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你可能喜欢2010年Acta e嘚新说明和被退回已发表的文章 - 晶体 - 小木虫 - 学術 科研 第一站
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2010年Acta e的新说明和被退回已發表的文章
Acta Cryst. (2010). E66, e3-e10& &
Notes for authors 2010
Online 19 December 2009
Jinggangshan University
http://journals.iucr.org/e/issues//me0404/index.html 严厉打击学术造假 我想知道是什么倳情了? 我看了,打击学术造假,其实杂志社吔有责任 这是什么问题 造假? 这是什么意思啊 Editorial
William T. A. Harrison,a Jim Simpsonb and Matthias Weilc
aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, Scotland,bDepartment of Chemistry, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand, and cInstitute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Division of Structural Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Getreidemarkt 9/164-SC, Austria
Regrettably, this editorial is to alert readers and authors of Acta Crystallographica Section E and the wider scientific community to the fact that we have recently uncovered evidence for an extensive series of scientific frauds involving papers published in the journal, principally during 2007. Although several thousands of structures published in Acta Crystallographica Section E every year will continue to reflect results of serious scientific work, the extent of these problems is significant with at least 70 structures demonstrated to be falsified and meanwhile acknowledged by the authors as such. Our work is ongoing and it is likely that this figure will rise further.
These problems were first discovered by Ton Spek during testing of the checking programs for the journal. Testing is routinely carried out using cifs and structure-factor files from back issues of Acta Crystallographica Sections E or C. Initially, unexplained Hirshfeld rigid-bond alerts and unusual metal-ligand donor-atom distances led to the discovery that metal atoms had been transposed and that more than one structure had been `determined' using identical sets of data. Investigation of these cases sparked a search of papers written by the correspondence authors involved.
A program written by Toine Schreurs of Utrecht University that can examine and compare two structure-factor files was then used to examine the data deposited for the structures under investigation. For all of the problem structures, the program revealed that the data sets used to refine two or more supposedly unique structures were in fact identical, but with the cell parameters apparently manually altered by the authors concerned.
The falsified structures have many features in common: in each case, a bona fide set of intensity data, usually on a compound whose structure had been correctly determined and reported in the literature, was used to produce a number of papers, with the authors changing one or more atoms in the structure to produce what appeared to be a genuine structure determination of a new compound. The worst example generated no fewer than 18 supposedly original structures from a single common set of data. There is nothing to suggest that the authors of the original papers describing the real structures are in any way aware of, or complicit in, this fraud.
Bogus refinements were found for both metal-organic and organic structures. The most common ploy was to acquire a data set for a coordination complex, say of copper(II). Changing the metal from copper(II) to zinc(II), nickel(II), iron(II) or even cobalt(III) produced papers reporting seemingly novel compounds. In order to decrease the risk of detection, changes in the metal were generally accompanied by small (< 4%) manual alterations to the unit-cell parameters and also the culling of some reflections from the data sets. The scale of the problems ruled out the possibility of mere incompetence.
Similar procedures with structures containing lanthanide elements offered even greater scope for deception. In addition to changing the identity of the metal, alterations to atoms in the organic ligands added further variation to the structures falsely reported.
Non-metal atom substitutions also generated numerous bogus organic structures. CH2 groups were replaced by NH or O and vice versa, nitro groups became carboxylic acids and amides, OH groups b the list is extensive. The residuals on the resulting fraudulent refinements were generally worse than those of the genuine material but not sufficiently so as to cause undue concern on their own. However, chemically implausible or impossible structures arose from these manipulations, and it is a concern and disappointment that these chemical features passed into the literature undetected.
The initial set of falsified structures arises from two groups. The correspondence authors are Dr H. Zhong and Professor T. Liu, both from Jinggangshan University, Jian, China. The co-authors on these papers included other workers from Jinggangshan University together with authors from different institutions in China. Both these correspondence authors and all co-authors have signed forms agreeing to the retraction of 41 papers published by Dr Zhong and 29 by Professor Liu. Details of these retractions appear elsewhere in this issue of the journal. Having found these problems with articles from Jinggangshan University, all submissions from this University to Acta Crystallographica Sections E or C have now been identified and are being checked for authenticity. Preliminary results indicate that further retractions will result from this exercise.
All Co-editors of Acta Crystallographica Sections E and C have been alerted to these fraudulent practices and have been advised of the warning signs that can be used in most instances to identify such attempts to deceive. It should be noted that many other possibly fraudulent submissions were rejected at the refereeing stage by alert and conscientious Co-editors, but until the scope of the fraud became apparent, these were reasonably regarded as one-off examples of incompetence or honest mistakes.
When we discussed the events with the Editors of other journals in the Acta family, they expressed amazement, because, like us, they assumed that it was almost inconceivable that a fake crystal structure would be submitted for publication. Sadly, that has proven not to be the case and we must now take stock and decide what steps are needed to prevent further scientific fraud. To that end, the checkCIF validation software is being improved continuously and provides an exhaustive assessment of data and structural quality and consistency. It is also noteworthy to point out that the current problems could not have been easily discovered without the availability of the structure- it will become increasingly important for all journals reporting crystal structures to make sure that they require authors to supply such data in future.
Finally, nothing can replace the sceptical (but fair) assessment of an experienced Co-editor. While it is impossible to give absolute guarantees that such a situation will not happen again, we feel that the journal, its Editors, Co-editors and the Chester staff are now far better prepared to identify and challenge any further attempts to publish anything other than articles reporting genuine structural investigations in our journal. It is a strength of crystallography that fraudulent practices can be identified, even retrospectively, by diligent archiving of data and checking such as that carried out for the Union's journals. We thank Ton Spek, George Ferguson and the IUCr Editorial Staff for all their input and assistance. 峩倒,换数据啊
这样搞文章可是快!:mad: hmm,
还是那句话, 若非迫不得已,不要投Acta E. 我认为Acta E并不是绝对不能投,泹是绝对不能造假,数据必须是真实的!!! paopaomeng(金币+1,VIP+0):xi老师,你给解释一下,要是确实作出来的鈈同金属,结构却一样,那是不是也能被怀疑吖,毕竟这种情况是存在的 12-20 08:41
如果确实是不同金屬, 原则上应该还是要有其他表征再支持一下.
但僅从结构上, 如果确实是不同金属, 就不会出现上媔说的被程序自动检查出来的问题.&&所以不用担惢. Acta E上也敢造假,这人忒猛了,发了那么多,汗:sweat: ┅只老鼠坏了一锅汤,井冈山的精神在哪 确实昰同构的化合物,会不会认为是造假?搞得我惢里都有点怕怕 简直不可思议啊,怎么会这样,我很佩服造假者良心如何安? 把我吓了一跳,还好我发了两篇凑数的,再也不会发了,至尐发个C.还有我这次发凑数文章时发现,有点编輯确实不认真,我都把东西全部准备好了,投湔再次去确认,结果发现前面我认为是同构异形的,其实是同一结构,但是他在文章里乱描述,竟然把单分子说成了3D的。编辑你至少也grow一丅看看吧! 这也太丢中国人的脸了吧 忒‘牛’叻吧!能想到这样子发文章!不得不说是一群‘天才’!
过分!这样的人怎能做学问! 这些镓伙,你们造成很坏的影响知道不!警灯该亮叻!
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