请问英雄联盟这个英雄英文名字字好吗Tip of health obsession

英雄联盟只有一个原名,不是你想妀就能改得League of Legends
只有你能看穿我A眸&& -ee6
Des1gn W1zard&&&&&& 南易
傀儡 crossing out&
Smiling at mek嫣然
一宿遗忘Forget&&&&& &
IIIS&& 禁语草aphasIa
Sadness&&&&&&&& 无心的人
酗酊而醉&& one more time%
胭脂ㄨ&&& The death of love
Princess 苔丝
■┐杜蕾絲&& 。Condoms
深呼吸&&&& Deep breaths
栀子Scent flavor
符咒&& The devil
拒绝一切揣测& fORGETRock&n roll - 精神 。
cherry blossoms&& 樱
De Ja Vu 幻覺记忆-
&&&&&&&& 蓝界(Florida)
Prostitute 是入戏阿三
ROUS.&&&& ㄍ 1994
穿过海的声音 My BABY∵
诉说&& 纯真A灵魂QUIET
佐羅&&& 1930-泯灭|
Sunshine Bloom / 阳光盛开
凉城&&&&&&& 〔Triste anima〕
fingertip jabs( 指尖刺眼 )
こ不再与你纠缠 Amanda。
色彩控&& -&& FA90N &
&Harbor 两岸相观不相关
温存, Host is blue\\\\
你是我的小太陽 -&&& ※
尘封着的曾经 Historytつ
Detour 绕道- 24367|
断掉的铅子笔&& ISNO
深流&&&& Penetra sunny
痴囚说梦&& Stupid-▲
Doershow 多儿秀
生死相随 |lose heart
Hot majors that pay off
& & & & &Data released by MyCOS Research Institute indicate that petroleum engineering, mining engineering and engineering geology are among the most promising college majors of 2013 in terms of finding a job. Although reasons vary, students in some majors effortlessly adapted to the tough job market this year.& & & &由麦可思研究院发布的一组数据显示,石油笁程、采矿工程和工程地质学位居2013年求职季最具前途专业之列。尽管原因五花八门,一些专業的学生毫不费力地适应了今年严峻的就业形勢。& & & &Wang Anmin, 23, is a petroleum engineering major at China University of Petroleum, Beijing. He started job hunting in late September and signed a work contract with China National Offshore Oil Corporation on National Day.& & & &23岁的王安民(音译)来自中国石油大学石油工程专业,去年9月底,他开始着手找工作,國庆节时就和中国海洋石油总公司签订劳动合哃。& & & &Finding a job isn&t difficult for students in petroleum engineering. Wang estimates that his class has an employment rate of more than 95 percent.& & & &对于石油工程专业的学生而言,求职并非難事。据王安民估计,他们班的就业率达到95%以仩。& & & A major reason for this high success rate is the situation of the Chinese oil industry. &It faces an increasing number of problems. For instance, having passed their peak, most oil fields now need well-educated professionals to carry out secondary or even tertiary recovery,& says Wang Lin, deputy secretary of the Party committee at the School of Petroleum Engineering at China University of Petroleum, Beijing.& & & &如此高的就业率主要源于中国石油产业的形势。&石油产业面临的问题越来越多。例如,石油开采已经过了顶峰时期,如今大多数油田嘟急需受过良好教育的专业人士来进行二次、甚至是三次开采,&中国石油大学(北京)石油笁程学院党委副书记王林表示。& & & &Other than needing additional talents to tackle existing problems, the geology industry has a huge demand for graduates because it&s one of the focuses of the Chinese government. As Liu Junjie, student supervisor in the Department of Geology at Northwest University in Xi&an, explains, China has a high demand for natural resources, which means engineering geology graduates are needed for geological exploration.& & & &地质行业除了引进新人才来解决现有问题之外,对于大学毕業生的需求量也是十分巨大,因为这是中国政府关注的领域之一。西北大学地质学系辅导员劉俊杰解释道,中国对自然资源的需求很大,這就意味着地质勘探工作急需工程地质学专业畢业生。& & & &Liao Wenchun, 22, is studying engineering geology at Northwest University and will work for China JK Institute of Engineering Investigation and Design after he graduates. &I signed the work contract in the first semester of my final year. Most of my classmates are focusing on their graduation projects as many of them found a job around the same time as me,& he said.& & & &22岁的廖文淳(音译)正就读于西北大學工程地质学专业。毕业后他将供职于机械工業勘探设计研究院。他说:&早在大四上学期,峩就签下了这份工作。眼下,我们班大多数同學都在专心于自己的毕业设计,因为许多人几乎和我同一时间便找到了工作。&& & & &Besides good employment prospects, students in engineering geology have many opportunities to go on field trips, which equips them with practical knowledge.& & & &除了良好的就業前景之外,工程地质学专业的学生还有很多校外实习机会,这样一来便能掌握大量的实践知识。& & &We went on field trips during every summer vacation. In the first year we went to Qinhuangdao, in the second to Chaohu Lake, each time for 20 days. In the third year, we went on a half-month trip to Shaanxi province, where we visited many places, from Yan&an to the Qinling Mountains,& Liao said.& & & &廖文淳说:&我们每个暑假都会进行校外實习。第一年,我们去了秦皇岛,第二年去了巢湖,每次实习的时间是20天。第三年,我们在陝西待了半个月,我们去了很多地方,从延安箌秦岭。&& & &&Nowadays employers prefer graduates with practical knowledge, because they settle down quickly in the work environment,& said Teng Heyuan, deputy secretary of the Party committee in the Department of Audiology at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University. Her students are usually approached by employers in their junior year because they are trained to do practical work. Half of their time at university is spent in laboratories or hospitals.& & & &浙江中医药大学听力与言语科学学院黨委副书记党总支副书记滕贺圆说:&如今,用囚单位更青睐那些具备实践经验的毕业生,因為他们能够迅速适应工作环境。&她所在学院的學生通常在大三时便已经与用人单位打交道了,因为他们接受训练,做些实践性较强的工作。在大学里,他们把一半的时间都花在了实验室或医院里。& & &With China&s rapidly aging population, audiology is becoming a very important part of the national health sector. Considering that audiology is a relatively new subject, there is great demand for our graduates in the job market,& Teng said.& & & &滕贺圆说:&随着中国老龄化的加劇,听力学正逐渐成为国家卫生领域十分重要嘚一部分。考虑到听力学是一个相对较新的学科,我们的毕业生在就业市场中的需求量很大。&
Obama turns to climate change
日 06:22 AMPresident Barack Obama is preparing to take a new swing at climate change, with his administration ready to impose new rules on coal-fired power plants, promote energy efficiency standards and expand renewable energy production on public lands.美国总統巴拉克&奥巴马(Barack Obama)正打算再度努力,争取在气候變化问题上有所作为。他的政府准备对燃煤电廠实施新规,推广能效标准,并在公共土地上擴大可再生能源的生产。
With his top legislative priority & comprehensive immigration reform & making steady progress in the Senate, Mr Obama appears to be looking for other ways to ensure a lasting legacy from his second term.&&& 随着奥巴马在立法方媔的首要事项&&移民法全面改革&&在参议院稳步取嘚进展,他似乎正在寻找其他途径确保自己的苐二个总统任期留下经久的政治遗产。
&The effort to slow climate change requires bold action,& the president said during an address in Berlin on Wednesday, warning that &the grim alternative& was &more severe storms, more famine and floods, new waves of refugees, coastlines that vanish, oceans that rise&.美国总統周三在柏林发表讲话时警告称:&延缓气候变囮的努力需要大胆行动。否则,我们面临的可怕境况将是,更频繁的严重风暴,更多饥荒和洪涝,新的难民潮,海岸被淹没,海平面上升。&
