15 top sochi moments滨崎步

All Things Olympics - The All Things Olympics blog from The Denver Post covers the athletes, events and stories of the Olympic Games and Olympic sports, including the 2014 Sochi Olympics in Russia. Its writers — John Meyer, Jason Blevins and Mark Kiszla — will feature profiles, articles, analysis and personal reflection.
The Denver Post
Nikko Landeros of the United States is chased by Dmitrii Lisov of Russia during the Ice Sledge Hockey Preliminary Round Group B match between the U.S. and Russia at the Shayba Arena during day four of the Sochi 2014 Paralympic Winter Games on March 11, 2014 in Sochi, Russia. (Harry Engels, Getty Images)
Many Coloradans will remember the inspiring story of Nikko Landeros and Tyler Carron,
while they were students at Berthoud High School. Now the best friends and former wrestling teammates have an opportunity to inspire again when they play for Team USA in the gold medal sled hockey game at the Sochi Paralympics versus Russia.
The game will be telecast live nationally Saturday on NBC and can be seen in Colorado on Channel 9 at 11 a.m.
Landeros and Carron stopped to fix a flat tire one night in January 2007, when they were struck by another car and pinned between the two vehicles. Landeros played several years of youth hockey before the accident and took up sled hockey after losing his legs. He is a two-time Paralympian who helped the U.S. win the gold medal four years ago in Vancouver.
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The Denver Post
American Mikaela Shiffrin reacts to receiving her gold medal during the women’s slalom medals ceremony during the Sochi Winter Olympics on Friday, Feb. 22, 2014 at Sochi Olympic Park. (AAron Ontiveroz, The Denver Post)
What were you doing when you were 18? .
For Eagle-Vail native Mikaela Shiffrin, that’s what 18 culminated in — best in the world. For you and me and everyone we know, that will likely never be the case at any age.
It’s pretty incredible to think that of all the people in the world that someone could definitively be the best at something, anything and she did it before she could even legally buy recreational marijuana in her home state of Colorado (not t she’s an Olympian, afterall. Her high comes in the form of pure gold).
I never won a gold, but I contend that I was equally as pretty as 18-year-old gold medalist Mikaela Shiffrin. (AAron Ontiveroz, The Denver Post)
It doesn’t seem that long ago, but it’s been almost 12 years since 18 for me and I sure wasn’t doing anything like winning a gold medal at the Olympics. The best I had won by that point in my life was LHS class of 2003 best hair. Seriously, and sadly, that is probably the best thing I have won by 29.
U.S. Ski President Bill Marolt, who will retire after these games, said that it’s unusual for someone so young to be a virtual lock to win the slalom. “She is a phenom — she isn’t just good, she is phenomenal,” he said, moments before hopping a fence to hug Shiffrin’s mom, Eileen.
Like Lebron James, Bobby Ficsher and Harry Potter before her, Shiffrin is The One.
Before Sochi, Shiffrin appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated for their Olympic preview edition and she was hailed as one of America’s surest chances for gold. It was not the story of, “Hey, she’s young and talented and could possibly win, so let’s hope it happens.” Rather, it was, “she is the best, she will win.”
And she did.
Gold medalist American Mikaela Shiffrin reacts to finishing her second women’s slalom during the Sochi Winter Olympics on Friday, Feb. 21, 2014, at Rosa Khutor Alpine Center. (AAron Ontiveroz, The Denver Post)
I’m not going to pretend to be any sort of ski expert, but she almost fell on her second run, and I’m pretty sure you cannot do that (this isn’t figure skating). I couldn’t see the almost fall from where I was shooting, but the crowd gasped and hearts broke collectively.
Shiffrin, like Harry Potter coming back from the dead to vanquish Voldermort, turned on the beast mode, kept flying and destroyed the second half of the course. From an everyman standpoint, she just looked superior to every other skier out there.
When I asked
before her gold-medal-winning slalom run if she was a lock, he said, “Let’s put it like this: giant slalom isn’t even her best event, and she was only a half second from winning gold in that.”
Point taken. Point proven. Mikaela Shiffrin. Period.
Gold medalist American Mikaela Shiffrin reacts to winning ladies’ slalom run 2. Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics on Friday, February 21, 2014 at Rosa Khutor Alpine Center. (Photo by AAron Ontiveroz/ The Denver Post)
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The Denver Post
Lorna Perpall gasps as her granddaughter Maddie Bowman clinches the first-ever gold medal in Olympic halfpipe skiing. (Photo by Jason Blevins)
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia – The South Lake Tahoe Bowman clan was out in force on Thursday night at the Rosa Khutor Extreme Park halfpipe, led by matriarch 78-year-old Lorna Perpall. They cheered. Waved flags. And celebrated.
Shortly after her granddaughter , Perpall pulled aside her red-white-and-blue scarf, unzipped her Team USA jacket and proudly displayed her shirt: “Badass Grandma.”
