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【】  【】 文章作者:dumbthumb  发表时间:&12:03:58
来源: MMO-Champion
以下是员工在twitter上和玩家交流的一些问答, 玩家们问了很多近期比较关注的问题. 暴雪的发言人还是很有幽默感的同时也非常的狡猾...  蓝字是翻译内容, 少量的绿字是翻译中笔者的一些看法(可以无视)... 水平有限,如有错误请指正, 各位多多包涵  Q. If damage and healing is too much per health ratio, then why don't you have battlegrounds/arenas give a -30% damage/healing debuff?  A. We have been talking about solutions like that. It might feel a bit awkward, but it might also solve the problem and maybe it's okay in the last season before an expansion to experiment a little bit.  问: 如果伤害和治疗相对于玩家的血量比例太高了, 你们为什么不在战场和竞技场加一个减少30%伤害/治疗的debuff?  答: 我们曾经讨论过类似的解决办法. 这个给人的感觉不太好, 但是有可能解决问题; 也许经过一些的测试在资料片前的最后一个赛季我们会这样做.  Q. Is there talk of a fire shield spell for elemental shaman to use like water shield for restoration shaman?  A. Not at this time.  问: 元素萨会获得像恢复萨水盾那样使用的火盾吗?  答: 目前没有  Q. Do you still have plans to implement guild housing?  A. Guild housing isn't a priority. Aside from the huge development involved it gets people out of cities and into these private areas other players can't see. We like cities to feel populated. But I'm not sure anyone expected WoW to be going as strong as it is after five years, so who knows in the future.  问: 你们有计划加入公会大厅吗?  答: 公会大厅并不是我们优先考虑的事. 除了那是一项巨大的工程外, 它还会让玩家不在主城里进入到别人看不到的私人区域. 我们喜欢城里人头攒动的样子. 但是我不确信五年后WOW是否还想现在一样拥有如此多的玩家, 所以谁知道将来会怎样呢.  Q. Can you please explain why Feign Death is still on the Spell Hit metric, especially in raids?  A. It's a known issue, but just has to do with the way the spell is set up. Melee and ranged attacks mean a very specific thing to the game engine. We're hoping to be able to clean up some of this with the Cataclysm overhaul.  问: 请你解释一下为什么到假死仍然受法术命中的影响,尤其是在raid中?  答: 我们已经知道这个问题了, 但是法术就是这样设置的. 近战和远程攻击在引擎里是有非常具体的特性. 我们希望能够在将来的大灾难资料片的大变动中解决一些类似的问题.  Q. All specs get a proc weapon from ICC25, except frost death knights and feral druids. Any plans to give these specs ICC25 proc weapons?  A. It's tough when you get into the design mode of "everyone must be able to get something from every boss." We try to cover a reasonable spread of players, but as with the Ashen Verdict rings and the Quel’delar, there are going to be some specs skipped over. We still love you.  问: 除了冰DK和野德, 所有的职业天赋都能得到一个有触发效果的武器. 有没有计划给他们也加入自己的武器  答: "每个职业都应该在每一个boss上收获点东西", 这种设计模式是很痛苦的. 我们在可以接受的范围内尽可能的覆盖绝大多数的玩家, 但是对于灰烬制裁军的戒指和奎尔达拉剑, 有些天赋是被跳过的. 我们依然爱你. : )  Q. What is your stance on fire mage single target dps in comparison to arcane?  A. Fire mage is a little low. It's also somewhat self-selecting because the most dps-obsessed players know arcane is higher and will gravitate accordingly. Fire will do better on multi-target fights, but there just haven't been a lot of those so far. (We have adds, but they come in slowly.) Ideally fire would be closer to arcane.  问: 关于火法单体DPS同奥法相比,你有什么看法?  答: 火法有些偏低. 这也是玩家的自己选择,因为大多数追求DPS的玩家都知道奥法比较高,所以会被奥法吸引. 火法在多个目标的战斗中表现得会更好一些, 只不过目前并没有太多这种战斗. (我们会增加, 但是要一步一步的来) 理论上火法和奥法的DPS应该更接近一点  Q. Icecrown introduced new gameplay mechanics similar to that of platform games/consoles. Will you continue this trend in Cataclysm?  