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Phenobestin 37.5mg
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Price: $138.00Sale Price: $79.95You Save: 58%
What is it?
Obesity is a growing problem both in the United States and around the world. Currently, a majority of Americans are thought to be overweight and a substantial portion of them are suffering from obesity. Indeed, the problem has become so serious that in 2013 the American Medical Association decided that it was going to formally classify obesity as a disease.
The proprietary blend of ingredients includes Phenylethylamine, which is a natural mood enhancer that contributes to the pleasurable feelings that you experience after eating chocolate. It also includes Yohimbine, which both serves as a stimulant in and of itself and also greatly enhances your ability to absorb Phenylethylamine. The remaining ingredients include Theobromine, a stimulant found in chocolate, as well as N-Methyl-B-Phenylethylamine, Methylsynephrine, and Synephrine, as well as 150mg of caffeine to give you an energy boost quickly after you take it.
These ingredients may sound like chemical compounds, but in fact you may have been consuming most of them already in small quantities. For example, Theobromine is a calming stimulant found in chocolate, while N-Methyl-B-Phenylethylamine, Methylsynephrine, and Synephrine are all found in bitter orange. Thus, PhenObestin includes proven ingredients that originate in the food that you eat rather than unproven herbal compounds.
It is intended as an alternative to both ineffective supplements such as Garcinia Cambogia or hoodia, and is also intended to be useful for those who wish to avoid the side effects that can be caused by prescription drugs such as Phentermine or Adipex.
Only a doctor can determine whether these or any other prescription drugs are appropriate for you, and this is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. However, it is important to recognize that no prescription drug is going to serve as a solution to your weight problems by itself, as they all require you to make major changes to both your diet and exercise habits.
For example, Phentermine is approved only for use for periods of no longer than twelve weeks, and it needs to be used as part of a weight loss program rather than as a standalone solution. During the twelve week period that you will be able to take it, research shows that you can expect a weight loss of only about 1 lb per week to be attributed to the drug itself. You also may experience side effects during the time that you are taking it, including potential cardiovascular and respiratory difficulties. You also may experience other effects including increased levels of anger and anxiety, as well as trouble sleeping. You would be enduring all this for a weight loss averaging only about 12 lbs during the period that you are taking it. Is it really worth it?
Once you take a look at the alternatives, it will become clear that it is not. Try PhenObestin 37.5 today and join the more than 100,000 satisfied customers from dozens of countries around the world.
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