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The Denver Post
hris Del Bosco, 28, poses for a portrait following his warmup at Winter X Games 15 at Buttermilk Mountain in Aspen on Thursday, January 27, 2011. AAron Ontiveroz, The Denver Post
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia – Chris Del Bosco, the Colorado Springs-born, Vail-raised skier racing in the Sochi Winter Olympics for Canada, failed to move into the quarter-final round in ski cross on Thursday.
A bobble slowed the 31-year-old, who holds dual citizenship and now lives in Montreal, and he could not finish in the top two of the four-man initial heat of racing.
“That was just bad. I got out of the gate pretty good,” he told reporters. “Then I knew if I could stay tight, I could get ahead, but I missed every transition.”
Del Bosco, who has four X Games ski cross medals, including two golds from 2010 and 2012, grew up skiing Vail and attended Vail Ski Academy. At the ski cross Olympic debut in 2010, he just missed a bronze medal, placing fourth.
He was named to Canada’s Sochi-bound, three-man ski cross team in January, after steadily improving through the season. His teammate Brady Lehman won the first two heats but fell in the climactic final, placing fourth. French skiers JF Chapuis, Arnaud Bovolenta and Jonathan Midol swept the podium, marking the first time
Del Bosco has credited Canada’s decision in 2006 to accept him on its ski team with saving his life.
Prior to that, the multi-sport athlete had been plagued by alcohol addiction, eventually finding himself close to death in a ditch with a broken neck after a blackout. Drinking – and failed marijuana tests – cost him a spot on the U.S. Ski Team as well as a national mountain bike championship title. With a string of DUIs, he went to rehab and found salvation in Canada, the birthplace of his dad.
“Once I finally figured it out that I had an issue and got back on track, I realized what an opportunity I had,” . “I kind of wasted a bunch of opportunities when I was younger, and sometimes you don’t get another chance. So everything just kind of fell into place with this, and I just wanted to capitalize and make it happen.”
He’s going to keep capitalizing, despite falling short in Sochi.
“I will finish off the year and if I am healthy and competitive, then I will carry on,” he said. “It is a small window you have. I love doing what I do.”
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The Denver Post
Lyman Currier spins his second qualifying run down the Sochi Winter Olympic halfpipe at Rosa Khutor Extreme Park, moments before a crash injured his knee.
(Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia – It was “emotional pain,” he said.
The heaving sobs. The searing cries. The collapsing embrace into his father’s arms. It wasn’t coming from Lyman Currier’s knee. It was from a dream that dissolved in the first-ever Olympic ski halfpipe.
He knew when heard the distinctive pop in his left knee – twisting as his skis slid down the vertical wall of the Olympic halfpipe. He’d just finished a year of brutal rehab following surgery on the ACL in that same knee. He’d rebounded with the strongest season of his career and an invite to compete in the first-ever Olympic halfpipe contest. His Olympic dream, gone with a “pop.” His anguish reverberated down the pipe.
“The amount of physical pain was nothing comparatively to the emotion pain I felt and the tears running down my face were in light of that,” said the 19-year-old from Boulder. “I felt like I had let everybody down. Friends, family, my sponsors, my state, my whole country. It was absolutely heartbreaking. I made it onto this huge stage and just to crash twice and injure myself.”
Currier had crashed on his first hit of his first qualifying run. It was his money trick – a lofty switch double-cork 720. It had wowed judges and spectators alike throughout the qualifying season, . He misjudged and slammed the deck. He knew his second run would have to be spectacular to make the 12-skier finals.
The snow turned heavy for the second run. Very few skiers ended up being able to improve their score. (Currier’s teammate Aaron Blunck – in a sort of halfpipe miracle –
and made finals by a breath.)
Lyman Currier skis down the Olympic halfpipe with a blown ACL after a crash ended his Olympics (Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images)
Currier was going for a double-cork 1080, maybe a 1260. He had thrown a double 12 in practice earlier that night. He said it was “fairly sketchy” in the heavy snow.
Lyman Currier,19 with his dad David Currier outside the Colorado Convention Center in Denver on Friday, January 31, 2014.
Lyman is going to the Sochi on the US Ski Team half pipe squad. His dad was on the 1972 Olympic Ski Team.
(Denver Post Photo by Cyrus McCrimmon)
Then it started snowing harder.
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The Denver Post
A Gazex exploder above an avalanche prone slope at the Gornaya Karusel ski area near Rosa Khutor. (Photo by Jason Blevins.)
The thunderous blasts spilling through the suddenly snowy Olympic venues Tuesday night were unnerving.
The Gazex system was working to keep the venues safe. When it snows, the remotely triggered propane exploders start pummeling avalanche-prone slopes, reducing the risk of catastrophic slides. And at the Rosa Khutor ski area, avalanches are a constant threat, with steep peaks looming above the venues for alpine ski racing, freeskiing and snowboarding.
More than 40 of the steel-piped Gazex exploders jut from the toothy peaks above the valley. And on Tuesday, as fat flakes as big as saucers blanketed the ski area, explosions rolled down the peaks. It may be agitating for spectators and workers attending the Olympics under the shadow of terrorism. But it sure beats an avalanche.
