kuma什么意思 the Bear公司所有游戏名字

Category: Education
Kuma the Bear and the Scarf for iPhone
&&&&&&&iOS iPhone
-------------------------------------------------------- Join in the adventures of Kuma the bear in this charming new interactive book by Colopl, Inc.-------------------------------------------------------- For Children:☆ Encouraging children to read☆ Helping develop hand-eye coordination☆ Making learning fun---------------------------------------------- - Listen and read along with your children.- Tap and play with each page to reveal hidden surprises.- Intuitive page turning.- Table of contents to jump to your favorite page.Story: Kuma's favorite scarf is missing!With the help of friends Kuma searches high and low, in the trees and the sky.But where can it be?* Colopl is a location-based mobile game for iPhone and Japanese cell phones.
You can enjoy this story book without any prior knowledge of Colopl.
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Last changed:Dec 21, 2010
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Questions / Contact:日本手游公司Colopl市值破24亿美元
虽然Colopl也运行自己的社交网络/平台,但该公司也创作了很多不错的游戏,也打造了一些特殊的品牌,比如Kuma The Bear等。
该公司CEO Naruatsu Baba在一个采访中称,当日本市场的智能机份额还只有10%到20%左右的时候,他就决定从功能机转向智能机平台了,很明显这个决定是明智的。
卡牌游戏Pro Baseball Pride,RPG手游Treasure Detective,解谜RPG游戏Wizard & Wiz the Black Cat。
该公司最近还在日本国家电视台推出了广告,推广之前,这款Quiz RPG的用户只有400万,首次在电视推出之后,8天内就增长到了500万用户,又过了十天,到9月12日,该游戏用户突破600万,另外,这也说明,电视广告仍然是手游开发商们在日本市场推广游戏的不错选择。
在日本之外,Colopl长期以来在Android和iOS平台只有一款英文版的Dino Dominion游戏。
当然,Quiz RPG现在是第二款,不过按照Colopl的英文网站来看,该游戏推出的日期还没有确定。
不过,Colopl并不是突然从石头缝里跳出来的,该公司曾经创造了世界首款定位手游Colony Life。
Colony Life发布于2005年5月,而Colopl公司直到2008年才开始成立,早期只是专注于做GPS方面的游戏。该公司知道2011年的时候才开始增长并赚钱,当时日本的第二大电信运营商KDDI购买了该公司5%的股票。
这里需要说的是,另一个关键原因是,当时的Colopl非常精明。就像《智龙迷城》的发行商GungHo,Colopl做了一系列看起来并非很主流的游戏(Colony Life就是最好的例子),但是这些游戏的质量也都不低,也就是说,虽然这些游戏没有取得特别大的成功,但各个游戏的表现也都不俗。
游戏大小:122.58MB12 matchups we want to see in Street Fighter X Tekken
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When Street Fighter IV Director Yoshinoro Ono made a surprise appearance during the Tekken Finals at EVO this year, the rumor mill started churning, were Tekken and Street Fighter teaming up? At first it seemed too ridiculous, the fever dreams of over-eager fanboys reading too much into a friendly appearance. But after the shocking announcement at ComicCon that yes, Street Fighter and Tekken were going toe to toe in two separate games, the debate was on. How will Tekken characters work without fireballs? Will Street Fighter characters be able to sidestep? Can Kuma really beat Zangief?
After taking an informal poll of our readers and the office, and by that we mean, “we made all of this up”, here’s some of the more interesting matches we look forward to seeing in Street Fighter X Tekken. We ignored the Ryu vs. Kazuya and Chun-Li vs. Nina entries because technically, .
Rufus vs. Bob
We’ll get it out of the way before you ask: Bob came first, as Tekken 6 was released in arcades months before SFIV. How two totally different companies decided they both needed speedy fat asses in their games at exactly the same time is something of a mystery, though to be fair, we feel there’s room for both of them.
Honestly, it’s about time fighting games catered to the morbidly obese fans, giving them a spark of just because you can't do a push-up, or run a 30 minute mile doesn't mean you can’t compete in a global fighting tournament against the world's deadliest martial artists!
Fun Fact: Bob intentionally trained to become obese as he felt his svelte frame didn’t give him enough power behind his attacks.
Zangief vs. Kuma
In what will certainly be the most anticipated and, bizarrely, logical of these match ups, The Red Cyclone will finally be able to prove himself against his eternal arch nemesis, a bear. Zangief is notorious for training in Siberia with grizzly bears, which is why he’s covered in huge scars, and he's clearly not afraid of them.
So Zangief must have the upper hand here, being accustomed to Bear Kwon Do? Not so, as Kuma has been Heihachi’s training partner since birth (much like Roger Jr., this Kuma is the son of the original), making him, if you will, more adept at martial combat than the average bear. Kuma has also beaten the self-proclaimed "toughest fighter in the universe" Paul Phoenix, so don't count Kuma out.
Fun Fact: Zangief
in an episode of the Yu Yu Hakusho Anime.
Guile vs. Paul
While Guile is the consummate American hero, Paul is a combination of Guile and Ken potentially making him even more American. But patriotism aside, these two clearly have a passion greater than their dedication to their countries: maintaining and styling their awful hair. While Guile’s iconic do’ is unique, Paul’s is a little less so, leaving him looking like the last Kid n Play fan on earth. If you got that reference, guess what, you’re old.
Paul and Guile may be little more than organic devices designed to carry around ridiculous hair, but what a gelled, feathered battle it would be.
Fun Fact: Despite his constant proclamation that he is “The Strongest Fighter in the Universe” Paul’s ongoing rival in Tekken is Kuma the bear, who defeated him in Tekken 5.
M. Bison vs. Heihachi
The nice thing about crossovers is getting to see the evil characters go at it. After 5 sequels it's boring still seeing the same good guy and the same villain duke it out yet again. But seeing the evil masterminds go toe to toe? Much more compelling. Especially in the case of thes Bison killed Chun-Li's father on a Tuesday and forgot about it, and Heihachi has unsucessfully attempted to murder his own sons countless times.
Bison and Heihachi have a lot in common actually, they both run massive, successful evil corporations bent on destruction and world domination by day, and adore cracking skulls and murdering their opposition by night. Or maybe they murder by day too, we’re sure they make their own work hours.
Fun Fact: Heihachi can be customized to resemble Akuma in Tekken 6
Sodom vs. Yoshimitsu
Two of the only jerks rude enough to bring swords to a fist fight, Sodom and Yoshimitsu do a nice job filling the mandatory “Samurai” niche. While Yoshimitsu is a legitimate ninja enhanced with cybernetics and a cursed demon blade, Sodom is a Japanophile white guy who wishes he was Asian. Both bring some pizzazz to the tired old s Yoshimitsu with his space cyborg alien freakshow, and Sodom with his “Samurai Casual” armor and blue jeans.
Fun Fact: The kanji on Sodom’s chest is supposed to be the Japanese character for death “shi”, but is not written correctly and therefore meaningless, poking fun at Sodom’s poor understanding of Japanese.
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