
大法师- This had better be worth it! 这样做最好值得! 
- You require my assistance? 需要我的协助吗? 
- What is it now? 现在如何? 
- Get on with it! 继续! 
- Well? 什么? 
- I can hardly wait! 我不能再等了! 
- Perfect! 好极了! 
- Whatever! 怎样都行! 
- Fine! 很好! 
山丘之王--Alright, who wants some? 好吧,谁想来试试 
- Aye? 什么? 
- Wait till you see me in action!* 等待行动指示 
- Give me something to do! 让我做点事吧 
- Hmmmph! 恩! 
- Brilliant! 英明! 
- I&&m coming through! 我来了! 
- Move it! 行动! 
- Out of my way! 让开! 
圣骑士- I live to serve all believers! 我为服务信徒而生! 
- What would you ask of me? 您要我做什么? 
- I am not afraid! 我没有恐惧! 
- Let me face the peril! 让我来面对危险! 
- At your call! 为您效劳! 
- As you wish! 随你所愿! 
- For honor! 为了荣誉! 
- For my people! 为了我的人民! 
- It shall be done! 理应如此! 
- &Burning to avenge& ---复仇在燃烧 
- &By the blood of the high-born!& ---为了高等精灵之血! 
- &Do you see something?& --你看到什么了吗? 
- (Elvish) ---(精灵语) 
- &Evil is near.& ---邪恶就在附近 
- &I am here, mortal.& ---我在这,人类。 
- &This battle bores me.& ---战争让我厌倦 
- &For my people.&---为了我的人民 
- &For now.&---就是现在。 
- &Bah, childs play.&---呸,小孩子的玩意儿。 
- &I&ll incinerate them.& ---我来把他们烧成灰烬。 
- &For Quel&Thalas!& ---为了Quel&Thalas!(高等精灵国家) 
- &They shall burn& ---他们该被烧尽。 

剑圣- I obey the six vengance! - I am yours! 我属于你! 
- Ohh! 噢! 
- Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人! 
- What task is there?有什么任务? 
- I hearo and obey!* 我听从命令 
Hai! 日语,嗨咿! 
- Excellent choice! 完美的选择! 
- Yes, huh! 是,哈! 
- Taste a* my blade! 尝尝我的利刃 
- Ailease! *喊声* 
- Hooah! *吼声* 
- The future is ours! 未来属于我们! 
- My eyes are open. 我洞悉一切 
- Seeing is believing! 眼见为实 
- Do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告吗? 
- Destiny awaits. 命运在等待 
- It is certain. 确信无疑 
- Of course. 当然 
- I see. 明白 
- Watch out! 
- Strike! 进攻! 
- Look out! 注意! 
- Attack! 进攻! 

牛头人酋长- I have an axe to grind! 我有把斧子要磨 
- I stand ready! 我准备好了 
- Your command? 你的命令? 
- Your order? 你的指示? 
- What would you ask of me? 你要我做什么? 
- Done! 完成! 
- For my ancestors!为了我的祖先们! 
- An excellent plan! 好计划! 
- Yes Chieftan? 是,酋长?(他自己也是酋长哦) 
Shadow Hunter 
&Want to see somethin& real scary?& ---想来点真正让人惊慌的玩意儿? 
&It be the mad time man.& ---这真是一个疯狂的时代。 
&Who do I kill first?& ---先来干掉哪个? 
&Where our enemies be hidin&?& ---我们的敌人藏身在哪里? 
&Use my power.& ---以我的力量。 
&Direct my blade.& ---指引我的利刃。 
&Who be my next victim?& ---接下来谁受死? 
&Move faster.& ---行动更快些。 
&It be a pleasure.& ---很乐意。 
- &Right.& ---的确。 
- &We be jammin&.& ---我们陷入了困境。 
- *laughs* 
- &Ya man.&---年轻人。 
- &My blade be thirsty.& ---我的刀刃渴望杀戮。 
- &I pity the fool.& ---我真为那些愚蠢的家伙感到可怜。 
- &Killin& be easy.& ---将他杀死,简单。 
- &Die!& ---死吧。.

死亡骑士- The pact is sealed! 契约已订! 
- You called? 你召唤我吗? 
