
魔兽世界中为什么鼠标左键一点头像就释放神圣愤怒啊 - 魔兽世界 - 游戏问答频道_单机游戏下载网
美工 制作:炊饼脆梨豆包
适用版本:国服4.1 台服4.2
2、设置焦点头像的快捷键 Shift+鼠标左键(使用Shift+鼠标左键点击即可设置焦点,点击空白处取消焦点)。
以下设置在 SyUnitFrame.toc 中, 在不要的功能文件前面加 ## 就行!例如:不要目标的目标的目标 就,##SyToToT.xml。
在 SyUnitFrame.lua 中的设置如下:
local PlayerArt = 1 -- 是否显示自己附加信息(血量、边框等) 0 - 不显示,1 - 显示
local PlayerExt = 1 -- 是否显示自己头像附加边框: 0 - 不显示,1 - 显示
local PlayerElite = 0 -- 精英头像设置: 0 - 没有精英头像,1 - 精英头像,2 - 银英头像
local PlayerHPtoPct = 1 -- 血量和百分比位置互换 0 - 血量在中间,1 - 血量在最上边
local PlayerPositionShow = 0 -- 百分比显示成玩家坐标 0 - 不启用,1 - 显示坐标
注:只有在 不显示附加边框 或 血量显示在中间时 才可以起作用。
local PlayerRPBShow = 0 -- 是显示经验还是声望 0 - 经验,1 - 声望 注:如经验条开启的话,70级时自动显示声望,但要有声望被选择显示。
local TargetInfo = 1 -- 是否显示目标类型和种族 0 - 不显示,1 - 显示
local PartyHM = 1 -- 是否显示队友的血量和法力值: 0 - 不显示,1 - 显示
local PartyOnlyHp = 1 -- 只显示队友血量,不显示法力值 0 - 2个都显示,1 - 只显示血量 ( 1.1b )
local PartyLevelShow = 1 -- 是否显示队友等级 0 - 不显示,1 - 显示
local PartyCla IconShow = 1 -- 是否显示队友职业图标 0 - 不显示,1 - 显示
local PartyBuffDebuff = 1 -- 是否显示队友BUFF 0 - 不显示,1 - 显示
local HPPctColor = 1 -- 是否血量比和血量条的颜色随血量变化 0 - 不变化,1 - 变化
local SUFCanMove = 0 -- 是否可以移动自己或目标的头像 0 - 不启用,1 - 启用
local font = GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetFont() -- 默认使用游戏的Tooltip字体
--local font = &Fonts\\ZYHei.TTF&; -- 要使用自定义的字体,先在 15 行前加 -- ,再删除 16 行前面的 -- 。ZYHei.TTF 改成自己喜欢的字体。
font = string.lower(font)
local FontSize = 12 -- 自己和队友的 血量和法力值字体大小
注:头像移动功能要先设置 SUFCanMove = 1 ,再游戏里 输入命令 /suf lock 打开移动,移动好后在输入命令 /suf lock 锁定头像!
在 BigBuff.lua 中的设置如下:
找到 7行和 8行:修改 = 后面的数字就行,修改后重载插件或重新登入游戏就行了
local LARGE_AURA_SIZE = 28; -- 自己对目标的buff和debuff大小,默认21
local SMALL_AURA_SIZE = 17; -- 其他BUFF和DEBUFF的大小
[&HP&]= {0.5, 1, 0.5}, -- 血量字体颜色 3个数字分别是 r, g, b
[&MP&]= {0.75, 0.75, 1}, -- 法力值字体颜色
在 SyAdd.lua 中的设置如下:
在插件目录下用记事本打开 SyAdd.lua 文件!开始几行:
local modifier = &shift& -- 这里设置 Shift键、alt键 或 ctrl键
local mouseButton = &1& -- 1 - 鼠标左键 2 - 右键 3 - 中间键
local OTEnable = 1 -- OT报警是否启用 0 - 不启用, 1 - 启用
local TSEnable = 1 -- 目标破甲是否启用 0 - 不启用, 1 - 启用
1、把框体移动模块 从SyUnitFrame.lua中移出单独一个lua。作了适当的修正;
2、开启移动模块设置还是在 SyUnitFrame.lua 中设置区,命令: /syuf lock 解锁和锁定框体,/syuf r 恢复默认位置;
1、增加 宠物BUFF和DEBUFF显示
2、对于 头像移动 功能,作了修改,一般情况下,不会出现移不了的问题(最好检查下没有下面的相关的插件)
3、目标种族 颜色 按阵营区别
对于台服 3.3 版的测试版,暂时取消BIGBUFF功能。
1、增加 自己头像 生命值和法力值 百分比模式显示(需要在没有边框时,及PlayerExt=0 时,具体看 SyUnitFrame.lua 设置区)
2、对 焦点头像 的BUFF/DEBUFF作了修改,现在可显示冷却时间(要有冷却计时插件)
3、对 目标的目标头像 和 焦点的目标头像 的DEBUFF稍微发大点,并采用一排显示
修正 队友血量百分比显示 代码中初始化中的一个错误!(涉及 v3.1.2b 和 v3.1.2c,这个错误不会出现游戏错误提示)
增加一个设置,可以对 焦点头像 进行缩放。功能在 SyAdd.lua 。
更新为SyUnitFrame v1.0.6b2
增加经验条 中显示声望的功能。默认是关闭的。(详情见设置区颜色标出的)
更新为SyUnitFrame v1.0.6b(改版本号格式)
更新为SyUnitFrame v1.0.4(改版本号格式)
更新为SyUnitFrame v1.0.3(改版本号格式)
增加 一些设置,见上面的设置区!
更新为SyUnitFrame 1.1b2
更新为SyUnitFrame 1.1b
下载后解压到魔兽世界world of warcraft目录interface文件夹addo 目录里,重新进入游戏.
