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Five venture capitalists: Dave McClure, Mark Hsu, Phil Morle, Vincent Lauria, Leslie Loh share what they look for in startup pitches.
- Avoid the future tense.
Dave McClure is known for running 500 Startups, an accelerator program which spawned quite a large amount of successful companies such as TaskRabbit, Twilio, SendGrid and Udemy. On pitching to VCs, Dave says, “The more you use the future tense, the less interested I am in your startup. In other words, talk about past accomplishments and progress, current customers as well as metrics, less about “what we’re going to do in future”.
- Avoid overusing buzz words.
Mark is the cofounder of Sinanet, the predecessor company , and currently runs a fund/accelerator program based in Taiwan, TMI Ventures. TMI Ventures invests in startups focusing in the education, services and new media or the
internet industry. According to Mark, some of the few things that startup founders should avoid is overusing buzz words. “A few years ago I had a person tell me he was “eBay + Amazon + Google”. I still, for the life of me, cannot figure what that is and needless to say, the company went nowhere. I guess I am buzz word out.” Mark also advises founders to use figures and valuations appropriately. When addressing potential market, be more specific rather than throwing random big numbers like this is a X trillion market globally. ”In terms of valuation, I absolutely hate it when a team says, we are worth this valuation (some crazy amount) because a similar company in the Valley was funded at some amount. The fact of the matter is that we are in Asia and Asia is just a different market in terms of size, revenue potential & most important, exits.”
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第五屆的「2012 IDEAS Show網路創意展」,18、19日於松山文創園區盛大登場。最後由積分最高分的前五名團隊:「Wondershow 玩秀網」、「Mr. Travelo我的旅遊書」、「CliPick」、「Pinkoi」、「FunPark放課公園」及「StudyFun學習趣」共六支團隊(有兩團隊同分,故有六團隊入選)獲得評審獎。
在企業獎部分,「FunPark放課公園」獲得由高通贊助的最佳行動服務獎。「Pinkoi」獲得最佳市場機會獎,拿下《數位時代》價值10萬元的媒體資源。「slidenote」獲得駭客松獎,將由Evernote贊助機票食宿,於八月到美國矽谷參加第二屆 Evernote Trunk大會。而最佳投資價值獎則由「vHouse」奪得,可獲得TMI創意工場50萬元的投資和育成輔導。
written by
and translated by Alison Wang
我在2010年初來到台灣時,想要建立一個團隊,一起打造具有國際水準的雲端服務。並且希望這個團隊的技術與知識,可以傳給當地的科技圈,並藉此改善國內Startup的創業環境。過去我曾經與Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Amazon和一些小型科技公司的工程師合作過。我到台北的時候,聽到台灣科技圈很多人有這樣的疑問:台灣真的能在consumer software 與雲端服務這塊領域拿出東西與國際競爭嗎? 經過這兩年半與台灣開發者、測試者、設計者和PM們的密切合作,我發現台灣頂尖的軟體人才其實就和歐美或是任何地方的頂尖人士一樣出色。
台灣擁有一切打造世界級Consumer Software公司的元素:才華、工作倫理、勤奮、創意、學習的熱情、早期的資金來源,以及與國際媒體、市場的暢通往來。雖然目前台灣還沒有專注於軟體或雲端的公司在國際舞台站穩腳步,但這個局面將會有所改變。
時機就是一切!現在我想不到任何地方,比台北更適合做Game Studio。我很喜歡台灣的人跟文化。我不是說說而已,我將在台北開始我的第三個公司,Roam & Wander。同時,作為TMI的駐點企業家(EIR),我也很興奮能幫助一些早期的軟體或雲端服務公司。
我們正在徵求曾開發 iOS 遊戲app、消費者雲端服務或兒童相關(像是卡通、童書、電影、玩具等)的人。如果你有興趣加入一個能讓你自由發揮創意、與強大的夥伴們互相學習的團隊,請來信
,一起打造大中華地區 #1 的兒通品牌吧!
When I moved to Taiwan in early 2010, one of my goals was to help grow the local startup ecosystem, by creating a team in Taipei building and managing global-scale cloud services, that over time could help transfer this knowledge to the local tech community. I’ve had the opportunity to work closely on projects with engineering teams at Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Amazon, and smaller software companies, and when I moved to Taipei I heard a lot of questions from people about whether the tech community in Taiwan has the right stuff to compete in consumer software and cloud services on the global stage. After two and a half years meeting and working with hundreds of devs, testers, designers, and product managers in Taiwan, this is my observation: the best software folks in Taiwan are just as awesome as the best folks in the US, Europe, etc.
All of the ingredients are here in Taiwan to create world-class consumer software companies. Talent, strong work ethic, courtesy, creativity, passion for learning, funding sources for early stage companies, unhindered access to global media, and a liberalized market with no significant barriers to global commerce. There haven’t been any truly globally successful pure-play software/cloud companies started in Taiwan…but that’s about to change.
