
作者:南宫紫夕&& 最后:
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⑤《末日红颜赋》是一部非常好的书,文笔优美,情节动人,让人容易进入情节。,为了让作者"中箭的膝盖"能提供更多更好的作品,请您多多推荐本书和宣传,也是作者的一种另类支持!推动小说的美好前景,需要您我共同的关注!第五章 上一个轮回(四) 柳暗花明下课后,同学们在教室里面活跃起来。追的追,打的大,玩的玩,耍的耍。一个调皮的男同学讲了一个让大家笑喷的笑话:他早晨从家走的时候背着父母,偷偷地在衣兜里面装上了好几个红薯,想到学校给他追求的女同学吃。可是到了学校,当他兴高采烈地对着那个女生说:你看我给你带什么来了?那个女生知道他给自己带了好吃的东西,就高兴地用期待的眼神看着他,等着他展示给自己看。说完就到衣兜里面去一摸:结果什么也没有,仔细一看原来衣兜是漏的。红薯在路上都丢了,喂了野狗了。哈哈哈!大家听到都笑翻了,西门燕娘也是咧嘴大笑,.本来就喜欢笑的她这下子笑得更是夸张得收不拢,前仰后合,结果椅子重心偏移,在眼看就要滑倒的瞬间,一只有力的大脚,踩在椅子后面的横梁上,椅子晃了一下稳稳的站住了,回归了原位。坐在椅子上的西门燕娘被这突如其来的有惊无险惊得瞪着眼睛,大张着嘴,不知道是笑得合不拢还是吓得闭不上!教室里面的笑声戛然而止,短短地安静两秒钟,继而又是哈哈哈,笑成一片。。。。。。不知道是谁一声:英雄救美啊!又惊又喜的西门燕娘张着嘴回头看见了他————一张棱角分明,皮肤白皙的国字脸。.是李毅!他英俊的脸上没有丝毫的表情。应该说看不出什么表情的表情。用个恰当的词形容叫一个冷酷!cool!也许他的这个雪中送炭的动作仅仅出于人的一种本能,但是对于西门燕娘来说却是帮了一个很大的忙,否则西门燕娘就会随着椅子向后仰躺过去,那后果不堪设想,硬硬的地板砖。。。。。。当西门燕娘反应过来,回过头想说声谢谢的时候,他已经悄然离开。这件事对于他来说可能是个很自然很本能的一个动作,根本没有放在心上,可是就这个瞬间的发生,.让西门燕娘的眼神时时刻刻追寻着他的身影.,成为了西门燕娘以后长长的思念,永久的牵挂。。。。。。要说这个举动算不上是英雄救美,但是至少在西门燕娘看来他是英雄,英俊潇洒的英雄,高大冷酷的英雄,非常男人的英雄,非常的man!有了这次的英雄救美,西门燕娘的思路豁然开朗,对啊,为啥喜欢一个人要埋藏在心里呢?不是有句话说:在喜欢的人面前沉默是懦弱吗?对了,我要向他表白,爱就大声说出来,勇敢的大声说出来。这个男人我要定了,我要嫁给他做他的新娘。这辈子非他不嫁!选择什么样的方式表白呢?思来想去,西门燕娘决定给李毅写个纸条,上面写上:你一踹,我便爱上了你!我愿意和你携手一生,不弃不离。在一个合适的机会,教室里面没有人,西门燕娘把这个纸条悄悄藏在了李毅的文具盒里面。西门燕娘佯装看书,静静地坐在座位上,用书遮住脸,偷偷观察着李毅的动静。终于李毅回到座位上,他叹了口气,一脸的无奈,因为李毅不喜欢上课,尤其是下一节是数学课。激动人心的时刻到了,李毅打开了文具盒,他看见了纸条:咦?接下来环顾四周,好像在看看有没有人在注意他。看完之后,李毅小心翼翼地打开了纸条。因为这个纸条折叠得很特别,一看就是出自心细的女生之手。李毅认真地看完了纸条,先是“啊?!”的一声。接下又赶快闭上嘴,迅速把纸条藏在裤兜里面。然后小心翼翼地回头看了一眼西门燕娘。那眼神既有哥伦布发现新大陆的惊喜,又有少女般的羞涩。哈哈,这个冷酷的男孩子竟然会有这样的表情,好玩。燕娘在心里暗自高兴。接下来的一堂课,西门燕娘是带着期盼、羞涩与甜蜜听的,老师讲了些什么一概不知,只是一味地想接下来李毅会有怎么样的反应。