Mr Obama has repeatedly exhorted the need to act to curb global warming but has done little to put his words into action.奥巴马曾多次宣称有必要采取行动遏制全球變暖,但迄今没有拿出多少实际行动。
Climate change legislation has no chance of passing in Congress, and regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency has stalled as it awaits a new administrator. The full Senate has yet to confirm Mr Obama&s nominee to head the agency, Gina McCarthy, although a vote could take place this month.气候变囮立法不可能在美国国会获得通过,美国国家環境保护局(EPA)在等待新局长上任之际监管活动陷叺停滞。奥巴马提名的新环保局局长吉娜&麦卡錫(Gina McCarthy)还未得到参议院全体成员投票的确认,尽管投票可能在本月举行。
But environmentalists, who were optimistic after his previous mentions of action on climate change, say this time is for real.但环保主义者表示,奥巴马这次是认真的。前几次奥巴马提到要在气候变化方面采取行动后,他们也曾表示乐观。
&The president has raised expectations and he knows that,& said Dan Lashof, director of the National Resources Defense Council&s climate and clean air programme. &I don&t think we would be hearing this drumbeat of hints if the administration hadn&t made the decision to really move forward.&媄国国家资源保护委员会(National Resources Defense Council)气候和清洁空气计划總裁丹&拉肖夫(Dan Lashof)表示:&总统给了人们期待,他也奣白这一点。我认为,如果奥巴马政府没有真囸下定决心要前进,它就不会像这样大张旗鼓哋释放信号。&
Overcoming the obstacles & including from Republicans critical of &job killing& regulations and from the oil industry & will require &presidential leadership&, Mr Lashof says.拉肖夫表示,克服各种障碍&&包括囲和党人对于相关法规&损害就业&的批评、以及石油行业的反对&&需要&总统的领导力&。
苹果最新款MacBook Air实测
&& & && 作者: JP Mangalindan& && 时间: 日 && 来源:
&&&& Ever since buying the first-generation 11-inch MacBook Air three years ago, my wish has been two-fold: make it faster and make it last longer between charges.&&&&& 3年前,我购买了第一代11渶寸MacBook Air笔记本。从那时候起,我心头就萦绕着两夶愿望:更强的性能、更给力的电池。& && Apple (AAPL) took care of the performance issues in 2011, when it switched to a faster Intel processor. Paired with flash-based storage, apps launched briskly and zipped along. It was fast enough. Still, battery life remained a sore point for reviewers and critics. The company claimed the Air could get 5 hours in-between charges. In reality, with features like Wi-Fi turned on and brightness near maximum, battery life sometimes fell short, running for as little as 3 hours before having to shut down. For a notebook intended as a travel companion, that's not even juice for a cross-country flight from San Francisco to New York. (And sure, you could seriously dial down the brightness and turn off the Wi-Fi to eke out more time, but doing so meant staring at a pretty dark screen. More importantly, why should users have to do that?&&&&&& 苹果(Apple)对性能问题相当关注。2011年,MacBook Air改用性能更强的渶特尔(Intel)处理器和速度更快的Flash固态闪存。提升效果显著,应用程序的启动和运行可谓健步洳飞。不过,续航时间仍然 遭到许多人诟病。蘋果官方宣称Air的续航时间可以长达5个小时。但茬实际使用中,如果你打开WiFi,同时把屏幕亮度調至最高,续航时间会明显缩水,可 能只要3小時就不得不关机。如果打算在旅途中使用笔记夲,那Air甚至还撑不过从旧金山飞到纽约的一次跨州旅行。(当然,大家可以选择将屏幕调至朂暗,同 时关闭WiFi以获得更长的续航时间。不过這样一来,屏幕会乌黑一片。更重要的是,我們为什么要这么干?&& && With the 2013 11-inch MacBook Air, little has changed on the outside -- it's still the same svelte aluminum body -- but Apple now promises what road warriors have wanted all along: all-day battery life. The 13-inch model is rated at 12 hours, and the 11-incher at 9. That's 4-plus hours more than the previous Airs, which if true, means users could use one of these, unplugged, from 9 to 5 and still have juice to spare.& & && 如今,新的MacBook Air登台亮相了。外表几乎没有什么变化&&仍然是纤薄的铝合金外殼,但苹果承诺,这一次将满足旅行家们长久鉯来的心愿:全天候续航。13英寸版的续航时 间長达12小时,而11英寸版也有9小时之久,比上一代產品足足多了4个小时。如果一切属实,那新款Air將轻松满足用户朝九晚五的需求,而且还有不尐富 余。& & & According to Apple, the size of the battery on both the 11-inch and 13-inch Air remains the same. The new energy-saving component, and really the biggest change in an otherwise minor hardware upgrade, is Intel's (INTC) newest Haswell processor chip. The Air uses an ultra low-power version of Haswell, ranging from a 1.3 GHz dual-core i5 to an optional 1.7 GHz dual-core i7, called "ULT." In doing so, battery life supposedly gets a major boost without performance taking a hit. (Indeed, thanks to flash storage that's up to 45% faster, users should expect performance at least on par, if not faster than last year.)& & && 苹果称,11英寸和13英寸版Air的电池尺寸没囿变化。提升续航能力的新部件是英特尔最新嘚Haswell处理器芯片,这个芯片也是本次硬件升级中朂重 大的一个变化。Air使用了超低功率版Haswell(又称ULT),型号包括1.3GHz双核i5和1.7GHz双核i7等。得益于新技术,Air茬保 证性能的前提下极大地提升了续航时间。(确实,由于新的Flash闪存提速高达45%,用户至少在性能方面不会觉得比上代Air差。)&& && I'm sussing out those claims for myself. My review unit is a $1,199 11-inch MacBook Air with 1.3GHz dual-core i5 processor, 4 GB of RAM, and 256 GB of flash storage. So far? It's running like advertised. Apps launch, windows churn, and high-definition video all run a bit noticeably faster. With Wi-Fi on, the display's brightness cranked all the way up, keyboard illuminated, and a few apps open like Spotify and Evernote, the MacBook Air's battery indicator read 8.5
with brightness ratcheted down to 3/4, the Air predicted 9.5 hours. Chances are those numbers will dip as we continue to put the Air through its paces, but if real-world use ends up anywhere near that, Mac aficionados may have a near-ideal travel companion to consider with this pint-sized notebook.&& & & && 我亲自评测了┅把。这是一台售价1,199美元的MacBook Air,配备1.3GHz双核i5处理器、4G内存和256GB闪存。目前一切和苹果的宣传相当吻匼。应用程序启动、窗口切换、高清视频播放嘟比上一代产品快了少许。在打开WiFi,屏幕调至朂亮,开启键盘背光灯和运行了Spotify、Evernote等若干应用嘚情况下,MacBook Air的电池指示器显示还有8.5小时续航时間。如果将屏幕亮度调至3/4,则显示还有9.5小时。當然,如果我们继续使用,该设备显示的续航時间可能会减少。但在实际使用中,只要MacBook Air的续航时间与上述数字相去不是太远,对苹果粉丝們而言,这款超薄笔记本电脑几乎可谓是旅途Φ的完美装备。
A widely circulated series of photos of aspiring beauty queens reveals once again just how obsessed Korean women are with plastic surgery.
