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半条命2幸存者采鼡了全新的框体设计以黑色为主色的机身再搭配白色的边框和橘黄色的控制台颇具科幻动感機台顶端的Logo牌极其吸引力酷劲十足32英寸宽屏液晶显示器分辨率为1360*76屏幕周围共有4个音箱构成5.1声噵环绕立体音效不仅从视觉上满足了玩家还从聽觉上让玩家获得享受此外控制台的START键C卡的插槽手柄和踏板等在设计上也可以看出厂商的独具匠心游戏类型射击类游戏游戏平台框体机内嫆主题战争游戏引擎Valves Source引擎
半条命2幸存者继续沿鼡一代的Valves Source引擎在室内渲染和室外渲染都有着出銫的表现效果让半条命2幸存者当中的每一丝魅仂更加纤毫毕现从17号城的广场街道直到废弃工廠的锈蚀内二沙淇中充满录机的荒芜小镇以及外星人巢穴中洞窟交错的景象所有的场景效果嘟完全令人叹为观止所有的物品都会按照真实嘚物理方式运动当玩家发射火箭摧毁外星机器囚或炮艇时游戏画面会真实体现出发射重武器時的后座力震颤大部分物品表面都闪烁着最新蝂本像素着色技术高解析度的质材效尖清晰分奣细节饱满游戏中栩栩如生的人物造型也给人留下了深刻印象从来没有哪款游戏里的角色能囿如此丰富的面部表情和肢体动作玩家甚至能看清对方眼中的神色变化从恐惧到傲慢均可一目了然使游戏的剧情更有张力
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Buy Half-Life 2
$9.99 USD
Packages that include this game
Buy The Orange Box
Includes 5 items:
Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Portal, Team Fortress 2
$19.99 USD
Buy Half-Life Complete
Includes 10 items:
Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Half-Life: Source, Team Fortress Classic
$39.99 USD
Buy Valve Complete Pack
Includes 24 items:
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Portal 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Left 4 Dead, Portal, Team Fortress 2, Team Fortress Classic, Counter-Strike: Source, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Day of Defeat, Day of Defeat: Source, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Half-Life 2: Lost Coast, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Half-Life, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Half-Life Deathmatch: Source, Half-Life: Source, Ricochet, Deathmatch Classic
$99.99 USD
Buy Half-Life 2: Episode One
$7.99 USD
Buy Half-Life 2: Episode Two
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Recommended By Curators
"This is the one unmissable game. It’s time to get that cutting-edge PC system. Sell your grandmother, remortgage the cat, do whatever you have to do."
Read the full review .
Recent updates
30 September
The Beta for Half-Life 2 has been updated. This includes Episode 1, Episode 2, Lost Coast, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, and Half-Life: Source.
Changes include:
Fixed default refresh rate when using a Virtual Reality display at higher than the desktop refresh rate.
Half-Life 2 has been updated. This includes Episode 1, Episode 2, Lost Coast, and Half-Life: Source. This is the release of everything in the previous beta.
Changes include:
Fixed radio buttons in the Difficulty options.
About This Game
1998. HALF-LIFE sends a shock through the game industry with its combination of pounding action and continuous, immersive storytelling. Valve's debut title wins more than 50 game-of-the-year awards on its way to being named "Best PC Game Ever" by PC Gamer, and launches a franchise with more than eight million retail units sold worldwide.
NOW. By taking the suspense, challenge and visceral charge of the original, and adding startling new realism and responsiveness, Half-Life 2 opens the door to a world where the player's presence affects everything around him, from the physical environment to the behaviors even the emotions of both friends and enemies.
The player again picks up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, who finds himself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling. Freeman is thrust into the unenviable role of rescuing the world from the wrong he unleashed back at Black Mesa. And a lot of people he cares about are counting on him.
The intense, real-time gameplay of Half-Life 2 is made possible only by Source&, Valve's new proprietary engine technology. Source provides major enhancements in:
Advanced facial animation system delivers the most sophisticated in-game characters ever seen. With 40 distinct facial "muscles," human characters convey the full array of human emotion, and respond to the player with fluidity and intelligence.
From pebbles to water to 2-ton trucks respond as expected, as they obey the laws of mass, friction, gravity, and buoyancy.
Source's shader-based renderer, like the one used at Pixar to create movies such as Toy Story& and Monster's, Inc.&, creates the most beautiful and realistic environments ever seen in a video game.
Neither friends nor enemies charge blindly into the fray. They can assess threats, navigate tricky terrain, and fashion weapons from whatever is at hand.
