escape room 3 第12消消乐139关怎么过过啊?

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Powered by Discuz!网络逃出愚蠢房间31.逃出愚蠢房间3◎ - 第10页 FDZone... ... [智力] [逃脱]逃出房间2( Escape The Room 2) [智力] [逃脱]逃出愚蠢房间3( Escape Stupid Room 3) ... |Escape the Room 3 Cheats | eHow
In the online puzzle game "Escape the Room 3," you find yourself trapped in a room with no discernible door and must search the area for clues in order to discover a way out. One of the trickiest aspects of "Escape the Room 3" is finding the three equations and figuring out how to use them in the game.
When the game begins, you're facing a corner with a square shape outlined on the left wall and a small slot on the right wall. From here, move two areas to the right to find a space with two shelves on the wall. The note pinned on the wall above the top shelf reads "(1): 10
40 + 228 = (--) of no."
By clicking two areas to the right, you'll see a dresser, which has a DVD inside its bottom drawer. Move one area to the left, where a computer is located, and press the power button on the machine. Retrieve the DVD from the "Other items" menu on the top left of your screen and place it into the top drive of the CPU. By highlighting the computer's monitor, you can access the contents of the disc by selecting the word "DVD" in the lower right corner of the screen. You'll receive the second equation, which reads "(2) 60
80 - 600 = (---) of no."
Move one area to the right and locate the key by the bottom right corner of the dresser. Three rooms to the left of this area is a locked door marked "Closet." The key from the dresser will unlock this door, and you'll find a hammer inside. Move three areas to the left, where you'll see a box with a glass panel. The hammer can be selected from the "Other items" menu and used to shatter the glass. Inside the box, you'll find a note that reads "Blue right, blue down."
A puzzle is located on the left side of the dresser, which is one area to the left of the scene with the glass box. Click on the wall to the left of the dresser to access it. The puzzle is composed of two identical sets of three shapes--one blue, one red and one green. The circle in the center of the shapes is used
the pieces should be rotated until the top set of shapes has the blue piece in the rightmost position and the bottom set of shapes has the blue piece in the bottom position.
Click on the rectangular shape at the top of the screen and you'll receive a message telling you that you heard a sound. When you open the bottom drawer of the dresser now, you'll find a note with the third equation, which reads "(3) 52
2 + 13 = (--) of no."
The three equations represent the combination to the locked green box located in the room with the closet door you unlocked earlier. The first number in parentheses indicates the digit in the combination, and the asterisk in the parentheses tells you which digit from the solution of the equation is used in the combination. The sum of the first equation is 628, the second equation is 4,200 and the third equation is 117, so the combination for the locked box is "627." This box will not open unless you find and read the clues for the three equations.escape the room安卓攻略_百度文库
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