this land is minewar of mine 这个游戏很赞啊,为什么没地方讨论

(编辑: kenray
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"Rather than &Press F to feel&, this gritty survival game forces you into situations where you may have to do awful things to survive. War is hell."
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“In all that darkness we find a brave and committed game, which does an excellent job in portraying the war from a perspective that we are not accustomed to.”
8.5 –
“This War of Mine shows the horrors of war in a way, that we rarely can experience in a game.”
9 –
“Is this a game you want to play? No. Is it a game anyone with a beating heart should play? Yes. A million times yes. It's a longform exercise in empathy, a sobering piece of work that fills in the blanks left when all we see of war are the headshots. It's a much-needed course correct in the current shoot-first-ask-questions-never gaming landscape that supposes war is won because one supreme badguy caught a bullet through his brainstem. No: It's won when the people who lived under his boot get to go home.”
8 –
About This Game
In This War Of Mine you do not play as an elite soldier, rather a group of civilians trying to surviv struggling with lack of food, medicine and constant danger from snipers and hostile scavengers. The game provides an experience of war seen from an entirely new angle.
The pace of This War of Mine is imposed by the day and night cycle. During the day snipers outside stop you from leaving your refuge, so you need to focus on maintaining your hideout: crafting, trading and taking care of your survivors. At night, take one of your civilians on a mission to scavenge through a set of unique locations for items that will help you stay alive.
Make life-and-death decisions driven by your conscience. Try to protect everybody from your shelter or sacrifice some of them for longer-term survival. During war, there are no g there is only survival. The sooner you realize that, the better.
Inspired by real-life events
Control your survivors and manage your shelter
Craft weapons, alcohol, beds or stoves – anything that helps you survive
Make decisions - an often unforgiving and emotionally difficult experience
Randomized world and characters every time you start a new game
Charcoal-stylized aesthetics to complement the game's theme
This War of Mine might be the war game we need.
I was intrigued by This War of Mine's attempts to portray the consequences of war in a way that games have largely ignored in the past. The fact that the psychological and emotional challenges of living under such horrifying conditions are something you have to consider as you struggle gives me added hope that it might treat its hefty and important subject matter with the gravity and complexity that it deserves.
11bit is blazing a new thematic trail amidst the currently popular survival genre, and so far the studio seems to have something special on its hand.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP SP3 (32 bit) / Vista
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo 2.4, AMD Athlon(TM) X2 2.8 Ghz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 9600 GS, Radeon HD4000, Shader Model 3.0, 512 MB
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Sound Card: DirectX compatible
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad 2.7 Ghz, AMD Phenom(TM)II X4 3 Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 260, Radeon HD
MB, Shader Model 3.0
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Sound Card: DirectX compatible
OS: 10.6
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo 2.4, AMD Athlon(TM) X2 2.8 Ghz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 9600 GS, Radeon HD4000, Shader Model 3.0, 512 MB
Sound Card: Integrated
OS: 10.6
Processor: Processor:Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad 2.7 Ghz, AMD Phenom(TM)II X4 3 Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 260, Radeon HD
MB, Shader Model 3.0
Sound Card: Integrated
OS: Ubuntu 12.04
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo 2.4, AMD Athlon(TM) X2 2.8 Ghz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 9600 GS, Radeon HD4000, Shader Model 3.0, 512 MB
OS: Ubuntu 12.04
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad 2.7 Ghz, AMD Phenom(TM)II X4 3 Ghz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 260, Radeon HD
MB, Shader Model 3.0
(C) 2014 11 bit studios S.A. This War of Mine(TM), 11 bit studios(TM), 11 bit launchpad(TM) and respective logos are trademarks of 11 bit studios S.A. All rights reserved.
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9.6 hrs on record
Entered a building with other people.The building's description
had said &Danger& which ment hostiles. Bandits.I grabbed my knife and was ready for those bandits.I saw one bandit and after breaking in through a window, she ran calling for backup.One guy showed up with a shotgun and chased me off but I waited.He searched, and couldn't find me and then I got the drop on him.We fought, he couldn't shoot, and three stabs later he fell.I grabbed the shotgun and went inside. My friends needed food, and these bandits were killers. They deserved what they got.I grabbed food, supplies, and another bandit showed up!I fired at them with the shotgun, and they dropped with a gurgling scream.One bandit ran after me! Surely they had a knife!No... she ran past me to the man's corpse.She was crying. She called me a murderer.I fired again and she dropped.There was silence then, and I had to hurry up and grab the rest of the supplies before more bandits showed up.I opened a closet, and snagged the food.But, the inventory of the closet said &Private&Someone owned this wardrobe? I looked outside toward the other building, and between the two.. a garden someone built?One guy had mentioned they were running low on meds.This.... no.. it couldn't be. It just couldn't be!This wasn't... this wasn't an abandoned building being picked clean.This was another group's safehouse.These people are.... were.... survivors!...and &I& was the bandit.