- My patience has ended! 我的耐心已尽! 
- I am the Darkness! 我就是黑暗! 
- My vengence is yours! 你就是我的复仇! 
- Let battle be joined! 加入战斗! 
- As you order! 听从命令! 
- Hiyah! 嗨呀! 
- At last! 终于! 
- For the Lich King!为了巫妖王! 
- Has hell frozen over yet? 地狱还没有冻住吗? 
- I am the one horseman of the Apocalypse. 我是天命骑士之一。 
- I hate people, but I love gatherings! 我恨人们,但我喜欢收藏品 
- Don&&t touch me... I&&m evil! 别碰我……我是邪恶的! 
- Let terror reign! 让恐惧统治一切吧! 
- Feel my rath! 感受我的愤怒! 
- Ride or die! 逃跑还是受死! 
恐惧之王- The night beckons! 夜在召唤! 
- Greetings! 向您问候! 
- What, mortal? 什么事,凡人 
- What is it now? 现在呢? 
- I must hunt soon! 我立即行动! 
- That was my plan! 正是我的计划! 
- Agreed! 同意! 
- Very well. 很好! 
- You thought of that? 你也那么想?
巫妖- The ancient evil survives! 远古邪恶生还了! 
- I am sworn to Nazul! 我效忠于Ner &&zhul ! 
- Thy bidding? 你的命令? 
- Direct me! 指示我吧! 
- Yours to command! 由你指挥! 
- So be it! 正是如此! 
- By your words! 听你的! 
- It it destined! 这是宿命! 
- Dead man walking! 死者在行走啊! 
- Chilling! 颤抖吧! 
- For the burning Legion! 为了燃烧军团! 
- Embrace the end! 接受这个结局吧! 
- I will crush you! 我要灭了你! 
- Embrace the cold!接受寒冷吧! 
- &From the depths I come.& ---我从深渊而来!(我从深奥中来!) 
- &For the frozen throne.& ---为了寒冰王座! 
- &Speak.& ---讲。 
- &I have heard the summons.&---我已听到了召唤。 
- &Time is fleeting.& ---时间飞逝。(它是古老的蜘蛛帝国的皇帝) 
- &My might cannot be matched.& ---我的威力无可匹敌! - &I serve only the frozen throne.& ---我只为寒冰王座服务!(我只出现在资料片中。) 
- &Ill see to it.& ---我会注意的。 
- &By Nerub.& ---为了Nerub(蜘蛛帝国)。 
- &Indubitably.& ---毫无疑问。 
- &Cheeky.& ---厚颜无耻。 
- &Ill consume the living and the dead.& ---疾病毁灭生存者和死亡者。 
- &Oblivion awaits.& ---赦免在等待。 
- &Feel the venom of Nerub.& ---感受Nerub的怨恨! 
- &Raid!& ---袭击! 

恶魔猎手- At last, we shall have revenge! 终于,我们可以报仇了! 
- The time has come. 是时候了 
- We must act! 我们必须行动了! 
- My blade thirsts 我的刀刃渴望着…… 
- Quickly! 快! 
- Command Me! 命令我吧! 
- For Calendor!Kalimdor 
- None shall survive! 挡我者死! 
- Your blood is mine! 喝你的血! 
- Run for your life! 快逃命吧! 
- Revenge! 复仇! 
丛林守护者- I must safegaurd the land! 保护大地是我的职责。 
- Is there danger? 有险情吗? 
- Command me. 命令我吧 
- Who threatens the wilds? 谁在威胁着大自然? 
- The time is now. 就是现在 
- Nature is restless. 大自然永不宁静 
- By the spirits! 以精灵们的力量! 
- For Calendor! 为了Kalimdor! 
- Well, there it is. 好,在那边 
- So shall is be. 理应如此 
- Naturally. 自然而然 
-Smite the defilers of the land! 给污染者以致命一击! 
- Feel nature&&s wrath! 感受自然的愤怒! 
- Death to all defilers! 污染者,受死! 
- None shall harm the wilds! 没有人可以伤害大自然! 

月亮女祭祀- Warriors of the night, assemble! 夜之战士们,集结起来! 
- We are poised to strike! 我们随时准备战斗! 
- We must act! 我们得行动了! 
