
我语死早还是LZ语体教啊= =!
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或& 中2:神圣罗马帝国诸国志 DHHRV0.8 (隆重介绍!) ...
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UID677020主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分111金钱523 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间19 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 111, 距离下一级还需 89 积分
帖子精华0积分111金钱523 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
V0.8 hotfix:&&请解压倒DHHR\data\下
以下是英语版的关于V0.7的介绍: (我会逐渐把他们翻译成国语 )
Welcome to the 'Das Heilige R?mische Reich - Features' thread!
I realised that we never explained our features in detail, or at least not in one place, so in here we will provide an in-depth look at the mod's features.
I hope it will answer lots of questions.
This thread will always cover the most recent release (v0.7 in this case).
本贴总会涵盖最新的版本(现在是V0.7) ***还没有来的及更新到V0.7***
Here we go!
1) Imperial Tax / Reichssteuer
Description: The term 'Imperial Tax / Reichssteuer' covers numerous things that provided the Emperor with wealth (while AFAIK there was never a thing called Imperial Tax): Emperors collected 'tax' for their coronation voyage to Rome for example, for weddings, cities paid to keep special rights and so on. To keep things simple, I have united all these things in this feature.
Feature: Every not banned HRE faction leader pays 250 florins per turn as long as he is not losing money. Thereof, the Emperor gets 200 florins. The difference is lost due to corruption, wages, ... etc.
2) Imperial Coronation / Kaiserkr?nung
Description: The history and meaning of the HRE's head's titles is a long and complicated one. One concept that held true for at least most of the medieval age was that the elected ruler was called 'King of the Romans' / 'Rex Romanorum' / 'R?mischer K?nig'. He could also get the title of Emperor if crowned by the pope. 'By the Pope' became 'by a pope' when it became habbit to install Anti-popes on every occassion.
说明:皇帝加冕的历史和含义来源悠久并且复杂。其中一个至少在中世纪时代是普遍认同的理念是被选举出来的统治者被称作为“罗马皇帝/King of the Romans' / 'Rex Romanorum' / 'R?mischer K?nig”。当然,也可以通过教皇加冕得到这个称号。然而,当通过另立教皇登基帝位称为一种习惯时,“通过教皇加冕”逐渐变成了“通过某个教皇加冕”。
Feature: After a lord of the HRE has won the elections, he becomes 'German King'. If he travels to Rome and is not excommunicated, he gets the 'Imperial Crown' / 'Reichskrone' ancillary, which gives a huge bonus on many things, as well as the 'Holy Roman Emperor' title. If he is excommunicated, an Antipope may also crown him either in Rome if the King conquered it, or in Milan if he is allied to it. In both cases both the King and the Antipope need to be in the same place for the coronation.
细节:当一个HRE的家族赢得选举,他就成为了“德国国王“。如果他没有被开除教籍,并且成功地打罗马,那么他会得到“皇帝之冠/Imperial Crown' / 'Reichskrone”的特性。这个特性会给许多方面带来巨大的帮助。对等的,国王和对立教皇也要到罗马完成加冕礼。
3) Antipope / Gegenpapst
Description: On many occasions there were two or more popes at once. Usually one was more or less the 'rightful' pope while the other has been installed by enemies of the papacy.
Feature: An excommunicated Emperor may install an Antipope by clicking one of his Cardinals and following the advisor's instructions. The new Antipope will get a considerable boost in piety, making him one of the top-candidates for the next papal elections. He will also be able to crown the current Emperor. Needless to say that this will not increase your standing with the 'real' pope!
4) Imperial Elections / Kaiser(K?nigs)wahlen
Description: The title of King / Emperor was never hereditary in the HRE. While it was de facto like this during the reign of the Salian and (most of the time) Hohenstaufen dynasties, it became more and more common for the mighty lords of the HRE to elect their ruler. These lords evolved into the 'Elector Counts' (Kurfürsten). Long after that practice became common, it became codified law in the 'Golden Bull' (Goldene Bulle) in the mid 13th century by emperor Karl IV.
Feature: When the current Emperor dies, his son (if there is one) will become one of the candidates. The other will be the strongest (measured by 'overal score') not banned HRE faction leader.
Five faction leaders are Elector Counts who may vote in the elections. This title is hereditary and can not be 'conquered' by defeating a faction that holds that title. Elector counts that have been banned may not vote. Elector counts that are also candidates always vote for themselves. Otherwise, they vote based on their own realm compared to the candidates' realms. In general, Elector Counts prefer WEAKER candidates over stronger ones.