Timing is everything, and I can’t think of a better place to start a game studio right now than Taipei. I love the culture and people in Taiwan, so I’m putting my money where my mouth is and starting my third business, Roam & Wander, from Taipei. I’m also excited to help some of the other early stage software/cloud companies here as an EIR at TMI.
We’re recruiting people with experience developing iOS games and apps, consumer cloud services, and kids content (cartoons, books, movies, toys). If you’re interested in helping create the #1 kid’s brand in greater China, at a game studio where you’ll have freedom to exercise your creativity and where you’ll be able to learn from and work with a strong team, send me an email at .
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大陸有馬雲 台灣缺新典範
工研院創新工業技術移轉公司總經理林和源也分析,「創新工場裡的每家公司就像一項產品,因為點子太新了,其實也很容易失敗。但是一家公司拆伙了,裡面的人才馬上又被別的公司吸收,大家整天聚在一起,太熟了。」 創業需要環境與人脈,在矽谷更盛行,就好比一群群創業幫,一群優秀的創業家與工程師們不斷將他們的經驗與創意連結,開創社群Web 2.0時代,例如YouTube、Facebook、Linkedin、Zinga。陳士駿與Paypal同事赫利(Chad Hurly),就是在一次烤肉時聊到為什麼沒有一個平台可以將影片傳上網路,因而誕生YouTube。
We would like to welcome Jason Warren, our latest Entrepreneur in Residence, to our team here at TMI!
Jason has been working in the mobile technology sector for most of his
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100M+ people, most recently as part of the senior executive team at HTC. He has also led or participated in ~20 M&A deals and startup investments in the tech sector.
He now has left HTC and is getting back into startups by focusing on an area we’ve also identified as a large and rapidly growing opportunity, creating kid’s games for mobile devices. Jason says he’s happy
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to be back in the startup environment and is excited about the opportunities to raise the bar in video games and educational content for young children, particularly in greater China where there’s no dominant brand.
With the , we’ve added another experienced software entrepreneur, strengthening TMI’s resources to help new entrepreneurs start and scale their businesses.
We’re excited to have Jason on board!
translated from
那是2006年,想要抓到創業的訣竅可沒有現在這麼簡單。那是在今天這些Startup的各種渠道(infraction)成立之前,沒有Hacker News, Github, Twitter, AngelList或是Stack Overflow;沒有EC2,也沒有iPhone。那是一個MySpace比Facebook的用戶多十倍、YCombinator才剛剛開始的時代。
我們的首席工程師Nathan,離開後加入了Airbnb的團隊。前任合夥人Daniel,成為一間YC Startup第一位員工,這間公司隨後被Google併購。我們其中一位副總(VP)Halle在沉寂了一陣子後,找到一位哈佛商學院的畢業生,創立了 Rock Health,一個醫療保健(health care)的育成中心。三位工程師創立了的公司進了YC,更多工程師的project也接受了其他創投的投資。
不幸的是,這些情節最近正在Hacker News與Twitter上演。(其實這也是為什麼我忍不住寫下這些想法)。場面實在有點難看。
責罵一個離職的員工、拒絕付款給承包商、對天使投資人(?angel email)開砲或是與你的合夥人變成仇人,這些行為現在做起來可能很爽,但這真的是糟透了的想法。利用賽局理論的語言來說,創業者的世界就是一個重複賽局。為了在這一回合極大化效益,卻賠上了未來,實在是不划算的策略啊!
First an entrepreneur now a VC, I have seen the many colors of internet startups. While the success and failure in this field can be of binary nature, the way we conduct ourselves will be judged like a series of open ended questions. Humility and mutual respect go a long way.
Special thanks to and Alison Wang for translating it.
cross posted from
是新一代的音樂視屏(Music Video)網站。想聽音樂,看MV?直接上AtticTV,最流行的音樂視屏就馬上播放,不必安裝軟件,不必搜索,不必費心,不必等!
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Jointly by Alan, Alison, Joyce and Lucas
抱怨文不能太常寫, 我們也要展現一下主動與行動精神. 首先, 感謝大家的應徵, TMI第一次小小育成計劃已經報名截止, 台灣以外, 還有美國, 香港, 新加坡與印度的團隊. 我們將在一星期內邀請其中適合的團隊來跟我們一起打拼. 另外, 我們除了績極尋找與鼓勵新創團隊以外, TMI本身也會嘗試新的模式: 我們出題目來請大家來試試. TMI本身的組合就是一個小小的創業, 育成與投資的縮小版, 所以, 我們嘗試對外直接點出我們近期常常在聊或有興趣的題目, 請有興趣的團隊或是個人直接來動手! 兒童+教育+遊戲 and App 這題目不新, 國內外都有很好的例子. 但我們想鼓勵更多的創意與產品, 所以我們來分享些市場資訊跟大家講為什麼我們認為這方向很有機會.
