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蝉童网络 All Rights Reserved.问道新区怎样弄钱快_百度知道
五灵才20W。然后我拿去天换。并且我也有不少朋友就是1两次就OK了的.可以随便换线3,一定要看世界频道了,能淘到宝的,能改出来,如果你朋友多。还有就是出现宝图妖的时候能迅速找出在几线。得个黑水还有个惊喜,几个人杀能迅速结束战斗,技10的爪子对木来(体木)说就是极品。还有个重要的原因就是,木5(或水5),做三清可以抓电!每天上线收材料是我必做的课程之一 第二,本人挖的宝图有上千张了吧,还是用超贵!10级带到80价钱能翻3分之1 如果BB属性好3TJ满血速等等价钱可以翻一倍。一件物超所值的东西,其实官方已经对我们非RMB玩家开了很多活动只是你们都没太注意。完全可以凑合,按成本价卖出去还是可以的。做其他系的武器就以做70级+的武器为佳。以上3项做到以后,1E5的70武器一下搞2把(包括自己粉的一把,实在不行跑环!可以没问题只要你不闲累勤奋 那就是用不完的金钱 在传授你们菜鸟一招建小号官方注册25个ID然后去分别建角色每ID5个号。总成本在3000左右,很节约药,最好再高点能F熊,跑出一张会员来。把以上几种方法集合起来就是成功之路,好属性总会出来的,第一时间看到谣言就飞。希望大家都关注世界,找到星就喊他们!下面我来分解下我的活动流程周1。3刷材料其实也算个不错的方法,60以前可以做神兽丹,能F10里妖就行.会员任务多,怎么还想要第八条么。到另一天的这个时候也去附近找找。知道了就开始去淘宝吧。就算你粉了垃圾属性,勤奋+努力=回报,3个号拿东西,你的眼睛都不要离开世界频道,所以在70以前囤积材料是很重要的,罩子云,有几千张图吧,我运气比较衰,什么装备才是好的极品,去H6抓云做道药卖市场价平均8万一个道药 成本只要2万 每个5万利润运气好碰个TJ云恭喜你发了,能挖个首饰材料。有人说天换成功率是很低的。90技能10的黑水。至丁籂糙既孬焕扼纫于挣钱。所以大家千万不要错过在世界里喊的每一项商品,需要很多钱周转,萝卜桃子活动双开做1主号1个10级小号全力装备认主,当然风险也有的,我2500买来后3卡卖出去了。所有装备中又以武器最值得改,要是很久都不放呢,很快的。还要更深一步了解各种装备的市场卖价(包括成品黑水和蓝抽):1,可惜是灵力要求,很不明智,别看不起10万20万的利润别你跑环一环1千2千来的快多了,等级。最后成功的那次是隔天去的,因为宝图有一定概率挖归员。要求不算高吧。大多数是挖单色石头和几W块钱!要不教出一群祸害可完了, 杀宝图妖 推荐杀10里和蓬莱需要组队进行的怪3,但是原理还算清楚的,那每天至少有4个小时的时间逛市场,其他可以放弃,成本在3000左右,带25狗或者蛇别的不说了先给小号准备850万的钱小号接任务挖完点取消不交任务 在接这样每接1次任务的成本是15万。嘿嘿。以上方法适合在任何区的任何玩家使用。看到低价的买下, 收归元洗乌龟法2,遇到BOSS自己开双甚至开3号杀。这时候你的人际关系要有体现了,而归员可以洗乌龟。我把这个想法和我的一个木系朋友交流了后。那我们就先从天换说起,不能相信别人说,他们很乐意带你杀的,玩累了就去转转地摊。就只关注世界。老区首饰根本不值钱:1。装备也没有必要追求极品,仗着自己能F4混4就单挑! 其他不用说了 活动结束 大号8个大桃子小号7个
大的每个90万计算 小的每个25万计算 15*90=1350万小的是25*35=875OK 2小时 纯收入1350万+周2,自己摸索,可以问朋友借啊(前提是关系很好!你还可以泡在1线钱庄里收东西底收高卖!如果你号到80了那好。要是到了70+后。我失败的前4次就是连续的,力号刷千面至于怎么打这个不用我教了吧不会自己去体会没时间在这浪费一次200+声望
300声望=1个3倍 至于3倍多钱1个自己去算。买东西一定相信自己,当你粉的多了,压镖活动,并且我自己也用了很久,你也差不多到60了。所以此法也只局限在新区使用,靠蹲BOSS这一项,但并不推荐,三开小号60级+10次做完每号300万+三号1000万。以上方法可以循序渐进。所以朋友是很关键的,危险费药不说,70是便宜很多的,根本卖不出去。很多装备具有好的属性,不是一朝一夕就可以融会贯通的! 2小时纯收入1000万+周3 周五周六周日
晚上活动就算 单开力号挂盒子卖4天收入也不会低于2000万周6周日下午2-4天 天降宝箱3开挂箱子 2天20个箱子轻松+愉快 每个45万 利润900万不算材料其他第三,我们几个跟他混的BOSS也是不少了,也是只赚不赔的。并且此法相当无聊。先说1吧,千万不要冒失去做。特别是洗出的低成长的,怎么。加上问了几个朋友的经历,接着就交易,带60W+武学的蜥蜴,倒卖,比杀20%,但是在华山区石头并不值钱,看到有人在10里,至少熟悉各级别装备属性大概的价格, 炒装备以上几中赚钱方法对等级要求比较高。最后我4卡卖出去了(当时我区卡价格在1700+),其他不说了第四。他老婆1E的爪子也是他买的。接下来说下倒卖装备吧,对一件武器或防具来说。接下来。但是知道的人太多了。,你可以双开1个小号守在龙5或者蓬莱岛,打怪升级。炒装备可以从天换。大多数人宁愿多点出钱买高成长也不会退而求其次的,离开那上面一件件存在着商机的装备(问道可以在世界看装备属性的功能我很赞)。但此法对资本实在要求高,不推荐!1,现在材料收的价格都很高!如果运气好碰到不懂价还可以敲他一笔别骂我啊 他白吃 不赚白不赚但是别太黑了第六.可以杀BOSS2。在所有装备的合成里稳赚的就是和50级木爪!收1万收乌龙鳞5千收鹰爪5千收花妖瓣,但是好装备是值得投资的。现在就结合我本人的经验从3个方面具体说下怎么炒装备?白等吗。你这级别最快的升级方式就是开全道具找大号带,你就。但是最起码一样要做到。60级就可以赚钱了。要是被你撞到。前提要快,他自己2个会员号,而我们要做的就是变废为宝。因本人玩的时间不长,且销路好(但材料比较贵)!最后送你们几句话 勤奋+努力=金钱
跑环能跑几个钱封跑环那是对的如果有外挂不封那这游戏可真该黄了!打造理想绿色的网游才是我们玩家共同的心声,他现在73级。这个我不多说,你离富人只差半步。建议75级+的玩家。20玉配项链35W。没双的时候就是找星杀,拿到世界喊了一下,如果你前期是按我说的练3个号 那么带好BB卖 也是非常赚钱的首先 收好宠比如单罩云全敏电之类吧但是你得有我说的前期基础得先有钱收 然后3个号带能带什么得看你3个号的级别来定30的话只能带满血龟了 一般不支持,加他老婆的号。这里鄙视下那些70出头的人。这几项我相信我是第一时间M买主的,选无人的线2,不是浪费八卦吗! 55带蜥蜴也可以 70带云 带电 粉衣 TJ等等虽然你号不是会员但是每个号每周有7小时双3号就是21小时加上力号可以修山找个敏金封手升级跟做飞机,哪些是法的,黑水做3个方面进行。其他就算运气还好,他们不知道他才杀1个别人组队的已经杀几个了,他敢在世界喊出来。当然!如果你有时间在2线1线收材料5千收1万卖 这就是50%的利润 如果你黑 你卖2万100%利润也可以我不管但是别赔了。最推荐做的就是三清和道药,这个等级的玩家资本有一定了。最重要的是要强大的资本做后盾,如果以上的钱你还闲不够花。2。如果不是对行情了如指掌,绝对信任)。本人在关注世界的时候买了把60级锤子,当然想赚钱就要多花时间来经营和料理你的商店。并且就算收到了材料也就尽快脱手。一般3次到4次出好属性的概率大点(个人观点),资本也不够,全相1。我有个朋友,螃蟹我在传授你一招。挖到50W的不过才5次。全相5,商店赚钱法 非RMB 老鸟可能都知道。注意,在我们华山这样老区就算开了不久的区也是行不通的?60以前开销是很小的,这点游戏中和现实中是一样的,道药可以抓云,花妖瓣鹰爪,如果真正想做问道的生意人。接下来着重给大家讲讲怎么炒装备?还闲少不够花,速度快,现在值3卡。关键是材料不好收了,杀的快就能赶上杀其他线的。并且只要开区在1个月以上的区一般玩家都有乌龟,就是看见别人在杀或偶尔碰到杀的一些BOSS必须要用笔记下来它的出没地点和线数,5的时候全满卡,并且要对市场有透彻了解,要是自己没几个会员号的,找那些刚升70或80准备换装备的人下手,练到10级统一挂在天城答题那答题把答案都背下来别闲多想赚钱就要勤奋。这里说下天换的注意事项。这不算太难吧!最好选店前4家店这就是开的要快越往后 买的人就越少 买东西都是一样懒的翻那么多,但是属性限制是它的痛,然后高价卖出去。但是他都是2,要组队进行。此法很推荐机器配置高,学习掌握以上7种赚钱方法如果在线时间20小时 我保证你一天赚上5000万那都是少的。2关于挖宝图的问题我是有亲身体验,利润也是不大的。CY升级1,下个月就会值5卡!那么告诉有 赚钱法总共10条目前我只能透露7条你能把这7条会你就已经是富翁了剩下的只是时间去做而已做师父的怎么也要保留3条自己留用,所以没太大经验,如果钱还嫌不够花, 刷材料法4。4法也是有新区的局限性,属性是天伤1550、蓬莱放妖就用八卦飞过去吧, 低价收首饰买成品首饰法为什么这么说呢。70级做道药一个通宵赚2000+是没问题的。60之前就是你了解市场为将来干大事的准备期,就算是快杀BT星的生死关键时期,怎么交朋友应该不要我教吧, 收宝图自己挖法3,自己慢慢摸索经验,可以纯靠炒装备和蹲BOSS。我看到不少朋友为了杀妖蹲在蓬莱岛。归元洗出高成长宝宝的概率是非常低的~,成本低, 蹲BOSS 即杀熊 狮子 刺猬 猪等4。什么是好的游戏习惯呢,就算你人品好。多个朋友多条出路,利润是最高的,那我60以前用什么呀。所以此法只适合在新区使用。首先要分清楚哪些属性是适合力的,70做道药,明天就值1卡,就是良好的游戏习惯。市场上出现的那些好的蓝抽一般是FY得的,比如。因为组队安全且效率高?有3项必需学会。所以玩家60级前应该以升级为主,这是终极赚钱方法。如果这2项练的出神入话后你还有时间多你就收收乌龙鳞,保守的卖7500是没问题的!我自己没洗过尝试过,联系两个。他是垄断了一定数量的BOSS,但是从我几个朋友抓到野的天技宠为了洗高成长花费是巨大的?1,练药是最原始的方式。有些花了几千W。道150年。不管用什么方法,管神工可不是吃素的。下面来说说比较实用的生财之道!答对1个给灵石晶石放一大号答一个交易1个打个比方你有100个ID 那你每天就有100个五灵或者五晶1个10万=1000万不用赶别的卖石头吧可以在商店开个专卖石头的店一天也保证最底限度1000万进帐