The candidate who gets more votes becomes King. In case of a tie, the son of the last emperor becomes king. Should one of the candidates die during the election, the other one will win. Should the house of the current emperor die out, the strongest (not banned) HRE leader will become Emperor without an election taking place (this is necessary due to scripting reasons).
After the election of a new emperor, all oaths of allegience are renewed. In game terms that means that all HRE factions not subject to the Reichsacht / Imperial Ban will be allied again.
5) Imperial Ban / Reichsacht
Description: In theory, inner HRE wars and feudal feuds were forbidden by law. Many times, emperors or dukes would proclaim the 'Landfriede' (lat. I found no suitable english translation yet - something like 'peace for the country') anew to show that they would now enforce the law. Alas, this never really happened and this unpleasant state of affairs lasted even longer than the middle ages. One of the (vain) methods of countering the offenders was the 'Reichsacht' or Imperial Ban. It came in two forms: against persons or against political entities (like duchies). Subjects to a ban would loose all rights, quite equal to being sentenced to death. However, the mightiest offenders often cared little, because there was no one to bring them before the court.
说明:理论上,HRE内部战争和领地争夺是被法律禁止的。很多时候,皇帝或者公爵会重新宣称“公众和平“法令(拉丁文:constitutio pacis;我找不到合适的英文单词指代这个德语单词-意思就是“国家和平“)以强调他们会贯彻执行法律。哎,不过这个法令没什么用,甚至在中世纪结束后,这些内战还在持续发生。(***哎,原文作者估计是德国人,爱国情操显现了***)针对冒犯,一个空洞的方法是放逐或者帝国取缔。这个方法有两种形式:针对个人或者针对政治实体(如某公国)。遵守驱逐令会丧失所有权利,几乎等同于宣判死刑。但是那些强大的冒犯这部关心这个,因为没有人可以把他们带上法庭。
Feature: The ban represented in the game is a mix of the geographic and personal one (that made it easier...): A ban affects the whole faction but ends upon the death of it's leader. The effects are: The faction leader may not vote and will never become a candidate i his faction no longer p other HRE factions may attack the faction without the threat of ban.
A faction leader will get banned when: He attacks or declares war on another not banned HRE member. The ban will only be lifted upon the death of the faction leader.
Note: Note that it is perfectly possible to be at war with another HRE faction while not being banned. This is no bug. You will be banned as soon as you attack an army or besiege a settlement, however.
6) Title 'King of Burgundy'
Description: In the early 11th century, the Kingdom of Burgundy became a personal domain of the Holy Roman Emperors by heritage. While the true power in Burgundy was not in their hands most of the time, the title was one of great renown.
Feature: The trait/ancillary combination of 'Crown of Burgundy' / 'King of Burgundy' is quite unlike most of the other titles in M2TW.
For none-HRE factions it is awarded as usual: Your faction leader will get the title as soon as he controls Marseille, Lyon and Geneva and if there is not already a 'King of Burgundy' in the world.
If a HRE faction controls all three settlements, THE CURRENT EMPEROR will get the title. If the player is emperor, he should take care to either aid Burgundy against its enemies to get the title, or conquer it for himself, as the title provides many bonuses.
7) HRE Diplomatic Overview Screen
Description: To keep the player up to date without the need of remebering or noting every vote and event, there is an overview feature included in dHHR. It tells you who is Emperor, who is Elector Count and who has been banned.
Feature: To bring up the Overview, click the question mark in the top right corner of the diplomatic overview screen. Repeated clicks on the question mark cycle through all HRR factions.
8) Civil War / Counter King feature
Description: Under Heinrich IV's reign a new 'tradition' started in the HRE: The appearence of 'Counter Kings' (Gegenk?nig) if the powers were not content with the current emperor. The first Counter King, Rudolf von Rheinfelden, was defeated in 1080, right before the start of the game.
Feature: Each Emperor has a hidden 'score' that equals the 'quality' of his reign. The following actions have influence on this score:
- Actions that would otherwise lead to imperial ban –
导致帝国驱逐的行为 -
- The Empire expands +
帝国领土扩大 +
- The Empire shrinks –
帝国领土减少 -
- The Emperor has been excommunicated –
皇帝被驱逐出教会 -
- The Emperor is crowned in Rome +
皇帝在罗马加冕 +
- High/Low Emperor's Authority +/-
高或低的皇帝权威 +/-
- Emperor's heroic Victories/crushing defeats +/-
皇帝的史诗胜利或者惨败 +/-
- Emperor builds high level buildings +
皇帝造出高等级的建筑物 +
If the score reaches a certain level, the strongest lord of the HRE will become Counter King and the leader of the opposition. If players are in the position to become Counter King, they may chose to do it or not.
