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08-10-20 & 发布
Abstract art. A style of art that achieves its effect by simplifying or altering the visual elements (e.g., line, shape, colour), rather than by representing recognizable things or people. Abstraction. The process of making art work abstract. Asymmetry. A type of balance in which the parts are unequal in size, shape, etc., but still produce a balanced visual effect. Background. The part of a composition that appears to be farthest from the viewer. Balance. A principle of design. A feeling of balance results when the elements of design are arranged to create the impression of equality in weight or importance. Collage. A form of art in which a variety of materials (e.g., photographs, fabric, objects) are glued to a flat background. Colour. An element of design. Colour is the particular hue that is seen when light is reflected off an object. Colour wheel. A tool for organizing colours and representing relationships among colours. Complementary colours. Colours that are directly opposite each other on the colour wheel (e.g., red and green, blue and orange, yellow and purple). Composition. The organization of the elements of design in an art work, following certain principles of design. Contemporary art. Art created in the present day. Cool colours. Colours that suggest coolness (e.g., blue, green, purple). Dimension. A term used to describe an object's extent in space. A two-dimensional object is one that has length and width. A three-dimensional object is one that has length, width, and depth. Elements of design. Fundamental components of art works. They include colour, line, texture, shape, form, and space. Emphasis. A principle of design. Emphasis may be defined as the special attention or importance given to one part or element in an art work. Emphasis can be achieved through placement, contrast, size, etc. Focal point. The element or object in a work of art on which the viewer's attention is focused. Foreground. The area of a picture that appears closest to the viewer. It is often at the bottom of the picture plane. Form. An element of design. Form is sculptural or three-dimensional shape (e.g., cube, pyramid, sphere). Geometric shape. A shape that is based on geometric figures (e.g., square, circle, triangle). Horizon line. The &line& at which the sky and the earth appear to meet. Hue. The common name of a colour (e.g., red). Impressionistic art. Art in the Impressionist style, a characteristic of which is the depiction of the effect of light on objects. Line. An element of design. A line may be defined as the visual path left by a moving point. Logo. A symbolic form that identifies organizations, products, etc. Medium. Any material used by an artist to produce a work of art. Middle ground. Area in the picture between the foreground and the background. Mixed media. Any art work in which more than one medium is used. Monochromatic colour scheme. A colour scheme in which only one hue is used, along with its tints (i.e., hue plus white) and shades (i.e., hue plus black). Movement. A principle of design. Movement is the way in which the elements of design are organized so that the viewer's eye is led through the work of art in a systematic way. Negative space. The void or open areas around an object or form. Perspective. A technique for creating the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface. There are three types of perspective: - linear perspective, which involves the use of parallel lines that appear to converge as their distance from
- diminishing perspective, in which objects appear to diminish in size as their distance from
- atmospheric perspective, which is produced by the gradual lessening of the intensity of colour and the reducing of detail as the distance between an object and the viewer increases. Organic shapes or forms. Shapes or forms that are non-geometric or free- flowing, and that are based on natural objects. Positive space. Shapes or forms on a two-dimensional surface. Principles of design. Principles or guidelines used by artists to organize the visual elements of an art work. They include balance, emphasis, rhythm, unity, movement, variety, harmony, and proportion. Primary colours. Colours that cannot be created by mixing other colours, but that can be mixed to produce all the other colours (red, yellow, and blue). Proportion. A principle of design. Proportion may be described as the relationship between objects with respect to size, number, etc. Representational art. Art whose subject matter contains recognizable images from real life. Rhythm. A principle of design. Rhythm involves the repetition of elements to create the illusion of movement. Sculpture. A work of art in three dimensions (i.e., with height, width, and depth) that is meant to be seen from all sides. Secondary colours. Colours that are created by mixing the primary colours (orange, green, and purple). Shade. A colour with a certain amount of black added. Space. An element of design. Space is the area around, within, or between images or elements. Space can be created on a two-dimensional surface by using such techniques as overlapping of objects, varying of object size or placement, varying of colour intensity and value, and use of detail and diagonal lines. Style. The artist's way of representing something. The choice and use of materials, methods of work, subject matter, etc., reflect the style of an individual, a culture, or a historical period. Symmetry. A type of balance in which parts or elements are equal in size or shape, or in some other attribute. Technique. A method or procedure used in producing a work of art. Texture. An element of design. Texture is the feel or appearance of an object or material. Tint. A colour with a certain amount of white added. Unity. A principle of design. Unity is the coherence of a work that gives the viewer the feeling that all the parts of the piece are working together. Value. The lightness or darkness of a colour. Vanishing point. In perspective drawing, the point on the horizon line where the converging parallel lines appear to meet. Variety. A principle of design. Achieving variety involves the use of differences or contrasts. Warm colours. Colours that suggest warmth (e.g., red, yellow, orange).