1996 - 2010 SINA Corporation, All Rights Reservedpatch的详细内容 当前版本1.8.3 1.9中文版在10楼
patch的详细内容 当前版本1.8.3 1.9中文版在10楼
23:27 patch的详细内容 当前版本1.8.3 1.9中文版在10楼
- 《魔兽世界》客户端升级补丁 1.6.1 ()
- 法术施放不会因为脱离战斗而被打断。
- 强化盾牌格挡 - 修正了原本天赋第三级没有给予正确的额外格挡奖励的错误。
- 嗜血 - 伤害增加到攻击强度的40%。
- 献祭之油效果不会受到物品法术效果增加的影响。
- 黑翼巢穴 在黑翼巢穴一些情况下会出现前门关闭,从而防止玩家在战斗中进出这个地区。 拉佐格尔现在的行为不再那么“随机化”。战斗中的怪物重生将更加持续化。 黑翼红龙的计时器进行了调整。你无法再通过离开副本来重置计时器。另外,如果计时器
时间到了之后仍然没有击败他的话,那么黑翼红龙将在12小时之后重生。 黑翼巢穴的小龙将不会离开实验室。
- 马拉顿 降低了爬行污泥怪的经验值。
23:27 patch的详细内容 当前版本1.8.3 1.9中文版在10楼
- 《魔兽世界》客户端升级补丁 1.6.0 ()
- 在登陆界面现在有一个新的选项。如果你点击屏幕左侧“记住登陆名”的选项,那
- 亡灵意志(亡灵种族天赋) - 持续免疫不良效果事件降低到5秒钟。
- 食尸(亡灵种族天赋)- 生命值重生量改变为10秒钟内恢复角色总生命值的35%。
- 石像形态(矮人种族天赋)- 现在可以用于取消自身中毒效果。
- 拳系武器和别的武器有一样的几率进行格挡。
- 在晕眩状态无法切换任何武器。
- 现在宠物在它们的主人骑马的时候进入被动/跟随模式。
- NPC造成的晕眩效果现在和别的减速效果技能叠加。需要注意的是,减速的效果并不
- 现在由环境造成的伤害会取消前行效果(比如说:在岩浆中游泳)。
- 现在一些生物的沉默法术被归类为沉默效果,这让比如坚定意志的天赋提供更高几
- 吸取法力现在在战斗纪录中会正确显示获得的魔法值。
- 修正了在使用食尸附近没有尸体的错误提示。
- 修正了在坐骑上尝试攻击显示的错误提示。
- 复活法术现在将正确的检查施放距离,即使目标的灵魂已经释放。
- 法术反弹视觉效果和功能极大地增强。
- 回击效果现在和任何相关的导弹型效果同步。
- 现在使用特殊技能如果被格挡之后,一些需要格挡之后才可以激活的技能将会被
- 伤害护盾法术现在当你使用同时伤害你和你的敌人的法术的时候不再会对你造成
- 现在修正了当处于一个队伍中时,在有根基图腾的情况下使用通道技能所产生的
- 修正了被解散然后重新召回的宠物身上霜寒刺骨的持续时间。
- 修正了当副手拳系武器破损之后,造成主手匕首无法使用的错误。
- 生命吸取法术当你是一个幽灵的时候不会再将生命值转化给你。
- 你在谈及喝醉后坐下时无法口出亵渎之词。
- 地形载入和渲染为苹果机进行了一些优化。
- 在视频选项中加入了多样支持。
- 修正了一个观察别人身上制作出的物品的时候出现原本不存在的属性的错误。
- 升级了苹果机的声音代码,从而让内存使用更加有效。
- 驱散法术无法使用在正在对决的玩家身上,除非施法者在这个决斗中。
- 在整个对决过程中你都将处于战斗状态。
- 你无法协助完全PvP状态的玩家除非你也处于完全PvP状态。
- 如果你打开PvP战斗记录,那么在你乘坐飞行工具的时候不会被清除。
- 当决斗的时候,如果对方处于PvP状态而猎人没有处于PvP状态,猎人的陷阱也会
- 在PvP中移除徽章不会将玩家标记处于战斗状态。
- 变形现在可以消除冰系法术造成的减速效果(寒冰箭,冰霜震击,冰锥术等等)。
- 野性冲锋 - 目标如果免疫无法移动效果的话,野性冲锋无法使其无法移动。打断
- 影遁(暗夜精灵种族天赋)- 在变形状态使用影遁会正确报告错误信息。
- 德鲁伊的变形按钮在被变羊的时候不再会显示不可用。
- 反击 - 现在会对免疫无法移动效果的目标造成伤害。
- 摔绊 - 现在会对免疫无法移动效果的目标造成伤害。
- 爆炸陷阱 - 修正了一个该陷阱对于高等级的目标伤害不正确降低的错误。另外,
- 猎豹守护和豹群守护 - 非伤害性法术和技能不再会导致晕眩效果。另外,当切
- 野兽知识 - 当使用在敌方目标上的时候不再会将你标志为PvP或者导致卫兵对
- 寒冰箭 - 免疫减速效果的目标将不再会受到寒冰箭减速效果的影响。伤害依然
- 冰霜新星 - 现在会对免疫无法移动效果的目标造成伤害。
- 冲击波 - 现在会对免疫无法移动效果的目标造成伤害。
- 冰锥术 - 免疫减速效果的目标将不再会受到冰锥术减速效果的影响。伤害依然
- 侦测魔法 - 现在不会引起地精城镇卫兵的仇恨。
- 点燃 - 现在可以被任何驱散魔法驱散。
- 霜甲术/冰甲术 - 免疫减速效果的目标将不再会受到冰冻移动减速效果的影响。
- 奥术增效 - 修正了这个天赋的第三等级没有正确地增加伤害(原本增加2%,现
- 自由祝福 - 可以用于消除寒冰箭,冰霜震击,冰锥术造成的减速效果。现在这
- 奉献 - 当施放的时候不会取消武器的冷却时间。
- 增强公正圣印 - 说明文字更新,说明更加清晰。
- 命令圣印 - 现在命令圣印造成的伤害会正确地在对方头顶和战斗记录中显示。
- 召唤战马 - 新的图标。
- 修正了当圣骑士使用神圣干涉的时候不总是死亡的错误。
- 精神鞭挞 - 现在对于免疫减速效果目标会造成伤害。
- 暗影形态 - 现在正确得改变为出了神圣技能之外所有技能都可以使用,而不是
- 救赎之魂 - 说明更加清晰。
- 虚弱之触 - 这个技能高等级施放在敌对目标上的时候不会被该技能的低等级版
- 还击 - 如果目标免疫缴械的话将会因为还击而遭受伤害。
- 解除敌对阵营猎人的陷阱将不再会将盗贼标志为PvP状态。
- 鬼魅攻击 - 不再会在使用的时候对你本身造成伤害。
- 预谋 - 修正了当持续时间过去之后,连击点数不会消失的错误。另外增加了范
- 用户界面正确显示伺机待发对于冷血的正确作用效果。
- 冰霜震击 - 现在免疫减速效果的目标将不会受到冰霜震击减速效果的影响。伤
- 复生不再会在被灵魂石绑定的萨满死亡之后出现选项。灵魂石将会被优先使用。
- 冰封武器 - 现在免疫减速效果的目标将不会受到冰封武器减速效果的影响。伤
- 烈焰召唤 - 修正了伤害奖励对于不同图腾不会生效的错误。
- 没有标记PvP的萨满对标志PvP的目标施放链式法术将会正确地反弹到其他的PvP
- 火焰新星图腾的说明文字修正来正确地说明该图腾造成的伤害。
- 由于术士天赋的改变,术士所有天赋点数变为未分配状态,现在可以进行重新
- 残废(末日守卫) - 现在免疫减速效果的目标将不会受到残废减速效果的影
- 恶魔皮肤/恶魔护甲 - 现在在所有时间都增加生命值回复速度,就和预想的一
- 恶魔牺牲 - 虚空行者和地狱犬的牺牲效果改变。虚空行者现在将每4秒恢复你
- 恶魔牺牲现在可以正确地作用于被放逐的召唤生物身上。
- 召唤恐惧战马 - 新的图标。
- 黑暗契约 - 修正了当宠物没有足够可以被吸取的魔法值的时候,战斗记录中
- 相位变换(小鬼)- 当相位变换的时候,小鬼是无法点击选择的,但是对于所
- 增强生命石 - 天赋所增加的效果应该在别的玩家使用生命石的时候也会有效。
- 召唤仪式 - 修正了有的时候术士可以从副本外召唤属于同一副本的队友的错
- 邪恶强化 - 不再需要恶魔耐力天赋。现在这是一个4级的天赋,它的前置条件
- 魔石大师 - 被一个新的称为恶魔大师的天赋所替代。
- 新的天赋(恶魔):恶魔大师 - 只要召唤恶魔存在,就给予术士和召唤恶魔
- 末日仪式 - 现在可以显示冷却时间。
- 由于战士天赋的改变,战士所有天赋点数变为未分配状态,现在可以进行重新
- 断筋 - 现在会对免疫减速效果的目标造成伤害。减速效果提升。
- 增强断筋 - 设计改变。现在不再提升减速效果。3点天赋点数将给予战士5/10/15%
- 震耳嗓音 - 除了增加持续时间之外,这个天赋还将增加战斗怒吼和挫志怒吼的
- 战斗怒吼 - 说明文字更新,说明产生效果的范围(单位码)。
- 挫志怒吼 - 说明文字更新,说明产生效果的范围(单位码)。
- 增强狂暴之怒 - 不再增加效果的持续时间。天赋将会在狂暴之怒激活之后增