怎么还不够那你去建200个小号 利润翻倍第八,本人认为确实不怎么高。这样需要智慧和耐心。可想而知挖宝的利润有多少了。天换就是改变装备的限制属性。杀宝图妖掉首饰材料和装备概率是非常大的,网速好的朋友进行,就是你不管在做什么任务,你可以联系两个朋友,不能囤积,而且至少逛了一个月以上,70武器相形5的黑水也许现在值2卡!每天1线店收入1500万2线店收入700万,飞10次杀7-8次是没问题的,道药只需要1个内丹就可以,也会经常有人叫你杀的!本人XX服务器1线 2线都是第一间大掌柜,而且要看清走向,看看大号杀星练宝宝的, 做丹2,这比你收什么材料都实在。其实杀星还是最快的练级方式,65做三清宝花。所以初级玩家开始并没有必要追求怎么赚钱?根据我自己和几个朋友的经验,等级不到任何方法都不适合你的。三清只要内丹不需要材料,然后又改到了3! 商人呢 都开材料店 不要看不起每个4千1万的利润积少成多。就算急用钱也不会。这段时间你除了升级刷道其他时间干什么呢,对市场应该也有很透彻的了解,到第5次才成功,我认为这样也是不明智的。为什么要买会员呢,找两个秒5练宝宝的去幽冥升级,在这里我还说一遍RMB玩家都开道具店。10天升60完全可能。有时候放妖频率高,失败1次后别急着再去,了解市场,以上几中方法只适合在新区短时间有点利润。接下来是用黑水合装备粉装备了,不同的属性对极品的定义也是不一样的,只要你了解市场。那首先你要做的第一件事就是资本原始积累—够买1张会员?我建议杀妖时与跑环或者试炼结合起来,CY刷道。
谢谢您的采纳。如意电和罩子云是最走俏的宝宝。3。周末开双倍的时候,3个人合资开全道具! 给你算个帐1个材料赚1万如果你有1000个那就是赚1000万,就有人出7000要买。只要你在60级前培养了这3项能力,他就做出了把50爪子.跑环记录4.双多5。现在,2个小时升3级差不多,因为首饰放着就是等贬值的,人家是不会非要卖给你的,我马上就M。最后我以800W(卖主开价1000W)买到手,多交朋友:1,会有惊喜的,利润也是很低的,粉属性垃圾),顺路带BB 如果你电脑配置够好也可以带2个徒弟5开得声望得钱还带宠第五。值得一提的就是我买过1个70全相4的单抽!钱句是这么赚的非常的容易。肤浅的从市场上买些装备你改出3或4再去卖也算1个,哪些是木的,最好隔天去,你要起码要知道什么武器。。并且木武器对等级没有要求第一。有人会说了,喜欢杀BOSS的都开装备杂货。但要注意一点,到时候就是天价了! 收材料可以和第1条开材料店的材料一起收第七,做丹也是个不错的方法。但是有人会说要是我飞过去杀不到怎么办,销路并不好。只要把师门做做够药钱或者跑跑环就可以了。50级的同属性成品黑水或蓝抽比60。接下来就是蹲BOSS了
出门在外也不愁《新超级玛丽兄弟2》也许是款非常出色的,但它却缺少野心。游戏的设计非常保守,黄金主题也并未发挥其全部潜能,说实话游戏中的新内容数量几乎为零。所以在此我们将阐述一些能够帮助任天堂赋予这款游戏更多乐趣的方法。这些内容基于不同游戏部分进行了划分,但总共加起来便是30种。New Super Mario Bros 2(from pcgames)故事线/概念1.在游戏中硬币具有目的/意义在某种程度上这与百万硬币奖励是相联系的,但事实上却不只如此。我的意思是,现在硬币在这款游戏中做些什么?你并不需要使用它们去打开任何关卡,世界或秘密。Gold Flower是有趣的,但从根本上来看这只是一种新奇事物,并不具有故事目的。任天堂应该让它们能够打开某些内容,或者至少将其嵌入情节中,因为现在我们会觉得《新超级玛丽兄弟Wii》只是随机设置一个硬币主题。2.瓦里奥有自己的角色不确定角色应该是怎样的,尽管可游戏的角色通常都是最佳选择。也许有那么一次你作为马里奥战胜了游戏,打开了一些瓦里奥领土/Ware主题的领域而冲向硬币。谁不想像Gold Mario那样冲向Kitchen Island,Music Box World和Wario Land 4关卡并愉快地消灭瓦里奥的敌人而获得金钱?或者让瓦里奥利用肩膀痛打Koopalings。特别是对抗Roy Koopa时,因为他使用的是相同的攻击。说真的,围绕着所有黄金和金钱但却未呈现瓦里奥的游戏是非常荒谬的,这表示这些《新超级玛丽兄弟》游戏缺少足够的关心与努力。3.真正的百万硬币奖励现在你是否知道自己从一百万硬币中获得了什么?游戏屏幕上一尊马里奥的雕像。那么最大数值的硬币呢?屏幕上一尊浣熊马里奥的雕像。作为来自任天堂的奖励,这真的太悲哀了。这甚至不是代表新角色或关卡的选择,甚至不如“你为硬币跑狼打开了一个彩虹包”(在硬币跑狼中玩彩虹关卡)或者“你打开一间能让你为库存添加一个Mega Mushroom的商店”等。这些奖励至少在游戏中还算体面且有价值,后者还很有趣。也许后一种奖励能够适用于最后的战斗,所以如果你作为Mega马里奥在对抗Bowser,你只需要猛击他,而不需要疯狂追逐。这不仅是有趣的,同时还能让玩家感到强大。不管怎样都比一尊雕塑好太多。4.剧情转折比“Bowser再次抓住Peach”更有趣需要一些真正预想不到的情节。如瓦里奥的出现。或者Bowser突然遇到所有不知打哪里冒出来的银河征服者。或者一个新反派出于Gold Flower和硬币主题而出现。不能再只是呈现出“Bowser无数次绑架Peach”的故事。综述1.来自《新超级玛丽兄弟Wii》的不同音乐不可否认,游戏中出现了一些新音乐,并且非常棒。如Star World主题或者《SMW》中的boss战斗的混音。但这却还不够。它们是否真的需要再次使用同样的高塔主题?同样的幽灵屋和城堡主题?同样的草地,沙漠,水等主题?甚至连最后的boss主题也与《新超级玛丽兄弟Wii》中的一样,这真的很让人失望。任天堂应该改变更多音乐。这并不困难。2.来自大多数《马里奥》游戏中所呈现的不同世界主题与《新超级玛丽兄弟U》一样,我们再次看到被龙卷风环绕的世界,或者就像《超级马里奥银河》那样,我们也看到了这些基于虚构的方法混合冰与火主题的巧妙银河设计。虽然主题不错,但这只能说《新超级玛丽兄弟2》非常懒惰。除了将沙漠,天空和山等世界混合在一起外,其主题与早前的游戏并没有差别。那那些特别的世界呢?游戏应该被带进全新的Mushroom World领域并伴随着全新关卡主题和全新理念,而不只是循环自《超级玛丽兄弟3》以来便存在的相同内容。3.超过9个世界在《超级马里奥3D大陆》后,《新超级玛丽兄弟2》又能想出什么借口去解释只存在的9个世界?如果添加更多世界将有可能把这款游戏与DS和Wii版本区分开来。4.新的敌人尽管包含更多怀旧内容是合理的,但《新超级玛丽兄弟2》却几乎未引进任何新敌人或角色。我们面对的是填满半个屏幕的新型Boo,一些不容易死去的常见敌人,如Goombas和Piranha Plants以及一些更小的Urchins版本,其行为与大型版本一样。任天堂真的觉得将这样数量的新角色放在全新游戏中是合理的?说实话,这与《Lost Levels》中的内容并没有太大差别。他们应该想办法添加更多新敌人,这并不难。Mario_and_a_Boo(from mikedragonboo)5.新道具和升级工具(不是Gold Flower)我并不是在计算,因为不管道具多酷,这几本书就是带有不同颜色方案的更强大的Fire Flower。不应该这样,《新超级玛丽兄弟2》应该引进全新的升级工具,就像Wii版本带给我们的Propeller和Penguin Suits或者Wii U版本带给我们的Flying Squirrel Suit。这不适合黄金主题?谁在乎呢?黄金主题在《新超级玛丽兄弟2》中并不是什么重要的内容,大约90%的游戏内容都是基于硬币收集的设计。这里有怎样的新升级道具呢?什么都没有。本来这款游戏可以变得更有趣并长期吸引《马里奥》粉丝的注意。6.可行驶的Yoshi我知道这意味着比起Wii游戏更像是DS游戏,但因为在近来的《马里奥》游戏,甚至在Wii U版本中都能看到Yoshi的身影,所以为什么不让它再次出现呢?在《3D大陆》中缺少Yoshi真的很糟糕,那么在《新超级玛丽兄弟2》中呢?7.像《新超级玛丽兄弟DS》中的迷你游戏还记得像《Whack a Monty》和《Danger Bob-omb Danger》等游戏?作为用于分散注意力的内容,它们都非常有趣,但是让人失望的是《新超级玛丽兄弟2》并未呈现出同样的迷你游戏或更多地利用3DS的能力。难道不去提高重玩价值对于这款游戏来说是件好事吗?8.像《新超级玛丽兄弟DS》中的Vs模式或者像Wii版本中的一种模式一样,我认为这是关于在多人游戏的关卡编辑版本中收集硬币,这对于基于黄金主题的游戏来说是非常适合的。再一次地,游戏严重缺少重玩价值,更多像这样的模式将能够更长久地维持玩家们的兴趣。9.与免费的摄像机系统的合作现在与某些人不同的是,我可以感受到为什么任天堂会使用《新超级玛丽兄弟Wii》的摄像机系统而不是更具逻辑性的双摄像头,这能够将玩家集中在一起并且在某种程度上阻止游戏变成是两个玛丽兄弟碰巧遇到的冒险,而不是他们真正地在彼此协助。但后者真的是个糟糕的理念吗?我并不这么认为。想象两个马里奥兄弟分别穿越大陆并不可预期地碰在一起的冒险有多巧妙。也许这与《银河战士》的猎人行动一样,即你进入一个房间,发现敌人已经率先到达了那里并尝试着杀死你。想象在《新超级玛丽兄弟2》中有类似的内容。你进入一个关卡并发现一片荒地,因为其他玩家已经将这里的坏人都杀死了。整个街区都是空空的,没有硬币和道具,钱也都被拿走了。总之,这是创造有趣的“噱头”的一种让人沮丧的氛围。或者想象你在玩一个城堡关卡,穿越一个空荡荡的boss房间,并且这里只有一条通向旗杆的道路,boss已经被之前到达的人给杀死了。这甚至会引起一些独特的挑战,就像当玩家1到达旗杆时,玩家2还有50秒去到达关卡最后。也许计时器是等到Bowser在关卡中发动空袭才开始算起,而最后一个进入关卡中的玩家不得不疯狂地奔跑才能避免被炸成碎片。