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5.5 hrs on record
I'm 5 hours in, and that's a straight 5 hours. Most survival games I've played are either pretty forgiving, or shallow in character.This one is neither. In the beginning of my hours I was hopeful and treated others I met with the same kidness I normally would, as the going was good. I shared my supplies, and took in others that needed shelter. Food was used daily and luxuries were built.36 days later (and still going) the survivors that are l hungry, sick and tired. We've had to kill to survive, even innocent people, because the only other option was our own death. We have stolen and traded our way through the cold-snap, and the outlook is grim.All that matters now is lasting the few days until outside aid arrives. But in the end, will that really matter? We're not the same people we started as, and the atrocities we've commited are ones we have to live with forever.I highly reccomend this game, but be warned: Your decisions WILL have severe consequences, you WILL hate yourself for the evils you have done, necissary as they may feel. You will learn to know the survivors, what things they find acceptable, who can talk to whom best. Most of all you will think &Maybe next run, I can do things differently..&. I know I am at this point, as it looks like my first run will end in failure and misery.10/10, am now broken, tired and hungry IRL. Soundtrack matches the atmosphere, graphics are a little jarring at first but become normal after a little bit. Gameplay is solid and needs very little introduction, and you will want to think your decisions through a few times... It all matters in the end.
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16.9 hrs on record
I found a house with 2 old people.A husband and his wife.The wife was sickly and could barely runThe husband asked that I leave. I didn'tHe asked that I please leave his wife alone.They were defenselessI walked around and poked into their inventoryI couldn't take anything because it would mean I'd be stealingThe husband yelled: &Hey! Stop what you're doing!&, &Bandits! Help!&, &Oh God please stop!&I was confused. I had done nothing wrong. I looked, but did not touch.So I ran out.I came back the next day with medicine to see if I could trade or perhaps give the medicine to help his sick wife.No options came up. So I left.I came back the next day and still nothing.I thought to myself &Maybe if I sneak around I can get away with stealing their things&I was caught. They yelled in fear and ran around the house to keep away from me.I attacked themThey begged for mercy and begged me to stop.I killed her husband with a shovel.The sickly wife was in the fetal position on the third floor.I took everything. And left the wife to fend for herself.I came back to my shelter.And stared at my computer screenI went to my bathroom and looked into the mirror asking myself &Did I really do that?& &Was it needed?&I tried to tell myself that what I did was for the greater good of my shelter and the people living in itBut I attacked a defenseless old couple, took their things, killed the husband who was trying to protect his sick wife, and left the wife to fend for herself.Oh God. Please save this lost lamb. What have I become?
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5.4 hrs on record
Day 21: It's been three weeks since we moved into this bombed-out house we've come to call home. Three weeks since I last saw any
two si one since Katia was gunned down scavenging for food and medicine. Bruno hasn't fared well. The illness is no longer confined to his body – now his soul is sick, broken. The snows have come, and we're feeding the heater every day now... I wept when we burned our only two books. Bruno scoffed. “They're children's books,” he muttered from his sick bed. “It's not as if we read them.” He didn't bother asking whose books they had been.Day 25: I scavenged last night. We're both starving. I remembered a house, untouched by the violence. I had come weeks earlier in the hopes of getting supplies only to find it occupied by an old couple... living as they had before war came. They reminded me of my grandparents, and I left. Katia and Bruno had not been happy, and we did not eat that night. I returned this evening in the hopes that they had fled... or worse, shamefully. But they had not. The old man struggled, wouldn't let me steal his wife's medicine. I tried to tell the proud ??????? I only needed a little, for my friend. I struck him and he hit the floor hard, unmoving. His wife screamed. “Why have you done this?” I am not sure if this was directed at me or God. What little food was left in my stomach came up, and I fled with what little I could carry. We'll eat tonight, and Bruno will have medicine.Day 27: Bruno passed sometime during the night. He looks at peace. It is better this way, I suppose. I shall join him. Hana, Emira, Lejla – I shall see you all soon.This War of Mine is an indie title set in an unspecified city that's been besieged. You and a random set of survivors brought together by chance stumble upon a bombed-out building. You control these characters by clicking on them or their photographs (which also provides a daily bio) and clicking on an interactive prompt. It is at this point that every game of This War of Mine will diverge. As you walk around your new home, shifting rubble and unlocking armoires, you'll find supplies: lumber, food, medicine, and all important components. Components (and lumber) are your primary building tools in the beginning, with which you can craft beds and chairs. These may seem luxurious in a time of war, but creature comforts help keep morale up. Advanced items, such as machine parts and electronics, will allow you to construct a metalwork, stove, heater, radio, and oven. But you'll never have enough for several of these items – not in a single day.It's up to you to decide what should come first. Do you build beds, so everyone can have a good night's sleep? Sure, you can sleep on the floor – but it's not