如果分数到达一定水平,HRE内最强的领主会另立为帝,成为反对派的领袖。 如果玩家成为了对立的皇帝,那么他可以选择起事或者放弃。
As soon as a Counter King has been appointed, a civil war starts. All imperial bans become void, and no one will be banned as long as the war lasts. The standings between Emperor & Counter King will decrease dramatically of course. As soon as one of the rivals dies, the civil war is over and the surviving rival becomes Emperor. At this point, all hostilities in the HRE will cease, and all alliances will be cancelled (unions of lords were considered a threat for the peace). All standings will be set to a 'normal' level between the HRE factions. There is also a very small chance of mulitple Counter Kings.
只要对立皇帝出现,那么内战就开始了。所有的帝国驱逐令会失效,只要内战持续,没有人会被驱逐。皇帝和对立皇帝的立场会急剧降低。只要其中一个人死了,那么内战就会结束。存活下来的成为皇帝。所有的敌对或者联盟关系都被清零。HRE诸国之间的关系都恢复到一般。也会有少许可能出现多个对立皇帝。 ***我想作者是指同时出现多个对立皇帝的可能性从程序上看是有的,但很低***
9) Passive Feature: 'Imperial Cohesion'
Description: While wars between the german petty realms were common until 1866, the often 'united' to fight common foes.
Feature: This is a passive feature that effects the AI for the most part: The HRE factions gang up against aggressors (at least the neighbouring ones).
10) The Awardable Titles and Offices
Description: See
thread for more infos on the different titles and offices.
说明:关于不同头衔和官职的详细介绍请参见。 ***发现链接叶面已经失效了***
Feature: Upon selection of a city that grants an awardable title, the advisor will pop up and give you infos on the title (e.g.: it tells you who is suitable to be awarded with it).
说明:当你点选城市时,建议者见面会跳出来告诉你关于头衔的信息 (例如:建议者会告诉你哪些人适合被授予该头衔)
To award it, click the 'show me how' button and then select the character who shall get the title.
授衔的时候,点击“show me how”按钮然后选择需要授衔的那个人物。
If you want to deactivate the advisor for a title, click the 'show me how' button and then select a city instead of a character. You might want to do this because you have no suitable character for it at the moment and the advisor is getting on your nerves, for example, or because there is another title available in the same city and you want to award the other one first.
如果你不想授衔,可以点击“show me how”按钮然后点选城市,而不是点选某个人物。一般来说,你可能因为没有适合授衔的任务而选择这么做。好比说:如果某个城市有多个可以授衔的官职,而你恰恰希望先授衔其中的某一个。
To reactivate disabled titles, aou have to enable the 'title management'. This can be toggled on/off by clicking the question mark in the army list view (Opening this scroll is also the easiest way of awarding titles). Activated title management has a number of effects:
那么为了重新起用之前禁用的头衔, 您需要激活“头衔管理“功能。通过点击军队清单界面上的问号可以选择开关“头衔管理”功能。(打开这个清单是授衔的最简单的方式了)。起用头衔管理功能还具有一些其他作用:
-All deactivated titles are activated again
-All cities that grant a not yet awarded title start to flash
-When you click a character that has a title, you may remove it by following the advisor's instructions. This advisor may be deactivated too if you click the 'show me how' button and then select a city instead of a character.
当你点击一个拥有头衔的人物时,你可以通过建议者的指示把头衔撤销掉。建议者还是可以通过点击“show me how”按钮然后点选城市来禁用。
11) Title 'King of Italy'
Description: Another title of great renown, but little real meaning. Nevertheless the 'Iron Crown of Lombardy' was a sought after by most German Kings and even other rulers.
Feature: The trait/ancillary combination of 'Iron Crown of Lombardy' / 'King of Italy' is some sort of hybrid of the Imperial Crown and the Crown of Burgundy. A German King may get it in the Province of Milan if either Milan is held by Milan and the King is allied to Milan or if Milan is held by a HRE faction not subject to the Imperial Ban / Reichsacht.
None-HRE faction leaders may aquire the Crown if they capture Milan.
12) Title 'Duke of Lower Lorraine'
Description: Heinrich IV's son Konrad was nominally Duke of Lower Lorraine, while the real power of the duchy was held by the house of Namur.
Feature: I turned this historical fact in some sort of 'Prince of Wales' title for the Empire: The trait/ancillary combination of 'Duke of Lower Lorraine' is always given to the current heir of the Emperor, as long as a HRE faction holds both Antwerpen and K?ln.