这有助于呈现出传统的《超级玛丽兄弟》模式,特别是当进入最后关卡的结果与发生于特定故事(即受困的英雄将因为时间的流失被消除)的内容相似(注:当玩家到达旗杆时,敌人和障碍将被冻结)。这并不是关于世界地图结构所考虑的内容。想象一个玩家采取捷径并比你平常所做的更快到达之后的关卡。想象在Bowser的城堡中偶然遇到其他玩家并发现玩家1已经穿越了世界1至5而玩家2已经穿越了世界1,Mushroom和Flower。10.在线多人游戏也许会要求许多不认识其他3DS拥有者的人尝试着与对方进行合作,而从游戏当前的设置来看这对于许多人来说都是不可能的事。更别说是在2012年的时候。而在现在的在线游戏中是否可行?为什么任天堂不将其添加到游戏中?Boss战斗1.更有趣/独特的Bowser战斗让我们面对它,当前的战斗基本上就是来自《新超级玛丽兄弟Wii》最后战斗的缓和版,并且比之前《马里奥》系列中看到的最后boss战斗更无趣。也许Bowser应该抓住Gold Flower并开始使用其能量对抗马里奥和Luigi?这是对于最后战斗模式的有效调整,让Bowser变成金色并尝试着将可怜的马里奥变成硬币。2.不同的Dry Bowser战斗但即使你喜欢最初带有3个移动平台的Giant Bowser,并且他尝试着将马里奥从背景中拉下来,但在与Dry Bbowser进行秘密的打斗中基于图像改变再次使用它却是一个笑话。秘密的boss并不意味着与最后的boss一样,他们应该带有新的攻击模式并提供给你一些新技能!就像《大金刚国度2》和《大金刚国度3》中的最后boss。我们可以注意到那些带有出色的最后boss空间的内容与用于标准最后战斗的内容是不一样的。后者包含全新的策略,即你将机筒丢尽空调中并在一定距离内撞击对方。一旦你获胜了,他们都将面对一个全新的结局。这便是Dry Bowser战斗应该做到的。3.更多最初的Koopaling boss的确,游戏中的Roy,Morton,Ludwig和Larry都带有与《新超级玛丽兄弟Wii》中不同的攻击模式,但它却仍未解释为什么与Wendy,Iggy和Lemmy的战斗从根本上看来还是与《新超级玛丽兄弟Wii》一样。理想的情况是,这些战斗应该做出改变,而所有的Koopalings都必须带有独特的攻击模式。4.Kamek的魔法效果还记得在Wii游戏中Kamek将飞行并让每个boss战斗变得更有挑战性吗?他将独自让房间开始移动,升级Koopalings的攻击等等。在这款游戏中,尽管也存在一些噱头,但boss看起来却还是非常传统。说实话,并不存在足够的噱头能够保持游戏战斗的乐趣。所以Kamek应该不断升级Koopalings及其战斗领域,从而有效地提升战斗乐趣。甚至还可以升级Reznor,你知道他需要这样的升级。5.除了Koopalings,Bowser和Reznor之外的boss(Bowser Jr,Boom Boom和Kamek)然后你便会遇到这个问题,boss基本上就是Reznor,Koopalings,Bowser和Bowser的克隆,没有Dry Bowser。这可能有点不同,但我真的很想念在《新超级玛丽兄弟Wii》中我们于飞船上与Bowser Jr战斗或者在第8个世界的宝塔/堡垒上与Jamek进行战斗。这里也需要这样的boss。不同世界间的舰船上出现一个不同的boss能够比只有Koopalings和Reznor的游戏更有趣。6.在战胜Dry Bowser后没有结局看看我所说的关于不同的Dry Bowser战斗。如果玩家像在普通关卡那样未听到任何鼓励而面对结束,他们将会非常失望。这并不是任天堂第一次犯这样的错误(注:《超级马里奥3D大陆》中的第16个秘密世界甚至没有一个替代的最后boss),考虑到他们付出了努力而创造出一个秘密boss,你可能会认为他们将为打败了boss的玩家提供适当的奖励。道具1.Ice Flower,Penguin Suit或者Blue Shell应该回归 Ice_Flower(from fantendo)Penguin Suit(from fantendo)blue_shell(from leelaughead)关于前者是因为这是Wii游戏中频繁使用的一种有趣道具,而后者则是因为告诉穿越一个关卡(不停)非常有趣。更不用说这能让马里奥在水中更快速地移动。难道这不适用于游戏中吗?说实话,缺少这些道具将阻碍游戏发挥最大潜能。2.道具在更多关卡中具有实际用途有多少次你真正需要一个Mega Mushroom?两次?那Mini Mushroom呢?也许是两三次?除了Raccoon Leaf和飞行,这款游戏中几乎所有升级道具都是无用的。也许 你难得发现的一个奖励屋却只能通过Mini Mushroom或Gold Flower进行访问,就像在许多宝塔或水下关卡中所看到的那样,但在大多数情况下这些道具却并未真正出现在那里。你甚至不能在库存中获得一个Mega Mushroom。任天堂本应该创造出有用的道具。确保玩家可以在不同关卡中使用特定的道具,或者创造更多奖励屋去利用一些稀有的道具。因为现在,《新超级玛丽兄弟2》的道具几乎都未得到充分利用。硬币跑浪1.对于每个包的独立记录不知道是谁决定玩家应该局限于一个跨越所有不同硬币包的分数,但这却是一个糟糕的理念,必须立即废除。你最好让每个硬币包拥有不同的分数。然后便有能力去选择是否发送给人们带有1个分数或者3个分数的StreetPass。2.带有面向每个包的分数的实际在线排行榜因为现在你不知道硬币跑浪中关于任何包的最佳分数是什么。人们是否会在Flower和Star包中努力获得3万个硬币?对于那些不想反复群发垃圾邮件的人来说怎样的关卡才是最合适的?像现在这样,你不知道这些问题的答案,并且有可能永远都不会知道。当然,有些人会设置一个有关主题的官方网站,并开始记录分数,但如果有好几百万的玩家并未使用网络论坛或未发送他们的分数到粉丝所创造的排行榜中,那这种方法便计算不了多少内容。我们都知道,有些人可能是马里奥的支持者所以会保持世界记录,但因为缺少硬币跑浪排行榜,所以现在的我们不可能知道情况。3.巧妙的窍门如果你不知道为什么这是有用的,那就去尝试打败一些随机的陌生人的分数(即你通过StreetPass所下载的)。你不知道他们最初采取怎样的策略去获得当前的分数,不管他们是否找到了巧妙的窍门而在一个关卡中获得数千个硬币。将这点与排行榜结合起来,想象人们能够从世界冠军中找到什么巧妙的方法!4. Expert Staff Ghosts的挑战这是另外一个显著的添加内容,是直接源自像《马里奥赛车》和《零式赛车》这样的游戏。所以如果在像《马里奥赛车7》的计时赛模式下的硬币跑浪包中添加一些staff ghosts会怎样?如此,玩家不仅能够看到任天堂员工所找到的所有巧妙的策略,同时他们也能够尝试挑战别人的分数。5.没有3万的硬币上限。因为任何硬币上限都将设定一个技能上限,并将完全限制《新超级玛丽兄弟2》的硬币跑浪模式的整体竞争面。想象如果现实生活中的体育运动只因为裁判不想记录更高的分数而限制了团队能够获得的分数,或者如果《马里奥赛车》只是说“这便是最佳表现,没有什么记录能够比这个更好了”,那么人们该多郁闷。基于竞争和技能的模式的上限理念总是非常糟糕,3万硬币的上限不应该出现在这款游戏中。6.基本的关卡设计将变为某些特定关卡简单地来说就是,有些关卡不能有效运行,而其它关卡没有足够默认的硬币或奖励使其能够成为硬币跑浪模式。所以为什么不只是面向硬币跑浪重新创造这些关卡,添加一些更有趣的游戏内容?以下是一些需要重视这点的关卡:世界4幽灵屋:Boo墙完全放慢了游戏速度并限制了马里奥的移动,如果你陷入困境,甚至是在游戏一开始,你便没有足够的时间去完成关卡。任天堂至少应该在带有移动Boo墙的那部分开始添加50秒,如此它们便能像其它带有自动卷轴的关卡一样运行了。世界3宝塔:自动卷轴和缓慢移动组块以及顶峰意味着这里没有真正的策略,你不能走太快,你不能承担任何风险,你是100%受限于开发者的要求。任天堂应该完全删除垂直自动卷轴,因为它会让关卡变得很无聊。世界5宝塔:在这里上升的熔岩并没有多糟糕,但实际上在这一关卡中并没有什么真正的秘密或奖励,所以整体就变成了在玩过一次游戏后的回忆。更别提迷你马里奥管道了,如果之前的关卡选择是基于随机功能,那它便是无法使用的。任天堂应该添加一个Mini Mushroom到关卡中,并添加更多硬币和Gold Mushroom组块。世界6幽灵屋:这里没有什么有趣的内容,这是一个在第一次游戏后便衰老的关卡。任天堂应该通过添加更多奖励而重新创造关卡并重新设计一些房间,因为当前的关卡一点都不有趣。7.Bowser的城堡和Dry Bowser的城堡作为可游戏的硬币跑浪关卡说实话,这只是任天堂懒惰的表现。他们所需要做的只是删除任何引起巨大Bowser战斗结局的内容,在Koopaling房间和最后的战斗中添加一些额外时间,并添加更多硬币让游戏变得更有趣。mario 2()8.所有的金币选择现在你知道该如何从使用带有Gold Flower的标准马里奥或者White Raccoon Mario中做出选择?如果任天堂选择让你在三个关卡中作为Gold马里奥而游戏是否会比较好。这可能会稍微改变游戏,但是你必须承认看到人们在这三个关卡中想出包含Gold Flower的策略是很有趣的。这是一个让硬币跑浪变得更加简单的选择,但我认为这也会让它变得更有趣,同时还能够提供给资深玩家一些新工具去获得更多硬币。如果这30条内容都能出现在《新超级玛丽兄弟2》中,我敢保证人们将更加期待这款游戏的到来,它也将获得更积极的评论以及更多的销量。也许人们甚至会为了这款游戏购买3DS,这可能是任天堂在宣告《新超级马里奥游戏》时所下的赌注。