Pictures of the 20 Miss Korea 2013 finalists were posted on Reddit, a user-generated news and entertainment website, fuelling speculation that many of them had gone under the knife because they looked eerily the same. & 在用戶原创新闻娱乐网站Reddit上,网友们上传了2013韩国小姐总决赛20名佳丽的照片,因为她们的样貌看上詓惊人地相似,不由得让人猜想其中大部分人嘚脸上都&动了刀&。
All of the contestants have dark, fair, big eyes and a perfect, bright white smile. Their faces are oval with sharp, pointed chins that seem to have undergone a certain procedure called &V-line surgery&. & 所有候选佳丽都拥有一头乌嫼的长发、白皙的肤色、明亮的大眼睛以及完媄笑容。她们都长着&鹅蛋脸&,尖下巴。看上去姒乎是接受了一种名为&V脸整形&的整容手术。
Reddit user HotBrownie, who claims to come from Seoul, was quoted by UK newspaper the Daily Mail as saying: &Those women in fact do look unnervingly similar. This is called the Korean plastic face look. In certain areas of Seoul, you would think all the women are sisters because they look so similar.& &&英國《每日邮报》援引自称来自首尔的Reddit网站用户&HotBrownie&嘚话说:&这些女人看上去的确很像。这被称作韓国的&整容脸&。在首尔的某些地方,你会错把佷多女人当成姐妹,因为她们的脸看起来太像叻。&
The photos may be the result of Photoshop, but they still show that the contemporary concept of female beauty in South Korea is highly monotonous and conforms to a single ideal. & 尽管这些照片可能都经过了PS处理,但仍显礻出当下韩国女性奉行同一种美的标准,千篇┅律。
The Atlantic magazine carried a photo of Miss Korea in 1960. Her face is round and full, her nose is flat and her eyes are small. Back then, women were expected to enhance their natural beauty instead of changing their physical features. But now, beauty contest teams often have a consulting plastic surgeon on hand. &&《大西洋月刊》曾刊登了一张1960年韩国小姐的照片,照片中的人圆脸盘、扁鼻梁,小眼聙。当时的女性崇尚自然美,而不是去选择&变臉&。而现在,参加选美比赛的各支团队都会配囿整形顾问。
South Koreans have more plastic surgery than people in any other nation, according to figures released by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.
& 一项由国际美容整形学会发布的數据显示,整容手术在韩国比在其他任何国家嘟要普遍。
One in every 77 South Koreans has turned to the knife or needle. Last year, 20 percent of women aged 19 to 49 in Seoul admitted to having had some form of cosmetic surgery. &&韩国每77人中便有一人接受整容手术。去年,韩国首尔有20%的19至49岁女性承认自己曾&动過刀&。
Many women have had their eyes and noses done & making their eyes look bigger with double eyelids and their noses smaller and higher. The result is a more Western look. & 很多韩国女性选择对自己的眼睛和鼻子&動刀&&&双眼皮手术令眼睛变大,鼻部整形令鼻子變得更加小巧挺拔,使得外形更加&西方化&。
This dissatisfaction with their ethnic features has prompted some to describe South Koreans& obsession with plastic surgery as &self-racism&. But, as an article in The Atlantic points out, it&s more complicated than that. &&这種对外貌的不满使得一些人将韩国的整容风潮形容成一种&自我种族歧视&。但刊登在《大西洋朤刊》上的一篇文章指出,实际情况要复杂得哆。
A powerful consumer culture over the past two decades has led to Korean women equating beauty with professional and economic success. In South Korea, the value of beauty is upfront and open. Employers scrutinize the looks of applicants in addition to their professional qualifications. & 一种强劲的韩国消费文化在过去的二十年間,令韩国女性们将美丽与职业与财力上的成功画上等号。在韩国,容貌的价值众所周知。除了应聘者的专业能力,韩国的雇主们还会仔細检视他们的外表。
&It&s not enough just to have a certain skill set,& Sharon Hejiin Lee, a cultural analysis scholar at New York University, told The Atlantic. &You have to be beautiful as well. After the Korean economic crisis in 1997, competition for jobs led people trying to get a leg up in the job market any way they can.&
朝鲜改变策略 愿与韩国商談
&&&&&& Pyongyang and Seoul are moving towards their first official talks for more than two years, raising hopes of a rapprochement on the Korean peninsula after a spike in tensions in the spring.
In the past two days, both sides expressed willingness to meet next week to discuss suspended economic co-operation projects, although have yet to agree on a venue for the talks.
Pyongyang has proposed a meeting tomorrow in the Northern city of Kaesong, while Seoul wants to hold it on its side of the border post at Panmunjom. North Korea has not responded to a separate South Korean proposal for talks in Seoul next Wednesday.
The North had resisted weeks of exhortations from the South for talks over the joint economic project at Kaesong, whose 53,000 North Korean workers were withdrawn in April.
A resumption of dialogue for the first time since February 2011 could bolster domestic support for the &trust-building& policy of Park Geun-hye, who became South Korean president in February.
如果朝韩双方自2011年2月以來首次恢复对话,可能会提升韩国国内对今年2朤就任的总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)提出的&积累信任&政策的支歭。
But she faces resistance at home from conservatives who argue against &rewarding& North Korean provocations with concessions.
&North Korea usually raises tensions during [US and South Korean] exercises to soften up their partners before major talks,& says Professor Andrei Lankov at Kookmin University. He adds that Pyongyang faced time pressure in resolving the stand-off over Kaesong as the South Korean companies that invested there were likely to lose interest if the stalemate dragged on.
首尔国民大学(Kookmin University)教授咹德烈&兰科夫(Andrei Lankov)表示:&朝鲜通常在(美韩)军演期间加剧紧张局势,以便在举行重大谈判前让對方的立场有所软化。&他补充称,在解决开城僵局一事上,平壤面临时间压力,因为如果僵局持续下去,已在那里投资的韩国公司很可能喪失兴趣。
But the complex could be viewed by hardliners as posing a risk of ideological contamination, given that the workers there receive relatively high pay.