1. 市場: 英國的市場調查公司Kid Industries在去年一項針對英美擁有iPAD的2,200對父母的研究發現, 每對夫妻
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平均一年花$100為孩子下載27.2個App.我們也可以從越來越多的廠商投入這塊領域瞧見端倪, 去年光是為iPad設計的童書類App, 就有18,140 款付費與 4,833 款免費的產品在美國的iOS平台上流通.
Nielsen的一項調查報告,Others who downloaded apps on your cell phone
Nielsen另外對擁有平板電腦與12歲以下小孩的家庭做出報告顯示,有70%的孩子會使用平板,使用目的則如圖表所示;我們也粗估一下如果這類的App可以成為Top 20時, 可預見的收入規模則至少有US$1M的潛力.
2. 我們喜歡的創意: 隨著投入的開發者越來越多, 產品的種類與內容也就更多元豐富. 早期的App很多只不過是把實體書的內容塞到手機裡,頂多搭配一些聲音效果, 或是讓圖畫中的角色做些簡單的動作. 之後的產品逐漸融入更多的互動、遊戲,試著達到寓教於樂的效果. 演變到現在,有些App已經開始加入更多技術,像是利用AR擴增實境,或是結合實體的玩具、配件,讓互動模式更生動有趣. 以下是幾個我們很喜歡的方向:
例如Disney去年就曾推出一款AppMate, 讓卡通Cars內出場的各個小車車, 可以真的在iPad畫面上拖動, iPad的螢幕也會據此而做出各種不同的互動效果. 美國機械玩具生產商WowWee也推出一系列結合AR技術的遊戲, 其中一款Alien Jailbreak可以搭配一套場景道具, 包括太空船模型及具有AR標記的盒子. 當玩家用相機對準該場景, iPhone上就會出現企圖逃出太空船的外星人, 此時即可「開槍」射擊外星人, 拯救地球免於它們入侵!除了與手機、iPAD做結合, MIT Media Lab也推出一款超級可愛的電子玩具Sifteo Cube, 藉由幾個配備全彩LED、無線通訊、3D螺旋儀的小方塊, 就能拼湊組合出超多趣味的應用!
國外的知名評論網站,如與Fun Educational Apps所列的best kids app雖然鮮少中國開發商名列,然2012四月CheerZ Kids這家上海專做幼兒教育app的公司表示其推出的才智小天地(幼兒能力啟蒙)app在apple store下載量已超過100萬次. 再舉一個例子,Outfit7,這家專做可愛腳色與孩子互動app的開發商,誓言成為app for Children and iPad generation 的霸主,其代表性產品talking TOM這款app幾乎家喻戶曉,40 Million( Jan.2011)的下載量傲視群倫。Outfit7 的CEO Andrej Nabergoj 表示,約有10%的用戶轉成付費版本.那Android呢?若把Google play 榜上有名的教育類app做一個分析(排除字典系列的app與成人教育app)我們可以發現其下載量多半可來到100,000~5,000,000,其中較大型的開發商如Baby Bus,幾乎每個產品都能擁有此下載成績,顯示若產品知名度上升甚至可以在市場造成寡占。以下是這幾款app下載量的折線圖:(how to draw的上界為5,000,000)
簡單幾點可以分享: 市場明確, 營收模式乾淨簡單, 原創的內容與創意, 華語文市場機會與台灣喜歡硬體的特質. 所以, 有團隊的朋友們, 想來一起試試就隨時來找我們! .
終於要掀起頭蓋來, TMI的育成計劃第一期就要結止, 我們也如期公開我們會採用的投資方式與合約大綱. 同時, 簡單說明其中原因與內容.
主約: 是一份CN購買的協議書, 開頭就說明這是一個由公司發行的可轉券, 而由TMI來購買.
1. Purchase of the note
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and protective provisions: 大概說明這券的內容, 金額, 期間, 及其所附有的一些特殊權利. 如公司治理相關 (原則上是怕拿來錢就去買跑車或豪華視廳組, 或隨變更換團隊鬥爭之類的), 會有一個董事席由TMI來擔任
2. Note Closing: 說明要怎麼樣完成合約的執行, 日期, 交割之類
3. Representations and Warranties of the company: 大概意思是說, 因為投資人沒時間做完整的公司調查, 所以, 公司得自行出具相關說明公司是合法經營, 有繳稅, 登記或沒亂七八糟的承諾or或有負債(此種例子請隨意見台灣上市公司, 特別是經營者有家族在其中的)