- I am vigilant! 我时刻警惕着! 
- Trust in my command. 相信我的指挥吧! 
- Leading the way! 领路! 
- Onward! 前进! 
- As I thought. 正合我意 
- The Godess agrees. 正如女神所愿 
- By the Godess! 以女神的力量! 
- Strike! 进攻! 
- For the Godess! 为了女神! 
- Prepare to be Moonstruck!准备接受月神之击!(Moonstruck的字典解释:源于月光能引起精神错乱的信仰,是不是有点讽刺?) 
- &My prey is near.& ---我的猎物就在附近。 
- &Justice has come.& ---审判降临。 
- &Have you reached a verdict?&---你有判决了吗? 
- &Let me investigate.& ---让我来仔细调查 
- (Elvish) 
- (Elvish) 
- &I am the iron hand of justice.&---我是司法(正义)的铁碗。 
- &Let the hunt begin.&---狩猎开始吧。 
- &Understood.& ---明白。 
- &I can taste their fear.&---我能感觉到他们的恐惧。 
- &Justice shall be swift.& ---执法必须迅速。 
- &They shall not escape!& ---他们决对逃脱不了! 
- &Let justice be served!& ---为司法服务! 
- &I am the law.& ---我就是法律
其他回答 (1)
全部都要 谢谢(重赏)
农民 - =建造音效= - Ready to work! 准备工作 =选定音效= - Yes, me Lord? 是,陛下? - What is it? 要做什么? - More work? 还有工作? - What? 什么? =行动/执行动作音效= - [建筑] Construction Zone! Do not enter!*** 建造区无法进入! - [建筑] Hard hat required!*** 戴好安全帽! - [建筑] Move along, nothing to see here.*** 向前走,这里没什么好看的 - [建筑] I need a hard hat!*** 我需要一顶安全帽 - [建筑] Job''s done! 工作完成 - Righto!* 好哦 - Yes, me Lord! 是,我的陛下 - Alright. 好吧 - Off I go then. 那我去了 =骂玩家音效= - You''re the King? Well I didn''t vote for you. 你是国王?我可没有投票给你 - We found a witch, may we burn her? 我们找到一个女巫,我们该烧死她吗? - Help! Help! I''m being repressed! 救命!救命!我被镇压了! - A horse kicked me once. It hurt! 我被马踢过,真疼! - Doh! 咚! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Yaaahhh! 呀!! - I guess I can. 我猜我可以 - If you want. 如果您想要 - No one else available? 别人不可以吗? - That''s it, I''m dead! 好吧,我死定了! 步兵 - =建造音效= - Ready for action! 准备行动! =选定音效= - Orders? 命令? - What do you need? 需要什么? - Yes, my Liege! 遵命,陛下! - Say the word! 下令吧! =行动/执行动作音效= - Aye, me Lord! 是,陛下! - On my way! 行进中! - Right. 对 - Of course.当然 =骂玩家音效= - Don''t ask, don''t tell. 不要问,不要说 - Grab your sword and fight the Horde! 握紧你的剑与兽人战斗吧! - Uncle Lothar wants YOU! 洛萨大叔需要你!(洛萨是人类国王) - It''s only a flesh wound! 这只是新伤口! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For Lordearon! 为了洛丹伦!(洛丹伦:人类联盟之家园) - Let me at em!* 我来进攻他们! - Attttaccckkk! 进~攻~~~ - To arms! 拿起武器! 火枪手- =建造音效= - Locked and loaded! 锁定目标,填弹完毕! =选定音效= - Aye, sir? 是,长官? - Ya have a target? 您有目标吗? - I''m your shooter! 我是您的射手! - What do you need? 您需要什么? =行动/执行动作音效= - OoooK. 好的~~ - I''ll take care of it! 我来搞定! - Time to go! 该走了! - Aight!* 好啊 =骂玩家音效= - This. Is. My. Boomstick! 这,是,我的,火枪! - Where''s me drink?* 我的酒哪儿去了? - I can''t shoot straight unless I''ve had a pint! 我不喝个一品脱就打不准! - Oh! There''s me drink. Get. In. My. Belly! 噢!这是我的酒,进 我 的 肚 子 吧! -
