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NLW_eBook_045 (Jun 28-Jul 04, 2014)
NLW_eBook_045 (Jun 28-Jul 04, 2014)
New Leaf Weekly is a weekly print magazine for Chinese immigrants who want to get the most out of the Greater Vancouver. The goal of the Magazine is to add to their knowledge of the country, helping them settle down in their new home, integrate into mainstream society, enjoy its pleasures, cope with its complexity and feel at home in Canada. It ensures that Chinese new immigrants feel welcome in their adopted home, preserves and promotes Chinese culture and complements the strength and diversity of Canadian mosaic. New Leaf Weekly is distributed every Saturday in the Greater Vancouver with total of more than 300 locations. The Magazine is covering current events, social issues, trends, lifestyle and culture in Canada, it’ll be a bridge between the Chinese speaking communities and non-Chinese speaking communities, and share mainstream society’s issues to Chinese communities and serve as a communities’ voice for Chinese Canadians.


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