None-HRE faction leaders may aquire the Crown if they capture both Antwerpen and K?ln.
13) The 'Romzug' feature
Description: It was common for German Kings to aquire the Imperial Crown in Rome or at least in Italy. They usually combined this with getting the Crown of Italy & the re-enforcment of imperial law in Italy. This was one of the rare occassions when the Emperor would collect a general tax in the HRE as well.
Feature: An elected German King that has not yet got the Imperial Crown may start a Romzug at any time. An advisor pop-up will remind the player of that possibility.
If he decides to do it, the Emperor will get a Movement Point Boost of +25% while the 'Zug' lasts and an extra Imperial Tax. He has 7 turns to get the Imperial Crown in Italy or the Romzug will fail. In that case, the MP Bonus ends and the King will suffer a large reputation hit, increasing the danger that a counter-king might arise. The same happens if the Emperor leaves Imperial Territory* while on the 'Zug'.
*Note: 'Imperial territory' is all the provinces that you can see when you start a game as one of the HRE factions (Roughly the whole HRE plus the 'Low Lands' and Northern Italy). These never change over the course of a campaign.
14) Principles of the ZOC system
Description: Many different nations have many different types of administration, and it's always easier to take over lands that are gouverned in a similar way as one's own. Also, proper administration has to be up and functional to recruit any units or start building projects in a province.
Feature: There are 8 basic types of administration in HRR: western catholic feudal, western catholic republic, venetian, tribal, muslim, byzantine pronoai, nomad, orthodox feudal.
Each of these basic ZOC buildings (as I call them) allow a three-level chain of ZOC buildings to be built. These control the availablity of most units / recruition buldings for each faction. Feudal systems require farming for their ZOC-chain, while Trade-Based systems often need Markets and Townhalls to be built.
If you conquer a province with a different ZOC system, all existing ZOC buildings in that province are destroyed. Without ZOC, you are not able to recruit any units or construct any buildings in the province, so you will have to build your ZOC buildings first. This makes it harder to make use of newly-conquered provinces. At first, these are more of a burden than a profit.
NOTE: Factions that use the western catholic feudal system do NOT destroy Republican ZOCs they conquer. They may use and even upgrade them, but not with the full benefits and increased unrest. That shall represent the often republic-like semi-independant status of bigger cities that are part of nominally feudal nations.
15) A note on the recruitment pools & upkeep:
In order to have armies with at least a semblance of history into the mod, I have done several things that might even seem quite strange at first:
-The replenish rates are quite low comparted to vanilla and older versions of HRR. A knight unit in a standard fiefdom takes 8 turns to replenish for example. That ensures that the battles are much more decissive, as you won't face one full stack after the other every turn.
-Upkeep: Feudal units pay almost no upkeep but are quite expensive to hire, while Militia units have the 'free upkeep' ability but pay very high upkeep otherwise. At the first glance this may seem totally weird. But it ensures that the AI & the player will favour Feudal Units for their field armies, while the militias stay at home. Quite 'realistc' army compositions are the consequence.
16) The Knight Realism Project:
That's the 'child' of our (I guess) proud dads Hannibal & Diskuswerfer: Knights now are the tanks on the battlefield that they should have always been. The fate of your army's knights will decide the fate of the battle in most cases.
Personally, I like the new morale aspects of the knights very much: Sometimes enemy troops turn & run as soon as the knights approach them (peasants, archers, ...).
17) Rebel specials
There are three types of Rebel provinces on the map:
Everything like in vanilla
With garrison script
some provinces that resisted possible invaders and/or were known as quite rebellious have garrison scripts. For those unfamilliar with that term: That means that the settlement in question will spawn an average sized army inside it's walls as soon it is besieged. This shall simulate that all local levies and outspread lords gather to defend the province's capital.
Can be found in the Levante, Southern France and other spots.
Both garrison script and scripted uprisings.
As above. In addition, these provinces will spawn large and usuall well equiped armies that attack the provinces capital in an attempt to regain freedom if they are administered poorly.
Some of the factors that are important here: Tax rate, Garrison Size, Garrison to Population Ratio, Excommunication, special events...
These regions include: Ireland, Wales, Prussia, the Balkans, Northern Italy, the 'Low Lands' from Calais to Utrecht.
[ 本帖最后由 aiueo 于
12:27 编辑 ]
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UID677020主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分111金钱523 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间19 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 111, 距离下一级还需 89 积分
帖子精华0积分111金钱523 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
This is a dHRR 0.8a beta release.
Installation: This is not a stand-alone version, you need to have dHRR 0.7 properly installed on your PC. To download dHRR 0.7 click here.
