Majminor revisionss 接收的几率是多少啊 大不 有经历的谈谈

论文被Reject and Resubmit,给了四个月的修改时间,不知道希望大不大 - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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论文被Reject and Resubmit,给了四个月的修改时间,不知道希望大不大
这是自己小硕阶段的第一篇文章,往一家ieee transaction上投的,这两天回来了审稿意见,“Reject and Resubmit”,请各位有经验的无私的大虫帮忙分析下审稿意见,各抒己见,看看如果这篇文章Resubmit后有没有被接收的可能,这过程中有没有需要注意的地方,以帮助论坛里像我一样的写作新手成长,谢谢。
Dear ×××:
The review of paper ××× has been completed. Attached below please find the reviewers' comments.
After careful consideration of the reviewers' comments, the decision has been made not to publish this paper in the IEEE Transactions on ×××.
However, you may take into consideration the comments from the reviewers and re-submit it as a new submission within 120 days. If you choose to resubmit your paper, please refer to this original paper number (×××) when submitting and include a summary of the changes you have made in response to the AE and reviewers. The manuscript will undergo a new review process.
Thank you for submitting your manuscript to the TRANSACTIONS. We look forward to the possibility of receiving more submissions on your future technical work.
Sincerely yours,
Prof. ×××
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on ×××
Associate Editor Comments:
This paper could be of interest to the IEEE ××× (special interest to the ×××, especially ×××). However, it needs major clarifications (in particular the paper adds) (此处什么意思?)and english editings.
Reviewer: 1
This is a useful contribution to the field, primarily because it reports some experimental results which are all too rare. There are a subsatantial number of tidying-u I have thus chosen to offer annotated scans. Two points need clarification/rewriting:
1) pg 2, second sentence. I simply cannot guess what you are trying to say here.
2) pg 7, just above diagram. ××× needs more explanation. Occurs again pg 11, above fig 8.
Reviewer: 2
The paper provides numerical and field test results for a real system. The simulated results are compared with experimental results thus constituting the paper interesting for publication (in principle).
However, the following comments should be addressed by the authors:
General Comments:
1. The level of English should be improved substantially. The paper should be carefully proofread to eliminate any grammar mistakes.
Specific Comments:
1. The scope and the contribution of the paper need to be clarified. What is the exact problem that the authors are addressing? How has the problem been addressed by others? What is the new contribution of the authors’ method relative to the state of the art?
2. More details about the testing arrangement used for the measurements should be added in the paper.
3. A better theoretical explanation regarding the discrepancy of the simulated and field results is required.
4. It would be nice if the authors could briefly address the effect of ××× in their simulated results.
Reviewer: 3
The reviewer would like to provide following suggestions to the authors:
1. In page 1, row 47: - shall be , . Also in page 2, row 23 and row 58.
2. In page 3: The definition of ××× may better be listed in Table I for the understanding of Fig. 2, although they are defined in page 7.
