实况足球2012攻略 里面有首歌,一句歌词好像是 i don’t wanna be lonely ,有知道是什么歌吗?

有一首歌中的歌词是i just wanna be closed to you ,有谁知道是什么歌!_百度知道
有一首歌中的歌词是i just wanna be closed to you ,有谁知道是什么歌!
close to you - jay delano 歌词: i just wanna be close to you and do all the things you want me to i just wanna be close to you and show you the way i feel ok, i've realised i'm nothing without you, keeping you close to me is all i want to, stick together like fred and stephy, when everyone was born you were always with me you nevel left me though you knew there were times i've been really good to you you'll always be there only girl for me, casue you i'm no longer lonely you're precious like diaments and pearls, ain't nobody like you, girl, haven't you heard, that's the trouth , that i love you much, i fall in love again, we'll be kiss and touch i pray to god that love will never end, though i do know you haven't saint i'll be right there for you, your wish is i can and i'm the one on who you can depend i just wanna be close to you and do all the things you want me to i just wanna be close to you and show you the way i feel you see you wanna be close to me, and i'm doing everything i can, without you i'm half the men i want to say girlfriend come again thanking god cause you're so special there's one thing i want you to know leaving you - i don't think so i'll stay with you , you're my girl, you know baby girl you gotta believe when i say lovin' you is also easy i'm sending you a sms with huggs and many kisses telling you're the best still i pray the love will never end although i do know you haven't saint i'll be right there for you, your wish is i can and i'm the one on who you can depend i just wanna be close to you and do all the things you want me to i just wanna be close to you and show you the way i feel i feel love, when i'm lying in the midnight hour, holding you just like a dream, love is never what it seems, when we touch, and you're holding me the way you feel boy, you make my dreams come true you make my dreams come true i just wanna be close to you and do all the things you want me to i just wanna be close to you and show you the way i feel i just wanna be close to you and do all the things you want me to i just wanna be close to you and show you the way i feel wanna be close to you 是这首吗?
close to you - jay delano 歌词: i just wanna be close to you and do all the things you want me to i just wanna be close to you and show you the way i feel ok, i've realised i'm nothing without you, keeping you close to me is all i want to, stick together like fred and stephy, when everyone was born you were always with me you nevel left me though you knew there were times i've been really good to you you'll always be there only girl for me, casue you i'm no longer lonely you're precious like diaments and pearls, ain't nobody like you, girl, haven't you heard, that's the trouth , that i love you much, i fall in love again, we'll be kiss and touch i pray to god that love will never end, though i do know you haven't saint i'll be right there for you, your wish is i can and i'm the one on who you can depend i just wanna be close to you and do all the things you want me to i just wanna be close to you and show you the way i feel you see you wanna be close to me, and i'm doing everything i can, without you i'm half the men i want to say girlfriend come again thanking god cause you're so special there's one thing i want you to know leaving you - i don't think so i'll stay with you , you're my girl, you know baby girl you gotta believe when i say lovin' you is also easy i'm sending you a sms with huggs and many kisses telling you're the best still i pray the love will never end although i do know you haven't saint i'll be right there for you, your wish is i can and i'm the one on who you can depend i just wanna be close to you and do all the things you want me to i just wanna be close to you and show you the way i feel i feel love, when i'm lying in the midnight hour, holding you just like a dream, love is never what it seems, when we touch, and you're holding me the way you feel boy, you make my dreams come true you make my dreams come true i just wanna be close to you and do all the things you want me to i just wanna be close to you and show you the way i feel i just wanna be close to you and do all the things you want me to i just wanna be close to you and show you the way i feel wanna be close to you 是这首吗?
出门在外也不愁MJ - 恶搞Jackson的MV--beat it
Chris Brown向自己的偶像MJ致敬的MV - She Ain't You
嘻哈,说唱,R&B 最佳网站
更多最新的嘻哈音乐,R&B音乐,视频 尽在聚蚁网
【猴姆独家】天王迈克尔杰克逊遗作This Is It官方温情mv大首播!纪念天堂里的MJ
【猴姆独家】天王迈克尔杰克逊Michael Jackson遗作This Is It官方温情mv大首播!纪念天堂里的MJ
MJ - 恶搞Jackson的MV--beat it1
为了纪念MJ 我用心做了这个视频 因为电脑配置不太好 所以这是一次性就做成的 很多地方都还欠缺 不过总体来说也还不错了哈 希望大家喜欢吧
广东中学生再现MJ经典beat it的MV,致敬MJ
广东中学生再现MJ经典beat it的MV,致敬MJ..
