nba2k15 没有声音王朝怎么没有自动战术了

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UID2252404主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1140金钱10203 荣誉10 人气306 在线时间10473 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1140, 距离下一级还需 860 积分
帖子精华0积分1140金钱10203 荣誉10 人气306 评议0
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Wayne 最近很忙... quiz homework 一大堆,等这段忙完了再给大家翻译吧~有了上次的事情,这次吸取经验!
来自 GameInformer 的消息~
29 Reasons Why NBA 2K15's MyGM May Be The Future Of Franchise Modes「29 个原因——为什么 NBA2K15 的 MyGM 模式会王朝模式们的未来」
01:41:47 上传
Once the centerpiece of nearly every sports game, the franchise mode no longer stands alone as a destination mode. In modern games, franchise must compete with online versus, single-player modes, historical recreations like the Jordan Challenge, Ultimate Team, and other spin-offs for both followers and development resources.Taking franchise mode online so players could share the league experience was the last major innovation seen in the genre, but since then the creativity being brought to these modes has slowed as developers focus on more lucrative initiatives littered with microtransactions. Some chalk this up to players no longer being interested in franchise mode, but Visual Concepts senior producer Erick Boenisch and producer Dave Zdyrko aren't buying that. With NBA 2K15, they hope to give the longstanding mode a jolt of new energy with several ambitious undertakings meant to deliver a deeper experience for both sim fans and those who slog through the 82-game NBA seasons. To kick off the new generation of consoles, Visual Concepts introduced a new take on its classic Association mode, dubbed MyGM, that brought more role-playing elements to the game like conversations with coaches, owners, and players. The foundation was alluring, but not everything worked – the mode was extremely unfriendly to sim fans who preferred to tackle management duties like drafting, free agency, and trades rather than play every game. This year Visual Concepts believes it's striking a better balance between the two approaches. Here are the big changes coming to MyGM for the new-gen versions of NBA 2K15.以上不翻译了,总结起来就是,之前做的不够好,2K15 的 MyGM 模式会更好!
CONVERSATION SYSTEM谈话系统Last year the conversations with players were very binary – you either offered a positive or negative response, and there was no follow-up to your positioning. This year the players will see if you put your money where your mouth is. If you promise more minutes to a player and he doesn't get them, he will remember your lie, his morale will worsen, and he may start adversely affecting team chemistry.去年跟球员之间的交流很两极化,你只能提供一个正面或负面的回答,而不会有后续的发展。今年,球员们会察言观色了。如果你承诺给一个球员多一些上场时间,而他却没有得到,他将会记住你的谎言,并且这会影响他的数值,甚至他将会开始影响整个球队的化学反应。Trust matters with the media as well. If you feed the press too many cookie-cutter answers and fail to provide any meaningful insight, they may stop trusting you and ask more pointed questions that could put you in compromising positions with the fans.取信于媒体则同样重要。如果你总是提供给记者们千篇一律的回答而不是一些有意义的回答,他们将不会再信任你,并且会开始向你提出一些尖锐的问题,让你处在与球迷对立的立场上。Owners had static needs or wants during a season last year. This time around their expectations may change on the fly based on the performance of the team. An owner may originally assess the team and decide to rebuild, but his position will change if the team is performing better than anticipated. If the team is in the hunt for the playoffs, he may even stop worrying about profit and allow you to spend more to bring home the championship.去年,球队的拥有者会在一个赛季保持一个比较稳定的需求或目标。而这次,他们将会根据球队的表现相应的更改他们的需求。举例来说,原本决定重建的球队老板很可更会因为球队的表现高于预期而改变他的想法,如果球队有可能打进季后赛,老板可能会忘记所谓的“利润”,允许你花费更多钱为主队带来一座奥布莱恩杯!The MyGM experience extends to 80 years in NBA 2K15, which means new owners may come in once a current owner walks away. You may first hear rumblings of a team being for sale in the social media hub. If your organization changes hands, the new owner may have a completely different attitude than your previous boss. Perhaps you'll get lucky and start working for a big spender for whom money is no object.在 NBA 2K15 中你有机会将自己的总经理生涯延续至 80 年,这也就意味着会有新的球队老板加入,旧的老板离开。你可能会听到有些球队要被出售的消息,如果你所在的球队易手,你可能将会遇到一个风格迥异的老板。或许你会很幸运地遇到一个土豪,对他来说,钱都不是事儿~
