
Editor's note: Scott Steinberg is the head of technology and video game consulting firm TechSavvy Global, as well as the founder of GameExec magazine and Game Industry TV. The creator and host of online video series Game Theory, he frequently appears as an on-air technology analyst for ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and CNN.
& 编者按:斯科特·斯坦伯格执掌着科技与视频游戏咨询公司--,同时也是GameExec杂志和Game Industry TV的创始人。作为网上系列视频Game Theory的创造者和主持人,他时常作为技术分析家出现在ABC,CBS,NBC 和 CNN的实况转播电视节目中。 &
(CNN) -- Depending on which Internet rumor you believe, it will be called Wii 2, Project Café or Stream. The only thing we know for certain about Nintendo's new video game system is that it's coming in 2012.
& CNN-- 根据网络上的诸多传言,这款游戏机被称为Wii二代--咖啡与蒸汽项目。事实上,我们唯一可以确定的是任天堂的这款最新的电视游戏系统将会在2012年推向市场。 & Nintendo is widely expected to unveil its successor to the Wii, the top seller among the current generation of gaming consoles, next month at the E3 trade show in Los Angeles. &&&&& Wii游戏机是目前一代游戏控制器中最畅销的一款。而市场普遍期待任天堂公司将会在下个月于洛杉矶举行的E3贸易展会上揭开这款Wii的继任者的神秘面纱。 Nobody knows yet what features the system will contain or exactly when it will be released (current speculation points to next spring at the earliest). But other, bigger questions beg asking: Can the new console match the cultural impact of the original? And will it shore up Nintendo's faltering dominance in the gaming market? 现在还没有人知道这款新系统包含着什么样的特性以及它面世的具体时间(目前的普遍猜测是最早在明年春天)。然而,人们还有其他更大的疑问需要解答,那就是,新机器能否像其上一代一样对传统观念(人们对游戏机的)带来冲击?以及它能否支撑住任天堂在游戏市场中逐渐衰退的统治地位。 & At face value, a follow-up to the Wii -- the first motion-controlled gaming system, which became a breakaway hit with such nontraditional gamers as women and seniors -- would seem to be a slam dunk.
从表面看来,Wii的这个继任者很可能会华丽登场。拥有着第一动作控制游戏系统的Wii曾经获得非同凡响的成功,尤其是它将许多“非传统”的游戏玩家成功的带入游戏世界,比如妇女和老人。 But despite having sold 86 million units of the system since its launch in November 2006, Wii sales fell 25% in 2010, down from 20.5 million units the year before. Nintendo has also suffered some recent financial troubles, as its most recent profit and sales figures have both slid by double digits. & 然而,尽管从2006年11月开始发售以来,Wii游戏系统的销量达到八千六百万台,但其2010的销售量却比2009年度的两千零五十万台下降了25%。此外,由于近来利润与销量数据双双下滑了两位数,任天堂还在经受着金融困境。 Despite enjoying industry-leading popularity for four-plus years and single-handedly making motion controls a household name, the Wii is looking long in the tooth. Some believe the video game manufacturer has reacted too slowly to counteract its competition. Last year, Sony and Microsoft introduced their own enhanced motion control systems, the PlayStation Move and the Xbox Kinect, which have sold an impressive 8 million and 10 million units, respectively.
& 虽然Wii游戏机在长达四年多的时间里独占鳌头,并且使“单手动作控制”这项技术家喻户晓,但如今它却显得有些过时了。有人认为这家电视游戏的生产商对于同业竞争的反应太过迟钝。就在去年,索尼和微软也开发出了自己的加强版动作控制系统—the PlayStation Move和the Xbox Kinect。这两个系统的都在销量上斩获了惊人的业绩,分别达到八百万台和一千万台。 And while the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 offer dazzling high-definition graphics, streaming multimedia and robust online multiplayer, Nintendo's console has been coasting by on increasingly archaic-looking, standard-definition visuals and limited Internet functionality. &&&
&&& 新一代的PlayStation 3和Xbox 360 给玩家提供了炫目的高清影像、流畅的多媒体技术以及健全的网上多人游戏模式。然而另一方面,任天堂的游戏机却依然停留在过时的外形、标准清晰度的影像和有限的互联网功能的阶段。 Buy a Wii, and you get a family-friendly system notable for its everyday accessibility, software-emulated gaming classics and library of familiar Nintendo hits including "Super Mario All-Stars" and "Donkey Kong Country Returns."