Mark Romanek提到索尼找他制作MJ的新MV
【MV】85年,儿童版we are the world,与MJ拍广告男孩也在.MJ称赞其为最好的版本
与MJ一起拍百事可乐广告的Alfonso Ribeiro,而后因出演了‘新鲜王子秒事多“从此出名。Alfonso Ribeiro画面/演唱部分:1分15 -1分22
, 2分48秒 , 3分9秒-3分17
菲律宾家喻户晓的著名歌手/演员 Lea Salonga,在歌剧界,没有其他的菲律宾歌手比她享有更高的国际声誉。她是第一个在百老汇的音乐剧《Les Misérables》中扮演Eponine这个角色的亚洲人。菲律宾Lea Salonga :2分55秒
"I had thought that song should be sung by children.
When I finally heard children singing it on producer
George Duke's version, I almost cried.
It's the best version I've heard."
- Michael Jackson (Moonwalker)
< 注意:不是MJ 〉在1985年5月的一个早晨我的收音机式闹钟响起,我被一个有如孩子般纯净的声音唤醒,他这样唱道:'We are the world. we are the children ...' 在我还没有清醒过来时,我记得这样一个念头闪过:这是在全球发行的儿童版We are the world?接着,当我清醒过来时,我才意识到,我所听到的“孩子”的声音实际上是MJ的声音,我听到的是原唱版本!
当刚和莱昂纳尔`里奇创作好这歌的MJ听说了这件事,他立即给予了祝福,甚至建议他的两个侄女Brittny 和Valencia Jackson也来试音,他们确实这么做了,也在录音时露了面。
几周后,在无数志愿者(包括我的朋友,专业音乐人士Roger Neal )的帮助下,我们听到了贯穿南加里福尼亚州1500个不同地区的试听版,人们都尽力让每个5~17岁的孩子明白是什么、为什么他们的演唱不同寻常。在场的每个人都带着参与证,穿这T恤,来作为参加这次活动的纪念。
我联系了GD想让他也参与其中,没想到他不仅接受了邀请,还带来了传奇音乐人stanley clarke.phillip bailey 和journey的steve smith来参与录制。私下找五十个被挑中的人后(不难想象他们非常激动),在音乐总监M.W的指导下,合唱队开始了长达几周的排练
除了这极空灵的声音,我们还加入了另一组童星,这样的想法也被We are the world的原班人马采用,包括 Drew Barrymore, Danielle Brisebois, Alyssa Milano, Danny Pintauro等人
接着,在日这个最佳合唱团录制了儿童版We are the world,他们的举动被录进了这个MV,出乎意料,这1400多个孩子并没有要求将他们都拍进去,我们一致同意在LA的由孩子和有视力、听力、或肢体残疾的年轻歌唱家为代表在GP结束拍摄。我们想传达的意思是,当你奉献爱时,我们之间的隔阂也就烟消云散了,每个人都能加入这个爱的队伍
3分4秒致敬,加藤miliyah与MJ都盛赞的日本舞者Kento Mori出演的MV
kento mori在麦当娜09年7月初的O2演唱会中的致敬MJ部分,模仿MJ
旁观者眼中的《Beat It》 恶搞MJ经典MV
Earth Song 地球之歌
演唱:Michael Jackson
What about sunrise 日出呢
What about rain 雨呢
What about all the things 还有你说过
That you said we were to gain... 我们会得到的一切呢......
What about killing fields 土地在减少呢
Is there a time 有没有结束的时候
what about the things 还有你说过
That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的一切呢......
Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了
All the blood we've shed before 我们曾挥洒下的血汗
Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到
The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪海岸在哭泣
Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊--------
What have we done to the world 我们对世界做错了什么
Look what we've done 看看我们做错了什么吧
What about all the peace 还有你向独子许诺过的
That you pledge your only son... 一切和平呢
What about flowering fields 鲜花遍布的田野呢
Is there a time 有没有结束的时候
What about all the dreams 还有你说过
That you said was yours and mine... 属于你和我的所有梦想呢
Did you ever stop to notice 你是不是忘了
All the children dead from war 战争中死去的那些孩子
Did you ever stop to notice 你有没有看到
The crying Earth the weeping shores? 地球在流泪海岸在哭泣
Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊-----------
I used to dream 我曾经梦想
I used to glance beyond the stars 我曾经遥望群星之上
Now I don't know where we are 如今不知我们身在何方Althouge I know we've drifted for 尽管我明白我们漂泊了太远
Aaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah 啊-----------
Hey,what about yesterday (what about us) 嘿,昨天呢(我们呢)
What about the seas (what about us) 海洋呢
The heavens are falling down (what about us) 天堂跌落
I can't even breathe (what about us) 我不能呼吸
What about the bleeding Earth (what about us) 流血的地球呢
Can't we feel its wounds (what about us) 我们难道不能感受到它的伤痕
What about nature'worth (ooo,ooo) 宝贵的自然呢
It's our planet's womb (what about us) 那是我们地球的孕育地
What about animals (what about us) 动物呢
We've turned kingdoms to dust (what about us) 我们把他们的王国化为灰烬
What about elephants (what about us) 大象呢
Have we lost their trust (what about us) 我们是不是已失去它们的信任
What about crying whales (what about us) 鲸鱼呢
We're ravaging the seas (what about us) 我们污染了海洋
What about forest trails (ooo,ooo) 森林小径呢
Burnt despite our please (what
迈克尔·杰克逊[遗作]最新单曲 - This Is It
迈克尔 杰克逊去世前的最后一首未正式发行的最新单曲 - This Is It (官方..