A. Many of you guys and many of us have been playing WoW for a long time. We think it's important to keep introducing new things to keep it feeling exciting and fresh. Some things work and we try and improve them over time. Some don't work as well and we move on. We try to never move too far away from the core experience of swinging your sword / tossing a spell though.  问: 寒冰王冠加入了类似其他平台游戏的新游戏机制,在大灾难中你们会继续这种趋势吗?  答: 我们玩已经玩了很长一段时间了. 我们认为要保持大家的热情和新鲜感很重要的一点就是不停地加入新的东西. 有些有用的东西我们会慢慢的改进. 有些没用的我们就放弃. 我们也不会远离这个游戏最核心的东西, 那就是挥舞手中的长剑/吟唱魔法.  Q. Any plans to increase the size of the backpack?  A. Yeah, it's something we discuss a lot. On the other hand, the madness has to end somewhere. I'm not sure I want a 100 slot bag with that much stuff to manage. We'd need to make sure you could easily upgrade t we wouldn't want anyone to manage to just be without any bags.  问: 有没有增加初始背包容量的计划?  答: 有的, 我们也已经讨论过很多次了. 但是从另一方面来说, 我们也不希望做的太过. 即便我有一个100格的包, 我也懒得管理包里那么多的东西. 我们要确保玩家能很容易的升级现有的背包, 我们也不希望因为初始背包太大而有的玩家就不用其他的包裹了  Q. Siege weapons were a unique game mechanic for Ulduar. What was the reasoning for not adding some form of Siege engine encounter in ICC?  A. We didn't want to overdo it. In some ways the Ulduar vehicles was our chance to show that yes we can make vehicles a lot of fun (after say the experience of Malygos). Flame Leviathan was unique. The boat battle in Icecrown is unique. Not every raid needs siege tanks.  问: 载具战是奥杜亚所特有的. 为什么不在ICC设置某种形式的载具战呢?  答: 我们不想做的太过火. 奥杜亚的载具战说明了我们可以让载具也变得非常有趣(在经历了玛利苟斯之后). 火焰巨兽是独一无二的. 寒冰王冠的飞艇战也是独一无二的. 并不是所有的战斗都需要攻城坦克的.   Q. Why were party leader rewards for the random heroic daily removed?  A. We didn't want to encourage players who had no business leading groups to do so.  问: 为什么取消每日随机英雄的队长奖励?  答: 我们不想强迫那些不愿意领导一个队伍的玩家去做队长.  地雷不可怕,怕的是地雷还当队长,地雷中的战斗雷!Q. When we reach level 58 in Cataclysm on Azeroth do we need to go to Outlands or can we continue leveling in Azeroth?  A. You eventually need to do the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King content. Azeroth will have a break in content between 60 and 80.  问: 在大灾难资料片中,我们在艾泽拉斯到达58级以后需要进军外域吗, 还是可以继续在艾泽拉斯升级?  答: 你还是要完成燃烧的远征和之怒当中的内容的. 艾泽拉斯大陆在60级和80级之间有个断层.  Q. Any plans on looking at balance druids, in particular to Eclipse procs? RNG sometimes is detrimental to our dps.  A. We don't mind the RNG aspect that much per se, but losing an important proc because it happened at the wrong time (say just before you moved) is a problem. We have a pretty cool solution for Cataclysm if we can make it work. It makes Eclipse cooler but also gives Balance more of a kit in general.  问: 有没有修改平衡德的计划, 特别是月蚀天赋的触发? 随机性有时候对我们的dps非常不利.  答: 本质上我们并不太介意它的随机性, 但是因为在不适合的时候触发(比如在需要跑位前)导致错过一次关键性的触发是个问题. 如果能实现的话我们在大灾难中有一个非常不错的解决办法. 月蚀天赋会更帅气也能给平衡天赋带来更多.  脸丑的凡人, 来信春哥吧!  Q. Paladin armor has gone all dark and gothic. When will we see armor that better represents iconic holy warriors?  A. Northrend is a pretty dark and gloomy place. Cataclysm will have more of an emphasis on say elements and dragons.  问: 圣骑士的铠甲全是暗色的哥特式.我们什么时候才能看到能象征神**士的铠甲呢?  答: 北极是个阴沉悲伤的地方.大灾难中我们会更加的强调元素和龙的主题.  