 work of art艺术作品   masterpiece杰作   plastic arts造型艺术   graphic arts形象艺术   Fine Arts美术   art gallery画廊,美术馆   salon沙龙   exhibition展览   collection收藏   author作者   style风格   inspiration灵感,启发   muse灵感   purism修辞癖   conceptism格言派,警名派   Byzantine拜占庭式   Romanesaue罗马式   Gothic哥特式   Baroque巴洛克式   Rococo洛可可式   classicism古典主义,古典风格   neoclassicism新古典主义   romanticism浪漫主义   realism现实主义   symbolism象征主义   impressionism印象主义   Art Nouveau新艺术主义   expressionism表现主义   Fauvism野兽派   abstract art抽象派,抽象主义   Cubism立体派,立体主义   Dadaism达达主义   surrealism超现实主义   naturalism自然主义   existentialism存在主义   futurism未来主义
下面是筹集的艺术类专业相关词汇,对cela面试和申请法国艺术类院校都会有所帮助! 视觉传达 communication visuelle雕塑 scupleture建筑 architecture室内设计 architecture intérieure图案美术设计 dessin graphique服装设计 stylisme de mode广告 publicité包装 packaging招贴 affiche装饰艺术 arts décoratifsarts plastiques 造型艺术 esthétique 美学arts appliqués 实用艺术l`art contemporain 现代艺术contitutions triidimentionelles 立体构成 pratiques bidimentionelles 平面应用arts médiatiques 媒体艺术dessin d`espace 空间设计cinéma audiovisuel 电影影视Architecture intérieure Art céramique 陶瓷艺术Art textile et impression 纺织印染艺术Expression visuelle 视觉表达 espaces de communication 空间传达 Industries céramiques 陶瓷工艺Industries graphiques 工业设计 productique graphique 产品设计design global 整体设计?illustration 插图géométrie descriptive,volume几何画法 立体(是法国的课程吗&?怎么想国内的课程名字???)conception redaction puvlicite广告概念写作typographie ,mise en page排版学 印刷术artistique publicité艺术广告identité visuelle et animation视觉统一? 动画histoire de l’art 艺术史interprétation d’espaces par le dessin 通过设计的空间解释(好生硬的翻译)création graphique:fonction signe-image图形创作 图标运用couleur色彩dessin d’expression设计表达infographie数码设计(算是意译吧 呵呵~)image d’entreprise,signalétique公司标志设计 标志设计affiche-conception graphique de sites internet网页招贴设计?conception graphique et typographique字体构思 和印刷学 艺术Ⅰl’art égyptien 埃及艺术la pyramide, une sépulture royale 金字塔,帝王的陵墓la chambre du roi 国王的墓室la chambre de la reine 王后的墓室les conduits d’aération 通风雨道la chambre funéraire 棺室,灵柩室le temple funéraire 奠堂le temple de la vallée 谷形神庙le pyl?ne 塔门les obélisques方尖碑le sphinx égyptien 埃及狮身人面像le disque solaire ailé带翼日轮la colonne à chapiteau floral fermé (à chapiteau lotiforme) 莲花饰柱le chapiteau lotiforme球形瓣饰柱头(花蕾形柱头)la colonne à chapiteau floral évasé(à chapiteau campaniforme) 纸(莎)草花饰圆柱le chapiteau campaniforme 钟形柱头la colonne à chapiteau palmiforme 棕榈形圆柱la colonne historiée 上有雕像的圆柱l’art babylonien 巴比伦艺术la frise babylonienne 巴比伦檐壁le bas-relief en tuiles vernissées 釉面浮雕瓷砖l’art de Perses波斯艺术la tour funéraire 塔式陵墓la pyramide à degrés 阶梯形金字塔la colonne taurine双牛饰柱头la retombée de feuillage突出之叶瓣le chapiteau à palmettes 棕榈形柱头la volute 涡形饰,螺状饰le f?t 柱身le chapiteau à protomes de taureau 双牛饰柱头l’art assyrien 亚述艺术le palais de Sargon,un palais royal 萨尔贡王宫,宫殿建筑群le mur d’enceinte urbain 城墙l’enceinte du palais 宫殿围墙la ziggurat ,une tour à