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& FIFA11:控制门将比赛
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Gooner Till I Die游侠足球经理工作组【顾问】阿森纳 功勋教练 200/200英格兰 新星 威尔希尔★★
UID1663036主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分8600金钱17767 荣誉55 人气314 在线时间3113 小时评议0
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Gamescom: FIFA 11: Playing as the Goalie
We put the new addition to &Be A Pro& through its paces.US, August 17, 2010
A few weeks ago I ventured up to Vancouver to spend my day playing the fall lineup of sports games being developed by EA Sports. Among them was
and the many additions that EA has made to the game's &Be A Pro& career mode. The biggest addition is easy to point out in the crowd of other improvements: you can now play as the goalie. Not only does that open up multiplayer to full 11-on-11 games, but it presents a new way to experience the game on your lonesome as well.
I'm sure a lot of you are wondering if playing as the goalie was any fun. Well, I'm going to be honest here: the answer is both yes and no. There are certainly moments when leaping to your left, arm outstretched to knock away a would-be goal is actually as satisfying as scoring a goal as a striker, but those moments were too few and far between for my offensive tendencies. Playing goalie is more of a slow-paced experience than FIFA soccer has been in recent years, a fact that EA Sports realized when they created the ability for players to zoom ahead to the other end of the field if things get a bit lonely as the netminder.
By pressing the back button (select on PS3) the camera moves from its typical viewpoint set directly behind your keeper up the field so you can get your hands on just a bit of the action. You'll never have direct control over the players' movements, but you will be able to tell them when to pass and when to shoot by pressing the appropriate buttons. When the action moves back to your half of the field, simply warp back behind the goal and take the reins as the keeper again.
Controlling the goalie himself is probably easier than you imagine. To dive in a direction, simply flick the right stick. Diving is more about timing your flick properly than guessing the direction correctly. Regardless of which way you flick the stick, your goalie is going to dive in the direction of the ball. No matter if you have the diving assist turned to fully assisted, semi-assisted or off, you're still going to leap in the direction of the ball. Only your timing window is affected by tuning the option. Once you have the ball in your hands you can throw it to a teammate, kick it or drop it on the ground and dribble it out of the box. But be careful, you don't want to tire out your goalie with a lot of needless dribbling as that will diminish his range in the box.
The reason for the simplistic diving mechanic has to do with the strategy of properly aligning your goalie in relation to the threatening offense. A red arrow is placed under the feet of strikers so you know which way they're leaning and where their momentum is going. Players will fake shots, they'll curve them away from you and they'll make long passes to the opposite post that you'll need to properly judge in order to snare them in your arms. That little red arrow might seem a bit strange at first, but it soon becomes pivotal to your success on the pitch.
Playing as the goalie is certainly an acquired taste as it differs greatly from the rest of the core FIFA action. It's slower and more methodical, but that also means that the one shot you have to defend a shot could make or break the match for your team. The feeling of stuffing a breakaway is pretty special, but I'll admit that I wish diving was more free-form.
Moments like this are pretty great.
Elsewhere in Be A Pro you'll notice a bevy of new accomplishments, each of which will earn you experience points just as they did in last year's game. Of course, the inclusion of the new goalie position means that there is a host of keeper-specific challenges to complete. All in all the team in Vancouver told me that they've basically doubled the number of challenges across the entire Be A Pro mode.
To practice your game with your pals EA has developed something called Pro Clubs for use in FIFA 11. Basically this lets you check out how much time your buddy's have left in their current game, so you know how long to wait before inviting them to hop into your match. You can also take on the CPU with a full team of eleven players this year in order to practice for an impending contest.
All of these Be A Pro improvements and additions go along with the large amount of gameplay fixes and tweaks that have been made since last year's game. I've
about things like the enhanced physical play and improved graphics, so all I'll say now is that the standard gameplay is coming together nicely and feels great in practice. We'll have more on FIFA 11 as its September 28 release date approaches.
