) 2013 by B-EVIL and Zaxis Games, published by Zaxis Games
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1.2 hrs on record
A spelunky-like roguelike game set in HELL. It's a good way to whittle away several hours and worth a playthrough but just don't expect to get very far - as you'd expect, it's hard! There's much better titles that do the same thing very well already and 99 Levels to Hell adds little to the formula however if the setting and art style appeal to you then give it a try. Just watch out for the enemies, they tend to blend into the background very very well :S
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0.5 hrs on record
Quick to play and rather enjoyable.
Only minimally rogue-like (Permadeath & semi random levels), but that's pretty much what I would expect based on the screenshots.
Re-playablity - Good (8/10) - random enough to keep it interestingEnvironment (Graphics and Audio) - Good (6/10) - simple and clear but not a great deal of noticable varietyControls - Near-Perfect (9/10) - simple keyboard controls and supports limited controllerGameplay - Good (7/10) - Well done platformer.
Plays well and logically.Enjoyment - Good (6/10) - Could use some additonal story/plot.. the initial starting book on a pedestal makes one believe there will be 'story', but perhaps that was just wishful thinking on my part.
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2.2 hrs on record
99 Levels To Hell is rogue-like dungeon crawler side-scroller type of game. It has great sound and enjoyable gameplay. There are 3 different characters to unlock and lot of levels to beat (100 levels in total). It has a lot of different kind of guns and items that you can use turning levels. It's fun to play for few hours if you are bored and don't wanna play any long games.
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1.1 hrs on record
&Like Minecraft with Shotguns 99/10&- IGNNow seriously though, this game is not very fun. One of my biggest complaints is that the game completely and constantly breaks it's creepy satanic dark cave atmosphere with the silly green &BONUS!& font and it's dumb looking characters, so I dont understand what the heIl (heh) is it going for, either have one or the other, or present it in a way that it really seems like a parody or something. Right now it's like a buddy cop series starring a chimpanzee, but that it's family gets killed in the first episode.Even if you arent an expert programmer or a talented artist, you cant screw this part up. It's as important for the player as those things.Also, the controls are pretty rough and can feel unnatural because they are too slow and the contact with other objects is very wonky. You have to be very very precise with your jumps, something that is pretty rough for a platformer, let alone one with controls such as these.The layout is of the stage doesnt make much sense and it really went overboard with the breakable blocks, making you stop on your tracks to clear your way, with a shotgun that has frustrantingly low range and is pretty slow. I would've really prefered to start with a simple long range / fast pistol.
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1.1 hrs on record
A Shooter in Hell, with Some Caveats... [KAMGUSTA's REVIEW]Well, I liked the idea: a (semi)random-generated spelunky-like game set in Hell with lots of gore. I had fun for a few minutes of play, and I was torn on giving it a &6& (sufficient) or a &5& (not sufficient). The latter won.Graphic is nice, but sound is not. Controls are a little slippy: you will often fail a jump, fail to shoot enemies, fail to take aim... Taking aim with mouse is also pretty unintuitive (but not the worst part). Shooting range is ridiculous low! Levels are not truly random, only a few parts of them will be. The 99 levels are also all similar one to another (only the background and few other things will change).I really liked the bubble gun and the ghosts that come at the end of the level's time, it reminded me of bubble bobble! Maybe they should have done a random-generated bubblebobble-like game set in Hell instead! :DBest played with Keyboard and MouseRecommended Buy Price & 3$Score 5/10
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1.2 hrs on record
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1.2 hrs on record
Good idea, but poor execution. Controls are way too loose (and I particularly dislike the mouse-to-shoot mechanic), and the graphics are a bit on the Flash/MSP side.
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0.1 hrs on record
Played this on desura and then re-purchasd it for steam.
For what it is, it's a great little time waster.
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5.1 hrs on record
Nope. This game is like fried chicken. Tastes good but regrets eating it.
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1.0 hrs on record
It was Ok at best. Sick guitar riffs though.