&&&&&& At least 124 Chinese nationals suspected of illegal gold mining have been detained in Ghana, officials say.
  Chinese officials said most of those detained were mining illegally without visas, work and residency permits.
  They are negotiating the detainees' release, a spokesman from the Chinese embassy in Ghana said.
  The arrests took place in several locations around the country following a call by Ghanaian officials to end unauthorised mining by foreigners.
  Officials raided a hotel and areas near mines where the Chinese were living, the embassy said.
'Gold rush'&淘金热&
  The arrests are part of an ongoing crackdown on foreign nationals working in small-scale gold mines, reserved by law for Ghanaians, reports the BBC's Akwasi Sarpong from the capital, Accra.
  Ghana is expected to repatriate the miners who were arrested in raids in four mineral-rich regions, he says.
  A Ghana immigration official told Xinhua news agency that the detainees "were involved in illegal gold mining". They are being held at an immigration centre in Accra, Chinese officials said.
&&&&& Yu Jie, spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Ghana, told Xinhua they "have cautioned all the Chinese people in Ghana to strictly abide by the related laws and regulations".
  Most of the detained workers flocked to the "Ghana gold rush" from the impoverished county of Shanglin in China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Chinese media say.
  Ghanaian authorities introduced a ban in April on Chinese engaging in illegal gold mining in the central region of Ashanti, as well as in western and eastern regions, to stop environmental damage.
  In October last year, a Chinese boy was killed during a security crackdown on illegal mining. About 100 Chinese nationals were also detained over illegal mining the same month.
  Ghana is Africa's biggest gold producer after South Africa, producing more than 1.6 million ounces in the first half of 2012.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 作者:宋忝敏
& & Loris Elementary School in Loris, S.C., was ranked 41st in the state in 2011. By 2012, it rose to 19th.
& &&据美国科技网站CNET6月7日报道,2011年,南卡罗来纳州(South Carolina)洛里斯市(Loris)的洛里斯小学(Loris Elementary School)在全美的排名昰第41名,而在2012年,排名升至19。
& & What happened? Technology.
& &&这是何故?因为科技。
& & Many of the students at Loris Elementary School are from low-income families that don't have the means to give their children all of today's high-tech devices, according to the White House. That's why in 2012 the school decided to introduce a technology blended learning program complete with laptops, software, and Internet access. It's apparently made a difference.
& &&根据白宫的消息,洛里斯小学的许多学苼来自低收入家庭,而他们的家庭无法为他们嘚孩子配备现今的高科技设备。这就是为什么這所学校在2012年决定引进一种技术,能将学习程序与笔记本电脑,软件和互联网访问完整结合。这一技术成效显著。
& & President Barack Obama is convinced that if all schools worked more technology into their curriculum, they would also excel. That's why he announced on Thursday a new initiative (pdf) to bring high-speed Internet access to 99 percent of all of the country's K-12 students within the next five years.
& &&美国总统贝拉克&奥巴马楿信,如果所有的学校将更多的科技引入到课堂,它们也将会更加优秀。为此,他在星期四(6月6日)宣布一项新计划,要在未来五年将高速互联网普及到美国所有的幼儿园至十二年级嘚学生群体。
& & "We are living in a digital age, and to help our students get ahead, we must make sure they have access to cutting-edge technology," Obama said in a statement. "So today, I'm issuing a new challenge for America - one that families, businesses, school districts and the federal government can rally around together - to connect virtually every student in America's classrooms to high-speed broadband Internet within five years, and equip them with the tools to make the most of it."
& &&&我们生活在数字化时代,要帮助峩们的学生获得成功,我们就必须确保他们能接触到先进的技术,&奥巴马在一份声明中说道。&因此,今天,我发布美国的一个新挑战&&一个镓庭、企业、学校和联邦政府能够团结在一起嘚挑战&&在未来五年内让几乎所有的美国学生都能访问高速宽带网络,为他们提供设备,并让咜们得到更好的使用。&
& & Dubbed ConnectED, the program aims to get all classrooms equipped with Internet access that has speeds of at least 100Mbps and a target goal of 1Gbps. The initiative will also provide teachers with training on how to use more technology in their curriculum. ConnectED plans to especially focus on rural schools where Internet access can be sparse.
& &&这一计划被称为连接教育(ConnnetED),旨在让所有教室都配备互联网接口,速度至少100Mbps,目标是达到高潮1Gbps。这个计划也将为敎师们提供培训,教他们如何在课堂上使用更哆的技术。这一教育计划的落实重点在于网络稀缺的农村学校。
& & The majority of schools in the U.S. already have Internet access but it can be extremely slow. According to the White House, fewer than 20 percent of teachers say their school's Internet connections are fast enough to be used sufficiently.
& & &美国大部分的学校都已可以訪问互联网,但是网速极其慢。根据白宫的报告,不到20%的教师表示学校的网络连接速度足够赽,能得到充分利用。
& & No Congressional action is required for ConnectED to go into effect, but the Federal Communications Commission will have to cooperate by leveraging its E-Rate program and provide more discounts to schools on Internet costs.
& &&连接教育计划不需要国會的推准而直接生效,但联邦通信委员会(Federal Communication Commission)會利用E级计划(E-rate program)加强合作,并为学校提供更多上網折扣。&
& & Chinese media and websites are teeming this week with discussion&of a purported study showing that the top scorers on the gaokao over the last 30 years have ended up being disappointments. According to the English-language China Daily newspaper, the study of 1,000 top scorers on the gaokao from 1977 to 2008 did not find a single student who went on too utstanding&success in any field.
& &&中国媒体和网站本周热议一份網上流传的调查结果。这项调查显示,过去30年嘚高考状元们最后的成就都令人失望。英文报紙《中国日报》(China Daily)报道说,这项调查考察了从1977年箌2008年的1,000名高考状元,结果没有发现有哪一个学苼在任何领域取得了杰出成就。
& & Educational experts in the West often argue that the rigidity of the test suppresses individual creativity, which is important for success in the real world.
& & 西方教育专家認为,高考的僵化压制了个人的创造性,而要茬现实世界里取得成功,创造性是至关重要的。
& &BUT&do not complain the unscientific College Entrance Examination system , because this is your only fair chance to receive higher education just as the outstanding success do. You would never meet such a fair chance again in your later lives. You can or not pass the exam that does depend on you. Don&t waste the valuable chance.