- 增强挫志怒吼 - 天赋增加的效果提升到8/16/24/32/40%
- 刺耳怒吼 - 天赋增强不再有前提需求(增强刺耳怒吼)。
- 死亡之愿 - 现在在被恐惧状态可以使用,使用之后取消现有恐惧效果。
- 残忍 - 设计改变。残忍现在是一个即时近战攻击,造成战士攻击强度30%的伤
- 震荡猛击 - 不再需要增强复仇天赋就可以加强天赋。
- 盾牌戒律 - 被新的天赋盾牌猛击替换。
- 新的天赋:盾牌猛击 - 用你的盾牌猛击你的对手,造成伤害并且有50%的几率
- 英勇打击/破甲攻击/复仇/惩戒痛击 - 说明文字更新,增加对于这些技能造成
- 部落和联盟的军旗现在只有在PvP战场中使用,但是冷却时间降低到10分钟。
- 等级3的雷矛徽章现在产生正确的生命值恢复效果。
- 你现在同时只能够拥有一种超强药剂效果。(泰坦药水,精炼智慧药水,超级能
- 佩戴黎明之印饰品拥有和佩戴银色黎明委任徽章同样的效果。
- 地精工兵炸药现在可以在移动中使用。
- 黑铁炸弹的说明文字和作用范围被修正。
- 圣契现在在拍卖所被归类到书籍一类。
- 退化射线效果改变:现在将目标移动速度降低到正常移动速度的80%并将降低目标
- 雪盲软靴现在被归属为史诗级物品。
- 萨弗拉斯指环现在是独特的物品。
- 火焰卫士护肩现在拥有正确的图象效果。
- 森林蟑螂油现在可以出售。
- 觅血者十字弓射击动画修正。
- 烟鬼的打火器造成的伤害会在战斗纪录中正确地显示。
- 水藤的水下呼吸效果在变形之后依然有效。
- 变异鱼所造成的任何有意或有害的效果在登出之后依然保留。
- 雷暴套装的套装奖励加强。现在它会更加受到盗贼和德鲁伊的欢迎。
- 冬夜配方现在正确地显示+7法术效果而不是+5。
- 修正了联盟召回符文说明的一个拼写错误。
- 一些在奥特兰克山谷可以捡拾的物品一堆的数量改变。
- 瑟银兄弟会现在出售一些新的配方。另外,一些以前的配方要求的阵营声望要求改
- 在和木喉熊人声望达到尊敬之后增加了新的铁匠/皮革/缝纫/附魔配方。
- 在和银色黎明声望达到尊敬之后增加了新的铁匠/皮革/缝纫/附魔配方。另外在和
- 黑石深渊的罗克图斯?暗契现在在尊敬,崇敬和崇拜声望之后出售许多新的配方。
- 现在有一个新的进入黑翼之巢的任务。狩猎愉快!
- 亡灵壁垒的暗影牧师范蒂丝现在正确的在任何交还“回到亡灵壁垒”的玩家身上
- 修正了部落版本的“失而复得”的一个文字错误。
- 厄运之槌术士坐骑召唤仪式过程中小鬼不会再在召唤它们的传送门处卡住。
- “收集龙蛋”任务在使用电动采集模块收集被冰住的龙蛋之后会使它们消失。
- 在“交易工具”任务中获取一套盗贼工具不会将你标记为PvP。
- 通灵学院的一些重生点取消。这使得在其中进行得5人作战更加愉快。
- 斯坦索姆的一些重生点取消。这使得在其中进行得5人作战更加愉快。另外,如果
- 斯坦索姆那些有陷阱的箱子可以被侦测陷阱所探测到并且可以被拆除。另外,减少
- 斯坦索姆的许多生物获得了探测隐形/潜行。
- 熔火之心的物品掉落进行略为修改。
- 在熔火之心中死亡和释放的玩家现在地图上尸体的位置将位于黑石深渊洛索
- 相位变换的小鬼现在不再能够被玛格曼达的熔岩炸弹所击中。
- 玛格曼达的熔岩炸弹所造成的伤害以及被抵抗信息将出现在战斗纪录中。
- 修正了导致火焰之王的宝箱(玛格曼达的箱子),七贤之箱(黑石深渊七个矮人箱
- 玛格曼达的箱子中史诗级任务道具掉落几率增加到100%。
- 玛拉顿中堕落的自然力量会正确地进行追击。
- 厄运之槌的一些重生点修改并且略为增加了重生数量。
- 黑石塔中的稀有怪物水晶之牙的出现几率修正。
- 团队用户界面现在大大增强。你可以打开团队用户界面,然后拉出某一特定职业的
- 如果你使用Tab键循环选择你的目标,然后手动选择任何一个不同的目标,此时再
- 动作条上的物品及时在它们被消耗掉之后依然存在在动作条上。
- 如果你在聊天状态shift+点击某件物品链接的话,那么这个物品链接将会复制到
- 信件姓名自动填充现在还会自动填充你公会好友的名字。
- 按ESC键将会取消远程武器的自动射击。
- 宠物用户界面现在在你在坐骑上的时候会变成灰色来表明你无法在此时控制你的宠
- 所有会导致非荣誉击杀的NPC将会在目标框周围出现白色的背景。
- 现在伤害抵抗和脆弱效果将会在战斗纪录中显示。
- 被完全格挡的战斗技能现在正确地在战斗纪录中显示。
- 击碎技能会在战斗纪录中显示更多的信息。
- 毒药和诅咒造成的伤害现在在施放者被杀死之后依然会在用户界面现实。
- 现在玩家如果在一个团队队伍中或者不是队长的情况下试图加入汇合石队列的话,
- TargetUnitsPet()已经过时并从脚本系统中移除。
- 在脚本系统中增加了UnitInRaid(),TargetLastTarget()和
TargetNearestRaidMember() 。
- GetPlayerMapPosition()只有对你,你的队伍和团队队伍有效。
- 修正了党重新进入世界之后聊天窗口位置不会恢复到正确位置的错误。
- 修正了当说话过多,NPC的聊天泡泡导致崩溃的错误。
- 修正了当列举某个人数很多的频道中的人名的时候崩溃的错误。
- 修正了当施法职业被脚踢之后有可能卡住的错误。
- 暗月卡片将会从高级人形生物身上掉落。收集齐一套卡片把它们带到城镇中的暗月
- 原本没有标注为平民的一些NPC现在有了正确的
- 《魔兽世界》客户端升级补丁 1.5.2 ()
- 调整了一些副本中的怪物分布。
- 加入了“要爽由自己,冰火暴风城”可口可乐魔兽世界夏季促销活动的虚拟宠物,
- 《魔兽世界》客户端升级补丁 1.5.1 ()
- 修正了一个导致Mac客户端无法进入战场并使PC内存泄露的错误。
- 改进了错误报告,可以为开发部门提供更有用的信息。
- 《魔兽世界》客户端升级补丁 1.4.3 ()
- 修正了船只和飞艇的读取画面。
- 修正了若干第三方中文输入法引起的游戏崩溃问题。
- 《魔兽世界》客户端升级补丁 1.4.2 ()
- 修正了一个较少发生的游戏崩溃错误,该错误在执行特定的数据查询时会发生。
- 现在高精灵有自己独特的阵营 - “银月幸存者”。这个阵营和联盟结盟并且和部
- 世界上的一些NPC现在和恰当的阵营相联系。
- 安戈洛尔环形山的双帆龙出现机率增加。
- 灼热峡谷的火焰元素更加容易找到。
- 守护在辛特兰门口的两头狮鹫终于决定不再对瞪着了,它们将会在入口附近游荡。
- 莱什纳?刺藤将会被移动到奥格瑞玛别的布衣穿着者汇集地。
- 暗滩祭司和暗滩执行者现在将被正确地标识为人形生物。
- 摩本特?费尔的等级略为降低来符合暮色森林玩家的等级。
- 艾萨拉的布琳娜?瓦兰达尔现在会出售更高等级的弓箭了。
- 莫沙彻营地的哈杜肯?迅蹄以及铁炉堡的丁尼塔?石衣现在能力提升;现在他们比
- 莱什纳?刺藤将会被移动到奥格瑞玛别的布衣穿着者汇集地。
- 暗滩祭司和暗滩执行者现在将被正确地标识为人形生物。
- 摩本特?费尔的等级略为降低来符合暮色森林玩家的等级。
- 艾萨拉的布琳娜?瓦兰达尔现在会出售更高等级的弓箭了。
- 莫沙彻营地的哈杜肯?迅蹄以及铁炉堡的丁尼塔?石衣现在能力提升;现在他们比
- 一些浮空的草药,矿藏和箱子现在重新回到地面。
- 贫瘠之地变得更具生气。
- 生病的蹬羚现在看上去更加病怏怏的。
- 卡拉诺斯的加文?雷酒现在用通用语而不是矮人语来警告玩家。
- 塔纳利斯的废水生物可以正确地拼写自己的名字了。
- 迅捷绿色迅猛龙改名为迅捷橄榄色迅猛龙来进行更好地描述。
- 在卡利姆多大陆地图上增加了恶齿村的标识。
- 当你靠近恶齿村的时候,小地图上会出现箭头标识它的方向。
- 修正了死亡矿井基尔尼格说话中的语法错误。
- 修正了艾尔文森林管理员莱琳说话中的语法错误
12:37 patch的详细内容 当前版本1.8.3 1.9中文版在10楼
客户端升级补丁 1.6.2 ()
10:29 patch的详细内容 当前版本1.8.3 1.9中文版在10楼
Hidden within the jungles of Stranglethorn, an ancient Troll city full of peril has been uncovered. Do you have what it takes to delve into its mysteries with a band of hardy explorers? There' only one way to find out! Zul';Gurub is a high-level, 20-man raid i tance with 120 new rare and epic items to uncover. Adventure awaits!