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1.4 hrs on record
unfairly hard
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1.0 hrs on record
Really rad little Metroidvania roguelike platformer. Lots of fun, but also quite hard, at least for me. I am enjoying it in little increments. It is a really easy game to just jump into and it gets fairly intense after just a few minutes. I'm having a good time with it. [ 7 / 10 ]
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0.8 hrs on record
Got for free and still feel ripped off. The only 99 levels of hell your going to enter is when you pay $5 for this game.
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22.9 hrs on record
&WELCOME TO THE 99 LEVELS TO HELL&,ok got that out of my system and now on with the review.This is one game i was looking forward to when it was first announced and i must say that having play'd the final version i am not one bit dissapointed with the end product.Ok graphics wise this game is really competent at what it set's out to do and the graphics style really does suit the game,the music is both dark and at times (especially when the ghosts appear) has a sudden urgency to it,the dialouge in game is also really good (what there is of it) and helps to give you some clue as to what is going on and the game play mechanics in game all really work well and if you die it wont be due to the game but your lack of either time playing the game (learning attack patterns and how the different weapons and power ups work) or concentration whilst playing (i know happened to me on one of the boss levels,my wife shouted &your foods ready& i looked away and said &Ok i'm coming in a moment& then i died ARRRRGGGHHHHH).As you progress through the game you will learn what the various enemies do and how they attack (some on sight will hunt you down and others will float about whilst firing at you and yet others will get near you and then &BOOM& explode ECT) and as you watch and learn so you will get better at the game and not die so often,this is never more the case than when fighting against a level boss.Some are rather easy and predictable and others are rather devious and not so predictable and yet when fighting against others the sheer number of on screen allies the boss has and can summon can be nothing short of an annoyance (trust me in a good &I HAVE TO BEAT THIS DAMN BOSS& sort of way) and also prove to (in some cases) be to much to deal with at times unless your tooled up.Now this brings me to POWER UPS and the different character classes,there is 4 character classes to choose from which range from the &MAJOR& to the &DRAGON& with all the characters offering different weapons and therefore a choice of which to take into the game when you play (some are better suited to certain levels as the sniper gun fires one bullet at a time and the machine gun fires multiple times but seems to lack as much of a kick),all the characters bar the first one have to be found and set free from the cages they are in (with a bomb if you have one-if not find one as the more characters you have the easier the game will be).Now on to power ups,they range from the usefull to the down right bizarre,my favorite power up is the (what i call) &DEMON UMBRELLA& this little demonic umbrella takes you from where you are right to the end of level boss and this is ok if your tooled up but not if your &NOT&,having said that it gives you ample oppurtunity to test out the boss and learn a little of their attack patterns and how to deal with them (helped me on one occasion with an ??? of a boss &DAMN YOU,YOU FLOATING EYE THINGY&),but by jumping like this you do stand a chance of missing out on leveling up your character and also not finding the elusive other characters.The other power ups range from a torch (which helps in the dark-pretty useless really on most levels),fireball that floats around your character and fires out a fire ball every time you shoot your gun,ice ball which preety much does the same as the fire ball except its ice instead,the bubble gun which surrounds the enemy in a bubble and sends them skyward,the poisen arrow gun (which does exactally what it says on the tin),weapon strength power ups which power up the strength of your weapon (OMG I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT WAS OBVIOUS DUH) to other usefull and often weird and strange power ups.When you do beat an end of level boss (comes around the 9th level mark of each seperate level) you will not have to start the game right from the begining like you do if you die before reaching and defeating said boss,thats why when you fight a boss your praying that you beat them so you dont have to start that level to get right back up to the boss again (thats where the &DEMON UMBRELLA& comes in handy),but defeating a boss feels just how it should (&HA HA HA HA HA i beat you,you mother....................& less of that language kids may be present) and gives you a sense of acheivement and the knowledge that your getting just that little bit better at the game.So in closing i reccomend this game to anyone out for a good,challenging game that will test both your skills as a gamer and your patience as a gamer also (&AAAARRRRRGGGHHHH you bloody game,your cheating me i beat that boss WWWAAAHHH wheres my dummy&) and at the price its at why are you waiting and if you do buy the game &WELCOME TO HELL BBUUWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA&
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9.8 hrs on record
There are certain expectations one would get from a game titled 99 Levels to Hell. Things like the game’s ultimate destination, how many areas you need to clear to reach it, and maybe even the assumption of an overall theme. 99 Levels to Hell delivers on all fronts, but that’s just the start of the depth of content in this cartoonishly bloody, violent, randomized 2D action platformer.There’s enough going on in each level that it can actually take a bit to realize that 99 Levels to Hell has only one notable issue, and that’s a bad case of programmer art. Most enemies float or move with the bare minimum of animation, and while the art is serviceable, that’s the best that can be said.99 Levels to Hell is all about action, jumping gaps and gunning down hordes of enemies in the finest arcade traditions.99 Levels to Hell is a fun and bloody descent into the not-quite-bottomless depths, loaded with replayability and almost impossible to put down until the poor explorer has lost his last heart of health.