as good as a warm bed. Do you eat cans and raw food, which are not very filling or comforting, or do you build a stove to make hot meals? Do you construct a weapon with which to defend yourself, or do you choose to build a herbal crafting station or moonshine still, which are great for future bartering?You'll busy yourself during the days with these tasks, and how to divvy them up. Some characters might be sick or slightly wounded, and keeping them in bed all day can help with recovery. But someone is going to have to craft and dig through rubble. When day turns to night (8 PM), you'll have further decisions to make. In the bombed-out city there are sites – villas, apartments, houses, hospitals – with potential supplies, some more promising than others. Each carries with them the risk of human habitation. Some people are willing to barter uneasily, while others are ?????? deserters from the army. Pillaging an empty building has no repercussions, but robbing people is generally frowned upon, and justice is swift and cruel. Worse still, there are looters who may just shoot on sight.So, who will go? Sending your fastest runner means they'll have a better shot at outrunning would-be murderers. Send your best scavenger and you'll have more room to carry supplies. Send your best trader/negotiator and they may be able to strike a deal. But if any of these characters are sick, wounded, tired, or feeling blue, they'll have a tougher go of it. Worse still, you're not exactly living in a fortress. There's a risk each night of looters coming to take what little you have. Some players will choose to use precious lumber to board up holes, others will craft knives and shovels, putting one or more characters on guard duty during the night. Others still will be forced to let everyone sleep, if exhaustion and illness are setting in, and you can't have your wounded staying up all night, they'll never heal. These raids can range from desperate scavengers that will flee from a single guard, to well-armed bandits that will wound or kill anyone in their way.You'll have to survive for a long time, upwards of forty days. And it's no easy task. Each playthrough will give you different survivors, different weather patterns, and different challenges when scavenging. It's fun and highly replayable, but the subject matter is heavy enough that you won't likely spend more than a dozen hours with this title.This War of Mine is a macabre juggling game, and just when you think you've found your rhythm, the weather or a sniper hits you like a greased up chainsaw. You will never find yourself thriving, just scraping by. And when supplies are low and days turn to weeks, you'll have to make some tough choices. The opening scenario I described is one that can happen in your game. You may decide to help sending a survivor off to board up a woman's home while her husband is away, feeding an isolated artist, or helping the victim of a sniper attack. But your heart will turn to stone in time as living becomes a prolonged struggle. That old couple? They're no longer off limits. The hospital? They're wounded, dying – my people need this more than they do. And that is what This War of Mine does most effectively. It shows you the cost of war – body, mind, and soul. I've read plenty of great anti-war novels, seen plenty of great anti-war films. This War of Mine joins Spec Ops: The Line in a growing, prestigious genre of anti-war games. It speaks for the most silent, unrepresented victims of war unflinchingly, sincerely. It rev not with the over-the-top set pieces and faceless macho protagonists, but with quiet moments.Near the end of my first playthrough, day 25, I had two survivors left from our original four. One h the other succumbed to a lethal injury. One survivor was utterly broken, rocking upstairs, muttering to himself. I sent my other depressed, ill survivor to comfort him, to rouse him from his depressed state. She sat and comforted him for an hour, and it gave him a little hope. But I knew it was all for naught. They were going to die, inevitably. We had no food. We had no medicine. So why? Why bother comforting him? Why not reset the game? I couldn't. I couldn't leave their story unfinished, untold. They both slept in beds that night, and both passed in the morning. The night had been calm, perhaps the calmest night since day one.
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4.5 hrs on record
My HQ and my team were falling apart.
We were sick, hungry and weak.
Night came and it was time to head out and scavenge.
I picked &Quiet Home& due to its lack of danger and apparent surplus of supplies.
Up until now, no notification of danger meant only rats and hungry (but kind) strangers were present.
After arriving, I picked up a few things in the front yard and then after entering I see an elderly couple talking.
The woman is distracted and annoyed, the husband is supportive and strong.
Her mind has been corrupted by Alzheimer's and he has made it his final aim to provide safety and shelter for her.
I walked around the house while he nervously asked if i was a bandit.
I didn't answer him.
He got more worried after each item I would pick up or opening his refrigerator.
While I didn't threaten him directly, he soon became paranoid for the safety of his wife and yelled out &HIDE! HIDE!&.
She ran upstairs while he went downstairs to the basement. I found him huddled and sobbing.
I brought my shovel down on him, he cried out for help and ran to a locked door.
I finished him there.
The mentally disadvantaged wife eventually shuffled through the same room and upon finding his body she kneeled next his corpse and began crying softly.
Her mind was gone but not to the point where she couldn't make perfect sense of the situation.
I stood behind her, aware that I had forced her to live the rest of her confused life alone.
I did the unthinkable and brought the head of my shovel down on her neck and she died violently, curled up next to the corpse of her husband. LOOTED HER BODY AND FOUND TWO DIAMONDS.
WORTH IT. 9.8/10.