呵呵,这个问题我在百度上问过,我给你最全面的! -=兽人=-
- Ready to work! 准备工作 =选定音效=
- Hmmm? 恩? - Yes? 是的? - Something need doing? 要做点什么吗? - What you want? 你想要什么? =行动/执行动作音效=
- Okie dokie. 好的好的 - Be happy to. 很乐意 - Work, work. 干活呀干活 - I can do that. 我做的了 =骂玩家音效=
- Whhaaaaaattt? 什 么??? - Me busy, leave me alone. 我很忙,别烦我 - No time for play. 没时间玩耍 - Me not that kind of Orc. 我不是那种兽人 =攻击音效=
- [.vs 英雄] Why not? 为什么不? - I''ll try 我试一下 - Get em! 扁他们! - Ok 好! =击中音效=
- Owww! 喔 咕噜兽-
- My life for the Horde! 为部落而生! =选定音效=
- Yes? 是的? - Huh? 哈? - Master? 主人? - What you want? 你想要我干什么? =行动/执行动作音效=
- Loktar! 兽人语 - Zugzug! 兽人语 - Dabu! 兽人语 - Swobu! 兽人语 =骂玩家音效=
- Why you poking me again? 为什么又戳我? - Why don''t you lead an army instead of touching me? 你怎么不去指挥部队而一直碰我? - Poke, poke, poke, is that all you do? 戳戳戳,你就会干这个吗? - Eww, that was kind of nice. 呃,这还差不多 - Me so horned, me hurt you long time! 我有角,我会伤到你的哦 - Me no sound like Yoda, do I? 我听起来不象尤达(星战系列),(以尤达的口气)是吗? - It not easy being green... (用唱的) 绿皮肤可不简单哟~ =攻击音效=
- [.vs 英雄] For the Horde! 为了部落! - Hiyah! 嗨呀! - Time for killing! 杀戮的时刻到了! - Time to die! 去死吧! 猎头者-
- Venegence for Zulti 为Zul'jin报仇!(zul'jin是魔兽2中的巨魔族老大) =选定音效=
- Who you want me kill? 想让我杀谁? - What? 什么? - Wasch you want me do?* 想让我干吗?(Wasch you=what you,读读看是不是这样?)
- Wasch you want me go?* 想让我去哪?(该是where''j you,参见battle.net creeps中的Forest troll页) =行动/执行动作音效=
- Ahhh! 啊! - Anything you want 怎样都行 - Joo got it man!* 了解了兄弟 - Yeah, hehe hehe hehe he! 耶~呵呵,呵呵,呵呵,呵! =骂玩家音效=
- Wasch you bother me for?* 为什么烦我 - Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders! 交给我吧,我给你减轻负担 - Schoo wanna buy a cigar?* (Schoo = you) 你想来只烟吗? - Luuucyy!
- Say hello to my lil friend.跟我的小朋友说声好
- [.vs 英雄] Asdingo! 兽人语 - Asdingo! 兽人语 - Don''t mess with the bad guy! 别惹我,我是个坏人! - It''s time for a lil blood! 血债血偿!
答案补充 太长了,我的答案网址:剑圣- (英雄,城镇中心)
- I obey the six vengance! 我服从我的第六感!=选定音效=
- I am yours! 我属于你! - Ohh! 噢! - Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人! - What task is there?有什么任务?