Join the League of Arathor or the Forsaken Defilers as they battle for the precious resources stockpiled within the latest Battleground, Arathi Basin! Pitting 15 members of each faction agai t each other, the race is on to be the first to 2000 resources, capturing strategic landmarks around the Basin to increase your team' gain and cri le the enemy. With an all-new set of reputation-based rewards, there' never been a better time to join the war!
Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza
The Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza is a grand new event set along the coasts of Stranglethorn Vale. Early on the a ointed day, friendly neighborhood gobli will visit Ironforge and Orgrimmar to inform a iring anglers of the grand tournament and give i tructio . At the a ropriate time, the shout will ring out acro Stranglethorn to bait your hooks and cast your lines!
Switching weapo in combat triggers a 1 second global cooldown for all abilities for rogues and a 1.5 second global cooldown for everyone else.
Tauren can now ride wolves if they learn the wolfriding ability.
Po e ed units (e.g. Mind Control, Eyes of the Beast etc...) can now cancel combat mode by clearing your current target. In addition, the UI will have a gold border when the po e ed unit is actively in combat mode with the target.
Several stun ells and abilities that were previously unresistable can now be resisted as was always intended.
Damage a orption no longer protects agai t falling, drowning, or fatigue damage.
The targeting circles for area effect ells will no longer be cancelled when the caster moves.
A orbed and resisted environmental damage is now shown in the combat log.
If an attack deals non-physical damage, the type of damage is now reported in the combat log.
Fixed bug where you could kill someone in a duel with ell reflection.
Auras and shapeshift forms can be cancelled while you are fleeing or confused.
Fixed bug where you couldn';t right click to attack a hunter who is feigning death.
You can no longer unequip weapo while they are disarmed.
Debuffs and area effect ells now use their actual cast level rather than effective cast level for calculating periodic resistance.
Escape Artist works with Frost Nova and Frost Trap again.
Damage a orption is now a lied before damage litting effects.
Casting ells on your pets and summo will no longer cause guards in neutral tow to attack you.
Fixed a bug where mana was being regenerated while cha elling ells that use mana.
Fixed a bug where the Dazed ability used by creatures when attacking targets from behind was countered/di elled by some ells (e.g. Ble ing of Freedom).
Fixed a bug where area of effect periodic damage ells were being resisted more frequently than they should have been when casting lower level ranks of the ell (affected ells were Blizzard, Co ecration, Explosive Trap, Flamestrike, Hurricane, Rain of Fire and Volley).
Effects that make players immune to physical will no longer be immune to the Recently Bandaged effect from First Aid.
Made general improvements to the camera.
A number of miscellaneous improvements have been made that should allow for better group forming when using the meeting stones.
You will no longer be kicked from the meeting stone queue when a player declines a group invite or when inviting someone that is already in a group.
