
& 为什么选了战役模式,过场动画一完就黑屏 ...
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Ok, it seems I have found the solution for this issue, please fing the following, have fun.
I may have a possible solution, but it's one with possible consequences. For that reason, I am first going to explain what the setting is you could adjust. If you have no idea what you are changing, you shouldn't change it, especially not memory settings. This setting is not exactly 'harmless' depending on your definition of the word. For that reason, let me explain first before you try this so you know the possible consequences.
About me: I am an IT specialist with a Bachelor's degree in Higher IT and several years of experience as a server administrator. I've seen this possible solution offered left and right, but never with the warnings I am about to add which I think is very reckless. Please consider them carefully before you try this.
For the tech savvy, head over to the technet article for this setting:
And go here for an explanation on pool resources:
Ok, for people who can't understand a word in those links, here's the layman explanation of what you could try. Please take your time to read this carefully.
This possible solution entails that you set something called the Paged pool to a static amount. The paged pool is a pretty complex component every Windows PC uses and it's hard to explain what it does to laymen. Suffice to say that if you modify this setting, some applications will benefit while others will suffer. It works like this.
Paged pool memory is used by device drivers, software that tells hardware (like your video card) in your computer how to interface with the operating system (Windows) and other software applications, such as games. When paged pool memory is exhausted for any reason, it can cause drivers to fail, which results in unexpected problems with applications reliant on these drivers.
In other words, in the case of this error your video card can't talk to windows or the game because there is not enough memory in the paged pool when you get the above mentioned error.
So why not crank up paged pool to the max you ask? Ok, here comes the catch about what I am about to offer as a solution and I'll try to explain it as easy as possible. The paged pool has to share space with other types of memory. The bigger you make the paged pool (which is what the above setting is doing), the less space there is for the other memory processes. By default, this setting is set to &0& which means that the OS (windows) dynamically adjusts the amount according to what's needed. By setting it to a certain value, it allocates that area, even if you're not using it. This means that other memory processes suffer because they can't get the full amount of memory they would perhaps wish for. This in turn can cause slowing down your computer or even crashing it or applications, because other memory processes can't get enough resources.
I hope this makes it clearer for everyone. This is not a setting you should just mess about with. So use what I am about to post with caution and note down the old settings so you can return to them. If you are a minor, I recommend getting the owner of the pc or another adult to check what you're doing. I repeat: do not just mess about with this setting.
If you don't understand what I just tried to explain and the possible consequences, PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS! It can mess up your computer to the point where it needs to be reinstalled if you cannot revert the setting.
I think I have given enough warning. From here on everything you do is at your own risk. Here goes.
Start Menu & Run & regedit
Surf down to this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management
Double click on &PagedPoolSize&. Hexadecimal is listed first. Change the &Value Data& to one of these below:
(Note: You only need to enter EITHER Hexadecimal or Decimal. They both are the same.)
Megabytes Hexadecimal Decimal
192Mb 0c326592
256Mb 435456
384Mb 653184
(example: put the box
and you'll see in the parenthesizes , like: 0x2653184))
I went with the 384Mb option and it worked for me.
Once you are done, reboot your computer so the setting is applied.
UID504637主题阅读权限40帖子精华1积分500金钱1530 荣誉10 人气0 在线时间218 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 500, 距离下一级还需 500 积分
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