(爪游控)30 Ways that New Super Mario Bros 2 could have been I How the mediocre game could have been greatSeptember 18th, 2012 by Nin3DSNew Super Mario Bros 2 may have been a decent enough title, but it lacked ambition. The game was designed in a way that involved playing the whole thing too safe, the gold theme wasn’t used to its full potential and the amount of new content in the game was quite honestly close to zero.So here are some ways Nintendo could have made the game more interesting. They’re split among multiple lists covering different parts of the game, but all in all the number of items does add up to 30. Oh, and if Nintendo themselves read this, feel free to add anything below in as downloadable content, since I’m fairly sure most people would appreciate it.Storyline/Concept1. Coins actually having a purpose/meaning in the gameThis would partly tie into the whole million coin reward thing, but there’s actually quite a bit more to it than that.I mean, at the moment, what exactly do coins really do in this game? You don’t unlock any levels or worlds or secrets with them. The Gold Flower is fun, but it’s basically just a novelty with no in story purpose.Nintendo should have made them open something or at least factor into the plot somehow, since it currently just feels like New Super Mario Bros Wii with a random coin theme thrown in.2. Wario having a roleNot sure what the role would be, although playable character would be the best bet. Maybe have it so once you beat the game you unlock a few Wario Land/Ware themed areas to charge through as Mario and in coin rush. Because hey, who wouldn’t want to go charging through Kitchen Island, the Music Box World and the Wario Land 4 levels as Gold Mario and have fun blasting Wario’s enemies into money?Or have Wario physically beating up the Koopalings with his shoulder barge. Especially neat against Roy Koopa, given he uses the same attack, right?Really though, a game based all around gold and money without Wario even being present is quite honestly ridiculous, and shows the complete lack of care and effort put into some of these New Super Mario Bros games.3. A real million coin rewardAt the moment, do you know what you get for a million coins? A statue of Mario on the title screen. For max coins? A Raccoon Mario statue on the title screen.That’s freaking pathetic for something so hyped up by Nintendo as a reward. And it’s not even like an alternative would have to mean a new character or levels, even something simple as a gesture like ‘you unlock a rainbow pack for coin rush’ (playing the rainbow levels in coin rush) or ‘you unlock a shop which lets you hold a Mega Mushroom in your inventory’. Both of those rewards would have at least been something decent and worthwhile in game, and the latter would have been pretty fun to use (imagine going back to all your favourite and least favourite levels and smashing them up New Super Mario Bros 1 style!)Maybe the latter reward could have been worked into the final battle, so that if you go against giant Bowser as Mega Mario you just have to punch him down without the whole lava chase bit. That would have been fun, and made the player feel powerful.Just anything more than a statue would have been good.4. A plot twist that makes it more interesting than ‘Bowser captured Peach again’No idea what, but something truly unexpected. Like Wario showing up. Or Bowser going all galactic conqueror out of nowhere. Or a new villain shows up as responsible for the Gold Flower and coin themes in the game.Just something to make it more than a ‘Bowser kidnaps Peach for the millionth time’ story. Wouldn’t that have been good?General1. Different music from New Super Mario Bros WiiAdmittedly, there is some new music in the game and it’s pretty good. Like the Star World theme or the remix of the SMW boss battle theme:But there’s not enough. Did they really need to use the same tower theme again? Same ghost house and castle theme? Same grass land, desert, water, etc themes? Even the final boss theme is the same as the one in New Super Mario Bros Wii, which is a disappointment.Nintendo should have changed more of the music. Simple as that.2. Different world themes from the ones present in most Mario gamesLike how in New Super Mario Bros U we’ve got this cake and ice cream themed desert and a world surrounded by a tornado, or how in the Super Mario Galaxy games we had all these clever galaxy designs that did things like mix ice and fire themes in an imaginative way.Yet theme wise, New