Q. Why is it tanking or healing that makes an encounter hard or easy? There isn't much other than high dps to consider for damage dealers.  A. There are berserk timers that usually rest on the shoulders of the dps to beat. There are adds that need to be burned down, etc. Tanking and healing aren't that hard on Deathbringer IMO (for example). Managing the adds is the key.  问: 为什么战斗中决定难度的是坦克和治疗? 对于伤害职业来说, 除了打高dps就没有其他的了.  答: DPS肩上担负着狂暴倒计时. 还有需要清理的小怪等等.在我看来死亡使者的战斗坦克和治疗并不是很麻烦, 关键在于处理小怪.  Q. Why is there hardly anything in Crystalsong Forest? It is a shame to see such a beautiful zone go to waste!  A. Yeah, it makes us sad. Part of the problem is that it sits beneath Dalaran, which ended up being more of a resource hog than we had anticipated. We didn't want to draw too many more players to that zone. Initially the Crusader's Coliseum was going to be there, which is why some of the quests send you there. We just worried too much about the performance hit. Anub'arak ended up working out well though in Northrend.  问: 为啥晶歌森林里几乎啥都没有? 看着这么美丽的一个区域被浪费了好可惜!  答: 是啊, 我们也很伤心. 一部分原因是它正好在达拉然的下面, 而达拉然吃掉的资源远远地超过了我们的预期.我们不希望有太多的玩家在那个区域.最初,十字军竞技场是要设立在那里的,这也是为什么很多任务都要跑去那边完成. 我们非常担心游戏会因此而变得卡. 结果安努巴拉克在北极的表现还是不错的.  很多玩家应该还记得WLK刚开始那段时间在naxxx卡到要吐血的情况, 看来BLZ很是下了一番心思  Q. Wrath of the Lich King and Icecrown Citadel showed Blizzard using cut scenes more for dramatic purposes. Will you go back and add more for old world events?  A. We'd love to, but those things are not trivial to create so when we do more, I suspect they will be to tell new stories for Cataclysm rather than revisit old ones.  问: 巫妖王之怒和冰冠城塞中, 暴雪为了剧情效果用了很多过场动画. 你们会为了旧世界的剧情再制作一些吗?  答: 我们是愿意做的, 但是制作剧情动画不是小事, 所以我认为我们即便是做也是为了大灾难的新故事线而不是旧世界原有的剧情.  Q. When will we be able to fight the Lich King?  A. After you can conquer the Blood, Frost and Plague wings.  问: 我们什么时候才能见到巫妖王?  答: 当你摆平血,冰和瘟疫三个区以后.  这回答, 狡猾狡猾滴…  Q. With the new skins for druid forms, what is the chance that warlocks might see race/faction specific demon skins or maybe a new one?  A. When you look around, there are a lot of say imp or voidwalkers we could use. It's something we talk about quite a bit. As for new demons, I hear warlocks are going to be getting some new spells for the next expansion...  问: 德鲁伊各种形态有了新的外貌, 什么时候会有根据/阵营不同而不同的恶魔形态呢或者是一个全新的形态?  答: 你看看周围, 我们有很多小鬼和蓝胖可以用.(,不要啊) 我们讨论过这个问题. 至于说新的恶魔, 我听说新的资料片里术士会有一些新的技能…… (貌似新资料片有新宠物)  Q. Why were no new daily quests (or something along those lines) added in 3.3?  A. We just have a limited amout of content we can do for a patch, even a big one. We try to offer something for everyone, but sometimes it's better to deliver something awesome in one area (in this case, the raid and 3 dungeon wings) than try and add a little bit everywhere.  问: 为什么3.3没有加入新的每日任务(或者主线任务)?  答: 我们每制作一个更新都有容量的限制.我们尽可能的向所有人提供点新的东西, 但是有时候在一个小范围内来点精彩的东西 (这次就是一个raid副本三个五人副本) 会好过在所有的地方都增加一点点  Q. Both balance druids (moonkin) and elemental shaman feel like their dps is falling behind in Icecrown Citadel. Any damage boosts for these hybrid casters currently planned?  