4. Representations and Warranties of the investor: 是說我們也是正當經營, 不是地下資金 (還不了錢, 也不會有黑道追殺)
5. Condition to close: 當然, 在簽約時, 很多事都沒完成或確定, 所以, 簽約到匯錢之間, 公司要完成什麼事就在這說明. 大概是一些文件等要準備好 (重要是銀行要開好戶頭)
6. Miscellaneous: 雜項
7. Dispute Resolution: 夫妻吵架要找誰當裁判, 海外公司架構我們會放在HK, 台灣就在台灣吧.
附件: 重點來了, 這在說明除了借錢的基本權利義務外, 有什麼承諾事項. 原則上就是"怎麼轉"
a. Note purchase agreement:
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b. Repayment: 還錢日期
c. Payment: 請還真的”錢”, 不可以用燒的
d. Interest: 看地區不同, 台灣應該在3%以下
e. Senior Debt: 說明券的份量權重
f. Event of Default: 什麼情況下是違約
g. Conversion: 怎麼轉, 原則上是用下次融資的打折來做. 當然也可以先談定一個價格, 就像這次的育成計劃, NT$35萬,8%是固定的 (雖然談定價格還用可轉券, 是因為用特別股來做, 價格外還有天厚的條文要談)
h. 後面還有一些雜項, 大概都是法律基本條款我就懶得說了.
其實我們還是喜歡直接投資的….. 但我們不想耗太多時間在討論大量法律條文, 所以, 在價格固定下還是走可轉債的方式
我們要截止嘍, 快點快點
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startup event, was held on April 24th at TICC. The speakers gave us insightful lectures, and the pitch was really impressive. The first prize went to Ragic, and TMI special prize was given to Docubank. Here are our little comments on each team: (in accordance with the order of appearance)
WhatsTheNumber is an app that saves you from all the troubles finding the right phone numbers online. This app applies AI in their search engine, thus it can filter out unrelated results and find the correct ones.
When you type in a restaurant, a movie theater or a hotel, not only can you get the accurate phone number to dial, but the review or comment of such places. Before dialing, you can also check the map without opening the browser. Given its clean UI and precise search engine, it is a nice tool for daily life.
Are you interested in medical travel? Do you want to search prestige doctors? Hulihealth may be the right one for you. Hulihealth is a medical service platform which allow patients to search and book famous doctors. They take the Taiwanese medical advantages, combining high quality and low price, to create the business about medical travel and target on China market.
With this website, patients can search or book doctors more convenient, and doctors can approach more patients as well. However, the Taiwanese patients’ behavior of booking doctors still need to observe, and the law to allow Chinese patients to have medical travel system in Taiwan is incomplete as well.
SaaS ( Software as a service) is prevailing more and more over time. Bustification is also a kind of this model providing project management app for enterprise.
What’s the uniqueness? They want managers to have more fun when handling tedious office works. Through a gamification process, doing routine works can also be like playing a game!
Justaple is a web tool that help you store and share websites. The idea is similar to Pocket (formly Read it Later) and Instapaper. When you find out some interesting websites or articles that your don’t have time to read right away, “Justaple it” and it would save in cloud so you can view it later. Futhermore, it can synchronize to your phone, so you can view it any time. even without an internet connection.
Its pinterest-like website make it seems more elegant. In fact, I use this tool a lot in order to sort out all the information. Beside of storing my own sources, I can also see what people “staple”, which are mostly articles or news related to technical or start-ups. Convenient for a heavy Internet user,though, Justaple may have trouble catering to the majority of user. After all, not so many people want to read all the time.
A charity-rating platform that gives you the charities’ information. It checks the operating efficiency and neediness of funds. It is a good news for donators to choose high-quality charity that ensures to make full use of the funds. The business model is simple. It charge 3-5% fee from the rated charities. iDonate has been rating 345 charities. iDonate just like S&P or Fitch in the Finance Industry. If iDonate could expand its customers, it would make a profit and change the way donators choose charities to put money in.
Citydomo is a comment website including restaurants, traveling, beauty, entertainment, shopping, and service. The specialty of Citydomo is it used points system. Commenters will gain points by sharing the experience of a shop or a product, and other website members can rate that article. Points are used to exchange a sponsored coupon or discount. That is the simplest business model behind Citydomo, advertising fee from the coupon or discount sponsors that generates the popularity. However, there are still many similar comments websites. It is not initiative idea. It is important for Citydomo to think up its unique strength to survive on.
Tired of collecting endless information just to plan a relaxing trip ? There may be a solution for you. iBeengo is a website where you can easily research, schedule, and book your travel. The site claims that it would recommend spots according to your preference and purpose, it also introduce hotel near your attraction.
I try to use this web to plan a small trip and it is truly convenient. The website will automatically consider the traffic time between two spot for you,saving time searching on google map to find the route. It can also recommend some hot scene or famous restaurant near by your current plan. For those who like to travel, iBeengo might be a great helper on planning.