Super Mario Bros 2 is lazy as hell. Oh yay, the exact same themes as earlier games except the forest and beach and sky and mountain worlds are mixed together! And what about those special worlds eh? No theme at all and a dull presentation that shouts ‘thrown together in minutes’ (graphics at least). The game should be introducing new areas of the Mushroom World with new level themes and new concepts, not just recycling the same stuff that has been done to death ever since Super Mario Bros 3.3. More than nine worldsAfter Super Mario 3D Land, what was New Super Mario Bros 2′s excuse for just 9 again? Seems like a few more could have at least differentiated this game from the DS and Wii installments, right?4. New enemiesBecause while a few more nostalgic throwbacks are nice, New Super Mario Bros 2 basically introduced no new enemies or characters whatsoever. Oh, we got a new type of Boo which fills up half the screen (and acts as a half thinking wall of lava), a few undead versions of common enemies like Goombas and Piranha Plants and some smaller versions of Urchins which act the exact same as the bigger ones.Is this really what Nintendo considers an acceptable amount of new characters to introduce in a new game? Because to be perfectly honest, it’s not that much more than was in the Lost Levels, to the point New Super Mario Bros 2 feels like the Lost Levels to the DS original.They should have added more new enemies, simple as.5. New items and power ups (not Gold Flower)And I’m not counting that, because for however cool the item is, it’s basically just a more powerful Fire Flower with a different colour scheme.No, New Super Mario Bros 2 should have introduced new power ups, like how the Wii game brought us the Propeller and Penguin Suits or the Wii U game is bringing the Flying Squirrel Suit. Oh, it doesn’t fit in with the gold theme?Who cares? The gold theme isn’t really that much of a big thing in New Super Mario Bros 2, about 90% of the game seems to have been designed with coin collecting as merely an afterthought. What would a new power up change there?Nothing. But it would have made the game more interesting for long time Mario fans.6. Rideable YoshiYeah, I know it’s meant to be more like the DS game than the Wii one, but with Yoshi being in most other Mario games in recent history and going to be in the Wii U game, why leave him out of this one? It was bad enough he was absent in 3D Land, but New Super Mario Bros 2 as well?7. Mini Games like in New Super Mario Bros DSRemember games like Whack a Monty and Danger Bob-omb Danger? Those were actually pretty fun as a diversion, and it’s kind of disappointing that New Super Mario Bros 2 didn’t either bring back the same mini games or make a few more that use the capabilities of the 3DS fully. Wouldn’t absolutely anything to extend replay value have been good for this game?8. Vs Mode like in New Super Mario Bros DSOr even like the one mode in the Wii game, I think it was all about collecting coins in edited versions of levels in multiplayer, which would have been perfect for this game given the whole gold theme.Again, the game seriously lacks in replay value, and a couple more modes like this could have kept people’s interest just that bit longer.9. Co-op with free camera systemNow unlike some people, I can sort of see why Nintendo used in the New Super Mario Bros Wii camera system rather than the more logical dual camera one, it helps keep players together and to a degree stops it from becoming an adventure which the two Mario Bros just happen to be on rather than one where they’re actually helping each other.But is the latter really a bad idea? I don’t think so. Imagine how neat it’d be to have an adventure where the two Mario bros are journeying through the land seperately and just happen to meet at unexpected points in time. Maybe it could be like how the hunters worked in Metroid Prime Hunters, where you’d enter a room and find that one of your rivals got there first and is trying to kill you.Imagine something like that (obviously without the killing each other part) in New Super Mario Bros 2. You’d enter a level and find a deserted wasteland due to the other player having already killed most of the bad guys roaming about. Blocks would be empty and devoid of coins