You will now be informed that you have left the meeting stone queue when the group leader logs out.
Tanks and Healers will now be immediately added to the group by the meeting stone when they are the 5th member of the group.
You can now be added to a group by the meeting stone when that group contai characters that have disco ected.
Battl have been added to Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley and Arathi Basin. Holidays occur during most weekends, starting on Thursday night at midnight and continuing until Tuesday morning. During a holiday, emmi aries from that Battleground will be found in the major cities, and honor/faction rewards for performing objectives in that battleground are increased.
System Me ages have been added to Warsong Gulch to replace the heralds.
Losers of Warsong Gulch are now given a Ri on of Sacrifice which they may turn in to Captain Shatter ear or Sentinel Farsong for a faction reward.
Offe ive use of damage immunities no longer causes the flag to drop in Warsong Gulch.
In the Battlegrounds, you will now automatically be resurrected by Spirit Healers unle you choose to decline.
A bug that allowed ghost players to pa through the Warsong Gulch starting gate has been fixed.
Alterac Valley now correctly rewards honor for owning graveyards at the end of the game.
Characters that use the Battlemaster to enter a Battleground will now port back to that Battlemaster when they leave the Battleground for any reason.
Fixed range check for removing i ignia from players in Battlegrounds.
Fixed a bug that would cause players to stand up when a turnin was made in Alterac Valley.
Players will no longer be able to gain health by repeatedly entering and leaving the effect of a Battle Standard.
Entering a battleground now resets the timer for the AFK flag. This should prevent players being kicked by the AFK timer moments after they enter the Battleground i tance.
Using the /who command while in a Battleground i tance will now only di lay players in your i tance.
Co ecration and other similar ells can no longer be used by non-PvP flagged players to damage PvP flagged enemies.
Racial L have been strengthened, and are now worth slightly le honor.
Players may no longer purchase items that require a PvP rank unle they meet the rank requirement at the time of purchase.
Improved Starfire - The stun effect can now be resisted.
Druids should now be able to shapeshift back into caster form while Feared.
Cat Form - The base weapon damage of the form has been increased.
Cat Form - Each point of agility now adds 1 attack power.
Cat Form - Rip' damage per combo point has been increased.
Cat Form - Ferocious Bite' damage per combo point has been increased. In addition, extra energy now converts to damage at a higher rate.
Cat Form - Replaced global cooldown on Tiger' Fury with a 1 second self cooldown. In addition, its duration has been increased to 6 seconds.
Cat Form - Rake' damage has been increased.
Due to significant talent changes, Hunters will have all talent points refunded and can be re ent. Training costs for all talent ell/ability replacements have been significantly reduced.
Survival and Beast Master talent trees have undergone major revisio in an effort to give Hunters additional, viable choices when selecting talents.
Deterrence - Will now increase parry chance when using Fist Weapo .
Deflection - Will now increase parry chance when using Fist Weapo .
Improved Concu ive Shot - The stun effect can now be resisted.
Trueshot Aura - Attack Power and Ranged Attack Power bonus increased, mana cost decreased, area of effect increased.
Frost Trap - Updated tooltip to reflect duration of the Frost Trap Effect.
Aimed Shot - Fixed tooltip to correctly di lay shot time.
Auto Shot - Fixed a bug where switching targets would cancel Auto Shot. Switching targets should now continue firing on the newly acquired target.
Scatter Shot - Should now cancel combat mode when used.
Eyes of the Beast - Cast time reduced.
Flare - Fixed the tooltip to accurately reflect the actual radius of the effect.
Ranged Weapon Specialization - Now affects all ranged weapon attacks (e.g. Arcane Shot).
Improved Concu ive Shot - Will now have a chance to stun targets that are afflicted with other slowing effects (e.g. Wing Clip).
Hunters now have the first round of pet customization available. New pa ive abilities include increased armor, stamina, Fire resistance, Frost resistance, Nature resistance, Shadow resistance, and Arcane resistance.
Hunter pets can now be untrained of all their skills from any beast trainer in the major cities. Similar to talents, untraining a ecific pet scales up as you do it more times: 10 silver, 50 silver, 1 gold, 2 gold, 3 gold, etc., eventually sto ing at 10 gold.
Training point costs for all abilities have been rebalanced. You';ll now be able to use all your pet' training points with meaningful choices. To help make hunting pets more viable in more situatio , the Growl ability is now free to all pets.
Bats, owls, and carrion birds can now learn the Screech ability, a fast single-target attack that also lowers the attack power of all enemies within melee range of the pet.
Cats can now learn Stealth. In addition to being u een, they receive a damage bonus for their first attack coming out of stealth.
Scorpids can now learn Scorpid Poison. The poison deals Nature damage over time and stacks up to five times on a single enemy.
Wolves can now learn Furious Howl. The howl adds a flat amount of damage to all nearby party member' next attack (within 15 yards).
Hunter pets now gain experience based on the level difference between them and their target rather than the difference between the Hunters and their target. This will make it much easier to level up a low level pet. Keep in mind that the Hunter must still kill creatures from which he/she will gain experience.
The toolti for quick Hunter shots have been updated to show them as i tant abilities.
Feign death is no longer resisted by players.
Hunters are now able to rename their pets while mounted.
Hunter' pets will be smarter about when to use Dash/Dive.
Paladi New Spell: Hammer of Wrath (Level 44) - Hurls a hammer that strikes an enemy for Holy damage. Only usable on a wounded target.
Ble ing of Sacrifice no longer shares damage with dead Paladi (You can no longer kill Paladin Ghosts).
Paladi can no longer activate Divine Favor on the previously cast healing ell.
Focused Casting - Mana cost removed. Now no longer triggers the global cooldown on all other ells.
Vampiric Embrace - Now heals 20% of the damage actually caused (including critical hits, buffs etc...) but now only heals when shadow ells cause the damage.
Switching to Shadow Form no longer cancels Holy buffs on a priest.
You can cancel melee combat while mind controlling by clearing the target, like you can normally.
Riposte - Will now initiate combat when used.
Deflection - Will now increase parry chance when using Fist Weapo .
Mace Specialization - The stun effect can now be resisted.
Shoot Bow/Gun/Cro ow - Should no longer cause a global cooldown on all other abilities.
The fire damage from the Blazefury Medallion and the Gutgore Ri er' effect should no longer immediately break Gouge.
Inferno - The stun effect can now be resisted. Tooltip updated to reflect e lave duration after the initial summon.
Spell Lock (Felhunter) - In addition to interrupting ellcasting, it will now silence the target for a short duration.
Benefits received from the old Master Conjuror talent should now be removed on all Warlocks.
Firestone - When a Firestone is equi ed, it should no longer interrupt tradeskill creation.
Demonic Sacrifice - All effects gained from sacrificing the pet should no longer be di ellable.
Conflagrate - The Conflagrate ell is now i tant cast. The damage and mana cost has been raised on all ranks of the ell.
Fear will now cause creatures to flee immediately, even if they are already moving.
Succubus pets will be smarter about when to use Seduction.
Succubus pets can now autocast Le er Invisibility.
