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我们有过商务合作者Overview of the State Emergency Department Databases (SEDD)
The SEDD are a set of longitudinal State-specific emergency department (ED) databases included in the HCUP family. These databases are created by AHRQ through a Federal-State-Industry partnership.
State Emergency Department Databases
The State Emergency Department Databases (SEDD) are part of the family of databases and software tools developed for the . The SEDD capture emergency visits at hospital-affiliated emergency departments (EDs) that do not result in hospitalization. Information about patients initially seen in the ED and then admitted to the hospital is included in the State Inpatient Databases (SID).
The SEDD files include all patients, regardless of payer, providing a unique view of ED care in a State or in a defined market over time.
Developed through a Federal-State-Industry partnership sponsored by the , HCUP data inform decisionmaking at the national, State, and community levels.
This page provides an overview of the SEDD. For more details, see
and the Introduction to the SEDD ( file, 167 KB; )
The SEDD capture discharge information on all ED visits in a given State that do not result in an admission.
States make their SEDD files available for purchase through the .
States currently participate in the SEDD:
The SEDD contain the ED encounter abstracts in participating States, translated into a uniform format to facilitate multi-State comparisons and analyses.
All of the databases include abstracts from hospital-affiliated ED sites. Composition and completeness of data files may vary from State to State.
The SEDD contain a core set of clinical and nonclinical information on all patients, including individuals covered by Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance, as well as those who are uninsured.
In addition to the core set of uniform data elements common to all SEDD, some State data include other elements, such as the patient's race.
are also available to identify preventable hospitalizations, estimate costs, assess quality of care and patient safety, categorize diagnoses and procedures, and identify comorbidities.
Additional information on the SEDD may be found in the Introduction to the SEDD ( file, 167 KB; ).
The SEDD contain clinical and resource-use information that is included in a typical discharge abstract, with safeguards to protect the privacy of individual patients, physicians, and hospitals (as required by data sources). The SEDD contain more than 100 clinical and non-clinical variables included in a hospital discharge abstract, such as:
All-listed diagnoses and procedures
Patient demographics characteristics (e.g., sex, age, and, for some States, race)
Expected payment source
Total charges
Hospital identifiers that permit linkage to
hospital inpatient databases, such as the AHRQ-sponsored , and to the American Hospital Association Annual Survey File
Elements included in the SEDD are not always available for all States, including the hospital county identifiers or HCUP's . Please see the .
The SEDD combined with SID discharges that originate in the ED are well suited for research that requires complete enumeration of hospital-based EDs
within market areas or States. The SEDD promote comparative studies of health care services and support health care policy research on a variety of topics, including:
Injury surveillance
Access to health care in a changing health care marketplace
Trends and correlations between ED
use and environmental events
Emerging infections
Occurrence of nonfatal, preventable illness
Community assessment and planning
The SEDD are used in a variety of publications:
highlight a variety of health topics.
to find publications using the SEDD.
Review featured publications on the
Read publications by the winners of the .
SEDD releases for data years 1999 through 2011 are available for purchase through the . Costs vary by State and data year.
Prior to purchasing HCUP data, all individuals are required to take the online , and users of the SEDD must read and sign the Data Use Agreement for State Databases ( file, 206 KB; ).
Instructions for purchasing the SEDD are available in the
(PDF file, 529 KB).
Questions regarding purchasing databases can be directed to the HCUP Central Distributor:
Telephone: (866) 556-4287 (toll free)
Fax: (866) 792-5313 (toll free)
The SEDD data set comes in ASCII format and can be run on desktop computers with a DVD drive. To load and analyze the SEDD, you will need the following:
A DVD drive
A hard drive with one to four gigabytes of space available, depending on the SID being used
SAS&, SPSS&, or similar analysis software
The data set comes with full documentation. SEDD documentation and tools, including programs for loading the ASCII file into SAS or SPSS, are also available on the
Internet Citation:
HCUP Databases.
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP).
September 2014.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/seddoverview.jsp.
If you have comments, suggestions, and/or questions, please contact
Last modified 9/22/14


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