李毅平时本来就不喜欢数学课,尤其是讨厌那个数学老师。可是这堂课他却在装模作样地听得很认真。不过他不经意地回头看了西门燕娘三次。都是很不明显地,不容易被发觉的,但是都被西门燕娘看见了。西门燕娘的心扑扑直跳,她在期待着男孩的回答。。。下课上课,一天过去了,男孩一直没有回答,当然也没有机会回答,因为教室里面一直有同学吵吵闹闹。终于等到了放学。往常西门燕娘总是迅速收拾文具,一路小跑回家吃饭。可是今天,她故意磨磨蹭蹭,等着大家走光。李毅也是,往常早已大步流星吹着口哨走出教室,可是今天也在座位上假装整理文具,假装做作业,时不时地往西门燕娘座位的地方瞄上一眼。就这样坚持了十多分钟,教室里面就剩下了他们两个人。李毅小心翼翼地走过来,到了西门燕娘的课桌旁扔下一张纸条扭头就跑,像逃一样。哈哈,这个男孩子竟然这么胆小!燕娘觉得很好笑!西门燕娘红着脸打开了纸条。上面写着:我家里很穷,没有钱娶你,我学习也没有你好,将来你考上大学,我肯定考不上,怎么办?请回答。西门燕娘毫不犹豫地写上:相爱的人,不会因为地位的高低,贫穷或者疾病而分离,只要相爱!西门燕娘写完纸条,打算交给李毅,可是李毅早已没有了踪影,这个该死的家伙!西门燕娘把纸条小心收好,高高兴兴地哼着歌,背起书包,走在乡间的小路上回家了。第二天,燕娘依旧把纸条放进李毅的文具盒。第二节课下课,李毅看到了纸条,这次好像不再害怕,是欣喜!立刻回复:好吧,从今以后我也好好学习,等将来我挣钱娶你。这次他的胆子似乎大了许多,他没有等到放学。他走到燕娘的课桌旁,假装弯腰系鞋带,把纸条放在燕娘的桌子腿旁边,燕娘弯腰拾起,这个过程很自然,两个人配合的很默契,没有被人发现。 作品专栏:
《》《》《》3G小说网欢迎您进入系列之,更好更新请关注 和作品动态阅读指引①作者菩提所写的《地府批我七天假》为原创小说作品,章节由作者菩提亲自发布。②地府批我七天假小说在本站发布,本站提供地府批我七天假最新章节以及地府批我七天假全文阅读,同时提供地府批我七天假txt全集下载。③小说地府批我七天假所描述的内容只是作者菩提个人观点,与3G书城的立场无关,本站只为广大用户提供电子阅读平台。④《地府批我七天假》是一部非常好的小说,为了让作者菩提能提供更多更好更新的小说作品,请您购买本书的VIP、或多多宣传本书和推荐,也是对作者的一种支持与鼓励!小说地府批我七天假的未来,是需要大家共同的努力! 注:章节阅读开通"← →按键进行前后翻页阅读"的功用,并可以使用"空格键"翻页手机访问: 立刻体验。收起&&&6374人阅读
phpunit ArrayTest
PHPUnit 2.3.0 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 0.067288
OK (2 tests)
phpunit --help
PHPUnit 2.3.0 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Usage: phpunit [switches] UnitTest [UnitTest.php]
--coverage-data &file& Write code-coverage data in raw format to file.
--coverage-html &file& Write code-coverage data in HTML format to file.
--coverage-text &file& Write code-coverage data in text format to file.