gradins 神庙塔斯社,一种阶梯形塔楼l’escalier monumental (王宫)外石阶le portail principal 正门,大门le décor du portail 正门浮雕la figure du portail 正门雕像l’art d’Asie Mineure 小亚细亚艺术 le tombeau rupestre石墓 艺术Ⅱl’art grec希腊(建筑)艺术l’Acropole 雅典卫城le Parthénon, un temple dorique帕提农神庙,一座多利斯式神庙le péristyle 周(列)柱廊le fronton山花,三角墙le stylobate柱基(墙基,台基)la statue 雕像le mur d’enceinte神庙围墙les Propylées(le portique)卫城入口,山门la colonne dorique 多利斯式柱la colonne ionique爱奥尼亚式柱la colonne corinthienne 科林斯式柱l’entablement 飞檐,檐口le rampant 波纹线脚,反曲线饰le larmier 檐冠le soffite(外)檐头les denticules 齿形饰le triglyphe 三联浅槽饰(三槽板纹饰)la métope(多利斯式柱雕带上的)三槽板间平面la mutule 三槽板纹饰下的短楞条l’architrave柱顶过梁le listel波纹线脚,反曲线饰le chapiteau 柱头,柱顶le tailloir 顶板l’échine 钟形圆饰le gorgerin柱顶凹槽,柱颈le coussinet de volute 涡形饰垫层la couronne dce feuilles 叶饰(叶形柱头装饰)le f?t de la colonne 柱身les cannelures 柱槽,(圆柱上的)条形凹槽l’embase 柱基,柱座le tore (上部的)圆盘线脚la scotie凹弧形线脚la base circulaire (下部的)圆盘线脚la plinthe基脚,板形基座le stylobate 台基,台座la stèle石碑l’acrotère 碑(檐)顶饰le terme 刻有赫尔墨斯头像的石柱masc.: l’atlante 女像(石)柱;男像(石)柱:阿特拉斯(石)柱le vase grec 希腊瓶饰les ornements grecs 希腊式装饰le ruban de perles, une bande ornementale 串珠线脚,一种装饰带le ruban de flots (ruban de postes) 涡形条饰le registre de feuillages 叶饰la palmette 棕榈叶饰le ruban d’oves 卵箭正反(曲)线脚le ruban de grecques 回纹饰le thé?tre grec 希腊(露天)剧场l’orchestre 舞台前乐队席,乐池le proscenium 舞台前部,台口l’autel 舞台前祭坛l’art étrusque 伊特拉斯坎艺术le templeétrusque伊特拉斯坎神庙le portique门廊la cella 内殿la charpente 檐部l’art romain 罗马艺术l’aqueduc 输水槽,渡槽la conduite d’eau 水道le b?timent à plan centré 集中式建筑la corniche 平嵌线la coupole 圆顶,穹隆顶l’arc de triomphe 凯旋门l’attique顶楼,屋顶室l’art paléochrétien 早期基督教艺术la basilique巴西利卡(长方形会堂[教堂],用作法庭、集会场所等)la nef (教堂)中堂,中殿le bas-c?té(教堂的)侧堂,侧殿l;abside (la niche d’autel )(教堂东首的)半圆形凹室le campanile 钟楼l’atrium 前庭(天井)la galerie à colonnes 柱廊le lavabo 泉水le niveau des fenêtres hautes 高侧窗l’arc triomphal 凯旋式拱门l’art byzantin 拜占庭艺术la couverture en coupoles 穹顶系统la coupole centrale 主穹顶la demi-coupole 半穹顶le pendentif 穹隅l’oculus zénithal (穹顶上的)采光孔 艺术Ⅲl’art roman 罗马式建筑艺术l’église fomane, une cathédrale 罗马式教堂,一座天主教堂le transept 翼廊le choeur 唱诗班la tour de la croisée 中央塔楼le toit de la tour 棱锥形塔顶l’arcature de daies 连拱饰la frise d’arcatures 圆形连拱饰檐壁l’arcature aveugle (暗)连拱廊la lésène 壁柱l’oculus 小圆窗le portail latétal 侧门 le décor roman 罗马式装饰les damiers 棋格饰les écailles 鳞片(甲)饰les chevrons 锯齿饰le vo?tement roman 罗马式拱顶系统le doubleau 横向拱le formeret 半圆(隧道)形拱le pilier 支柱le chapiteau cubique 垫块(方枕)形柱头l’art gothique哥特式(建筑)艺术l’église gothique哥特式教堂la rose 圆花窗le portail , un portail à ébrasements profonds 教堂正门(主门),一种凹门廊l;archivolte 拱门缘饰 le tympan三角形门楣l’architecture gothique 哥特式结构le système de contrebutement 扶壁l’arc-boutant 拱(飞)扶壁le pinacle小尖塔la gargouille (怪兽形)滴水嘴la vo?te d’ogives交叉拱顶les nervures (交叉)拱肋la clé de vo?te (拱顶)凸雕饰le triforium暗楼(连拱与高侧窗之间的部分)le pilier fasciculé 束柱,柱墩la colonne