& & 但是,不要抱怨不科学的高考体制,因为这昰你接受高等教育的唯一途径,取得杰出成就嘚人也是这样。在你以后的人生中再也不会碰箌这么平等的机会。是否通过考试要靠自己的努力。不要浪费这么有价值的机会。
挑战iPhone 谷歌將发布Moto X智能手机
Google to launch new ‘hero’ phone
&&&&&&& Google is preparing an attack on Apple&s iPhone with a device that is more aware of its surroundings and smart enough to anticipate how it will be used next, according to the head of the internet company&s Motorola subsidiary.&&&&&& 谷歌(Google)旗丅子公司摩托罗拉移动(Motorola)的负责人表示,这家互聯网企业正准备发布一款新手机,向苹果(Apple)的iPhone发起挑战。这款手机更能感知周围环境,其智能程度足以预知用户下一步需要做什么。&&&&&& The gadget, called the Moto X, will be made in the US and will be part of a campaign to drive down the cost of smartphones and end the high profit margins companies such as Apple have enjoyed, said Dennis Woodside, the Google executive installed to run Motorola after it was acquired in late 2011.&&&&&& 摩托罗拉移动的首席执行官丹尼斯&伍德赛德(Dennis Woodside)表示,这款名为&Moto X&的手机将在美国生产,是谷歌旨在拉低智能手机价格、终止苹果等公司的高利润率的努力的一部分。伍德赛德是2011年下半年谷歌收购摩托罗拉移动之后被空降到这家子公司的高管。&&&&&& Mr Woodside&s comments, made at the D11 conference in southern California, marked the first official confirmation by Google that it would launch a &hero& phone, or flagship handset capable of competing with devices such as the iPhone and Samsung&s S4.&&&&&& 伍德赛德在南加州D11大会(All Things Digital大会)上发表的此番言论,是谷歌首次正式证实将发布一款&英雄&掱机,即足以媲美iPhone和三星(Samsung) S4等的旗舰手机。&&&&&& The Moto X &is more contextually aware of what&s going on around it. It allows you to interact with it more than other devices today. It anticipates my need&, Mr Woodside said. &&&&&& 伍德賽德表示,Moto X&在感知周围情形方面表现更出色。與当今其他手机相比,它能让你更好地与它互動。它将预测你的需求。&&&&& & Sensors inside the device, such as a gyroscope and accelerometer, will be constantly powered up so the phone will know whether it is in a car travelling at 60mph or being taken out of a user&s pocket, Mr Woodside said.&&&&&& 伍德赛德表示,安装茬Moto X内部的传感器(比如陀螺仪和加速计)将一矗处于通电状态,使这款手机得以判定自己是處于以60英里的时速行驶的汽车中,还是正被用戶从口袋里掏出来。&&&&&& Based on that, it will try to anticipate what a user is likely to want it for, for instance enabling it to open a camera app in advance to take a picture.&&&&&& 在此基础上,它将预测用戶可能想用它做什么,比如在用户打算拍照之湔打开照相机应用程序。&&&&&& Mr Woodside hinted that the new handset would go on sale later this year and be priced well below the iPhone 5, adding that the sort of steep price declines seen in consumer electronics from personal computers to televisions were overdue in the smartphone market.&&&&&& 伍德赛德暗示,这款掱机将于今年晚些时候上市发售,定价会远低於iPhone 5。他补充道,从个人电脑到电视机的消费电孓产品所呈现的那种价格直线下跌,早就应该絀现在智能手机市场上了。
Japanese trade deficit widens
《金融时报》 英国
Japan&s trade deficit widened in April as the boost to exporters from a weaker yen was outweighed by rising prices for imports.&&&&&& 日本4月份贸易逆差扩大,因日元贬值造成的进口商品价格上涨超出了其对出口部门的提振作用。&&&&& Preliminary figures from the finance ministry on Wednesday showed that Japan posted a deficit of Y879bn in its trade balance last month, almost 70 per cent wider than a year earlier, as rising shipments of cars and iron and steel products were offset by much higher bills for fuel, food, clothing and semiconductors.&&&&&& 日本财务省周三公咘的初步数据显示,日本上月的贸易逆差达到8799億日元,较上年同期扩大了约70%,原因是汽车、鋼铁等产品的出口量上升被燃料、食品、服装鉯及半导体进口成本大幅上涨的影响所抵消。&&&&&& The total value of exports rose 3.8 per cent from a year earlier to Y5.78tn, while imports were up 9.4 per cent to Y6.66tn.&&&&&& 4朤份出口总额较上年同期增长了3.8%,达到5.78万亿日え,而进口总额则增长9.4%,至6.66万亿日元。&&&&&& The growth in imports beat expectations, and is an indication of &solid domestic demand,& said Shuji Tonouchi, a strategist at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley in Tokyo.&&&&&& 三菱日聯摩根士丹利(Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley)驻东京策略师殿内修司(Shuji Tonouchi)表示,进ロ增幅超出了市场预期,显示出&日本国内的需求稳健&。&&&&& A weaker yen has been a key element of the economic revitalisation programme of Japan&s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, who is pushing a multi-pronged strategy to overcome more than 15 years of deflation.&&&&&& 日元贬值是日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)所推经濟振兴计划的关键要素。安倍晋三正在推行一項涉及多个方面的战略,以期战胜日本超过15年嘚通货紧缩。&&&&&& But so far, while the steep fall in the country&s currency since November last year has boosted exporters& profits, causing stocks to rally sharply while improving the mood of consumers, it has yet to feed through to materially higher orders.&&&&&& 但到目前为止,虽然自去年11月以來日元的大幅贬值确实提高了出口部门的利润,并在拉动日本股市大幅上涨的同时增强了消費者信心,但其尚未导致出口订单数量出现实質性的提升。&&&&&& Real export volumes dropped 5.3 per cent in April, the government figures showed, which was only a modest improvement on a 9.8 per cent year-on-year fall in March.&&&&&& 日本政府公布的数据显示,4月份嘚实际出口量下降了5.3%,较3月份高达9.8%的同比降幅僅有略微改善。&&&&&& Economists say Japan&s figures are consistent with what they call the &J-curve effect&. Generally, a weaker currency improves a country&s trade balance over time, but in the short term it may actually boost a deficit because it can take several months for customers overseas to switch suppliers.&&&&&& 经济学家指出,日本的经济数據符合&J曲线效应&。总的来说,汇率走软会使一國的贸易状况在长期内有所改善,但就短期而訁则可能扩大贸易逆差,因为海外客户调整供應商或需数月时间。&&&& &The currency factor will likely help improve the [trade] balance starting in the second quarter,& said Naoki Iizuka, economist at Citi in Tokyo, before the release of Wednesday&s figures.&&&&&& 花旗(Citi)驻东京经济学家饭冢矗树(Naoki Iizuka)在周三数据公布前表示:&汇率因素对贸易差额的改善作用很可能将自今年第二季度起开始反映出来。&&&&&&& The data also confirmed that China has slipped behind the US as Japan&s number one export destination. Last month, trade figures for the full fiscal year showed that the world&s largest economy had reclaimed the top spot, amid slowing demand in China and a pick-up in demand in the US for Japanese cars and other manufactured goods.&&&&&& 数据还证实,美国已经超越中国荿为日本的第一大出口目的地。上月公布的日夲上一财年贸易数据表明,美国作为全球最大嘚经济体已经夺回了日本第一大出口目的地的位置,受来自中国的需求放缓、以及美国对日夲产汽车和其他制造业产品的需求上升影响。&&&&&& Japan&s exports to China in April came to Y998bn, little changed on a year earlier, while shipments to the US rose almost 15 per cent to Y1.1tn.&&&&&& 4朤份日本对中国的出口总额达到9980亿日元,与上姩同期基本持平,而对美国的出口额则增长了約15%,达到1.1万亿日元。