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13.4 hrs on record
9/10Introduction:First off - no, 'This War of Mine' is not like Deadlight or your typical war game and it's not your typical survival game. It shows everything in a different angle... it deals with the normal citizen and how war can affect und brutally change their life. You have to question far would you go to survive? My group was starving in my first game, one was ill and another one wounded. I decided to raid some obviously empty houses at night due to my misery, but the house wasn't empty. There lived a old couple. The old man told me that his wife was ill and I should leave. He didn't want to help me or at least trade with me, but I couldn't leave, because otherwise it would have been the death of me and my party. I started to explore the house while the old man was begging me to not hurt anyone. I found a huge amount of food and medical equipment, more than the couple would need in a long time. I took some food to survive two more days and only the really needed medical stuff to get well soon. Everything else remained untouched, so they could easily live on too and I moved on with a bad feeling. In the same night I got raided myself. Karma. During the next day I had some visitors, friendly neighbors. They gifted me some vegetables and didn't want anything in return. Karma, I regretted my nightly activity even more. This was just one tricky and remarkable situation out of many. A day in 'The War of Mine' is split into two parts, the day and night time. During day time you're in your house and you have time to work on new and helpful stuff for your party, manage the needs of your people and from time to time you will get some visitors. Before the night starts you'll have to choose, if you want to go on raid or completely stay at home, which person is allowed to sleep and which one(s) should guard the house. After you've made your decision you'll either start your raid (with time limit) or directly switch to the next day. This system works pretty well. How many days you have to play to finish the game can vary. (45 days in my first game)Thanks to some randomization it's worth it to start another round. I'm currently in my second playthrough and it's still interesting and the game came up with different and new situations, which I haven't experienced in my first game. Great!Pro:+ very good, interesting and unique game topic/setting+ great atmosphere+ great survival feeling+ good art style+ dark, sad, melancholic and overall fitting OST+ interesting and very different characters with own stories+ some characters have addictions (take care of it ... or not)+ tough moral decisions which are completely up to you+ you're often pushed to limits how to handle things (especially if you're starving, sick or wounded)+ your actions can affect various situations and people will react to it + keep building offers various different ways to handle and specialize your 'production'+ random generated world/loot and different starting parties+ environment and item prices will change from time to time+ good replay value (my first playthrough was about 10-11 hours)+ no bugs, crashes or glitches in my play timeContra:- your keep always looks the same and only the starting loot and some furniture are randomized- the 'end' can come kinda suddenly, if you have no radio (you finish the last day and boom...end)- combat can be a bit awkward and random sometimes- unexplained character skills (some are self-explanatory, some not)- you can only raid with one person at nightConclusion:Pure quality! The devs have successfully turned a very interesting, but difficult topic into a great survival game with loads of moral aspects. It made me question my actions and behavior several times and even as a good and helpful person there were decisions I'm not very proud of, but sometimes things need to be done to survive in a cruel world. Hands down, 'This War of Mine' is one of the best gaming experiences I had in this year. Absolutely recommendable!9/10----------------------~ Do you want to add something to the review or do you want to share your opinion? Feel free to make a comment.
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4.2 hrs on record
Depression Simulator 2014
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48.4 hrs on record
For three or four days now, I have played nothing but &This War of Mine&. I am a veteran of Iraq and I remember all too well the hardships it brought upon the civilians, especially in the beginning of the war. I remember being heartbroken at the sight of children crying and begging for food on the side of the road.This &game& puts you square in the middle of the experiences of those civilians. It is a brutal, kill or be killed world - where an act of unimaginable violence may let you live another day, but it can also break your heart and soul. Some days, you are offered a chance at compassion - and if you take that chance, risking your own safety and resources for others, you may find you feel a bit better about yourself.Then there are the times where you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. You are unarmed, scavenging for anything to save your friends, and you peep through a keyhole and see a soldier brutally beating - and possible worse - a woman. He has an AK-47, you have a lockpick and a rumbling stomach. So you sit there and watch - afraid that any noise may turn his violent attention upon you. When it is all done, you hide until he leaves and then, shamefully, pick over the bloodied body of the woman for anything she may have scavenged before the soldier got to her.This is &This War of Mine& - a dark, beautiful, haunting, exhilerating, and horrible tale.What's that tagline, &The first casualty of war is innocence&? It applies here - in a way you would have never imagined coming from a computer game.
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11.3 hrs on record
There's a lot of reviews out there already, so I'll just say it's the only game about war everybody SHOULD play, at least once. This is what war is about, not pretty headshots and great ideas and running around like a tool shooting at everything that moves while feeling invincible. War is about actual real people dying, whether they're soldiers or not, and this game makes a good job of portraying it.It could be longer, it could be deeper, but as it is it's a good game and well worth the price, if only to show that gamers are ready for the medium to grow a little more mature. It's sorely needed.
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2.9 hrs on record
This War of MineYou start with three (3) people in your hideout in a middle of a war and you have to survive!You usually have a runner, a cook and a scavenger (sometime you could start with a female character instead of the scavenger, but she is good in trading). During the day, you build equipments, tools and others. During the night you go scavenging to collect items like foods, wood, weapons or other materials. Visually, it is well done and you get the atmosphere of being in a war zone. To be honest, at first it remind me of Deadlight (how it looks) but without the Zombies.You really need to look after you people in this one to be able to go to the next day. Making the wrong choice or not getting food can get you characters depressed or even broken. I only played 3 hours and will definitely play it again.Positive:o Good concept (War zone) / No zombieso Visually polished and run smoothlyo Plenty things to doNegative:o A bit repetitiveOverall, I enjoyed it.