A. We have small buffs coming in the next patch. We'll see where they are after that when more encounters are open (including the hard modes) and once more players have tier sets and higher gear in general. We have no problem buffing them more if we need to.  问: 平衡德和元素萨都觉得他们的DPS在冰冠城塞落后了.有没有计划提升这些混合职业的DPS?  答: 下一个更新中我们会有小的buff.开放了更多的boss(包括英雄模式)后,我们会继续观察. 当更多的玩家有了套装和更好的,如果需要我们会毫不犹豫的继续buff的.  Q. I don't have a question but just a thanks. Thank you for making the Looking For Group tool. It's sooooo useful.  A. Yeah, we love it around the office too. There was a lot of pressure to get it right after the first couple of attempts were lackluster. I try not to say stuff like this too often, but I think we really got it right. (Though there are a few kinks to unkink and polish we still plan to add.)  问:我没有问题只是想表示自己的感谢.你们增添的寻找队伍的工具. 它太太太太太有用了.  答:是的, 在我们的同事里也很喜欢它.最初的几次尝试的并不是很成功,我们修改它也有很多的压力. 我并不想一直提这个, 但是我认为我们终于把它搞定了(尽管我们还有一些小东西要解决和添加的)  Q. How much will the incremental buff over time in Icecrown increase health, damage, and healing?  A. We haven't completely decided, but something like 5%, similar to the Luck of the Draw buff.  问: 寒冰王冠随时间增加的buff会增加多少的血量, 伤害和治疗?  答: 我们还没有最终决定,不过大概会是5%, 类似于抽奖的buff.  Q. Any plans to make early leveling dungeons (Maraudon, Wailing Caverns, etc.) more new-player-friendly (ie. take less time)?  A. Yes. We can't overhaul them all, but Cataclysm in a world with the Dungeon Finder means we should try and improve these.  问: 有没有计划让早期的副本(玛拉顿, 哀嚎洞穴等等)更适合新人(花更少的时间)?  答: 有的. 我们不可能一口气改掉他们,但是在中我们会试着改进.  Q. Were there any boss concepts you had for Icecrown Citadel that got cut? Any examples you can give?  A. There was early talk of different famous NPCs that could have been corrupted instead of Saurfang Jr.  问: 在冰冠城塞中, 有没有新的概念boss最后没有被采用的?可以举个例子吗?  答: 早期我们曾经讨论过另一个的著名NPC的堕落,而不是小萨鲁法尔.  难道是为了龙大爷?光辉的形象啊  Q. Arthas has been present everywhere in the expansion. Why haven't we seen Blood Queen Lana’thel, Professor Putricide or any of the other bosses in low level zones?  A. Because we hadn't created them yet. You saw plenty of a certain undead dragon however.  问: 阿萨斯在资料片中到处赶场子. 为啥我们就没在低级副本中见过拉娜瑟尔女王, 普崔希德教授或者其他的boss?  答:因为那时候我们还没设计他们. : ) 不过某个骨头龙你见过不止一次了  Q. Will there be any more developments on enchanting as a profession? We would love to do fun things like daily quests.  A. Sounds like a great thing to add for Cataclysm. We'll have to wait and see though.  问: 还会开发新的专业技能的附魔吗? 我们很喜欢做些有趣的事情, 比如说每日.(每日很有趣吗,我只觉得给的金币有趣)  答: 听上去在大灾变里增加这些很不错. 我们就走着瞧吧  Q. Would you be willing to make personal bank storage look more like guild storage and available to all characters on a realm?  A. This is something we discuss a lot. It actually helps with keeping mail volume down as well as a player convenience.  问: 你们会不会吧个人银行做成像公会银行那样,让在同一个服的所有角色都能使用呢?  答: 有关这个问题我们讨论了很多.这对于减少邮件的堆积和方便玩家都非常的好.  Q. Will Mal'ganis have any involvement in patch 3.3?  A. He will continue to menace you in Culling of Stratholme.  问: 玛尔甘尼斯在3.3里面有什么镜头吗?  答: 他会继续在旧斯坦索姆吓唬你的 : )  杯具的龙套… 小玛哥:我不甘心啊~~~~~  Q. Will mages ever get to be the true masters of ports? By added more than just the main city's or maybe decide our own areas?  A. We've been growing the number of places they can go over time. We'll probably never get to the point where mages ignore ships, mounts or flight paths.  