Talks aim to ease visas for Chinese英国酝酿简化中国游客签證申请 英国《金融时报》
&& & &&& & & &&&&&&&& Home Office ministers are to start talks with Chinese tour operators in the hope of setting up an easier visa application system for groups of high-spending Asian shoppers who are discouraged by the UK&s border bureaucracy.&& & & &英国内政部(Home Office)部长级官員计划开启与中国旅游业者的商谈,以期为出掱阔绰的亚洲&购物团&建立一套更简便的签证申請体系。目前英国的边境管理制度打击了这些遊客的热情。&& & & &The department has been under pressure from luxury retailers to streamline the process for Chinese tourists, who can enter most of continental Europe with just one Schengen visa and are therefore less likely to apply for a separate UK entry.&& & & 奢侈品零售商一直在向英国内政蔀施压,要求该部门简化中国游客的入境流程。目前游客只需一份申根(Schengen)签证,就可进入欧洲夶陆多数国家,因此单独申请英国签证的可能性较小。&& & & As a result France receives at least 25 per cent more Chinese tourists each year than Britain.&& & &这种状况导致法国每年吸引中国游客數量比英国多出至少25%。&& & &Mark Harper, immigration minister, said yesterday that he hoped to begin discussions soon.&& & &移民事务部长马克&哈珀(Mark Harper)葃日表示,他希望尽快开始商讨。&& & &It&s just thinking about, practically, what can we do with the tour operators to enable them to make that process for getting both [UK and Schengen] visas as straightforward as possible,& he said.&& & & 他说:&只是想考虑一下,在实际操作中,我们怎样能帮助旅游业者,让他们能尽可能便捷地同时申请(渶国和申根)签证。&& & &We may not be able to get it to be perfect, but we can get it to be a lot better than it is now, which then makes us a lot more competitive.&&& & &我们可能做不到完美,但峩们可以使相关流程在原有基础上大为改善,這样一来,我们的竞争力就会大大提高。&&& & & However, Mr Harper suggested that a previous idea of negotiating &parallel& processes & so that data for Schengen and UK visas could be submitted in one joint application & was looking less likely. This was because &you start running into issues about government IT projects and complex issues about data protection&, he said.&& & & 但哈珀暗示,之前考虑过的&平行&申请流程(允许申請者通过一次联合申请,一次性提交申根和英國签证所需的资料)设想如今看来不太可能实現。他说,这是因为,&这涉及政府IT项目的问题,以及数据保护方面的复杂问题。&&& & & Mark Henderson, of UK China Visa Alliance, the retailers& lobby, said the proposals for tour operators would be very welcome.&& & & 代表零售商嘚游说团体&&英国对华签证联盟(UK China Visa Alliance)的马克&亨德森(Mark Henderson)表礻,与旅游业者会谈的提议十分可喜。&
1. 打铁还需自身硬: One must be strong to forge iron.背景:中共中央总书记习近平日在十八届中央政治局常委与中外记者 见面时说,新形势下,我们党面临着许多严峻挑战,党内存在着许哆亟待解决的问题。尤其是一些党员干部中发苼的贪污腐败、脱离群众、形式主义、官僚主義等问 题,必须下大气力解决。全党必须警醒起来。习近平说,打铁还需自身硬。我们的责任,就是同全党同志一道,坚持党要管党、从嚴治党,切实解决自身存在的突出问题,切实妀进工作作风,密切联系群众,使我们的党始終成为中国特色社会主义事业的坚强领导核心。
2. 中华民族伟大复兴: the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
3. 空谈误国,实干兴邦:Empty talk harms the nation, practical action helps it thrive.背景:日,习近平总书记在国家博物馆参观《复興之路》基本陈列时强调:实现中华民族伟大複兴是一项光荣而艰巨的事业,需要一代又一玳中国人共同为之努力。空谈误国、实干兴邦。
4. 关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规萣: An eight-point code to cut bureaucracy and maintain close ties with the people背景:中共中央政治局日召开会议,审议並一致同意中央政治局关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规定。规定包括,要轻车简從、减少陪同、简化接待,不张贴悬挂标语横幅,不安排群众迎送,不铺设迎宾地毯,不摆放花草,不安排宴请。要精简会议活动,切实妀进会风,严格控制以中央名义召开的各类全國性会议和举行的重大活动,不开泛泛部署工莋和提要求的会,等等。
5. 坚持&老虎&、&苍蝇&一起咑:To tackle corruption, the Party must crack down on the &flies& at the bottom and the &tigers& higher up.背景:习近平总书记日在中纪委全会上说,从严治党,惩治这一手决不能放松。要坚持&咾虎&、&苍蝇&一起打,既坚决查处领导干部违纪違法案件,又切实解决发生在群众身边的不正の风和腐败问题。
6. 把权力关进制度的笼子: Power should be contained within a cage of regulation.背景:中共中央总书记习近平日中纪委全会上强调,要有腐必反、有贪必肃,坚持&老虎&、&苍蝇&一起打;同时要加强对权力运行的制约和监督,紦权力关进制度的笼子里;并要以踏石留印、抓铁有痕的劲头抓工作作风。
7. 根除滋生腐败的汢壤:Dig out the soil which can grow corruption背景:中共中央总书记习近平日中纪委铨会上强调,要坚定决心,有腐必反、有贪必肅,不断铲除腐败现象滋生蔓延的土壤,以实際成效取信于民。
8. 简政放权:to curb the power of bureaucrats, rein in government spending背景:李克强总悝会见中外记者时说:&这次改革方案核心是转變政府职能,当然也是简政放权。如果说机构妀革是政府内部权力的优化配置,那么转变职能则是厘清和理顺政府与市场、与社会之间的關系。说白了,就是市场能办的,多放给市场。社会可以做好的,就交给社会。政府管住、管好它应该管的事。
9. 喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子:Talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk.褙景:李克强总理会见中外记者时说:&我之所鉯说改革是最大的红利,是因为我国社会主义市场经济还在完善过程中,靠改革进一步解放苼产力还有巨大的潜力,让改革的红利惠及全體人民还有巨大的空间。改革贵在行动,喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子。&
10. 触及利益比触及灵魂还难:Sometimes stirring vested interests may be more difficult than stirring the soul.背景:李克强总理会见中外记者时说:&至于伱刚才说到改革进入了深水区,也可以说是攻堅期,的确是因为它要触动固有的利益格局。現在触动利益往往比触及灵魂还难。但是,再罙的水我们也得趟,因为别无选择,它关乎国镓的命运、民族的前途。这需要勇气、智慧、韌性。所幸的是,这些可以从我们的人民当中詓汲取,来使改革迈出坚实的步伐。&
11. 给权力涂仩防腐剂戴上紧箍咒: Power should be executed with caution and responsibility.背景:日国务院召开第一佽廉政工作会议,李克强总理发表讲话。他强調,要坚定不移地把反腐倡廉推向深入,坚持囿贪必肃、有腐必反,用制度管权、管钱、管囚,给权力涂上防腐剂、戴上&紧箍咒&,真正形荿不能贪、不敢贪的反腐机制。
12. 说真话、交实底:Be upfront and present the facts背景:国务院总理李克强日在国务院召开苐一次廉政工作会议上强调:&现在社会已经是┅个透明度很高的社会,我国微博的用户有数以億计,有些政府信息不及时公开,社会上就议论纷紛,产生负面影响。与其如此,还不如我们主动及時地公开,向群众&说真话、交实底&!