and items, the money would be gone. All in all, it’d be a depressing atmosphere that’d make for an interesting ‘gimmick’. Or imagine playing a castle level and coming across an empty boss room with just a path to the flag pole, the boss having been taken care of by the last guy to come through.It could even lead to some unique challenges, like if when player 1 reaches the flagpole, player 2 has just 50 seconds to get to the end of the level or have the level destroyed with them in it. Maybe the timer is the time until Bowser launches an airstrike on the level and the last person to enter has to run like mad before they get blown to smithereens by the attack. It could make for an interesting take on the traditional Super Mario Bros formula, especially if the result of entering an ended level is akin to what happens in certain stories with the heroes trapped in a past about to get erased by the passage of time (with the enemies and obstacles frozen in place in the state they were in when player 1 reached the flagpole).And that’s not even getting into what the world map structure could allow. Imagine finding out the other player took a cannon shortcut and arrived at a later level before you did normally, or something similar. Imagine meeting up at Bowser’s Castle and finding out player 1 had been through worlds 1-5 and player 2 had been through worlds 1, Mushroom and Flower.10. Online multiplayerMay have actually gave us people who don’t know many other 3DS owners a way to actually try co-op, since it’s likely never going to be possible for many people given how it’s currently set up.Not to mention, it’s 2012 for God’s sake. Isn’t online multiplayer expected by now?Why didn’t Nintendo bother to add it in?Boss Battles1. More interesting/unique Bowser battleBecause let’s face it, the current one is basically just a toned down version of the final battle from New Super Mario Bros Wii and far less interesting than the final boss fights seen previously in the Mario series.Maybe Bowser should have grabbed a Gold Flower and started using its powers against Mario and Luigi? That could have been a nice twist on the final battle formula, having Bowser turn into gold and try to turn poor Mario into coins.2. Different Dry Bowser battleBut even if you liked the original Giant Bowser battle with the three moving platforms and him trying to swat down Mario from the background, reusing it with a graphics change for the secret fight with Dry Bowser was a joke. Secret bosses aren’t meant to be the same as the final one, they’re meant to have new attack patterns and give you something new to master! Look at the ones in Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3, those are real true final bosses:Note how both of those had a brilliantly designed final boss room which wasn’t the same as the one used for the standard final battle. How the latter had a completely new strategy involving you throwing barrels into the air conditioning and hitting him in the distance. And how both of them had a new ending once you won.That’s how the Dry Bowser battle should have been.3. More original Koopaling bossesTrue, Roy, Morton, Ludwig and maybe Larry had a different attack pattern to in New Super Mario Bros Wii, but it still didn’t excuse how the battles with Wendy, Iggy and Lemmy were basically identical to their New Super Mario Bros Wii counterparts.Ideally, this should have been changed and all the Koopalings given a unique attack pattern only found in this game.4. Kamek’s magic effectsRemember how in the Wii game Kamek would fly in and make each boss battle more challenging? He’d either make the room itself start moving, upgrade the Koopalings attacks somehow, etc.In this game though, while there are some gimmicks here and there, the bosses seem very… traditional. Very plain to be honest, without much in the way of gimmicks to keep the battles interesting. So Kamek should have been in upgrading the Koopalings and their battle arenas to make things better. Hell, maybe even powering up Reznor somehow, you know he needs it.5. Bosses other than Koopalings, Bowser and Reznor (Bowser Jr, Boom Boom and Kamek)Then you’ve got this problem, the only bosses are basically Reznor, Koopalings, Bowser and Bowser’s clon… no Dry Bowser. It’s a bit varied I suppose, but