3. In page 3, row 22: ….. as shown in Table I. The character I is omitted when converted to PDF file.
4. Page 6, row 58 to page 7, row 9: The values of parameters are better listed in a table.
5. Page 11: The purpose of Table II need to be clarified (also the meaning of imax+ and imax-).
好好改,还是很有希望的~编辑让你重投就是有点想法的意思,不然直接拒稿了:hand: 这个当然是很有希望的,一定要认真修改(不要只修改改说出来的几个具体地方)。。。。 认真改了一般能录的。 就相当于新的稿件,楼主好好修改 : Originally posted by cidily at
好好改,还是很有希望的~编辑让你重投就是有点想法的意思,不然直接拒稿了:hand: 副主编意见里边的in particular the paper adds是什么意思啊,主要修改哪些地方,送您六个金币,祝共同进步喽 : Originally posted by visitor958 at
这个当然是很有希望的,一定要认真修改(不要只修改改说出来的几个具体地方)。。。。 关键就第二个审稿人的意见比较难改一点,需要进一步扩充,第一位和第三位审稿人的意见主要是格式和排版方面的。谢谢您的参与,有机会了我就会冲一冲,希望结果是好的吧 : Originally posted by hls85915 at
就相当于新的稿件,楼主好好修改 嗯。。好的 : Originally posted by muchongwoai at
副主编意见里边的in particular the paper adds是什么意思啊,主要修改哪些地方,送您六个金币,祝共同进步喽... 一个是审稿人的意见,要一条一条认真回答,尽量丰富;
二是尽量强调出你文章的亮点,就是创新点,我觉得“in particular the paper adds”可能说的就是这点吧
祝好运 按审稿人的要求去改 尽量应和他的建议 问题不大:hand: :hand::hand:耐心会成功滴 : Originally posted by cidily at
二是尽量强调出你文章的亮点,就是创新点,我觉得“in particular the paper adds”可能说的就是这点吧
祝好运... 谢谢指点,我已经开始了修改的过程,只是我不明白“Revise and Resubmit” 和“Reject and Resubmit”两者的不同,前者是我所投稿期刊的决定状态之一,等同于Major Revisions,但后者并不属于该期刊的决定状态,搞得我都不清楚是属于大修还是属于reject了。 : Originally posted by TonyGeN at
按审稿人的要求去改 尽量应和他的建议 问题不大:hand: 谢谢你,正在开始修改中,祝共同进步 : Originally posted by jiaoyuanming at
:hand::hand:耐心会成功滴 谢谢 很难中的,相当于重新投稿。你要是感觉能够按编辑的意思都改好是可以投的,机会也有。我也有一篇这样的,但感觉符合不了编辑的要求就没投。好运 好好修改,很有希望的!按审稿人的意见认真修改! 还是好好改吧,是有希望的。 审稿人的意见是稿件没太多的意义,但是编辑认为还是具有价值的,应该认真修改…… : Originally posted by djclj at
审稿人的意见是稿件没太多的意义,但是编辑认为还是具有价值的,应该认真修改…… 审稿人说没有太多意义?这从哪看出来啊?如果真是这样,那就没修改的必要了,请指教,谢谢 好好修改应该还是很有希望,祝福楼主!
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100投稿到Macromolecules修改的問題 - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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大家好, 最近我有投稿到macromolecules, 大约快四个礼拜收到审查意见和editor的回信, editor希望我要修改文章,但我从editor信上, 看不出来我这算是maj​​or revisions还是minor revisions, 不知道是否可麻烦有经验的人告知我, 顺便附上两个reviewer意见
Dear xxxx:
The reviews for your manuscript are enclosed with this letter. Please consider the reviewers' comments carefully. They have raised points that require consideration and revision of the manuscript before it is suitable for publication. In addition to your detailed revision letter submit a version of the manuscript with all changes highlighted.
Associate Editor
Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author:
Reviewer: 1
Recommendation: Publish as is, or with minor revisions as noted.
This article explored an interesting topic xxxx by xxxx.&&The characterization is adequate and data is well presented.&&Thus, the manuscript is recommended for publication with a couple suggestions listed below.
Additional Questions:
Do these findings represent a significant advance in the polymer field?: Yes
Please rate the overall quality and clarity of the manuscript: Excellent
Are the conclusions adequately supported by the data?: Yes
Reviewer: 2
Recommendation: Reconsider after major revisions.
This paper leaves something to be desired to be published, however, the invention of using XXXXX to discriminate between XXXXX is interesting and may be applicable in industry. The reviewer thinks that major revision is required for publication of this paper.
In introduction, more reasonable contents should be given to a reader especially who does not make a special study of XXXX. Such a reader may not understand why chemical vapors can be external stimuli that change XXXXXX (page 2, the second line from the bottom).
This paper can be made shorten because it includes repetition and futile sentences. In the part of “materials and methods”, the chemicals used are described twice (page 4, lines 9–, and page 6, lines 3–). Such lengthiness makes the paper diffuse. The reviewer does not understand the necessity of the part of “XXXXX” because it seems merely repeat the results.
The paper lacks definite information that lets someone reproduce the results. For example, film thickness, irradiation power and time of UV, temperature dependence of XXXXX, temperature at which the XXXXX measurement was performed, size of porosity (scale of the SEM image), and XXXX content dependence of the porosity size.
Minor points
Additional Questions:
Do these findings represent a significant advance in the polymer field?: Yes
Please rate the overall quality and clarity of the manuscript: Good
Are the conclusions adequately supported by the data?: Yes
祝贺啊,基本上是接受了的。管它是大修还是小修,有修就按要求好好改吧 这个应该是大修吧,一般只要有一个审稿人提出大修编辑都会给大修的!
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100论文接收谈点经验 - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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恩,不错,写的很好,谢谢分享 恭喜楼主,希望再接再厉啊。也希望自己有好的结果。 很有用的贴,谢谢楼主! 恭喜lz,沾点喜气,也祝福自己申诉成功! 恭喜楼主,谢谢分享经验. 恭喜楼主,很好的经验 写的太好了,我的被居了,现在鼓起勇气,马上改投,向LZ学习。怎么不能评价呀,我给5个:P:P:P:P:P 恩,真好:P:P:P:P,好羡慕,希望自己的文章也比较顺利接受 学习了:) 恭喜恭喜噢 写的很好,谢谢分享 学习了!!!!!!!!!!!!! 恭喜楼主!!!!!