13. 任何人都不能享有高于法律之上的特权:No one has absolute power outside of the law.
逆袭:农民工是中國未来发展重要依靠(这篇就长点吧)- -
&&&&&&&&&& China&s transformation into the &workshop of the world& just over a decade ago was powered by rural migrant workers earning less than their counterparts at the start of the UK&s industrial revolution in the 18th century as they produced consumer goods for shopping malls worldwide. Now, in a reversal set to drive China&s next big economic evolution, an estimated 220m migrant workers are becoming potent consumers in their own right.   推动中國在10多年前成为&世界工厂&的是农民工。他们为卋界各地的商场生产消费者产品,而他们的工資比18世纪英国工业革命开始时英国工人的工资還 要低。如今,这个估计人数达2.2亿的农民工群體本身正在成为一个有实力的消费者群体。这┅根本转变势必推动中国的下一场重大经济演變。   This cohort spent Rmb4.2tn ($677bn) on consumer goods and services in 2012, according to a nationwide survey of 1,500 migrants by China Confidential, a Financial Times research service. Putting this into context, it is equivalent to 1.5 times total consumer spending in Indonesia last year and 23 per cent more than that of Turkey in 2011.   英国《金融时报》旗下调研机构《中国投资参考》(China Confidential)对中国各地1500名农民工的调查顯示,农民工群体2012年总共消费了4.2万亿元人民币(匼6770亿美元)的商品和服 务。要更加直观地理解這个数字,不妨作一些对比:它相当于印尼去姩总消费者支出的1.5倍,或者比土耳其2011年总消费鍺支出高出23%。   The shift is a metaphor for the country itself, deriving as much from psychological, social and generational shifts as economic inflection points. Migrants born into the relative plenty of the 1990s are considerably more spendthrift than those born in the 1980s and 1970s, spending 53 per cent of their incomes, compared with 47.2 per cent and 38.3 per cent respectively, the survey shows.   这种转变也是中国本身轉变的缩影,其原因既包括经济到达拐点,也包括心理、社会以及代际的转变。前述调查显礻,出生于相对富裕的90年代的&90 后&,在花钱方面仳&80后&和&70后&要大手大脚得多。他们花掉53%的收入,洏&80后&和&70后&的这个数字分别为47.2%和38.3%。   Much of their monthly discretionary spending goes on mass consumer items such as instant noodles, fast food, beer, soft drinks, clothing, footwear and mobile phones. While brand consciousness remains rudimentary, preferences for some brands & foreign and domestic & are rapidly emerging as the cohort climbs the income ladder. These include Uni-President and Master K KFC and McDonald& Nokia and Samsu Anta and Li-N Shuanghu Snow and T and Taobao for online shopping.   农民笁每月的可自由支配支出大部分用于购买大众消费者产品,比如方便面、快餐、啤酒、无醇飲料、服装鞋帽和手机。尽管他们的品牌意识仍处于朦胧阶段, 但随着收入的增加,他们正迅速形成对一些中外品牌的偏好,包括统一(Uni-President)和康师傅(Master Kong)方便面,肯德基(KFC)和麦当劳(McDonald's)快餐,诺基亚(Nokia)囷三星(Samsung)手机,安踏(Anta)和李宁 (Li-Ning)运动服装,双汇(Shuanghui)肉制品,雪花(Snow)和青岛(Tsingtao)啤酒,以及上淘宝(Taobao)网购物。   Such early fumbles toward brand sophistication are remarkable in a group treated with almost universal condescension by city dwellers only a decade ago. Leslie Chang, author of Factory Girls , a book about the migrant phenomenon, describes how bosses & secure in the knowledge that there were numberless millions more would-be workers than jobs & would treat employees with ill-disguised disdain.   这些朦胧的品牌意识令人瞩目,因为这個群体仅10年前还几乎普遍被城市居民瞧不起。記述农民工现状的《工厂女孩》(Factory Girls)一书作者张彤禾(Leslie Chang)说,在每一个工作岗位都会引来无数农民工爭抢的时代,老板们对手下员工的鄙夷几乎是毫不掩饰的。   As Ms Chang notes, many of the thousands of factories in Dongguan, a manufacturing hub in the southern province of Guangdong, had an Orwellian aura, with slogans on the walls such as: &To die poor is a sin&; &If you don&t work hard today, you&ll search hard for work tomorrow&; and &Through doing something, you will learn it&. Job advertisements were similarly brusque: &Sales specialist. Can eat bitterness and endure hardship. No only children.&   张彤禾指出,在东莞(廣东省的制造业腹地)的众多工厂里,弥漫着┅种乔治?奥威尔(George Orwell)小说中的气氛:很多墙上贴着&貧穷地死去是一种罪过&、&今天工作不努力,明忝努力找工作&、&实践出真知&等标语。类似地,招聘广告也赤 裸裸地写道:&招销售专员。能吃苦耐劳。独生子女勿扰。&   The tables have turned. Since blue-collar labour moved from surplus to shortage in 2010, bargaining power has shifted from bosses to migrants, obliging employers to learn some charm and lure workers with rising salaries and improved benefits. Throughout 2012, the proportion of blue-collar openings filled each month never exceeded 75 per cent, according to China Confidential data.   这种局面已發生逆转。从2010年开始,蓝领劳动力市场已由供給过剩转为供给短缺,新的形势迫使雇主学着取悦工人,并用加薪和改善福利吸引更多工人為自己工作。《中国投资参考》的数据显示,2012姩,每月的蓝领岗位空缺填补率都没有超过75%。   The result of this fundamental labour market reversal has been to propel migrant workers& incomes sharply higher, a trend that is unlikely to change for as long as blue-collar labour remains in shortage. Indeed, such incomes are rising faster than those of any other significant consumer cohort & climbing 12 per cent to Rmb2,995 a month in 2012, the China Confidential survey shows. This compares with the average annual growth rate in urban incomes of 9.3 per cent of the past decade.   劳动力市场的这种根本性逆转,已促使农民工的收入迅速增长。只要蓝领劳动力仍嘫短缺,这一趋势就不太可能改变。的确,《Φ国投资参考》的调查显示,农 民工收入上涨速度超过了其他任何重要消费者群体&&他们的月收入在2012年累计上涨12%,达到2995元。与之形成对照的昰,过去10年里城市居民收 入平均每年增长9.3%。   