Long Good is a funny and initiative application which connected to the Kinect. The purpose of Long Good is to help the injured rehabilitate. With the Kinect sensor, the injured do some exercise according to this application. The initial purpose is good but medical therapy is a controversial issue. Does it work? Will self-rehabilitating without a doctor be dangerous? Whether it could substitute the real treatment or just for entertainment is another concern.
Typically, enterprises handle lots of documents every day, and the process of document management is usually inconvenient and inefficient. Docubank provides cloud-based solution to this problem. You don’t need to build up expensive hardware system and worry about just open your account, and place your files online. Services such as scan-to-email and fax-to-email are provided.
Docubank use dynamic keypad lock and layered authorized mechanism to keep enterprises’ documents safe, you can never access to the document if you don’t have the authority. The smart search engine support full-text in any document including OCR function. The team was founded before 2003, currently they claimed to have no competitor in Taiwan. The Nielson help price its service at 2500(up)/ month.
Snapshock is a service that helps to broadcast photos live through the mobile phone. Through their app, you can upload the photo right after it was taken, and the photo can be seen on the web — just a real
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time broadcast. The great part of this app is that friends in the same event can upload their photos into one album.
I like the idea of event-oriented album. It would save a lot of time trying to recall who take the group photo or searching friends’ album to find the funniest picture. However, as a free user, your album is always open to public. If there are some embarrasing photos that can only share with your close friend, you would have to pay some fee for privacy. There is also another problem: if only few of my friends are involved, I won’t become a regular user of the service even though I do like the idea. So I think how to
attract more user as soon as possible would be a big task for Snapshock.
Recood is an Instagram-like video recording application. They hope that users can use it to record their precious moment. Recood has five types of filter effects which can let users to create unique videos. Moreover, users not only can share their unique videos to social networks or their own blogs but also can communicate with followers by leaving comments.
From my using experience of this application, I found that you can only record video with only 10 seconds. I guess that this is the beta version and they will release other version that let users to record much more time in the next step.
Traditionally, business owner hires professional engineer to develop and maintain their own information database system, thus bearing a great amount of expenses and make the system too complicated. Ragic provides six kinds of web app solutions, a light development environment for customers even without engineering background. Just download the application from library with a Ragic account, and become web designer, front-end developer and backend developer once and for all- that is, Ragic developer.
The services are customized and diversified, ranging from sales force management, IT service management, human resource management, R&D project management, customer support management, to marketing management system. As a light development consultant, Ragic aim its target customer at small enterprise, trying to lower their cost and shortening the developing timeline. The price is $19.05/month for personal use.
As a cloud marketing platform, I-influence provide individual and enterprise based online marketing consulting services.
Basically using social media information to analyze and improve customer’s influence. Access to i-influence website and connect to facebook fan page, the analysis result will tell you who is an active user and who helps promote your brand, thus setting up a list of loyal customers for business owner easily.
Other than personalized marketing consulting services, currently three solutions for social media marketing enhancement available :
Top Fans and Influencer Leaderboard-introducing a little competition to encourage your fans to like and share your content more often.
Influencer Rewards Platform-rewarding difference badges,gifts or discount based on their engagement with you.
Influence and Buzz Monitoring- follow information relating to your brand and competitor.
Luxjoy is a luxury e-commerce website, which provide a platform for customer to buy luxuries and reserve the 5 stars hotels in a discount price. Their Luxuries have a diversity of items including European famous brands’ boutiques, red wine, perfume, etc.
As other Boutique e-commerce websites, Luxjoy create the luxury atmosphere, but their user-interface is so complicated and unfriendly. And their product is not really attractive. This outcome might derive from having some difficulties to deal with famous boutique dealers.
(Deadline: )
cross posted from Tech Orange Global
Taiwan’s Ragic Wins Echelon’s First Ever Taipei Satellite with its Biz Apps
on APRIL 25, 2012
Last night the Singporean blog
held their Taiwan satellite event in Taipei. Fourteen teams, mostly from Taiwan but also several from Hong Kong, Korea, and even the British Virgin Islands, took to the stage to pitch their startups and product ideas. In the end, the five judges (RIM’s Alan Wong, appWorks’ Jamie Lin, E27’s Thaddeus Koh, TMI Holdings’ Mark Hsu, and KKBox’s Izero Lee) chose Ragic, an enterprise startup delivering a suite of spreadsheet-based business applications, as the best in show.
offers six different business solutions as well as a Ragic application store that are based on the premise that traditional versions of these software are difficult to use for people of a non-tech background. There was a live demonstration of the software on stage, and the judges were impressed when, in response to a question about pricing, founder Jeff Kuo was able to pull up a full-fledged live website with robust pricing info.