- I heard and obey!* 我听从命令!(剑圣说的是日式英语……把r音发成鲁等) - Hai! 日语,嗨咿! - Excellent choice! 完美的选择! - Yes, huh! 是,哈! =Attack Sounds=
- [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 为了燃烧之刃 - Taste a* my blade! 尝尝我的利刃 - Ailease! *喊声* - Hooah! *吼声*
英雄和部分兵种说话做的视频 很不错
魔兽争霸3-冰封王座所有英雄和单位说的话 10
大法师- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - This had better be worth it! 这样做最好值得! =选定音效= - You require my assistance? 需要我的协助吗? - What is it now? 现在如何? - Get on with it! 继续! - Well? 什么? =行动/执行动作音效= - I can hardly wait! 我不能再等了! - Perfect! 好极了! - Whatever! 怎样都行! - Fine! 很好! =骂玩家音效= - Don''t you have a strategy? 你就不能有点战略吗? - Your prattle begins to annoy me. 我开始对你的天真感到厌烦了 - You''d best stay clear of me, or I''ll turn you into a mindless sheep! 你最好别碰我,不然我会把你变成一只没大脑的绵羊! - I don''t waste my magic on just anything! 我不会随便浪费我的魔法的 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For glory! 为了荣誉! - To battle! 战斗啊! - For glory! 为了荣誉! - Nimflorie frostades seda!** (吟唱咒语) 山丘之王- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - Alright, who wants some? 好吧,谁想来试试 =选定音效= - Aye? 什么? - Wait ''til you see me in action!* 等待行动指示 - Give me something to do! 让我做点事吧 - Hmmmph! 恩! =行动/执行动作音效= - Brilliant! 英明! - I''m coming through! 我来了! - Move it! 行动! - Out of my way! 让开! =骂玩家音效= - Could you put some bonus points in my drinking skills? 你能给我的喝酒技能升几级吗? - Any fish and chips shops about here?* 这附近有炸鱼土豆片卖吗? - I think it''s time for a nippy sweetie!** 我认为该吃点心了。 - What the bloody hell are you playin'' at?* 该死的,你在玩些什么啊? - There''s nothing more motivatin'' than fightin'' with a bad hangover!* 喝的烂醉然后打仗最爽了! - Where''s the pub? 酒馆在哪? - Let''s get PIST! 去喝个痛快吧! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For Kazmodon!** 为了Kazmodon! - To arms! 拿起武器! - Death comes for ye!* 死神来找你了! - I''ll run em through!* 我来搞定他们! - Watch this! 看这招! 圣骑士- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - I live to serve all believers! 我为服务信徒而生! =选定音效= - What would you ask of me? 您要我做什么? - I am not afraid! 我没有恐惧! - Let me face the peril! 让我来面对危险! - At your call! 为您效劳! =行动/执行动作音效= - [驱魔] Strike down upon thee with great vengance and fury! 以复仇的愤怒力量击倒汝! - As you wish! 随你所愿! - For honor! 为了荣誉! - For my people! 为了我的人民! - It shall be done! 理应如此! =骂玩家音效= - It''s hammer time! 该抡起锤子了! - I want to be your sledge hammer! 我愿成为您的巨锤! - Touch me not, I am chaste! 别碰我,我是纯洁的 - No, is that your final answer? 不,那就是你最后的回答? - I have bad brethren 我已经有很多兄弟了。 - Is that a sword? Luxury! Is that a horse? Sloth! Is that a helmet? Vanity! 那是剑吗?奢侈!那是马吗?懒惰!那是头盔吗?虚荣! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] In Lightbringer''s name, have at thee! 以光明使者的名义,进攻汝! - Justice will be served! 公正终将得以伸张 - Defending your name! 捍卫您的名誉! - Death to the infidels!异端者死! 死亡骑士- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The pact is sealed! 契约已订! =选定音效= - You called? 你召唤我吗? - My patience has ended! 我的耐心已尽! - I am the Darkness! 我就是黑暗! - My vengence is yours! 你就是我的复仇! =行动/执行动作音效= - Let battle be joined! 加入战斗! - As you order! 听从命令! - Hiyah! 嗨呀! - At last! 终于! - For the Lich King!为了巫妖王! =骂玩家音效= - Has hell frozen over yet? 地狱还没有冻住吗? - I am the one horseman of the Apocalypse. 我是天命骑士之一。 - I hate people, but I love gatherings! 