System Requirements
Minimum: 1.7 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM, DirectX& 8.1 level Graphics Card (Requires support for SSE), Windows& 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection
Recommended: Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz, or better), 1GB RAM, DirectX& 9 level Graphics Card, Windows& 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection
Minimum: OS X version Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3, 1GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8 or higher, ATI X1600 or higher, or Intel HD 3000 or higher Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection
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13.1 hrs on record
Why are you reading this review when you could be playing this masterpiece?
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42.9 hrs on record
Im aware this is probably the most reviewed game on Steam, making my own take on this game quite redundant (is there anyone with a unique opinion of HL2, not shared by anyone else? Doubt it).However, i noticed the two best games i got on Steam that i havent reviewed yet happen to be the 2 best FPS's of all time, so here's the first review of the two:Half Life 2 is the role-model for all FPS games ever made:It &only& has a singleplayer campaign, but its so well done it doesnt need anything else.- Graphics-wise, know this: it's a 2004 game, i played it on 2010 and not once did i feel they were outdated (then again, im not one of those who care a lot about technical aspects)- Sounds... this is not a type of game where this aspect is very relevant, so i cant recall anything about it really- The Story, even though its not the most original or filled with amazing plot twists, it is still compelling and engaging, making you care about its great characters and what happens next- Gameplay, there's where this game excels. From the now-classic 'no cutscenes / always in control', to the incredible variety of scenarios in each level, each with its own tone and pace, and jam-packed with (this is my favourite aspect of the game...) UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTS - seriously, i can recall more than 10 scenes that i'll probably never forget about this game. The weapons are also great, in quantity, diversity and in the fun-factor. The enemies too are varied enough and provide a reasonable challenge (though an higher difficulty level would be great).- The length of the game is also one of the best / longest i've seen in an FPS, though it provides little replay value once finished.Conclusion: Must-play for any gamer out there, to experience a landmark in videogame history, proving again that Valve knows how to make Greatness. Note: Episode 1 and 2 equally recommended to continue the Awesomeness!
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9.4 hrs on record
Half Life ? = Full Life?
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17.2 hrs on record
Best game ever, never gets old.
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100.4 hrs on record
This game never gets old. Amazing storytelling and unique enemies. It's a must buy on your Steam account, trust me.Play it and you will belong the HL3 club: 'I want to believe' - like me.10/10
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16.5 hrs on record
What can we say anymore ? This is Half Life 2, this is legendary product of pc gaming. Awesome story and characters, better than a lot of action and future science movies, you can be sure. I think this game beginning for everything in game industry again. After ten years still playable and enjoyable. Also don't forget to play Episode One and Two. Absolutely 10/10.
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14.5 hrs on record
Until recently,
I haven't ever played a Half Life game. It was only when a Youtuber I watch started a series on Half Life 1. I then booted up HL2 for the first time(I got it gifted to me a while back but hadn't played it). Let me say, Half life hit so many great spots, and I feel confident saying that it was the most fun time I have had in a video game!!! I will soon be picking up episodes 1 and 2 and I am excited for what the series will bring. If you are on the rocks about buying Half Life 2, then I can advise you to purchase it, for less that
$10USD, you can buy a game that gives exciting, action filled entertainment. Also, if you are thinking about value for money, Half Life 2 give a long campaign (It took me 14 hours to beat blind)After playing Half Life 2, I can now fully understand the hype behind Mr Gordan Freeman!!!
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17.8 hrs on record
Great game enough said!!Want half-life 3 Now!!!
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106.3 hrs on record
This game may be 10 years old but it still holds up well today.
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29.1 hrs on record
You see I never liked rhino's, but that's ok cause this game doesn't have them.So when you start the game you are greeted with sexual sounds of raviolli and meatballs, made by famous chef, Adolf Hitler.
But sadly you don't get to enjoy these banana's because then general mc????face puts you on a train with Morgan Freeman, btw it's not really Tim Alan.
You are then told it's safer here, and the main character, Master Chief, says &What can you tell me about the reapers?&
So as you make your way through the holocaust, I mean train station you meet your old friend Barney the zebra, and he tells you to ???? off and get a real job.
And that's when my power cut out because I didn't pay the electric bill.
I then proceeded to get a job at Mcdolan's, and hated every single moment of it.
The end.This game gets 7/Charmander at best.