HuliHealth co-founder David Chao presents on stage
Several hundred people were in attendance for the Taipei satellite event that was the Nar ett nat
aktiverar ett erbjudande om gratis spinn pa en videoslot ar det bara for spelarna att klicka sig fram till den aktuella automaten och borja spela – helt gratis. 5th in a series of six satellite happening across Asia that are designed to scout out the 50 best teams in the region and invited them to the Echelon main stage to be held in Singapore on June 11-12th. The event started off with opening remarks from E27 (and myself, where I pontificated on about neurons, axons, and bridges… or something), and four keynote speeches: Sanjay Shivkumar spoke about the creation of his Singaporean parking app ‘’, TMI’s Mark Hsu discussed the Southeast Asian opportunity for Taiwan, Alan Wong spoke about creating apps on BlackBerry’s App World, and Frederico Folcia, whose
just received a US$2.1m investment, talked about how to avoid making very specific mistakes that he made during his startup experience.
TMI awards DocuBank with the TMI award
Several surprise awards were offered up, including a BlackBerry Playbook tablet for each of the presenting teams. Additionally, TMI announced that it was going to offer an impromptu incubation opportunity to one team. DocuBank, a cloud-based document management system, won this award and is now considering the offer.
TechOrange was a media partner for this event, and it was a blast of an event to host, and was notable in that it was the first startup event hosted in Taipei not put on by someone directly in the Taiwan ecosystem. For that alone, I think E27 deserves some serious propers. Go sign up for the main event (June 11-12), or if that’s a bit much, like them on .
Here are all of the teams in the order they presented:
– An app that quickly and easily finds a phone number for you. A yellow pages killer.
– Find, contact, and book a doctor or dentist worldwide. Check out on them in the Taipei Times!
– Gamification of enterprise software
these guys last June, a productivity app that allows you to ‘staple’ any webpage.
– A charitable fund manager
– A restaurant review platform that encourages reviews by offering rewards
– A drag-and-drop trip planning tool. Read
for a bit more.
– A game to encourage stretching and healthy exercise.
– A cloud-based document management system. Winner of the TMI award.
– An event-based photo broadcaster. Perfect for weddings!
– Instagram for video, via Korea.
– Business applications made easy. Judges’ Choice.
13. I-Influence – Social media analytics
– Discount luxury online retailer
cross posted from 新浪新聞
TMI台灣創意工場近期已正式推出種子期創業家的,即日起到5月13日前將接受初創團隊的進駐申請並進行甄選。台灣創意工場將以每年兩梯次各三個團隊的創業育成為目標啟動這項計畫。,TMI將投資獲選進入參與此計劃的創業家35萬元(8%的股份),並以四個月的時間進行創意發想型塑與創業計畫的規畫與啟動。本計畫除了種子期資金的投入外,獲選團隊可進駐TMI位於台北市信義區約330 平方米寬敞工作空間的辦公室,同時在台灣進駐 30天后,將視創業方向往李開復在北京的創新工場或其他地區延續創業培育旅程。
TMI台灣創意工場同時也已募集資金,以順利推動進駐的創業育成計畫團隊往下一階段邁進。TMI執行長兼合夥人王仁中表示: 「相關進駐創業家在創業育成計劃中,若成功展現初步商業價值,TMI已準備好美金10萬元到30萬元進行直接投資,以進一步挹注創業家走向成長的下一階段。」本階段也將能更有效展現TMI協助早期網際網路公司資源整合、快速提昇企業價值的能力。
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TMI台灣創意工場主要由創新工場、中經合創投、創新工業技術移轉股份有限公公司(工研院創投)與首席電子商務等投資者發起並投資成立,李開復並出任台灣創意工場董事長,以協助兩岸創業資源有效的整合與分工。在TMI經營團隊的成員部份,也邀請領導台灣微網誌發展的噗浪共同創辦人雲惟彬,與新浪網及KKbox的共同創辦人Mark Hsu兩位具有創業經驗者擔任合夥人。相信在結合多樣化資源下,能對進駐團隊注入跨領域的具體助益,進一步提昇投資價值。TMI期許在持續的創業資源投入下,有效地提昇網際網路公司早期發展的效益與價值,為台灣網際網路早期創業注入關鍵的活水泉源。
6th, May 來自北京創新工場
(先取消啦! 5/1行程太多, sorry)
TMI在未來的一個月將有兩場中小型活動, 一個是跟新加坡來的Echelon合作的衛星活動, 一個是TMI投資股東”北京創新工場”兩位共同創辦人來訪的小型座談會. 兩個活動的主角們都是台灣以外的網路創業楷模, 可以藉由這兩個高度互動的場合來瞭解當地市場的狀況, 原汁原味, 不會像調合過的台灣川菜一樣, 不麻也不辣. 我們的創業者們要精簡費用, 可能不能常飛出國去參加活動. 而我們也對”沾醬油”式的台灣團式出差, 或生活在台商的小小保護區中的也不太熱衷. 所以, TMI只要有機會, 就會讓來台的朋友們分享經驗, 親自聽講跟看blog應該有很大的差異吧?! 緊接著這些活動就是TMI2012年第一次Incubation Program的截止日. 還沒有報名的團隊, 快點準備來跟我們一起出國吧.