问: 会成为真正的传送门大师吗? 除了传送主城以外再增加其他的地方甚至是我们自己选择的?  答: 我们一直以来都在增加法师能传送的地方. 但是我们永远都不会让法师达到可以无视船,坐骑或者飞行的程度.  Q. Will the various faction leaders such as Tyrande and Cairne play a part in 3.3 or will they be marginalized?  A. We have a lot of NPCs active in the Northrend finale already. I'm not sure those two specifically need to play a big part. At some point your cast of characters is just too big to manage. The finale is a pretty major lore moment though. You'll dig it.  问: 在3.3中,有诸位领袖大人比如泰兰德和凯恩的戏份吗还是他们被边缘化了?  答: 在北极剧情的结束篇我们有很多活跃的NPC. 我不保证以上两位会有太多的戏份. 你说的角色身价太高了不好安排. 结束篇的东西留着你们慢慢的发掘吧.  Q. Have you considered making the Battered Hilt BoP?  A. Because better items would be available so quickly in the Icecrown raid, we thought we'd get more dynamic gameplay by letting players trade it. It also mirrored the first Quel as well.  问: 你们考虑过把破损的剑柄改成拾取绑定吗?  答: 因为更好的武器在冰冠城塞很快就能得到了, 所以我们决定让玩家可以交易它以增加游戏的流动性.同时,他也和第一把奎尔剑相呼应.
Q. Will Ner'zhul appear at any point in 3.3 or the near future?  A. Well, he is a chunk of the Lich King now. But if you mean will he appear as an orc, we're not ready to tell his story just yet. We have a lot of stories left to tell, but his is a good one.  问: 耐奥祖会在3.3或者不远的未来现身吗?  答: 他现在已经是巫妖王的一部分了. 但是如果你问他是否会以兽人的身份出现,我们还没想好怎么讲他的故事. 我们还有很多故事没讲完,不过耐奥祖的会是个好故事.  Q. Are there any plans to change the Ashen Verdict tank ring to proc more often? The current uptime vs bosses is almost nonexistent.  A. We have been adjusting a lot of procs so far and this one is on our radar. Tanks still manage to avoid hits a lot, which makes the proc less useful.  问: 又没有计划改变灰烬裁决军坦克戒指使他的触发更多一点. 现在的效果在坦boss是几乎相当于不存在.  答: 我们已经调整了很多触发效果, 这个已经在我们的计划中. 坦克就是要尽量避免被击中的, 使得这个触发效果用处降低了.  Q. With all the mention of saronite, and old gods blood in the various 3.3 quest chains, will Yogg-Saron factor into Icecrown Citadel?  A. You mean your guild didn't kill him?  问: 说到萨隆钢, 在3.3任务链中穿插着一个旧神的血液, 尤格萨隆会出现在冰冠城塞中吗?  答: 你是说你们公会没杀掉他吗?  Q. Are there plans to improve the Dwarven Racials? At this point anything is better than Find Treasure.  A. Well, we are adding Archaeology to WoW...  问: 有没有计划改进矮人的种族技能? 目前来说,弄点啥都比寻找财宝好.  答: 呃… 我们计划在WOW中加入考古学  (杯具的矮人们, 目光放远到下个资料片吧)  Q. You mentioned pet scaling being added for patch 3.3 but due to time constraints, was delayed. Will this be in the next patch?  A. We'll try to do what we can. Technically it's just more challenging than you might think. For Cataclysm, we have on our list that 100% of stats scale. If they don't then certain stats just won't be as valuable for pet classes. At the very least, we can do stuff like convert your X into damage for the pet so every stat is valuable. Getting everyone to scale with every stat better is a major goal for the class team for Cataclysm.  问: 你们说过3.3本来要改动宠物从主人属性的受益,但是因为时间限制没有实施.这个会出现在下个更新中吗?  答: 我们会尽力做的. 技术上讲,这个比你想象的更有挑战性. 对于大灾变来说, 我们计划是100%属性的受益. 如果他们不这样做的话,某些属性对于宠物就不是那么有价值了. 至少我们可以让你的X属性转化成宠物的伤害,这样的话每一点属性都有了价值. 让所有的人所有的属性的受益都更合理是我们在大灾难中的一个重要目标.  Q. Does Blizzard have anything in the works to offer former players of WoW?  