01:41:50 上传
GM TOOLS总经理工具Visual Concepts is distancing itself from its controversial approach to injecting VC into the MyGM experience last year. In NBA 2K15 the VC is nearly stripped out of the mode in favor of a leveling system where you accrue XP for every action you take. You can still buy persuasive pitches, extra training camps, or the team you work for with VC, but these are optional and you can get these perks via the normal upgrade path as well.Visual Concepts 工作室今年将要在 MyGM 模式摆脱 VC 虚拟货币(针对去年很多玩家的抱怨,Wayne 也是其中之一)。取而代之的则是 “经验值”系统,你在这个模式中的每一个动作都可能获得的相应的经验值。当然,你依然可以通过 VC 买一些道具,但是这些东西你通过经验值一样能获得。The XP system awards you points for everything from making a successful trade and scouting to winning a game by either simming or playing. Each time you go up a rank, you can select a perk not unlike last year's offerings. Examples include improving your scouting accuracy by 10 percent or adding a persuasive pitch to your arsenal for conversations with rival GMs or players testing free agency.当你完成一笔成功的交易或是通过模拟/游玩的方式赢得一场比赛,经验值系统将会奖励你一些积分。每当你升级,你就可以选择一项奖励。奖励可能包括:提高你球探的报告准确性 10% 或是 增加你与其他总经理谈判的成功程度 或是 劝说球员尝试试水自由市场 (这里 Wayne 不知翻译的对不对 总觉得怪怪的....)The game caps at level 999 so you have some wiggle room on the upgrades you select.经验值系统级数上限是 999 级,所以够你练一阵儿了...In response to last year's backlash regarding basic functions being hidden behind the upgrade system, Visual Concepts has surfaced the vital skills that form the backbone of the GM experience. Every GM has full control of trades, free agency, player rotations, coach firings, etc. right from the start.针对去年玩家们对阉割版的 MyGM 模式的抱怨,Visual Concepts 工作室痛改前非,使得交易,自由市场,球员轮换,开除教练等功能重新开放给玩家。Strategy-minded players who prefer a hands-off approach should check out SimCast. This new system allows you to manage rotations, strategies, sliders, and points of emphasis before hitting the start button on a sim. Once the sim begins, you can jump into the action at any time or pause to change up your strategies if need be. This is a great alternative for users who just want to sim to critical moments like the last two minutes of a closely contested game.【Wayne 认为最好的一点!】对于以策略为中心的玩家来说,你们可以关注这个功能 “Simcast”。新的 “Simcast” 系统允许玩家在比赛开始之前设置球队轮换,策略,倾向和重点得分手段。一旦比赛开始(模拟比赛时),你可以在比赛的任何时间暂停游戏,更改球队本场比赛剩余部分的战术或是取消模拟由玩家自己接管比赛。对于只喜欢打关键场次关键时间的玩家来说,绝对是福音!MyGM still uses auto-saves, but Boenisch says they tweaked the logic to make it more intelligent about choosing a time to save.MyGM 模式依然会使用自动存档,但是游戏将会更加智能,选择一个更合适的存档时间。A new Coach Gameplan hub replaces Total Sim Control, creating one location where a user can make all his or her decisions about the team's strategy. From this menu, you can tweak rotations, points of emphasis, coach sliders, and even set custom strategies for each team you will face. This can be vital fo if you have a cast of older stars, perhaps you want to play them less against bottom dwelling teams like the Timberwolves and Bucks.一个新的“教练比赛计划”界面将会取代过去的模拟设置,给玩家创造了一个“完全自由”的方式来设置球队战术的界面。在这个界面中,玩家可以更改球队轮换,得分方式,教练倾向,甚至面对每个球队设定不同的自定义战术。举例来说,对于一些上了年纪的球星来说,也许你会想要让他避开与联盟垫底球队的比赛,比如在对抗森林狼和雄鹿的时候,让他休息,不是更好吗?A new pro scouting system analyzes how your team stacks up against your next opponent. Feedback includes areas of weakness you can exploit in the rival team, an analysis of their biggest threats, the team stats, and suggested points of emphasis.同时一个新的“职业球探”系统将会帮你分析如何对付下一支球队。内容包括,对手的弱点,对手球队中最大的威胁,对手的数据,并且向你提供最有效的进攻方式。
01:41:49 上传
SCOUTING球探Scouting is being completely revamped to inject more noise into the experience. Not unlike the situation real GMs face, you will be inundated with mock drafts from media like DraftExpress and Yahoo's Marc Spears, big boards, social media rumors, scouting reports, and other factors while trying to make a pick to improve your team.球探系统被完全重制了。你将从 DraftExpress,雅虎体育的记者 Marc Spears,公告板,社交媒体上的留言,球探报告获得新修的状况。Visual Concepts plans to surface several storylines throughout the year based on research it did on the last 20-30 draft classes. The various types of players you could encounter include flash-in-the-pan players who may be at their full potential already on draft day, late bloomers who rise up the draft board at the last minute, players with serious injury concerns that you may not know about unless you him in for a visit. It could end up working out like it did for the Celtics with Jared Sullinger, or you could have a Greg Oden on your hands.