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3.5 hrs on record
Game: 9/10Human race: 0/10
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25.9 hrs on record
Down to my last survivor (who was depressed, starving and severely ill), I had no choice but to raid people. I was caught,
so I had to kill two people. I got everything I needed and more. Went back to my shelter, but he couldn't handle killing anyone. He was racked with guilt, and was broken and alone. He couldn't even eat the things he stole. Boris hung himself that night.The most harrowing, emotional, and nerve wracking game I've ever played. It's brutal, it's beautiful.Amazing game. 10/10
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13.4 hrs on record
It was day 36. We were runing low on food and medication. Katia was sick and 'Severely Wounded' and I (Bruno) knew we had t after stealing most of the resources from the hospital I had to return to the 'Quiet House' where an old couple was living and steal what they had. In war it's neither them nor us, it's survival of the fittest, mates... Anyways, night came, I grabbed my trusty hatchet and pistol and went looting. As I entered their house the old man ran upstairs to look for a hiding spot. The old woman was sitting in an armchair and she looked kinda confused of what was happening and why he ran upstairs. I slowly approached her and with no hesitation I swing my hatchet into her ???? blood spluttering everywhere on the floor and on me. She tried screaming but was choking on her own blood. Then, the old man came running downstairs and as he was stepping on each single stair, I drew out my pistol and shot him in the chest before he reached the ground floor where the dead body of his wife was lying. He screamed ''Bandits!'' before collapsing on the remaining stairs and reaching the ground floor. I looted his corpse and found 3 medication boxes. Then proceeded at looting his wife's corpse and found 2 diamonds. After that I stole what was left on the ground floor and basement and found 2 so much needed bandages. Last place to look for stuff was upstairs, I was hoping to find some food or medication but no, I found something... Something way more terrible... In the old couple's room, there was a letter on the table... A letter from ''Grandpa Bernard'' to Alen:''We're happy to learn that you've come to like living with auntie. This war is not that bad, it's just not fun for children. In fact, they say it will be over soon, so don't worry about us. Grandma is feeling better. She asked me not to tell you, but she's saving some flour to make you those cookies you like! And as for me... well, I promise you to repair the swing when you are back.''In that very moment I felt such a sadness... How could've I done something like that?!
Did this war drove me so insane?!
After trying to help people and after trying to be a kind person in the first 20 days after the war started... God... How did I became something like this?!...I really enjoyed and still enjoy this game. All I had to see at the game was the images from the steam store to make me buy it, haven't seen the trailer nor gameplay, I just felt that the game'll be a real masterpiece and my thought turned out to be right.This is one of those games that show us how a good story, soundtrack and art style will always beat the so called ''fancy graphics'' games.9.7/10
Best survival game I played in many years, in my opinion.
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13.5 hrs on record
Where to begin really, I was impressed enough by the trailer and the interesting idea to buy the game without looking much into it, so really I didn't know what to expect other than the fact it would have survival elements and was based around a group of civilians in a war zone.My first impression would have to have been the amazing artwork - the level of detail that has gone into every single part of the game's visuals is stunning, with many rooms having stories of their own to tell (for example, at one point you might walk into a shelled out room with some children's drawings on the wall). This factored heavily into my enjoyment of the game itself, as, along with excellent audios it drew me further into the game and made me connect far more with the characters.This connection with the characters is what really made this game shine. From intially not knowing the various people you control very well, you get fed tidbits about their past, and some of their personalities are apparent from how they react to things you might make one of the characters, or indeed, themselves, do. The immersion was so great that when two characters died (actually my third and fourth to die, my first two had died pretty early on and thus I hadn't grown attached to them yet), which prompted a third to leave and never come back, I actually cheered as I wouldn't have to watch him suffer the slow deaths that his friend had. Of course, this enthusiasm was short lived as it suddenly dawned on me, he had left me with only one character, who was also dying of her wounds. The first playthrough ended therefore after five hours of me bumbling about blindly, failing miserably, and being utterly captivate fighting desperately against the odds to save the lives of my characters.Another plus was the fact that not every single NPC is a raving lunatic planning to murder and/or eat you as is so commonly done in other games set in survival based settings. There are some people with... issues, there are a refreshing number of people who don't just shoot you or stab you in the back.Altogether, I found the game to be one of the best of its kind that I I even enjoyed the more mundane moments such as chosing where to place my new furniture (Yeah, trading all my medical supplies to buy materials to make a few armchairs didn't back fire on me at all, honest!). The scavenging is intuitive - the NPCs don't mind too much if you just pick up a few bits of rubble which is strewn about the place, but start picking up stuff they've put in their cuboards? They might object just a little to that one.As for the combat... Well, I sucked at it so can't really go into much detail. Turns out trying to punch someone in the face when they have a shotgun and a buddy armed with an AK standing next to them is a bad idea. I did manage to escape from several combat situations, though in one case 'escaping' meant a slow, lingering death as the wound gradually worsened over the course of several days as I had no bandages to treat him with. So yeah, combat exists, but with the risks of infections and so on, it can be risky to attempt.Altogether - I found the game excellent in virtually every way and far surpassing what I had even begun to expect. I look forward to spending the next few weeks playing it, as it has massively increased replayability by having randomness added not only to the daily events which can occur, but also to the various key events, even including the length of the wars (Sadly enough, I failed miserably despite having an apparently relatively short war to survive through, so I dread to think how badly I will fail at long ones).
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6.7 hrs on record
This Videogame is just what we needed. In a time where endless senseless military shooter after senseless military shooter come out with a fake romantic illusion towards war and heroism we finally get a game that shows the grimm reality that civilians have to face when at all out war. This War of MIne is simpy an unmathchable experience, Scavenging, limited resources and inner moral choices are just part of the things that you will be experiencing in this game. Trully a step forward for the medium.