Deflection - Will now increase parry chance when using Fist Weapo .
Retaliation - Will now cause a maximum of 30 retaliatory strikes in 15 seconds. In addition, retaliatory strikes will not be po ible while stu ed.
Improved Revenge - The stun effect can now be resisted.
Mace Specialization - The stun effect can now be resisted.
Retaliation, Reckle e and Shield Wall will no longer be cancelled if you switch stances while the effect is active.
Shield Slam - Threat caused increased.
Shoot Bow/Gun/Cro ow - Should no longer cause a global cooldown on all other abilities.
We have determined that the defe e statistic was being a lied to items too liberally, causing those items to be stronger than they should have been relative to other items of the same level with different effects. As a result, we have reduced the amount of defe e points on all items with bonuses to defe e by a roximately 33% in order to bring those items in line with other similar items.
Proficiency Bonuses have been added to the game. Some sets of equi able items have been added that will give bonus effects to the player only if they have a ecific skill, such as Leatherworking.
With the new ability to train Hunter pets with co iderable magical resistance, the amount of pet resistance granted by the set bonuses for the Giantstalker' and Drago talker' has been reduced while the pet health granted has been increased.
The Earthfury set bonus that increases the range of totems now works with the Mana Tide Totem.
The Giantstalker' set bonus that increases Volley damage now works properly.
The Lawbringer Paladin Set' Healing Circle effect now only affects your party, but the range of the heal has been increased to 30 yds.
The pants and gloves for the Dreadmist, Magister' and Devout sets have had their Agility removed, and other statistics slightly increased.
The free mana cost buff provided by the Mage' Netherwind armor set is now called Netherwind F and will be noted in your combat log.
The effect of the Judge' Gavel has been changed to a stun.
Flarecore Gloves now bind when equi ed.
Flarecore Leggings and Robe now provide a damage bonus to all ells, not just fire ells.
The duration of the Bonereaver' Edge weapon debuff has been lowered, but the frequency of the effect has been raised.
The Polychromatic Visionwrap is now a cloth item with durability.
The Searing Needle' proc will now do the listed damage of the tooltip.
The U to able Force now has a short duration stun i tead of a knockback effect, and the stun will occur le frequently.
Changing stances no longer removes the Orb of Deception effect.
When you have more than one tra formation aura (Orb of Deception, Noggenfogger, etc.), the last one a lied is the one that is shown.
Several of the Molten Core Epic Weapo have been updated with new weapon glows.
Totems affected by the Earthfury set bonus no longer have their effect flicker when players are outside their normal radius.
Fixed bug preventing several items, such as the Goblin Jumper Cables, from being gift wra ed.
Fixed bug where equi ing and unequi ing set items and other items with the same bonus as the set bonus could reduce the affected stats twice until logout.
Sayge' Dark Fortune of Resistance now adds +25 to all schools i tead of +10%.
PvP reward gloves that grant stealth detection have had the detection reduced somewhat.
There are now items in the game that have a duration on them that is measured in real time. For i tance, there are fish that have a four-hour duratio they only last four hours regardle of whether or not the character is logged in.
Alterac Valley Spring Water now has a minimum level of 55.
The Lobotomizer' proc name has been changed to Brain Damage.
Corrected the art for the Nether-lace Tunic.
The Marshal' Lamellar Legplates now have the proper strength bonus.
The Fire Runed Grimoire and Darkmoon Card: Heroism are now properly co idered armor items.
The irit buff from Bottled Alterac Spring Water should now work for shapeshifted druids.
The Marshal' Silk Gloves now has the Mana Shield improvement effect.
The effect toolti for The Black Book, Gutgore Ri er, and Natural Alignment Crystal now properly list their duration.
Scout' Blade now properly sheathes at the hip.
A few items in the Alliance PvP Rogue and Druid sets were previously mi amed, this has been corrected.
The Cenarion and Earthfury Vestments now have proper durability values.
The Sergeant Major' Silk Cuffs and First Sergeant' Silk Cuffs now have the same amount of stamina.
The stun from the Tidal Charm trinket no longer breaks when damage is dealt to the stu ed target.
The Fade effect on the Stealthblade will no longer trigger the cooldown for the Rogue' Feint ability.
The effect of Black Amnesty will now be noted in the combat log.
Rethban Ore, Black Diamonds, and Pristine Black Diamonds may now be found in the Miscellaneous Junk category of the Auction House.
Blue Wedding Ha ok name changed to reflect the actual color of the dre .
The minimum level 48 Lorekeeper' Ring and Advisor' Ring now properly co ider their effects to be pa ive.
Hair should no longer stick through the Helm of Endle Rage.
You can now modify the auto-cast status of pet ells in the pet ellbook.
Profe io New crafted sets have been added that require reagents found only in Zul';Gurub or through the reputation gained from adventuring therein.
Only ells and abilities that target enemy units will cancel the World Enlarger effect.
Black Lotus is no longer soulbound.
Blackfury and Black Amnesty now bind when equi ed.
Catseye Goggles have had their stealth detection increased somewhat.
The Mooncloth Robe pattern changed so it di lays as white quality i tead of blue since it is vendor purchased.
The Effects of Flasks will now persist through death.
Free Action potio can now be di elled.
Wildvine potio have been improved.
Dreamle Sleep potio now take full effect in 12 seconds i tead of 15.
There is now a Horde cooking recipe that uses Tender Crocolisk Meat found at Brackenwall Village.
Dark Iron Boots have been added as Blacksmithing pla that require Exalted reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood.
Timbermaw Reputation Recipes are no longer sold in limited quanities with a restock time. If you have the reputation, you will always be able to buy the recipe.
Significantly more Stranglekelp has started washing ashore to the beaches of the world.
Dark Iron mineral nodes will now sometimes a ear in the Burning Ste es and Searing Gorge.
Enchanting an item with an enchantment that will cause the item to become soulbound will now prompt the enchanter with a warning me age before the enchantment is cast.
The Gnomish Death Ray now only can be cast if the target is within 20 yards. Previously you could cast this on players outside that range, even though the ell immediately failed.
Cured Rugged hides now stack to 10 i tead of 5.
A great number of quests and events added to Zul';Gurub.
A level 50 cla quest has been added for the Rogue (Lord Ravenholdt in Ravenholdt Manor), Priest (Greta Mo hoof in Felwood), Mage (Archmage Xylem in Azshara), and Hunter (Ogtinc in Azshara).
Reputation gai given to a player on the Alliance, Horde, or Steamwheedle Cartel factio directly will now cascade down to member factio through the middle of the Exalted reputation level.
The summoning crystals of Andorh as a result, Araj the Summoner will behave like a normal awn. The re awn time on Araj once he is slain is 10-15 minutes. It should be noted that the aw surrounding where he holds dominion
players seeking to defeat him should not be shy about bringing friends with them.
Araj the Summoner now has increased hit points and does increased melee damage.
Araj the Summoner no longer dro a Corruptor' Scourgestone 100% of the time when killed.