基于过去二三十年的新秀数据,Visual Concepts 工作室设计了不同的故事线,比如有的球员刚刚进入新秀年潜力就全面爆发,或是大器晚成的球员,或是那种伤病状况隐藏的很深的球员,就像凯尔特人的萨林格或是奥登一样...(奥登大帝躺枪啊...)For NBA 2K15 Visual Concepts built an engine to simulate an entire college season, giving you the ability to look at the stats of all draft candidates. This opens up interesting scenarios for players like the small college star who averaged a lot of points per game – albeit against inferior competition. Will his skills translate to the Association?在 NBA 2K15 中,Visual Concepts 工作室会提前模拟一个赛季的大学联赛,以便在选秀时,提供新秀的场均数据。挑选一个不知名的大学却有着惊人的数据的新秀?还是其他的名校但是数据不那么亮眼的新秀?完全取决于玩家自己。All this information sounds overwhelming, but Visual Concepts says if you do your research and scout appropriately, you can find the answers you need to make an informed decision.所有这些信息听起来很唬人,但是 Visual Concepts 工作室告诉我们,如果你适当的做些功课,你会轻易的找到你想要新秀。NBA 2K15 adds the draft combine to the mix this year, where you may find out that a school is playing fast and loose with the height and weights they list in their game programs.Draft Combine 重新加入到 NBA 2K15 中。The prospect classes have increased to 150 players per year.prospect classes 增加到了每年 150 个球员。During the draft you have full access everything you have during the regular season, including scouting reports, the big board, mock drafts, and the player's college stats.详见第一条Some of the CPU controlled teams' intentions may be relayed via social media. If you read that a rival team brought in one of your targets for a last-minute interview, perhaps you should trade in front of them if you really covet the prospect.一些 CPU 控制的球队将会通过社交网络获得相关信息。如果你真的垂涎那些有潜力的新秀,当你发现某一个 CPU 控制的球队管理层在最后时刻突然把你的一个目标新秀叫来谈话,也许你就应该想尽一切办法,在电脑成功之前把他弄到手。
01:41:46 上传
PLAYER PROGRESSION球员发展Visual Concepts has done a significant amount of work on player progression this year. Before, all you could do was train them in the offseason. This year that progression is split between the offseason workouts and in-season training.Visual Concepts 工作室对于球员发展这个功能做了巨大的改进。之前,你只能在休赛期训练球员。现在,训练被拆分成了“赛季中”和“休赛期”两种。Player peaks are much more randomized than they were before, and can be affected by how you handle a player. If you overwork a prospect he may not grow to his potential. If you pay for a good trainer, he or she will tell you that you need to tone it down before you reach this critical juncture, but less experienced trainers aren't as quick to give feedback. Playing a guy too many minutes or not giving him enough rest can also hamper progression.球员的巅峰期变得更加随机,你怎么训练一个球员,将会决定他的巅峰期何时到来,如何到来。如果你过度地训练一个新秀,那么他可能不会按照他的潜力正常的发展。如果你花钱买一个顶级训练师,他会在游戏中告诉你应该怎样锻炼一个球员,怎样适当的使用一个球员避免他遭受严重的伤病。如果你的训练师没那么有经验,那么他可能不会及时的告诉你这些。让一个球员打太多分钟或是没有给他足够的休息,那么他的发展将会受到影响。Players have different characteristics that also affect how they respond to training. If your point guard doesn't have the work ethic badge, for example, he may complain about being worked too hard, whereas the same level of training may be perfectly acceptable to another player. Some react better to being coddled, where others respond to the drill sergeant approach in conversations. Being a good GM requires you to read these situations correctly.对于训练来说,每个球员的态度是不一样的。如果你的控卫不太喜欢训练,他可能会跟你抱怨训练太累了。作为一个好的球队经理,你应该正确地处理这些状况。The new Injuries 2.0 system being introduced in NBA 2K15 drastically changes how users will approach injuries. Last year the game gave each player o this year players have 16 different body parts with unique durability ratings.受伤 2.0 系统也将被加入到 MyGM 模式中。Career-ending injuries aren't common, but possible. In one example Boenisch gave, a player who tore his ACL when he was 23 and re-injured the same knee at 31 called it quits.致使生涯终结的伤病不会常发生,但也不是没有可能。比如说一个球员在 23 岁接受了 ACL 治疗,当他 31 时膝盖发生相同的伤病,那么很可能他就要告别篮球了。When checking out a player card, the new injury tab shows the body parts with a quick color reference guide so you can see how worn down a player's body is with a quick glance. If you see a player with two knees in the red, you know he's not going to respond well to playing heavy minutes.当你查看球员资料卡的时候,你会发现一个新的伤病标签栏(见上图),不同的颜色代表不同身体部位的脆弱程度,如果你发现某位球员的两个膝盖都是红色,那么他肯定打不了多长时间了。To manage players' bodies, you can tweak your practice regimen to have vulnerable players train at a lower intensity or sign them up for physical therapy. Sending a player to rehab means they will be less likely to re-injure themselves right away.对于易伤病的球员,你可以安排他们进行低密度的训练,或者让他们接受物理治疗。如果你不想让他们很快再次受伤,安排他们去疗养院,也是一个不错的选择。