MJ绝对经典的抒情MV 3T
michael jackson - why
why does monday, come before tuesday
why do summers start in june
why do winters come too soon
why do people fall in love
when they're always breaking up, oh why
why do we love if love will die
why does wednesday come after tuesday
why do flowers come in may
why springtime go away
why do people fall in love
when they're always breaking up, oh why
why do i love you tell me why
it's not like i can explain what's in my heart
it's just i feel a crazy pain when we're apart
i don't wanna breathe, i don't wannna think
i don't wanna learn
i don't wanna do anything
it's not like i can describe what's going on
it's just i feel i'm not alive
when you're not home
i don't wanna sleep, i don't wanna be
i just want you here beside me
without you there's no me
why does monday come before tuesday
why do summers start in june
why do winters come too soon
why do people fall in love
when they're always breaking up, oh why
why do we love if love will die
(michael & taryll)
why does wednesday come after tuesday
why do flowers come in may
why does springtime go away
why do people fall in love
when they're always breaking up, oh why
why do i love you tell me why
it's not like i can escape, what's in my soul
cause without you inside my heart
where can i go
i don't wanna see, girl you without me
i can't go through life without you
without you there's no me
why does monday come before tuesday
why do summers start in june
why do winters come too soon
why do people fall in love
when they're always breaking up, oh why
why do we love if love will die
why do the rivers flow to the sea
in every flow i get your love over me, babe
why does my heart miss your kiss
to be in love, to fall in love
why don't i feel complete
why does monday come before tuesday
why do summers start in june
why do winters come too s
迈克尔杰克逊 JAM的MV 杰克逊与乔丹 两个MJ的对决
这是流行之王—— 迈克尔杰克逊的《Dangerous》专辑在英国第5支发行,在美国第4支发行的单曲。就Michael Jackson的标准而言,此曲的失败极为惨痛。在英国和美国的最高排名分别为#12和#26。它在英国单曲榜上只停留了短命的3周 。不过它在美国的R&B 单曲榜上反而取得#3的成绩。排行榜上的失利的原因可能是因为该曲中新采用的陌生的声效—— 不同于MJ早期的作品,这让该曲丧失了以往Michael Jackson歌曲所拥有的商业吸引力。
Michael 在“Jam”中保持了他的黑人本色。出演该片还有另一个“Michael”,——NBA篮球天神Michael Jordan(迈克尔·乔丹,当时公牛队正在打季后赛,Michael Jackson愿意根据乔丹的赛程来安排音乐录影的拍摄日程)。“Jam”的开头有些狂乱不安,摄影机的镜头始终跟踪着一只魔力般跳穿过街道的篮球。之后我们被带入到一座建筑里,在那里Michael Jackson同往常一样发着满腹牢骚。当Michael Jordan出场时,节奏开始加重上扬。而Michael Jackson则在一个空室里跳着完美的舞蹈。之后他加入了Michael Jordan的行列与他进行了一次一对一小型对抗赛。既然Michael Jordan不会跳舞,Michael Jackson又不会投篮,那么比赛结果就不可避免的让人失望。幸好还有其他明星客串,说唱歌手Heavy D和Kris Kross组合为音乐录影增光不少。该音乐录影有一个不寻常的狡猾结局,它将镜头聚焦在一个圆脸的黑人小男孩上,他既不想当著名篮球手也不想做著名说唱歌手,那么他究竟想干什么?Michael Jackson又谦虚了一次,他缄口不言。
95年MJ和Lisa在Scream MV的拍摄上出现了意见分歧
这其实是歌迷向MJ致敬 自己制作的单曲More Dead Than Alive
MV也是自己和伙伴一起拍的 甚至他的声音都很象MJ
迈克尔杰克逊Michael Jackson-MJ危险之旅巡演期间与当地的军队、警察一起拍摄MV
纪念MJ辞世的MV《Better On the Otherside (Tribute to MJ)》
歌词翻译:Jason Lee 和
Michael Jackson经典的MTV~~~~


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