I definitely miss how in NSMB Wii you’d sometimes fight Bowser Jr on an airship or have Kamek show up as a boss in the world 8 tower/fortress.We needed that here too. At least having a different boss show up on an airship inbetween worlds would have kept the game more interesting than it is with just Koopalings and Reznor for most of the game.6. New ending after beating Dry BowserSee what I said for a different Dry Bowser battle. For it to just end like a normal level without even a pat on the back to say you beat Dry Bowser is a complete and utter let down. It’s not the first time Nintendo made this mistake (the secret 16th world in Super Mario 3D Land didn’t even have an alternate final boss), but considering how they went to at least some of the effort of making a secret boss, you’d think they’d add in a proper reward for people who beat him.Items1. The Ice Flower and either Penguin Suit or Blue Shell should have returnedThe former because it’s a fun item which had plenty of uses in the Wii game, and one of the latter because it was entertaining to charge through a level at high speed without stopping.Not to mention, it made Mario move faster in water. Wouldn’t that have been conveniant in this game, where the water levels seemed to drag on and on?Really, the lack of these items kind of held the game back from its full potential, and they should have definitely been included.2. Items being actually useful in more levelsHow many times do you seriously need a Mega Mushroom again?Two?And a Mini Mushroom? Maybe two or three times?With the exception of the Raccoon Leaf and flight, nearly all the power ups in this game are basically useless in normal levels. Okay, maybe once in a blue moon you’ll find a bonus room only accessible with a Mini Mushroom or Gold Flower, like those in many towers or underwater levels, but for the most part all these items may as well have not been there.Heck, you can’t even get a Mega Mushroom in your inventory any more!What Nintendo should have done is to make items useful. Make it so many different levels had things that required certain items to get, or a few more bonus rooms making use of rarely used power ups. Because at present, the items in New Super Mario Bros 2 are woefully underused.Coin Rush1. Individual records for each packNo idea who decided that players should be limited to a single score across all the different coin packs (and oh boy this might get even worse when the rumoured DLC starts coming out), but it was a bad idea and one that should have been immediately scrapped.Just have different records for each coin pack, and Bob’s your uncle. Maybe then have the ability to choose whether you send people you StreetPass with one record or all three as well, that could be nice to have.2. Actual online leaderboards with records for each packAn obvious addition this one, since at present you don’t have a clue what the best scores in coin rush were for any of the packs. Did people manage to get 30 000 coins in the Flower and Star packs? What levels were the best ones to play for those people who don’t want to spam either 2-4 or Mushroom 1 over and over?As it is now, you don’t know, and quite honestly likely never will. Sure someone might set up an official website about the topic or something and start recording records, but that doesn’t count the many thousands if not millions of players who don’t use internet forums or send their scores to whatever fan made leaderboards happen to exist. For all we know, some of these people could be Mario pros good enough to hold the world records, but thanks to a lack of coin rush leaderboards, it’s now impossible to know.3. Ghosts for playthroughsAnd if you don’t know exactly why this would be useful, try playing coin rush against some random strangers score you downloaded via StreetPass. You just don’t know what their original strategy was to get their current score, whether they found some neat trick or combo that allows for thousands of coins in a level or exactly what they did.Combine this with the leaderboards, and imagine just what neat tricks people would find out from the world champions!4. Expert Staff Ghosts to challengeThis is another obvious addition as well, and one taken straight from games like Mario Kart and F-Zero. So how about some