--testdox-html &file& Write agile documentation in HTML format to file.
--testdox-text &file& Write agile documentation in Text format to file.
--log-xml &file&&&& Log test progress in XML format to file.
--loader &loader&&& TestSuiteLoader implementation to use.
--skeleton&&& &&&Generate skeleton UnitTest class for Unit in Unit.php.
--wait&&&&&&&& Waits for a keystroke after each test.
--help&&&&&&&& Prints this usage information.
--version&&&&&& Prints the version and exits.
phpunit UnitTest
UnitTestPHPUnit2_Framework_TestCasesuitePHPUnit2_ Framework_TestPHPUnit2_Framework_TestSuite
phpunit UnitTest UnitTest.php
--coverage-data, --coverage-html, and --coverage-text
--testdox-html and --testdox-text
&?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&UTF-8&?&
&testsuite name=&ArrayTest& tests=&2& failures=&0& errors=&0& time=&0.020026&&
&&& &testcase name=&testNewArrayIsEmpty& class=&ArrayTest& time=&0.014449&/&
&&& &testcase name=&testArrayContainsAnElement& class=&ArrayTest& time=&0.005577&/&
&?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&UTF-8&?&
&testsuite name=&FailureErrorTest& tests=&2& failures=&1& errors=&1& time=&0.013603&&
&&&&&&& &testcase name=&testFailure& class=&FailureErrorTest& time=&0.011872&&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &failure message=&& type=&PHPUnit2_Framework_AssertionFailedError&&&/failure&
&&&&&&& &/testcase&
&&&&&&& &testcase name=&testError& class=&FailureErrorTest& time=&0.001731&&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &error message=&& type=&Exception&&&/error&
&&&&&&& &/testcase&
PHPinclude_path configurationPEARProject_Package_ClassProject/Package/Class.php
phpunit --skeleton Sample
PHPUnit 2.3.0 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Wrote test class skeleton for Sample to
phpunit SampleTest
PHPUnit 2.3.0 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 0.007268
There was 1 incomplete test case:
1) testSampleMethod(SampleTest)
OK, but incomplete test cases!!!
Tests run: 1, incomplete test cases: 1.
public function testSampleMethod( ) {
Chapter 5. The Command-Line Test Runner
The PHPUnit command-line test runner is invoked through the phpunit command. The following code shows how to run tests with the PHPUnit command-line test runner:
phpunit ArrayTest
PHPUnit 2.3.0 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 0.067288
OK (2 tests)
For each test run, the PHPUnit command-line tool prints one character to indicate progress:
. Printed when the test succeeds.
F Printed when an assertion fails while running the test method.
E Printed when an error occurs while running the test method.
I Printed when the test is marked as being incomplete or not yet implemented (see &Incomplete Tests,& later in this book).
PHPUnit distinguishes between failures and errors. A failure is a violated PHPUnit assertion. An error is an unexpected exception or a PHP error. Sometimes this distinction proves useful because errors tend to be easier to fix than failures. If you have a big list of problems, it's best to tackle the errors first and see if you have any failures left when the errors are all fixed.
Let's take a look at the command-line test runner's switches in the following code:
phpunit --help
PHPUnit 2.3.0 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Usage: phpunit [switches] UnitTest [UnitTest.php]
&--coverage-data &file& Write code-coverage data in raw
&&&&&&&&&&&& format to file.
&--coverage-html &file& Write code-coverage data in HTML
&&&&&&&&&&&& format to file.
&--coverage-text &file& Write code-coverage data in text
&&&&&&&&&&&& format to file.
&--testdox-html &file& Write agile documentation in HTML
&&&&&&&&&&&& format to file.
&--testdox-text &file& Write agile documentation in Text
&&&&&&&&&&&& format to file.
&--log-xml &file&&&& Log test progress in XML format
&&&&&&&&&&&& to file.
&--loader &loader&&& TestSuiteLoader implementation to
&&&&&&&&&&&& use.
&--skeleton&&&&&& Generate skeleton UnitTest class
&&&&&&&&&&&& for Unit in Unit.php.