engagée 半柱(附墙柱)le g?ble 山花,三角墙le fleuron 顶端饰,叶尖饰le crochet 卷叶形(花)饰la fenêtre à remplages 窗格花窗户,一种尖形窗le remplage 窗饰,花格窗le quadrilobe四叶饰la rosace 五叶饰les meneaus (窗扇间的)直棂l’art de la Renaissance 文艺复兴时期(建筑)艺术le tambour 鼓(形柱)座la lanterne 顶塔le pilastre 壁柱(附墙柱)le palais Renaissance 文艺复兴时期的宫殿la fenêtre à fronton triangulaire 饰有山花的窗la fenêtre à fronton surbaissé 弧形窗le bossage 毛面砌石le monument funéraire (le tombeau à gisant) 石棺la guirlande 垂花饰 艺术Ⅳl’art baroque 巴罗克式(建筑)艺术l’église baroque 巴罗克式教堂l’oeil –de-boeuf 小圆窗le lanternon 球形圆顶,葱头形穹顶la lucarne 老虎窗(屋顶窗)le fronton en arc surbaissé 弧形山墙les colonnes jumelées 双(圆)柱le cartouche涡卷形边框le style Louis XV(le style rocaille)洛可可式(建筑)艺术la paroi à décor rocaille 洛可可式墙壁le décor à cartouches rocaille 边框饰l’imposte 门上装饰la rocaille 由贝壳或鹅卵石制的装饰,一种洛可可式装饰la table Louis XVI 路易十六式桌子l’édifice néo-classique, un b?timent à portique(à péristyle) 新古典式建筑,一种门楼la table Empire (拿破仑)帝国式桌子le canapé Biedermeier 比德迈式沙发le fauteuil Art Nouveau (法国)新艺术派式安乐椅les arcs 各种拱门les piédroits 支柱,墩柱le sommier ,un claveau 起拱石la clé de vo?te 拱顶石la face 砌面l’intrados 方柱l’extrados 拱背l’arc en plein cintre 半圆拱l’arc surbaissé 弧形拱l’arc elliptique 抛物线拱l’arc outre passé 马蹄形拱l’arc en tiers-point 尖顶拱,矢形尖拱l’arc trilobé(tréflé)三叶拱l’arc épaulé (并)肩形拱l’arc en doucine 凸形拱,内外三心拱l’arc infléchi帐篷式拱,外四心尖拱l’arc en accolade 莲花形拱(龙骨拱)l’arc Tudor 都铎式拱la vo?te en berceau 筒形拱(隧道形拱)le vo?tain 拱冠,拱顶le rein de la vo?te 拱侧la vo?te en arc de clo?tre 回廊拱顶[穹顶]la vo?te sur croisée d’ogives 肋状拱顶la vo?te en étoile 星状拱顶la vo?te nervée 网状拱顶la vo?te d’ogives à retombée centrale 扇形拱顶la vo?te à pans bombés 槽形拱顶le pan bombé 槽壁la vo?te à pans sur plan carré 凹弧形拱顶le plan carré 拱冠平顶 艺术Ⅴl’art chinois 中国艺术la pagode (多层)宝塔,一种佛塔le toit à gradine 层叠塔顶le portique 牌楼,一种纪念性拱门le passage 拱道,通道le vase de porcelaine 瓷(花)瓶l’objet en laque sculptée 雕花漆器l’art japonais 日本艺术le temple庙宇le campanile 钟楼la charpente 支架,支承结构le bodisativa, un saint bouddhique 菩萨,佛像le toril, un portique 鸟居,日本神社前的牌坊l’art de l’Islam伊斯兰教艺术la mosquée 清真寺le minaret(清真寺的)光塔le mirhab(la chaire à prières) 诵经龛le minbar (la chaire à prêcher) 讲经台le mausolée, un monument funéraire 陵墓la vo?te à stalactites 钟乳饰拱顶le chapiteau arabe 阿拉伯式柱头l’art de l’Inde 印度(建筑)艺术Shiva dansant,une divinité hindoue 湿婆,婆罗门教中一主神La statue de Bouddha (un Bouddha) 释迦牟尼像Le stupa (le stoupa), un tumulus en forme de coupole, un minument religieux bouddhique 卒堵波(印度佛塔)Le parasol 伞形顶La balustrade de pierre 石栏La ?ikkara (la tour du temple) 庙塔L’intérieur d’un sanctuaire rupestre (un ?a?tya) 神庙大殿Le dagoba(un petit stupa) 圣塔,一种小型佛塔
这种软件太大 没法传
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出门在外也不愁炫舞现在还有钓鱼挂 为什么我下载的打不开? 有谁有的话能不能传一个给我~ 谢谢_百度知道
炫舞现在还有钓鱼挂 为什么我下载的打不开? 有谁有的话能不能传一个给我~ 谢谢
关闭 360 之类的杀毒软件。
嗯嗯 能否发给我吗 我急需 谢谢 ~
好的 谢谢你哈 麻烦了 ~
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