The text for the Horde and Alliance versio of Araj' S now reflect the changes done to the Araj encounter.
The text for the Horde and Alliance versio of Alas, Andorhal now reflect the changes done to the Araj encounter.
The Argent Dawn quest The Active Agent now offers a choice of rewards: Seal of the Dawn and Rune of the Dawn. Both may be used just like an Argent Dawn Commi ion.
Players seeking to replace their Seal of the Dawn (or get a Rune of the Dawn i tead) once they';ve finished The Active Agent quest should eak with Betina Bigglezink in Eastern Plaguelands.
The Seal of the Dawn is now unique, no longer has any cash value, and is no longer disenchantable.
The level 5 quests had the ranged weapon removed from their reward optio . This was done to make sure hunters upgrade their melee damage in the levels before obtaining a pet.
Added text to the Test of Endurance quest to indicate you might need to bring some friends along.
The amount of XP and Stormwind reputation has been increased for completing Hilary' Necklace quest.
Torek in Ashenvale (the questgiver for Torek' A ault) is now PvP enabling.
Important Blackrock Documents for the Horde quest, Warlord' Command, no longer de awn. They can still randomly awn at one of four locatio .
Two new quests have been added to Thorium Point in the Searing Gorge for Thorium Brotherhood reputation turnin for players with neutral faction. You will now be able to turn in Iron and Heavy Leather to increase your reputation with the Brotherhood.
The Darkreaver Menace quest has had any Shaman who has already completed the quest should eak to Sagorne Creststrider in Orgrimmar to get their new reward.
The Boulderslide Ravine quest in Stonetalon Mountai now more clearly points players to the Boulderslide Ravine.
The original Hakkar quest (the one that involved killing Hakkar' Avatar in the Sunken Temple) has been extended, and now offers a reward.
Completing the initial Magram or Gelkis quest in Desolace now gives a ropriate positive and negative reputation gai .
The completion dialogue for the A Rogue' Deal quest has been clarified.
All 8 versio of the A Donation of Runecloth quest have had their quest text clarified.
Certain mo and NPCs that erroneously had plus or minus reputation gai on kills for Horde or Alliance have been corrected.
Various quest typos fixed.
Raids and Dungeo Characters will now receive an error when attempting to enter a raid dungeon if the reason they ca ot enter is because they are not in a raid group.
Fixed a bug that was preventing Rallying Cry of the Dragon Slayer to fire when Onyxia' head was turned in (a uming a head was not already up).
You can now no longer avoid Onyxia' confuse effect by jumping or moving erratically.
Death Knight Darkreaver in Scholomance shouldn';t be so noisy anymore.
The Ogre Ta in Basket in Dire Maul should stick around longer if someone ope it and does not initially loot the ta in from it.
A few Molten Core bo es now drop Fiery or Lava Cores.
New Dre ing Room Interface now available! If you control-left click on any item, item reference (vendors, quests) or item link (chat), a UI panel will a ear showing your character wearing that item. You can then use the same command (control-left click) on additional items to add to the preview a earance. In addition, the Auction House now has a checkbox in the u er right- if checked, any item you click on within the Auction House will automatically be previewed on your character.
Need Before Greed and Group Loot optio have been improved. The rolling window that a ears when an item of the threshold and above is looted now has three butto : a Need button (the dice), a Greed button (the coin), and a close button. Any players who select Need will get a chance to roll first for the item, with the high roller wi ing. If no one selects Need, all characters who selected Greed will then roll, with the highest roll wi ing the item. If everyone closes the window, the item becomes lootable by anyone in the group.
You can now disable the slow scrolling of text when you are receiving a new quest.
Opening the overhead map will now &quot ing your location your map (to make it easier to notice your location when there are many friendlies nearby on the overhead map).
The overhead map now di lays a directional icon for your character.
Spell effects that stack multiple times on a character will now di lay a number in the bottom corner indicating how many times the effect has stacked. For example, if a player has had the Sunder Armor ability used on them three times, the Sunder Armor effect icon will di lay a 3 in the corner.
A confirmation dialog is now shown when you choose to make an I your home.
Using /random will now send the text to your party or raid wherever they are i tead of the local area around the player that used /random.
When in a raid group, the group you are in will now a ear above your name next to your portrait.
Mail recipient name completion now works with offline guild members even if you are not showing them in the guild UI.
Guild ranks and player notes are now filtered by the profanity filter.
Quest rewards are now linked in chat like other items gained.
You can now use the Escape key to exit out of pop up dialogues.
Fixed lua error when relinking poor and standard quality items from loot me ages.
Co umable items on the action bar will now always show the number remaining, even if there are none in your inventory.
You can create the directory Interface\Ico , and any 32x32 .blp or .tga files you put in there will be available in the icon list for your macros.
Pet ells in macros are now su orted, both using /cast and using CastSpellByName().
If you omit the rank of a ell in /cast or CastSpellByName(), it will use the highest rank of the ell which you know.
While it will still be po ible to override files in Interface/FrameXML, doing so is discouraged (and is likely to become impo ible in a future release). Significant API additio are being made to eliminate the need for such direct FrameXML changes.
You will now be able to list .lua files directly in the addon .toc file.
The SetPoint() and SetAllPoints() script functio can take an actual frame i tead of a frame name.
Addon- ecific Saved Variables!
Each addon' saved variables will be saved in the file WTF\Account\{accountname}\SavedVariables\{addo ame}.lua, and will only be loaded when the addon is loaded.
IMPORTANT: The first time you enter the game with this change, you must make sure all your addo are enabled, or their saved variables will be lost! If you accidentally do this once, you can recover by quitting the game, moving your backup SavedVariables.lua into place and restarting the game with addo enabled.
Addon Loading On Demand!
If you add the following line to your addon' .toc file, it will not be loaded at the normal load time, it will i tead be dynamically loaded upon request:
&am #35 am #35; LoadOnDemand: 1
You can query to see if an addon is loaded by using the new IsAddOnLoaded(addo ame) function, and you can load an addon dynamically using the LoadAddOn(addo ame) function. This function retur true if the addon is loaded succe fully, and can be safely and efficiently called even if the addon is already loaded.
For your convenience, the function UIParentLoadAddOn(addo ame) is provided which will attempt to load the addon and pop up an error me age if it failed to load for any reason.
Once an addon is loaded, the ADDON_LOADED event is sent, with arg1 set to the name of the addon. An addon can listen for that event, and when it recieves that event with it' own name, it can safely acce its saved variables.
An important thing to note is that when an addon is loaded dynamically, it doe ';t have acce to any of the virtual frame templates that are defined by FrameXML, including font definitio .
New Scripting Functio debugprofilestart() - starts a timer for profiling during debugging.
millis = debugprofilestop() - return the time in milliseconds since the last call to debugprofilestart()
New UI Element Member Functio handlerFunction = Frame:GetScript(handler) - (for handlers like OnShow, OnEnter, etc) which retur the current event handler for a frame.