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21.1 hrs on record
Hλlf Life 2 was, and still is one of the best FPS shooters today, yeah today, forget about those newest Battlefields and CoDs for 60 dollars, euros, pancakes or whatever is your currency is, because you can buy this mλsterpiece only for... 7 euros. This Game has:
+ The greλtest sountrack...
+ The simple and greλt combat system...
+ λwsome grλphics (even for 2004 game)...
+ λI is simple and greλt...
...λnd list goes on...
My rating : 10 λ/10 λ ,would... wait you still reading this? GO AND BUY THE GAME ALREADY!
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17.1 hrs on record
Not much to say but............Half-Life 3 needs to come out ASAP!!!!!!!If you haven't played the Half-Life series yet, what are you waiting for? Go buy them now and complete them before HL3 comes out! Great story and great physics for its age. Easily one of the best games ever! 10/10
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79.3 hrs on record
Still play it regularly.Amazing game.
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46.7 hrs on record
One of the greatest shooters of all time. That, and you can take a carton of milk with you through the entire game with no issues.
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17.8 hrs on record
Aqui esta a continua??o aonde mostra grande melhorias a nivel gráfico e jogabilidade a história esta melhor no meu ponto de vista.Recomendo★★★
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9.9 hrs on record
I like this game.
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13.7 hrs on record
Half Life 2 is a classic....who doesnt want/already own it?!Its an awesome game, I guess the question on your lips is &How can a game that Valve develops not be awesome?&Well Well Well......all games developed by Valve are awesome so this question you already know the answer to....They cannot be non-awesome....
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25.4 hrs on record
&November 2004 : Counter-Strike: Source and Half-Life 2 are officially released on PC around the world, bringing in a new era for the First Person Shooter genre of video game, with advanced graphics & physics.& -WikipediaYou'll end up admiring beautiful landscapes, killing hundreds of zombies or aliens that speak English, shooting a gunship with a gun mounted on an airboat, or with an RPG, sniping enemies with a crossbow, and even destroying a portal to another dimension. And all of this in the Source Engine, arguably the best game engine ever made (even my crappy laptop with a built-in graphics card can run it with 50 FPS with every setting maxed and I'm pretty sure a Raspberry Pi can run it as well).In my advice, Half-Life 2 should be considered as one of the best video game ever made. The storyline is epic and the gameplay is totally immersive and nearly o.r.g.a.s.m.i.c. Oh and btw, happy 10th birthday Half-Life 2!∞/10
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21.5 hrs on record
After reading several reviews of this game, I decided to give it a try. This is how my game has gone thus far:Day 1: Downloading was quick and painless, it ran smoothly from the very first time I opened it. Usually, I don't really like FPS, but this has grown on me. I loved how the story progressed as I explored the scenes.Day 2: (Impressed) This story progression is pretty amazing, I love that there was so much attention to detail and it was also my first time using a vehicle \:D/ Day 3: (More impressed) The evolution of the enemies you fight is brilliant and I loved the range of weapons I got to choose from.Day 4: (In love) The doors are invulnerable. The ooze is radioactive. I can use any weapon I want (including paint tins- which can explode on contact). I've had a jeep. I've had minions. More general badassery ensues. Day 5: (Happily married) Everyone should play this game. At least once.
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6.0 hrs on record
Excellent tech demo, Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines showed the source engine better though. Play Black Mesa first as that's well-crafted.
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Includes 33 Steam Achievements
Title: Half-Life 2
Release Date: 16 Nov, 2004
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GameTrailers TV播出了一段视频预告,其中谈到即将上線的L4D DLC到底有何奥妙。
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GameTrailers&&么。 找找去
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  EA日前确认,原夲定于2007年早些时候推出的《半条命2 第2章》各版夲,都将会延期至07年秋季,这意味着这款超级夶作还是准备在年末假期的销售旺季推出。
  同时,EA 和Valve 宣布 《半条命2 第2章》 将是 最终定名,另外发行商会推出2个产品版本。其中第一个叫做 橙盒 , 包括了 半条命,第一章和 新的第2章,以及团队要塞和Portal这2个附加游戏。pc及360, PS3 都会有这個版本,家用机也只会有这个版本。
  而第2個版本叫做 黑盒,是只针对pc用户的,其中只包括了新推出的第2章,以及团队要塞和Portal,所以pc用戶可以根据自己需要来购买不同的2个盒子。
  另外,这个月还会推出一个 《半条命2 白金版》, 其中包括 半条命,第一章, 死亡竞赛, 反恐: Source, and 毀灭日: Source


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