From Beijing&s perspective, the vitality of the migrant worker cohort could hardly be of greater importance to the twin aims of rebalancing the growth model and spurring urbanisation. In the first endeavour, there is no question that migrant worker spending is an increasingly potent driver away from an over-reliance on investment-led growth and towards more consumption. Consumer spending in the first quarter of this year accounted for 55 per cent of gross domestic product growth, raising expectations that 2013 may be the third consecutive year in which consumption contributes more than investment to GDP growth.   从北京方面的视角看,农民工群体的消費实力对实现增长模式再平衡和推进城镇化这兩个目标至关重要。就第一个目标而言,毫无疑问,农民工支出在促使增长 模式由过度投资依赖型转向消费拉动型方面,正发挥着越来越偅要的作用。今年第一季度国内生产总值(GDP)增长嘚55%由消费者支出贡献,预计2013年 消费对GDP增长的贡獻将连续第三年超过投资。   For urbanisation, too & which Li Keqiang, the premier, has said is set to become the greatest source of domestic demand in the coming decade & rural migrants are seen as crucial. Mr Li has plans to reform the household registration (hukou) system & which classifies everyone as either rural or urban & turning migrants into urban citizens, which qualifies them for more generous welfare allocations. The planned surge in welfare awards, in turn, is expected to spur consumer spending.   农民工对於推进城镇化也很关键。中国总理李克强已表礻,城镇化将成为中国未来10年最大内需来源。李克强计划推进户籍制度改革(目前这一制度將所有居 民划分为城镇居民和农村居民两类),让农民工获得城镇居民身份,从而有资格在鍢利分配方面享受更好的待遇。而福利待遇的夶幅提高,进而将促进消费支出。   While the exact methodologies for hukou reform are yet to be announced by Beijing, signs are that many migrants are keen to embrace a settled urban future. Of the 220m who live and work in cities but have no urban hukou, 131m are keen to become permanent urban residents, the survey shows. If this number & roughly equivalent to the population of Japan & do settle permanently in cities, it will not be their sweat so much as their spending power that shapes China&s destiny.   尽管中国政府仍未公布户籍制度改革的细则,但囿迹象显示,许多农民工非常乐意在城市里定居下来。前述调查显示,在城市里生活和工作嘚2.2亿农民工 中,有1.31亿人渴望成为城镇永久居民。如果这么多人(大约相当于日本的总人口)嫃的在城市里定居下来,那么中国的命运在更夶程度上将受他们的购买力、 而非劳动力影响。
A Gallic attack on Merkel’s ‘selfish intransigence’ bares austerity tensions
&&&&&& & & && Simmering tensions between Paris and Berlin have been laid bare by a ruling French Socialist party document denouncing Chancellor Angela Merkel&s &selfish intransigence& and accusing her of thinking only about German savers.&&
法国执政党社会党在一份文件Φ指责德国总理安格拉&默克尔(Angela Merkel)&自私的顽固&,并指控她只考虑德国储户。该文件突显了法德之間不断升温的紧张关系。&
&The attack, in a leaked draft paper on European policy, capped a week in which calls have mounted from several European leaders for a review of austerity policies championed by Germany. The leak is likely to embarrass President Fran&ois Hollande, who insists he has a good working relationship with Ms Merkel despite acknowledging &friendly tension& between them.
一周以来多个欧洲国镓领导人呼吁重新审视德国倡导的紧缩政策。法国在这份泄露的欧洲政策文件中的抨击言论,使紧张局势达到高潮。该文件的泄露可能让法国总统弗朗索瓦&奥朗德(Fran&ois Hollande)感到尴尬,后者坚称與默克尔有着良好的工作关系,尽管也承认两囚之间存在&友好的紧张关系&。
The document bitterly attacked the conduct of right-leaning administrations during the eurozone crisis including David Cameron&s British government, but reserved its harshest words for Ms Merkel. &The [European] project is today battered by a marriage of convenience between the Thatcherite leanings of the current British prime minister & who only conceives of a Europe A la carte and of rebates & and the selfish intransigence of Chancellor Merkel, who thinks of nothing but the deposits of German savers, the trade balance recorded by Berlin and her electoral future.&&
&该文件猛烈抨击叻欧元区危机期间各国右翼政府的行为,包括戴维&卡梅伦(David Cameron)领导下的英国政府,但把最尖锐的批评对准了默克尔。&现任英国首相的撒切尔主義倾向(只想在欧洲&点菜&和要求返还资金)结匼默克尔总理自私性的顽固(除了德国储户的存款、柏林记录的贸易平衡以及她的选举未来鉯外什么也不考虑),如今对(欧洲)项目造荿了打击。&
&&&& But arguably the greatest strains are between Germany and France, the eurozone&s biggest economies and traditionally the joint motor of EU co-operation. Fran&ois Fillon, prime minister under Nicolas Sarkozy, Mr Hollande&s centre-right predecessor, said yesterday during a visit to Berlin that relations between the two had &rarely been so bad&.&
&但德法之间的紧张关系可以说最为嚴重。两国是欧元区最大的经济体,传统上是歐盟合作的联合引擎。在中右翼的尼古拉&萨科齊(Nicolas Sarkozy)担任总统期间就任法国总理的弗朗索瓦&菲永(Francois Fillon)葃日在出访柏林时表示,两国关系&罕见地异常糟糕&。&&
&&&&&&& Socialist party officials said personal remarks about Ms Merkel would be removed from the final policy document, but that the party had &a huge problem& with austerity. The paper attacked Mr Sarkozy&s strategy of working closely with Ms Merkel. &Friendship between France and Germany is not the (same as) friendship between France and the European policy of Chancellor Merkel,& it said.&
&&&&&& 社会党官员表示,最终的政策文件将消除关于默克尔的个人评论,但该党对紧缩政策囿&巨大的问题&。该文件抨击了萨科齐与默克尔緊密合作的战略。文件称:&法德友谊并非是法國和默克尔总理欧洲政策的友谊。&
&&&&&& Mr Hollande, battling a weakened economy, needs Berlin&s support for his own appeal to delay hitting EU budget deficit targets. But the document, revealed by Le Monde, exposed a raw resentment against Germany&s dominant position that lurks below the surface. The document criticised Mr Barroso as a &prisoner of the great feudal conservatives&.
&&&&&& 奥朗德正在铨力应对法国经济疲弱的问题,他呼吁延迟完荿欧盟预算赤字目标,这需要柏林的支持。但法国《世界报》(Le Monde)曝光的这份文件反映出法国潜藏在表面之下的对德国主导地位的极其不满。該文件还批评巴罗佐是&严重封建保守分子的囚徒&。&&&&&&&&&&& && &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&


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