我恨人们,但我喜欢收藏品 - I\'\'m a Death Night Rider! Muh ha ha ha 我是一个死亡骑士(死掉的夜骑士)!啊哈哈哈 - Blueca!** - Don\'\'t touch me... I\'\'m evil! 别碰我……我是邪恶的! =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Let terror reign! 让恐惧统治一切吧! - Feel my rath! 感受我的愤怒! - Ride or die! 逃跑还是受死! - By Nazul! 以Ner \'\'zhul的名义 恐惧之王- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The night beckons! 夜在召唤! =选定音效= - Greetings! 向您问候! - What, mortal? 什么事,主人 - What is it now? 现在呢? - I must hunt soon! 我立即行动! =行动/执行动作音效= - That was my plan! 正是我的计划! - Agreed! 同意! - Very well. 很好! - You thought of that? 你也那么想? =骂玩家音效= - If I have wings, why am I always walking? 既然我有翅膀,为什么我总是步行? - (电话铃声) Yes? Arrgghh! For the last time, I\'\'m a Dread Lord, not a Drug Lord! 喂?啊!!我说最后一次,我是一个恐怖魔王,不是毒品王! - This is not a dress, it\'\'s the standard Dread Lord uniform!这不是一般的服装,这是恐怖魔王标准套装! - Dress to kill! Blah! 是穿来杀人的!废话! - (电话铃声) Yes? Darkness, hey, what\'\'s up? The Demon Hunter left you a message? No, I don\'\'t have his number. 喂?黑暗之王吗?嗨,情况如何?恶魔猎手给你留了条短信?哦,不,我没有他的号码。 - And then, after I overthrow this fool... Oh! Hello! I didn\'\'t know you were there. 然后,我揭穿这个笨蛋……啊,喂,我不知道你在那 - Imbisile! 不可思议 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] Your soul is mine! 你的灵魂属于我! - I hunger! 我饥渴! - Deathrageous! 死之怒! - Die! 死吧! 巫妖- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The ancient evil survives! 远古邪恶生还了! =选定音效= - I am sworn to Nazul! 我效忠于Ner \'\'zhul ! - Thy bidding? 你的命令? - Direct me! 指示我吧! - Yours to command! 由你指挥! =行动/执行动作音效= - [清醒] Cllleeaarrr! 了 解!!! - [冰霜铠甲] Nazul protect them!Ner \'\'zhul保护他们! - [冰河] Freeze! 结冻吧 - [召唤冰龙] Rise from your grave! 从坟墓中复活吧! - So be it! 正是如此! - By your words! 听你的! - It it destined! 这是宿命! - Dead man walking! 死者在行走啊! - Chilling! 颤抖吧! =骂玩家音效= - Could you chew that up for me? 能帮我咀嚼一下吗? - I\'\'m so poor, I don\'\'t even have calcium deposits! 我真可怜,我甚至连个钙质的驱壳都没有。 - I am the Ghost of Warcraft past.我是魔兽之幽灵。 - I hear that banshee\'\'s a real screamer! 我听见女妖还真是能喊哪! - You should see the skeletons in my closet! 你该看看我橱子里的骷髅! - Im hoe chap!** - All the ladies dig rigor mortis. 女人们在掘坟。 - You are the Weakest Link, goodbye! 你是最烂的链接,再见 =攻击音效= - [.vs 英雄] For the burning Legion! 为了燃烧军团! - Embrace the end! 接受这个结局吧! - I will crush you! 我要灭了你! - Embrace the cold!接受寒冷吧! 剑圣- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - I obey the six vengance! =选定音效= - I am yours! 我属于你! - Ohh! 噢! - Yesa, Lord!* 是,主人! - What task is there?有什么任务? =行动/执行动作音效= - I hearo and obey!* 我听从命令!(剑圣说的是日式英语……把r音发成鲁等) - Hai! 日语,嗨咿! - Excellent choice! 完美的选择! - Yes, huh! 是,哈! =骂玩家音效= - Snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper! - My a blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato!* 我的刀可以切穿盔甲,切到里面的番茄(心脏) - Twin blade action, for clean, close shave everytime! 看我的双刀流……每次都可以把脸刮的很干净~(剔须刀呀?) - Wasabi! 日语,芥末 (……剑圣整个一日本武士) =Attack Sounds= - [.vs 英雄] For the burning Blade! 为了燃烧之刃 - Taste a* my blade! 尝尝我的利刃 - Ailease! *喊声* - Hooah! *吼声* 先知- (英雄,城镇中心) =建造音效= - The future is ours! 未来属于我们! =选定音效= - My eyes are open. 我洞悉一切 - Seeing is believing! 眼见为实 - Do you need my counsel? 需要我的忠告吗? - Destiny awaits. 命运在等待
其他回答 (2)
- The night beckons! 夜在召唤!
night beckons! 夜在召唤!


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