OFFSEASON休赛期Visual Concepts says the CPU-controlled teams in NBA 2K15 have improved logic this year when managing their roster balance. Teams should better recognize that they don't need to spend on another point guard if their team already has a viable starter and will know to use their resources elsewhere.Visual Concepts 工作室告诉我们,今年的 CPU 很聪明,他们不会再浪费资源,他们将会合理的安排自己的名单。Boenisch says he would like to work sign-and-trade deals into the game eventually, but they want the full experience to be more robust before tackling granular issues like that.Boenisch (Visual Concepts 工作室员工) 告诉我们他们迟早会在交易系统里加入“先签后换”这一选项,但是不是现在。
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UID2252404主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1140金钱10203 荣誉10 人气306 在线时间10473 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1140, 距离下一级还需 860 积分
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帖子精华0积分782金钱4718 荣誉0 人气27 评议0
求翻译啊 说的什么东西呀&&不明觉厉啊
UID2252404主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1140金钱10203 荣誉10 人气306 在线时间10473 小时评议0
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yangxuedong121 发表于
求翻译啊 说的什么东西呀&&不明觉厉啊
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Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1140, 距离下一级还需 860 积分
帖子精华0积分1140金钱10203 荣誉10 人气306 评议0
翻译完了...累死了 做作业去了~
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UID6743700主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分4867金钱5400 荣誉7 人气512 在线时间11786 小时评议0
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UID6984898主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分165金钱2739 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间2407 小时评议0
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UID1870850主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分154金钱3310 荣誉0 人气1 在线时间1599 小时评议0
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UID8033916主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分913金钱7131 荣誉3 人气66 在线时间1501 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 913, 距离下一级还需 87 积分
帖子精华0积分913金钱7131 荣誉3 人气66 评议0
I don't want to be Michael Jordan, and I don't want to be Magic&&Johnson, I just want to in my occupation career ended, facing the mirror, can examine oneself, feeling no shame of said to myself, I was that Allen Iverson.
Only The Strong Survive .强者生存。
I am what I am.我就是我。
I do what i want to do.& &我按我的方式生活。& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
& && && && &
UID5971572主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分78金钱1827 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间876 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 78, 距离下一级还需 122 积分
帖子精华0积分78金钱1827 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID2484606主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分826金钱3665 荣誉0 人气2 在线时间3480 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 826, 距离下一级还需 174 积分
帖子精华0积分826金钱3665 荣誉0 人气2 评议0
UID2194890主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分782金钱4718 荣誉0 人气27 在线时间3748 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 782, 距离下一级还需 218 积分
帖子精华0积分782金钱4718 荣誉0 人气27 评议0
做的越来越像nba联盟了&&但是请恕我直言 ,估计这次2k的篮球比赛比分又没有什么进去 还是和2k9到2k14那种ai吧,只是增加了一些动作,引擎进步一点,就这样吧
UID1645617主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分102金钱2237 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间755 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 102, 距离下一级还需 98 积分
帖子精华0积分102金钱2237 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
感觉应该不错 要换电脑了
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我比較在意的是 人物臉孔 可不可以自行調整?
實在不是很想 玩 2k自帶的工作人員默認模組 =_=
☆ Tracy Mcgrady ☆游侠资深版主游侠实况代做组永远的NO.1
T-Mac圣西罗之子 卡卡
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