&--wait&&&&&&&& Waits for a keystroke after each
&&&&&&&&&&&& test.
&--help&&&&&&&& Prints this usage information.
&--version&&&&&& Prints the version and exits.
phpunit UnitTest
Runs the tests that are provided by the class UnitTest. This class is expected to be declared in the UnitTest.php source file.
UnitTest must be either a class that inherits from PHPUnit2_Framework_TestCase or a class that provides a public static suite( ) method that returns a PHPUnit2_ Framework_Test object (for example, an instance of the PHPUnit2_Framework_TestSuite class).
phpunit UnitTest UnitTest.php
Runs the tests that are provided by the class UnitTest. This class is expected to be declared in the specified source file.
--coverage-data, --coverage-html, and --coverage-text
Controls the collection and analysis of code-coverage information for the tests that are run. (See the section &Code-Coverage Analysis,& later in this book.)
--testdox-html and --testdox-text
Generates agile documentation in HTML or plain text format for the tests that are run. (See &Other Uses for Tests,& later in this book.)
Generates a logfile in XML format for the tests run.
The following example shows the XML logfile generated for the tests in ArrayTest:
&&& &?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&UTF-8&?&
&&& &testsuites&
&&&& &testsuite name=&ArrayTest& tests=&2& failures=&0&
&&&&&& && errors=&0& time=&0.020026&&
&&&&&&& &testcase name=&testNewArrayIsEmpty&
&&&&&&&&&& &&& class=&ArrayTest& time=&0.014449&/&
&&&&&&& &testcase name=&testArrayContainsAnElement&
&&&&&&&&& class=&ArrayTest& time=&0.005577&/&
&&&& &/testsuite&
& &/testsuites&
The following XML logfile was generated for two tests, testFailure and testError, of a test-case class named FailureErrorTest. It shows how failures and errors are denoted.
&&& &?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&UTF-8&?&
&&& &testsuites&
&&&& &testsuite name=&FailureErrorTest& tests=&2&
& failures=&1& errors=&1& time=&0.013603&&
&&& &testcase name=&testFailure&
& class=&FailureErrorTest& time=&0.011872&&
& &failure message=&&
&&& type=&PHPUnit2_Framework_AssertionFailedError&&
& &/failure&
& &/testcase&
& &testcase name=&testError&
&&& class=&FailureErrorTest& time=&0.001731&&
&&&& &error message=&& type=&Exception&&&/error&
& &/testcase&
Specifies the PHPUnit2_Runner_TestSuiteLoader implementation to use.
The standard test-suite loader will look for the source file in the current working directory and in each directory that is specified in PHP's include_path configuration directive. Following the PEAR Naming Conventions, a class name such as Project_Package_Class is mapped to the source file name Project/Package/Class.php.
Generates a skeleton test-case class UnitTest (in UnitTest. php) for a class Unit (inUnit.php). For each method in the original class, there will be an incomplete test case (see &Incomplete Tests,&later in this book) in the generated test-case class.
The following example shows how to generate a skeleton test class for a class named Sample:
phpunit --skeleton Sample
PHPUnit 2.3.0 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Wrote test class skeleton for Sample to
phpunit SampleTest
PHPUnit 2.3.0 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 0.007268
There was 1 incomplete test case:
1) testSampleMethod(SampleTest)
OK, but incomplete test cases!!!
Tests run: 1, incomplete test cases: 1.
When you are writing tests for existing code, you have to write the same code fragments over and over again, as in the following example:
&&& public function testSampleMethod( ) {
PHPUnit can help you by analyzing the existing code and generating a skeleton test-case class for it.
Waits for a keystroke after each test. This is useful if you are running the tests in a window that stays open only as long as the test runner is active.
When the tested code contains PHP syntax errors, the TextUI test runner might exit without printing error information. The standard test-suite loader will check the test-suite source file for PHP syntax errors, but it won't check source files included by the test-suite source file. Future versions of PHPUnit will solve this issue by using a sandboxed PHP interpreter.
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