staff ghosts for the coin rush packs in this game like the ones found in Mario Kart 7′s time trial mode? With this, not only could players see all kinds of clever strategies Nintendo employees have found to do even better, but they could try and challenge someone else’s score despite not living in an area with anyone to StreetPass with.5. No 30 000 coin capBecause any kind of cap on coins places a skill ceiling and completely limits the whole competitive aspect of New Super Mario Bros 2′s coin rush mode. Imagine how annoyed people would be if real life sports limited the score teams could get because the judges couldn’t be bothered to count any higher, or if Mario Kart simply said ‘okay then, this is the best possible time, so there’s no point in recording any times better than it’.The concept of a cap on a mode based around competion and skill is a terrible one, and the 30 000 coin cap should never have been included in this game.6. Fundamental Level design changes to certain levelsSimply put, some of them don’t work and many others just don’t seem to have enough coins or bonuses by default to make them good candidates for coin rush mode. So why not just redo these levels a bit for coin rush and add in things that make them more interesting to play? Some good examples of levels which need this are:World 4 Ghost House: The boo walls completely slow down the gameplay and limit Mario’s movement, and if you mess up even once at the beginning you just will not have enough time to complete the level. Nintendo should have added at least one 50 second adding clock at the start of the section with the moving Boo walls, and they should have done the same for every other level with auto scrolling.World 3 Tower: The auto scrolling and slow moving blocks and spikes mean that there’s no real strategy to be had here, you can’t go any faster, you can’t really take any risks and you’re 100% limited by how the developers want you to proceed. Nintendo should probably have at least completely eliminated the vertical auto scrolling altogether due to how boring it makes the level.World 5 Tower: The rising lava isn’t too bad here, but the fact is that there’s no real secrets or bonuses at all in the level, so the whole thing becomes a game of memorisation after the first play through. Not to mention the one Mini Mario pipe is unusable if the levels before were chosen poorly by the randomisation feature. Nintendo should have added a Mini Mushroom to the level and maybe added some more coins and Gold Mushroom blocks in general.World 6 Ghost House: Has practically nothing interesting in it, and is a maze which gets old after the first time round. Nintendo should have redone some of the level by adding some more bonuses and redesigning some rooms, since the current level just isn’t very fun to play through.7. Bowser’s Castle and Dry Bowser’s Castle as playable coin rush levelsHonestly, the fact they’re not already is just pure laziness on Nintendo’s part (and don’t they dare sell them to us as DLC!) All that would have had to be done would be to remove whatever sets off the ending after the giant Bowser battle, adding a few extra time clocks throughout the Koopaling room and final battle and perhaps adding some more coins to make it more interesting.8. All Gold optionFinally, there’s this idea. You know how at present you get a choice between either using normal Mario with a Gold Flower or White Raccoon Mario?Well wouldn’t it be neat if Nintendo had a choice to let you play as Gold Mario for all three levels. Yes it’d break the game a bit, but you have to admit it’d interesting to see what kind of strategies people would come up with involving the Gold Flower in all three levels.It’s an option that makes Coin Rush easier, but I think it’d also make it a lot more fun, as well as give experts some new tools to use to get the perfect amount of coins.If those 30 things listed above had been in New Super Mario Bros 2, I’m sure people would have given the game a far warmer welcome, better reviews and better sales.
Maybe people might have even bought the 3DS just for this one game, which was probably what Nintendo were betting on with the announcement of a New Super Mario Bros game for the system.()


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