红白八载颜犹在,从此将军是路人。你若不射,便是晴天。 罢了,罢了。
Gooner Till I Die游侠足球经理工作组【顾问】阿森纳 功勋教练 200/200英格兰 新星 威尔希尔★★
UID1663036主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分8600金钱17767 荣誉55 人气314 在线时间3113 小时评议0
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求翻译帝 看看有无值得翻译的 如果没的话就直接算鸟 - -
红白八载颜犹在,从此将军是路人。你若不射,便是晴天。 罢了,罢了。
UID688279主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分640金钱2843 荣誉0 人气1 在线时间1859 小时评议0
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红尘偷得半刻闲,灰衣青灯心似仙游侠元老版主游侠NBA工作组 组长拉齐奥 助理教练 80/100阿根廷国家队 球员☆神の23号 芝加哥公牛 尼姑☆★★★★★★★★★
UID1411504主题阅读权限150帖子精华6积分6129金钱27487 荣誉217 人气6 在线时间104 小时评议0
帖子精华6积分6129金钱27487 荣誉217 人气6 评议0
UID2219996主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分645金钱4385 荣誉21 人气100 在线时间2962 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 645, 距离下一级还需 355 积分
帖子精华0积分645金钱4385 荣誉21 人气100 评议0
回复 #2 xiaoaaaaaa 的帖子
在多人11-11中可以控制门将位置(废话,一支队伍总共十一人,要不是门将难道还是教练?),单人游戏中也可以。要说好不好玩,对笔者而言要两分开,有激动的时刻,但大部分时间还是不老紧张,球在球场另一端时,你会感到有点寂寞滴。按back键(xbox360)select键(PS3)镜头视角会从守门员背后穿越到前场,然后你就可以适当影响其他球员的反应。但不是直接控制,而是通过相应的按键告诉队友什么时候传什么时候射。当返回你的半场时镜头又会回到门将身后,你就能控制着门将了。门将很好控制,左右摇杆,走或扑,时机是最关键的,不过你怎么设置辅助项,门将都会朝球去的。门将拿球后可以抛,踢,撂,但是别玩火,这是忠告。攻击者脚下的红箭头预示着他移动的方向及他们将到哪。他们会假射,尝试过你,传球到另一侧,所以需要正确判断。别瞧不起红箭头也别觉得他别扭,因为你将来就是要靠它来成名。一球成名模式中会有专门针对门将的成就奖杯,今年奖杯数是去年的两倍(David Rutter答网友问中有提到总共逾400项)。艺电发明了一个叫做ProClubs的玩意儿来让你和你的朋友们练习热身。它可以让你查看你的朋友正在进行的游戏还剩多少时间结束,你便知道你要等多久了才能和这些人一起玩了。在比赛前也可以展开对cpu的整队对抗。9月28号发售
[ 本帖最后由 douglas2009 于
18:10 编辑 ]
总评分:&荣誉 + 1&
红尘偷得半刻闲,灰衣青灯心似仙游侠元老版主游侠NBA工作组 组长拉齐奥 助理教练 80/100阿根廷国家队 球员☆神の23号 芝加哥公牛 尼姑☆★★★★★★★★★
UID1411504主题阅读权限150帖子精华6积分6129金钱27487 荣誉217 人气6 在线时间104 小时评议0
帖子精华6积分6129金钱27487 荣誉217 人气6 评议0
BACK 键,应该是360的吧,PS3应该是SELECT
UID2219996主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分645金钱4385 荣誉21 人气100 在线时间2962 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 645, 距离下一级还需 355 积分
帖子精华0积分645金钱4385 荣誉21 人气100 评议0
回复 #6 尼姑 的帖子
红尘偷得半刻闲,灰衣青灯心似仙游侠元老版主游侠NBA工作组 组长拉齐奥 助理教练 80/100阿根廷国家队 球员☆神の23号 芝加哥公牛 尼姑☆★★★★★★★★★
UID1411504主题阅读权限150帖子精华6积分6129金钱27487 荣誉217 人气6 在线时间104 小时评议0
帖子精华6积分6129金钱27487 荣誉217 人气6 评议0
the back button (select on PS3)
UID2219996主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分645金钱4385 荣誉21 人气100 在线时间2962 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 645, 距离下一级还需 355 积分
帖子精华0积分645金钱4385 荣誉21 人气100 评议0
回复 #8 尼姑 的帖子
UID1884626主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分490金钱3991 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间1193 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 490, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
帖子精华0积分490金钱3991 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
这个特性FIFA 11PC版有吗? 么有的话我就飘过了。
2K Games是美国游戏发行商,母公司是Take-Two Interactive,2005年设立。总部位于纽约市,此外它亦将体育运动游戏以2K Sports名义发行。
Stronghold Legends
Vietcong 2
NBA 2K系列
NFL 2K系列
MLB 2K系列
NHL 2K系列
CivCity: Rome
Gooner Till I Die游侠足球经理工作组【顾问】阿森纳 功勋教练 200/200英格兰 新星 威尔希尔★★
UID1663036主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分8600金钱17767 荣誉55 人气314 在线时间3113 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分8600金钱17767 荣誉55 人气314 评议0
原帖由 tonychen704 于
11:21 发表
这个特性FIFA 11PC版有吗? 么有的话我就飘过了。
红白八载颜犹在,从此将军是路人。你若不射,便是晴天。 罢了,罢了。
UID1906644主题阅读权限70帖子精华0积分8090金钱3217 荣誉12 人气752 在线时间3857 小时评议0
Lv.7游侠白金会员, 积分 8090, 距离下一级还需 6910 积分
帖子精华0积分8090金钱3217 荣誉12 人气752 评议0
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
红尘偷得半刻闲,灰衣青灯心似仙游侠元老版主游侠NBA工作组 组长拉齐奥 助理教练 80/100阿根廷国家队 球员☆神の23号 芝加哥公牛 尼姑☆★★★★★★★★★
UID1411504主题阅读权限150帖子精华6积分6129金钱27487 荣誉217 人气6 在线时间104 小时评议0
帖子精华6积分6129金钱27487 荣誉217 人气6 评议0
UID688279主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分640金钱2843 荣誉0 人气1 在线时间1859 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分640金钱2843 荣誉0 人气1 评议0
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UID1301457主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分431金钱1227 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间83 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 431, 距离下一级还需 69 积分
帖子精华0积分431金钱1227 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
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