A. Maybe we can give you a good reason to come back!  问: 暴雪有没有什么工作可以提供给曾经的魔兽玩家的?  答: 也许我们可以给你一个很好的理由让你回来!  Q. You added Armor-&Strength talents to discourage Plate from wanting DPS leather. Are there any plans to stop non-clothies from wanting Cloth?  A. Yes, we do have some plans.  问: 你们加入了护甲-&力量的天赋来鼓励板甲职业不去拿皮甲, 有没有计划阻止非布甲职业拿布甲呢?  答: 是的, 我们有计划的.  Q. Are there more plans for unique weapon procs as the game goes forward? How do you see this affecting min/maxing?  A. We want to keep adding procs (and other interesting mechanics) to keep the items from feeling exactly like the item it's replacing with a few more stats. We know they are harder to balance, but that's part of the fun.  问: 有没有计划增加一些唯一的武器触发效果? 你觉得这个影响最小/最大是如何?  答: 我们想一直加入更多的触发效果(还有其他有趣的机制) 这样的话你就不会觉得新换的装备比旧的装备仅仅是多了一点属性. 我们也清楚这个比较难平衡, 但是这也正是乐趣之所在.  Q. City raiding seems like a great way to promote Horde vs. Alliance PVP, will there be additional incentives for this?  A. We like the idea of fighting in cities. We don't like the idea of massive lag from having so many people in one area or players who are just wanting to play the AH or whatever getting nuked. We have some ideas for Cataclysm though.  问: 主城攻守战是一个很好的促进部落vs联盟PVP的方法, 将来会不会有得到更多的好处呢?  答: 我们喜欢在主城中作战的想法. 我们不喜欢因为海量的玩家聚集在一个区域造成的大卡, 或者是那些只喜欢玩AH之类的玩家被火车碾过.(被碾过不止一次的人泪奔) 在大灾难资料片中,我们会有一些新的主意的.  Q. Can we expect a Canadian style pet for the Olympics this year?  A. I will put in a request today for an epic moose mount, not sure if it will make it in though.  问: 今年我们可不可以期盼有一个加拿大冬奥会式的宠物呢?  答: 我今天会发送一个史诗麋鹿坐骑的请求, 做不做就是他们的事了…  Q. What are your opinions on Shadowmourne as a death knight tanking weapon?  A. Shadowmourne was designed as a dps weapon. If you can score one and want to socket stamina in it, I suggest parading around Dalaran just to rub it in.  问: 你认为影之哀伤作为DK的坦克武器怎么样呢?  答: 影之哀伤是作为DPS武器来设计的. 如果你能拿到一把并且镶满耐力宝石的话, 我建议你绕达拉然游行让那些DPS们抓狂去吧.(绝对群嘲啊,强烈建议卖食物的NPC还出售臭鸡蛋)  Q. Have you thought about doing AP scaling for Thorns?  A. There's no polite way to say this: Thorns needs some love. We just want to keep effects like this from excessively punishing fast-swinging attackers, because you know, we love rouges.  问: 你们想过为荆棘术增加AP的收益吗?  答: 荆棘术需要爱.但是我们不希望这个效果过分的影响那些快速挥击的攻击者,因为你知道的, 我们爱盗贼.(盗贼是亲生的,其余的都是后妈养的, 猎人是大街上捡来的)  Q. Will rogues/hunters ever be able to dual wield hand-crossbows or pistols?  A. The pistol idea for hunters gets suggested a lot. It could either be an alternate to the gun / bow / crosssbow or something they use for short-range attacks. Rogues probably have plenty of weapons at this point.  问: 盗贼/猎人将来有可能双持十字弩或者手枪吗?  答: 很多人建议给猎人手枪了. 手枪可以作为枪/弓/十字弩的替代品也可以用来做近距离的攻击. 这样的话盗贼会有很多的武器. : )  Q. Are there any plans to fix the relative value of stats for certain specs? Eg.Strength being way better than Armor Penetration for Retribution Paladins or Armor Penetration being way better than Haste for Marksmanship Hunters.  A. For Cataclysm, absolutely. We'll do what we can in the meantime, but it's cruel to make players re-gear when they're halfway through a new raid tier.  问: 有没有计划改变某些属性对于某些特定职业受益过高或者过低的情况? 比如对于惩戒骑力量远远好于破甲, 而对于射击猎人破甲有远远好于急速.  答: 对于大灾变来说, 绝对的会有. 