Incubation Program
很顯然, TMI的Incubation Program不是條件最甜的, 金額也挺小的. 但我們的目的只有一個: 跟TMI一起出國生活 (好像遊學slogan…) 當團隊還在早期時, 資金, 資源都有限, 出國出差不是問題, 但要找到當地能協助團隊來接觸市場的平台就很困難. 這種事既花時間也花精力去尋找與經營, 且多少有些文化上的差異. 但當團隊想做海外市場, 我們認為這樣的經歷在早期是對startups很有幫助的. 同時, 也可以早些驗證部份想法與規畫. TMI現在推的Program就是我們送團隊去我們已經架接好的平台, 去到那, 做第一手市場與人文的學習(不要還在參訪拍照拉紅布條啦!). 回頭再想想自己的計劃與產品. 我們相信, 這兩個月在海外的時間是很有價值的. 不管你去北京還是想去美國, 或現在有新加坡了. NT$35萬的條件只是要你出國, 怎麼花也不管.
特別利用機會說明, TMI不只有這Incubation Program. 這個NT$35萬的投資是我們的早期計劃投資方式, 另外, 我們還準備了US$100k~300k的Pre-A投資. 當然, 參與了我們的Incubation, 一定會有機會跟我們再來追加這美金的投資. 我們看到比較成熟, 自己已經闖一段時間了, 我們也會直接用美金的投資進去. 兩者不是必要共存. 且, 團隊也不用一定要在台灣! 所以, NT$35萬跟NT$1,000萬都是我們的投資範圍.
24th, April 新加坡Echelon
台北Satellite 協辦單位:TMI 台灣創新工場 時間:日(星期二)13:00 – 17:00 地點:台北國際會議中心
(台北市信義路五段一號 )
由E27主辦的Echelon為亞洲最受矚目的新創活動,目標放在網際網路前端產業,提供新創團隊一個展示及媒合的交流平台。Echelon活動包含初創團隊競賽、初創公司呈現,以及多場名人演講與座談,藉由兩階段(1)地區初選的Satellites,今年4月,Echelon 2012 的6個Satellites在亞洲各重要城市舉辦,分別為:新加坡、雅加達、馬尼拉、胡志明市、台北,及東京, (2)新加坡的兩天決賽活動,挖掘亞洲新創事業,不管是尋求募資、合夥關係,或是資深創業者的回饋,都是年輕新創團隊展示產品的最好機會.
一定要參加的五大理由: 1.Taiwan Satellite全程以英文進行,而且免費參加 2.認識來自不同市場的網路新創公司的發展 3.了解其他區域市場的發展 4.認識東南亞市場,尤其是新加坡、印尼與越南 5.與台灣、東南亞重要的網路創業家及創投交流
6th 2pm, May 北京創新工場小聚: 大陸網路創業黑暗祕辛與八卦 (先取消啦! 5/1行程太多, sorry)
主要是兩位北京創新工場的重要管理團隊與共同創辦人來訪, 我們就請他們特別多留一天來跟大家分享第一手市場消息, 創業黑暗秘辛與八卦. 當然還有不可說的政府關係.
王肇輝 聯合創始人/新聞發言人 王肇輝畢業於中國地質大學(北京)。曾在《中國大學生》雜志社從事9年新聞相關工作,其作品多次在全國及北京市新聞作品評選中獲獎。2005年王肇輝創辦“中國大學生國際講壇”並任秘書長,親自邀請各界傑出人士與中國青年學生面對面交流,搭建了一個高端精英與大學生互動的平台。王肇輝與各界人士有著廣泛而友善的交往,目前在創新工場主要負責政府和媒體事務。2009年受邀參與創新工場早期籌備工作,並成為四位創始成員之一。
陶 寧 首席運營官/合伙人 陶寧擁有北京大學信息管理系學士與碩士學位以及耶魯大學MBA學位。陶寧曾在Microsoft、IBM、Google等公司的中國和美國總部工作,職責包括產品市場、策略規劃、營運管理等,領導過近20款新產品在中國和亞太地區的發布上市,創立過100多名銷售團隊的軟體和硬體的商業新模式,創立過國際公司在國內投資合作模式,管理過近千人的團隊營運銷售管理。對於IT和Internet的使用者、產品、市場和管理有豐富的經驗。
這點真的挺逗的, 我們內部在已有與會主角後, 竟然發現題目很難訂. 當然我們可以講講當地市場有多大, 產品有多好. 雖然, 這些東西的確都可以在網路上查的到, 且有人也會說 “反正我產品一開始就沒有地域性, 隨時可以去xxx”, “我只要流量或用戶數到多少, 去到xxx, 隨時翻倍”, 或”xxx也有類似的東西, 但他們產品做得很差, 我們只要去打行銷就贏啦” 所以, 不太需要多花時間在這或沒啥興趣. 同時, 我們也考慮走創業名人或明星公司路線, 但發現再怎樣好像都沒有老美討喜. 一般年輕團隊好像不太知道馬化騰跟李彥宏是哪一號人物 (其實我們也不熟, 哈), 也不知道雷軍在玩啥. 之前我們在跟Sina的團隊聊天, 好像也發生這樣的問題. 但, 不少人或團隊的確是已經去, 且做得不錯. 有些則是在想又不太知道怎麼下手, 所以, 我們就兼辦活動同時推動Incubation Program. 讓大家有機會做第一手交流. 順便聊聊八卦.