& 拥有了一台Wii游戏机之后,你会获得一套适合家庭使用的系统。这套系统曾经很受推崇,它拥有很多功能,比如,每日存储、“软件模拟”经典游戏,还拥有任天堂最受欢迎的游戏库,游戏库中包括了“超级玛丽全明星” 和“大金刚回故乡”这样的经典游戏。 Purchase a competing device and you get an HD showpiece readily capable of powering sprawling, grandiose 3-D worlds and stunning 1080p visuals. But you also get a combination home entertainment center and Internet gaming hub whose online storefronts burst with downloadable movies, music and games. You also get access to smash hits, like the "Halo" series, that aren't available for the Wii. & 当你购买Wii的竞争对手的游戏机之后,你可以很轻易的领略宽广宏伟的3D世界以及顶级的1080像素的高清视觉效果。与此同时,你还可以同时享受到家庭娱乐中心与网上游戏中心的服务,其中网上中心多姿多彩,可轻松下载电影、音乐和游戏。最后,你可以进入“热门游戏精选”,可以玩“光晕”系列这样的游戏,而这些都是Wii游戏机无法提供的。 A recent price drop to $149.99, plus bundling with popular game "Mario Kart," a Wii remote and a racing wheel, will surely goose Wii sales in the short term. But whether that's enough of a bargain to excite cash-strapped shoppers seems dubious. And it won't be enough to capture a new generation of players who've grown up knowing HD graphics, streaming multimedia and mass online mayhem as the everyday norm. & 最近,Wii游戏机的售价降到了149.99美元,并且随机附赠热门游戏“马里奥赛车”,以及Wii游戏手柄和赛车方向盘。这一定会在短期内重振Wii的销售量,不过能否持续刺激“钱包瘪瘪”的顾客的购买欲,倒是很难肯定。当然,这也肯定不足以吸引新一代的游戏玩家,他们早已将高清图像、多媒体流和泛滥成灾的网络游戏视为家常便饭了。 We can only speculate for now about the Wii 2's possible features, which are said to include high-definition 1080p graphics, more computing muscle than the PlayStation 3 and a controller with a touchscreen built into it.
& 我们目前只能对Wii二代可能的特性进行推测,据说它拥有1080像素高清显示,比PlayStation 3更强大的计算能力,以及带有触摸屏的控制手柄。 &
But as with any new generation of console hardware, technical advancements such as these are expected. It's what you do with them in the way of killer apps, also known as must-have software and services, which determines long-term success. & 但是对于任何新一代的游戏机硬件,人们都会期望它可以展现新的技术进步。正是那些极度成功以至于人们将其视为必须的电脑软件使得企业可以长期立于不败之地。 To triumph with a new Wii console, Nintendo will have to do more than just embrace the shift to high-definition digital entertainment and online connectivity, or deliver new installments of its most cherished franchises. & 想要新一代Wii游戏机获得成功,仅仅局限于向高清数码娱乐转变以及更多的网上服务,亦或是分拆其珍贵的特许经营权是远远不够的,任天堂必须做的更多。 As longtime gaming fans are aware, the company will also have to reach out to talented external software developers, who can push the platform harder and further than even its creators could originally have intended.
& 由于铁杆游戏迷们都非常精于世故,公司有时也需要寻找外部优秀的软件设计师,他们可以确保游戏平台运行的更加稳定和长久,甚至可以超出其创造者的预期。 From "Gran Turismo" to "Grand Theft Auto," "Guitar Hero" to "Gears of War," history clearly shows that having a robust and thriving range of games that speak to all skill levels and interests is vital to captivating players worldwide. & 从“GT赛车”到“侠盗飞车”,从“吉他英雄”到“战争机器”,历史清晰的表明,要想成功的吸引全世界的玩家,就得拥有一系列体系完整和不断发展的游戏,这些游戏要适合玩家的不同水平、迎合玩家的不同兴趣。 Nintendo is said to be making all the right overtures this time around. The firm is apparently courting external software developers in hopes of giving more third-parties a chance to shine than on the current Wii system, where Nintendo games dominate.
& 据说,任天堂最近一直在讨论一些相关提案。很显然,该公司正在寻求外部的软件设计师。看来,相比于当前任天堂游戏主导的Wii系统,公司希望在Wii二代中给予更多的第三方以展示的机会。 Still, there's persistent gossip about a possible $350 to $400 price, which would put the device well out of the reach of many households. At that sticker price, the system wouldn't just need to offer backwards compatibility with existing Wii titles to justify the cost. It would also need to bring major hardware or software innovations to the table. & 一直有传言说Wii二代的标价可能会在350美元到400美元之间,如果属实,这将会使许多家庭难以负担。在这个“天价”之下,新系统不仅要对现有的Wii旧版软件提供逆向兼容性,还要在硬件和软件上同时有创新和提升,恐怕这样才能“对得起”这个价格。 Plausible upgrades could take the form of greater online gaming features, including the ability to handle microtransactions and, by proxy, social games and free massively multiplayer online games.