谢谢分享经验 恭喜楼主呀 ! 恭喜楼主,很好的经验:P:P:P lz很强
有好几个公司争着要你啊!羡慕 呵呵,不是公司,是事业单位,从市级、到省级和国家级的单位。不过都有利弊。谢谢各位。我再次祝福各位能够非常成功。 恭喜恭喜! 祝贺!!!!:P
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100大家帮我看看major revise后有希望吗? - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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大家帮我看看major revise后有希望吗?
各位大侠,第一次投SCI文章,在被几个杂志因为范围不合适拒收后终于有个杂志接受并送审了,现在审稿结果回来,编辑建议major revise,下面是他的主要反馈内容,请帮我看看,我修回后文章有希望被接收吗?
Based on the advice received, I feel that your manuscript could be reconsidered for publication should you be prepared to incorporate major revisions.&&When preparing your revised manuscript, you are asked to carefully consider the reviewer comments which are attached, and submit a list of responses to the comments. Please also submit your response as separate submission item.
不知道这里的reconsidered for publication是什么意思?是表示按照审稿人的意见大修后重新组织文章再考虑出版吗?如果是这样,难道还要重新写文章?另外,一般修回是不是还要给原审稿人重审?这意味着“再审”吗?请高人指点!!!!:hand::hand::hand:
只要给修改,就是希望很大的。个人经验是录用率超过95%,不过要好好修改。 凡是给修改,就有机会!按照要求认真修改吧!主要还是看审稿人的问题是不是很尖锐,如果正中要害,你回答不了,就危险,但也不是完全没有机会!如果只是很简单的问题,逐条回答就好!
祝楼主好运! : Originally posted by yuguiyan at
帮顶 谢谢! : Originally posted by nono2009 at
只要给修改,就是希望很大的。个人经验是录用率超过95%,不过要好好修改。 谢谢您的鼓励!我第一次写SCI,但一定会继续努力的! : Originally posted by luobin506 at
根据审稿人意见,你的稿件在 ... 谢谢您详细而耐心的解答,我现在理解主编的意思了。 : Originally posted by luobin506 at
根据审稿人意见,你的稿件在 ... 还有就是第三个审稿人的意见主要是觉得文献的综述不够,原文如下:The literature review is lacking of a deep consideration of the published literature. The incorporation of the following papers would be beneficial
然后提供了大概10篇参考文献,其中有2~3篇是他自己的(我猜的,因为第一作者都是同一人,而且在这个领域没有太多论文)。请问这种该如何大修?是类似于写“国内外研究现状”还是自己重新总结introduction的内容(把这几篇文献都引用进去)?谢谢 逐条意见修改,录用概率98% : Originally posted by tzhch at
逐条意见修改,录用概率98% 谢谢您的鼓励!! : Originally posted by nono2009 at
只要给修改,就是希望很大的。个人经验是录用率超过95%,不过要好好修改。 第三个审稿人还有一个最主要的修改意见,我感觉挺不好回复,不知道要如何写出更有建设性的结论,您帮我看看,谢谢了。
The conclusions are brief and not constructive. Please revise this section carefully and cover some technical aspects of the applied method as well as societal and economic implications and consequences of the predicted changes. 希望挺大的啊 就是要好好修改 希望很大的啊,好好修改的吧楼主 问题不大,编辑给了修改机会就是想接收你的文章,只要好好改没有问题的,祝福. : Originally posted by enableGIS at
还有就是第三个审稿人的意见主要是觉得文献的综述不够,原文如下:The literature review is lacking of a deep consideration of the published literature. The incorporation of the following papers would be ... 他列的在合适的地方引用了就好了 那些都是套话,既然给你大修,就还是很有希望的,楼主好好改,应该就能接受!:hand::hand::hand: 按审稿人意见逐条修改,不能修改的需要说明理由,列出一个单独的文件叫response to reviewers。大修提交后一般会送给原来的审稿人,审稿人会看你对他的疑问和意见是怎么回应的,是否满足他的要求。认真修改一般就收率较高 : Originally posted by enableGIS at
The conclusions are brief and not constructive. Please revise this section carefully a ... 应该是让你重新写一下你的结论部分,最后应该提一些可能的应用情况,举个例子,这项技术将有望应用都什么中去,可以作为一种潜在的**,可以参考别人论文的结论部分。 虫友不必叫文嚼子啦,那些都是套话
祝虫友成功!!加油 : Originally posted by enableGIS at
还有就是第三个审稿人的意见主要是觉得文献的综述不够,原文如下:The literature review is lacking of a deep consideration of the published literature. The incorporation of the following papers would be ... 审稿人要求加的参考文献最好都加上,因为可能还落到他手上复审
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100求助“major revision”后悲剧的几率,附审稿人意见 - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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求助“major revision”后悲剧的几率,附审稿人意见
编辑意见: It has been judged unsuitable for publication in its present form.&&Substantial revisions and re-review are required before a final decision is made regarding acceptance or rejection.