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10.3 hrs on record
Marko had spent last night scoping the place out. He clutched his pistol tightly with a pair of sweaty plams. This was it. Slowly, he edged towards the door and out of the rain, opening it with a gentle sigh from the hinges. I the gloom was heavy. Taking slow steps forwards he made his way to the next door. Knelling down and looking through the grimy keyhole, he saw no one. Good, he thought to himself. Nudging the door open with his pistol, the hooded survivor krept down the hall. Footsteps! Quickly hiding in the gloom of an alcove, he held his breath tightly as a young woman walked past. Some part of him was screaming in anguish over the moral dilema. It's not right, the voice spoke to him. His conscience needed to be suffed, and he ignored it as the door closed. The woman was inside the kitchen. He just needed to wait, and-&Emil!& she screamed suddenly. Marko bit his lip as she locked eyes with him, only to run upstairs. Grasping the weapon as his breathing became hard, the young man ran through the open kitchen door, slid down the ladder, and burst into the basement. Turning and looking for a place to hide, he wanted to cry. There was nowhere. &Not here,& came a strong masculine voice from above. Markos slowly turned to face the door, his eyes shaking in their sockets. Some bloke in a blue shirt ran into the room, holding a knife high. &Bandit!& Marko was up against the wall. He couldn't hold the pistol properly because his hands were shaking so hard. Two shots burst through the gloom. One hit the man square in the chest, the other in his knee. Although wounded he charged, stabbing Marko twice as they grappled for freedom. Life and death. Markos raised his pistol to fire and......He missed. He died before he could realize the folly, falling limp with a soft plod as the knife sunk into his neck. Marko had been a hero, always willing to brave danger to feed his fellow survivors, always volunteering to scavange, and never letting anyone go hungry. He'd been a hero. Pavle realized his best friend was dead the moment he didn't come back. He was distraught. Waiting by the door all day, sitting on the floor and listening for hours. The young sports star had only eaten once, and his face was grim. &I'm sure he's just la-& began Bruce. Pavle sucked his breath in sharply, cutting Bruce off. &No,& he said slowly. &Marko is never late. Ever since this started he was always back on time.& Taking a knife from the floor besides him, Pavle looked Bruce in the eye. They knew it had to be done. It was raining again. The journey to the house had been uneventful, and Pavle knew roughly what was up, thanks to Marko's work two nights before. Slowly but surely he crept into the dark building, illuminated only by the blinking lights and fire. Creeping into the kitchen the football player could see food. He was glad. Sliding down the ladder and turning around, however, his mood plumeted. There lay M his corpse pale in the darkness. Blood was all across the floor and up the back wall, with the body slumped slightly against it. His face was frozen in time, eyes wide in fear. Pavle was... calm. He knew what he need to do now. Going back up the ladder and shunting the kitchen door open, with no regard for stealth, he charged up the stairs. Up and up he went, his breathing becoming savage as he reached the very top floor. Pavle heard groaning and the moving of objects, but he didn't care, bursting through the door he stared a bandaged and bloody man in the eyes. &No... you can't!& cried a female voice behind him. Running forwards with his knife in hand, Pavle screamed as tears streamed down his angry face. The blade sunk deep into the wounded man, killing him instantly. Turning to face the woman, and watching her run out of the room, Pavle ran after her. She was too slow, and his blade was very sharp. Her body fell limp about as fast as he used to score a goal. Checking both their bodies with no respect, the sports star cursed. They had nothing on them. When he got back to the safehouse, Pavle was covered in blood. Alica asked him what happened, but Bruce merely handed him a drink. Placing the knife off to one side, Pavle just sat down, and wept. They had killed his best friend... and he had killed them. -------EDIT: Complaints and whatnot, decided to do a little proper review down here.This War of Mine is powerful because of how it handles itself. There's an overdone of helplessness and regret, characters lamenting over their uselessness. Often when someone dies, they'll hope the next one isn't them. Marko is dead.Those three words gave off more emotion than every other war game I've played. I didn't need to twoniner my foxtrot, I wasn't &getting my ???& down to 'bravo point', there wasn't some black hawk down, and my 'LZ' wasn't 'too hot'. I didn't even have to press [F] to pay respects. Marko is dead. I just saw these three words as my screen faded to black. Then I was back at camp, and the others knew something was up. I can't really express how profound that was. Perhaps because of how subtle the game was, the moment it outright told me someone was dead, then moved on... maybe that's why it was so powerful. This War of Mine allows you to build characters up. It's literally an open book and it'll allow you to draw as many conclusions as you want. Because of that, I feel, it was made much more personal. Let me explain: I'm a writer, see? I write characters, get attatched to them, and sometimes watch them die. I'm constantly close to my own creations. I feel like this game lets everyone else do that, too. If you want to make your own characters with it, that's totally fine, and it will let you. If not? That's still fine, because the game tells you enough on its own to invest you regardless. I'm kind of rambling here, so I'll end this edit thus: This was not the game I wanted, this was the game I needed.
