
f.fr的翻译解析:名词 法郎
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例句与用法1.The fgets ( ) function returns a line from an open file函数的作用是:从文件指针中读取一行。 2.The fgets ( ) function is used to read a single line from a file函数用来读取文件中的一行内容。 3.The fgets ( ) function stops returning on a new line , at the specified length , or at eof , whichever comes first函数可以对是否输出新的一行词段作出设置,具体见下面的语法;当到达文档段落末尾[ eof ]时,该函数将停止运行。 4.As an alternative , use the method fgets . it can do the same things gets does , but it accepts a size parameter to limit the number of characters read in , thus giving you a way to prevent buffer overflows . for example , instead of the following code当一个组织很庞大,以至于信息成了供它使用的另一种可代替的物品时,它就会希望并且需要这样的保证:它所接受的信息是准确和未受破坏的。
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例句与用法1.“ ex - figc president guido rossi said that without moggi and antonio giraudo football would heal itself , but instead nothing has changed , ” he insisted“前figc主席圭多罗西说没有莫吉和安东尼奥吉拉乌多后足球将变得干净,但是事实是什么都没有改变。 2.De santis was one of two italian referees assigned to germany 2006 , but his accreditation was revoked following the explosion of the calciopoli scandal on the request of the figc德桑蒂斯曾经是德国世界杯指定的两名意大利裁判之一,但当电话门爆发后根据意大利足协的请求,他的委派被取消。 3.The striker was disappointed after discovering he was spied on by the via durini club and is willing to get revenge on them by asking the figc to reassign the 2005 - 06 title这位前锋发现他被国际俱乐部监听了电话,他感到十分的沮丧,他希望意大利足协能够剥夺刚刚颁发给国际的2005 - 2006赛际的冠军头衔。 4.The italian football federation ( figc ) took the decision to suspend all levels of football after a policeman was killed after clashes with fans at the sicilian derby between palermo and catania意大利足协日前作出决定,延缓所有级别的意大利联赛,集中力量解决西西里德比中出现问题,和抚恤在冲突中死去的警员5.Moggi ' s wiretapped telephone conversations with high - ranking officials in the figc and referees ' association were the reason juve were demoted to serie b with a 17 - point penalty , but he insists he did nothing wrong莫吉与figc的高官和裁判群体的电话谈话录音是尤文带着- 17分降级的原因,但是莫吉本人坚持说他并没有做错什么。 6.Don fabio won two scudetti in his two seasons with juve , but the first was taken back by the figc due to the calciopoli scandal , while the second was assigned inter , which capello and many other juventus fans were particularly bitter about卡佩罗在他执教尤文的两个赛季内,获得了两次意甲冠军,但是由于“电话门”事件,第一个冠军头衔被剥夺了,第二个冠军授予了国妓糜烂,卡佩罗和尤文蒂尼们都感觉非常苦涩。 7.The project for the new stadium , to be set in motion should italy be awarded the 2012 european championships , was unanimously approved by the attending board members on condition that the relative protocol is agreed to and ratified by the city of turin , and that favourable financial guarantees of no less than 120 million euros are given by the government and the figc为援助意大利申办2012年欧洲杯,修建新球场的计划,被全体到场的董事一致通过,假如修建球场的草案被都灵市政府接受并通过,俱乐部在财政上将至少获得政府和意大利足协1 . 2亿欧元的拨款
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中文翻译果纳芬:&&&&F,F/f, f/,f., f: etc. 见 f-nu ...
例句与用法1.Use the method that form couples the design . the experiment set is in accordance with the matched control press the age differ 2 years old or soly , the mii period oocyte differ 21y or soly , coh project the similar proceeding in cause of infertility forms couples . experiment method controlled ovarian hyperstimulation was undertaken using subcutaneous buserelin acetate in a long protocol combined with gonal - f用配对设计的方法于2002年9月至2003年2月在沈阳市妇婴医院生殖中心就诊的ivf - et患者中选择30例年龄在25岁- 35岁,平均年龄( 29 . 5 3 . 1 )岁,取卵数在10枚以上,平均取卵数( 13 . 8 3 . 1 )枚,作为对照组,进行卵裂期胚胎移植。


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