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Author: BigBoss
(v2.02 updated
So you have your 2.0 iPhone and you can install thousands of apps
from AppStore. What’s all this commotion about jailbreaking? Why
would you need to jailbreak? What does it offer? In this post, I
will cite some of the most compelling reasons to jailbreak your
iPhone. I will continually update this post as changes
Risk Free And
Legal:Jailbreaking is not
unlocking! It is risk free. Everything that works before
jailbreaking continues to work after. Jailbreaking only adds
features. Jailbreaking is risk free and
cannot void your warranty. You can simply restore in
iTunes at anytime to get back to a factory state. You are not
alone, many people are doing it. There are over 1.2 million jailbroken devices
now! For understanding of jailbreak vs unlock
post. Jailbreaking is
legaland breaks no laws in any
you decide after reading this that you wish to jailbreak, head on
over to our
section and find the guide or method that
works best for you. I recommend one of the pwnage
#1: Winterboard +
Customization理由1:Winterboard + Customization
Winterboard allows you to do this:
This is just the “tip of the
iceberg”. There is so much more you can do. You can have web
content as your background. My theme consists of 350 images that
rotate every 15 seconds in a slide show. Here is a sample of some
of these images:
You can even have video playing
as your wallpaper.
Reason #2: Copy / Paste
iPhone does not have copy and
paste. But if you jailbreak, this can be solved with Clippy. Check
Here is the text, then mark the
Copy the marked text, then
paste the text, in this case, I pasted into safari.
#3: Jailbreak to fix Apple's
There are bugs in iPhone
OS. Jailbreakers can fix some of these. Some examples:
1) Mail app crashes after restoring backup from iTunes. Apple’s
solution is to not restore your backup. That’s right. Lose all your
contacts! If you jailbreak, bossprefs “fix user dir permissions”
button solves this.
2) iPhone will not boot after installing too many apps and you have
to restore. There is a way to fix this problem by editing some
files in SSH. Soon the entire issue will be solved.
3) Camera fix as described .
4) You are limited to 9 pages of apps. After that, your appstore
installs just don’t show up and there is no way to run them. If you
jailbreak, you can use QuickGold, Categories, or other launchers to
launch your apps. You can even put them in folders (more on
Categories below).
#4: Tethering & Voice Over
IP (Unlimited Minutes)
Tether your iPhone to your
PC and use your iPhone as a modem. This is possible using the
“Modem” app in Cydia. Appstore removed the only tethering app and
will not allow this. You can use this to tether either EDGE or 3g.
Tethering 3g gives you a nice broadband connection for your
As for Voice Over IP (VoIP)
this allows you to make phone calls over the Internet, and incur no
voice call charges or use your minutes. Now you may be thinking
that this is already available in Appstore. Fring is the VoIP app,
and it works well. Unfortunately, due to Apple’s restrictions, you
can only use Fring over WiFi even though there is no technical
reason that it wouldn’t work great over 3G. Once you jailbreak, you
can install an app called . This allows you to use Fring anywhere that
you have 3G. That means in most metropolitan cities, you can get
unlimited minutes via Fring and 3G! Only to
#5: SBSettings - Fast
理由5:SBSettings 快速切换So you’re in Safari. You turned off your WiFi
or your 3G to save battery. Now you loaded Safari and it’s loading
slowly with EDGE. Do you close out safari, open settings, traverse
the menus and reenable the 3g? Or do you just live with the EDGE
this time?
SBSettings solves this by
providing fast toggles by swiping your status bar. With SBSettings,
you just swipe your status bar, enable the WiFi or 3G, and resume
safari where you left off. When done, swipe again, and disable the
battery draining wifi or 3G options. Simple! SBSettings is must
#6: Cycorder and
理由6:Cycorder and
is a free full featured video recorder for iPhone. Turn your iPhone
into a mini camcorder. The quality is ok at 15 fps with sound. The
recordings are stored in mjpeg compression codec so they can be
played back on a computer. (Not allowed in AppStore).
is a fantastic camera upgrade that allows you
to take multiple pictures rapidly and in general makes your camera
much easier to use. (Not allowed in AppStore).
Reason #7:
There are now some fantastic
springboard add-ons for iPhone. These are OS level enhancements and
are therefore, not allowed on AppStore. Those that do not have
these are really missing out.
Quick Gold -
This is an amazing app that is just like QuickSilver on OSX. You
tap home once at springboard and type in your search and it
instantly finds what you are looking for. The search is
type-as-you-go and fast. In other words, if you type “B” it will
bring up all the results with B. If you now press “o” it will
filter to “Bo” etc. You can search apps, contacts, web clips and
Quick Gold -
This is a must have addition to
iPhone OS. Note that this is implemented as a mobile substrate
plugin which means it becomes part of springboard. There is no
extra daemon running that drains your battery or uses your CPU.
- This is an
app switcher that is always available. It is hard to describe, so
check out the
for a demo.
This is also a mobile substrate plugin so there is no extra daemon
running on your device.
- If you’re an OSX user, you probably already
know what this is. But it’s a neat way to put items onto your dock
that you want to get to quickly and have them pop up in a cool
menu. Check it out.
- So I cant write this whole article without
at least showcasing one of my own contributions. So here is
Categories. This allows you to make folders on your springboard and
move those pages of icons into folders. Think Games, Apps,
Networking, etc. Reduce 9 pages of apps down to just 1!
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