Cross posted from
Photo: TMI
Update: We received feedback that TMI’s accelerator program may not be the first known program in Taiwan, and are currently working with the community to clarify this.
TMI launches Taiwan’s first accelerator, which ties in with Kai-Fu Lee’s Innovation Works, and will invest about US $12,000 in each team.
Startup founders, especially if you are based in Taiwan or looking to expand to Taiwan, we have good news for you.
officially launched its accelerator program today, marking Taiwan’s first ever accelerator program for Internet startups. TMI is run by a
which includes
Kai Fu,, Kevin Ho, , , and , bringing together years and years of successful experiences to the table. Mark was on the
last year at Echelon 2011.
How does it work? TMI will accept three teams per batch and run two batches per year. TMI will invest NTD 350,000 (about US $12,000) in each team and take an eight percent stake in the company. In addition to the funding, teams will also be able to move into TMI’s office, a spacious work space that measures approximately 330 square meters with over 55 work stations with a direct view of Taipei 101 in the heart of Taipei’s trendy Hsinyi District. After a 30-day incubation period in Taipei, the teams will be “kicked out” and graduated to the next stage of their start-up phase by being put through the wringers at Kai-Fu Lee’s Innovation Works in Beijing for two months.
Photo: TMI
“Essentially TMI’s accelerator program will be the first program of its kind in Taiwan, which will allow entrepreneurs with just an idea to be funded,” noted Kevin Ho, Chief Investment Officer at TMI and Vice President at ITIC, the venture capital arm of ITRI, a national research organization that serves to strengthen the technological competitiveness of Taiwan.
The application for their summer accelerator batch is now open and you can head over to their website to , before it closes on the 13th of May.
當台灣廣大的鄉民(疑?) 已經被一般線上或線下遊戲炫麗的介面,一流的設計所吸引時,App的遊戲似乎還在萌芽階段;排行榜上的幾位,通常都不離開以下幾種特質:
1. 遊戲構造與規則簡單;因為手機遊戲是偏向給人打發時間用的,想當然耳使用者偏好容易上手的小遊戲.最明顯的例子就是angry bird ,bejewel與植物大戰殭屍.簡單明瞭的設計,卻讓人愛不釋手. 這點和蘋果的設計理念不謀而合,”simple and user
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2. 社交互動的性質強.為什麼draw something 在台灣也會火紅? 人與人之間似乎隔著網路的交際也日益扮演舉足輕重的腳色,不論新交的朋友還是舊識,透過draw something傳送邀請與對方猜想自己作品的名稱,人們輕鬆創造了互動的方式與話題,新朋友的距離也無意間被拉近了.畢竟,沒人想單純對冰冷的程式來往,假設你知道對方也是一個活生生的player,遊戲的吸引力瞬間就倍增,無怪乎許多遊戲設計者在app上市後的下一階段目標都是加上互動功能!
3. 和特別的主題連結.比方說傳統打飛機的卷軸遊戲,這讓以前喜愛雷電的人們無法自拔,只是這類的app尚無造成轟動的版本.而賽車的主題則發展較純熟了,許多國外的開法大廠如Gameloft所製作的遊戲畫面已堪稱精緻.此遊戲開發商也是擅長做主題連結的,UNO與足球遊戲app都是他們產物.
在廣大的app市場如何讓自己的作品受到青睞,marketing是一個大問題,符合上述第三點遊戲的設計商已經在事前做到customer targeting.未來app的開發者若朝這條路線前進的話,雖然可以規避掉部分的風險,免得brainstorming 半天的idea不被接受,但如果設計出來的作品扭曲了鏈結主題在大眾的傳統印象,或許會遭到smartphone user的冷眼看待.
Alvin Woon
Tiffany Wu
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