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6.6 hrs on record
This is the kind of game that will make you wonder about what kind of person you are. Is it worth killing helpless innocents for a couple days' worth of food? Will you help the weak out of kindness? Or will you rob everyone blind in the sheer desire to survive? Sure, you can say &it's just a game&, but it's impossible to avoid the feeling that your actions here might well mirror your true inclinations. So what's more important, survival or your humanity? Or can you preserve both? There are moments of both incredible kindness and cruelty to be found within, and they stir something in the human soul that I've rarely seen in games. From running a gauntlet of sniper fire to help a wounded father reunite with his infant son to murdering an elderly couple for their meager goods, it's impossible to play this game without thinking, &Could that be me? Would I do that? Could I rise that high, sink that low?& And that is the brilliance, the poetry, of this game.
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35.5 hrs on record
It's a devastating survival game. Sometimes when you're at the end of the road you're forced to make certain decisions to survive - and so do other people as well with you.The grim looks of the game, careful management, 'ethics' perhaps since when you make a choice to kill, it will impact all those around you... And may have longer term consequences as well of which you have not imagined. In my two playthroughs, the last one almost got me to apparent freedom - until the last man standing died.More about resource management: You start in a hideout with only a workshop, some barricaded doors, rubble, locked doors, locked closets and piles of materials. It's best if you clean it up as soon as possible so that you know with what kind of resources you start with.Generally, you have enough to create the basics of basics: A bed. A metal workshop. Perhaps depending on what you have and like, another bed, maybe some more items, a shovel to clear up rubble. Or perhaps a knife for self-defense at your home, or safety out scavenging? Typically the three 'main' resources are:Building materials.These can be components, lumber, parts, electric parts, everything to upgrade your benches, create more useful items such as weapons, single-use filters. I wonder why you can't create a re-usable filter. Because you REALLY need a LARGE amount of these for Luxery goods production, but also to filter out clean water for cooking use. Furthermore to board up your home. You'll really need a lot of these.Luxery goods. These are rather wanted and can be consumed by yourself as well.A few examples are cigarettes which has multiple 'tiers' or in easier terms, 'quality'. The better quality has better effects as well as more value for trade. Coffee beans and alcohol which also has different qualities. To consume either coffee or cigarettes you need to have an armchair (not sure if regular chairs have effect) and ofcourse a person who is either a coffee drinker or smoker. It will improve their morale drastically. Also jewelry. An important thing to notice is that you cannot eat jewelry (don't make that weird face at me please). Although you can trade it for a lot of goods early on if the trader appears it is perhaps wise to stock it up if you survive long enough to visit a marketplace perhaps or another trader in which you see something very useful - but don't have anything valuable or useful to the other person to trade with.Food for Hunger, Medicine/Bandages for the Sick, Alcohol (from Luxery Goods!)Food. It's rather important. You'll be always short on these - even moreso if your group grows beyond the starting three. You'll find some raw meat, vegetables, canned food. All of these can be eaten, however not cooking raw meat is unwise, the same goes for vegetables. However, you can eat the canned food! (Be blessed you do NOT need a can opener! Inbefore this featured item is added to the game.) The canned food stills hunger greatly, does not require time to cook, is an useful trading item as well!Now over to Medicines, there are two of them: Herbal meds and the real Medicine bottles. The first one may have half/half chance to cure slightly sick to sick people. However, the latter can really cure very sick people. Although prevention, or curing before they reach that status is highly advised as you need daily doses of the bottles to ensure survival of said sick person.Bandages are needed for wounds. You really don't want to fight too much with a wounded person as that'll affect your survival chances drastically. They're a valuable commodity as well for trading, however crafting these is rather hard and they are a rare find as well.Revisiting the alcohol part, if someone is depressed a chug of these can help as well. The better quality you have, the better it is. If you have two depressed people you can even chug down one bottle for both of them! Requires an action when you mouse over them if possible though, the one next to the speech bubble. *NOTICE: When they are Drunk they are highly slow during the Day, and may become totally useless during the Night! Has a high chance on curing 'poor morale' statusses! (Warning, there is a minor chance that it may not cure it fully)Now the few 'negative' parts of the game.Replayability value: After several times even when locations, people within, events and your starting party it may become dull. There is no speed up option during boring parts of the game, such as everyone working or when nothing special happens when you dig with your hands in rubble when you forgot your shovel. Or have no resources for a shovel.Items. There is this very annoying 'single use filter' in which I'd like to see a more permanent object, perhaps a 'Sink Filter' decoration for your home or a 'Multi-Use Filter' that requires an advanced workbench to create would be a nice thing to add. I must stress the point you need this filter to filter water, to create alcohol. They are both used heavily ingame. There's also a limited amount of items you can craft ingame - it is already hard enough as it is, but more diversity might be welcome. Also why can't I equip clothes for example, or a bigger bag, or maybe one use shopping bags or leather bags to get more loot back from scavenging places? (You can equip weapons though, or the rare body armour if you find/craft any during a scavenging trip...)Combat. Essentially I've tested out the melee portion and it does not have much logic into who hits who first exception that you may get stun-melee locked. The only way to nearly surefire kill someone who is not armored is to have a Knife or Hatchet and kill them from behind undetected (icon will become orange for this). Shooting is better. Also - the round circle may be either partially or fully white. This may indicate success chances into meleeing your opponent first before they do so to you. More testing is required, but above all a more detailed explanation may be required from the developers.RNG. But hey, if you're looking at this game you may like roguelike games right? Sometimes luck is in your favour, sometimes not, sometimes totally in your favour only to screw it up at the end =3There's probably tons of gameplay video's and streams out there including mines if you want to see more of it =P Guide here:
You may see me still streaming this game or other games at Twitch.Tv/Themeadowz! (If I do I also change my name temporarily to my channel as well.)