Frame:SetScript(handler, function) - sets the action/event handler for a frame (or removes it with a nil function)
Frame:SetBackdrop(nil) / Frame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = &quot gFile, edgeFile = edgeFile, tile = false, tileSize = 0, edgeSize = 32, i ets = { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }}) (Note: This is a table argument)
FontString:SetFont(font, size [,]).
StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture(file [, layer])
lines = ScrollingMe ageFrame:GetMaxLines()
ScrollingMe ageFrame:SetMaxLines(lines)
ScrollingMe ageFrame:EnableFading([isEnabled]) (Defaults to true)
ScrollingMe ageFrame:SetFadeDuration(seconds)
ScrollingMe ageFrame:SetTimeVisible(seconds)
ScrollingMe ageFrame:Clear()
lines = EditBox:GetHistoryLines()
EditBox:SetIgnoreArrows([isIgnored]) (Defaults to true)
r,g,b,a = FontString:GetTextColor()
Addon Saved Variables
SavedVariables will no longer drop stored numbers to single precision.
Infinite/Nan values no longer cause corrupted SavedVariables.lua file. (Written as nils with comment)
Chat and Combat Logging
The script functio ChatFrameLog() and ToggleCombatLogFileWrite() are o olete.
Added script function: isLogging=LoggingChat([newState]) (Retur new state (or current state if no argument))
Added script function: isLogging=LoggingCombat([newState]) (Retur new state (or current state if no argument))
New slash command /chatlog toggles chat logging (/combatlog toggles combat logging)
The file for the chat log is Logs\WoWChatLog.txt and the file for the combat log is Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt
Chat and combat log files will be a ended to rather than overwritten.
You now receive combat log me ages and damage feedback when you are being attacked by creatures you can';t see.
If you call a tamed Deepmo Hatchling, you are no longer notified that you hatched.
Fixed disco ection caused by relinking an item in a different locale than that of your client.
Looted items now always show their names in the a ropriate quality color.
The Ranazjar Isle sub-area has been added off the northwest coast of Desolace. The Ranazjar Isle puzzle piece now properly po when you venture there.
Entering the ze elin towers at Durotar and Grom';gol Base Camp no longer incorrectly flags you as being in the Valley of Strength.
Argent Dawn, Timbermaw, Zandalar and Arathi Basin vendors now show you their entire inventory regardle of current reputation, allowing players to peruse their full range of wares. The items in question now require the a ropriate reputation level to make use of them.
Some of the ship and ze elin paths have been modified.
Gor';tesh and Grol the Destroyer should no longer stay in evade mode indefinitely.
A new i has been added to the Grom';gol Base Camp in Stranglethorn Vale at the base of the ze elin tower.
The Champion' Hall and the Hall of Legends have new load scree .
Some Horde quest NPCs were moved to new locatio to promote more intuitive quest flow: Storm Shadowhoof who was previously at Bloodvenom Falls in Felwood has been moved to Everlook. Witch Doctor Mau';ari who was previously in Orgrimmar has been moved to Everlook.
Scorpids above level 10 now drop more valuable parts than they did previously.
Rare Felwood creatures should now have loot.
Twilight' Hammer creatures in Silithus can now be pickpocketed.
Zone bound items, such as the Gordok Courtyard Key, will no longer leave your inventory if you are a ghost outside their intended zone. Reviving in a zone outside the item' listed zone binding will still cause the item to disa ear, however.
Pelturas Whitemoon' fa the NPC is now properly a ociated with Darna us.
Narm Faulk is now a part of the Ironforge Faction.
Hadoken Swiftstrider now has go ip text.
Ferra can now be ski ed.
Fixed a typo in Ogunaro Wolfru er' greeting to those who are not yet friendly with Orgrimmar.
Fixed a typo on a sig ost in Western Plaguelands.
13:06 patch的详细内容 当前版本1.8.3 1.9中文版在10楼
Patch Notes 1.7.0 ID-644 Date- 11:14:30
魔兽世界客户端升级补丁 1.7.0
增强月火 - 眩晕效果现在可以被抵抗。
猎豹形态 - 该形态的基础武器伤害增加。
猎豹形态 - 每一点敏捷增加一点攻击强度。
猎豹形态 - 撕扯每一点连击点数所造成的伤害增加。
猎豹形态 - 凶猛撕咬每一点连击点数所造成的伤害增加。另外,每一点能量造成的伤害增加。
猎豹形态 - 将猛虎之怒的公共冷却时间更换为1秒钟的冷却时间。另外,持续时间增加到6秒钟。
猎豹形态 - 扫击的伤害增加。
威慑 - 现在在使用拳系武器的时候增加格挡几率。
偏斜 - 现在在使用拳系武器的时候增加格挡几率。
增强震荡射击 - 晕眩效果可以被抵抗。
强击光环 - 攻击强度和远程攻击强度奖励增加,魔法消耗减少,范围效果增加。
冰霜陷阱 - 说明文字更新,更好地说明冰霜陷阱的持续时间。
瞄准射击 - 说明文字更新,正确显示射击时间。
自动射击 - 修正了当切换目标的时候会取消自动射击的错误。切换目标将会继续射击新制定的目标。
驱散射击 - 现在在使用之后取消战斗状态。
野兽之眼 - 施法时间减少。
照明弹 - 说明文字更新,正确描述作用范围。
远程武器专精 - 现在对所有远程武器攻击起效(比如奥术射击)。
增强震荡射击 - 现在可以在目标受到别的减速效果(比如摔拌)的情况下使目标晕眩。
偏斜 - 现在在使用拳系武器的时候增加格挡几率。
新的法术:愤怒之锤(等级44) - 投掷一柄战锤,对敌人造成神圣伤害。只能对已经受伤的目标使用。
专注施法 - 不再有魔法消耗。不再触发公共冷却时间。
吸血鬼的拥抱 - 现在治疗实际造成伤害的20%(包括致命一击,增益法术等等)但是只对暗影法术造成的伤害有效。
还击 - 使用的时候开启战斗状态。
偏斜 - 现在在使用拳系武器的时候增加格挡几率。
锤系专精 - 晕眩效果可以被抵抗。
使用弓/枪支/弩射击 - 不再和别的技能使用公用冷却时间。
地狱火 - 眩晕效果可以被抵抗。说明文字正确地说明第一次召唤之后的奴役时间。
法术封锁(地狱犬)―― 除了打断施法之外,这个技能还将使目标沉默一小段时间。
火焰石 - 当装备火焰石的时候,不会打断正在进行的专业技能物品制作。
恶魔牺牲 - 现在牺牲宠物所得到的效果不能被驱散。
燃烧 - 燃烧法术现在是即时释放。所有等级的这个法术所造成的伤害和魔法消耗都增加了。
偏斜 - 现在在使用拳系武器的时候增加格挡几率。
反击风暴 - 现在在15秒钟最多进行30次反击攻击。另外,在晕眩状态现在无法进行反击。
增强复仇 - 晕眩效果现在可以被抵抗。
锤系专精 - 晕眩效果现在可以被抵抗。
盾牌猛击 - 造成的仇恨增加。
使用弓/枪支/弩射击 - 不再和别的技能使用公用冷却时间。
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