“A big challenge in Rosa Khutor is the big snow supply – the mountain area is one of the snow richest areas of Russia,” said Stefan Margreth, a 25-year avalanche expert with the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research in Davos, Switzerland.
Margreth, working with France’s Engineerisk, a consulting firm that specializes in avalanche hazards, was on the first team of snow scientists to study avalanche hazards at Rosa Khutor and the seven large bowls that spill from the Aibga Ridge above the ski area. The avalanche analysis and recommendations were challenging on several fronts.
First, there was not historical avalanche information to help determine specific danger zones, weather patterns, annual snowfall and avalanche incidents. Those kinds of stats are the anchors of avalanche science. But since there wasn’t a ski area until 2007 – when Russia won its bid to host the Sochi Winter Olympics at the non-existent Rosa Khutor – those numbers didn’t exist. The scientists were forced to use snapshots and locals’ recollections to establish a glimpse of historical snow and weather patterns.
A Gazex exploder, seen between the propane tank system that feeds it, juts above
a slope at the Gornaya Polyana ski area. (Photo by Jason Blevins)
Second, there was a time crunch. The scientists formulated their avalanche analysis using a mere three winters of snow study.
“The ski resort is young and experience is short. Obviously it needs to spend many years in one site to know we where the starting zones are exactly, where are snow accumulations, where is the perfect shooting point. At the same time, standards to reach are high. The 2014 Winter Olympic Games are coming!” read . “The avalanche service was really involved to understand best how to manage avalanches and try to compensate this lack of time.”
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The Denver Post
The Gornaya Karusel ski area just opened. It’s not like any U.S. hills. Fresh-out-of-the-box Doppelymayr gondolas and Poma chairlifts sprawl every which way. Rock tunes and screeching techno crank from lift towers. Armed guards pace summit peaks. Europeans in $1,000 ski suits and thrift-store skis lounge on snowy patios. The resort’s name translates to “Mountain Circus.” It fits well.
The no-longer-remote Russian valley’s original ski area used to be here. Alpika Service. A family-owned joint that ran for about 15 years and delivered the only lift-served skiing on the northern slopes of the Aibga Ridge, which anchors the Rosa Khutor alpine race courses and the snowboard and freeskiing venues. When Russia landed the 2014 Winter Games, the national power company “bought” the ski area from the family and began erecting movie-set villages.
The skiing here is top notch. While Karusel is considered the intermediate-friendly resort, nearby Rosa Khutor offers the best lift-accessed terrain the world, with 19 new chairlifts and gondolas blanketing 6,000-plus acres of steeps, including Chugach-esque peaks that would fit well in most U.S. national parks. There’s not much open right now. The few skiers around on Wednesday stuck to the groomers. Leaving Westerners on rental skis free to plunder the bounty in the wide open silver birch forests that spill from the alpine.
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The Denver Post
For the first time of the Winter Olympics, snow and fog fill the air during the men’s ski halfpipe final during the Sochi Winter Olympics on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2014. (AAron Ontiveroz, The Denver Post)
Look, everything at these Olympics is weird.
The food — weird.
The souvenirs — weird.
The unbelievably beautiful women and prominently-jawboned men — weird.
The long, gray corridors to everywhere — weird.
The Valentine’s Day breakfast I spent with a 55-year-old man — um, not that weird and kinda romantic.
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The Denver Post
United States’ Ted Ligety makes a jump in the men’s super-G at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, Sunday, Feb. 16, 2014, in Krasnaya Polyana, Russia. (Charlie Riedel, The Associated Press)
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia — Coming into the Sochi Games, the two biggest medal opportunities for the U.S. Ski Team in alpine racing figured to be Ted Ligety in giant slalom and . With only three alpine races left, the team needs them — or Bode Miller in GS — to come through to keep this from being a disappointing Olympics.
The men’s GS is Wednesday, and on paper Ligety is the big favorite. He’s won three world championships medals in GS — gold, in the past two world champs — and he has won the World Cup season GS title four times. He has 20 World Cup wins.
This year he’s won three of five GS races — and did not finish the other two. In the last World Cup GS before the Olympics, he won by a ridiculous margin &# seconds — over his biggest rival, Marcel Hirscher of Austria.
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The Denver Post
Norway’s Haavard Klemetsen makes his trial jump during the ski jumping portion of the Nordic combined at the 2014 Winter Olympics, Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2014, in Krasnaya Polyana, Russia. (AP Photo/Dmitry Lovetsky)
KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia – When the world watches the first-ever Olympic ski halfpipe contest Tuesday, the view will be elevated by Hans Lehner.
From a cubicle not much bigger than a privy high above the pipe, Lehner will toggle a joystick with his right hand, roll a wheel and flip a lever with his left and capture the action from above, below and alongside the high-flying athletes.
The camera operator for Vienna-based CAMCAT has the nimble, screen-staring reflexes of a teenager captaining a “Call of Duty” hero through a hail of gunfire.
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About All Things Olympics15 top sochi moments- _星空游戏网
15 top sochi moments
15 top sochi moments
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