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12.9 hrs on record
WARNING TO ALLNever drop your guard, never lose cautionI was on Day 19, I had enough food to last me another 30 days, I was well armed and armored, I had 4 members in my group, Roman, Marko, Arica and Bruno, my base was well made, I had everything I could build practically, times were good, resources plentiful, and then I went in the church.On a typical scavenging run Markos partway through stumbled upon an armed man sleeping, he quickly slashed his throat, but as he slashed another foe came down from the floor above, a barrier between Markos and any possible escape, Markos ran at the man with knife in hand only to find the foes fists were faster, he tried not once, not twice but thrice to fell the man before him, but he could not land a hit, and in a matter of moments, he was dead.The next day at the base the survivors mourned the death of their comrade, I was filled with grief for my fallen friend, Bruno had been gone the night before assisting some men with repairing their home, Roman and Arica had guarded the base all night, all three were tired, until the afternoon all they could do was rest, Roman then gathered some meat from a trap, they were hungry, but they werent supposed to eat until the next day, having naught else to do, the day was ended.Trusting Bruno and Arica to guard the base while he was away Roman entered the church where Marko had fallen, I was filled with grief and rage, vengeance would be mine! Armed with a shotgun, a knife and a bulletproof vest he ventured deeper into the depths of the church, &I can take them& I thought as Roman climbed the ladder which Marko's killer had descended from, upon reaching the next I witnessed a man descending the stairs to my right, Roman pulled out his knife and advanced, the foe fled, giving pursuit Roman witnessed another man pursuing him with pistol drawn, once he fired, missKnowing he dare not turn back Roman continued his pursuit of the cowardly man, through several rooms he pursued him up until the man made it outside and jumped on the roof, the man with the pistol was almost to Roman, Roman closed the door and shotgun in hand waited for his foe to catch up, the door opened, I tried to attack him but the man fired first, frantically I continued to attempt to fire a shot, but alas I could not, second later I was almost dead, I panicked and tried to run! But I couldnt move, as with Marko I had to watch Roman die knowing I could do nothing and he would be gone for good.The next day Bruno and Arica mourned yet another friends passing, actually not Arica, she didnt care, but still my grief and frustration at losing half of my group in 2 days was overwhelming, I quit out of the game, and began writing this review.The morale of this story is that no matter how good your run is going, no matter how well supplied and armed you are, it can all go to ???? pretty easily, believe me when I tell you that with only one or two survivors, you will die in a matter of days, if not by starvation or lack of sleep, by raids, you will lose your supplies, your people will be injured or killed, and then finally, it will end.....On a side note great game! 10/10
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25.6 hrs on record
It was 8 PM, time for another scavenging. Tonight it was the quiet house. I peeked through the key hole and I saw an old couple who were reminiscing about old times, unaware of the intruder on their doorstep. I didn't see anyone else. After searching and looting all there were on a pile of rubbles nearby I decided to pay the old couple a visit. The door handle was broken so I just pushed it open. The door creaked like an old man's bones after a long rest. Both of the house's inhabitants were startled and jumped from their seats. &What do you want? We have nothing here.& I ignored the old man and proceeded to search their cabinet. The old lady screamed in terror and scrambled hastily out of there, guided by her husband. &Quick! Upstairs!& I found several materials and food inside, but no bandages. I followed the old couple upstairs. They were hiding in a small room by the end of the corridor. They were sitting in a corner and the old man was facing his wife. He stopped whatever he was doing and turned around, blocking his wife from my sight. &Please, you can take anything. Just don't kill my wife.& The old man followed me while I paced around the room looking for any sign of bandages. Nothing in the desk drawer. Nothing in the cupboard. Also nothing even in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. I returned to the room. And I saw it. The old lady had it all along. She grabbed onto the bandage tightly and it was at that moment that I saw a wide gash on her skirt. They were wet with blood. She must have gotten the wound just now since it was not there earlier. So, the old man was treating his wife when I barged in. I reached out my hand. &Hand me the bandages.& The old man was taken aback, &No, please. Anything but that. I need to treat her wound.& He continued to beg me. I was at a loss. Damn! Katia was severely wounded by last night's raid and I had to patch her up quick or she won't last until tomorrow. It was either us or them. It was better us than them, right? Right?? With harsher tone, &Just hand me the bandages and I will leave you guys alone.& The old man suddenly rushed towards me to attack. I was surprised but not for long. He was fast but I was faster. I reflexively reached to the knife I hid behind and it was all over in a matter of minutes. As I stared at the pool of blood at my feet and the bandages in my hand I wonder what kind of monster that I have become. This was definitely not my most cheerful moment. In this life. Or in this war of mine.
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Includes 20 Steam Achievements
Title: This War of Mine
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Release Date: 14 Nov, 2014
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