同时我们正在尽力做, 但是让那些已经差不多凑齐半身装备的玩家重新配装也是一件非常残忍的事情.  Q. For those of us who collect tabards and armor sets, do you see a way for us to store and not use our very limited inventory?  A. Yes. We'd like to store them the same way you do titles. In general, we don't want to punish the packrats out there who just like to collect stuff. We will have to wait and see what we can do about it though.  问: 对于我们这些外袍和套装控, 有没有可能不占用我们那本来就少的可怜的银行栏位啊?  答: 有的. 我们想让你们像保存头衔那样保存这些东西. 我们不想惩罚那些喜欢收集的老鼠们. 但是改进还是要一步一步来的.(仓老鼠们的福音啊)  Q. Will we see any new world bosses in the near future?  A. I'd never say never given that we haven't designed patch 6.0 yet, but they do present some problems for large organized groups trying to make mutliple attempts without interference.  问: 将来还会有一些新的世界boss吗?  答: 世事无绝对, 我不说永远不会.但是,想让一大群人在野外多次尝试不受到干扰并不是一件容易的事, 会带来很多的问题.  Q. If there is one thing that you wanted to have added to ICC/WOTLK in general, what would that have been?  A. More Azjol-Nerub. Threre's a lot of things we could have done with the underground empire, from a raid zone to a world zone. I hope we get to someday. Personally, I'm a big fan of the whole underdark vibe.  问: 如果让你在 ICC/WOTLK 里加入一样东西, 那会是什么?  答: 更多的阿兹欧-奈幽. 关于地下王国,我们还有很多可以做的, 可以是一个raid副本甚至是一个世界区域.我希望有一天能实现.个人角度讲,我是个幽暗地域的强力爱好者.  Q. Are heirloom items and the recruit a friend system going to work at the start of Cataclysm, in particular for Worgens?  A. Most likely heirlooms. For recruit a friend, we'll have to see. We understand some players want to get to the end game as fast as possible. Maybe the realm first achievements should state "without XP bonuses."  问: 传家宝和招募朋友得经验系统在会在大灾难的开始后有效吗, 特别是对于狼人来说?  答: 传家宝会应该会的. 至于招募朋友得经验, 还有待商榷. 我们理解很多玩家希望尽快的打穿这个游戏. 也许我们应该在服务器第一的成就上注明”无经验奖励”: )  Q. How will you handle beta testing if you don't want to spoil the Worgen/Goblin starting areas?  A. We didn't want to spoil them in Blizzcon. I imagine they will be in the beta. On the other hand, you can play the new higher-level zones if you don't want to spoil it. The goblin starting zone will blow your mind!  问: 如果你们不想让狼人/哥布林新手区失去新鲜感,你们怎样处理beta测试呢?  答: 我们不会在Blizzcon糟蹋他们. 我想他们会出现在beta测试中. 而且, 如果你想保持新鲜感的话,可以直接去玩高级的区域. 哥布林的新手区会给你带来不一般的惊喜感的!  Q. Will we ever see proper physics/animation for chain weapons? Will we ever GET chain weapons?  A. We'd love to. Whips too. It's just expensive (in terms of time) and we have to prioritize if it comes at the expense of something else (new dances maybe, or the animation for a new Cataclysm mob).  问: 我们有可能会在游戏里见到锁链武器正确的样子和动画吗? 我们会得到锁链武器吗?  答: 我们也想做. 还有皮鞭. (邪恶) 只是做这个太花时间了, 也许因为他我们得放弃一些新的舞姿或者新怪物的动画.  Q. Will you guys have Worgen/Goblin race change on lock until somebody on the realm gets to level 85 as a Worgen/Goblin?  A. We'll probably delay it for a few weeks or months. We haven't fully decided.  问: 你们一开始是否会禁止转种族成狼人/哥布林,直到有人把狼人/哥布林练到85以后再开放呢?  答: 我们可能会延后几个星期甚至几个月. 我们还没有最终决定.  Q. What will Cataclysm have to offer for solo players?  A. Cataclysm has a ton of new quests both in the new zones and in old familiar areas. There will be just a ton to do. Also if you're a completionist casual type, one word: Archaeology.  问:喜欢solo的玩家在大灾变可以做什么?  