& 新系统很可能会在网上游戏领域有较大升级,比如拥有了处理微交易的能力,增添了具有代理功能的社区游戏和免费的大型多人在线游戏。 Another potential Wii 2 feature might be better support for digital distribution of downloadable games through a superior service to WiiWare, Nintendo's current online sales channel, which is presently on life support. And if rumors of a touchscreen controller prove true, a gamepad that could double as a portable handheld system would be an eye-catching bonus. & Wii二代的另一个可能的特性是用户可以享受到游戏下载的更好的数字分销服务,它通过WiiWare的一项高端服务来实现。WiiWare是任天堂公司目前的网上销售渠道,可提供终身服务。另外,如果关于游戏手柄上安装触摸屏的传言属实,那么一款兼具可携带和正常使用两种功能的游戏手柄系统,将成为另一引人注目的成果。 Either way, even with new systems reportedly not due from Microsoft and Sony until 2014, something big has to change if Nintendo wants to compete in the coming console wars.
& 无论如何,尽管据报道微软与索尼的新一代系统到2014年才会问世,但只要任天堂想要参与即将到来的游戏机市场的激烈角逐,它就必须进行大刀阔斧的变革 In the years since the Wii debuted, there has been a growing shift toward digitally downloadable and streaming games offered by online vendors like Steam and Impulse or cloud services such as OnLive and Gaikai.
& 自从Wii横空出世以来,在网络游戏商们,如Steam和Impulse,以及云服务商们,如OnLive 和 Gaikai等的共同见证下,数字可下载游戏和网络游戏经历了乾坤巨变。 With thousands of free games suddenly playable in one's Web browser and smartphone apps now accounting for nearly half of gaming downloads, it's obvious that Nintendo's once-loyal audience of casual players is quickly fragmenting across platforms and devices. & 当数以千计的游戏突然之间可以免费的在网络浏览器和智能手机程序中运行之时,当手机下载已经接近游戏下载总量的一半之时,很显然,即使曾经是任天堂最忠实的玩家,在面对更加缤纷多彩的操作系统和游戏机的诱惑时,也会选择离去。 So will there be a place for the Wii 2, and Nintendo, at the top of the gaming pile next year? We'll have to wait for an answer, but the initial signs suggest the company has a big challenge on its hands. &&&
&&&& 那么,明年的游戏市场的角逐之中,是否会有Wii二代和任天堂的一席之地呢?我们拭目以待。不过种种迹象表明,任天堂已经对即将到来的挑战成竹在胸。
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出售WII游戏机4.3J版本!日版机器可以玩硬盘游 - 550元
赞助商推广游戏机中的“大菠萝” 玩Wii成本太高_硬件_科技时代_新浪网
游戏机中的“大菠萝” 玩Wii成本太高
作者:陈晓峰 第1页
&&& 【泡泡网光存储频道4月17日讯】很多玩家都已经知道Wii是次世代主机中的“大菠萝”,也有人称之为“电视杀手”,别看Wii本身的售价不贵,但算上价值600元的手柄和一些身价过万的液晶电视,玩Wii可比爽PS3的开销多多了!
&&& 任天堂Wii游戏机配置了动作传感控制,用户在玩游戏时,传感器会随着屏幕动作而抖动或摇摆。06年底Wiihaveaproblem网站的数据显示,已经有13名游戏玩家的手腕因此而受伤。另外,还有7台电视机和2台笔记本电脑被砸坏。但是你可能不知道,除了人和电视,还有很多东西也没有逃过Wii的魔爪。
&&& &对此,任天堂提醒用户,在使用动作传感控制器时,一定要距离电视3英尺远。同时要带好手腕防护套,并保持手掌不出汗,否则容易造成不必要的财物损失。如果说电视和显示器坏的情有可原,那么下面坏的就太离谱了。
&&& 说起Wii砸坏设计,大家很容易想到的是电视或者显示器,其实它的杀伤力远远超过我们的想像。
&&& 对于这些现象,任天堂岩田聪称,“一些玩家兴奋的劲头超出了我们的预期,我们需要更好地与用户沟通,使他们更好地与这个新形式的娱乐平台相处。” 不过据任天堂的一位发言人称,该公司目前还没有制定更改这种腕带的具体措施。 总之大家在Wii的时候还是小心吧,或者还是选择一些不是特别激动的游戏来玩吧。(《近期上市的Wii游戏合集》)


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