After you have installed dHRR 0.7, download 0.8 here:
Unzip the rar by selecting the data folder of dHRR (not that of M2TW!) as target and confirm to have all files overwritten.
ATTENTION: there are still some issues, for now use this hotfix:
Again select the data folder of dHRR as destination.
Some new features:
New Time Scale!
The game now runs from 1080 to 1250 with 4 turns per year (three summer turns, one winter turn). This is about 200 turns more than dHRR 0.7.
New Units!
Nearly all Vanilla units have been replaced. A complete new line up has been made for the western factions. The units of the eastern factions have been seriously improved by the excellent work of Rusichi Total War. The Byzantines anyways were using the outstanding CBUR roster.
All units, also the few Vanillas that remained, have received changed stats and costs to ensure that comparable units have comparable abilities and about equal costs. We have tried to stick as much as possible to the principle “What you see is what you get”: A unit with chain armour will always be a hard opponent, no matter where it comes from.
New Titles and Offices!
More than 100 clerical and worldly titles and offices have been added to be acquired by your family members!
Appoint counts and dukes by sending your family members into the cities where titles are awaiting them! Even royal and imperial crowns now are no longer out of reach for family member that never will make it to faction leaders. Once acquired these titles will become hereditary, passing from father to son or other relatives of the holders. Some titles cannot be acquired, but will only be passed hereditary within one of the starting families.
Appoint bishops by either having the local chapter elect one (recruit a priest in the respective town) or by making one of your vassals bishops (send a recruited general or an unmarried family member with the “bastard” trait into that town).
Watch your family member struggling for royal favour and acquiring court titles! Each faction has a unique way of dealing with rule and control in the medieval world of dHRR, from the jarls of Denmark, to the ispans in Hungary, the republican administrators in Venice and the papal curia in Rome.
We have also reviewed the family trees. In most occasions the number of family members has been much raised (check out Saxony or Sicily if you want to start the game with a really huge family!). As an additional goodie we came behind the secret how the game picks faction heirs and were that way able forcing the game to (usually) pick the next heir as it would have been done in the historical faction. So, your next faction leader will be selected always to different rules when you play, for example, France, Poland or Venice.
Reich Reworked!
All German faction leader are now elector counts. The &Romzug& no longer is available during civil war. But becoming emperor properly crowned now is even more important than before: When your faction leader has been crowned emperor he can make the faction heir Rex Romanorum, provided that one is descendant of the Imperial House. This would make the faction heir the next emperor even without any election. Establish an imperial dynasty in your faction!
New Display!
Strat-models, faction banners, faction names and trade resources have been reworked to give you a complete new game feeling.
Reworked Economy!
All settlements have been reviewed and made more accurate concerning population size and upgrades. We have also changed the trade resources to be better fitting medieval Europe. All built-times and –costs have been adjusted the new time scale (that is, were approximately doubled).
Reviewed Diplomacy!
The relations at game start are now set according to the historical situation: In Germany there is a civil war going on with all German faction involved between an “imperial party” on the one side, and a “papal party” on the other side. Venice and Byzantium start the game allied and at war with Sicily. England and Scotland start the game at war too.
Known limitations:
This is not the final version 0.8 (that’s why it is called “0.8a beta”). The Obotrites, Rus, Byzantines, Seljuks and Almoravids have only seen little changes since 0.7 so far, save for the new units. This will be done with following “updates” of 0.8. These also will feature new loading screens, proper credits, and an installer to work as a stand alone.
In internal tests this version runs without crashes, save for the nasty “right-click-on-ui-bug” already known with 0.7. If you encounter any CTDs when trying to fight battles it would be a result of a changed file forgotten in this download, please check the log, it should tell you which file the game has been searching in vain and then crashed, and tell us.
Milan, Sicily and Hungary have so far not been proper tested, so you can become a beta-tester by playing them and noting down anything odd you encounter while playing.
I would also like to ask you keeping us informed which parts of the new system seem unclear, or even illogical, to you. This will help us further improving the game.
? 千 本 桜 ?游侠元勋版主『PC游戏综合区』游侠剑阁工作组【美工】Koei 真?三國無双6 天下無双冥王·哈迪斯★★★★★★★
UID1034297主题阅读权限200帖子精华10积分38360金钱352350 荣誉1785 人气5301 在线时间46135 小时评议38
帖子精华10积分38360金钱352350 荣誉1785 人气5301 评议38
支持楼主的伟大工程& && && && && && && && && && && &&&
UID3627442主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分55金钱557 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间101 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 55, 距离下一级还需 145 积分
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