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4.1 hrs on record
There are 9 layers of Hell, each plane separated by 9 dungeons and a Lord guarding each gate.My only regret: There IS NOT ENOUGH BLOOD!!!!!
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16.9 hrs on record
Disregarding the small stuff, the one issue I have with this title is the diversity of levels. Just because a level is reskined from a jungle pattern into a mechanical pattern doesn't make a world of difference.Still, a decent amount of fun for a couple of hours.
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13.1 hrs on record
99 levels to hell looks a good game on the surface, until you play it, you will find that its mediocre, from the tutorial that is very bad, to the super mario jump sounds or the constant left mouse button click that will non stop shot to win &mechanic&.
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3.5 hrs on record
In 99 Levels To Hell, you rampage through Hell with a shotgun, and you're out to kill Satan. There's ample shotgun, ample baddies, and you'll be ankle-deep in blood before you know it. The controls are intuitive and responsive. Truly, this is the hot, steamy (as hot and steamy as Hell) love-child of Dig Dug and Doom we as gamers have been clamoring for. I wholly encourage you to grab a shotgun and go on a killing spree. Hell awaits you if you do.
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11.5 hrs on record
Rating 7/10Overview:2d Sidescroller Action Rogue The Good:+ 2d sidescrolling action through 99 levels and 10 bosses. Levels have a time limit, spend too long in the level and multiple ghosts start to come into the level.
Levels can have shops, elevators that can either send you further down or back up, slots for gambling gold you find, and portals.+ Multiple characters that start out with their own weapons, however you can always switch weapons later on. You can only carry one weapon at a time so choose carefully. +Different items and upgrade for weapons that can either be found or bought in shops. +Cool Boss battles+items are randomized in each level+Easy achievements except for 1 (100 hours in dungeon)The Bad:- Their are a handful of levels that get re-used over and over again. After playing the game for a few hours you generally get a good sense of each level. Item randomization in the levels help to a degree but not by much-Every 10 levels the game switches up the environment, this is good except its just a reskin of the textures, it adds some variety however the novelty wears off pretty quickly when you realize you are playing the same level that you played 6 floors up. -Enemies change every 10 levels as well and most of them act exactly the same as the previous levels removing some of the challenge from the game. Essentially enemies are just reskined from previously levels. -Some enemies are hard to see and blend too well in the background. I'm not sure if this was by design or by accident but it gets very frustrating when you loose health and you have no idea what hit you. Even worse, sometimes you will loose health exiting shops or other areas instantly because an enemy was right there and their is little you could do about it. ConclusionDespite its many faults I still had fun playing the game. The game has all the core elements of a good rogue like game albeit a bit on the easy side. Their is no denying that this feels like a poor mans spelunky but if you like rogue games then this is a good game to waste a few hours on.
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Title: 99 Levels To Hell
Release Date: 19 Feb, 2014
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性价比很高 要買的赶快作者:156.167.172.* &&发表时间: 15:2421楼&&生化奇兵2专营店评价如何?&&&&&&挺满意的,赞,一個【淘宝清仓】新款女雪地靴保暖鞋低帮中筒靴加厚毛绒女棉鞋女鞋顏色分类黑色尺码活动促销作者:58.137.138.* &&发表时间: 16:05★以上留言仅代表个人觀点,与本站和生化奇兵2无关。
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