答: 大灾变有很多新任务,有的在新区域有的在旧世界. 有很多的事情可以做. 而且,如果你是追求完美的修仙类型, 一个词: 考古学.  Q. Why not give all the races the ability to be every class?  A. We're getting pretty close to that in Cataclysm. Some combos just don't make sense though. Goblin paladins strike me as bizzare.  问: 为什么不能让所有的种族可以选择所有的职业呢?  答: 我们在大灾变里已经离那个目标很近了.有些搭配实在是说不过去.我无法想象一个哥布林圣骑.(Undead 圣骑也会让人觉得很)  Q. Will Cataclysm bring the return of special-proc items such as The Unstoppable Force?  A. One of the fun aspects of looking at those old zones are the chances to try and hit up all the nostalgia for things like that. So, yes.  问: 大灾变中, 那些有特殊触发效果的装备会回归吗, 比如说无坚不摧之力(猪头锤)?  答: 当回头看旧世界的时候,一件很有意思的事情就是会意外的发现一些猪头锤这样让人怀旧的东西. 所以, 答案是肯定的.  话说我最喜欢的旧世界武器的造型了,外域的那些太奇形怪状了  Q. What knowledge have you gained from WotLK/ICC in regards to your future design plans for Cataclysm?  A. That's a broad question for just 140 characters! I'll say one thing we learned in retrospect was that the progressive badge structure has ended up confusing. We have a simpler one in mind that accomplishes the same goals.  问: 在WOTLK/ICC的设计中, 你学到了什么可以用在将来的大灾难资料片中的?  答: 这是一个很大的问题. 回想起来,大概是逐步提升的牌子系统有点让人觉得混乱吧. 我们已经有一个更简单的方法能达到同样的效果了.  Q. Will you be emphasizing more on Horde vs. Alliance hatred in the future?  A. It's a major focus for Cataclysm. Neither Garrosh nor Varian is a major fan of cross-faction cooperation.  问: 在将来, 你们会更进一步的强调部落和联盟的仇恨吗?  答: 在大灾变里, 这是一个焦点问题. 加罗什和瓦里安都不是那种跨阵营合作的和平分子.  (两个脑瓜比松仁大不了多少的家伙做领袖,杯具啊)  Q. What's up with the pineapple wallpaper in Gadgetzan?  A. You will soon see in Cataclysm that goblins have a somewhat inscrutable sense of taste. They also like tropical drinks.  问: 加基森墙上那个菠萝墙纸是怎么回事? (这些fans大概是没得问了吧, 咋没人问那些裸女图呢)  答: 在大灾变里, 你会看到哥布林们有着别人难以理解的口味. 他们也喜欢热带饮料.  Q. Will Trolls ever get either their own capitol, or a district in Orgrimmar like the Gnome district in Ironforge?  A. Personally, I think it adds a little to the troll story that they have such an amazing cultural legacy and have fallen so far from that in recent history. That said, we have a little bit of love for trolls in Cataclysm (beyond the ability to be just about every class in the game).  问: 巨魔会得到他们自己的主城吗, 或者是像侏儒那样,在奥格瑞玛有个自己的特区?  答: 个人角度讲, 让巨魔拥有一个让世人惊奇的文化遗产但是在近代历史中巨魔们又失落了它,这对巨魔的故事线是不错的. 在大灾变里, 我们对巨魔还是挺有爱的(除了让巨魔能选游戏里所有的职业以外).  Q. Following the upcoming protection warrior PvP nerf, do you plan to make our abilities focus on doing threat instead of damage?  A. We are applying threat modifiers where we nerfed damage. We'd also like to boost sustained protection warrior damage (for PvE) without adding too much burst (for PvP).  问: 随着防战在PVP 中的削弱, 你们有计划增强防战的仇恨吗?  答: 我们在削弱伤害的同时加入了仇恨调整. 我们还希望平稳的增加防战在PVE中的伤害, 而不是PVP中的爆发性伤害.  And the final question is:  终于到了最后一个问题(额滴神呀)  Q. Did Ghostcrawler ever give out those ponies he promised?  A. First, are you a paladin? If so, then no ponies for you. Everyone else can have a very small pony. In the DK case, a very, very small hero pony.  问: 幽灵蟹真的给出了他承诺的小马驹吗?  答: 第一, 你是圣骑吗? 如果是的, 你就没有小马驹. 其他的所有人都会有一个非常小的马驹. DK的话有一个非常非常小的英雄马驹.(吃果果的歧视啊. 第二, 你在中国吗? 如果是的,恭喜大家,这个问题和我们不相干)  
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