审稿人1:This paper, in my opinion, is not acceptable and, regrettably, must be rejected.
审稿人2:The authors presented some interesting results of .... Present study may be first report about....The results of this study should be of considerable interest to the investigators working on...And there are some suggestions which would improve the quality of the manuscript. The reviewer expects to obtain adequacy answers from the authors and requires revise of the manuscript.
审稿人3:The experimental design is well proposed, methods are accurate and fit to the expected objectives of the paper and thus conclusions are appropriate and corresponding to the results obtained, however the manuscript should be carefully revised because English is very poor and sometimes even difficult to understand....
综合上述意见,在文章状态写的是”major revision”
好好修改,接受的可能很大。第二和第三个编辑给的评价不错!! 应该还好吧,主要看你修改的怎么样,给的大修小修其实没关系,满足了审稿人的要求就好了。我刚刚两篇都是大修,修回去都是直接接收了。 Originally posted by leftdance at
编辑意见: It has been judged unsuitable for publication in its present form.&&Substantial revisions and re-review are required before a final decision is made regarding acceptance or rejection.
... 强烈建议根据审稿人意见好好修改,只有给了修改就有机会,不要考虑马上投其他刊物。特别对第一reviewer的审稿意见,好好回答,说明自己文章的优点,创新等,其他两人reviewer都对你的文章还是positive,好好回答,再整整英语。机会还是很大的。Good luck! 希望大大地阿,好好修改! 加油,祝福 主要看最后的修改啊,只要不拒绝,说明还是有希望的 我的一篇文章两次大修+一次修后中了。经验是:认真对待审稿意见,好好修改,并且认真回答审稿人关心的问题。 好好修改,接受的可能性很大,审稿人2和审稿人3都肯定了你的文章和结果,把语言重新的组织和润色一下,基本能够接受了。 第一个审稿人什么意思,什么意见没给就让必须拒绝,真气人!估计是个小人。 编辑的意思应该是修改后在送审吧,还是有希望的吧 编辑让你修改,说明编辑采纳了后面两个审稿人的意见,主要认真按照审稿人提的要求修改,一般都不会被拒 好好修改吧,虽然主编很不看好。 Originally posted by zhangdong001 at
我的一篇文章两次大修+一次修后中了。经验是:认真对待审稿意见,好好修改,并且认真回答审稿人关心的问题。 你好,我还有点担心,第一个审稿人的意见,他拒绝得很干脆啊。返修还得经过他啊~~ Originally posted by redjade at
编辑让你修改,说明编辑采纳了后面两个审稿人的意见,主要认真按照审稿人提的要求修改,一般都不会被拒 你好,我还有点担心,第一个审稿人的意见,他拒绝得很干脆啊。返修还得经过他啊~~ Originally posted by chengzi2703 at
第一个审稿人什么意思,什么意见没给就让必须拒绝,真气人!估计是个小人。 你好,我还有点担心,第一个审稿人的意见,他拒绝得很干脆啊。返修还得经过他啊~~&&第一个审稿人貌似是个日本人,从他的语气,能看出我和他的研究比较相近 Originally posted by leftdance at
你好,我还有点担心,第一个审稿人的意见,他拒绝得很干脆啊。返修还得经过他啊~~&&第一个审稿人貌似是个日本人,从他的语气,能看出我和他的研究比较相近 我觉得编辑采纳了后面两个人的审稿意见,你修改后,很有可能不会给第一个审稿人了,会给后面两个审稿人。因为无论你怎么修改,你这篇文章都不会让第一个审稿人满意的,编辑也知道这种情况,所以编辑给了修改的机会,就不会再给第一个审稿人。 :sweat::sweat::sweat: 还是有希望的好好改就有希望。
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100


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